Homemade ice cream "Plombir". Homemade ice cream taste of Soviet ice cream step by step recipe

How to make homemade ice cream? Taste Soviet ice cream familiar to many since childhood. That is why I want to try this delicacy again. But it is not always possible to buy delicious ice cream in a store, and the quality of some products is only regrettable. You can cook this dessert yourself, only from best products. it turns out delicious, evokes nostalgia for distant times. The recipes are simple and the results are simply amazing.

Basic Recipe

This recipe can be taken as a basis and used to create other culinary masterpieces with various fillers. For cooking, you need to take 200 milliliters of good (preferably homemade) milk, 4 egg yolks, 150 grams of sugar, 200 milliliters good cream(33 percent) and vanilla (stick or essence). Now let's start making homemade ice cream. At the same time, we will get the taste of Soviet ice cream thanks to high-quality products. First, put the milk on the fire and bring it to a boil. Then add vanilla and remove from heat. It is better to put the container on ice so that the liquid cools quickly.

Separately, beat the yolks with sugar. Pour the cooled milk into the egg mixture and mix thoroughly. We put the resulting mass on fire, but do not boil. The mixture should boil, and it must be constantly stirred. This moment is the most important. Do not boil, otherwise the yolks will curl up. You can check readiness with a wooden spoon. If you run your finger over it and a trace remains, then the delicacy is ready. Remove the container from the fire and cool. Separately, beat the cream and mix it with the cooled egg mass. It has a very airy consistency. We put homemade ice cream in the refrigerator. The taste of the Soviet ice cream is provided to him. After an hour, we take out a delicacy from the freezer and beat it with a whisk. We send ice cream for another hour in the freezer. Then we take out and repeat the mixing. After 8 hours, the dessert will be ready. The last procedures will make it airy and light.

simple recipe

What is needed to make homemade ice cream taste like a Soviet ice cream? Total 5 simple ingredients. For cooking let's take two glasses of sugar, a small spoonful of starch, a liter of milk (it is better to take homemade), 100 grams butter and five egg yolks. We put a saucepan with milk on the fire and dip the butter into it. Bring the mixture to a boil. Separately, mix sugar, yolks and starch. You should get a homogeneous mass.

Now combine the egg mixture with a small amount milk and mix thoroughly. It turns out a mass similar in consistency to liquid sour cream. We introduce the yolk mass in a thin stream into the boiled milk-cream mixture. Don't forget to stir constantly. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat. Now it needs to be cooled as soon as possible. Put the pot in cold water or on ice. Stir the future ice cream to speed up the cooling process. Pour the warm mixture into molds and place in the freezer. This is where the quick freeze feature comes in handy. After that, you can serve homemade ice cream to the table. Guests will appreciate the taste of Soviet ice cream with pleasure.

Ice cream without eggs

Sometimes, due to certain circumstances, it is necessary to prepare a dessert that does not contain eggs. This recipe is perfect for this occasion. Will have homemade ice cream taste of Soviet ice cream. It is also possible to achieve this without eggs. For cooking, we take only high-quality products. Milk is better to use fat, homemade. It will take 400 grams of milk, 75 grams of sugar, 25 grams of powdered milk, 10 grams of corn starch and a bag of vanilla.

First, mix sugar, vanilla and milk powder. Then pour 350 milliliters of milk into this mixture. Separately, dissolve the starch in the remaining milk. Add it to the main ingredients and mix everything well. Now you need to boil the base of the dessert until it thickens. It must be constantly stirred. After that, we send the ice cream for an hour in the freezer. Then we take it out and beat it well with a mixer. We shift the delicacy into molds and put it again in the cold for 2 hours.

Dessert in an ice cream maker

For cooking, you can use an ice cream maker. To do this, we take the same ingredients as in the previous recipes. After preparing the mixture for dessert, place it in the freezer for an hour. After that, we shift the mass into the bowl of the ice cream maker, which is better to pre-cool.

