Crispy Pickled Cucumbers. Video on how to pickle cucumbers for the winter in liter jars

Good afternoon, hostesses! Today I will write 4 step by step recipes for pickled cucumbers. Conservation is troublesome, but important. You open a jar in winter and rejoice. Cucumbers according to all 4 recipes are crispy. The difference is in the canning technology (choose the most convenient option) and flavorings. If you do everything as written in the recipes, pickled cucumbers will be well stored, the jars will not explode.

Before you start learning recipes, be sure to read which cucumbers are suitable for preservation and how to properly prepare them. A bad result may be precisely due to the assumption of these errors.

Read also:. Even "ugly" fruits will do.

Pickled cucumbers are necessarily made with vinegar. They turn out spicy, sweet-sour, with a spicy smell and always crunchy. For pickling, it is important to choose cucumbers the right varieties. There are salad cucumbers that are not suitable for canning, because they have a thin skin and are soft. When poured with marinade, they will become even softer and will not crunch. At lettuce cucumbers white pimples or they are generally smooth.

For pickling, you need to choose cucumbers with black spikes that are quite sharp. In such cucumbers, the flesh is denser than in lettuce. Pickled cucumbers contain the pigment flavonin, which is not found in cucumbers with white spikes. It is this pigment that prevents the cucumbers from becoming limp and soft. Therefore, the choice of cucumbers for pickling is a very important point.

With white spikes - salad, with black - for conservation.

It is also important that the cucumbers are fresh, not sluggish, resilient, with a green tail. If the cucumbers are too dark in color, this indicates an excess of nitrates.

Cucumbers before pickling need to be washed, cut off the tails and pour cold water for 2-4 hours so that they are saturated with moisture. This should always be done, no matter what recipe you marinate them with.

For conservation, use only rock salt . Iodized salt should not be taken for these purposes!

Jars and lids should be washed with baking soda. In recipes, where necessary, also sterilize jars. The lids must be sterilized by boiling them for 5 minutes. You need to roll cucumbers with hot lids, which you can get out of boiling water with tweezers or a fork.

Dill with umbrellas and garlic are always put in pickled cucumbers. It is these additives that give cucumbers their unforgettable smell. It is important to take dill green, not yellow and not dry, otherwise the jars may “explode”.

Crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter with sterilization.

Cucumbers according to this recipe are very tasty. They have a good balance of acid and salt. They will be firm and crispy. Cucumbers will not need to be poured with boiling water for a while. They will not be sterilized for long in jars. This method helps to keep them dense and firm. And for crunch you need to use horseradish.


  • cucumbers
  • dill umbrellas
  • horseradish leaves
  • Bay leaf
  • garlic
  • black peppercorns

Marinade for 1 liter of water (enough for about 2 liters of preservation):

  • salt - 2 tbsp.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml

Method for preparing pickled cucumbers with sterilization:

1. Wash cucumbers, soak and cut off the tails.

2. Wash the jars with soda and dry.

3. In each liter jar, put 2 dill umbrellas (of course, washed). Umbrellas can be twisted and put on the bottom. Then put horseradish leaves - 2-3 pcs. A couple of large cloves of garlic or three smaller ones. Cut the garlic in half. Also put 2-3 bay leaves and 5-6 peppercorns each.

If desired, currant or cherry leaves can be put in a jar.

4. Now put the cucumbers in a jar. Keep them pretty tight. You can do this either vertically or horizontally. This will depend on the size.

5. Pour water for the marinade into the pan. It is impossible to guess exactly how much it will need. This will depend on the packing density of the cucumbers. Approximately, 1 liter of marinade is enough for 2 liter jars and there is still a little left. Put sugar and salt in the water in the proportion of 2 tbsp. salt and 3 tbsp. sugar per liter of water. And pour 100 ml of table vinegar 9%. If you have acetic acid, then it must be diluted to 9%. For this, 1 tbsp. dilute acids with 7 tbsp. water, get vinegar 9%.

6. Put the marinade on the stove. Wait for the marinade to boil and dissolve the sugar and salt.

7. Put a dry towel in a wide saucepan and place jars of cucumbers on it. Pour boiling marinade over cucumbers to the very top. But first, pour a little marinade into each jar so that the jars warm up and do not burst.

8. You need to sterilize the lids for jars in advance. To do this, boil them for 5 minutes. Cover the cucumbers with sterile lids. No need to roll up, just cover the jars. Pour hot water into a saucepan up to the brim.

9. Put the pickled cucumbers on the stove to be sterilized. When you see bubbles in the jars, from this moment you need to sterilize the cucumbers for 3 minutes.

10. Remove the jars from the pan and roll up. Turn over to check for leaks. Wrap the cucumbers in a blanket and let them cool completely. That's all. Cucumbers will only have to marinate in vinegar. And if you really want to, then after 3 days you can eat them.

Pickled cucumbers without sterilization.

This is another way to roll up cucumbers for the winter. The canning technology differs from the previous recipe, but the result will also be excellent - crispy cucumbers with a pleasant sourness.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • cucumbers
  • dill umbrellas - 1 pc.
  • horseradish leaves - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • tarragon (tarragon) - 1 sprig
  • cherry leaves - 2 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • peppercorns - 8 pcs.
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp.


1. Sterilize jars for conservation in any way: even over steam for 10-15 minutes, even in the oven (put in a cold oven and heat to 150 degrees, sterilize for 15-20 minutes).

2. Wash and soak cucumbers, as I wrote at the beginning of the article. Trim the ends if desired. Wash all the leaves that you add to the preservation, too.

3. In clean sterilized liter jars, put 2 leaves of cherries, a sprig of tarragon, 3 cloves of garlic (cut in half), 1 bay leaf, a few peas of black pepper.

If you have 2 or 3 liter jars, then proportionally increase the amount of these flavors.

4.Put the cucumbers tightly into the jars. Cover them with a sheet of horseradish on top and put a sprig of dill with an umbrella in a circle.

5. Boil water and pour cucumbers with boiling water. To prevent the jars from bursting, place them on something metal or put a knife under the jar. Fill with water to the very brim. Cover the jar with a sterilized lid and leave the cucumbers for 30 minutes. During this time, water will be absorbed into the vegetables, its level will decrease. Therefore, if necessary, add boiling water to the brim.

6. When the cucumbers stand, the water must be drained into a saucepan. The marinade will be cooked from this water. It is convenient to use a lid with holes for draining.

7. Salt and sugar must be added to this drained water. On the marinade from a 1 liter jar, you need to put 1 tablespoon without a slide of salt (20 gr.) And the same tablespoon of sugar. If you drain water from two liter jars, then take 2 tablespoons, respectively. salt and sugar, etc.

8. Put the marinade on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes.

9. Fill the cucumbers with boiling marinade, without adding a little to the brim. And pour 2 tablespoons of table vinegar into each liter jar. Get a full bank.

10. Cover with a sterile lid and roll up. Turn the jar over, make sure the lid is on tightly and nothing leaks out. Leave the jars upside down, wrap them in a towel or blanket and leave to cool completely.

Pickled cucumbers with mustard seeds.

Cucumbers according to this recipe will turn out spicy and crispy. Try this preservation option.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • cucumbers
  • dill umbrellas - 1 pc.
  • currant leaves - 4 pcs.
  • cherry leaves - 2 pcs.
  • hot pepper - 2 rings
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns - 5-8 pcs.
  • mustard seeds - 0.5 tsp
  • salt - 2 tsp with a slide
  • sugar - 2 tsp with a slide
  • vinegar 9% - 50 gr.

How to pickle cucumbers with mustard:

1.Cucumbers, as usual, wash and soak for several hours. Wash the greens (leaves, dill) and pour / scald with boiling water. Sterilize jars and lids.

2. At the bottom of a sterile jar (1l), put an umbrella of dill, which has previously been in boiling water. Next, put 4 currant leaves and 2 cherry leaves. Hot peppers cut into rings and put 2 rings in a jar. Also put 1 clove of garlic, cut into several pieces, 1 bay leaf, a few black peppercorns on a 1 liter jar.

3. Fill the jar to the top with cucumbers. Place a couple more chopped garlic cloves on top.

4. Fill cucumbers with boiling water to the very top of the jar and cover with sterilized lids. Leave for 20 minutes.

5. Drain the water from the cucumbers into a saucepan and boil it. Pour boiling water into the jar of cucumbers again, cover again and leave to warm up for 20 minutes.

6. Again, drain the water from the cans into the pan and set it to boil. Add a half teaspoon of mustard seeds to each jar. Pour 2 tsp into each jar. salt with a slide and 2 tsp. heaping sugar. And pour in 50 ml of vinegar.

