Unusual facts about fruits. Beneficial properties of fruits and possible harm

Fruits make our lives better. They are generally sweet, refreshing and delicious. But what exactly is a fruit? Tomatoes are fruits. Just like cucumbers and avocados. But you, as a rule, do not include them in this category. As it turns out, scientifically speaking, a fruit is simply a part of a plant or tree that contains seeds. So, if it has seeds, it is a fruit. But then what is a vegetable? Well, “vegetable” is not really a scientific term at all. This is a culinary term. This means that a real scientist would divide plant parts into fruits, roots, stems, leaves, etc., while your grandmother would most likely divide plants into fruits and vegetables (fruits are the sweet part and vegetables all the rest). So now you know everything about fruits and vegetables, you can impress your friends with your new knowledge in this field. But prepare to learn a lot more. We invite you to learn 12 interesting facts about fruits!

Fact No. 1. Bananas are slightly radioactive.

Fact No. 2. Not all oranges are orange. If the weather is not cold enough, the chlorophyll in the peel is not destroyed and the fruit remains green.

Fact No. 3. There are more than 7000 various types apples that are grown all over the world.

Fact No. 4. There are multi-fruit trees that can grow 3 to 7 different fruits on one tree. This is achieved by grafting two or more plants so that they grow and function as one single plant.

Fact No. 5. Did you know that tomatoes have more genes than humans?

Fact No. 6. Grapefruits are known to interact lethally with certain prescription drugs.

Fact No. 7. Cucumbers are actually fruits.

Fact No. 8. The color orange was named after the fruit, not the other way around. Before this, it was called "geoluread", which means "yellow-red".

Fact No. 9. The Seychelles palm is responsible for the world's largest fruit, which weighs about 42 kg.

Fact No. 10. Apples, peaches and raspberries are all members of the rose family.

Fact No. 11. Oranges actually have less vitamin C than many other fruits, including guavas, lychees, kiwis, strawberries and pineapples.

Fact No. 12. Coffee beans are actually not beans, but fruit seeds.

Always on our tables - potatoes - can be equated in value to gold. After all, the cost of all the potatoes mined in a year on the planet outweighs the cost of the mined precious metal. Even if you add to gold all the silver received annually.

Potatoes came to Europe in the 16th century. At first it was perceived as an ornamental plant, then they tried to make jam from “tops” - berries. And much later we took a closer look at the tubers. Even two centuries later, by the beginning of the 19th century, this vegetable remained very rare. Today, a person who brings a string of potatoes as a gift will be looked at as a miser or a madman. And in those years, potato tubers were a very expensive and desirable offering.

For many centuries, turnips replaced potatoes for Europeans and Asians. The Persians treated this “simple” vegetable from our fairy tales with great respect. And they even believed that people originated from turnips: following the example of how we tell our children that they were discovered in cabbage.

Carrots may well lay claim to the title of the oldest vegetable in human history. It was these dried vegetables that archaeologists discovered during excavations of Stone Age pile buildings. And Roman poets and prose writers dedicated works of praise to carrots, calling it “the queen of vegetables.”

An equally magnificent name, but for corn, and not for carrots, was invented in a time closer to us - the period of Khrushchev’s reign. Corn, as we remember from history lessons, was called the “queen of the fields.”

In the Roman Empire, they were very sensitive to onions. The Romans considered this vegetable holy and believed that our Universe was structured exactly like an onion. Onions were eaten by everyone: from plebeians to patricians.

The first carrots were not orange, which we are used to seeing in garden beds and in supermarkets, but purple, close to purple. The red vegetable was developed only in the 17th century in Denmark.

Parsley in Ancient Greece had a mournful meaning. As a sign of grief, the Greeks wore wreaths woven from this greenery on their heads.

It would seem that there could be nothing in common between a domesticated horse and the equally familiar “domestic” cabbage. But parallels can be drawn: both the horse and the cabbage are big water feeders. The amount of water a head of cabbage absorbs during the day is equivalent to the amount of water drunk by a horse.

Scurvy in 18th-century Russia affected aristocrats much more often than commoners. And all because they did not include cabbage, onions, carrots and other “low” vegetable foods in their diet.

Beetroot came from Byzantium to Russia under its Greek name- “sfekels”. The vegetable became familiar quite quickly: it was not only eaten raw or boiled, but beet broth was used as a means of disinfection.

Until the 18th century, sugar in Russia was made from an imported product - sugar cane, and therefore was very expensive. When sugar beets were developed, imported raw materials were abandoned.

