Turkey neck. Turkey neck: properties, calorie content and cooking recipes

Not only chicken meat, but also turkey meat is currently popular. This is due to the good taste characteristics of turkey meat and the versatility of its use. Almost every part of the carcass of this bird can be used for food. Turkey necks are no exception, they can be the basis of hearty and healthy dishes.

Properties and calorie content

Turkey necks consist of a large number of small bones and pulp, so in most cases they can be used as the basis for a rich first course. To enhance and diversify taste qualities Dishes made from this product use various herbs and spices. Based on reviews, we can conclude that turkey necks are very tasty when they are cooked in the oven or stewed with potatoes, boiled or baked, or fried in a frying pan with or without skin. This ingredient is used to make delicious, simple and healthy dishes in many countries of the world.

The calorie content of this part of the turkey carcass is 125 kilocalories. It should be noted that heat treatment reduces this indicator. Glycemic index product (GI) is zero, so turkey is absolutely safe for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. Per 100 grams of product there are 16.5 grams of protein and 6 grams of fat. This meat does not contain carbohydrates, so it can be made part of the diet. The necks contain vitamins B, A, C, E, PP, H, K. This meat is rich in zinc, selenium, copper, magnesium, calcium, and manganese.

Benefits and possible harm

Turkey necks are delicious, useful product, when consumed, there is a beneficial effect on the body. They contain a large number of vitamins and a small percentage of cholesterol, which distinguishes this meat from other types. The value of this product is high for the following reasons:

  • absence of allergic reactions;
  • low calorie content;
  • rich composition, which is important for normal functioning human body;
  • easy digestion and rapid breakdown of fats.

Eating turkey necks benefits the heart and blood vessels, prevents joint diseases, strengthens the immune system, strengthens male strength, prevents the formation of cancer, and normalizes metabolism.

Contraindications for the use of the product are kidney diseases and gout. But you shouldn’t even abuse your necks healthy people. Like any other type of meat, they can be harmful if consumed in excess. This product can also have a detrimental effect on health if it is expired or of poor quality.

  • childhood, pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • people who are exposed to constant nervous tension, stress, and have problems sleeping;
  • during constant physical activity, previous operations and serious illnesses.

Cooking recipes

Turkey necks are a unique product with a small percentage of fat and a significant protein content. Before cooking, they are thoroughly washed and cut into several pieces. This product must be boiled for 60 minutes.

Onion necks baked in the oven

The ingredients of this unusual dish are:

  • three large necks;
  • three onions;
  • green onions;
  • two carrots;
  • one head of garlic;
  • black, allspice, red pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

The necks must be divided into portions, then put them in a cast iron vessel and sent to cook. After 20 minutes, add salt. The onion must be cut into large half rings, and the carrots into cubes. Green onions and leeks should also be chopped. Place a third of the garlic on the oil heated in a frying pan and brown.

After this, the remaining vegetables are poured into the frying pan, fried and salted. Mix all the peppers and grind them using a mortar. A third of it should be added to vegetables. Frying should continue until golden brown. After forty minutes of boiling the meat, both sauteed and fresh vegetables, which are left, and add salt to the dish.

The prepared dish in the cauldron must be placed in the oven, which is heated to 230 degrees. After ten minutes, the temperature should be reduced to 200 degrees, and after half an hour - to 180. Continue stewing for one hour.

Stewed necks with potatoes

It's very simple, filling and delicious. homemade dish It also turns out to be inexpensive. Turkey necks must be washed and cut into portioned pieces. After this, peel the onion, chop it, peel the carrots and grate using a coarse grater. Potatoes must be cut into large pieces.

After preparing all the ingredients, you can turn on the multicooker or pressure cooker by first pouring vegetable fat. Vegetables must be fried for 8 minutes, stirring constantly. After this procedure, place the turkey necks in a bowl, carefully mix all the ingredients and fry for another 5 minutes. After this add potatoes, salt, Bay leaf and peppercorns.

The multicooker bowl is filling with hot water. boiled water. Its quantity should not exceed the level of potatoes. On the equipment you need to set the “Extinguishing” mode. The cooking procedure should last 40 minutes. When the dish is prepared, it can be placed on plates, sprinkled thickly with herbs on top. The necks are soft, tender and very tasty.