7. Fill the cucumbers with boiling water to the very top and roll up the lids. Turn the jars over and wrap them in something warm, let cool completely. And in winter, get spicy and fragrant pickled cucumbers.

Crispy cucumbers with fragrant marinade.

Jars of cucumbers according to this recipe will need to be sterilized. The marinade is cooked with spices, which allows the spices to open up better and the cucumbers will be more fragrant.

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):

  • cucumbers
  • sprigs of dill with umbrellas - 2 pcs.
  • blackcurrant leaf - 1 pc.
  • cherry leaf - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • black peppercorns - 2 pcs.
  • allspice peas - 3 pcs.
  • cloves - 1-2 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • salt -1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • vinegar - 35 ml

Preparation of fragrant cucumbers:

1. Take clean jars. At the bottom of a liter jar, put a leaf of currant and cherry, a clove of garlic and a dill umbrella. Put the pre-soaked cucumbers in a jar, laying them more tightly. Place another dill umbrella on top. Fill all jars in this way.

2. Cook the marinade. Pour 1.3 liters of water into two liter jars into a saucepan. In this water, add 2-3 bay leaves, 4-5 pcs. allspice, 5-6 pcs. black pepper, 3-4 pcs. cloves, 1 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp. salt. Boil the marinade and cook it for about 2 minutes, sugar and salt should be completely dissolved. Turn off the heat and pour in 70 ml of vinegar, stir.

3. Pour hot marinade into jars with cucumbers. Pour a little at first so that the jar warms up and does not burst. Remove the bay leaf from the marinade, do not put it in jars.

4. Cover jars with sterilized lids, but do not roll. Put the jars in a saucepan, the bottom of which is covered with a cloth. Pour boiling water into this pot and put on fire. Wait for the water to boil and then sterilize liter jars for 7-10 minutes, one and a half liter jars for 10-12 minutes, and three-liter jars for 15-17 minutes. After sterilization, remove the jars from boiling water and roll up immediately. Turn over and wait to cool. You don’t need to wrap cucumbers according to this recipe, otherwise they will boil and be soft.

Pickle cucumbers according to these recipes and get a delicious preparation. And cook for dessert. Come visit my blog more often and get delicious and proven recipes.

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Fresh cucumbers are very tasty and healthy. But as soon as it starts to get colder, local vegetables are no longer available to us. Now in winter there is a large selection of various fresh and salted vegetables, but how can they be compared with our preparations for the winter. Firstly, purchased cucumbers are expensive, and secondly, they contain a large number of industrial preservatives. Therefore, the best way for us - to independently prepare them for the winter. Pickled or pickled cucumbers are the most important preparation for the winter. Crispy, firm, fragrant - without them nowhere. And so you can eat with pleasure, and add to salads. The recipes for harvesting cucumbers are very simple and tasty, their salting can be combined with tomatoes, you can make various salads from cucumbers.

Secrets of successful salting:

  1. One of the secrets is to choose our cucumbers correctly. These should be pickling varieties: they look like pimples, prickly and bumpy. We select small and medium cucumbers, 10-12 cm long. Cucumbers from the garden should be collected on the day of pickling or the day before.
  2. The quality of the water is also of great importance. You need to use spring or filtered tap water, or purchase ready-made drinking water.
  3. To make cucumbers successful, simple rock salt is used for pickling.
  4. Spices, spices are also important for salting. For this, black peppercorns, mustard seeds, dill seeds and umbrellas, any part of horseradish, cherry and currant leaves are used (leaves must be young). Sometimes basil leaves, cumin leaves, garlic, oak leaves, or a piece of oak bark are added (oak bark makes cucumbers more crispy).
  5. A liter jar of cucumbers takes 500 ml of water (approximately). The larger the cucumbers, the more water needed for cooking. And vice versa than smaller cucumbers- the fewer voids, and less water leaves.

Consider some wonderful recipes for harvesting our cucumbers for the winter:

Pickled cucumbers for the winter. Recipe for delicious crispy cucumbers in liter jars


  • medium-sized cucumbers - 2-4 kg,
  • horseradish leaves - 2-4 pieces,
  • garlic - 3-6 cloves,
  • hot peppers - 1 pc (to taste),
  • horseradish root 5-7 cm long,
  • celery, leaves - a little,
  • cherry leaves - 5-7 pieces,
  • allspice - 5-7 peas,
  • bay leaf - 3-6 pieces,


  • Salt 2 tablespoons - per 1 liter of water,
  • sugar 1 tbsp - per 1 liter of water,

How to pickle cucumbers:

Wash cucumbers and herbs thoroughly. Cucumbers can be washed even with a soft brush, put them in a saucepan or basin, pour cold water for 2 hours. We change the water, fill the cucumbers with clean water and leave again for two hours. During this time, the cucumbers are saturated with water, and they turn out crispy and elastic.

At the bottom of a pre-prepared jar we put a few sprigs of dill, cherry leaves, horseradish leaf, currant leaf, celery, 1 garlic clove (you can’t put a lot of it, it can make cucumbers soft), bay leaf, a small circle of bitter capsicum, black and allspice peas.

We tightly fill the jar with cucumbers.

Pour boiling water over cucumbers.

We cover the cucumbers with lids and leave them like that for 10-15 minutes.

We drain the water.

Pour boiling water over cucumbers again and leave them in water for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the liquid.

We put a pot of water on the fire. Add salt (2 tablespoons per liter of liquid), sugar (1 tablespoon per same volume) and citric acid(1 teaspoon per 1 liter).

Fill the cucumbers with hot brine and close the jars with a seaming machine.

We turn over and wrap our jars.

Opening such a jar in winter, we will enjoy the wonderful taste of pickled crispy cucumbers.

Enjoy your meal!

Cucumbers for the winter in a sweet marinade. Recipe for pickled sweet crispy cucumbers with citric acid

Thanks to the marinade, such cucumbers have a pleasant sweetish taste.


  • small fresh cucumbers,
  • mustard grains - 1-2 teaspoons,
  • horseradish leaves - 2-3 pieces,
  • garlic - 3-5 cloves,
  • hot chilli pepper - 1 pc,
  • blackcurrant leaves - 7-10 pieces,
  • cherry leaves - 5-7 pieces,
  • allspice - 5-7 peas,
  • black peppercorns - 7-10 pcs,
  • bay leaf - 3-6 pieces,
  • dry dill and fresh umbrellas with seeds - 3-5 pieces each,
  • vinegar 70% - a few drops under the lid when rolling cans.


  • Salt 40 g - per 1 liter of water,
  • sugar 150 g - per 1 liter of water,
  • citric acid 1 teaspoon - per 1 liter of water.

How to pickle cucumbers:

We prepare cucumbers and herbs. I wash everything carefully. We put the cucumbers in a saucepan or basin, pour cold water for 2 hours. You can change the water several times. Cucumbers will be saturated with water, and pickled cucumbers will turn out strong and crispy.

In clean jars we lay out several sprigs of dill, cherry leaves, horseradish leaves, currant leaves, celery, spicy capsicum- a small ring, bay leaf, mustard seeds, black and allspice peas.

Fill with boiling water and cover with lids. We leave it like that for 10-15 minutes. We repeat the procedure twice.

Then pour the water into a saucepan. We put it on fire. Add salt 40 g, sugar 150 g, citric acid - 1 teaspoon.

Pour cucumbers with marinade. We roll up and turn over the banks, wrap them in a dress. You can store such cucumbers at room temperature.

Enjoy your meal!

Cucumbers for the winter with lemon, in Prague. Recipe in liter jars

Such cucumbers are pickled with lemon. Otherwise, the ingredients for salting are common - dill, horseradish, allspice and black peppercorns, bay leaf, sugar, salt, garlic. The taste of cucumbers is obtained with a slight sourness, which gives them a piquancy. You can add various ingredients to your taste, without strictly adhering to a certain composition. Such cucumbers will perfectly fit into any salads, and can be present on the table as an independent dish.


  • medium-sized cucumbers - 2-4 kg,
  • mustard grains - 1-2 tbsp. spoons,
  • horseradish leaves - 2-3 pieces,
  • garlic - 1-2 heads,
  • bay leaf - a few leaves,
  • blackcurrant leaves - 7-10 pieces,
  • cherry leaves - 5-7 pieces,
  • allspice - 5-7 peas,
  • black peppercorns - 7-10 pcs,
  • dry dill and fresh umbrellas with seeds - 3-5 pieces each,
  • lemon, cut into rings - a few pieces, to taste,
  • vinegar 70% - a few drops under the lid when rolling cans.


