The intoxicating effect of pu-erh tea - fact or fiction? Is Puer tea good for weight loss?

More than once I have had to answer numerous questions about the effects of tea, in particular, about the psycho-emotional effects of pu-erh.

Therefore, in order to avoid repetition of such questions, I decided to sort everything out and express my point of view on this matter - briefly and clearly.

Most of these questions are inspired by the widespread (especially among young people) opinion that Chinese tea has a particularly pronounced effect, close to a state of drug intoxication. This is where the most popular questions on our forums arise: “does the puer insert?”, “does the puer pin?” Even in the Yandex search engine for the query "puer" in third place the hint "puer inserts" - which indicates a huge number similar requests.

Let's start with the fact that tea is not a drug (in the generally accepted sense of the word), therefore it does not “pin”, does not “rush” and does not “insert” - you should not use such crude terminology, which has nothing to do with tea, nor to tea culture. Of course, everyone can call their condition whatever they like, but you need to understand that tea contains substances of a completely different order that have nothing to do with narcotic drugs. Tea, without any doubt, gives a strong tonic effect, invigorates, in some cases, on the contrary, it relaxes, and if it is of high quality, it can lead to quite unusual conditions, especially if a person is prone to subtle perception. But this is a completely different effect, which is much more subtle, and its intensity and other factors can depend on a very large number of circumstances - everything is not so simple.

If we talk about certain types of tea, many connoisseurs rightfully consider oolongs and pu-erh to be the most striking in their effect. It is generally accepted that pu-erh is stronger both in its condition and in its impact, but this is not always the case. The problem is that if good puer can still be found on sale in Russia, good oolong is extremely rare and is sold in addition to the website in a limited number of places. For example, a high-quality, expensive one gives a very interesting condition that is difficult to confuse with something else. If you brew it correctly and quite strongly, you can get a state that is not similar to alcohol or drugs, but namely tea intoxication. In many ways they are similar in effect to Tie Guan Yin; some connoisseurs of light oolong teas like them even more. and oolongs are very different from other teas, both in the way the tea leaves are processed and in their properties, they give a rather interesting state of consciousness and perception. Such oolongs are rightfully considered the most exquisite varieties of Chinese tea, which are just beginning to spread outside of China (unlike the already widespread Tie Guan Yin). and gives a bright tonic effect, the mind becomes clear, pleasant sensations appear in the body, the person becomes more inclined to communicate. Shu (black, ready-made) pu-erh tastes softer, deeper, woody, dried fruit, earthy, velvety with different shades. Sheng Pu-erh is more “greenish”, with a slight bitterness and a sweet aftertaste. You need to be able to brew it well so as not to make it too bitter. White pue, which contains much large quantity tips (and often it is generally made only from kidneys) than in Shu and Sheng, despite the more delicate and subtle taste, it often has an even stronger effect. Proper Chinese brewing (“ping cha”, or an extended, ceremonial version - “gongfu cha”) greatly enhances the effect, since this method of preparing tea most fully reveals its properties. At the same time, it is important to understand that in addition to the quality of the tea itself, every detail is no less important - from the mood of the tea party participants to the space in which it takes place.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that all sensations are quite subtle, the wave of the tea state is very long, and both “rolls in” and “rolls back” for quite a long time, in contrast to the relatively crude effect of coffee and other stimulants containing caffeine and other active substances .

The highlight of good tea is that it has a whole range of taste and olfactory qualities, which, complementing the effect of active substances, make tea drinking an event that fully fills the cup of perception.

In general, almost any high-quality Chinese tea changes the state of consciousness to one degree or another. However, it is under no circumstances worth comparing this change with any psychedelic or dissociating illegal “changers” that sometimes cause irreparable harm to the psyche and/or physical health. On the contrary, tea can help get rid of such addictions (more about this -). However, we must not forget that you should not abuse tea, everything needs to be taken in moderation (more about contraindications and features of drinking tea -.).