Rich soup

Preparation rich soup perhaps not only from the meaty bones of pork or beef, but also from turkey necks. Thanks to the presence of seeds and pulp, the broth is aromatic, with a pleasant sweetish aftertaste.


  • three turkey necks;
  • one onion;
  • one carrot;
  • celery and parsley;
  • sixty grams butter;
  • salt.

After thoroughly washing the offal, it must be divided into parts. Then the necks should be placed in a pan, filled with water and sent to cook over medium heat. The roots of the greens need to be peeled, cut and added to the broth. To thicken the dish, you can peel a few potatoes, cut them and put half of them in the broth. The onions and carrots also need to be peeled and chopped.

Half the amount of butter is placed in a frying pan, where, after it has dissolved, you need to fry the vegetables. After preparing the frying, pour it into the soup, take out the potatoes, mash them with a potato masher and put them back into the pan. The dissolved puree gives the soup thickness and flavor. The remaining chopped potatoes are added to the soup and cooked until tender.

By the time the tuber is cooked, the soup will be completely ready. This hearty dish should be eaten hot with sour cream and herbs.

Shakes with beer and cream

This dish has a rather unusual and interesting gravy. It is beautiful and appetizing, and the meat part is tender and sweetish.


  • one kilogram of necks;
  • one bottle of dark beer;
  • three onions;
  • 150 grams of cream;
  • 40 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper, curry.

After the offal is washed and cut into pieces 4 centimeters in size, you can proceed to marinating them. The necks must be rolled in spices and placed in the refrigerator for one hour. The onion needs to be peeled and cut into rings. Oil is heated in a frying pan, in which the necks are fried on both sides until browned.

The onion also needs to be fried, then transferred to meat product. Cream and beer are also added there and stewed for 90 minutes. During cooking, the meat needs periodic stirring so that the meat is well saturated with the gravy. In ready-made necks, the pulp can be easily separated from the bone.

Turkey necks are quite a tasty and nutritious offal in any prepared form. This inexpensive ingredient can be an excellent basis for first and second courses. Goulash is especially popular among housewives as a second course. At correct processing the meat turns out soft and juicy, and also brings many benefits to the human body.

To learn how to cook turkey necks in sweet and sour sauce, watch the following video.

Delicious and easy to prepare stew. In general, turkey necks are much more suitable for soup than any other part of the turkey. Fortunately, there is now a lot of this stuff on the markets and at absolutely reasonable prices.

So, potato chowder with turkey necks.

That's interesting. No matter how many times I go to Moscow markets, in the north of Moscow they honestly write on the price tags: “Turkey neck” price 90 rubles/kg. It is approximately the same in different markets, and the accuracy of the price does not really matter. But in the markets in the south of Moscow the situation is much more cheerful. Turkey necks lie on the counter. And on the price tag there is a proud inscription: “Bulltail”. When finding out the number of legs this bull had, and whether this bull had wings, the sellers, like partisans during interrogation, stand their ground and claim that these are bull tails, they were just chopped up for the convenience of the end buyer. A mysterious situation. And it’s not just in one single market that such nonsense happens...

Okay, enough of the lyrics, it’s time to get back to making the soup.

For turkey neck soup you will need

...for a 3-liter saucepan:

  • Turkey necks - 3 pieces - approximately 800 grams
  • Bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • Potatoes - according to your preference for the thickness of the soup.
  • Parsley root or stems.
  • A stalk or piece of celery root. Here I used 1 stem of lovage.
  • Salt.
  • Butter - 50 grams.

Making Turkey Neck Soup

First of all, we cut the turkey necks in half - they fit easily into the pan and look much neater on the plate.

Place the necks in a saucepan and pour cold water, add a little salt and put on fire. Bring to a boil, carefully remove the noise and add parsley and celery. We also select 2-3 of the largest potatoes, peel them and, without cutting them, place them in the pan.

While the broth is cooking, cut the onion into thin quarter rings and grate coarse grater carrot.

Fry the onions and carrots in half, about half the butter, without allowing the onions or carrots to burn.

