Turnip leaf benefits and harms. Healing properties and chemical composition of turnips. The benefits of turnips for joints - recipes.

On the agenda is a tasty and nutritious root crop, undeservedly forgotten by many. The health benefits and harms of turnips have been known for thousands of years. The homeland of the vegetable is the Middle East. In the old days, turnip was considered the main dish on the peasant table. Only in Ancient Rome beneficial features cultivated plant was appreciated by the nobility and included dishes from it in the menu. In Russia, it firmly occupied its place and was considered an indispensable vegetable until the 18th century, until the imported potato replaced the “Queen of the Garden”.

So she got to the skete where the old monk lived. When he heard the noise, the monk came out of his cell and saw the bear and the beater. He took off his monk's coat, sucked on his sleeves, stepped out in front of the bear, caught his ears, and began to tremble like a lamb. The emperor was surprised and asked where he had so much power. He replied that he had a vine, a shrub that produced grapes in autumn. Trivial collects it and puts it in the attic all year round. When the emperor came out of the hunt, he gave a firm command: From now on, the vineyard will have the freedom to grow throughout the kingdom, to share any of its gifts, but only to be worthy of grasping and Keep the bear in your ears.

Now the previously forgotten root crop is increasingly appearing on the table and being eaten. The culture is distinguished by unpretentious cultivation and high yield.

Turnip composition

The vegetable culture contains a unique complex of valuable compounds, minerals and vitamins that support human health.

  • needed for cell regeneration.
  • Glucoraphanin is an important element for the life of the body. It is responsible for preventing the development of cancer, controls blood sugar levels.
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, E, PP, provitamin A.
  • Organic acids - linolenic, oleic, folic, linoleic, palmitic. They strengthen nervous system and cell structure.
  • Trace elements - sulfur, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus.

Sulfur is responsible for cleansing the blood, its disinfection, breaks down kidney stones. The high content of magnesium restores strength and flexibility to the bones. Thanks to him, the body's resistance to viruses increases, protective properties increase, calcium is absorbed.

Phytotherapeutic recommendations - internal grapes have a special effect on the digestive system, especially on tonic properties, are useful for dyspepsia, gastrointestinal asthenia. Grapes are useful in hepatitis as well as cholera properties.

Significant diuretic and depurative priorities make grapes an invaluable adjunct to kidney diseases, including lithiasis, skin diseases, rheumatism, gout. They have a hypotensive effect and lower cholesterol levels in the cardiovascular system and are also used for arthrosis.

It is interesting!

In terms of usefulness for immune system the turnip outstripped even the orange.

Both the root crop and the leaves are rich in vitamins and beneficial compounds. Regular use vegetables will replenish the reserves of missing trace elements in the body. The beneficial properties of turnips determine its use in cooking, traditional medicine, cosmetology and dietology.

Contraindications for the treatment of grapes: There are a number of contraindications to the use of grapes in the treatment, which we must consider and do not risk our health for the sake of experience. Not recommended for patients with diabetes, obesity, endocrine and pituitary, gastric and duodenal ulcers, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, gallbladder empyema, etc. chronic diseases kidney, colitis, diarrhea, tooth decay and stomatitis. And the fact that pregnant women and nursing mothers will not want to eat grapes or if they consume in small quantities and after consulting a doctor, they know that many of you are one of the reasons: they are very nutritious, they can increase blood glucose levels, can lead to overgrowth of the fetus, some varieties of smallpox can reduce hemoglobin levels.

Useful properties of vegetables

Turnip has a low calorie content - 32 kcal per 100 g. But at the expense high content fiber, a person is quickly saturated, does not feel hungry for a long time. The plant consists of 90% water, so the juicy root crop is easily digested and helps to reduce weight.

You also need to keep the following in mind: if you follow the grape remedy, when you eat a lot of grapes, you should avoid foods that are high in fat, raw milk, beer, others alcoholic beverages, mineral waters, raw vegetables and lots of fruit.