  • Salt 40 g - per 1 liter of water,
  • sugar 150 g - per 1 liter of water,
  • citric acid 1 teaspoon - per 1 liter of water.

How to pickle cucumbers:

Preparing cucumbers and herbs for pickling is the same as in previous recipes.

I wash everything carefully. We put the cucumbers in a saucepan or basin, pour cold water for several hours. You can change the water several times. This will give our cucumbers strength and elasticity.

We cut the lemon into rings and add it to the jars to our cucumbers, we also add dill umbrellas, cherry leaves, part of a horseradish leaf, currant leaf, bay leaf, mustard seeds, black and allspice peas, garlic.

Fill jars with cucumbers twice with boiling water, for the third time pour sweet pickle. We roll up and turn over the banks, wrap them in a blanket.

Cucumbers are crispy, fragrant with original taste. This is the delicacy we will taste in winter if we don’t eat it earlier! 🙂

Enjoy your meal!

Crispy canned cucumbers for the winter in 3-liter jars

According to this recipe, very tasty, crispy cucumbers for the winter are obtained.

We will preserve cucumbers in 3 liter jars.

Cucumbers in such a jar will include approximately 2 kg, brine is about 1.5 liters.


  • medium-sized cucumbers - 2-4 kg (for one or two cans),
  • horseradish leaves - 3-4 pieces,
  • garlic - 1-2 heads,
  • blackcurrant leaves - 5-10 pieces,
  • cherry leaves - 7-15 pieces,
  • allspice - 5-10 peas,
  • black peppercorns - 7-14 pcs,
  • bay leaf - 3-6 pieces,
  • dry dill and fresh umbrellas with seeds - 3-5 pieces each,
  • vinegar 70% - a few drops under the lid when rolling cans.

Brine for 1 liter of water:

  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons (without a slide),
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon (with a slide),
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. spoon (or citric acid 0.5 tsp),
  • aspirin - 1 tablet, put before seaming.

How to preserve cucumbers:

Thoroughly wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends.

On the bottom of the jars we put horseradish leaves, currants and cherries, garlic, bay leaves, allspice and black peas. Then we tightly lay our cucumbers.

Pour the cucumbers with boiling water for 2 times, then drain the water after they stand in it for 10-15 minutes. If the cucumbers are bitter, then the bitterness will go away.

For the third time, fill the cucumbers with brine, put an aspirin tablet in the jar.

We roll up our cans, turn them over, put them under the clothes.

Here is such a wonderful simple recipe for pickling our cucumbers.

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe for salted canned cucumbers for the winter

Cucumbers according to this recipe are very tasty, crispy, taste like barrel ones. We will preserve cucumbers in a 3-liter jar.

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):

  • cucumbers - 2 kg,
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves,
  • hot pepper capsicum - to taste, about half a small pod,
  • horseradish root - 7-10 cm,
  • dill umbrellas with green seeds - 4-5 pcs,
  • dry dill seeds - 1 teaspoon,
  • dill, parsley, celery - if desired,
  • blackcurrant leaves -3-5 pieces,
  • cherry leaves - 5-7 pieces,
  • mint leaves, if desired - 1-2 pcs,
  • vinegar 70% - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

How to pickle cucumbers:

We prepare the cucumbers, as usual, carefully wash and cut off the tips.

We prepare jars and lids, sterilize.

At the bottom of the jars we put horseradish leaves, currants and cherries, garlic, bay leaves, allspice and black peas, hot peppers and our other ingredients. Then we tightly lay our cucumbers.

Pour the cucumbers with boiling brine without vinegar (for a 3-liter jar - approximately 1.5 liters) - only salt is put in the brine. We leave our cucumbers to ferment for 3 days. Lids must be open. We periodically remove the foam.

After 3 days, shake our jar so that the brine shakes up and pour it into the pan. We put the pot on the fire. As soon as our brine boils, pour it into a jar, pour vinegar under the sterilized lid. We roll up our cucumbers, turn the jar over, wrap it with a blanket.

Cucumbers are amazing! Enjoy your meal!

Many recipes of Russian cuisine include cucumbers - in salads, appetizers, soups, complex side dishes and even jam. They are loved so much that they erected a monument to this green vegetable.

A special place is occupied by salted and pickled cucumbers prepared for the winter with vinegar.

Harvesting cucumbers for the winter is a simple process. However, if the technology is violated, there is a risk that the lid on the jar will swell or the brine will become cloudy. And instead appetizing snack get soft, tasteless, and even worse sour, cucumbers.

You can avoid these troubles if you remember a few cucumber "secrets".

  • Can only fresh vegetables, torn off no more than a day.
  • Choose elastic fruits with intact skin, green (without yellowness). It is better to refuse cucumbers with a bitter taste.
  • Before pickling, cucumbers must be soaked for several hours in cold water.

  • In order for the cucumbers to be salted evenly, try to select fruits of approximately the same size for each container, after cutting off the tips on both sides.
  • Pack vegetables into jars as tightly as possible.
  • Vinegar, garlic, horseradish, tarragon, currant, cherry, oak leaves, etc. are additional natural preservatives that add their characteristic aroma to the taste. Cucumbers are firm and crispy. The main thing is the measure! Do not add everything in a row, choose seasonings to your liking.

Additional Information! Pickling cucumbers with will give a milder sweetish taste.

In order for the workpiece to be preserved even at room temperature, it must be poured with boiling water 2-3 times. Pour boiling water into jars containing cucumbers. When it cools, drain and refill the jars with boiling water.

  • Use sterilized jars and lids for preservation.

Important! Use regular rock salt for preservation.

crispy sweet cucumber recipe

An original recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter with a contrasting combination of sweet and salty taste. Close such cucumbers in glass jars by pouring them with brine and vinegar.

  • Cucumbers (how many will fit);
  • 4-6 black peppercorns;
  • 2 peas of allspice peas;
  • 2 dill umbrellas (medium size);
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 2 sheets of horseradish and / or blackcurrant;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic.

For marinade (calculation for 1 liter of water):

  • 200 g of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 200 ml.

Cooking order:

  1. Put all the spices at the bottom of clean jars. Garlic can be cut into large pieces or left whole cloves. Then lay the prepared cucumbers as tightly as possible.
  2. Prepare the marinade: bring water to a boil, add salt, sugar, mix until they are completely dissolved. Add vinegar, stir again, remove from heat.
  3. Pour cucumbers with hot marinade, cover with lids and set to sterilize on water bath within 10 minutes (1-liter jars). Don't forget to put cotton cloth on the bottom of the pot. Banks should be in the water "shoulder-deep".
  4. Roll up the lids, turn the jars upside down. To make crispy cucumbers, leave them to cool gradually, without covering with anything.

Note! If you use screw caps, they must also be sterilized beforehand.

Crispy cucumbers without sterilization (they stand all winter)

Canning according to this recipe does not require sterilization of your workpiece. With repeated pouring with boiling water during cooking, the cucumbers will evenly warm up and be filled with the taste and aroma of spices, and the drained cucumber water will be used for the marinade.

Note! Regardless of the method of preservation, jars and lids should always be sterilized in any way convenient for you: steam, in the oven, in microwave oven etc.

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):

  • Cucumbers (how many will fit);
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 peas of allspice;
  • 5-6 black peppercorns;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1-2 leaves of horseradish (currant, cherry, oak, etc. to your taste).

For 1 liter of marinade:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon.

Additional Information! You can pickle cucumbers with bell pepper, carrots and other vegetables of your choice. In this case, they are cut into small pieces and placed on the bottom of the jar along with the spices according to the recipe.

Cooking order:

  • Put all the spices at the bottom of clean jars. Garlic can be cut into large pieces or left whole cloves. Then lay the prepared cucumbers as tightly as possible.
  • Boil water, pour cucumbers. Leave for 20 minutes.

Note! Add hot water gradually so that the glass has time to heat up and the jar does not burst.

  • Drain the water into a separate container (for the marinade), and pour the jars again with boiling water for 10 minutes.
  • Prepare the marinade: if necessary, bring the volume of water to 1 liter, boil, dissolve the salt and sugar. Remove from heat, add 1 teaspoon of 70% essence, mix well.
  • Empty the water from the jars and immediately fill with hot marinade.

Additional Information! It is very convenient to pour water from jars filled with cucumbers using polyethylene drain lids with holes.

Recipe for pickled cucumbers with vodka

Fans of crunchy pickled cucumbers will definitely like this recipe. Vodka, as an additional preservative and antiseptic, stops the fermentation process and reduces the risk of caps swelling during storage.

