The largest nut in the world. Types, names and benefits of nuts

Botanical name: Walnut(Juglans regia). Representative of the genus Walnut, the Nut family.

Homeland of the walnut: Central Asia, Caucasus.

Lighting: light-loving, shade-tolerant.

The soil: fertile, well drained.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 30 m.

average life expectancy: 1000 years.

Landing: seeds, vegetatively.

What a walnut looks like: photo of the tree and its fruits

Walnut is a tall tree, reaching up to 30 m in height. It has a wide, spreading crown with numerous branches extending at right angles. The root system is powerful, spreading over a radius of about 20 m. At the age of 80 years, the main root reaches a depth of 5-7 m, lateral roots - 12 m. The root system does not form shoots, but after the death of its above-ground part, shoots appear from the root collar. The tree trunk is straight, up to 2 m in diameter. The bark is light gray, fissured.

The leaves are compound, alternate, imparipinnate, entire, sometimes serrated in the upper part, consisting of 5-9 elongated ovate leaves. The length of the leaf blade can reach 4-7 cm. The leaves have a strong specific smell.

The flowers are small and green in color. Male ones in thick multi-flowered earrings, collected in the axils of the leaves. Females are single or collected in 2-3 pieces, formed on the tops of annual branches. Flowering occurs in late April - early May, simultaneously with or before the leaves bloom. Lasts 15 days. Flowers are pollinated by the wind or pollen from neighboring trees.

You can see how a walnut blooms in the photo, which proves that the tree looks very impressive during this period. The fruits are false drupes containing one four-lobed seed covered with a thin film. The peel is thick, hard, finely wrinkled, smooth, sometimes lumpy. Shell thickness – 0.5 – 1.5 mm. Thick-shelled nuts have a shell thickness of 2.2 mm. When fully ripe, the shell bursts and divides into two parts. The fruits ripen in late August - early September. Their weight and size depend on the variety and place of growth. They can be small, weighing up to 8 g, medium, weighing 9-10 g, or large, weighing more than 12 g. The shape of the nuts is round, oval, ovoid or obovate.

The plant begins to bear fruit 8-12 years after planting. The richest harvests are produced by 50-60 year old trees. From one individual you can get from 10 to 300 kg of fruits per year (depending on age and growing conditions). So, from a 9-year-old plant, on average, 5 kg of fruits are obtained per year, from 20 - 100 kg, from 30 - 150 kg, from 40 - 200 kg, 50 - 250 kg. Especially large harvests are taken from trees standing alone.

Walnut is long-lived. Grown in a garden plot, it can live up to 200-500 years. In the wild - up to 1000 years and longer.

When describing the walnut, one cannot fail to mention that this plant has a high shoot-restorative ability and quickly recovers after pruning the crown or freezing in severe frosts.

In the photo presented in our gallery, everything can be seen characteristics walnut.

Where is the walnut grown and how does it bloom (with photo)

The tree’s homeland is Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Iran, where, according to the historical version, this culture was known 8,000 years ago. It grows wild on the northern, western and eastern mountain slopes, in gorges, and along river valleys. It settles at an altitude of 1500-2000 m above sea level. It grows singly or in small groups, occasionally forming groves.

Today, walnuts are grown in China, India, Japan, Greece, Malaya and Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Western Europe, Ukraine and other countries with warm climates. In Russia, it is cultivated in the south of the European part, for example, in the Kuban, Stavropol Territory, Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region. Cold-resistant varieties have been bred for northern regions, but the plant cannot withstand severe frosts. Walnut is cultivated in the form of single trees and large plantations. Its main producers: USA, China, Türkiye, Moldova.

The tree is propagated by seeds and vegetative methods. During seed propagation, all quality features varieties. Seeds from last year's harvest have the highest germination potential. Two- and three-year harvests are characterized by reduced germination.

You can learn more about walnuts by watching the following video:

The fruits of this tree are valuable product food with high taste qualities. Their nutritional value is superior to meat. The kernel contains fats (60-70%), proteins (9-15%), carbohydrates (5-15%). In addition, they contain glucose, sucrose, starch, tannins, vitamins, minerals, pectins, and fiber. The tannin content gives the walnut a tart, slightly astringent taste.

