Can you make cream from milk? How to make cream from milk at home - three best ways

Everyone knows that cream is a dairy product. They are very useful, if, of course, they are natural. However, it should be noted that you cannot buy a real product in stores, since cream is made in dairies by separation. How much useful substances remain is unknown. One can only guess. Therefore, there is nothing better than a natural homemade product. It is for this reason that we want to talk about how to make cream from milk.

homemade treat

What could be tastier than homemade cream? They will be useful for making beautiful cakes and delicious pastries. They can be added to coffee, sauces and baked goods. Yes, and in its pure form with bread - this is a real delicacy. In addition, cream is the main ingredient in the manufacture of butter and sour cream.

It is simply impossible to make them from store-bought milk at home. For this reason, only a real goat or cow product should be taken for manufacturing. The first option is something amazing. There are several different cooking methods. Each housewife decides for herself how to make cream from milk. After weighing all the pros and cons, she chooses her option. But whichever method you use, you should first purchase full-fat homemade milk (whole). It follows from the fact that to obtain one liter of cream, ten times more cow product will be needed.

The first (simple) way to make cream

Cream from homemade milk is quite simple to prepare in this way. You just need to take milk, cover it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for twelve hours. At this time, it is better not to touch the pan. After the required time has passed, cream will appear on top. Just take a spoon and collect them. If desired, a little sugar can be added to the mass and beat with a mixer. In this case, you will get wonderful homemade cream. By continuing to beat at a higher speed, we will be able to make real butter.

How to make cream from milk using a separator?

The second way to get cream is more complicated. You will need a milk separator. And this means that, in addition to the cow product, you will also have to buy this simple apparatus. Of course, if you want to indulge yourself with homemade cream from time to time, then it makes no sense to purchase it. But if you want to regularly make homemade products, then you cannot do without a simple and such a useful device. Correctly setting the separator, you can get a product of any fat content. Having such an apparatus, you do not have to think about how to prepare cream. You just need to pour good milk into a container. The separator will do all the work for you.

In general, such a device is a wonderful solution for those who have a goat or a cow. Milk must be processed daily, and the separator greatly simplifies the work. As a result, you can easily get not only cream, but also butter, sour cream and other delicious products.

Types of separators

If you really think about the question of how to make cream from milk using a separator, then you should know that there are two types of machines: manual and electric. The latter are more expensive. But they are more convenient to use.

Another way to make cream

While talking about how to make cream, we want to talk about one more way. Most likely, for urban residents, this option will be the most acceptable. In a metropolis, it is not always possible to purchase real full-fat homemade milk, and not everyone wants to mess around with a separator. Therefore, we offer you a more interesting option. It will allow you to get a good dairy product for desserts and cakes.

So, for cooking, we need oil (at least 72% fat) and milk. The consistency of the resulting cream can be adjusted. It's simple enough. In order for the cream to have a fat content of 35%, you should take four hundred milliliters of milk and the same amount of grams of butter. For 25% of the product, a different ratio is required: 514 ml and 286 g. If, due to circumstances, you do not eat fatty foods, then it will be even less. So, for 15% cream, you need 628 milliliters of milk and 172 grams of butter.

Cow product must be poured into a saucepan. There you need to chop the oil. We put the dishes on a small fire, heat the contents and stir constantly. Milk should not be brought to a boil. It should just be warm. Next, the mixture should be poured into a blender and beat it for about ten minutes. After that, it is better to place the cream in a glass dish. And, covered with a clean towel, refrigerate for eight hours.

The benefits of cream

When we prepare cream, we do not think about how useful this dairy product is. There is no need to say that it is delicious. Probably, there is no such person who would not love them. Even kids are fans of this delicacy. Meanwhile, the cream is very useful for duodenal and stomach ulcers, gastritis and other diseases. Imagine that they contain an amino acid that is converted in the body into the "hormone of joy" - serotonin. It is he who improves performance and mood, makes the body to be in good shape, relieves insomnia and depression, and reduces appetite. Maybe that's why we all love cream so much. By adding them daily to coffee, we reduce its harmful effects on the body and protect teeth from dark plaque. As you can see, it is quite possible to make good cream at home. And it's an easy process. The result will delight all family members.