Many lovers of “stronger” tea experiment with pu-erh tea, brewing a strong tonic drink from it - “chifir”. But we would not recommend making such drinks, since the use of chifir, although it cannot be compared in terms of harm with the use of alcohol or other drugs, however frequent use Chifir can be harmful to the heart, kidneys and nervous system. In addition, if the effect of tea is of greater importance to you than its other properties, we advise you to pay attention to this one article. Therefore, we advocate exclusively for traditional tea drinking. As the Chinese say, “tea intoxicates with its sobriety” - tea gives a clear state of consciousness, which at the same time relaxes and tones - it is quite difficult to describe, since all such sensations are often subjective - it’s easier to try.

Generally, good tea it brings people closer to each other (which is why in China businessmen often use drinking tea together as a space for communication during business negotiations), and sets them up for creative activity, or meditative concentration - whichever you prefer. It happens that the same tea, brewed under absolutely identical conditions by the same person, has different properties. Therefore, it can manifest itself all the more differently if external conditions are different. It all depends on the variety, dosage, quality of raw materials, quality and properties of water, brewing method, many other factors, and, most importantly, the individual perception of the person who drinks the tea. Tea allows a person to express his best, not always open to public, traits - both external and internal.
Everyday life appears again to a person in a calm, harmonious light. Feelings of emptiness, bad mood, headache and other negative consequences, characteristic of other intoxications. In addition, tea does not cause destructive addiction. Tea, like no other drink, cultivates taste, refines perception, and develops a sense of proportion.
Everyone finds in it what they are looking for. The main thing is the state of mind.

(c) Sergey Shevelev, website

instead of a postscript - two of our short videos on the same topic:

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Puer tea is known as one of the ancient and elite varieties of Chinese tea; much is said about its taste and healing properties. However, both connoisseurs of tea ceremonies and ordinary lovers of the tonic drink recommend learning more about Pu-erh tea before replacing it with it. usual drinks. The benefits and harms of pu-erh largely depend on the quality of the product, brewing technique and the number of cups drunk. If you follow simple tips, pu-erh will turn out to be an exquisitely tasty tea and an extremely healthy drink.

By the way, the birthplace of pu-erh is the Chinese province of Yunnan, and tea gains its specific properties thanks to the variety and production technique. Pu-erh refers to post-fermented teas, that is, those that have undergone natural or artificial aging with the help of a special fungus from the genus Aspergillus.

Puer tea - production features

Pu-erh is a unique product of its kind for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is produced exclusively from elements of the large-leaf tea tree from Yunnan province. The older and more massive the plant, the higher the quality of the leaves collected from it. The world famous Chinese tea is made exclusively from large, juicy and fleshy leaves.

Secondly, it takes a lot of time for the harvested leaves to reach the desired condition. First they are pressed, turning them into pucks. They oxidize in a natural way, and this stage may take several years. In this way, an elite pu-erh that is unique in its properties is created, which can be very expensive.

Nowadays, an option has been invented that allows the production of tea composition much faster. To do this, the leaves are collected in piles and watered. This triggers the processes of reproduction of special microorganisms, which, through their vital activity, increase the temperature in the bale and stimulate the production of juice. This fermentation process is controlled by specialists who dry the preparations and, if necessary, wet them again, preventing the mass from rotting.

The last stage is the same in any case. The oxidized raw material is pressed and given a special shape, by which you can identify the manufacturer or type of product. One puck can weigh up to several kilograms. But today the most popular are miniature balls designed for one brew.

Types and varieties of pu-erh

Getting acquainted with pu-erh should begin with studying its classification. Initially, the product is divided into three types:

  • It turns out the classic way. These are large greenish-brown leaves. The tea prepared from them turns out golden-red. The drink smells faintly of smoke, apples and dried fruits.

  • It turns out expedited way. The leaves are small, brown-black or with a golden tint. The smell is sharp, earthy, slightly bitter. The finished infusion can turn from red and brown to black.

Interesting fact
In ancient times, the birth of a girl in a wealthy Chinese family was accompanied by the creation of tea preparations. They reached the desired state by the time it was time for her to get married. Puer was considered a sign of wealth and was included in the dowry.

  • Look like green variety tea, but the leaves are covered with a white coating. The drink has a specific smell of meadow herbs and honey.

Pu-erh is further divided into subspecies based on the type of raw material (type and size of leaves) and stages of fermentation. The main thing to know here is that the best tea is considered to be aged for 20 years. It has a dark green color and cannot be cheap.