If you do not like the grape treatment, before you do this, you should, however, consult your doctor. You should also know that grapes are a high calorie food. Treating yourself with grapes can add weight if you don't cut out other high-calorie foods and start burning calories by moving hard and working out.

For the body, the product is a source of fiber - it helps cleanse the intestines, removes harmful compounds and toxins, and copes with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and constipation. This compound has a slightly irritating effect on the intestinal muscles.

Useful microelements in the composition of turnips have a sedative effect on the body, which favorably affects the nervous system, calms it and brings it back to normal in case of excessive overvoltage. This plant can be eaten as a substitute for valerian.

Everyone, even diabetics, can enjoy grapes regularly: doctors now want to ban the ban on grapes for diabetic patients. And tooth enamel can be protected from decay by rinsing the mouth with a mild sodium bicarbonate solution after eating grapes.

Grape remedies for some diseases. Green grape juice helps to treat angina pectoris, stomatitis, relieves fever. For external use green grape juice can be used as a facial lotion. If 1-2 kg of grape spores are consumed daily, constipation, hemorrhoids, anemia, biliary and urinary lithiasis, obesity, dermatoses will be treated. This treatment has a laxative effect, eliminating uric acid, diuretic. If you decide to follow the grape pie before starting the treatment, it is advisable to start replacing breakfast with grapes as follows: suppress any other food at breakfast and consume gradually until 400 grams of grapes. If your health concerns are minor, you can limit yourself to this simple, three or four week treatment. If you have more serious conditions after a few days, you can choose an exclusive treatment: 2 to 3 pounds per day - in a few cases - for six days without food and without alcohol. Thanks to its great energy, grapes make the feeling of hunger completely disappear. When the grape cure is followed regularly, the results are excellent. Those who suffer from gout, rheumatism, and osteoarthritis experience obvious relief because this fruit sheds tissue from incompletely burned food waste. Anemic people gain power. A voltage regulator, grapes are useful for hypertensives, but also for antihypertensives. Grape treatment cleanses the kidneys, reduces uric acid, reduces the amount of uric acid, has beneficial effect on the liver. In nutrition, the grape cure is the recommended therapy. We can't let go cardiovascular system on which the grape treatment has a visible tonic effect. Diabetics are not excluded from this treatment because grapes contain slow-burning sugars that are easy to digest. In addition, grape sugar sits less than other sugars. Rickets, people who often suffer from fatigue, those who suffer from demineralization, should also undergo this healthy treatment, which is also indicated in all diseases of the blood and circulation, in arteriosclerosis, etc. during the exceptional treatment, only grapes should be consumed. You can also eat white grapes, black grapes and other varieties. Grape cake. . Unusual fact lies in the fact that grapes give us their medicinal properties without overload digestive system; The stomach is best digested.

The benefit of turnips lies in the fact that it is in in large numbers contains phytoncides. Thanks to them, the culture has pronounced antibacterial properties. Raw mature plant perfectly anesthetizes, disinfects minor wounds and abrasions, is used to relieve inflammation and heal scratches.

Every day, to saturate and replenish the body with missing nutrients, it is enough to eat 200 g of turnip.

Its sugars, which are deposited in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen, are converted into glucose at the least need of the body; because of this, it is the ideal food of all those who perform sports. For this property and many others, grapes are recommended for asthenics and children.

You must eat grapes every day if you want to get through the cold season without any problems, because by boosting our natural immunity, they protect us from the intestines and the flu. Grapes are good for cleansing the intestines, so by tasting them with the skin and kernels, it will allow people suffering from constipation to take advantage of their generosity. Grapes before bed have helped some people get rid of insomnia. . Due to the spraying of the vineyards, it is highly recommended to thoroughly wash each vineyard under running water.

Medicinal properties of the root

For the body useful action vegetable culture is truly inexhaustible.