We add it to a small amount- 30-50 ml per jar, so the cucumbers are elastic and non-alcoholic.

Ingredients (per liter jar):

  • Medium-sized cucumbers (how many will fit in a jar);
  • Horseradish / cherry / blackcurrant leaf - to your taste;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves;
  • 2-3 pcs. cloves;
  • 3 pcs. allspice;
  • 2-3 pcs. dill umbrellas;
  • 30 ml of vodka.

For the marinade (based on 1 liter):

  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt;
  • 1.5 st. spoons of sugar;
  • 50 ml

Cooking order:

  1. At the bottom of the sterilized jars, put the spices according to the recipe and fill with cucumbers as tightly as possible.
  2. Dissolve salt and sugar in 1 liter of boiling water. Add vinegar, mix and immediately pour over the cucumbers.
  3. After 10 minutes, pour the marinade into the pan, bring to a boil again, pour the workpiece with hot marinade.
  4. Add 30 ml of vodka to each jar, roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool completely, covered with a blanket.

Crispy cucumbers "like in the store"

Pickled cucumbers with a spicy or sweet-sour taste are sold in stores. In the first case, more vinegar is added, in the second, a combination of vinegar and sugar. However, such a preparation for the winter can be done by yourself without leaving your home.


  • Medium-sized cucumbers (how many will fit in a liter jar);
  • 3 art. spoons of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 1 st. the spoon ;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 6 black peppercorns;
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaves (medium size).

Cooking order:

  1. Put cucumbers tightly in sterilized jars, pour boiling water over them, cover with lids and leave to cool completely.
  2. Drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar, salt, bring to a boil. Remove from fire, pour vinegar essence, mix well.
  3. Put all the spices according to the recipe into the blank, pour over the hot marinade. Roll up the lids, shake the jars well, leave to cool (no need to cover).

Note! The ratio of sugar and vinegar essence can be changed depending on the taste you want to get - more spicy or sweet and sour.

Salting for the winter in a hot way for storage in an apartment

You can prepare cucumbers for the winter even if you do not have a cellar or basement. The blank can be stored in any unheated room (for example, in a pantry) or in a convenient place in the apartment away from the battery.

Ingredients (based on a 3-liter jar):

  • 1.8 - 2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 4-5 dill umbrellas;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 3 cherry leaves;
  • 3-4 currant leaves;
  • 3 art. spoons;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 1.5 st. tablespoons of salt (with a small slide);
  • 1.5 teaspoons with a slide of sugar.

Cooking order:

  1. Wash cucumbers well and soak in cold water for 2 hours. After that, cut the ends, dry.
  2. Fill sterilized jars with spices according to the recipe, place cucumbers tightly in them.
  3. Boil water and pour boiling water over filled jars. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Pour the cooled water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, bring to a boil and pour into jars again for 15 minutes.
  5. Pour the slightly cooled brine back into the pan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add vinegar, stir.
  6. Pour the workpiece with hot marinade, roll up the lids, leave to cool gradually, without covering with anything.

Additional Information! The amount of acetic acid (9%) varies depending on the volume of the jar:
1 liter will require 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar
for a 2 liter - 2 tbsp. spoons
for a 3-liter - 3 tbsp. spoons

Pickled cucumbers with 9% vinegar

it classic way pickling cucumbers with vinegar. Taking it as a basis, you can come up with one or more of your "signature" recipes, choosing spices and spices to taste.

For such a workpiece, it is necessary the following ingredients(based on a liter jar):

  • cucumbers;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 2-3 peas of allspice;
  • 30 ml;
  • 1 dill umbrella;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

The cooking procedure is similar to the previous recipe.

Cucumbers in apple cider vinegar for the winter

Most often, for the preparation of marinades, they use ordinary table vinegar. However, you can cook pickled cucumbers with. Malic acid has a milder taste and less pungent odor.

The fruity flavor, combined with the rest of the ingredients, will give the pickled cucumbers a peculiar taste.

To prepare, take:

  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • 4-6 garlic cloves;
  • 4 sprigs of parsley and dill;
  • 4 leaves of cherry and black currant;
  • 6 black peppercorns;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar.

Cooking order:

  1. Put the prepared cucumbers in clean jars along with the spices according to the recipe. Pour boiling water over, leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Drain the water into a separate container, bring the volume to 1 liter and bring to a boil, dissolve the salt and sugar. Remove from fire, add Apple vinegar, mix well.
  3. Pour the workpiece with hot marinade, roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

Salted cucumbers with vinegar

Pickling cucumbers with vinegar is associated with preparations for the winter. However, beloved salted cucumbers can be prepared from the beginning of the harvest.


  • 1.8 kg of cucumbers;
  • 10-12 garlic cloves;
  • 6 umbrellas of dill;
  • 2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 4-5 leaves of blackcurrant or cherry (optional).

For marinade:

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons (with a slide) of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon (with a large slide) of sugar;
  • 1 st. the spoon .

Cooking order:

  1. At the bottom of a deep saucepan, put washed horseradish leaves, 3 dill umbrellas, 6 garlic cloves (can be cut into large pieces), currant or cherry leaves (optional).
  2. Prepared cucumbers (washed and cut from 2 sides) lay tightly on the spices.
  3. Prepare the marinade: dissolve salt and sugar in 1.5 liters of boiling water. Remove saucepan from heat, add vinegar, mix well.
  4. Pour the hot marinade over the preparation, put 3 dill umbrellas and the remaining garlic on top. Cover the pan with a lid, leave for a day at room temperature.
  5. Remove the bowl from the refrigerator. After 8-10 hours, cucumbers can be tasted.

Cucumbers blanched in vinegar for the winter

An original recipe that does not require sterilization and marinade preparation - cucumbers are blanched in vinegar. At the same time, they remain dense and elastic, retaining the taste and aroma.

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):

  • Cucumbers (small);
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 1-2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1.5-2 l;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar.

Cooking order:

  1. Soak cucumbers in water for 4 hours. Water must be changed periodically (or make it running).
  2. In clean sterilized jars, put finely chopped dill, horseradish leaves, garlic, bay leaves, peppercorns.
  3. Pour 1.5 - 2 liters into a saucepan of small diameter, heat over low heat, without boiling. Blanch cucumbers in small batches for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. After they change color, put them in jars.
  4. Pour boiling water over the workpiece, add sugar and salt according to the recipe, 2 teaspoons of 9% vinegar. Roll up the lids, shake the jars lightly so that the spices are evenly distributed throughout the volume. Leave to cool, covered with a blanket.

Recipe with currants

Often, housewives try to add something of their own to the recipe in order to “update” the taste. Pickled cucumbers with carrots onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, etc.

It turns out not just winter preparation, but also a delicious salad appetizer. The recipe with the addition of red currant attracts with new flavor notes.

  • Medium sized cucumbers;
  • 70-100 g of red currant;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 1-2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 2-3 clove buds;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt;
  • ½ st. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon.

Cooking order:

  1. At the bottom of sterilized jars, put horseradish leaves and dill umbrellas. Then lay cucumbers tightly, sprinkle red currant berries on top. Pour in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  2. Drain the water into a saucepan and boil. Re-fill the workpiece. Cucumbers should be completely covered with water. Leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, allspice, cloves. Bring to a boil, simmer for 2-3 minutes, add vinegar at the end and immediately remove from the stove.
  4. Pour the workpiece with hot marinade, roll up the lids, leave to cool, turning the jars upside down and covering with a blanket.

The original recipe with the addition of spicy ketchup

An interesting recipe with the addition tomato ketchup. As a result, the marinade and the cucumbers themselves are sweet and sour, spicy and fragrant.

Ingredients (based on 1 liter jar):

  • Cucumbers (large ones can be cut into large pieces);
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of ketchup;
  • 1 st. the spoon ;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 small sheet of horseradish;
  • 2 leaves of black currant;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 2 sprigs of parsley;
  • 3 sprigs of dill;
  • 2 peas of allspice.

Additional Information! If you want to cook more spicy cucumbers add some red hot pepper(according to your taste).

Cooking order:

  1. At the bottom of the sterilized dish, put the leaves of horseradish, blackcurrant, herbs, garlic (can be cut into several pieces). Fill the jars with prepared cucumbers (after soaking them in water and cutting off the tips on 2 sides). Pour in boiling water for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Drain the water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar, allspice and ketchup (you can take store-bought or cook yourself), bring to a boil and simmer for about a minute, stirring constantly. Remove from stove, add vinegar.
  3. Pour cucumbers - they should be completely covered with hot marinade. Roll up the lids. Turn the jars over, cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

Pickled cucumbers in Rus' began from the time of Ivan the Terrible. Then it was a necessity to save the harvest for the winter. Nowadays it is impossible to count the number a variety of recipes favorite snack. Crispy pickled cucumbers are equally in demand in holiday menu, and everyday home dinner.