Who is contraindicated cream?

However, even such a wonderful product has some contraindications. Cream is not recommended for children under two years of age. For their body, this is still too heavy a product. As for adults, cream should not be consumed by people with obesity, metabolic disorders. They can become taboo for hypertension, liver pathologies, heart and vascular problems. The product is especially contraindicated for those who suffer from intolerance to all dairy products. With some caution, scientists treated such fatty foods with elevated cholesterol levels in humans. However, recent studies have shown that the benefits of cream are great. And their influence on the formation of cholesterol plaques is exaggerated.

Whipped cream is an amazing delicacy with a delicate and airy texture. They are often used for a variety of desserts, pastries, fruit and other sweet treats. The stores offer a large assortment of bottled whipped cream, but still they have a specific smell and are less healthy. Therefore, it is best to learn how to cook them yourself.

You will need:

- 400 ml milk (2.5-3.5%)

- butter (quantity depends on the desired fat content, - 380-400 grams for cream 35%)

Put the butter in the freezer. Yield - 500 ml


1. So, here is milk and butter. Put the butter in the freezer.

2. Grate butter into milk.

3. We put on the smallest fire so that the milk is barely warmed up and the butter is completely melted.

4. From the stove and immediately into the blender. At first, butter and milk still exist separately from each other.

5. Beat for 3 minutes at high speed. Now milk and butter are already one.

6. Pour into a saucepan - this is the mass obtained. And in the fridge. I do at night.

7. We get this in the morning.

8. We put them in a mixer and beat them as usual.

9. The mass is gradually compacted.

10. Add powdered sugar, and everything becomes completely “cool”!.

- Three butter into milk on a grater. Boil the mixture in a water bath until the oil is completely dissolved. In no case should milk boil, just warm up well.

- When the oil has dissolved, transfer the mixture to a blender (with knives!) And turn it on for 3 minutes. At this stage, milk and butter should, as it were, merge together.

- Pour into another container and cover with a lid. We put in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

- That's it, the cream is ready, now you can whip them.

- Now the cream can be whipped with sugar or used according to the recipe.

How to make classic whipped cream:

Components that will come in handy:

  • 400 ml cream with a fat content of 30%;
  • Powdered sugar - 120 grams;
  • Vanillin - 7 teaspoons.

First you need to cool the cream: pour it into a metal container and refrigerate for several hours.
Place the container in another (it should be wider), pouring ice water into it. For the first few minutes, whip the cream at low speed without sugar at all.
When the cream becomes a little thicker, add the powdered sugar and beat everything together for 2-3 minutes with a mixer at low speed. It is best to introduce the powder little by little: add - beat, then another portion and beat again.
Then slowly increase the speed to the maximum value. Experienced confectioners say that it’s better to beat whisks after all, in this case more air gets into the cream, and they become more magnificent. At the same time, add vanilla.
Keep working until an air mixture forms. The cream should leave a trace of the whisk or stable peaks.
This means that you need to stop whipping, otherwise you will churn sweet butter instead of dessert.

Whipped cream - recipe

The main task in the preparation of cream from cream is to achieve a thick and strong foam, for this gelatin is introduced here. It can be used for pastries or cake - it keeps its shape well.
Fatty cream, 33% - 500 ml.
Powdered sugar - 70 gr.
Gelatin - 1 large spoon with a slide.
Water - a quarter of a glass.

How to make whipped cream for cream:

The first thing to do is to put the cup of cream and whisk in the fridge to chill if you will be whipping without a mixer. It also needs to be cooled if you decide to use it.
Shortly before cooking, soak gelatin in cold water, let it swell. After 20-30 minutes, heat it up so that it completely dissolves, but do not let it boil. Set aside to cool down.
Now let's move on to the main steps: we begin to whip the cream into foam, as described in the first recipe, first at low speed. Then slowly begin to pour in the powder, and when everything is laid out, pour in the gelatin. Increase the speed gradually.
Continue beating everything together until the cream is thick and firm.
If this is a cream for a cake, then you should immediately coat the biscuit with it, decorate with a pattern and refrigerate.
How to make chocolate whipped cream cake
Homemade whipped cream with chocolate can become both an independent dessert and serve as a cake decoration. In the first case, immediately after cooking, put it in a bowl and put it in the cold for a while. If you are making for a cake, then coat it with layers or decorate and also send it to the refrigerator.

