How to cook raspberry compote step by step recipe. Compote recipe without sterilization with citric acid

Compotes for the winter have always seemed to me something incredibly complicated. But last August I rolled up a few jars and realized that I had missed the berry season in vain, because this is one of the simplest and most delicious homemade preparations. This year I decided to make a big batch. canned compote. While I was gathering my thoughts, the strawberries were already gone, but the currants, raspberries and cherries were ripe. Yesterday I closed the first four jars. This is my first raspberry compote for the winter, a simple recipe without sterilization. It is prepared simply. The raspberries are washed, poured with boiling water, which after a while is drained, mixed with sugar, brought to a boil and re-poured into jars. That's all. It turns out extremely delicious compote with a fantastic aroma and rich color. Moderately sweet. After a couple of days it is ready to eat. Of course, we couldn’t resist and consumed one jar. And I already know for sure that I need to close it again, because I have never tasted anything tastier.

Ingredients for 6 liters of compote:

  • 600 grams of raspberries,
  • 500 grams of sugar.

As you can see, calculating the ingredients for raspberry compote is very simple - for 1 liter of water, 100 grams of berries and 80 grams of sugar (that’s half a glass). You can, of course, add a little more or a little less sugar, but in this proportion the taste is perfect. Not cloying or sour.

The easiest way to prepare raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization

So, let's go through the main points of the recipe. I'm in Raspberry mandatory mine - after all, it does not grow in a vacuum and rain, unknown to anyone, pours on it from the sky chemical composition. I remove all suspicious berries - those with barrels and dark spots. If the berries are slightly squashed, I leave them. In compote, some amount will still not be able to maintain its ideal shape.

I wash the jars very carefully using soda. Then I sterilize it using steam - I put the jar neck down on a stand, which I place on a pan of boiling water, and keep it there for five minutes. For compotes, the jars do not need to be dried.

I put the raspberries into jars. I put 150 grams in one and a half liter bottles (those with faceted tops), 200 grams in a two liter bottle and 100 grams of raspberries in a liter bottle.

Then I pour filtered water into the kettle and wait for it to boil. You will need to fill the jars with this boiling water. It is important that the jar does not burst, put a metal spoon in it and pour water onto the spoon. Some people place the jars on a metal stand. Perhaps this helps. I did not try.

Cover the jars with lids. Leave for five minutes.

Then pour the water into the pan. To prevent the berries from becoming crushed and turning into mush, leave a little boiling water in the jar. Little bit.

Pour sugar into a saucepan, put it on the stove, and bring to a boil. As soon as the sugar dissolves (it’s better to stir it, otherwise it may take a long time), immediately pour the hot syrup back into the jars.

After this, immediately screw or roll up with sterile lids (it is enough to boil them for five minutes). If you screw, keep in mind that only completely new lids are suitable for preservation.

Place the jars on the lids to check that they are sealed well.

Ready raspberry compote can be stored all winter at room temperature.

Bon appetit!

Note. You may have come across one-fill recipes. It seems quite simple, but there is one caveat - citric acid must be added to such compotes, otherwise they will not stand. Our compote will keep perfectly without preservatives.

In the summer, in the heat of the day, you really want coolness and freshness. A tasty, refreshing drink can bring significant relief. One of the most delicious, affordable and environmentally friendly drinks is, of course, compote. If it's July and the plot is full of raspberries, it's time to choose the best one for yourself. delicious recipe raspberry compote. We offer several recipes for every taste, however, before moving on to the recipes themselves, let's talk a little about the raspberries themselves.

Composition of raspberries

Raspberries are healthy and very delicious berry, which can be eaten simply from the bush, or you can cook from it delicious dishes: jams, compotes, mousses. It is also included in many sweet dishes. In terms of popularity, raspberries take third place, second only to strawberries and currants. Let's figure out what the secret of this berry is. Raspberry is a deciduous subshrub that can easily be grown in your own garden. Raspberry flowers, berries and leaves have medicinal properties. Berries are almost 85% water, another 8-9% are carbohydrates, the remaining 6-7% are mono- and disaccharides. One berry contains a large number of acids: malic, caproic, formic, salicylic, tartaric.

The sweetness of berries comes from sucrose, glucose and fructose. It also contains nitrogenous, tanning and coloring matter. Part raspberry berries includes pectins, copper and potassium salts, as well as flavonoids and anthocyanins. The berry is rich in minerals and trace elements; it is especially rich in iron. The calorie content of this berry is only 40 Kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties of garden raspberries

Substances found in raspberries have many beneficial properties.