Of the fruits, watermelon is considered the most “watery” (92%). In the world of vegetables, the palm belongs to pumpkin and cabbage: they consist of 90% water.

Incredible facts

Fruits are a necessary part healthy eating. However, we often don't even think about what we eat.

We know that oranges are orange, and we have no idea that we've been eating the same banana for 50 years.

Did you know how expensive the perfect fruit can be? These and others fruit facts, which may surprise you.

Durian fruit

1. Foul-smelling durian is a powerful aphrodisiac

Durian is a fruit native to South Asia that is known for its bad smell. The smell is so unbearable that it is banned in many public places in Asia.

But few people know that this smelly fruit has powerful aphrodisiac properties. It is believed that he has instant effect on a person's libido, and the tender and smooth pulp of the fruit is a sensual pleasure in itself, combined with rich flavor notes.

According to a saying from the Indonesian island of Java, "When the durian falls, the sarongs (skirt-like clothing) rise." The legend arose after people watched after eating durian, the animals almost always indulged in mating.

Durian contains high level tryptophan, which is converted into the happiness hormone serotonin, causing a feeling of pleasure. Studies on mice showed that mice given durian for two weeks had increased libido and improved reproductive performance.

Growing bananas

2. Bananas are too perfect

Genetic diversity ensures the longevity of species. However, the same cannot be said about bananas. Despite the fact that there are more than 300 various types bananas , most people in the world eat one type called Cavendish .

It's delicious, convenient, and grown all over the world, from Hawaii to Thailand. However, no matter where it grows, it is genetically identical, which means it is more vulnerable. In the absence of genetic diversity, disease or fungus could wipe out the entire world's banana population.

For example, previously one of the most popular types of bananas was Gros Michel until the fungus destroyed almost all bananas of this species. Billions of dollars have been spent to find a replacement for Gros Michel bananas.

Despite attempts to create more resistant, genetically various types bananas, Cavendish bananas are also in danger of extinction. The problem is partly caused by the fact that bananas do not reproduce through seeds, and breeding new varieties requires seeds. In addition, almost all modern bananas are mutations derived from 10 plants that were cultivated on the African continent.

Best fruit

3. The perfect fruit is hard to find.

In Japan the fruit given as a gift family members, friends, colleagues and business partners. It is considered a luxury item and the better it is, the more memorable the gift becomes.

There are even shops called Senbikiya that specialize only in perfect fruit samples. The fruits sold in this store are not only free of stains and dents, they must be in perfect shape. And some look so big and juicy that you can doubt that they are real.

For example, a basket of 12 strawberries will cost you $83, and three melons can cost $419.

This is the price not only for perfection, but also for the labor of growing such fruits. Greenhouse owners work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, providing required quantity nutrients and maintaining the desired temperature. And all this effort can go into growing one single specimen.

Properties of berries

4. Most berries are not berries.

A berry is a fruit that has fleshy contents and an outer shell and is formed from the ovary of a plant. It means that grapes, avocado, eggplant, Bell pepper, tomatoes are botanically also berries.

Cranberries, blueberries and gooseberries are so-called " false berries", that is, they are formed from the ovary of the plant, but not from the superior ovary, due to which they could be classified as true berries. In addition, these berries are formed partially from the receptacle, which also excludes them from the category of true berries.

Raspberries and blackberries are actually " drupes", that is, a fleshy, thin-skinned fruit containing several hard-shelled seeds.

There are also compound fruits, that is, more than one fruit comes from one flower. Strawberry belongs to false fruits, that is, it is formed from the ovary, tissue of the ovary and non-ovary, on the skin of which there are structures called achenes.

Fruit orange

5. Orange is usually not orange.

In their naturally ripe form in warm countries where oranges are grown, their outer layer contains a lot of chlorophyll, giving them green color.

In cooler areas, chlorophyll is destroyed in the same way as in leaves on trees, and the orange color of the flesh appears. It is green oranges that are ripe, and those that turn orange have already passed the peak of ripeness.

However, people still tend to associate green fruits with unripeness, and many oranges are artificially turned orange by subjecting them to flash freezing and exposure to ethylene gas to get rid of the chlorophyll in the skin.


6. The Cherry That Deceived the Devil

Cornelia cherry or dogwood is one of the the most ancient fruits with a long history. When cherry is mentioned in the texts of Ancient Greece, Rome and Persia, it is the dogwood that is meant.