Cream 20% fat - 2 cups.
Powder - a third of a glass.
Gelatin - 1 teaspoon.
Cocoa powder 30 gr. (or 50 gr. chocolate).

Step-by-step recipe for making chocolate cream:

First of all, fill the gelatin with cream, for this use a third of the total amount. Wait for it to swell, and put the bowl with the contents in another container of water. Heat it, stirring frequently to dissolve the gelatin. Then set aside and let cool.
Dissolve cocoa powder in hot cream, for this use another 1/3 of their amount. Stir until completely dissolved. If you decide to use chocolate, then it also needs to be melted first - it will become easier to mix with cream.
Now mix the rest of the cream with the powder and start whisking slowly. When the first foam appears, pour in the chocolate cream, and after a while carefully add the gelatin.

Cream at home pretty easy to cook. However, this is a lengthy process as you will have to defend full-fat cow's milk. How best to do this, we will definitely tell you.

How to make cream at home

Cream is the particles of fat found in milk. Its amount can range from 10 to 35%. To obtain the product, you need to defend the milk alone. Fat globules will gradually come to the surface. On average, they move at a speed of 1 cm for 3-4 hours. In order for the process to proceed faster, the milk container must be placed in a warm room. For this purpose, factories use a special apparatus - a centrifuge.

After settling, additional processing of the product is necessary to eliminate bacteria and extend the shelf life. Processing can be sterilized and pasteurized. Pasteurization takes place under the influence of lower temperatures than sterilization. It is from pasteurized milk that cream with a richer and more pronounced taste is obtained. They only keep for 72 hours. After this time, they become unusable. Sterilized dairy product can be stored for up to four months. This is another difference between pasteurization and sterilization.

Vegetable cream.

This type of dairy product, which is made from vegetable fats. They keep much longer than pasteurized and sterilized milk cream. They include palm or coconut oil, dyes, stabilizers, milk proteins, flavors, etc. You can only buy them in the store, but we do not advise you to do this, because they do not have useful properties and have a slight aroma of real milk cream.

You can make delicious cakes from the finished product.

Required products:

For the biscuit crust:

Egg - 3 pieces
- 2/3 st. granulated sugar
- flour - 2/3 cup

For the lemon banana cream:

soft banana
- lemon juice of one fruit
- a couple of eggs
- butter - 20 g


Beat the ingredients for the cream with a blender, boil for 3 minutes on the smallest fire. Perebeyte 400 g of homemade cream with a bag of thickener and sour cream, pour half a glass of powdered sugar. Bake biscuit cakes, soak with cream, decorate with cream.

Consider and.

Whipped cream at home

For whipping, you can purchase a plant-based product or use homemade pasteurized cream. The fundamental difference is that there is no whipping. However, the quality of the finished product is strongly influenced by the fat content of the cream. The ideal option is 35-40%. If the fat content is only 10-15%, then you will not succeed with whipping. There are also creams specially designed for whipping. Their fat content is 33%.

How to make whipped cream at home

Before whipping, the product must be cooled down. For this purpose, put them in the refrigerator for several hours. And it is better to leave them at all for the whole night. It is not recommended to put it in the freezer. When whipping a frozen product, you will get butter or buttermilk. The optimum temperature for cooling is 5 degrees. It is also necessary to cool the device and utensils for whipping. This is especially important when whipping a small amount of mass. For whipping, you will need a whisk - mechanical or electric. Do not use a food processor or blender for whipping. The classic whisk will allow you to get fluffy and airy cream.

Whipped cream at home recipe.

It is necessary to beat at the smallest speed. Gradually, the speed must be increased. After you reach maximum speed, wait until the mass thickens. It should be thick enough to stop dripping from the whisk. The speed must be gradually reduced. Care must be taken not to make butter. In this regard, it is important not to overdo it while whipping.

Prepare and.