We turn on the stirring for 40 minutes. Soft, airy homemade ice cream is formed. The taste of Soviet ice cream in an ice cream maker will also turn out. You can remove the treat from the freezer by placing it in an airtight container. To prevent the formation of ice crystals, you need to periodically take out the ice cream and mix it.

Paradisaic delight

This original recipe, the taste of the resulting delicacy resembles a Bounty chocolate bar. For cooking, you need to take 100 grams of white and 150 grams of milk chocolate, 50 grams of coconut flakes, 400 milliliters of coconut milk with pulp, 300 milliliters of cream, 5 large spoons of sugar and 2 yolks. The process of creating such a delicacy is quite simple. Beat the yolks with sugar for about 5 minutes. Then, without stopping the work of the mixer, pour in the cream and coconut milk. The result is a homogeneous mass. Pour it into a saucepan and put it on water bath. Add to this mixture

Don't forget to stir and don't let it boil. We pour coconut flakes and cool the mass to a warm state. Now add milk chocolate and let it melt. We mix everything well. do not completely melt, thus achieving a marble effect. We freeze homemade ice cream for about 4-5 hours. The taste of the Soviet does not provide for, but the dessert turns out to be very tasty.

diet ice cream

This recipe is suitable for those who follow their figure. We take low-fat products for cooking. It doesn't make the taste any less interesting. Take 500 milliliters of milk, three eggs, two tablespoons of cocoa, one tablespoon of starch, three tablespoons of sugar, vanilla and fresh berries for decoration (optional). First, mix starch, sugar, vanilla and cocoa with milk (5 tablespoons).

Separate the yolks from the proteins and add them to the remaining milk, which must be slightly warmed up. Now we mix the two prepared masses and put the container on the fire. The mixture should thicken to a consistency custard. Whip the egg whites until foamy. With the mixer running, add the milk and cocoa mixture. Pour ice cream into molds and let cool.

Melon ice cream

To prepare this delicious fragrant dessert you only need three ingredients. Let's take 250 grams ripe melon, 250 milliliters of cream and 100 grams of sugar. We clean the melon and grind it with a blender with sugar. Separately, whip the cream, and then mix with melon. We send ice cream for an hour in the freezer. Then beat it with a whisk or a mixer and cool again for 5-6 hours. Dessert can be sprinkled with chocolate chips.


It is better to cook a delicacy from good, high-quality products. Only then will homemade ice cream taste like Soviet ice cream. Reviews about this dessert confirm this. Ice cream is well complemented with grated chocolate, fresh fruits, jams and preserves. You can use nuts, which must first be peeled and roasted. The delicacy can be served soft or after a long freeze. Homemade ice cream is tastier than store bought. Please your friends and loved ones.

Today we will consider basic recipe ice cream ice cream at home. Preparing this chilled dessert on your own is not at all difficult if you carefully follow the recipe and take into account all the recommendations.

Creamy ice cream at home is very tasty, with a delicate and smooth texture, as well as a pleasant vanilla aroma. At the same time, unlike store-bought ice cream, our dessert consists only of natural products, without all kinds of chemical flavor enhancers, thanks to which you can safely please a portion of the chilled delicacy of the little sweet tooth.

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:

  • cream from 33% - 200 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • vanilla pod - 1 pc.

