Chicken roll in a juice box. Homemade chicken ham (in tetra pack)

I found this recipe for chicken roll in Daria Dontsova’s book. I liked it for its simplicity, and the result exceeded all expectations. The taste is like chicken ham, the technology is like stew cooked in a cardboard bag of milk or kefir. The tetra pack cardboard packaging forms the correct shape of the roll and this casing can easily be cut and the homemade sausage product removed. INGREDIENTS: For 1 packet of kefir or milk with a capacity of 1000 g (slightly less than a liter) or for 2 - half a liter. Chicken (broiler chicken) - 1 piece, weight about 1.3 kg Salt to your taste. Ground black pepper and/or allspice - to taste (you can add hot red or 1/3 of a finely chopped chili pod) Dry regular gelatin - 2 tablespoons Stapler (large) for snapping the bag. You can use several large paper clips or clothespins or hold it with special long kitchen clothespins. PREPARE THE TETRAPAK: Carefully open the cardboard milk or kefir bag without cutting it. Pour out the contents and rinse thoroughly. Remove the bones from the chicken and chop the meat. Wash the chicken inside and out, cut off all excess. Separate the meat from the bones and cut it into small pieces of 1.5-2 cm (I like small pieces in sausage, so I cut 1-1.5 cm) Finely chop the chicken skin too. But if you want to get more Lenten option roll, chicken skin can be omitted. (My advice: If you add the skin, the amount of gelatin can be reduced or dispensed with altogether. Because the gelling substances in chicken skin will tie chicken meat. And my other advice, for those who don’t like the skin, you can simply grind it or chop it in a blender, then it will be invisible, further according to Daria Dontsova’s recipe) Some of the meat will remain on the bones, from which you can cook broth. Do chopped meat For homemade ham Season the chopped meat with salt and pepper, add garlic if desired. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes or a little longer. Add to chicken meat dry gelatin. To stir thoroughly. COOK THE HAM IN A PACKAGE IN A WATER BATH. Place the minced chicken in a cardboard bag and secure the top of the cardboard with a stapler. If you don't have a stapler, use clothespins. Our task is to make sure that no air escapes from the bag. (Advice - I changed it a little, may Daria forgive me. - I just wrapped the tetra pack tightly in foil, then put it in a bag and tie it tightly, so neither air escapes nor water gets into the bag. Further, according to Daria Dontsova’s recipe) Install the bag with ham into a saucepan and fill with water up to the shoulders of the tetra pack. (just like mine was well wrapped in foil and placed in plastic bag, I just put it in a pan.) If you don’t have a pan that is suitable for the height, all are low, then you can make 2 rolls in half-liter bags. When the water boils, reduce the heat to such an extent that a low simmer is maintained (as when sterilizing canned food for the winter). Cook for 1 hour 20 minutes or 1.5 hours. COOLING AND FREEZING HOMEMADE HAM. Remove the finished ham in the cardboard bag from the pan. (I only removed plastic bags) Cool and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, remove the package from the refrigerator and place it on its side (so that the roll does not break when opening the package). Carefully cut the sides of the bag with scissors. In the process of preparing ham, the meat is compacted and reduced in size. It turns out to be a brick of chicken ham. All that remains is to cut the roll and enjoy your meal! MY ADVICE: I just didn’t bother - clothespins, paper clips, air... I do this, stuff it into any tetrapack, compacting the meat tightly with any available tool, be it a masher mashed potatoes or a spoon. I wrap it tightly in food foil. Then, in food bags, if they were very thin and fragile, I took 3 pieces, sealing each bag well. It turns out like a nesting doll, a package in a package, as the saying goes, “the need for imagination is cunning,” what can you do for such a juicy, tasty piece homemade pressed ham!!! I put it in a saucepan, immerse it completely in water and close it with a lid. I continue to cook according to the recipe over low heat. And voila, we reward ourselves with something delicious, even for sandwiches, or even a separate snack for the holiday table! 3. METHOD OF PREPARING HOMEMADE HAM IN A HAM CUTTER.

Chicken belongs to low-fat varieties meat, very healthy and tasty. It is truly universal: there are many recipes for dishes in which chicken is the main ingredient. One such dish that can be prepared from chicken is the unusual meatloaf. Its feature is that chicken roll Prepared in a milk or juice carton.

Ingredients needed to make chicken roll in a bag

Chicken roll cooked in a juice bag or in a tetra pack turns out juicy and tender in the fall. In order to prepare this wonderful and very interesting dish, you will need the following products.

Here is their list:

  • chicken – 2 pcs.;
  • gelatin – 1 pack;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • ground red pepper - to taste;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Tetrapack

Given that it is used minimal amount ingredients, the roll turns out simply wonderful. Of course, you can also use other spices that you like, but try not to overdo them so that the dominant taste is the chicken, and not the spices added to it.

Chicken in a juice bag: preparing the meat

First of all, you need to prepare all the ingredients you will need.

You need to start with meat:

  1. Rinse the chicken thoroughly under running water.
  2. Now let's start cutting up the chicken. To do this, carefully remove the skin and cut the fillet from the carcasses. Of course, if you wish, you can buy ready-made fillets.
  3. cut chicken fillet small cubes, the size of which does not exceed 1-2 cm. There is also no need to cut it smaller, otherwise you will end up with too small minced meat, which in in this case undesirable.