The kernels are eaten mainly raw. No processing required. Widely used in confectionery industry in the manufacture of cakes, halva, pastries and other products.

Oil is obtained from walnut kernels and is used for food and technical purposes.

The cake is used to feed livestock.

The wood is easy to process, polishes well, has a beautiful pattern, and therefore is a valuable raw material for the production of furniture and finishing plywood.

Black dye is obtained from the shell of the fruit, which is used for dyeing fabrics.

Many gardeners know firsthand how walnuts bloom, since they grow this crop for decorative purposes. During the flowering and fruiting period, the tree looks very unusual and attractive. In addition, the plant is planted along roads, in parks and squares for landscaping cities. Thanks to its powerful root system, it is also used to strengthen ravines.

When purchasing this product, you should know what a high-quality edible walnut looks like. It is better to choose large fruits with thin shells, or give preference to elongated oval-shaped fruits, since the shells of round ones are thicker, therefore, their core is smaller. The shell should not have cracks, damage or scratches. Good kernels are dense and elastic, with a golden hue, covered with a thin film. As a rule, light-weight fruits turn out to be empty.

After collection, the nuts are dried in the sun or in a ventilated area for 2-3 days, turning daily. Dry fruits are placed in wooden boxes or fabric bags and stored in a dry, dark place, where they will be stored for about 6 months.

Previously, this plant was called the “tree of life”, because since ancient times it has been used for restoration and healing.

Hippocrates in his writings, when describing the walnut tree, said that with its help it is possible to treat diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, and activate brain function.

In ancient times, the tree symbolized wealth or prosperity, as it brought abundant harvests. Among the Greeks, it was customary to give its fruits as a gift for holidays. In Rus', walnuts were grown in monasteries and used in medicinal purposes. For this, all its parts were used: bark, leaves, fruits, branches.

In the Caucasus and Moldova, there is a long-standing tradition of planting this crop as a dowry after the birth of a child.

The walnut tree can be seen in the photo below:

Taste and beneficial features These wonderful fruits are probably known to all our readers. Do you know which varieties are characterized by winter hardiness, high yield, resistance to pests and diseases, and excellent fruit quality? We will tell you about this in this article.

Walnut: description

Many have seen this powerful deciduous tree. It has a developed root system. The fruits of this tree are dry drupes with fleshy, inedible fruits. They dry out and crack when ripe. The size of the fruits is small, large or medium. Their shape depends on the type of tree - round, oval, oval-oblong, oblong-compressed from the sides, ovoid, etc.

The shell has an almost smooth, finely and coarsely wrinkled, sometimes bumpy surface with numerous cells. All varieties are both moisture- and heat-loving crops, capable of developing and producing crops only in warm, southern regions; they prefer moist lands. The nut grows and develops well where the average annual air temperature is at least +10 °C, and in the warmest month the air warms up to +25 °C. This is why in the middle zone most walnut fruits do not have time to ripen.

Today, there are many varieties and varieties of this tree, characterized by resistance to minor frosts and diseases and pleasant taste. Many of them produce excellent harvests.


Descriptions of walnut varieties today can be found in all publications on gardening, so every summer resident can try to grow this tree on his plot. Any soil is suitable for it. It is important to dig a hole, the depth of which will be at least a meter, and the diameter will be approximately fifty centimeters. Before transferring the seedlings to the hole, place them in water for two days. If you do everything correctly, in three to four years the tree will delight you with its first harvest.

Popular varieties

Gardeners in our country note several varieties that are in high demand and considered the best. They are selected according to several criteria. Thin-shelled, large round nuts are of particular value.

Today, 21 varieties of walnuts are cultivated in our country. However, some of them are grown more often than others. These primarily include varieties such as “ideal” and “giant”. We will tell you more about them below. In regions of Russia where the winter is not too severe, early-fruiting forms are planted, which were obtained by breeders from the Tashkent region.

Walnut: “ideal” variety

In the fifties of the last century, breeder from Fergana S.S. Kalmykov developed a new variety of early-fruiting nut. It begins to bear fruit in the fifth year. Walnuts (the “ideal” variety) have inflorescences that form a cluster on which several nuts appear at once. Main feature This variety has the possibility of a second flowering with many nut ovaries.