The heat under the frying pan should be low to avoid burning the butter. Alternatively, you can use a mixture of vegetable and butter. Vegetable will not allow the cream to burn.

Transfer the roast into a saucepan. We check the readiness of the potato tubers, which we sent along with the turkey necks from the very beginning. If the potatoes are already ready, then move on to the next stage.

We take all the tubers out of the pan, add the remaining butter and, if desired, 1-2 ladles of broth. Using a masher, mash all the potatoes into a puree.

then put the puree back into the pan. This thickens the broth, making it thicker and richer in taste.

Cut the remaining potatoes into small cubes.

The recipe for cooking turkey or turkey is traditional for Americans and some European countries, in which turkey is always prepared for Christmas. Turkey recipes are most common in these countries. Turkey dishes, as a rule, are not fatty, so you can often find diet turkey dishes. Turkey has its own characteristics. Usually they turn out more voluminous and satisfying turkey dishes, a turkey recipe can be very simple, or it can be delicious. Therefore, we will teach you how to properly cook a turkey, how to cook a whole turkey, how to cook juicy turkey, how to cook a delicious turkey, how to cook a turkey fillet, how to cook turkey legs, how to cook turkey wings, how to cook a whole turkey, how to cook a turkey heart, how to cook turkey liver, how to cook turkey with vegetables, how to cook turkey with chestnuts and turkey with cheese, how to cook turkey drumstick, how to cook turkey cutlets, how to cook turkey breast, how to cook turkey thigh, how to cook turkey, what to cook with turkey, how to cook turkey with sauce, what can be cooked with turkey quickly, how to cook marinated turkey. Also, by choosing turkey dishes with photos, turkey recipes with photos, turkey recipes with photos, turkey recipes with photos, recipes with photos of turkey fillet, you can see all the subtleties of this process.

Cooking the whole turkey in the oven is the most common way to cook turkey. But of course, there are other options for how to cook a turkey. The second most popular recipes with turkey are dishes made from turkey fillet and turkey breast. Eat different dishes made from turkey meat, this is turkey baked in the oven, turkey in a pot. Cooking turkey fillet is convenient because turkey breast is much larger than chicken breast, it can be perfectly cooked in the oven and will not be dry. Interesting recipe cooking turkey fillet - with butter. This great option How to deliciously cook turkey fillet. It is better to start cooking the turkey when the turkey is removed from the refrigerator a little from the cold. You need to make cuts in the fillet, put pieces of butter there, rub the turkey fillet with spices and put it in the oven. Other delicious recipes turkey fillet dishes: with mayonnaise, with oranges, with soy sauce. There is another way to cook turkey meat. This is turkey wrapped in bacon. Cooking your turkey this way will allow you to cook delicate dish, you are sure to have a juicy turkey. But the turkey recipe uses not only a whole turkey or turkey fillet, there are also other recipes with turkey: turkey breast dishes, turkey thigh dishes, turkey drumstick dishes, turkey liver dishes and other turkey dishes.

If you have ground turkey, you're probably wondering what to make with ground turkey. These can be cutlets, meatballs. One more note on the question of how to cook a delicious turkey. Cooking turkey should begin with preparing the marinade; the turkey should sit in the marinade for at least several hours, or better yet, several days in the refrigerator. We hope that once you cook this bird, turkey will become a frequent guest on your table; the recipes allow you to cook it differently each time.

Turkey meat is considered one of the healthiest and lowest-calorie, so the most popular dishes are often prepared on its basis. variety of dishes. Turkey broth is especially tasty and aromatic; the recipe is the basis for many delicious soups. Since in in this case the dish turns out even lighter and healthier than chicken; soups based on it are recommended even for weight loss and stomach problems. However, in order to prepare it correctly, you need to know and take into account some secrets that we will share with you.

Best Turkey Broth Options

Simple Turkey Neck Broth

Ingredients for 750 ml:

  • neck and giblets of one turkey;
  • 1 small yellow onion, halved;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 stalk of celery with leaves;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 5 pieces. peppercorns;
  • 3 sprigs of fresh Italian parsley.

Step-by-step preparation:

For broth, it is better to use neck and giblets; it is better not to use turkey liver, it can add bitterness. In general, any part of the turkey can be used. Rinse the selected meat (part of the turkey) and dry it with napkins.