  1. Coumarins, which are part of raspberries, can normalize blood clotting and reduce the level of prothrombin in it.
  2. Anthocyanins, beta-sitosterol and fatty oil strengthen capillaries and have an antisclerotic effect.
  3. Garden raspberries contains a lot of salicylic acid, which has anti-cold and antipyretic effects.
  4. Berries help with gastrointestinal diseases, as they have antiemetic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  5. Raspberries also have a good sobering effect.
  6. The berries have an antitoxic and hemostatic effect and improve appetite.
  7. Vitamins A, E, B, C and PP have a beneficial effect on skin color and tone.
  8. Copper, which is found in raspberries, is often used in the production of antidepressants, therefore, it will be especially useful for people experiencing great nervous tension.
  9. Raspberries are often used for exacerbation of joint pain, fevers, neuralgia and radiculitis.
  10. The diaphoretic properties of raspberries are especially useful for people with hypertension; the berries remove salts from the body and lower blood pressure.

Contraindications for eating raspberries

  1. Raspberry berries are not advisable for people with individual intolerance.
  2. Concentrated raspberry juice or tinctures based on it are contraindicated for people with ulcerative lesions of the duodenum and stomach or gastritis.
  3. Berries should be taken with caution by people with kidney dysfunction, gout or urolithiasis.
  4. Diabetics should pay attention to enough high content sugar in raspberries.
  5. Raspberries should not be consumed if you have bronchial asthma or nasal polyps.

General principles for cooking raspberry compote

There are many ways to cook raspberry compote, but each recipe for raspberry compote has general principles cooking

  1. The duration of cooking raspberry compote varies. You can simply pour sweet boiling syrup over it, or you can boil it, but no longer than seven minutes.
  2. Raspberry compote can be cooked with the addition of other berries and fruits. The fruit must be cut into thin slices.
  3. For compote, it is better to take ripe and intensely colored berries.
  4. To make the taste of raspberry compote more rich, you can add a slice of lemon to it.
  5. Spicy taste wine, liqueur or cognac will be added to the compote. Important! The resulting drink is not intended for rolling and long-term storage.
  6. To preserve all the beneficial properties, the berries can be filled with water. room temperature, add sugar and leave for several hours.
  7. Before preparing compote from fresh berries, they need to be dipped in salt for a while, warm water, this will help get rid of insects and larvae.
  8. Freshly frozen berries should be immersed in water without thawing, then add citric acid and granulated sugar to taste.
  9. To preserve vitamins, the berries must be thrown into very boiling syrup, slightly acidified citric acid, quickly bring to a boil and remove from heat. Cover with To improve the taste of the compote, juice is squeezed out of the berries and then boiled. The juice is added at the end and no longer boiled.

Raspberry compotes are cooked both for long-term storage and for quick consumption. We bring to your attention the most delicious recipes.

Raspberry compote. Recipes for quick consumption

Recipe 1: portioned raspberry compote

You will need:

  • berries - 200 g;
  • sugar - five tablespoons;
  • three glasses of water;
  • citric acid - 10 g;
  • liqueur - 30 g.


Pour granulated sugar into a bowl and pour it hot water, stir and boil. Add citric acid to the syrup and cool. Place the washed berries in rosettes, pour room temperature syrup over them, pour in the liqueur and let it brew.

Recipe 2: classic raspberry compote

You will need:

  • half a kilogram of raspberries;
  • liter of water;
  • 150 grams of sugar.


To quickly cook raspberry compote, classic the recipe will work the best thing. Rinse the berries. Boil water for compote, add sugar and berries. Boil for two to three minutes. Consume after cooling.

Recipe 3: Raspberry and apple compote

You will need:

  • two liters of water;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • four medium apples;
  • one and a half glasses of raspberries.


Rinse the raspberries using a colander. Wash the apples, core them, cut into thin slices or medium cubes. Pour water into the pan, add raspberries, apples and sugar. After boiling, cook for three minutes under the lid. Remove from heat and leave for twenty minutes.

Recipes for winter cooking

Recipe 1: Raspberry compote with anise seeds

You will need:

  • water - three liters;
  • half a kilogram of raspberries;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • half tsp anise seeds


Select ripe but fairly dense berries for the compote. Clear them of leaves. Pour water into the pan, add sugar and anise, cook for five minutes after boiling. Important! Make sure all the sugar is dissolved. Carefully add the berries to the syrup and cook for another seven minutes after boiling, over low heat. Pour the finished hot compote into jars, roll them up and leave to cool on a bedspread or blanket.