By the time this variety was received, a series of articles about early-fruiting nuts bred in Fergana appeared in magazines. Many varieties of S.S. Kalmykov began to bear fruit at the age of two. They were short (no more than 2 m), and 10-18 fruits were set in the cluster. These articles caused a furor among gardeners. Letters from all over the Soviet Union began to arrive to the famous breeder.

The rather large walnut of the “ideal” variety has won recognition among Russian gardeners for its high frost resistance. It can withstand frosts down to -35 degrees. Seeds are planted in the fall in the ground to a depth of 10 centimeters. At the end of June (next year) the first shoots appear, and by autumn the seedling grows up to fifty centimeters. It is important that there is no need to cover young trees for the winter.

“Ideal” needs an abundance of sunlight; it does not tolerate shading well. The tree develops and grows well on loamy carbonate soils, moderately moist. The tree has a powerful, wide root system, so the nut should be planted away from various buildings. Flowering begins in May, fruits can be collected at the end of September. The flowers are collected in inflorescences, from which clusters of nuts are formed.

After three years, the nut begins to bear fruit. As the tree grows, its yield increases. It grows on average up to five meters. It has a good yield (120 kg). These figures refer to an adult plant (12 years old). The mass of kernels is on average 10-12 grams.


Varieties walnuts, which are in demand in our country today, are also worthily represented by the early-ripening “dessert”. This is a medium-sized tree (3 meters in height), with a spreading crown.

The variety is resistant to drought, the tree bears sweet-tasting fruits in a strong shell. This variety is intended for cultivation in the south of our country, since during severe frosts the flower buds and wood of the tree are affected. In the fourth year after planting, the tree begins to bear fruit. This variety is characterized by stable and abundant yields. The fruits ripen in mid-September. On average, up to 25 kg of nuts are removed from one tree. The weight of the kernels is up to 15 grams. This variety can be classified as large-fruited.

Black Walnut

This is a wind-pollinated monoecious plant. The height of the tree reaches fifty meters. The length of the feathery leaves reaches forty centimeters with a width of twenty centimeters. They have a pronounced balsamic scent. Such a tree bears fruit in its tenth year.

The fruits of black walnuts are covered with a thick, durable peel. They are larger than traditional ones, and their core is much darker and has numerous grooves. Black walnut husks are rich in vitamins (especially vitamin C).

The black walnut kernel contains proteins, carbohydrates and oils. The leaves of this tree and pericarp are used in the manufacture of some medicines(in particular for dietary supplements).

Black walnut is a light-loving plant. Not particularly picky about heat. This is a winter-hardy variety, however, in the first years after planting the plant is sensitive to frost. Therefore, it is recommended to cover it at this time. Black walnut tolerates excess moisture well and can withstand flooding of the soil for 1.5 months.

The soil for this variety is preferably neutral or slightly alkaline. It should be mulched and loose. The tree needs protection from the wind.


Walnut varieties, photos of which you can see in this article, ripen at different times. “Graceful” is a mid-early variety because it bears fruit at the end of September. The tree reaches a height of five meters, has a powerful structure and a dense, well-leafed crown.

Characteristic features of this species are drought resistance and natural immunity to many diseases and pests. The plant tolerates frost moderately: wood and flower buds are affected only during severe frosts.

The first harvest appears in the fifth year. One tree produces more than twenty kilograms of fruit, with good taste. Core weight - 11 grams.


This is a fairly tall tree (up to 6 meters in height) and has a broad oval crown. Fruiting usually begins in the fourth year. The variety is classified as mid-season, since the nuts ripen at the end of September.

The variety is winter-hardy and slightly sensitive to brown spot and other diseases. It has good regular yield. About thirty kilograms of fruit are collected from one tree. Kernel with great taste, weighing 9-11 grams.


Some walnut varieties begin to bear fruit as early as the fourth year. An example of this is “abundant”. The tree has a maximum height of five meters. This variety does not tolerate negative temperatures well, so it should not be planted in the northern regions of the country. It should be noted that it is resistant to a very common disease - brown spot.