Types of pressed pu-erh

Lovers of unique tea understand that the beneficial properties of pu-erh do not depend on the province in which it is produced. Despite this, they try to consume the same type of product, because each of them allows them to obtain a drink that is unique in taste and aroma.

  1. Bin cha (flatbread or puck). For their production, raw materials from the largest and oldest trees are used. The weight of the cakes is acceptable in the range from 100 g to 5 kg.
  2. Tocha (nest or bowl). In this case, the serving size should not exceed 3 kg, although the minimum weight can be any.
  3. Juan cha (parallelepiped or brick). The simplest type of product for which there are no special requirements.
  4. Fan cha (cube). Its weight rarely exceeds several hundred grams. There should be an imprint of a hieroglyph on the surface of one of the faces.
  5. Jin cha (mushroom). Puerh from Tibet. Quite rare and very high quality tea.
  6. Jin gua (pumpkin). There should be longitudinal depressions on the surface. Initially, the variety was used only by representatives of Chinese royal families.

Any deviation from these rules should alert you. If the shape of the product does not correspond to the declared one or there is a strong discrepancy in weight, most likely the pu-erh is not real or the technology was violated during its production.

The benefits of Chinese tea, its medicinal properties

Pu-erh needs to be brewed correctly. If you master all the secrets of preparing the drink, you can count not only on gastronomic pleasure, but also on the therapeutic effect:

  • Development of attention, improvement of memory. Positive changes in this area are noted not only with regular use of the drink, but also after the first try. Pu-erh relieves fatigue, helps to concentrate, and after it a person absorbs information better.
  • Normalization of weight. This point is especially important for women. There is no point in exhausting yourself with aggressive diets if you can just drink delicious tea. It will reduce appetite, speed up metabolic processes, stimulate digestion and more actively remove fluid from the body.
  • Relieving inflammation. Tea leaves are covered with a coating consisting of essential oils and polyphenols. Together with tannins, they eliminate harmful effects microorganisms that cause inflammation. Additionally, the work of the adrenal glands is stimulated, which minimizes inflammatory processes.

  • Improving the functioning of the digestive organs. A unique drink reduces the negativity that arises from eating fatty foods. Thanks to this, there is no feeling of heaviness, and harmful components are quickly removed from the tissues. Tannins reduce stomach acidity, so pu-erh is very useful for gastritis and peptic ulcers.
  • Fight cholesterol, remove toxins. Against the background of this effect, the liver, heart and blood vessels begin to work better, and the risk of developing atherosclerosis decreases.
  • Reducing the toxicity of tobacco or alcohol. But this property is already more important for men. Of course, the tea mixture will not completely neutralize the negative effects of alcohol or alcohol, but it will decrease several times.
  • Reduced blood sugar levels. Pu-erh is good for diabetics, of course, if you drink tea correctly, without adding sugar or various sweeteners.

Pu-erh is considered the elixir of youth and health for a reason. The centuries-old use of the drink as a tonic and medicine has proven its effectiveness more than once.

How to brew pu-erh correctly?

Benefits and harms Puer tea studied by ancient doctors and proven by modern scientists. And everyone agrees on one thing - you can count on a therapeutic effect only if the drink is brewed and consumed correctly.

Tea ceremony at home:

  1. To brew the drink correctly, you need to use earthenware or a special thermos. Moreover, the water needs to be boiled not separately, but in this container. It should be brought to a boil three times, each time draining a third of the liquid, cooling slightly and returning it back.
  2. After the third boil, you need to quickly stir the water with a spatula or tongs so that a funnel appears - tea is poured into it.
  3. When the tea starts to boil again, remove the dishes from the heat. It is important not to let the tea boil; its temperature should not exceed 98º C.
  4. All you have to do is wait until the tea leaves sink to the bottom, and the tea can be poured.

In addition to water, pu-erh can be brewed with milk. In general, there are many options for preparing the drink. Each manufacturer offers its own ideal method.

Potential harm of pu-erh

Useful and aromatic drink has virtually no contraindications and does not cause harmful consequences. It is not recommended only for people with caffeine intolerance and children under six years of age. If you have kidney disease, drink pu-erh with caution: the diuretic properties of the liquid can increase the load on the diseased organ, which will lead to a worsening of the condition.

