Recipes for delicious pineapple compotes - how to cook pineapple compote in a saucepan and preserve it for the winter. How to store pineapple at home

How to store pineapple at home? Such a task arises on the eve of the holidays for many families. Pineapple is still an expensive fruit and does not appear on the table every day. Therefore, the desire to keep it longer is completely natural. It just doesn't stay there for long. It quickly overripes and spoils. What to do? Read the recommendations carefully.

General terms

Like any tropical fruit, pineapple requires special treatment. Of course, he will not lie for half a year, but it is quite realistic to keep him for 10-15 days. It will not work to keep it fresh longer, this comrade is very capricious.

Unripe pineapple, namely these are most often found on the shelves, can be stored for up to 20 days under certain conditions. True, the taste of such a fruit is slightly inferior to the ripened one.

Advice. You can buy an unripe fruit, store it in the refrigerator. 3 days before the intended celebration or time of use, leave the fruit at room temperature. During this period, he will mature. Of course, you won’t have to expect that sweetness, but many exotic fruits are consumed slightly unripe. By the way, juiciness and aroma will remain on top.

How to choose a pineapple for storage

The people are now scientists, exotic fruits are no longer a curiosity. And yet, choosing a fragrant "cone" many make the most common mistake. Choose the fruit that is darker than the others. Our ripe pineapples are not spoiled. And fully ripe - yellow-brown! No dark spots. Unripe - green. And again without dark spots.

If the perky crest is easily pulled out, then such a pineapple is already overripe and should be consumed as soon as possible.

There should not be a whitish coating on the scales of the "cone berry". And let the seller assure that this is a natural wax coating. Not true. Such a plaque is the first sign of emerging mold.

Naturally, there should be no external damage either.

Advice. If you take the fruit in your hand, then it should be pleasantly heavy. The aroma of the fruit should be felt at a distance of 20 cm.

Storage conditions

To achieve the maximum shelf life, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Store pineapple in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment.
  2. The ideal temperature for fruit is 8-10°C. If it is lower, then the pineapple will lose its taste, if it is higher, it will quickly deteriorate.
  3. Humidity should be around 90%. With a decrease in humidity, the fruit will simply wither, with an increase, it will become moldy.
  4. Pineapple is pre-wrapped in paper, leaving a small hole. As soon as it becomes wet or damp, it is immediately changed.
  5. Instead of paper, you can wrap the fruit in plastic bag. Just need to make a lot of holes in the bag so that the fruit does not rot.
  6. When condensate appears, the “shishkoyagoda” is wiped dry, the packaging is changed.
  7. The capricious fruit is regularly inspected. When dark spots or a brownish coating appear, it is immediately pulled out. They clean the damaged areas, and the rest is eaten. The fruit is unsuitable for further storage.

These conditions are suitable for both ripe and unripe fruits. Such manipulations are enough to keep the pineapple for about 2 weeks without signs of spoilage.

Advice. So that the fruit does not become “sticky”, it is turned over 4 times a day. For example, from side to side. You can put pineapple, then put and vice versa.

For a longer period, there are three ways out of the situation:

  • conservation
  • drying
  • freezing

Canned pineapple tastes and smells just like fresh. Plus, a very fragrant and sweet syrup can not only be drunk, but also used in cooking. There are a lot of recipes for blanks from "cone berries", they are freely available. Keep canned fruits maybe about a year.

Dried pineapple slightly loses its nutrients and vitamins. Yes, and the taste is obtained for an amateur. Of course, there is no question of any juiciness. But candied pineapple is very fragrant. Baking with them is simply divine. You can store dried slices for 8 to 10 months.

But frozen fruit is absolutely in no way inferior to freshly picked. It retains all vitamins and minerals. Taste, aroma, juicy pulp - all this remains. And even the notorious bromelain does not disappear anywhere.

To make it convenient to eat the fruit after defrosting, you do not need to shove it into the freezer entirely. The fruit must be washed, cleaned of scales, core. Cut into slices or cubes (as you like), pour into a bag, tie tightly, then put into freezer. In this form, pineapple can be stored for up to 5 months. Instead of a bag, you can use a special plastic sealed container for freezing.

Advice. Don't throw away upper part tufted fetus. From it you can try to grow a new plant. The fruits will have to wait a long time, but the botanical experiment will bring some pleasant moments.