Plombir ice cream recipe at home with a photo

  1. Combine milk and sugar in a small heavy bottomed saucepan. We cut the vanilla pod along the entire length with a knife blade, remove the seeds and also add to the milk mass. Thanks to vanilla, ice cream is saturated with a delicious natural flavor, but in the absence of this ingredient, you can get by with a bag. vanilla sugar or a pinch of vanilla. Heat the mixture until hot, not boiling.
  2. In another container, grind the egg yolks with a whisk. It is not necessary to beat the mass vigorously until foam is obtained, it is enough just to achieve uniformity.
  3. Pour hot milk into the mashed yolks in a thin stream, continuously stirring the mixture.
  4. Pour the resulting composition into a saucepan, put on a small fire and cook until lightly thickened. It is important not to overheat the milk, otherwise the yolks may curdle! To avoid this trouble, choose a saucepan with a thick bottom for cooking the cream and cook over low heat. Also, do not forget to constantly stir the cream, especially at the bottom (it is most convenient to use a silicone spatula for this).
  5. We check the readiness as follows: run your finger along the silicone spatula. If the trace remains clear, and does not swim with cream, immediately remove the pan from the heat. Tip: if the yolks are still curled up, you can grind the mass through a fine sieve or puree with an immersion blender. However, unfortunately, it will no longer be possible to avoid the egg taste in ice cream. IN this case It's better to take the pan off the heat sooner rather than later.
  6. Cool freshly prepared cream to room temperature. At the same time, beat the cold cream until stiff.
  7. To the whipped creamy mass, spread the cooled cream and mix. Chill the mixture in the freezer for 3 hours. During this time, it is necessary to take out the container 5-6 times and mix the mass thoroughly in order to avoid the formation of ice crystals and obtain a smooth and uniform texture.
  8. When the consistency of the workpiece becomes similar to soft ice cream and will be mixed with difficulty, we shift the mass into silicone mold, cover with a lid and put away freezer for another 3-4 hours (can be left overnight).
  9. Before serving, let the frozen ice cream stand for a while. room temperature. Then we collect a slightly melted mass with an ice cream spoon and form balls. Optionally, we supplement the dessert with chocolate chips, mint leaves or berries.

Vanilla ice cream at home is ready! Bon appetit!

Ice cream is the most desired treat in the summer season. It is not only tasty, but also refreshing. It is also often used as an additional ingredient. summer drinks and for serving some desserts. Below are a few recipes that describe how to make ice cream at home.

Classic milk ice cream

Simple milk ice cream at home:

  • milk 3.2% - 330 ml;
  • egg - 2;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • oil - 80 gr;
  • vanillin.

Beat the butter and half the sugar with a mixer or whisk. Next, we drive in the eggs and add the rest of the sugar, you can immediately pour in the vanilla. We continue to work with the mixer for a few more minutes, until the consistency of the contents of the bowl becomes homogeneous.

Milk is poured into the ice cream blank last. Again, beat everything with a mixer at maximum speed.

Pour the mass into a saucepan and boil over low heat so that it begins to thicken a little. We work the hot mixture for a couple of minutes with an immersion blender. After the container is placed in a larger bowl with ice water so that the workpiece cools down faster. Pour into a freezer container and place in the freezer overnight.

On a note. Ice cream blanks should not be sent to the freezer hot or even warm. Be sure to wait until it cools down completely.

popsicle recipe

  • cottage cheese - 250 gr;
  • powdered sugar - 100 gr;
  • cream - 250 gr;
  • white chocolate - 100 gr;
  • chocolate tubes - 5 units;
  • crushed walnuts / pistachios.

Eskimo is prepared by step-by-step whipping of products. First of all, cream is whipped with powdered sugar, then cottage cheese is gradually introduced. It turns out quite a thick creamy consistency.

Melt the chocolate and pour into the dough. Beat for a minute or two.

Pour nuts into ice cream molds, spread the workpiece, stick a tube deep into the center. Place in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

vanilla ice cream

  • fat cream - 750 ml;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 150 gr;
  • egg yolks - 6 units;
  • vanillin.

We combine milk and a third of the cream in a saucepan, pour ⅔ of sugar there. Put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring.

In the meantime, grind the remaining sugar and yolks with a mixer. When the mass is very light, pour in the milk-cream mass in small portions, continuing to beat.

The resulting workpiece is poured back into the saucepan and sent to warm over low heat, stirring constantly. The consistency will gradually thicken, resembling custard. We put the saucepan in a bowl with ice and, stirring, cool. It turned out french cream Angles - smooth and shiny.

Whip the remaining cream on high speed until medium thick. Pour the chilled milk-sugar cream into them and mix with a spoon.

We distribute the resulting vanilla delicacy in special portioned containers or in one large container and send it to freeze for several hours in the freezer.

creamy treat

Ice cream according to this recipe does not feel water crystals, as it happens in store-bought ice cream or when used in cooking. a large number water.