It is important to remember that pu-erh should not be drunk on an empty stomach or before bedtime. You should not drink a cold drink either. There is no need to be afraid to stir the tea leaves - this only makes the tea tastier, richer and healthier.

Particular attention should be paid proper storage tea mixture. Do not expose it to moisture, grease, dust, or foreign odors. It is necessary to ensure that the packaging is always tightly closed, and the tea leaves should not be exposed to sunlight. If a white coating appears on green or black pu-erh, this is a sign of spoilage of the product; it cannot be restored. It is best to keep compressed briquettes in wooden boxes with a tight-fitting lid.

Pu-erh is a variety of real original tea. He has a large number of interesting and pleasant taste. Besides, this drink has many advantages. Thanks to it, a person feels cheerful and gets rid of stress. This article will talk about Pu-erh tea, its effect, and customer reviews. Here you can find a lot of interesting information about this product.

Puer tea: beneficial properties

Due to the fact that the drink has a subtle resinous taste, it is called smoked. It has many useful properties. This drink is considered one of the most expensive in its price category.

Currently, Chinese Pu-erh tea can be bought in any supermarket. It is sold in loose, compressed and tablet form. One of the advantages of this product is that it does not have any special storage requirements.

Pu-erh tea's beneficial properties are considered unique. The drink has a tonic effect and invigorates better than coffee. At tea puer benefits and harm are not combined in equal proportions. The second category will be discussed in more detail in the next section.

It is also used for weight loss. The drink helps improve memory and concentrate better. It is also used in the treatment of cardio-vascular system, liver and kidneys.

Regular use Chinese pu-erh tea will help you forget about health problems.

The drink helps improve performance. Therefore, if you have an important exam or report, do not forget to drink a cup of tea before it.

One of the advantages of this product is that it helps remove waste and toxins from the body, and also burns fat. The process of losing weight happens at lightning speed. At the same time, the effect of it remains for a long time.

It is also recommended that this type of tea be consumed by those who have problems with high blood pressure and liver. It cleanses the body of accumulated debris.

An interesting fact is that it helps bring a person out of alcohol intoxication. It is also considered beneficial for diabetics, since regular consumption of this drink can lower blood sugar levels.

What harm can there be from the drink?

Pu-erh tea has contraindications. You should also know them. Otherwise, significant harm to human health can be caused.

The drink should not be consumed by pregnant women, as it contains a substance such as theophylline. The last component contributes to an increase in body temperature, which, of course, is undesirable for pregnant women.

One of the disadvantages of this product is that it helps to actively produce gastric juice. Thus, it should not be drunk by people with gastritis and ulcers.

It should also not be given to a child. Since it is not entirely known how he might react children's body on the components of the drink.

What pu-erh tea will bring - benefit, harm - to a person depends on individual characteristics everyone's body.

How to brew a drink in tablets correctly?

This product is sold in three options. It can be purchased in tablet form, compressed and loose.

Each of the people who purchase it is probably wondering how to properly brew pu-erh tea. Proper preparation of the drink will preserve all its beneficial properties.

Pu-erh tea tablets are one of the most common types of product in supermarkets. A properly brewed drink should be quite thick with a caramel flavor.

To begin, knead the tablet and pour boiling water into the teapot. This water should then be drained. This process will ensure that the tea petals are cleansed of any dirt that has accumulated in them.

Afterwards hot boiled water is poured in. The drink needs to steep for about four minutes. Then you can already use it. You can drink this tea all day long. If it runs out, you can add more boiling water to the teapot. However, the taste of the drink will not change in any way.

How to properly prepare pressed tea?

This product is sold in tile form. It may have patterns or symbols on it. Also, when brewing tea in tablets from pressed tea, you need to break off a piece and add it to the cup. Pour boiling water over it, rinse and drain. Then pour water again at 95 degrees and enjoy the drink.

There is also another way to brew tea. To do this, you no longer need to rinse anything. You just need to pour boiling water over the pressed tea and let it brew for two minutes.

Unlike the type of product considered, the infusion time for this one must be increased each time.

How to properly brew a loose product?

This tea is very similar to regular tea. And unlike previous types, it does not scare off buyers with its unusualness.