Valuable information

  1. Pineapple should not be too heavy. Sometimes sellers soak fruits in water the day before the sale. So they are saturated with moisture, but do not become tastier.
  2. At room temperature, the fruit is stored for no more than 4 days.
  3. "Shishkoyagoda" is a fruit with a strong aroma. If you simply put it on the shelf of the refrigerator or cabinet with food, then later you can “enjoy” sausage, cheese, bread or cereals with a distinct smell of pineapple.
  4. No matter how the fetus is stored, it should be remembered that in any form it is a strong irritant of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Fruit storage without a refrigerator should take place in a dark place with good ventilation.
  6. Several fruits can not be stacked closely. There should be at least 5 cm between the barrels.
  7. Undamaged fruit can be stored up to 18-20 days, cut - no more than 3 days. And even then, provided that it is tightly closed with a lid or a dense film.
  8. Pineapple is placed separately from any fruit, otherwise it can quickly rot.

How to store pineapple at home? Is it necessary? Pineapple must be eaten as soon as possible! Or a quick gift to someone. To eat together later!

Video: the beneficial properties of pineapple

Pineapple is amazingly tasty and useful fruit which contains many vitamins. However, in order to keep his useful qualities and has not deteriorated, you need to know how to store pineapple properly at home. After all, only on condition proper storage eating it will benefit your body.

If the fruit is not fully ripe

If you bought a not too ripe fruit in the market or in the supermarket, you should not eat it right away. After all, he has not yet fully revealed his taste.

For the fruit to ripen, leave it to lie in the house for several days at room temperature. Of course, the product will not ripen completely at home, but it will become more juicy, tasty and soft.

At the same time, make sure that the room has optimum temperature and humidity, otherwise the fruit will not only not ripen, but will completely deteriorate, wither and become pale.

How to store a ripe pineapple

Despite the fact that many lovers of this exotic product claim that it cannot be kept in the refrigerator, as this makes it lose its taste and useful properties, we are not always able to eat the whole fruit at once. So after delicious dessert the remains of ripe fruit should be:

  • put in a paper bag with holes (this will ensure the safety of the aroma);
  • put in the compartment of the refrigerator designed for storing fruits;
  • from time to time turn over in different directions.

Under such conditions, the product can lie at home for about 10-12 days.

Please note: if brown spots appear on the skin of the fruit, it is not suitable for consumption.

How to extend the shelf life of fruit

Many are interested in how to store pineapple correctly for a long time: for 2-3 months or longer. This is possible if the product is frozen. For this:

  • peel the fruit;
  • cut it into small pieces or cubes;
  • put on a plate and put in the freezer;
  • after a while, remove and transfer the frozen slices to a plastic bag;
  • seal tightly and send to the freezer.

If it so happened that a large supply of pineapples has formed in your house, conservation is the best solution. Canned fruits are stored for a long time and will allow you to enjoy their taste even in winter.

To canned pineapple, you need:

  • peel them, cut into slices and put in an enamel bowl;
  • pour sugar syrup at the rate of 250 g of granulated sugar per half liter of water and let it brew for 12 hours at room temperature;
  • put on fire and boil for 10 minutes,
  • pour into jars and roll up.

In hermetic form, the shelf life of canned fruit is about the same as that of any other jam, provided that it is stored in a dark and cool place. And after opening, you should eat them a few days in advance, as the preservatives are oxidized.

Many are interested in how to store pineapple throughout the year. It can be dried. During the drying process, of course, some of the useful components will be lost. However, even when dried, it will remain delicious and will be a great dessert and a substitute for traditional unhealthy cakes and cookies.

To make candied fruits, the product must first be soaked in sugar syrup then dry. In this case, the dried fruit will lie in the house for 6-12 months.

Basics of Proper Storage

An exotic fruit is very capricious and requires certain conditions to be met.


The ideal temperature for storing the fruit at home is 7.5-8°C. At lower temperatures, it will freeze and lose its amazing taste. If the temperature in the refrigerator is above 8 ° C, it will simply overripe and deteriorate.


Humidity in the room where you are going to keep the product should not exceed 90%. Otherwise, fungi will start in it, which will inevitably lead to the withering of the product.

Shelf life

If the fruit is not ripe, it can not be kept at room temperature for more than three days.

A ripe product that you store in the refrigerator should be eaten 1-1.5 weeks in advance.