The recipe is very simple and the preparation of homemade ice cream will not take more than ten minutes.

Cream ice cream turns out to be unrealistically tender, with a fairly dense structure:

  • cream with a fat content of 30% - 550 ml;
  • condensed milk with sugar - 170 gr;
  • gelatin - 7 gr.

First, prepare the gelatin: pour it with a stack of boiling water. It is important that there is as little water as possible.

Pour cream and condensed milk into a mixing bowl. Beat with a mixer until smooth - it will take only a minute. After the speed is turned on to the maximum. By this time, the gelatin will dissolve in boiling water and it can be added to the creamy condensed mass. We work with the mixer for a few more minutes. We spread the mass in a container, close it and send it to the freezer for at least 5 hours.

Homemade creme brulee

  • 500 ml cream from 33%;
  • vanillin;
  • 25 gr flour;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 180 gr boiled condensed milk;
  • 150 ml of milk.

We put the milk on medium heat to warm up.

Separate 4 tables from the prepared volume of cream. spoons in a separate cup and add flour with vanilla, yolks and boiled condensed milk. We rub everything very well with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained without dense lumps.

Pour the resulting mass into the warmed milk and mix well with a whisk. We send it further to warm up. You need to warm it up while stirring, as the cream will thicken. You will get a consistency like a thick custard for cakes. When the cream becomes thick and begins to boil a little, it must be removed from the heat and left to cool.

Let's do the rest of the cream. They need to be beaten until a dense foam is obtained, if desired, sugar can be added. After we spread the cooled custard and mix with a mixer.

Close the whole mass with a lid, or tighten with a film. Put in the freezer for several hours. It is recommended to stir the mass with a spoon every hour, as long as possible - this is necessary to prevent crystallization and create a lush, loose consistency of the dessert.

On a note. Such ice cream can not be frozen and used as a cake cream.

Chocolate dessert at home

Chocolate ice cream with a delicate, creamy texture can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • fat cream - 500 ml;
  • fine sugar - 180 gr;
  • cocoa - 25 gr;
  • salt - 2 gr;
  • egg yolks - 5-6 units;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • quality dark chocolate - 125 gr.

First, break the chocolate into small pieces.

In a saucepan with a thick bottom, combine salt, cocoa and half the sugar. We stir. Add some milk and stir until smooth. Get glossy chocolate paste. Pour in the remaining milk and cream, mix again. Put on a slow fire and stir until it boils. As soon as it starts to boil, immediately remove from heat.

While the milk mixture is heating, let's take care of the yolks: combine them with the remaining sugar and mix with a whisk until a light creamy mass appears.

Now you need to combine the milk mixture and the yolks. This must be done very carefully, as the milk is still hot enough, and the yolks can curdle. Therefore, at first we pour quite a bit of chocolate-milk mass into the yolk mass, mix with a whisk. Then add a little more and mix again. Now the yolk mass has warmed up and will not curdle, pour in the milk mass in a thin stream, constantly working through the mass with a whisk.

Put the saucepan back on the fire, cook for five minutes, stirring constantly. The fire should be slow, the mass should not boil, otherwise the yolks will boil. The mass should thicken and resemble the state of custard for a cake.

Remove the pan from the heat and put the chocolate into the contents, mix vigorously until the pieces are completely dissolved.

Cool the ice cream blank in a container with ice water. Stir from time to time so that a crust does not form.

Pour the cooled workpiece into a deep freezer container. We close. We leave for the night.

On a note. The ice cream blank should not be sent to the freezer hot or even warm. Be sure to wait until it cools down completely.

Fruit and berry ice cream

  • 150 gr blackberries;
  • 150 gr of peach pulp;
  • 200 gr sugar;
  • 2 glasses of cream;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 6 egg whites.

First, beat the proteins until a stable foam, then combine with sugar, without stopping whipping. Separately, beat the cream until it thickens.