Many housewives love to cook. canned cucumbers for winter. We offer high-quality and proven recipes for cucumber blanks for every taste.

Canned cucumbers for the winter - delicious recipes

Before you start canning cucumbers for the winter, consider these few important tips:

  • For canning, it is best to use small, strong cucumbers, if possible the same size and regular shape.
  • Before harvesting cucumbers, they should be pre-soaked in cold water for at least 3 hours, changing the water
  • Pickling jars must be rinsed in hot water With baking soda, then sterilize over boiling water or bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
  • Wash your hands before handling sterile jars.
  • The more spices you put on top of the workpiece, the richer the taste of cucumbers will be.
  • Vinegar should be poured into the marinade gradually, after the pan is removed from the heat
  • Typically 40.0 salt per liter of brine is optimal amount when cucumbers are moderately salty.

Did you know?

Spicy additives give pickled cucumbers not only taste, they strengthen their structure and contribute to better preservation: horseradish leaf and root, cherry leaf, bay leaf.

Canned cucumbers - cooking technology

  • Spicy greens are placed at the bottom of the prepared liter jars.
  • Then, in a vertical position, cucumbers are placed.
  • From above and from the inside of the cans - you can put dill umbrellas, pieces of hot pepper, garlic cloves.
  • Then everything is poured with filtered boiling brine and added required amount vinegar
  • The jar is tightly closed with a sterile lid, rolled up, turned upside down, covered with a blanket and left until completely cooled.
  • Store in refrigerator or cold pantry.

Canned cucumbers with spices for the winter

  • 0.6 kg cucumbers,
  • 1 liter of water
  • 4 tbsp. l salt without a slide,
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 st. l - 70% acetic acid,
  • horseradish leaf,
  • 3 black currant leaves
  • 3 peas of allspice,
  • 6 black peppercorns,
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 piece hot pepper,
  • sprigs of parsley, dill and celery

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the washed cucumbers with cold water and leave for six hours.
  2. Thoroughly wash and chop horseradish leaves, currants and other greens.
  3. Sprinkle spices, chopped greens on the bottom of the jars
  4. Lay out the cucumbers.
  5. Add sugar, salt, water to a saucepan and bring everything to a boil. At the end add acetic acid and pour the resulting marinade cucumbers.
  6. Cover the jars with boiled lids, sterilize for 8-10 minutes and roll up.

Canned cucumbers (quick way)

A bucket of small cucumbers, 3 liters of water (for 8 liter jars), 250 g of sugar, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt (with a slide), 500 ml of table vinegar.

  • At the bottom of the jars put peppercorns, bay leaf, dill, parsley, garlic.
  • Cucumbers are placed in boiling brine.
  • As soon as the cucumbers change color (2–5 minutes), they put them in jars, pour them with brine, roll them up and wrap them up for a day.

Pickled cucumbers without sterilization and without the addition of vinegar

On three-liter jar:

  • 1.5 kg cucumbers,
  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 1 medium horseradish sheet
  • 8 blackcurrant leaves,
  • 2-3 cherry leaves
  • 2-3 bay leaves, a piece of red hot pepper (without seeds),
  • dill with umbrellas.
  • You can optionally add 1 teaspoon of chopped celery leaves, parsley, a pinch of thyme or wild oregano (not mint).
  • for 1 liter of water - 2 tablespoons (with a slide) of salt. A three-liter jar of cucumbers requires about 1.5 liters of water and 3 full tablespoons of salt.
  1. Soak cucumbers in boiled cooled water for about a day - in a large enamel saucepan or bucket.
  2. Put cucumbers in prepared jars - tightly, but without squeezing, mixed with spices. Put dill umbrellas on top.
  3. Pour the boiled cooled filling to the top of the jar.
  4. Cover with lids and leave alone for several days.
  5. As soon as a film appears on the brine, and the cucumbers look ready, you can root them.
  6. In a warm room, from the moment of salting to capping, 2 days pass; in the cold for 4 days.

Based on this recipe, you can make three more variations of blanks:

  • Cucumbers with mustard

Add 1-2 tablespoons of dry mustard to the prepared jar of cucumbers and pour boiling brine over it.

Seal immediately with a glass lid with clips, wrap until completely cool.

  • Cucumbers with aspirin

Instead of mustard, you can add 1-2 crushed aspirin tablets to a jar of pickled cucumbers. Immediately pour them with boiling brine, roll up, wrap well.

Aspirin is a reliable and harmless (in a small dose) preservative. It can be used even when canning long-fruited cucumbers, cut into pieces.

  • Cucumbers with calcium chloride (crispy)

Pour salted cucumbers in jars with boiling brine, add 1 tablespoon of calcium chloride (buy the solution in advance at the pharmacy), roll up, wrap with paper and wrap with a cotton blanket until cool. Store cooled jars in the pantry.

Calcium chloride makes the water in the brine hard, giving cucumbers the crunch that so many people like.

Canned cucumbers with onions and horseradish for the winter

  • cucumbers - 10 kg,
  • onion - 1 kg,
  • dill with seeds - 200.0,
  • horseradish root - 20.0,
  • salt - 400, 0
  • sugar - 150.0
  • citric acid - 150.0
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 15 black peppercorns,
  • 15 mustard seeds
  • 5 bay leaves,
  • 10 liters of water.
  1. Peel the garlic, onion and horseradish root. Chop the onion, cut the horseradish root into small pieces.
  2. Wash the cucumbers, put them tightly in three-liter jars, add 1 clove of garlic, a piece of horseradish root, a sprig of dill and a handful of onions to each jar.
  3. In a separate bowl, prepare the citric acid marinade, sugar, salt, water, mustard seeds, bay leaf, and black pepper.
  4. Boil the marinade and pour into jars with cucumbers.
  5. Pasteurize the jars for 30 minutes, then roll up the lids and place them upside down.

Delicious canned cucumbers for the winter

  • 3.5 kg cucumbers,
  • 2 liters of water
  • 500 ml 5% vinegar,
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 3 sheets of horseradish
  • 10 bay leaves,
  • 30 peas of allspice,
  • 1 pod of hot pepper,
  • 1 bunch of celery
  • 1 bunch dill,
  • 6 tablespoons of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash cucumbers, cover with cold water and leave for 8 hours. Change water 3 times.
  2. Wash and chop horseradish leaves and greens of dill and celery. Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.
  3. Remove the stalk and seeds from hot peppers, and cut the flesh into thin rings.
  4. Put a layer of garlic, hot peppers, spices and herbs on the bottom of three-liter jars, carefully place cucumbers on top, then again a layer of spices and cucumbers.
  5. Prepare the marinade by combining water with salt and vinegar, bring the solution to a boil and pour over the cucumbers.
  6. Cover the jars with boiled lids, sterilize in a boiling water bath for 25 minutes and roll up.

Cucumbers in tomato sauce

  • 3.3 kg cucumbers,
  • 2 liters of tomato juice
  • 100 g salt
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 3 sweet peppers
  • 3 sheets of horseradish
  • 5 bay leaves,
  • 1 pod of hot pepper,
  • 1 bunch of dill.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash cucumbers, cover with cold water and leave for 5 hours.
  2. Remove seeds and stalks from sweet peppers, cut the flesh into halves.
  3. Peel the garlic. Wash greens and chop.
  4. Pour tomato juice into enamelware, add salt and bring to a boil.
  5. Lay the bay leaf and spicy greens on the bottom of the jars, put sweet and bitter peppers, garlic and cucumbers and pour tomato juice.
  6. Cover the jars with boiled lids, sterilize for 20 minutes in a boiling water bath, and then roll up.

Pickled gherkins with their own hands

  • 10 kg of gherkins,
  • 8, 5 liters of water,
  • 750 g sugar
  • 500 g salt
  • 320 ml 70% essence,
  • 10 bay leaves,
  • 10 carnations,
  • allspice peas,

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the gherkins and put in sterilized three-liter jars.
  2. Prepare the marinade in a separate bowl. To do this, combine water, sugar and the remaining salt, bring the resulting liquid to a boil, heat for 5 minutes, then add spices and leave on fire for another 10 minutes.
  3. Before the end of cooking, add vinegar essence to the marinade.
  4. Fill the gherkins with the resulting marinade, close the jars with plastic lids and store in a cool place.