Recipe 2: concentrated compote

For a half-liter jar you will need:

  • raspberries;
  • six to seven level tablespoons of sugar.


For this compote, ripe and whole berries are selected. To get rid of bugs, you need to immerse the raspberries in a 10% saline solution for a few minutes. Remove any surfaced larvae and rinse the raspberries in a bucket of clean water using a colander. Then place the berries in jars, about a centimeter above the neck, without crushing them and sprinkling them evenly with granulated sugar. Cover the jars with a towel and leave for five hours. The raspberries should release juice, partially dissolve the sugar and settle flush with the neck. As soon as the raspberries have settled, cover the jars with the prepared lids and immerse them in water at a temperature of 40 C for sterilization. Half-liter jars are sterilized for fifteen minutes. The pan should be covered, the water should not reach the neck of the jars by about three centimeters, the boil should be low. After pasteurization, seal the jars and leave to cool.

Recipe 3: raspberry compote with redcurrant juice

You will need:

  • red currant juice - liter;
  • granulated sugar - half a kilogram;
  • raspberries.


Dissolve sugar in currant juice. Place in jars washed raspberries and fill it up currant syrup. Then put them in water. Important! At 800C, half-liter jars are pasteurized for eight minutes, liter jars for fourteen minutes. Sterilize - three minutes.

Recipe 4: classic raspberry compote

You will need:

  • water - 3 l;
  • granulated sugar - one kilogram;
  • kilogram of raspberries;
  • lemon (optional).


Remove leaves from raspberries and wash. Mix sugar with water and cook until it is completely dissolved. Then place the berries there and cook after boiling for two minutes. Remove the raspberries with a slotted spoon and put them in jars, boil the syrup and pour it over the berries. Close the jars tightly and put them in a dark place. To give the compote more bright taste, you can put two or three slices of lemon in each jar.

Recipe 5: table raspberry compote

You will need:

  • water - three liters;
  • granulated sugar - 750 g;
  • raspberries - one and a half kilograms.


Wash the raspberries and let them drain. In the meantime, make syrup from sugar and water and let it cool. Place the berries in jars and fill three-quarters full with syrup at room temperature. Sterilize for three minutes or pasteurize at 80 0C for twenty minutes.

Recipe 6: quick raspberry compote

  • raspberries - 700 g;
  • sugar - 450 g;
  • water.


Rinse the raspberries in a colander under running water. Place in jars in layers, sprinkle each layer evenly with sugar. Pour hot water over the berries. Sterilize for three minutes, pasteurize for twenty minutes at 80 C.

Recipe 7: compote of raspberries and other berries

On three liter jar You will need:

  • raspberries - one glass;
  • other berries - one and a half glasses;
  • granulated sugar - 400 grams.


Raspberries go best with blackberries and currants, but they can also be mixed with cherries, strawberries or gooseberries. Sort and wash all the berries. Mix water with sugar until it is completely dissolved and boil the syrup. Pour all the berries into it and boil for two minutes. Then use a slotted spoon to transfer the berries into jars, boil the syrup and pour into the jars. The jars are sterilized for three minutes or pasteurized for twenty minutes at a temperature of 80 C.


Besides the fact that raspberries are very tasty and fragrant berry, it is also extremely beneficial for human health. To eat it all year round, the hostesses diligently do various blanks. Raspberry compote for the winter is one of the simplest and most popular.

Raspberry compote captivates with its aroma and stunning taste. First, you need to prepare the berries, namely, sort them out, eliminating the rotten ones, and then rinse them thoroughly. Then you should wait until all the water drains from the container. A colander is perfect for washing berries. We will need jars (three-liter jars), which must first be sterilized. We put 1/3 of pure raspberries in them.

Pour boiling water on top. We wait 40 minutes, during which time the raspberries will warm up properly and release their juice. Next, pour the liquid from the jars into the pan. Pour about 300 grams of sugar there and bring to a boil. After boiling for about 4 minutes, turn it off and let the resulting syrup rest for 8–10 minutes. Then we pour it back into the jars of raspberries, which we immediately roll up with lids.

It is worth noting that the container with compote must be wrapped, having first turned it upside down. In this state, the compote will be brought to readiness on its own, thanks to the heat stored inside. After a day, the jars can be turned over, wiped and stored in a cool, dark place.

Raspberry compote can be prepared without using any water at all. For this we need large raspberries (about 3 kg) and granulated sugar (800 g). We prepare the berries in the same way as in the first recipe. Then pour it into a deep basin and cover the top with sugar. Thus, we leave the berries overnight, allowing them to release their juice. Quite a lot of it should stand out, so do not rush to proceed with further actions, leaving the raspberries for at least 11–12 hours.