Thickened butter cream we introduce into the sweet egg mass in small portions, continue to beat at maximum speed for several minutes.

Reduce the mixing speed, pour in the milk in a thin stream. We work for 1-2 minutes.

Rinse the berries and fruits, cut the peaches into small pieces. Separately, using a blender, we prepare blackberry and peach puree. We divide the protein-cream blank into 2 approximately equal parts. We combine one with berry puree, the other with peach. Mix thoroughly.

Put fruit preparations in containers and freeze, tightly covering with a lid / film.

No added eggs

  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • sugar - 90 gr;
  • dry milk - 35 gr;
  • starch - 10 gr;
  • fat cream - 250 ml;
  • milk 3.2% - 300 ml.

We combine all dry ingredients in a saucepan (except starch). Pour more than half of the milk to dry products, mix.

Combine the rest of the milk with starch, stirring it well.

We heat the milk mixture with sugar, powdered milk and other products over low heat, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil. As soon as it starts to boil, pour in the starch mass and stir. When the mass begins to thicken, pour into a container through a sieve and leave to cool.

Meanwhile, whip the cream. When the workpiece has cooled, combine with cream and beat for several minutes. After that, put the ice cream to freeze.

  • 2 jars of yogurt;
  • 2 sticks for stirring coffee;
  • a couple cups of boiling water.

The recipe is extremely simple, and even children can handle it. The basis of ice cream in this version is yogurt - fruit, berry or natural, take your favorite. In the foil with which the jar is sealed, we make a small incision in the center, insert the stick into it so that it is well immersed in yogurt. The resulting structure is sent to the freezer for 2-3 hours.

  • 3 bananas;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 150 gr of powdered sugar.

Peel bananas and cut into rings. Grate the zest from one lemon, then squeeze the juice from both citrus fruits and mix with the zest and banana pulp, pour the powder into the container. Turn the ingredients into blender homogeneous mass.

Before serving, you need to remove the ice cream for 10 minutes from the freezer - the dessert will become softer and tastier.

If you want a simple lemon flavor, make a simple creamy or vanilla treat and add lemon juice and zest to it, mix well before freezing.

Are standing hot summer days, especially at this time, I want to pamper myself with something cool and tasty, and what could be better than a serving of good ice cream? Plombir is loved by children and adults, and on a hot summer day, a portion of a refreshing dessert with fresh berries.

Today you will learn how easy it is to make delicious creamy ice cream at home. I share the simplest and favorite option for making ice cream.

According to this recipe, ice cream tastes like the famous Soviet ice cream, I think you will really like this sweet treat.

cream ice cream recipe

The most important thing that you and I will need for cooking is cream good quality. I recommend buying a three liter bottle of fatty homemade milk and put it in the refrigerator for twelve hours.

Then we will collect an inch - cream, about 500 grams. This amount is enough to make delicious and natural ice cream, like a Soviet ice cream. For urban residents, you can buy cream in the store, their fat content should be at least 30%.

  • Cream of good quality 30% fat, or higher - 500 - 600 grams;
  • Fine sugar or better powdered sugar - 100 grams;
  • Vanillin - a small pinch.


  1. Put the chilled cream in a deep container, add vanillin and powdered sugar.
  2. Beat the creamy mass until stable and fluffy foam for 4 - 5 minutes.
  3. You can make such an ice cream with the addition of fresh or frozen berries: for this, you need to puree the berries with a blender, add it to whipped cream and beat again. You can also make ice cream with cocoa and brown sugar.
  4. We transfer the whipped fluffy mass to a plastic container with a lid and put it in the freezer overnight.


You do not need to whip the cream for a long time, do not overdo it, otherwise you may end up with butter.

In the morning we take out a delicious homemade creamy ice cream, let it thaw a little and put it into bowls. Dessert can be decorated with fresh berries or chocolate chips.

I offer you another recipe for creamy ice cream, which produces very tasty ice cream, it is in Soviet time sold, only 20 kopecks per serving.