Nuts are formed in clusters - 3 fruits on each. Sometimes a bunch consists of eight or more nuts. The tree has a high yield - up to 30 kilograms of nuts with a kernel weight of 12 grams. This variety is very loved by gardeners because of its excellent taste.


The “giant” variety of walnut is slightly similar to the “ideal” one, but this tree bears fruit in its sixth year. The tree grows surprisingly quickly and reaches a height of five meters. It has a lush crown, rounded (10 grams). The harvest is produced regularly, mainly on the apical branches. About one hundred kilograms of thin-shelled fruits are collected from the tree. The plant is resistant to many diseases that are typical for walnuts (for example, brown spot).

Walnut: large-fruited varieties

There are much fewer such varieties, which is probably why they are of particular interest to breeders. We have already told you about the “ideal” and “dessert” varieties, which can fully be classified as large-fruited.

Giant varieties

According to experts, one of the largest varieties is the Bomba variety (Moldova). Its fruits weigh thirty grams. Thanks to the thick peel, this fruit looks much larger than its actual weight - two nuts can hardly fit into a standard 250-gram glass.

Now scientists are working on its selection. Other interesting varieties have also been bred - “Rudakovsky”, “Prykarpatsky”, “Bukovinsky 2”. There was even a variety called “Bukovinian bomb”. There is clearly a hint of the size of the Moldavian nut.

The fruits of new varieties bred in Ukraine are smaller - their weight does not exceed twenty grams. It should be noted that there are good frost-resistant varieties “Stanislavsky” and “Tula thin-bark”. They produce nuts weighing more than fifteen grams.


Walnut varieties are becoming popular not only due to the size of the fruit. The taste of the product is no less important.
This is a vigorous tree with a dense rounded crown. It blooms quite early. It has a proterandric flowering type. This means that the stamens are about seven days earlier than the pistillates. The best pollinator for this tree is the “Skinossky” variety.

The nuts are very large. The average fruit weight reaches nineteen grams. The shape is round, slightly ribbed, with a rounded top and a flat base. The shell is not very thin, dense. The kernel is large and when the nut is broken it separates completely. The core film is yellow. The kernel is oily, with a pleasant taste.

"Memory of Minov"

Not all large-fruited varieties of walnuts are widespread in our country. For example, this beautiful medium-ripening variety. It is classified as a large-fruited variety of nut.

The tree grows quickly, it is powerful, with a crown of medium density. Flowering is homogamous. The fruits mainly ripen on the apical branches. Fruiting is regular and occurs in the sixth year after planting. Large-fruited walnut of the “Pamyat Minova” variety is very large, slightly flattened, slightly ribbed. The average kernel weight is 15.2 grams, the maximum is 18.5 grams. The nut has a thin shell, its thickness is 1.0 mm. This variety belongs to the table variety.

We presented to you the best varieties walnuts. Of course, this is not a complete list. We recommend that everyone who is interested in these plants and their fruits look through gardening publications, where descriptions of new products from Russian and foreign breeders are regularly published.

Nuts are a vivid illustration of the fact that even in the smallest form a large amount of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins can be concentrated. By eating just a handful of nuts, you can saturate your body with the daily requirement of a particular vitamin. The benefits of nuts are obvious: they are good for both our health and beauty. But at the same time, each type of nut has its own specific characteristics, properties and composition. We will tell you about the 10 healthiest nuts.

Walnuts are the most accessible and familiar to us, and therefore are traditionally used in our diet. We value them for their high content of essential fatty acids, not only omega-3, but also omega-6, which have a beneficial effect on heart health and help fight arrhythmia. Walnuts improve brain function and memory, strengthen the immune system, provide our body with vitamins A, E, D, C, as well as iodine and phosphorus. Walnuts contain 17% protein and are therefore recommended for vegetarian diets.


Most beneficial for the heart. 4-5 nuts contain 100 calories.

2. Brazil nut

As the name suggests, Brazil nuts are the fruit of a tropical tree. They are more expensive than walnuts, but do not be afraid that they will hit your family budget: one nut eaten per day is enough for our body to receive the daily requirement of selenium, known as the microelement of longevity.