Frozen exotic fruit can be stored at home for three months.

Keep pineapple at home properly, and then its sweet taste and exquisite aroma will delight you for a long time!

if you love exotic fruits, then we must without fail know how to store pineapple at home. This will help you always have fresh and delicious treat in your kitchen.

Choosing the Right Pineapple

In order for tips on how to store pineapple at home to be effective, the product must be of high quality. So, when choosing, you should pay attention to such points:

  • carefully inspect the fruit to make sure that it does not have cracks and other visible damage, as well as rot or mold;
  • to make sure that the fruit is ripe, you need to smell it - it should emit a pleasant fruity aroma (but if the smell is too sharp, this may indicate spoilage);
  • the skin should be pressed through, but at the same time immediately restore its shape;
  • if you are counting on long-term storage, you can choose a slightly green fruit so that it ripens at home;
  • the color of the peel should be greenish-yellow;
  • pineapple scales should be the same shape, and their size decreases proportionally from the center to the edges;
  • leaves are juicy green, fresh;
  • by tapping the pineapple with your palm, you should hear a muffled sound.

How to store pineapple at home to ripen

Often people buy pineapple for the future. For example, on the occasion of a discount or in order not to fall under price increases before the holidays. In this case, it is better to choose an unripe pineapple, the storage conditions for which should be as follows:

  • the optimum humidity in the room is 80% (if it deviates from the norm, the fruit may rot or dry out);
  • good ventilation must be provided (so a closet or cramped pantry will not work);
  • constantly turn the pineapple;
  • if you bought several fruits, the distance between them must be at least 10 cm;
  • the optimal ripening time for pineapple is three days;
  • in order for the pineapple to ripen as soon as possible and be as sweet as possible, it is recommended to keep it upside down (for this you need to cut off the leaves from it).

How to store pineapple in the refrigerator

Given that the air temperature in the apartment is quite unstable (and especially during the heating period), many people prefer to keep the pineapple in the refrigerator. It is here that they are created ideal conditions storage, in which the product will retain its properties up to 20 days. It is best to put it in a special section for vegetables and fruits at the bottom of the refrigerator (the temperature is maintained here at 6-8 degrees).

Before placing a pineapple on a shelf, it should be wrapped in baking paper or put in a bag, making a few holes in it for ventilation. If condensation appears, the packaging must be changed, and the fruit itself should be thoroughly wiped. If you put a peeled pineapple in the refrigerator, you need to tighten it cling film. But in this form, the product can be stored for no more than 3 days.

Is it possible to freeze?

If you decide to treat yourself to an exotic fruit for the holidays, you will certainly have a question about how to store pineapple. At home, most products are usually frozen. So, depending on the quality of the pineapple, it can be stored frozen for up to 4 months. The main thing is to follow these recommendations:

  • to begin with, cut the leaves without affecting the peel and pulp;
  • wash the fruit and dry it well with a paper towel;
  • wrap the pineapple with cling film or fold it into a plastic bag;
  • also, before freezing, pineapple can be peeled and cut into slices, and then placed in a vacuum bag;
  • re-freezing pineapple is unacceptable.

More Pineapple Storage Methods

There are several alternative ways how and where to store pineapple. So, you can use the following tips:

  • IN industrial scale the preservation of pineapples and other fruits is ensured by ethylene gas. At home, it is quite possible to simulate similar conditions, the fruit must be placed in the center of a large vessel and overlaid with other fruits (pears, bananas, apples, tangerines, etc.). They release ethylene, which speeds up the ripening of the pineapple. In this case, the fruit should be dense and not have signs of spoilage.
  • To keep the pineapple maximum useful properties, it is recommended to place it in a cotton bag. It is recommended to pre-wash and iron it. A bag of pineapple in a suspended state is recommended to be placed in a dark and cool place where it will not be accessible to direct sunlight. This will keep the fruit from rotting or drying out.

How to revive a pineapple

Even if you store a pineapple properly, it doesn't mean it can't go bad. The fact is that you do not know in what conditions the fetus was transported and kept until it fell into your hands. If the pineapple began to deteriorate, take the following measures:

  • Peel the pineapple and cut into rings. Now you need to remove all darkened places, wrap each of the pieces with a film and put in the refrigerator.
  • If the pineapple is slightly damaged, it can be left unpeeled. It is enough to cut out the damaged areas, and wrap the rest in paper and go to the refrigerator.
  • If the pineapple has already begun to deteriorate, and it will have to be stored for a long time, it is not enough just to peel and cut the fruit. After that, it should be canned or frozen.