I remember not far from our school there was a kiosk that sold ice cream. My friends and I used to go there often to buy it. Let's remember a happy childhood and make Soviet ice cream at home.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Cream 33% fat or higher - 500 grams;
  • Fresh yolks - 4 pieces;
  • Powdered sugar or fine sugar - 150 grams;
  • Milk or cream 10% - 1/2 cup;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet or a pinch of vanilla.

Ice cream preparation:

  1. Beat the yolks well with sugar or powdered sugar.
  2. Add milk and vanilla to the yolks - mix everything well and put the mass on a small fire.
  3. We cook the milk mass on fire, with constant stirring, until it boils, but do not boil! Then remove from the stove and cool.
  4. In a separate bowl, beat the chilled cream until fluffy and thick.
  5. Pour the cooled milk-yolk mixture into the whipped cream in portions and mix well.
  6. The resulting mass is poured into a container and put in the refrigerator for three hours. Then take it out of the refrigerator and mix well.
  7. Then we stir the creamy mass in the freezer for two hours. Take out again and mix well. After that, we stir the container in the freezer, already until completely solidified.

I suggest watching the video: How to cook Soviet ice cream

This classic ice cream recipe will be of little interest to those who were born already in the 21st century. And all because they have nothing to compare with, and the phrase "just like the Soviet one" is not close and incomprehensible to them. Therefore, we will try for all those who, with sadness and regret, recall "that same ice cream ice cream for 20 kopecks." Cooking it at home is not difficult. Moreover, neither in the process nor in the components is there anything complicated and exotic. However, see for yourself!


Before proceeding to the recipe, let's note what calorie content ice cream ice cream prepared according to our recipe has!

In 100 grams homemade ice cream contains:

  • Fat - 14.5 grams;
  • Proteins - 3.6 grams;
  • Carbohydrates - 21.8 grams;

The calorie content of the dish is 233 kilocalories.

As you can see, not so much. Homemade ice cream ice cream is an excellent, tasty and light dessert!


The ingredients for making a classic ice cream we need the following:

  • Liquid cream (the fatter the better) - 500 ml;
  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Eggs, or rather yolks from them - three ... four pieces;
  • Sugar - 150 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - two grams.


Dishes to make a classic ice cream, you will need this:

  • Saucepan for making classic ice cream;
  • Capacity for its freezing;
  • A small bowl for grinding sugar with yolks;
  • Hand whisk or electric blender;
  • Large long-handled spoon or spatula.

That's it, let's get started!


Step 1 - preparing the base for a classic ice cream

1. Mix the cream with milk and heat it up, stirring regularly.

2. Eggs - only yolks (we don’t need whites) with a simple and vanilla sugar grind white into a homogeneous mass. So you don't need strongly yellow, rustic eggs for this.

3. Add them to the milk with cream and stir continuously, warm up. But the mixture for a classic ice cream should not boil, so adjust the fire yourself, or rather put the pan with it in a water bath.

4. After five ... seven minutes, the mixture is ready. Now cool it by simply leaving it on the table, remembering to stir occasionally, or for those who are especially impatient, cover the mold with ice.

Step 2 - freezing

5. But this Step is the most responsible.

No, no, there is nothing complicated in it: take the container with the hardening classic ice cream from the freezer, mix it well, especially remove it from the walls, and put it back in the freezer for an hour. And so on until completely solidified, and this is six ... eight (freezers are different for everyone) hours.

So the preparation of a classic ice cream should be planned in advance, otherwise you will end up with an icy sweet milk lump, and not delicious and delicate ice cream.

That's all the wisdom, bon appetit!

Concluding, if you are not limited in time, then preparing a classic ice cream is very, very simple! And you have just confirmed this in theory. Now it's time to put it into practice. And our step by step recipe making homemade ice cream will help you with this!

Ice cream ice cream at home recipe on video

For those who find it more convenient to cook ice cream ice cream according to the video - we offer a video recipe on how to make ice cream at home! See one of the recipe options for homemade ice cream!

If you have already tried our ice cream ice cream recipe - share your impressions in the comments!

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