Exactly for high content Selenium nuts are considered the most valuable among all types of nuts: 100 grams of these fruits contain 1917 mcg of selenium, while the daily requirement of a woman’s body is 55 mcg, a man’s is 70 mcg.

Important: due to the high selenium content, which is many times higher than our daily requirement, it is contraindicated to consume more than 2-3 nuts per day.


Most useful for immune system. 3 large nuts contain 100 calories.

Hazelnuts are one of the most oily types of nuts: they contain about 60% oils consisting of organic acids. The nut has a very rich composition: it consists of 20% protein, 13% carbohydrates, and also includes a whole range of minerals. Hazelnuts are one of the leaders in the content of folic acid, which is necessary for a healthy pregnancy, and vitamin E prevents the risk of pregnancy interruption. Hazelnuts contain many other B vitamins that have a beneficial effect on nervous system, and potassium and calcium are good for the heart.

Due to the abundance of vitamins and oils, hazelnuts are appropriate in the diet of people who are exhausted after illness. The high content of manganese, which strengthens bones, makes it beneficial for children.


Most useful for of cardio-vascular system, for pregnancy. 100 grams of hazelnuts contain 679 kcal.

4. Peanuts

Peanuts are one of the most affordable and easiest nuts to grow. Peanuts are valued for their high content of folic acid, which plays important role in brain development and function, as well as during pregnancy. And thanks to the high content of easily digestible protein (peanuts are 30% protein), they are indispensable for a vegetarian diet.

Use peanuts with caution - they are a strong allergen! The daily norm is no more than 20 pieces (about 30 g).


Most useful for brain function and pregnancy. 100 g of peanuts contain 567 calories.

Almonds are one of the most common nuts in cooking (although, in fact, it is not really a nut, but a drupe of the fruit of the almond tree). He is highly valued nutritional value─ almonds quickly satisfy your appetite and have a special sweetish taste. However, it is better not to overuse almonds: so that the body receives from it maximum benefit, 28 grams of almonds per day is enough, that is, just a couple of grains.

Almonds are champions in the content of vitamin E, calcium, B vitamins, which strengthen our immunity and are indispensable for healthy teeth, skin and hair. One of our top ten in terms of magnesium content. At the same time, nuts bring invaluable benefits to the heart: they reduce the risk of hypertension and heart attacks.

Please note: sweet almonds are used in cooking, while bitter almonds are used only to add flavor, since they large quantities may cause severe poisoning.


Most useful for the immune system and for beauty. 13 nuts contain 100 calories.

6. Pistachios

Pistachios are relatively low in fat: despite the fact that fat makes up the majority of the composition (50-60%), they contain only 5-6 g of saturated fat, so they are a healthy addition even to the diet. Nuts contain quite a lot of protein, so they are recommended for vegetarian diets. Rich in vitamin E and potassium, which makes these nuts the most beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

Fresh pistachios are most useful, since salted, toasted nuts reduce all the benefits of the product to nothing. They can be used in desserts and baked goods, as well as in salads with vegetables. The daily norm is no more than 10-15 cores.


Most beneficial for the heart. 30 nuts contain 100 calories.

Pecan is a close relative of the walnut and appearance, and in taste, only pecan has a more subtle and sweetish taste. Pecans are one of the fattest nuts in our top ten (70% fat), so they're not the most the best choice for a dietary diet. In addition, while high in calories, they have low protein content compared to other nuts.

However, this nut is useful as a source of unsaturated fats, vitamins (A, B, C, E), micro- and macroelements.

Pecans can be eaten raw or roasted in the oven, added to salads and baked goods. Please note that due to their high fat content, unshelled nuts cannot be stored for long or they will become rancid.


Most useful for immunity, when exhausted. 100 g of nuts contain 691 calories.

8. Cashew

Cashews are one of the most beloved nuts around the world due to their smooth, creamy flavor. They are valued for their high content of vitamin A and B vitamins. Nuts are low in calories, so they will become good addition any diet. Cashews are especially rich in copper (100 g of nuts contains the daily requirement of this element), as well as magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, thanks to which nuts improve bone strength and protect against osteoporosis. Cashews strengthen the immune system, help lower cholesterol, and are good for the heart.

But be careful: cashews are one of the most allergenic nuts.