Gradually, during the process, granulated sugar is introduced. You need to add it in small portions and at the same time continue to beat. Instead of sugar, it is still better to use powdered sugar. Thus, you will quickly achieve the desired consistency. In addition, powdered sugar will give the product a delicate and smooth texture. Add vanillin to taste, as well as food coloring if you want to get any color.

Whipped cream at home can also be made from milk. To thicken in this case, use the following products: protein, gelatin and thickener.

The protein must be cooled, stir and beat. For best results, add powdered sugar.

Gelatin. Pre-soak it in cool water, and then dissolve until completely dissolved and let cool. Chilled gelatin must be introduced into the whipped product. Pour it in in a thin stream. Whipping should not stop.

Thickener. It is often used during confectionery production. You can buy it in the grocery stores of the supermarket or specialty store.

Cream ice cream at home.


Sugar - a couple of tablespoons
- dark chocolate - 95 g
- milk - 90 g
- cream - 245 g


Heat the milk (no need to boil it!). Add sugar, stir. More sugar can be added. The amount will depend on your taste. Break the chocolate into small pieces. Mix thoroughly. Melt the chocolate mass in a water bath, then cool. Beat the chilled cream, gently fold in the chocolate mass. Place in the freezer for 4 hours. You need to beat it again after 2 and 3 hours. In this case, you will get soft and fluffy ice cream.

Prepare for your kids.

Ice cream at home without cream.

Pumpkin ice cream.

Required products:

Sour cream - 395 g
- chocolate - 50 g
- cinnamon - a couple of teaspoons
- pumpkin - 395 g
- honey - 3 tablespoons

Cooking steps:

Peel the pumpkin from seeds and peel, cut into medium-sized slices. Place the cut pumpkin in a mold, pour in a little water, cover the mold with foil, bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. After half an hour, check the readiness. If the pumpkin turned out tough, bake it in the oven for another 10 minutes. Cool the baked pumpkin, chop with an immersion blender. Add cinnamon with honey, taste. Add more spices and sugar if needed. Add sour cream. Pour the mixture into a container for freezing, cover with cling film, put it in the freezer for several hours.

Prepare decoration: on the back of the parchment, draw any images with a simple pencil. Stretch the paper on the cutting board, fix it with tape. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, fill the confectionery syringe. Draw figures along the contour of the paper with melted chocolate, put the board in the freezer so that the chocolate hardens. Remove the finished ice cream from the refrigerator, let it stand for an hour at room temperature. Transfer to a bowl, decorate with chocolate figures. To improve the taste, you can add topping or any syrup.

How about you?

Powdered milk ice cream.

You will need:

Sugar - ½ cup
- a teaspoon of starch and vanillin
- regular milk - 30 g

Cooking steps:

Stir the products, pour milk, let it brew a little. Vanilla and starch should dissolve. Rearrange on fire, wait until the mass boils, remove and let cool. Put the mass in the chamber (freezer). Stir the contents every half hour.

Cream butter at home.

Cool a liter of thick cream to a temperature of 15 degrees. Insert a special whisk attachment into a mixer or kitchen process. Pour cream, cover and turn on. During whipping, grains of fat gradually begin to separate - they will later become the main oil. Pour in ice water - droplets of fat will begin to stray into the total mass. Drain the buttermilk, squeeze out the whey. Wash the cleaned oil lump under running water, put in a separate storage container. Seal tightly with lid.

Dairy products should be present in the diet of every person. Such food is a source of a huge amount of nutrients, it saturates the body with useful proteins, vitamins, minerals and acids. To date, in stores you can find a lot of dairy products that differ in their qualities, methods of preparation and effect on the human body. But many users do not trust store-bought products and try to purchase such products from trusted people from rural areas, as well as cook on their own. Let's talk about how to make cream at home, we will give a recipe for this.

Cream is the majority of the fat in milk. When milk is settled, light fats rise to the surface; earlier they could simply be removed from the steam room, after standing it for some time. Under industrial conditions, such a product is obtained by separation.

How to make cream at home?

To prepare cream at home, you need to prepare four hundred milliliters of milk (fat content of 2.5-3.5%) and a certain amount. So to get 35% fat cream, you need four hundred grams of butter. At the exit, you will get five hundred milliliters of cream.