So how to brew pu-erh tea correctly in this case? For this you will need a glass teapot. You need to put a couple of spoons of tea there. Then pour a small amount of hot boiled water into a container. After shaking the teapot, the liquid will need to be poured out. All this is done to ensure that the tea is cleansed and moisturized.

Afterwards boiling water is poured into the container. The drink should steep for three minutes. If you want to get more Reviver, then the amount of time for this process should increase. Tea is drunk without sugar or other additives.

At what temperature should the product be brewed?

Pu-erh is an unusual drink. You must follow the rules for its correct preparation, and only in this case will you be able to appreciate not only the beneficial properties of this product, but also its taste.

This tea can be brewed several times in a row. It tastes almost the same every time I brew it. But there is an opinion that the effect of Pu-erh tea, according to customer reviews, is achieved with its sixth infusion.

Also, as you may have noticed, according to the rules, the first brew needs to be drained. In addition, you need to prepare tea at the right temperature. So, boiling water at 91-96 degrees is considered the best. It is the most optimal. At this temperature, the tea should steep for about three to four minutes.

How long does it take to brew a drink?

Pu-erh tea is considered one of those products that requires very little time to develop all its flavor qualities. It all depends on the type of product. So, it is believed that it will take 25 seconds to 4 minutes for pu-erh tea to brew. As mentioned, each variety requires different cooking methods.

Usually, due to the fact that tea leaves are stored for a long time, they tend to accumulate dirt and dust. This is the reason why tea is washed with boiling water for the first time. This process also allows the moistened leaf to impart color and a lot of flavor.

How many times can this product be brewed?

Because of his in an unusual way Maturing tea can produce different flavors with each infusion. The higher the price and quality of a product, the more times it can be brewed.

If when brewing regular tea again, for example, for the fifth time, we get clear water, then when preparing pu-erh it will not look like that at all. So, the last type of product can be prepared again from five to twenty-one times. But it should be remembered that with each infusion, the brewing time should be increased.

Puer tea: effect, customer reviews

Having studied the opinions of people who have ever purchased this product, we can say that they are mixed.

So, some say that they didn’t like him right away. But when they tried it for the third time, they liked the tea. Its tonic properties are largely noted.

Other buyers do not report any positive effects from the product. But they also don’t see the negative side of it.

Still others say that pu-erh tea is more interesting to drink hot. But regular consumption of this drink is boring for them. However, buyers do not deny that it can be drunk not every day, but as an original variety.

To summarize the above, we can say that, according to reviews, Pu-erh tea has a varied effect. But still he exists. And many people note this. Remember that there are contraindications for drinking this drink. Therefore, if you have any health problems, consult your doctor.

Pu-erh is the original variety of real Chinese tea. This drink has many pleasant tastes and has many advantages. It gives a person extraordinary vigor, relieves diseases and stress.

Chinese pu-erh tea is often called “smoked tea.” This is because it has a resinous, delicate taste. However, tea has many beneficial properties. Until now, it remains one of the most beloved, but most expensive drinks.

Nowadays, Pu-erh tea is very easy to purchase in any specialized store, and in in different forms: pressed or loose. It is special because it does not require any special storage; tea can be stored in its normal state for a long time.

Pu-erh tea has beneficial properties

Tea is popular because it has unique healing properties. In addition to its excellent tonic properties, pu-erh can invigorate no worse than a cup of strong coffee.

Pu-erh tea is successfully used for:

  • memory improvement
  • better concentration
  • for weight loss
  • treatment of the body: liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels

It is the ability of tea to keep a person in good shape all day long that can develop the ability to concentrate on important things, train and improve memory. Regular consumption of pu-erh will make you forget about health problems.

Pu-erh tea significantly improves performance and is useful to drink before a big day, an important task, or even an exam.

By the way, tea promotes quality weight loss. Pu-erh has the excellent property of burning fat, as well as removing waste and even toxins from the body. Weight loss comes quickly, and the effect lasts a long time.

beneficial properties of pu-erh help you lose weight

Tea is able to “cleanse” the liver, which means it contributes to the overall health and rejuvenation of the body. Pu-erh removes all the accumulated waste in the body and thereby improves the quality of life. In addition, it is often recommended for people who have problems with blood pressure. Pu-erh actively fights hypertension and “refreshes the head.”