One of the most popular recipes using these nuts - nut milk. To prepare milk you need 1 cup of nuts. Cashews are soaked in three glasses of drinking water and left overnight. In the morning, strain the nuts, refill with four glasses of drinking water, and grind in a blender until the liquid turns white. The milk is filtered; honey and vanilla can be added for taste.


Most useful for bones and the immune system. 11 nuts contain 100 calories.

Chestnut fruits are most often baked and fried, added to desserts, and chestnut flour is used in the preparation of all kinds of baked goods. Please note that we are talking about noble chestnut (real chestnut), but in Russia edible species chestnuts are not grown, but they can be freely found on sale.

Chestnuts are valued for their high content of vitamin C and A, and tannins (due to the latter, chestnuts are not recommended for consumption raw). Chestnut is the least fatty of our dozen types of nuts (about 2 g of fat in the composition), but at the same time they contain up to 60% starch. Chestnuts are a good source of insoluble fiber, which makes them good for the gastrointestinal tract.


Most useful for the gastrointestinal tract. 100 g of chestnut contains 182 calories.

10. Pine nuts

Pine nuts are the leaders on our list in terms of the content of important amino acids. Moreover, the amino acids in this vegetable product even more than in meat. Oily nuts have a delicate creamy taste with distinct notes of pine. They are used in the preparation of desserts, vegetable dishes and salads.

Pine nuts are valued for their high content of monounsaturated fats and vitamins. 100 g of nuts contain four daily norm manganese - and this is our health digestive system and proper digestion of food. At the same time, there is practically no fiber in the nuts - the nuts are very delicate.

Pine nuts taste quite fatty, they are nutritious and high in calories, but at the same time they help you lose weight, since even a small handful of nuts makes you feel full, so you don’t have to worry about overeating. The daily norm of nuts is 20-40 grams.


Most beneficial for the digestive system. 100 g of nuts contain 673 calories.


They say that all nuts are equally healthy, rich in fats, proteins, and vitamins. Meanwhile, as we have already seen, some types are richer in fats, others - vitamins E or A, others provide daily norm potassium, and the fourth contains the most folic acid. Thus, each nut has its own properties, but they all deserve to be present in our daily diet.

These are the fruits of mainly trees or shrubs that grow with shells, including soft ones. The value of such products is that they consist of 50–60% fats, healthy, unsaturated fats. Such substances reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and protect the heart and blood vessels. In addition, nuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acid, which are necessary for brain function (these are only found in fish and seeds).

For health, it is enough to eat 5 nuts daily.


Peanut (groundnut) is an annual low herbaceous plant of the legume family, growing in countries with a warm and humid climate. The peanut flower, on a long stalk, emerges from the axil at the base of the leaf petiole attached to the stem. The yellow groundnut flower blooms for only one day. After pollination, an ovary is formed, and the long pedicel begins to gradually descend towards the ground. The ovary of the future fruit reaches the soil and buries itself in the ground. This is where the peanuts ripen.

Brazilian nut

This is one of the largest tree nuts. The fruits of the Bertoletia tree are round or oval in shape with a hard, woody shell. The fruit sizes reach 10-15 cm in diameter and 1-2 kg in weight. Inside the nut there are from 8 to 24 kernels with a thin leathery skin and tasty pulp inside. After pollination, the kernels mature within 14 months. They are the ones that are used.

water chestnut

Rogulnik, Chilim floating(lat. Trapa natans)
annual plant growing in water. The flexible stem is attached to the bottom by last year's nuts, like an anchor. When the water level rises, the stem breaks away from the ground and becomes free-floating until it takes root again in shallow water. The water chestnut has been known since ancient times - its shells are even found in excavations from the interglacial period. Previously, chilim was also extremely popular in Russia - it was sold in the markets by the whole cartload.


Tree of the nut family, height from 4 to 25 m or more, trunk diameter reaches 1.5 m. The crown is dense, wide-rounded. The leaves are large, up to 20 - 40 cm long, imparipinnate, falling off in winter, fragrant (from essential oil). The fruits - walnuts - have a thick leathery-fibrous skin and a strong stone; When ripeness approaches, the fruit peel dries, bursts into two parts and separates by itself, the seed does not open by itself.