And in the morning we place it in sterilized jars. Pour the resulting juice on top. Next, the jars are placed in a pan, which is first filled with water, which is brought to a boil. In this way they are pasteurized and then rolled up. Compote with raspberries is stored for the winter in a cellar or other cool place. This concentrated drink can even be used as a syrup for desserts.

For many housewives, the least favorite step in preparing fruits, berries and vegetables is sterilization. Found just for them this method preparing compote. Only the lids are sterilized here. The jars are thoroughly washed with running water. The washed berries are poured into jars “shoulder-deep”. Boiled syrup from water and sugar are poured on top.

Raspberries are a common berry that can be found in different parts of the world. It grows on river banks, in forests, in clearings, and is often planted in vegetable gardens and summer cottages. It not only tastes good, but also has many beneficial properties. That's why housewives often cook it. This drink contains many minerals and trace elements, glucose and fructose, vitamins, as well as salicylic acid, which relieves heat well. At heat treatment beneficial features This berry does not disappear, so it is prepared for future use.

Subtleties of making raspberry compote

Included a small amount of berries and sugar, but the amount of drink is large, which is much more economical than jam. To save everyone useful substances The berries are minimally processed. Raspberries for compotes can be of any size, but they should not be bruised or broken.

It is generally accepted that this berry cannot be washed, but this is not so; it must be washed before preparing dishes. To do this, it is placed in a colander, which is dipped into water several times. If the fruits are infected with beetle larvae, they are flooded saline solution(take twenty grams of salt per liter of water) and leave for 15 minutes. During this time, the larvae should float to the surface. Then the raspberries are washed and the liquid is drained. Before sealing, jars must be washed with soda, rinsed and sterilized. It is recommended to process the lids in the same way.

On a note

Everyone knows that it is very tasty and aromatic. If there are few berries, you can prepare a drink for the winter with the addition of other fruits, such as apples, strawberries, apricots or currants. Pre-prepared fruits are placed in jars, filled with syrup and sterilized for five to twenty minutes, depending on the volume of the container.

You can also prepare compote without sterilization. To do this, the berries are placed in three-liter jars, poured with boiling water and left for twenty minutes. Then the liquid is poured into a container, sugar is added and syrup is boiled, which is poured over the fruits and immediately rolled up with lids. Then you need to cool the prepared food for the winter raspberry compote. For 3 liters you will need at least one and a half glasses of berries.

Simple recipe

Ingredients for one liter jar: eight hundred grams of raspberries, three hundred grams of sugar, one hundred grams of water.


The raspberries are carefully sorted, washed, placed in layers in jars, sprinkling each with sugar, and poured cold water. The containers are covered with lids and placed in a wide pan filled with water. Before closing the raspberry compote, it must be sterilized for three minutes. Then the jars are rolled up, turned upside down and covered with a blanket. They should stand like this until they cool completely.

Raspberry compote in juice

Ingredients: three kilograms of berries, seven hundred and fifty grams of powdered sugar.


To prepare this recipe, you must first wash the berries. Then they are placed in a saucepan and poured powdered sugar, so they must stand for twelve hours for the juice to appear. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the raspberries into clean, sterile jars and pour in the resulting juice, cover with lids and leave to sterilize for three minutes, after which they are rolled up. Then the finished compote is wrapped and cooled.

Compote with cherries

Ingredients for a three-liter jar: one kilogram of cherries with pits, one hundred grams of raspberries, three hundred grams of granulated sugar, about 2.5 liters of water.


Before to How to cook raspberry compote, all the berries are washed and placed in a jar. Add sugar, pour in a little boiling water, stir and add the rest of the water. Immediately roll up the jar with a sterile lid and wrap it in a blanket until it cools completely.

Classic recipe

Ingredients: one kilogram of berries, half a liter of water, nine hundred grams of sugar.


The berries are sorted and washed carefully. Pour water into the pan, add sugar and raspberries, bring to a boil and cook for two minutes. Then leave the pan for 10 hours so that the raspberry compote infuses. After some time, the berries are taken out with a slotted spoon, placed in jars, the syrup is boiled and the raspberries are poured over them, after which they are rolled up with sterile lids.

Compote without sterilization

The recipe without sterilization is the simplest of all existing ones. It allows the drink to retain more vitamins and other beneficial elements due to minimal heat treatment.

Ingredients: six hundred grams of raspberries, two and a half liters of water, three hundred grams of sugar, one teaspoon of citric acid.