Pour the milk into a saucepan, grate the frozen butter into it on a grater. Place the container on a fire of minimum power and heat the mixture until the oil is completely dissolved. At the same time, milk should not boil, watch this very carefully.

After the oil has dissolved, transfer the mixture to a blender (with knives) and turn on for three minutes. It is necessary that milk and butter merge as if into one whole. After pour into another saucepan or bowl, cool at room temperature and cover with a lid. In this case, it is desirable to place the lid on the fabric so that condensation does not occur. Send to the refrigerator for eight hours. The finished product must be mixed. Everything. Everyone can master such a cream recipe at home.

How to get cream from homemade milk?

If you managed to get real milk (not store-bought), send it directly in a jar to a cool, dark place. Somewhere in a day a layer of fat - cream - forms on top. It can be seen with the naked eye, the consistency of such a product differs from the structure of milk. Scoop the cream with a spoon into a separate small jar.

Handmade whipped cream

To prepare such a product, you need to prepare half a glass of milk, a quarter cup of cold water, a quarter cup of powdered sugar, a teaspoon of gelatin and a teaspoon of vanilla extract.

First, pour a quarter cup of water into a small bowl. Pour gelatin into it and leave for a while so that it swells and absorbs the liquid.

Pour the milk into a small saucepan, place over medium heat and heat with constant stirring. Once the milk starts bubbling around the sides of the pot, turn off the heat. Pour it into a separate bowl and combine with gelatin. Beat well with a mixer until smooth. Then, while whisking constantly, pour sugar and vanilla extract into the container. Send the resulting mixture to the refrigerator for ninety minutes. Stir the cooking cream every ten minutes.

After ninety minutes, place the bowl in a larger container filled with ice water. With constant stirring, refrigerate the cream for half an hour. Next, remove the bowl of the mixture from the water and beat with an electric mixer until you get a thick fluffy cream. But do not overdo it, because otherwise the cream may curdle or lose volume.

Separator usage

In order to get cream at home, you can also use a separator. It can be purchased online and in specialized stores. At home, it is best to use a manual separator, they take up little space, do not break, but require the application of physical strength. The use of such a device allows you to get cream of varying degrees of fat content - up to 50%. Not everyone can prepare such cream from milk at home. Pour milk into the machine and adjust the fat content. The separator not only separates the cream, but also cleans it well - adding purity and taste.

The benefits of cream

Cream is an amazingly healthy food product that can bring great benefits to a person. They are a source of easily digestible protein, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, they contain a number of provitamin A, E, H and PP. Cream contains a lot of and, chlorine and, and. They are rich in iodine, cobalt, and molybdenum.

Cream proteins contain an order of magnitude more lecithin than milk, and this substance is important for optimal cholesterol metabolism. Also, lecithin is a source of many phosphatides necessary for building cell membranes, as well as cytoplasm and nuclei.

It is thanks to lecithin that cream is actively advised to be added to coffee and tea, various dishes represented by cereals, salads, sauces and soups. However, they should not be subjected to heat treatment.

It is worth noting that the consumption of cream can harm obesity, many cardiovascular diseases, liver pathologies, hypertension and metabolic disorders. Such a product is not indicated for patients suffering from milk protein intolerance. It should not be given to children under two years of age.

Additional Information

Traditional medicine specialists often use cream in everyday life for the treatment and prevention of many pathological conditions.

It is believed that such a dairy product is ideal for the treatment of sunburn. They just need to lubricate the affected areas several times a day.

In order for the therapy of such burns to be more effective, it is worth combining cream with potatoes. Wash a few potatoes, boil and mash until mashed. Add cream to the resulting mass. Apply the mixture to the affected area for twenty minutes. Eliminate the remnants of the medicine with a cotton swab.

Cream is useful for women who are breastfeeding. So to increase the production of breast milk, you need to combine a glass of sugar and a glass of cream. Pour such components with a liter of freshly brewed (weak) tea, mix well. Drink the resulting mixture daily. Two or three days of such treatment, according to traditional medicine experts, will ensure the active production of breast milk.

Cream can be applied directly to the skin, they perfectly eliminate irritation, rashes, etc. Also, such a product has wound-healing qualities and effectively eliminates pigmentation.