There are about 30 species of these trees or shrubs. It has long been bred for its fruits, sometimes reaching a great age, up to 1000 years. The wood is very durable and is used for cooperage and carpentry. Mealy and sweetish chestnut fruits are an item of trade in southern countries. Now you can buy different varieties chestnuts, but the most popular Christmas variety is sweet chestnuts. They are grown in many parts of the world, but be careful not to try the ornamental varieties growing on the streets.

Pine nuts

The generalized name for the seeds of several species of plants from the genus Pine, the so-called cedar pines, which produce edible seeds. In Russia, the seeds of the Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica) are most often called pine nuts. Pine nuts are small, pale yellow kernels with bright taste, they are almost always sold shelled. Spicy taste Pine nuts become brighter when toasted when they begin to release their oil.


An evergreen heat-loving tree of the Sumakhov family. The homeland of cashews is Brazil and other countries of South America. But thanks to excellent taste qualities Its cashew fruit has become widespread and is currently grown in almost all countries of the world with a warm climate. The largest exporters of cashews are Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Vietnam, Thailand, as well as countries in Central and South America.
The cashew fruit consists of two parts: the fruit itself, the so-called cashew apple, and the hard-shelled nut attached to the top of the fruit.


Large round fruit coconut tree with a hard, fuzzy shell, thin brown skin, white flesh, eaten fresh or dried, flakes or grated. A good coconut should definitely have milk splashing around, you can hear it clearly. Coconut is a plant of the Palm family (Arecaceae) and the only species of the genus Cocos. Don't forget that coconut is a good laxative.


The kola nut grows on a beautiful evergreen tree, which is classified as a steculium plant. It can reach a height of 20 meters, and in appearance it somewhat resembles a chestnut. This tree begins to bear fruit only in the tenth year and produces about 40 kilograms of nuts per year. The fruit is quite large and can reach a length of about 5 cm. Each of them contains almost ten rose-smelling seeds, which are kola nuts. Initially, these seeds may seem bitter, although you quickly get used to their taste. It is worth noting that the fruit contains three times more caffeine than coffee beans.


high-calorie Australian nut. This type of nut is considered the most expensive in the world because it is difficult to grow, it is susceptible to pest attacks, and the tree itself begins to bear fruit only in 8-10 years. Macadamia ripens under the hot sun for 6-7 months. Ripe nut It has a spherical shape and a diameter of 1.5-2 cm. The core is covered with a hard-to-remove leathery green-brown shell. In factory conditions, an automatic line with two rollers is used to remove the shell. The distance between the shafts is specially made smaller than the average size of the nut; as a result, the shell bursts and crumbles, and the kernels remain intact and move for further processing.


Shrub or small tree from the subgenus Almond (Amygdalus) of the genus Plum. Almonds are often classified as nuts, although they are actually stone fruits. Almonds are similar in size and shape to peach pits.
Almonds grow on rocky and gravelly slopes at an altitude of 800 to 1600 m above sea level (Bukhara almond reaches 2500 m), preferring soils rich in calcium. It grows in small groups of 3-4 individuals, spaced 5-7 meters from each other.


This is the core of the bony part of the fruit of the nutmeg tree, which grows for almost 100 years, but actively bears fruit only for the first 40 years. In one fruitful year, the plant can produce more than 10 thousand fruits, which have the color and size of a large apricot. When fully ripe, the fruits burst in half. The nut itself is nothing more than a seed inside a seed and to separate it, the seeds are first dried in the sun and then peeled from the tree-like shell.


Tree of the genus Caria, nut family. The height of this tree can reach 50 m or more, and the diameter up to 2.5 m. The pecan’s homeland is considered to be North America, where it has long been cultivated for its fruits (“nuts” with tasty, nutritious seeds). In the USSR, pecans were cultivated in small areas, mainly in the Caucasus. In the central southern part of the United States, pecans have been a staple product of the Native Americans since ancient times. The American Indians knew that they could harvest this valuable nut, rich in what we today call "nutritive values", and store it long time in a shell, which seals valuable properties, prevents spoilage and blocks access to oxygen and pests that destroy the nut.