It is used in syrups, compotes and jams, as well as in the production of wine and vodka, but is rarely consumed fresh.

In Turkey there is legend: When Satan came to this country, he saw that the dogwood trees were blooming early, and decided that they would bear fruit earlier. He sat under a tree and waited, while other trees around him bloomed and bore fruit. Finally, when he discovered that the dogwood trees were the last to bear fruit at the end of the summer, he got really angry.

Dogwood is still called " Shaitan berry"or the tree that deceived Satan.

Growing watermelon

7. Watermelon has been a source of water for a long time.

From a botanical point of view, the watermelon fruit is also berry with thick bark and pulp inside.

Nowadays we eat watermelon mainly as a snack on a hot summer day. However, they were originally cultivated for very practical purposes. Some of the first mentions of watermelon cultivation can be found in Egyptian hieroglyphs, which are more 5000 years. It is also mentioned in the cultures of Asia, India and the Mediterranean.

Famous Scottish explorer David Livingston discovered watermelon fields in Africa. Watermelon grows in dry areas, and since ancient times it has been more than just food. Since watermelon 90 percent consists of water, in many dry areas of Africa, it was used as a source of water. The researchers carried it as a natural water bottle.

Another benefit of watermelon is the fact that it waste-free and all parts are edible.

In addition to consuming the juicy pulp, they use seeds, which are roasted, and the bark, from which they make jam or pickle.

The benefits of apples

8. “He who eats an apple a day never sees a doctor.”

You may have heard this saying, and there is plenty of scientific evidence that regularly consuming apples has many health benefits.

So one study showed that consuming a handful of dried apples for six months leads to reduces bad cholesterol levels and promotes weight loss.

Additionally, those who eat apples have a reduced risk of stroke, improved respiratory function, and an easier time maintaining a healthy weight.

Apples reduce the risk of developing some types of cancer by half, improve brain function and cellular health, prevent the development of dementia, and reduce the risk of diabetes.

Regular apples are often overshadowed by more fashionable fruits, but history shows that the health benefits of apples have been known for centuries. Thus, the remains of apples were found in prehistoric settlements dating back to 6500 BC.

the Forbidden fruit

We are all familiar with the biblical story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit, but it turns out that the idea forbidden fruit is a stimulant for chimpanzees.

Researchers from University of Stirling In Scotland, they studied the courtship habits of chimpanzees in the wild and found that females were more likely to offer to mate if the male brought them fruit. But not just any fruit, but one that was stolen from people's lands.

Scientists suggest that females were attracted not by the food itself, but by rebellious behavior, although people never seriously threatened them.


10. Guarana contains 2 times more caffeine than coffee

If you look at the composition of many energy drinks , then you will find guarana in the list of ingredients.

According to legend, unusual fruit grew from the eye of a murdered boy, and the guarana actually looks like a bloodshot eyeball. Guarana is also used as an aphrodisiac, usually in the form of a drink with nuts and birds' eggs.

European missionaries in the 17th century in Brazil noticed that local residents used the berry, which not only gave them energy, but also allowed them to go without food for many days.

Guarana became a colonial traded commodity that was said to protect against disease, but large quantities caused insomnia. The caffeine in guarana is different from the caffeine in coffee.

Guarana contains chemical components called tannins, which cause longer lasting effect than caffeine from other sources.

For centuries, guarana berries have been ground into powder and smoked in a long process. The guarana drink was passed around in a container during formal events and gatherings, which is different from the modern habit of gulping down energy drinks.

Peaches, grapes, persimmons, lemons, melons, tangerines, apples - we know many fruits and berries not only from appearance, but also to taste. But in this article we will tell you Interesting Facts about fruits that will change your understanding of this delicacy. Go!

  • 1. Grapefruit juice is not recommended for use with medications. This fruit contains furanocoumarins - substances that increase the concentration of active substances of drugs. This may lead to negative consequences caused by a drug overdose. People taking antihistamines, antiarrhythmics, antitussives, and lipid-lowering medications should be especially careful. medicines. So unwanted by-effect observed when taking more than four dozen drugs with grapefruit juice.
  • 2. A sour fruit like lemon contains more sugar than sweet strawberries.
  • 3. Papaya juice is a powerful solvent. They can remove not only very stubborn stains, but even remove fingerprints.
  • 4. Japanese farmers learned to grow watermelons and cube-shaped melons. To achieve this shape, the young fruit is placed in a glass mold. It is convenient to transport such berries (place them on a surface, place them one on top of another), but they also cost more than the round ones we are used to.