  • It is believed that some components of the vegetable prevent the occurrence of cancerous tumors, interfere with their development.
  • The systematic use of the root crop in food will increase immunity, relieve vitamin deficiency. Turnip is useful both in raw and thermally processed form.
  • Thanks to its antiseptic action, it promotes the healing of cracks and small wounds, improves the condition of the oral cavity, teeth and gums.
  • A crushed vegetable compress heals joints, reduces pain, swelling, and speeds up recovery.
  • Prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder by improving the activity of the liver, normalizes the secretion of bile.
  • Steamed vegetables and fresh has a positive effect on brain activity, eliminates headaches, improves memory. The juice of the plant can be used as a sleeping pill, it has a weak sedative effect.
  • Turnip is considered a beauty vegetable. Its use has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, nails, teeth, skin of the face and body.
  • The plant improves the digestion of food, has a positive effect on the digestion process, activates intestinal motility, removes harmful compounds, toxins and toxins, and promotes the production of gastric juice.

In addition, a warm decoction of turnips can be used to treat coughs, sore throats, bronchitis and laryngitis. It will help with toothache.

Other recipes and uses. Place in 500 ml of water and boil for about ten minutes. The resulting tea is drunk at five outlets throughout the day. Toning mask for normal skin: bunch of grapes. Crush the grains and moisten the skin with a cotton swab. Leave to act for two or three minutes, then rinse. Osteoporosis - grape treatment can effectively prevent and fight osteoporosis. Hypertension, hypotension - grape treatment is used for both hypertension and hypotension. Diabetes - although grapes are very sweet, they even show up in diabetes, but they are consumed with moderation. Grapes contain sugars that are released slowly and are easily assimilated. Stimulates metabolic processes in the body, appetite. It helps to overcome the chronic state of fatigue. Reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases, because they have a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect. They are also effective against several viruses, including herpes simplex. Indigestion. Grapes help to overcome dyspepsia. It is preferred in case of indigestion and because it is an easy food for the stomach. It has been established that in case of tuberculosis and cancer, the introduction of grapes is beneficial for the body.

  • Asthma: take 150 g of well-washed grapes.
  • Place less than 500 ml of water.
  • Drink three or four glasses throughout the day.
  • Sweeten preferably with honey.
  • Cast: 100 grams of grapes and 100 grams of bear grain strength.
Thus, grapes play a key role in the prevention of many diseases and can be used as a remedy for many diseases.

The use of turnips in cooking

Turnip dishes, whose benefits are invaluable, and harm is minimal when consumed in moderation, are widely used in cooking. It is stewed, boiled, salted, marinated, dried. For nutritional and palatability this root vegetable can be compared with rhubarb and celery.

Easily digestible, rich in vitamins and mineral salts, grapes are refreshing, depurative, give energy, have a diuretic and laxative effect. Useful properties of grapes are not the discovery of our day. The Greeks, Arabs and Romans were well aware of the medicinal effects of these leaves and only practiced grape-based treatments for a few days.

Our Specialist Betty Ratiu, Weight Loss and Body Care Consultant, recommends grapes because they are one of the healthiest fruits for human body. Autumn is recommended for colon cleansing and body detoxification with a grape cure for 2 days.

The leaves and the vegetable itself are great for salads, soups are prepared on their basis. The juice of a cultivated plant is rich in vitamins. From turnips, puree is obtained, which is not inferior to potato puree in taste and valuable substances.

Stewed, boiled or baked "Queen of the Garden" is combined with poultry, fish and meat. The bright taste of the root crop does not require the addition of spices and seasonings. Turnip cooked in sour cream, cream, with apples, greens, with lemon juice, onions, carrots, will be an excellent healthy treat.

To capture the grape's qualities, you can include it in your daily menu along with other foods. Depending on your taste, you can choose between white or red grapes. However, be sure to eat fresh grapes that is ripe, not fruits that are just beginning to ripen or that have passed. You should chew them well, and if you don't have intestinal or digestive issues, you can consume them with the skin and seeds - and the nutrient-rich ones. Grapes from biological cultures are ideal.