Carrots must be peeled and cut into arbitrary shapes, not too large pieces. It is better to use an onion; you can leave the bottom skin on it, this will give the broth a beautiful yellow color.

Adding celery to turkey broth will add zest and spicy flavor. You can use only the stems or just the root, or you can use both, this will only improve the taste. Celery must be cut into large pieces.

Also prepare the Italian parsley shoots according to the recipe. It can be used together with the root, where our broth will have a spicy aroma. If you don't like the smell and taste of parsley, you don't have to use it.

When all preparations are complete, place the turkey parts selected for cooking (neck, gizzard, heart, or other turkey parts), a whole onion, chopped carrots, celery, bay leaves, peppercorns and parsley into the pan. Add 1 liter of water.

Bring the broth to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low, partially cover pan and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes until fragrant. Use a spoon or slotted spoon to remove foam from the surface. If you don’t know how long to cook turkey broth, rely on the meat being done; it should become soft and easily separate from the bone.

When the turkey meat is ready, strain the broth through a fine sieve into a heat-resistant container and throw away everything that remains on the sieve, including boiled vegetables. Let the broth cool completely, stirring occasionally to speed up the cooling.

If you want to reduce the calories in the turkey broth, cover the container and place it in the refrigerator to allow the fat to solidify. Discard any congealed fat from the surface.

You can store turkey neck broth in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days. If you want to store longer, freeze it in airtight containers or ice cube trays; this brew can be stored for up to 3 months.

How to cook turkey broth in a slow cooker


  • turkey wing (700-900 g);
  • 2 stalks of celery (100 g);
  • small onion (70 g);
  • small carrots (70 g);
  • a bunch of parsley (stems only);
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • allspice pea;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1.5-2 liters of water.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. To cook the broth according to the recipe, wash the turkey wing, dry it and cut it into pieces at the joints.
  2. Chop peeled carrots and celery in large pieces.
  3. Wash the onion and cut off the roots, but do not cut out the bottom and leave the husk, it will give the broth a golden color.
  4. Wash the parsley under cold water and cut off the stems. Set aside the greens for later use and tie the stems with cotton thread so they can be easily removed from the dish.
  5. Place all ingredients in a multicooker bowl and fill with cold water to the maximum mark. Turn on the Extinguishing program for 2 hours.
  6. After 30 minutes from the start of the program, look into the multicooker. If foam has accumulated, remove it with a plastic slotted spoon.
  7. Remove the turkey from the finished broth. Remove the skin and save the meat for later use. Squeeze the vegetables and discard.
  8. Strain the broth, let it cool and refrigerate overnight. Skim the fat from the surface.
  9. The dish can be frozen in ice cube trays or disposable bags and stored in the freezer for up to six months. Turkey broth recipes allow for the most different vegetables, but it is recommended to limit the spices during cooking so as not to overwhelm delicate aroma birds.

The dish is very simple and “light”. Can be cooked with any part of turkey. But it is from the neck that the rich and delicious broth. In terms of price, turkey necks are inexpensive, which is no less important in our time.
Step 1.

Buy 1 large turkey neck. Wash and chop into small pieces. Cook for 30 minutes.

Step 2.
Grate the carrots. Can be cut into circles or sticks. It all depends on your preference. I had pre-grated and frozen carrots.

Step 3.
Cut the onion into half rings.

Step 4.
Prepare a deep dish with a lid where we will bake our dish.

Step 5.
Remove the boiled neck from the pan and place in a deep bowl. Leave the broth, we will need it.

Step 6.
Place onion, cut into half rings, on the neck.

Step 7
Next add grated carrots and finely chopped garlic.

Step 8
Cut the potatoes into small pieces.

Step 9
Place the potatoes.

Step 10
Strain the broth from the boiled neck and pour into our dish.

Step 11
The broth should not cover the potatoes.

Step 12
Salt, pepper and place in a preheated oven at 180-200 degrees. Simmer for 30-40 minutes.

Step 13
After 30 minutes, remove and stir. Add bay leaf, herbs (I use dill) and any spice for taste (I use dried adjika).