Canned sweet and sour cucumbers

  • 3 kg small cucumbers,
  • 200 g small onion,
  • 100 g horseradish
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds,
  • 3 bay leaves,
  • 15 black peppercorns,
  • dill to taste.
  • 2 liters of water, 500 ml of 9% vinegar, 150 g of sugar, 60 g of salt.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Wash the cucumbers and put them tightly in jars, shifting them with peeled onions, dill stalks, horseradish slices, adding mustard seeds, bay leaf and pepper.
  2. Pour in boiling filling.
  3. Banks close and leave until the next day.
  4. The next day, drain the filling and boil it.
  5. Then pour over the cucumbers again and roll up the jars.

Bulgarian canned cucumbers

  • 10 kg cucumbers,
  • 450 g salt
  • 300 g horseradish roots,
  • 300 g vegetable oil,
  • 150 g of stems and inflorescences of dill,
  • 10 g black ground pepper,
  • 7.5 liters of water,
  • 5 tablespoons of vinegar essence.

Cooking method

  1. In a separate bowl, combine salt and water, bring the resulting liquid to a boil and cool.
  2. Peel and chop the horseradish root.
  3. Pour the washed cucumbers with the resulting brine and leave for 24 hours.
  4. After the specified time, put the cucumbers in sterilized jars along with horseradish, dill and black pepper, add vinegar essence and brine, and then pour in vegetable oil.
  5. Roll up the jars with lids and put in a cool place.
  6. In a separate bowl, prepare a marinade of water and vinegar with the addition of sugar and salt.
  7. Pour boiling marinade over cucumbers and pasteurize for 30 minutes.
  8. After that, roll up the jars with lids and cool, turning them upside down.

Chopped canned cucumbers

For a liter jar:

  • 600-700 g long-fruited cucumbers,
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 35 g spices (horseradish leaf and root, cherry leaf, pepper, garlic, cloves, etc.)
  • 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar.
  • for 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon of salt.

Cooking sequence:

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The season of harvesting vegetables, fruits and berries for the winter is in full swing. And we are not far behind, we have already made a lot of jam, frozen berries and mushrooms. Canned salads, cucumbers and tomatoes.

But the harvest is rich, especially a lot of cucumbers this year. Every day you shoot a small bucket from the bushes. Already as soon as they were not salted this year -,. But all these are “quick” options, you can’t stock them for the winter.

For longer storage, they must be preserved. And we have already done it in several very interesting ways - this, and a delicious recipe. But there are others, no less interesting ways, on which simply wonderful blanks are obtained.

We now live in our house, and I keep all the blanks in the basement. It is warm as it is in a normal room. And before we lived in an apartment, and I kept the blanks either in the pantry or just under the bed. So all today's recipes are suitable for storing jars in the apartment.

This is the most simple recipe for harvesting our green vegetables. This - should be in the piggy bank of every housewife. When you know, and most importantly understand how to cook in a simple way, then anyone, even the most complicated recipe will be valid.

Therefore, I propose to start with it.

We will need (for a 3 liter jar):

  • garlic - 3 - 4 cloves
  • hot chilli pepper - to taste
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs
  • allspice - 3 pcs
  • clove buds - 4 - 5 pcs
  • horseradish leaf - small, or half
  • currant leaf - 6 pcs
  • cherry leaf - 8 pcs
  • dill - 4 - 5 umbrellas with sprigs
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. spoons

For a 3 liter jar, you will need about 1.5 liters of water, provided that the jar needs to be filled tightly.


1. Wash the fruits and pour cold water for 2-3 hours. This will allow them to take in the missing moisture, which will subsequently make them tasty and crispy.

2. Then rinse again under running cold water and cut off the ends. If they are small, then you can cut off the tip only on one side, where the “tail” is.

Try to keep them all about the same size in the jar. This will allow them to marinate evenly.

3. Peel and cut the garlic into slices.

4. Rinse greens and leaves and scald with boiling water. Then discard in a colander.

5. Wash the jar thoroughly with soda and sterilize using one of the known methods

  • for a couple
  • in the oven
  • in the microwave

Rinse the lid for rolling with soda and pour boiling water over it, then cover with a lid to keep warm. Or boil it in a separate pan.

6. Put a piece of horseradish leaf on the bottom of the jar, about 5-6 cm long. Then lay out 1/3 of the dill and currant and cherry leaves, well, or about that part.

The horseradish leaf will not let the brine become cloudy, and the cherry and black currant leaves will not only give their flavor note, but will also keep the cucumbers crispy.

We will put the greens on the bottom, in the middle and on top. So roughly calculate where you put how much.

7. Cucumbers, respectively, will be located in two large layers. Therefore, we spread them on greens up to half the jar.

On each of the laid out layers lay out a little garlic. It must also be distributed evenly throughout the volume of the jar.

8. In the middle, lay out the second layer of greens and leaves, as well as a mixture of peppers.

9. Next, lay out the fruits, already to the very top. Sprinkle the layers with garlic. Leave room on top for another layer of greenery and leaves. Be sure to put another piece of horseradish on top.

Try to pack the fruits very tightly. The tighter you put them, the crispier they will be.

10. Pour salt and sugar on top, shake the jar slightly so that it all wakes up.

11. Put water to boil in a saucepan. Pour two liters into it for the first time. Then salt the excess.

12. Prepare vinegar, let it be ready, so as not to forget to pour it in when necessary.

13. When the water boils, carefully, so as not to burn yourself, pour it into the jar to the very top. Cover with a metal lid and let stand for 7 minutes. During this time, gently, but rather vigorously, rotate the jar from side to side to release air bubbles.

In order not to scratch the table with a jar during rotation, even before pouring water, place it on a rag or towel.

Do not open the lid!

14. Put a plastic lid with holes on the neck and drain the water into the pan. Put it back on the fire and bring to a boil.

At the same time, put the kettle on to boil. When refilling the marinade, it will be a little lacking. Therefore, we will need additional boiling water.

While the marinade is boiling, cover the jar with a metal lid.

15. As soon as the marinade boils, and the boiling water in the kettle is also ready, pour the marinade into the jar first, then the vinegar, and then add the missing water from the kettle.

The liquid should reach the very edge of the neck. So that when you close the jar with a lid, it even slightly overflows. From this moment on, it is strictly forbidden to open the cover.

16. The jar should again stand on a rag or towel. We will again rotate the jar for 5 minutes (periodically, of course) and expel air bubbles. They will still come out of the “butt” cut.

Do not open the lid!

17. After 5 - 7 minutes, tighten the lid with a seamer.

18. Then turn the jar over and cover with a blanket, leave it in this position until it cools completely.

19. Then turn over to the usual position and store. A dark, cool place, such as a pantry or basement, is suitable for this. In any case, do not store jars near heating appliances.

Such a blank is stored well for a year, or even two, unless, of course, it lives up to these times.

The product is moderately salty, moderately sweet, crunchy and tasty!

Video on how to preserve crispy cucumbers

According to this option, we, in our family, have been doing for a long time delicious preparations from cucumbers. We can say that this is our family recipe.

Its plus is that the fruits are always very tasty and crispy, and all thanks to only one of the ingredients - aspirin. The fact that we add it to the marinade allows us not to add a lot of vinegar to it. Therefore, vegetables are not sour at all.

Also, this method allows the workpiece to be well stored. When there are rich harvests, you make quite a lot of them, and it happens that you don’t even eat during the season.

So such a blank is quietly stored for two seasons.

Try to cook at least a couple of jars, and I think that you will always cook like this later.

By the way, the recipe was shot specifically for the Secrets of Home Economics blog. So I invite you to the channel, subscribe, and press the bell. Thus, you will be the first to see new publications.

How to cook delicious and crispy cucumbers

This recipe has another cooking option. The composition of the ingredients is the same. But here you can use a different bookmark and fill method.

To do this, we need two pots of water. Pour half the volume of water into one, and pour more into the second so that it is enough for pouring.

1. Put half of the greens, leaves and garlic on the bottom of a sterilized jar. Greens must be doused with boiling water. Put pepper and cloves there.

2. Put the cucumbers with cut ends into a colander and when the water in the incomplete pan boils, lower it, together with the contents, into boiling water. Stay there for 2 minutes.

Then quickly transfer everything to a jar.

3. Put the second part of the greens and garlic on top. Sprinkle salt and sugar.

4. Pour boiling water up to half, pour in vinegar and add the second half of boiling water.

5. Close the lid and roll up the machine.

6. Turn the jar over and leave it under the blanket until it cools completely.

I'm just sharing with you all the ways and options that I know so that you know them. But I myself use the filling in the first way, since I consider it more reliable in terms of heat treatment.