The uniqueness of pu-erh is that this drink is not only tasty, but also beneficial for diabetics in that it lowers blood sugar levels. Pu-erh tea is also often used to bring a person out of alcohol intoxication.

Harm of Pu-erh tea and tea contraindications

Along with beneficial properties tea, you should be aware that it has a sufficient number of contraindications. If you are not aware of them and drink tea regularly, you can easily cause harm from the drink.

Pu-erh tea is not recommended for large-scale consumption during pregnancy. This is because this tea contains a substance such as theophylline. Theophylline can increase body temperature, which is not beneficial for pregnant women.

Those who suffer from constant stomach pain, ulcers and gastritis should know that drinking pu-erh tea is prohibited for them or should be limited minimum quantity cups of drink with very weak brewing. The fact is that the drink promotes the active production of gastric juice, which leads to heartburn and pain.

You should not give pu-erh tea to children, as the child’s body is quite susceptible and can react negatively to the substances in the tea.

It is safe to say that how tea will affect you: for good or harm, depends only on the individual characteristics of the body. If you follow all the recommendations and advice on proper brewing and the amount of consumption per day, you can only wait positive influence drink

The effect of puer tea. How does tea affect the body?

Tea is perhaps the most popular drink of all time. They drink it always and everywhere. Everyone knows and loves black and green tea, but not much is known about pu-erh. That is why many people are concerned with the question: “What effect does pu-erh have on a person?”

Pu-erh differs not only in the method of preparation; over the years of storage it can only become better, absorbing new aromas and tastes. It is precisely because the tea leaves have undergone fermentation that this drink tends to be ready for use for 10, 20 and 30 years...

puer tea in slabs and slabs

The effect of puer tea:

  • There is a common belief that Pu-erh tea can be compared to narcotic drugs. They say that a few cups of tea give a person a feeling of euphoria. However, numerous tests determined that there was no harmful influence the drink does not have a maximum effect on a person, which gives a feeling of relaxation or vigor
  • This variety is distinguished by a high content of tannin - an invigorating and tonic substance. That is why it is not recommended to drink pu-erh at night, because after one cup you can suffer from insomnia all night
  • Due to the fact that tea contains antioxidants, it helps remove harmful substances from the body and gives it a detoxifying effect. For this reason, pu-erh is drunk by those who regularly struggle with overweight and those who want to dispel alcohol intoxication

How to brew pu-erh tablets correctly?

As stated earlier, this tea can be found on shelves in three main variations:

  • tablets
  • pressed plates
  • in bulk

Each type requires careful preparation and proper brewing of the drink. Adhering to the standards for brewing pu-erh will allow you to preserve everything in it useful material and have the best impact on a person.

puer tea tablets

The tablet is the most common variation of pu-erh on modern store shelves.

  • This form involves brewing tea in the amount of one serving per person. A properly brewed tablet will give you a fairly thick, rich tea with pleasant notes of nuts, chocolate or caramel.
  • Before brewing, the tablet should be kneaded and pour boiling water into the teapot for a few seconds. after this, the first boiling water is drained, its purpose is to clean the tea petals from accumulated dirt
  • After washing, the tea is poured with boiling water at 95 degrees
  • Leave the brew for about three to five minutes.
  • After this time, you can drink pu-erh; it has excellent tonic and soothing properties.
  • As a rule, one tablet of pu-erh is drunk throughout the day. The remaining tea leaves can be poured with boiling water several times and the tea will be delicious every time.

How to brew pressed pu-erh correctly?

Another type of pu-erh tea is pressed. It looks like neatly pressed tiles of different sizes with possible patterns and symbols. Fans of tea ceremonies claim that the pleasure of drinking this type of tea begins from the moment it is purchased in a store.

pressed puer tea

This tea can be brewed in different ways:

  • Crumble a piece of tile directly into a cup or small teapot. Rinse the tea with boiling water and drain off excess water, pour boiling water again. Let the tea brew for a few minutes and drink
  • Another method does not require rinsing the tea, which means that it is ready for drinking a minute after pouring boiling water over it.
  • If you brew compressed pu-erh tea several times, increase the brewing time with each subsequent addition of water.