A little about the benefits of pineapple

If you know how to store pineapple at home, you should certainly be aware of its benefits. So, this fruit is characterized by such properties:

  • thanks to elevated content enzyme bromelain, pineapple speeds up the process of digestion;
  • This product helps fight overweight by breaking down fats;
  • Regular consumption of pineapple helps to strengthen the immune system.


Pineapple is delicious and useful product which almost everyone loves. Unfortunately, the high cost does not allow it to become a commodity of everyday demand. In most cases, pineapples are bought in advance for the holidays. So that the gala dinner takes place on the very high level store pineapple properly. This will help preserve its taste and physical properties.

A pineapple- an exotic fruit that grows exclusively in countries with a tropical and subtropical climate. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a fruit. Actually - this is herbaceous plant, delicious fruits which are available to us only in stores. And although it’s impossible to grow pineapples on your own, this does not in the least prevent you from harvesting them for future use at home.

cook delicious preparation possible only from sufficiently ripe and juicy pineapple. Please note that after the fruit has been plucked, it will no longer ripen. So, the pineapple should be well developed, and the cells of its peel should be clearly defined. When pressed, the fruit should be dense, but still it should give in to pressure. Pineapple leaves should not be wilted, on the contrary, they should be fresh and green. Ripe pineapple has a rich aroma, without notes of fermentation. In addition, regardless of size, the fetus should be heavy. This indicator indicates that the pineapple is juicy.

Selected pineapples must also be properly prepared. But recipes with step by step photos that are collected in this section. Both detailed text instructions and photos of each stage will make the process of harvesting pineapples for future use as clear and simple as possible. Follow all the instructions and soon exotic fruits will replenish your assortment of winter stocks.

  • Meat in sweet and sour sauce
  • Salad Ladies whim
  • Chinese style pork in sweet and sour sauce
  • Meat with pineapple in French
  • Chinese chicken in sweet and sour sauce
  • Chicken fillet with pineapples
  • Salad with pineapple and champignons

There is no need to talk about the usefulness and deliciousness of pineapple. tropical fruit has long been known in the vastness of Russia and other CIS countries due to the fact that one leader of a mighty power (Mao Zedong) brought a canned pineapple as a gift to another leader of another mighty power (Stalin).

Since then, this fruit has become indispensable for holiday table as sweet desserts or components of salads and hot dishes (mainly meat).

Of course, pineapple can also be eaten raw, but canned is more familiar, and if you make it yourself, the value of the product increases, because it is cooked with love, but let's not talk more, we offer several homemade options for preserving tropical fruit.

Boil 800 ml of water on the stove, add a kilogram of sugar to them and wait for the crystals to dissolve. We put pineapple slices in a slightly cooled syrup, they should be no more than a kilogram and let the workpiece brew for 12 hours. This procedure can be done at night so that in the morning you can continue cooking.

After the specified time, we filter the syrup, and lay out the pineapple slices in a clean container. We boil the liquid and pour it over the fruit, roll up the container and you're done. After cooling, the jars are removed in a dark and cool place for long-term storage.

How to preserve pineapple at home?

Experienced housewives have simplified the recipe described above a little. We clean the pineapple and cut it into small arbitrary pieces, fill them with boiled syrup (the proportions can be safely taken from the first version of the workpiece) and let stand for half an hour.

Then we drain the liquid, boil it again and pour it into containers, add an aspirin tablet to each jar. We roll up the container and store it until the necessary moment.

Preservation of pineapple at home

Here is another recipe similar to the previous ones. As in the first two options, we peel the pineapple and cut it (you want slices, you want circles). We put it in a jar and pour it with boiling water, let it stand for 10 to 20 minutes.

Then drain the water and put sugar in it. What is most interesting about this preservation option is that the sweet component is to your taste, but you should not save money, be guided by the fact that, on average, up to a kilogram of sugar goes per kilogram of peeled pineapple.

Add to hot syrup citric acid and pour into banks, roll up.

The process of preserving pineapple at home is completely simple, but time-consuming, because you will have to work hard to peel the pineapple, so we recommend that men be involved in the preparation for conservation, who will peel the fruit from the thick peel.