By the way, in both the first and second versions, we use two fillings only on the condition that the fruits are small.

If they are large, then it is better to pour three times. That is, they should be twisted during the third filling.

Harvesting for the winter without sterilization with aspirin

This is very good recipe, and according to it, in my opinion, the most delicious cucumbers. Although probably calling this or that recipe the most delicious is not entirely true. After all, everyone has different tastes, and if for one the most delicious vegetables obtained according to one recipe, then for another - according to another.

Someone likes sweet preparations more, someone, on the contrary, salty ones. Someone prefers cask taste, and someone prefers a sour marinade.

Therefore, before I start describing the recipe, I immediately want to make a reservation that this is the easiest and most delicious recipe of all that I harvest, in my opinion. I have been preparing for it for a long time. And I got it from my mother, she still preserves them in this way. That is, it can be considered our family property.

And how many leaflets I have already written with his description, and distributed to my friends. And I know that many of them now only cook according to it. This means that they also recognized it as the most delicious. Which is incredibly nice.

I already have a similar description of it on my blog. According to this scheme, I canned, where, along with cucumbers, I pickled tomatoes, carrots, cabbage and zucchini. Therefore, I decided not to repeat myself and write how to preserve just cucumbers.

This recipe has one feature - I use quite a bit of vinegar essence as a preservative and aspirin. And I don't sterilize. Interesting?!

The advantage of such a marinade is that the fruits do not turn out sour. I tried a lot of pickles while visiting. And many of them have the same drawback - they are too sour! And behind this acid, no other taste is felt. In this case, it turns out that it was possible to save the workpiece for the winter, but there is a big loss in taste.

The method proposed below corrects this shortcoming completely. And in winter, with each open jar, we have invariably tasty cucumbers in a light transparent brine. And you can crunch them even just like that, even add them to any salad, even cook the first and second courses with them.

We need for a 3-liter jar:

  • cucumbers - 20 - 25 pieces (depending on size)
  • small tomatoes - 3 - 4 pieces
  • garlic - 3 - 4 cloves
  • dill - 6 - 7 umbrellas (or less, but with branches)
  • horseradish leaf - 0.5 pcs
  • blackcurrant leaf - 4 pcs
  • cherry leaf - 7 - 8 pcs
  • tarragon - 1 sprig
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs
  • allspice peas - 3 - 4 pcs
  • red chilli pepper - to taste
  • cloves - 5 buds
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar essence 70% - a little more than half a teaspoon
  • aspirin - 2.5 tablets

A three-liter jar usually takes 1.5 liters of water, plus or minus a little. This is provided that the jar is filled very tightly. What, in principle, should be achieved.


1. Wash the fruits, put them in a basin or bucket and pour cold water over them. If the fruits are collected recently, then leave them in the water for 2 - 3 hours. If enough time has passed after their collection, then hold them in water for 4-5 hours. This will allow them to remain crispy for the entire period of long winter storage.

Always soak a vegetable with a margin, according to the principle "let it be better than not enough." You can never accurately calculate how many fruits we can put in a jar, it depends on their size.

2. After the time is up, drain the water, and rinse the fruits again thoroughly under running water. Then cut off the ends. Try the tip from the side of the tail, it should not be bitter.

3. Fold the fruit on a towel to drain excess water.

4. Rinse all leaves, tarragon and dill. Pour boiling water over them, hold in it for a minute, and pull out. Also put everything on a towel.

5. Peel the garlic, dividing it into cloves. If they are not very large, then leave them whole. If large, then cut into pieces.

Garlic is very tasty in a pickled state, and therefore I try to leave the cloves whole. And sometimes I even break the recipe and add a few more cloves than the recipe says. It doesn't interfere with the taste at all.

But don't go overboard with it, too much garlic makes finished product soft.

6. Wash the tomatoes. Make two or three punctures with a toothpick at the point where the branch is attached.

Tomatoes can not be added, but we will need them to give taste and better preservation. Tomatoes contain natural acid, and in part they can also be considered a kind of preservative.

7. Also prepare all the peppers, salt, sugar and 70% vinegar essence. I always use the essence in conservation, it is much easier for me to use it, and I never make a mistake with it.

Because often there are recipes where it is simply written “vinegar” - “so much - that”, and you only have to guess what percentage this vinegar has. Because of this, mistakes often occur, and if the vinegar is not added, then the jar may explode, and if it is poured, then the cucumbers will turn out to be too sour.

Prepare everything at once so that you don’t forget anything in a hurry. When my daughter was not yet as mature as she is now, she might, for example, forget to put salt in a jar. And in winter, having opened such a jar, we received them completely unsalted.)))

8. Wash the jar and metal lid (not self-screwing) with soda and sterilize using one of the known methods. It is better to do this in advance so as not to lay the ingredients in a hot container.

9. Now that we have everything ready, let's start making a bookmark.

The first layer lay out half a portion of a sheet of horseradish. Part of other leaves and dill. In total, we will lay out the greens in three layers - at the bottom, at the top and in the middle, so divide the contents into 3 parts.

10. Immediately lay down all the peppers in their variety. Red hot capsicum (it can be green, but always hot) add to taste. Consider the degree of its sharpness and your taste preferences. I usually cut off a piece of 1.5 - 2 cm from the pod.

And remember that it is the sharpest in the seeds, so it is better to clean them out if you decide to add this part of the pod.

11. Start spreading the fruits. Put bigger down, smaller up. Sprinkle randomly with garlic cloves.

Spread them as tightly as possible, literally squeezing where you can.

12. Put a second layer of greens and two tomatoes in the middle.

13. Then cucumbers and garlic again. Then two more tomatoes and a layer of greens.

Leave some room for salt and sugar. We also immediately pour them into the jar in the right amount.

14. Put the water to warm up, we will need 1.5 liters of boiling water. Can be boiled right amount in a teapot.

15. Put the jar on a rag or napkin. Pour boiling water into it to the very top and cover with a sterilized metal lid.

Air bubbles will begin to emerge from the cut points. They need help getting out of the bank. To do this, we put our hands on the sides of the can and begin to turn it from side to side, as if shaking it slightly. Thus, stand the jar for 5 - 7 minutes, periodically shaking it.

16. Then remove the metal cover and put on a plastic one with holes. Prepare a saucepan and pour the brine into it. Put the saucepan on the fire and bring the contents to a boil. Let it boil for 1 - 2 minutes.

In the meantime, put the kettle on to boil, we will need additional boiling water.

17. In the meantime, the water boils, crush the aspirin tablets. Let me remind you that for a 3-liter jar we need 2.5 tablets.

18. Pour it into the jar, right on top. And as soon as the brine boils for a couple of minutes, immediately pour it back into the jar.

As we can see, there is no longer enough liquid. To do this, we should already have a kettle of boiling water ready. But first you need to prepare the vinegar essence. And holding in one hand a spoon with essence, and in the other teapot, pour both at the same time. All the essence, and as much boiling water as needed so that it is poured under the very neck.

19. Immediately cover the jar with a metal lid.

From this moment on, the lid can no longer be opened under any pretext!

20. Let the jar stand in this position for 5 minutes, while rotating the jar again, expelling air bubbles.

21. Then screw the lid on with a seamer.

If the bank deposited large cucumbers, then there should be three fills. And only with the third you can screw the lid.

22. Turn the jar over and cover with a blanket. Leave in this position until completely cooled.

23. Then turn over again, and put it already, as usual. Store in a dark, cool place.

Such a blank is stored perfectly, and at least a year, at least two. On palatability long-term storage is not reflected in any way.

They are moderately salty and sweet, slightly sour, crispy and pleasant taste. The brine has the same pleasant taste, it turns out light and transparent. And you can drink it if you want, it also turns out very tasty.

Here's a recipe! Although it turned out to be large, it is actually very simple. And most importantly - what is the result!

By the way, I didn’t tell you about one of the advantages of this recipe. Every year I preserve my cucumbers on it, for probably 35 years now. For all these years, not one of the cans has “taken off”. Over the years I have lived both in the south and in the north; both in the apartment and in the house - and in any conditions, the jars are stored perfectly!

"Assorted" of tomatoes and cucumbers

According to the recipe given above, you can also cook wounded vegetables. This is very convenient, especially when you preserve in three-liter jars. In this case, you get two delicious snacks at once.

As I said, the recipe is exactly the same. The only thing we need is fewer cucumbers and more tomatoes.

tomatoes in this case use not very large ones. Plum-shaped varieties are excellent, for example " Lady fingers". They are quite fleshy, with a thick enough skin, which allows you to keep the tomato as a whole. And so that the tomato does not burst, it must be pricked with a toothpick in two or three places near the “butt”.