In the event that you suffer from swelling associated with the activity of the kidneys, take freshly squeezed carrot juice with cream. Such a drink, sweetened with honey, will also have a positive effect on sexual function.

Also, traditional medicine experts claim that the cream will help cure gastric diseases: stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, etc. Consumption of such a product helps to quickly and effectively remove toxins from the body, including poisoning. Cream also improves efficiency, eliminates insomnia and depression.

It should be noted that cream is a healthy, but very high-calorie product. Therefore, you should not consume them in excessive quantities.

How to make homemade cream from milk - basic cooking principles

Cream is used to make desserts and other dishes. However, it is difficult to find high-quality cream in the store, so it is better to make it yourself from whole milk.

You can get cream at home by hand or using a separator. Fatty cream, which is used for desserts, is made from milk and butter.

Manual cream is made by settling milk throughout the day. In this case, the cream rises up, and you just need to collect it with a spoon or ladle.

In the second case, you need a separator. It is installed strictly vertically. It is advisable to slightly warm the milk and strain it. Then it is poured into the milk receiver and they begin to slowly turn the handle, gradually increasing the speed.

The third method involves the preparation of heavy cream. Put butter in milk and put the container on a small fire. Warm up until the oil is completely dispersed. Then the hot mixture is whipped in a blender, poured into a suitable clean container, cooled and left overnight in the refrigerator. Now the cream can be whipped for a cream or other dessert.

Whatever way you prepare the cream, use only high-quality homemade milk, and in no case store-bought.

Recipe 1. How to make homemade milk cream manually


Whole cow's milk.

Cooking method

1. If you buy milk, it is better to strain it again. Pour it into a clean, dry bowl. A deep bowl will do.

2. Put a bowl of milk in the refrigerator for a day.

3. Now carefully remove the cream with a spoon or ladle.

4. Pour the cream into a clean bowl and store in the refrigerator, otherwise it will spoil. In this way you will get cream, with a fat content of approximately 25 percent.

Recipe 2. How to make cream from milk at home using a separator


Whole cow's milk.

Cooking method

1. We install the separator on the edge of the table and fix it on a special stand. Make sure the device is in a vertical position.

2. Milk should be warm. Therefore, we preheat to a temperature of 35 degrees. We filter.

3. Pour warm milk into the milk receiver. We start the separator. Slowly begin to rotate the handle, gradually increasing the speed. As soon as the device gives a signal, open the tap and start supplying milk to the drum.

4. The cream will go into a separate container and the skimmed milk into another. Before the separation is completed, skip a little skimmed milk so that all the cream comes out.

Recipe 3. How to make heavy cream from milk at home


A pack of butter;

200 ml of milk.

Cooking method

1. Pour the milk into a small saucepan. Send a pack of butter here.

2. Put a bowl of milk over medium heat and heat, stirring constantly, until the butter is completely dispersed. No need to boil!

3. Pour the resulting mixture into a blender bowl and beat for ten minutes. You should get a homogeneous mixture with a fairly dense foam.

4. Pour the cream into a suitable bowl, cool completely and refrigerate overnight. Whip the cream chilled.

Recipe 4. Dor blue sauce with cream


100 g dor blue cheese;


200 ml homemade cream;

Provencal herbs.

Cooking method

1. Cut the cheese into small pieces and place in a saucepan. Put it on a slow fire.

2. Pour half the cream into the saucepan and cook, rubbing the cheese into the cream, until you get a homogeneous mass without lumps.

3. Gradually pour in the remaining cream, stirring continuously so that it does not curdle. Heat the mass until the cheese is completely dissolved, but do not boil! At the end, add the Provence herbs and salt. Pour the prepared sauce into a special form and serve with meat or fish dishes.

Recipe 5. Creamy Sweets


A glass of homemade cream;

One third of a glass of dry milk;

Vanillin sachet;

150 g of sugar;

200 ml sour cream;

150 g butter.

Cooking method

1. Put the butter in a saucepan and put it on the slowest fire. Add white or vanilla sugar and wait for the butter to melt completely.

2. Pour the cream into the saucepan and add the sour cream. Stir. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, cook for another quarter of an hour, stirring constantly.