Remember to wash them well before eating. Let's look at the properties of a small bean rich in vitamins, sugars, phosphorus, proteins, enzymes, mineral salts and silicon. Anti-aging effect: polyphenols, polyunsaturated fatty acid have antioxidant properties to fight free radicals - the main factors of aging and wrinkles - and soothe irritated skin. In this latter case, grapes can be used in compresses applied directly to problem areas, eliminating them before scrubbing and juicing.

Application in cosmetology

Our ancestors also knew about the effect of turnip pulp on the condition of hair and skin. She gave the face freshness, hair - elasticity and elasticity.

  • Toning mask

Boil the vegetable, chop in a blender, add olive oil(15 ml), carrot juice (15 ml), sour cream (1 tbsp.). Mix all the ingredients, apply on the décolleté and neck for 20 minutes.

It has strong properties: glucose, fructose, sugar content in each grain is very high; We are talking about sugars that are easy to digest and provide a great source of energy for the body. A bouquet of grapes is a special addition for both adults and children, because it is a source of energy not only physical, but also mental.

Detoxification and Drainage: Due to its high potassium content, it has diuretic properties that help eliminate excess lipids. rich in fibers cellulose, composed of cellulose, helps eyelashes more naturally. Helps the Heart and Circulation: vegetable oil containing especially seeds, helps fight cholesterol and promotes blood circulation.

  • Moisturizing mask

Grate fresh root vegetables, mix with honey (1 tsp) and cream. Leave on the face for 10 minutes, then rinse with water and wipe the skin with green tea.

  • Hair Mask

Apply a mixture to dirty hair half an hour before washing your hair: turnip juice (60 ml), burdock oil (15 ml) and freshly squeezed onion juice (5 ml). Mix the ingredients thoroughly, rub into the hair roots. This mask helps to forget about dandruff, strengthens the roots and activates hair growth.

The juice of the "Queen of the Garden" has a tonic and cleansing effect. It can be used for dry skin type, wipe the face. If daily in the morning it is easy to massage the face with a piece of vegetable, then the acne and the pustules will come off. The systematic use of recipes based on turnip gruel will improve the condition of the skin and hair, making them more attractive.

Recipes for medicines based on turnips

It is worth paying attention to folk methods of treatment with the help of a valuable root crop.

  • From bronchitis - make a gruel from a few st. l. vegetable, insist 25 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water. Drink 50 ml of liquid 4 times a day.
  • In case of sleep disturbance - squeeze the juice from the steamed turnip, mix with honey, drink the mixture before bedtime.
  • From a toothache - for 15 minutes, cook 2 tbsp. l. grated root vegetable in 200 ml of water. Rinse the mouth with the resulting decoction.
  • Atherosclerosis - eat raw turnips twice a day, 2-3 tbsp. l.

A boiled vegetable will help to cope with a sore throat, protect against the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Possible harm

Despite the valuable medicinal properties of turnips, it can harm the body in the presence of certain diseases:

  • colitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, other inflammatory processes in the stomach and duodenum;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • severe form of diabetes;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • acute heart failure;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, urinary tract;
  • personal intolerance to vegetables, allergic reactions.

These contraindications apply to the use of the root crop in its raw form. Boiled or steamed turnips can be used in dishes even by those who do not need a vegetable. heat treatment contraindicated. In any case, before introducing turnips into the diet - to improve health or for prevention - it is better to consult a doctor.

During pregnancy, it is useful to eat turnips, but during lactation, the use of the root crop should be limited. Otherwise, the newborn may have allergic reactions, diarrhea, colic and abdominal pain.

So, the regular inclusion of turnip dishes in food will improve well-being, increase immunity. However, excessive consumption of a valuable root crop can harm the body. Everything is good in moderation.

In ancient times, it was a great happiness for any farmer to get a rich harvest. turnips. This vegetable was considered the basis of the peasant diet. Nutritious, tasty, healthy - turnip was truly the queen of the village table.

So, is turnip useful and why exactly?