Or you can use cherry tomatoes, they are small and elastic, and. As with the use of some tomatoes, and with other vegetables.

When laying out, first put greens and spices, then cucumbers. Then greens again, and already tomatoes. Place greens on top as well.

There are also two fills, as already described. We use salt, sugar, vinegar essence and aspirin as preservatives (2.5 tablets per 3-liter jar).

So this recipe is universal. According to him, we prepared assorted dishes, according to him today I brought to your attention a recipe for cucumbers, and now this option.

But in fact, there are a lot of recipes for cooking cucumbers with tomatoes. And here is one of these recipes I would like to offer you to watch in video format.

Tomatoes themselves are an excellent preservative, as they contain a lot of acid in their composition. And they are even offered to be closed with screw caps.

So choose a recipe to your taste and cook as you like best, and according to the recipe that you liked more.

Canned Cucumbers with Citric Acid

According to the previous recipes, we made blanks without sterilizing the jars. And using this recipe as an example, I would like to tell you how to preserve with sterilization.

Usually sterilization is required for fruits in which vinegar is not added. And although in this recipe we will add citric acid to the marinade, we cannot do without additional protection for successful storage.

We will need (for a 3-liter jar):

  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • garlic - 3 - 4 cloves
  • dill with seeds - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • horseradish - 0.5 sheet (or 1 teaspoon grated)
  • black peppercorns - 4 - 5 pcs
  • allspice - 3 - 4 pcs

For brine per 1 liter of water:

  • salt - 1/4 cup or 3 half tablespoons
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • citric acid - 1 tbsp. the spoon


1. Wash jars and lids with soda and sterilize.

2. Soak the fruits in cold water for 2-3 hours. Then wash thoroughly and cut off the ends.

Do not use very large specimens, medium-sized or medium-sized vegetables are suitable for this recipe.

3. Put all the seasonings and herbs in a jar. Then lay out the cucumbers. For the best salting it is better to place them in a vertical position. But you can lay out in this way, especially if the fruits are small.

4. A three-liter jar will need about 1.5 liters of water. Therefore, all the ingredients for the brine will need to be taken in the right amount.

5. Put the water in the pan on the gas. Add salt, sugar and citric acid and bring to a boil.

6. Pour boiling brine into jars under the very neck. Cover with a metal lid.

7. Put a rag in a large saucepan and pour some water. Slightly heat it on gas and put the jar with all the contents. Add more hot water if necessary.

Ideally, the water should reach the shoulders of the jar, or a little less.

8. Bring to a boil and note the time. For sterilization, we need 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. This is for a three liter jar.

9. Through due time remove the jar with tongs, make sure that the lid does not open. If air gets into the jar, then it will certainly not be able to be stored for a long time, and in the worst case, it will “explode” altogether.

So take your time and take it carefully.

If, after all, such a nuisance happened, and the lid still moved slightly, then you need to add boiling water to the very neck, cover again and sterilize again for 15 minutes. But in this case, the cucumbers will not turn out crispy, they will simply be digested.

10. Screw on the lid using a special machine. Turn the jar over, put it on the lid and cover with a blanket. Leave in this position until completely cooled.

11. Then turn over to the usual position and store in a dark, cool place.

Canned sweet cucumbers in liter jars

It is very convenient to preserve cucumbers in liter jars, especially when the family is not very large. You open such a jar in winter, and you immediately eat it in the hunt. And it won't stay in the fridge for sure.

In liter jars, you can preserve according to any of the recipes proposed today. But for a change, I offer this version of a sweet blank.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - depending on the size
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • dill - 2 umbrellas
  • horseradish leaf - 1/3 part
  • cherry leaf - 2 - 3 pcs
  • currant leaf - 2 pcs
  • cloves - 1 bud
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs
  • allspice - 1 pc.
  • vinegar essence 70% - 0.5 tsp

For brine:

For a liter jar very densely filled with fruits, you will need about half a liter of water. For this amount, the required amount of salt and sugar is given.

  • salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • sugar - 2.5 tbsp. spoons


1. Pour cucumbers with cold water and let stand for 2 - 3 hours. Then wash them in clean water and cut off the ends. Lay out on a towel to drain the water.

2. Wash the greens, you can scald it with boiling water and also put it on a towel. Peel the garlic. And immediately prepare all the spices, salt and sugar.

3. In a sterilized jar, put half the prescribed portion of a horseradish leaf. If approximately, then this is a strip 4 - 5 cm from a normal sheet. Then put an umbrella of dill, a leaf of cherry and currant.

Immediately put all the spices and spices and garlic.

4. Lay out the cucumbers. Try to take them in a small size and stack very tightly to each other. In the first row, you can put them next to each other vertically. And only then put the smallest of them on top, that is, horizontally.

5. Leave room for dill, another cherry leaf, currant and horseradish.

6. Boil boiling water in a kettle and pour the contents up to the very neck. Cover with a sterilized lid. Leave for 10 - 15 minutes. The criterion of readiness can be the fact that you can calmly take the jar in your hands.

7. In the meantime, boil the water for the brine, add the prescribed amount of salt and sugar to it, and when it boils, pour in the vinegar essence, then let it boil again.

8. Pour out of the can warm water and pour boiling brine, under the very neck. If there was not enough brine, then add boiling water from the kettle. And it is best to make a brine with a margin.

9. Cover immediately. Let stand closed for two to three minutes to remove air bubbles, if any. But don't open the lid.

10. Then twist it with a special seaming machine.

11. Turn the jar over and place it upside down under a blanket or blanket. Leave in this position until completely cooled. Then turn over again and put in a dark cool place for storage.

Such a blank is stored well, and you can store it in the apartment in the pantry.

If you want to prepare several liter jars, then simply proportionally multiply the amount of all ingredients by the number of jars.

According to the same recipe, you can harvest even in three-liter, even in two-liter jars. 750 gram jars with screw caps are also suitable.

Preparation with mustard for storage in the apartment

In fact, of course, all today's recipes are intended for storage in an apartment, and this has already been proven many times over. But here is another one of these recipes that may come in handy in your piggy bank.

It is not quite ordinary, and its unusualness is that such a preparation is prepared in a marinade using mustard. Try this canning option. He is also good and has a lot of fans.

Slightly sharp, sour-sweet cucumbers are obtained as a result of this preparation.

Also here, you can see how to sterilize and seal jars. For young hostesses who are just gaining experience, this will be very useful.

And if you like such spicy spicy cucumbers there is a whole article on this subject. It gives a lot interesting recipes using mustard, both in finished form, in seeds and simply in powder. You can get to know the recipes better.

Or maybe someone will be interested in sour vegetables. And for such lovers there is also a certain way

In today's recipes, I tried to offer you only time-tested recipes. All of them are united by the fact that they invariably produce very tasty and crispy blanks. Therefore, feel free to choose any of the recipes and make preparations for the winter.

How to preserve cucumbers so that they are tasty and crispy

These tips will come in handy for any of the chosen methods, so be sure to take them into account.

  • before canning, be sure to soak the fruits in cold water for several hours

  • cut off the ends on both sides and taste the fruits so that they are not bitter
  • fill the jars with fruits very tightly so that you can no longer put any of them in
  • so that all fruits are salted evenly, take them of the same size for each of the cans
  • be sure to use a horseradish leaf, it will not allow the brine to become cloudy
  • use cherry and blackcurrant leaves, they give the necessary crunchiness to the fruit
  • a sprig of tarragon gives flavor barrel cucumbers and keeps them tight and firm
  • do not put a lot of garlic, it softens the fruit
  • use coarse, non-iodized salt for salting
  • for better storage of blanks in an apartment at room temperature before seaming, pour them two or three times with boiling water directly in the jar, each time draining the cooled water. Keep it for 5 - 7 minutes, then drain. Only for the third time fill with brine, and after pouring the vinegar, roll it up.
  • be sure to sterilize empty jars and lids
  • do not use preservation on which the lid is swollen. It's life-threatening!

These are the basic rules that will allow you to eat delicious cucumbers all winter.

If after reading, or during canning, you have any questions, then ask them in the comments. If I get in touch, I will try to answer you as soon as possible. But of course, it's better to ask questions in advance, since I'm not always at the computer. And sometimes they ask a question right from the place of cooking, and I can only see it after two or three hours. And I can imagine how worried a person is who is not answered on time.

Please treat this with understanding!

But I hope that I wrote everything clearly and in detail, in any case, I tried to make it happen!

Cook, and let you always get the most delicious preparations.

Enjoy your meal!