3. Enter milk powder and keep the mass on fire until it thickens.

4. Rinse the raisins, pour hot water over them and leave for half an hour. Then drain the infusion, and add the raisins to the resulting mass. Stir.

5. Cover a deep tray with cling film and put the creamy mass into it. Flatten and refrigerate for three hours. Then remove the mass from the mold by pulling the edges of the film, and cut it into small rectangles.

Recipe 6. Fettuccine with seafood in a creamy sauce


400 g fettuccine;


450 g shrimp;

Fresh greens;

5 ml of vegetable oil;

Black pepper;



10 g butter;

50 g of cheese;

Clove of garlic;

Two glasses of homemade cream;

100 ml dry white wine.

Cooking method

1. Boil the fettuccine until cooked, following the recommendations on the package. Defrost shrimp, if necessary, clean and dry. Put on a plate, season with pepper, paprika, salt and other spices.

2. Fry the shrimp on both sides in a pan with a minimum amount of vegetable oil.

3. We shift the shrimp to a plate, and put finely chopped onions in the pan and squeeze the garlic through the press. We fry for just a couple of minutes, and pour in the wine. Stir with a spatula and keep on high heat for three minutes.

4. Now pour the cream into the pan, mix and simmer for another two minutes. Add to the hot sauce, finely grated cheese, salt, pepper and put a pinch of paprika. We mix.

5. Put the fettuccine and shrimp into the sauce. Stir gently and keep on fire for just another minute. Serve with a pinch of finely chopped fresh herbs.

Recipe 7. Chicken gizzards stewed in cream


700 g chicken stomachs;

A mixture of peppers;

150 ml of homemade cream;

Two bulbs;

Clove of garlic;


50 ml vegetable oil;

Bay leaf;

30 g flour;

Two peppercorns.

Cooking method

1. We wash the chicken stomachs and boil until tender, salting the water and adding peppercorns and bay leaf to it. Cooking for an hour and a half.

2. Then we drain the broth, and cool the ventricles and cut into small pieces.

3. Chop the peeled onion in half rings and fry it until transparent.

4. We clean the carrots and roughly three. Add it to the onion, mix and cook for a couple more minutes.

5. We spread the stomachs to the vegetables. Pour in the cream and add the flour. Mix and season with salt and spices. Simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Three minutes before cooking, add finely chopped garlic.

Recipe 8. Cod with cream sauce


Half a kilo of cod fillet;

Black pepper;

200 ml homemade cream;

Four cloves of garlic;

200 g flour;

30 g butter.

Cooking method

1. Defrost the cod fillet and cut it into pieces, eight centimeters long. Check it for bones. If there are any, carefully remove them with tweezers.

2. Pour vegetable oil into the pan. We put it on the fire and put the chopped clove of garlic.

3. Roll the fish in flour and fry on both sides until golden brown.

4. Grind the rest of the garlic together with the washed herbs. Warm up the cream in a saucepan. We add flour. Constantly stirring so that there are no lumps. We put garlic and herbs, salt. Stir and bring the mixture to a boil.

5. Put the finished cod on a plate, pour the sauce and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Recipe 9. Mushroom soup with cream


200 g frozen forest mushrooms;


1 l 200 ml chicken broth;

200 g potatoes;

Vegetable oil;


100 ml homemade cream;


Garlic - two cloves.

Cooking method

1. Peel and wash vegetables. Finely chop the onion, finely grate the carrot. Finely chop the garlic. Put all the vegetables in a frying pan with heated oil and sauté until soft.

2. Defrost the mushrooms and fry separately until the liquid has evaporated.

3. Finely grate one potato, and chop the rest into small cubes.

4. Put the potatoes in a saucepan with chicken broth and boil until soft. Then add fried vegetables and pieces of boiled chicken meat. Salt.

5. Pour cream into boiling soup and remove from heat. Serve by pouring on plates and adding croutons to each zhmenka.

How to make cream from milk at home - tips and tricks

Make cream only from homemade whole milk.

Whip cream only when chilled.

Before distilling milk through the separator, warm it up slightly.

Store finished cream in a clean container in the refrigerator.