Method for preparing chicken roll in a milk or juice carton

To surprise your loved ones or guests with this unusual but very tasty dish, you will need to do the following:

  1. Place the meat in a pre-prepared pan and add a bay leaf.
  2. Peel the garlic cloves. Wash them and chop them finely.
  3. Salt and pepper the meat according to your culinary preferences, but don’t get carried away!
  4. Add finely chopped garlic.
  5. Now let's deal with gelatin. Carefully pour it into the meat, making sure that it does not form lumps and is evenly distributed over the entire surface. Mix everything thoroughly - the minced meat is ready.

Now it's time to start packing.

  1. It is advisable to drink juice or milk in advance or pour it into some container.
  2. Carefully cut the top of the juice bag so that you can put the meat in it, but you don’t need to cut off the entire top.
  3. Wash the bag under running water and let it dry thoroughly.

You can start shaping the roll itself.

  1. Place the meat in the bag cut at the top so that it is filled to the top. In this case, you can even lightly compact the meat so that it is more compact inside the bag.
  2. After this, sew the tetra pack with a needle and thread.
  3. Sewn package with minced chicken place in a saucepan with water. Please note that you will need a pan that is deep enough to fit the bag standing up, meaning you need to place the bag of meat upright. The main thing is that the top of the tetra pack is slightly above the water. It is very important to ensure that no water gets into the bag.
  4. The roll is prepared within one and a half hours. After this, you need to remove it from the water and leave it to cool. However, it does not need to be removed from the box.
  5. After the roll has cooled down to room temperature, put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  6. After this time, your roll is ready to eat.

Serving the dish

  1. Carefully cut the box and remove the finished roll.
  2. Serve it by cutting into pieces and garnishing with herbs.
  3. You can also use chopped vegetables or olives for decoration.

This dish will help you diversify holiday menu and surprise your guests. In addition, chicken in a juice carton will become a great addition for morning sandwiches. Your loved ones will undoubtedly appreciate this breakfast!

Incredible in its simplicity and at the same time stunningly beautiful and tasty meat dish. The only negative is that it will take time to get the finished dish, but the result..... No sausage is needed...


  • 1 chicken
  • 20-30 g gelatin
  • chicken seasoning or ground black pepper
  • juice box


Carefully cut the juice or milk carton along the top seam and wash it. Trim the chicken meat from the bones (along with the skin and fat), cut into pieces about half a finger the size.

Salt the meat, sprinkle with seasonings, stir. Now the meat is sprinkled with DRY gelatin and mixed well again.

Fill the box about 3/4 full with meat and gelatin. pack the top using a regular stationery stapler or sew it up with thread.

Choose a pan in which the box will fit upright, without interfering with closing the lid. Place the box of chicken in the pan, pour cold water, not reaching 3-4 cm from the top of the box, put on the fire, bring to a boil and cook over low heat under the lid. A liter box takes 40 minutes to cook, a two-liter box takes an hour. Let cool directly in the water, remove and place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Now you can remove it. Carefully cut the top and side of the box. Remove the gelatin-crusted chicken roll and cut into thin slices.

Amazing, fragrant and beautiful cold meat snack ready!


Try to select the pan and box in advance so that the box almost reaches the lid, then the lid will press it and it will not try to float up or fall on its side.
In addition to dry seasonings, you can add a few cloves of garlic and pieces of boiled carrots to the chicken; boiled ones look beautiful quail eggs, cleaned by us placed inside meat mass.
Please note: the dish is absolutely dietary, you regulate the amount of seasonings and salt yourself. the presence of gelatin, and this natural collagen is beneficial for the skin, joints and ligaments.
Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Chicken aspic - very tasty dish. But such a chicken roll with gelatin turns out to be very beautiful and effective if you form it in a milk or juice carton. It is important to remember that the gelling properties of gelatin are destroyed at temperatures above 85 degrees Celsius, so you need to add it to the dish at the end of cooking.
It will take 6-8 hours to prepare and cook. These ingredients will make 6 servings. You can prepare it using the same principle.


- chicken – 1.5 kg;
- stem celery – 200 g;
- carrots – 200 g;
- leek – 80 g;
- garlic – 4 teeth;
- gelatin – 40 g;
- parsley – 40 g;
- bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
- black pepper, salt;
- Tetra Pak cardboard bag (for milk or juice).

Recipe with photos step by step:

Small chicken carcass my cold water. Cut up the chicken and remove the skin. Chicken skin fatty, during cooking the fat will melt, accumulate on the surface of the broth, then get into ready dish, the roll will turn out tasteless.

For this dish we take drumsticks, thighs, wings, skeleton and about half of the breast fillet. The remaining chicken breast It’s better to leave it for cooking cutlets.

Place the chopped chicken in a soup pot, add celery stalks, bay leaves, leeks, crushed garlic cloves, black peppercorns. Salt everything to taste, put it on the stove, bring to a boil, remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Cook for 1 hour over moderate heat.

15 minutes before cooking, add peeled carrots to the pan. Let's get it boiled chicken and vegetables from the broth, remove the meat from the bones, strain the broth.

Chop the meat, carrots and celery stalks small cubes, mix.

Measure out 350-400 ml of hot broth, soak the gelatin, stir until the grains are completely dissolved, filter.

Place the chicken and vegetables in a Tetra Pak bag, then pour in the broth and gelatin.

Place the bag in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours, or preferably overnight.

We take out the frozen roll, tear off the package - tear the edge of the package, pull the piece down, cut the seam of the package with scissors.

Cut the finished roll into portions, decorate with fresh herbs, and serve cold with mustard or horseradish.

Bon appetit!
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