This raspberry compote is very easy to prepare. First, the raspberries are sorted, washed and placed in jars, filling them only one-third. Syrup is made from water and sugar in a saucepan. Citric acid is poured into each jar and poured with boiling syrup so that it overflows over the edges of the jar. Now the compote is rolled up, the jars are turned over and covered with a blanket until it cools completely.

Raspberry and currant compote

This one with the addition of currants is very useful, since all these berries contain a large amount of useful substances that increase immunity against colds.

Ingredients for a three-liter jar: two hundred grams of raspberries, two hundred grams of currants, three hundred and fifty grams of granulated sugar, about three liters of water.


Wash the berries using a colander and leave for a while to drain all the water. They are then sent to a jar. Boil water, add sugar, boil for 5 minutes and pour syrup over the berries. Then the jar is rolled up with a sterile lid, turned over and covered with a blanket.

Raspberry and gooseberry compote

Gooseberries go well with raspberries, the drink is sweet and sour and very aromatic.

Ingredients: three hundred grams of raspberries, two hundred grams of gooseberries without stems, three hundred grams of sugar, two and a half liters of water.


All berries are washed and placed in a clean jar, boiling water is added. The jar is left for fifteen minutes. Then the water is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. Then add sugar and boil for three minutes. The finished syrup is poured over the berries and rolled up with clean lids.

Raspberry and honey compote

Ingredients: three hundred and fifty grams of raspberries, four tablespoons of honey, two and a half liters of water.


Pour water into a bowl and boil it. The berries are ground on a sieve, the cake is placed in water, and the puree is left. The cake is boiled for five minutes and left to brew for ten minutes, then filtered. Honey and puree are diluted in a warm broth. This raspberry compote recipe which is very simple, can be served immediately or chilled.

Raspberry and wine compote

Ingredients: one hundred grams of sweet red wine, two hundred and fifty grams of raspberries, juice from one lemon, two hundred and fifty grams of sugar.


The washed berries are placed in a clean jar. Sugar is poured into one and a half liters of boiling water and stirred until it dissolves, add lemon juice and cook over medium heat for seven minutes. The berries are poured with boiling syrup, wine is added and covered with a clean lid. The jar is wrapped and allowed to cool.

Thus, raspberry drinks not only have good taste and aroma, but also medicinal properties, since this berry contains many vitamins and beneficial elements. In addition to raspberries, you can add other berries and fruits to compotes, this will enhance their taste and give the drink interesting notes. In winter, raspberry compote will delight not only adults, but also children.

An excellent alternative to boring juices and mineral water may become compote. Especially delicious drink obtained from raspberries. Your attention best recipes fragrant healthy compote based on this berry.

Note to the hostess

Preparation for cooking a dish is no less important than the cooking process itself. Anyone can confirm this professional chef, because there are certain nuances, if violated, the drink will not be as tasty.

  • Raspberries are a very delicate fruit. Do not rinse it directly under a stream of water. It's better to do it this way. First fill the container with water. Pour the berries into a colander. Then place it in water and shake gently. This way, the raspberries will be washed, but the fruits will not be damaged.
  • To prevent the berries from disintegrating during cooking and to preserve the aroma, you must first prepare the syrup. Usually, I use the following proportions - 10:1. One liter of water is combined with 100 g of sugar. If your family loves honey, sugar can be replaced with this useful product. The mass is placed on slow fire when it starts to boil, put a glass of fruit into it at the same time.

Preparing compote

Once the raspberries have been added, the liquid will begin to boil in about a minute. In this case, the dishes must be immediately removed from the heat and covered tightly with a lid. This will reveal the aroma of the drink even more.

Recipe for raspberry and apple compote

A drink with the addition of apples is no less “pleasant”. They give the compote a special, specific flavor. It quenches thirst perfectly.

So, to prepare it you will need this.


  • water - 1 l;
  • a glass of raspberries;
  • 2 large apples;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking process:

We clean the berries as described above. Wash the apples in the usual way, and then cut them into thin slices. This is necessary so that they cook quickly, because berries and fruits should be added at the same time.

Pour water into the pan. Let it boil. After this, turn the heat to low and add raspberries and apples. Without covering the container with a lid, cook the compote for 3 minutes. Then carefully add sugar and gently stir the ingredients. Let the liquid cook for another minute. Remove the pan from the heat. Close the lid tightly. This will allow the compote to brew, and it will become even more aromatic and tasty. After about 15 minutes, the lid can be removed to allow the drink to cool faster.