  • 5. Residents of Ancient Rome believed that sour lemon was a poisonous fruit. It was even included in the list of deadly products and used against moths.
  • 6. In 1820, as a result of an unexpected mutation of one orange tree bush, seedless fruits appeared. The so-called Navellorange variety. And the Navelorange trees that exist today are clones from that tree. The fact is that a new variety can only reproduce by grafting.

  • 7. Interesting facts about fruits relate to the etiquette of cleaning and eating them. Thus, it is customary to peel tangerines with your hands, and oranges with a knife.
  • 8. During the reign of Hitler, eating and selling overseas fruits, bananas, was considered unpatriotic. So, above a tray of bananas, the seller had to hang a poster with a campaign to buy German apples.
  • 9. If you leave oranges on the tree, they will not ripen.
  • 10. Apples are very healthy because they are free of sodium, cholesterol and fat.
  • 11. There are about seven and a half thousand varieties of apples all over the world. They differ not only in taste, but also in size - from small, like a cherry, to large, like a grapefruit.

  • 12. Fiber is not lost even in dried, canned and frozen fruits.
  • 13. In the European Union, the following are considered fruits: carrots, tomatoes, rhubarb, cucumbers, sweet potato, ginger, pumpkin. Even jams and preserves are made from them.

Tomatoes are both vegetables and fruits, kiwis have more vitamins than oranges, apples and roses have a lot in common! These are just some interesting facts about fruits and vegetables! Read on for others. It turns out we don't know much about them!

bell pepper- this is a fruit

Surprised? Scientists define fruits as plants that develop from a flower and contain seeds. So, peppers - zucchini, cucumbers and pumpkins are fruits. Perhaps this information will make you reconsider your favorite fruit salad recipe.

Bananas are berries

A true berry is a fruit that develops from one flower and one ovary. The ovary is the female part of the flower. This means that grapes, kiwis and bananas are berries.

Steamed broccoli is the best choice

If you're trying to lower your cholesterol, steamed broccoli will be your best friend. Raw broccoli contains elements aimed at fighting cancer cells. Compared to the stems, the cabbage inflorescences themselves are much healthier. And cabbage leaves, which are often simply thrown away, contain some nutrients that are not found either in the stem or in the inflorescences.

Avocado is a fruit

Avocado contains seeds, which automatically makes it a fruit. It contains many healthy fats that lower cholesterol levels. Avocados also help the body absorb nutrients from other foods, such as tomatoes.

Potatoes are a storehouse of potassium

Potassium is necessary for our body to strengthen muscles and control blood pressure. Bananas are considered the main source of this element. Not many people know that potatoes contain much more potassium than bananas. It contains no fat and is good source vitamins and iron.

Tomatoes are fruits and...vegetables

Tomatoes are fruits. But, in accordance with the law, vegetables too. Juicy backstory: In 1800, in the Port of New York, all vegetables were taxed, but fruit was not. The importer, wanting to cut costs, went to court with a statement that his tomatoes were fruits. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court, which ruled that tomatoes, often served with meat or fish, are a vegetable. Thus, the tax on tomatoes still had to be paid.

Figs vs milk

Trying to replenish your calcium stores? Instead of another glass of milk, turn your attention to fruits. Figs contain high amounts of calcium. A glass of dried figs is equivalent to the same amount of milk. Unlike a cool drink, figs are also an excellent source of fiber. But don't overdo it. Figs are “stuffed” with sugars and calories.

Blackberries are not really berries

In the plant world, blackberries, raspberries and even strawberries are not berries, but clusters of tiny individual fruits that grow together. But even under different names, they are still just as tasty and sweet.

Kiwi or orange?

Kiwi can pack a nutritional punch in any fruit. It contains twice as much vitamin C as oranges, and in terms of potassium and low content salt, can create an alternative to bananas. Kiwis are packed with vitamins, minerals and cardiovascular health nutrients.

Apples and roses - what do they have in common?

Apples are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. And they are so fragrant! Have you ever thought about this? Apples, pears, cherries and plums are just a few of the fruits that share a common ancestry with roses.

Carrot sticks or baby carot

Those cute little carrots at the grocery store are not “baby” carrots. They are cut from large varieties that are sweeter and thinner than traditional carrots. In addition to being a convenient size, they are rich in vitamins, just like their full-size versions.