Useful and medicinal properties of turnips

The benefits of turnips for the human body are truly inexhaustible:

  • Regular use of turnips improves immunity, actively fights against beriberi. In the northern regions, it was used for the prevention and scurvy treatment. An unexpected fact: according to the degree of usefulness for immunity, turnip even won!
  • It is believed that turnip contains substances that interfere with the emergence and development of cancerous tumors.
  • Turnips are often included in diets for patients diabetes. However, many doctors believe that in this case it should be used with great care due to the high content. The excessive use of turnips in diabetes is fraught with a loss of therapeutic effect and aggravation of the disease.
  • Turnip improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach, helps to produce gastric juice, facilitates peristalsis.
  • The aesthetic effect of turnip is very high! Smooth skin, thick strong hair, healthy nails - Russian beauties owed all this to her in many respects.
  • Turnips are nutritious and low in calories.
  • She possesses antiseptic properties, improves the condition of teeth and gums, promotes the healing of cracks and small wounds.
  • Turnip decoction- a great way to cure cough and sore throat.
  • Steamed turnip juice has a sedative and hypnotic effect.
  • Turnip is a good natural diuretic.
  • With inflammatory processes in the joints, hot compresses are made from crushed turnips. It relieves pain, swelling and speeds up the healing process.

This is only a part of the beneficial properties of turnips, which it has due to its composition.

Chemical composition

How turnip is used for weight loss

Turnip is successfully used for obesity. There are no special turnip-based diets, but there are general recommendations:

  • it is useful to replace all the usual potato side dishes with turnips;
  • it is also suitable as a substitute for sweets;
  • it must be introduced into the diet gradually and carefully;
  • It is best to alternate the use of this vegetable in raw and cooked form.

Sometimes turnips are used in monopower, but this is a risky path - it is very easy to provoke an exacerbation of gastric diseases and hypervitaminosis.

Use in healthy and medicinal nutrition

Considering great amount healing properties turnips, doctors are very fond of including it in a health-improving diet, and they also recommend eating turnips during pregnancy.

This root crop goes very well with:

  • other vegetables ( , );
  • dried fruits ( , );
  • cereals ( , );
  • some fermented milk products(perfectly baked with cheese);
  • with all kinds of meat.

You can make wonderful candied fruits with honey and nuts from turnips.

How to store turnips

At room temperature turnip lives not for long. There are several optimal storage methods:

  • Young root crops can be fearlessly kept in the refrigerator until one and a half months.
  • To provide yourself with supplies of fresh turnips for the winter, it is best to carefully cut the tops, leaving strong tails, and then bury the turnips in dry sand. The box with sand should be placed in a dark and rather cold place.
  • You can make "chips" from turnips by cutting them into thin slices and drying them in the oven. These chips are a great addition to winter dishes!

How to use

Turnip is good because it can be eaten in almost any form. Most often her soar- even the saying "just like a steamed turnip" is known. More can be done with this vegetable vitamin salads, boil, dry, fry, bake and even marinate!

Remember: in order for the raw turnip not to be bitter, it must be doused with boiling water.

turnip pulp is quite safe (excluding contraindications), but its juice and decoction should be used with reasonable care. Once again, we remind you that turnips should not be abused!

Norma daily consumption one medium turnip is considered - approximately 200-300 g.

Harm and contraindications

Do not eat turnips if you have the following diseases:
  • allergy to the turnip itself or to its components;
  • increased acidity;
  • any inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage;
  • kidney and urinary pathology;
  • hypothyroidism or some other thyroid disease.

Caution should be used when using turnips diabetes (it is best to consult a doctor). If you are not used to eating vegetables, then introduce turnips into your diet gradually - it can cause increased gas formation and intestinal bloating. It is better to refrain from eating turnips for women involved in breastfeeding– Turnip juice is an eater, and milk can cause allergic reactions or upset stomach in a child.

Turnips are a great substitute for high-calorie side dishes! It's unfair that she was so long forgotten. Let's return the "fashion" to turnips and discuss in the comments delicious and healthy recipes from her!