How to brew loose pu-erh correctly?

Loose Pu'er tea is not as off-putting as tablets or bars. It is visually similar to the most ordinary tea familiar to the buyer.

loose puer tea

Preparation of this tea requires stages:

  • Pour one or two teaspoons of tea into a small clay or glass teapot
  • pour a small amount of boiling water, shake the teapot and drain the water - this is rinsing and moistening the tea
  • pour boiling water over the tea and close the lid, the tea should steep for three minutes
  • if you want to get more strong tea, you can steep it a little longer
  • drink tea straight, without adding sugar or lemon

At what temperature should you brew pu-erh?

Since Pu-erh tea is quite unusual and exotic, all details of its brewing should be fully observed. This will allow you to reveal all the taste qualities of the drink from the best side and fall in love with it.

correct temperature for brewing puer tea

Pu-erh can be brewed several times. It tastes good every time. however, it is believed that the drink plays best on the fifth and sixth brews.

Brewing rules require not only pouring out the first brew, but also compliance temperature regime. So, the optimal and best temperature for brewing pu-erh is considered to be boiling water at 90-95 degrees. A standard cup (about 200 ml) of boiling water should contain about 10 grams of tea for a full brew, which will infuse for no longer than three minutes.

How to brew milk pu-erh?

Like any tea, pu-erh has several varieties. One of the most popular varieties is the so-called milk pu-erh. It received this name for its original taste, which from a distance resembles the taste of milk.

milk pu-erh does not have a strong milk taste
  • This type of tea requires brewing with not very hot boiling water, only 60, maximum 80 degrees
  • The tea is infused for about a minute, but no more than three minutes, after which you can safely drink it
  • At the time of purchase milk puerh It’s worth asking the seller in detail about the brewing method, because different pu-erhs have different degrees of fermentation

How long does it take to brew pu-erh?

Pu-erh tea can be called one of the quick-brewed teas. In order for it to reveal its taste, it takes from twenty seconds to three minutes. The fact is that different varieties require in different ways brewing.

However, each pu-erh requires preliminary washing with boiling water, because since the tea leaves tend to be stored for a long time, it accumulates dust and dirt from the environment. The leaf moistened with boiling water gives a lot of taste and color during the second brewing.

Puer tea, brewing rules

How many times can you brew pu-erh?

Pu-erh tea, due to its ripening method, is capable of producing a variety of pleasant flavors with each brew. The more expensive and better quality tea, the more times it can be filled with boiling water.

Do not assume that after the tenth time you will get clear, tasteless water. Depending on the variety, pu-erh requires from four to twenty full brews. Each time you pour boiling water, you must increase the infusion time.

How to brew black pu-erh?

Unlike regular tea, green and black pu-erh are not different varieties, but different ways preparations. Green pu-erh is tea prepared using old technologies, and black pu-erh is prepared using new technologies.

pu-erh tea in tangerine

Black pu-erh involves thoroughly cleaning the tea leaves from dust with boiling water and only then pouring boiling water at 90-95 degrees. It is believed that only in this way can one obtain a thick, rich taste and a pleasant sensation from the drink.

How to brew green pu-erh?

Green pu-erh has a milder taste and the point here is not in its color, but in the way it is fermented. Brewed green puer directly in a cup or teapot. To do this, it does not need to be washed, unlike black, and the temperature of the boiling water should be a little cooler - from 60 to 80 degrees.

It is not customary to infuse green pu-erh for a long time. It can be consumed after half a minute of brewing.

Larisa:“Pu-erh tea is not for everyone. At first, as soon as I felt its first notes, I grimaced and thought that nothing good would come of it. But after the third brew, I noticed that I began to drink it with pleasure. Moreover, I felt all these tonic properties: I have energy, I don’t want to sleep. Now, it’s one of my favorite drinks!”

Eugene:“I’ve heard enough about pu-erh. Someone constantly praised this tea as a way to “break away.” In order to somehow diversify my life, I finally bought a tea leaves tablet. What also made me smile in the store was that the tea was sold in tablets. However, I did not notice any effect as such. Tea is like tea, a little stinky. I drank and forgot"

Catherine:“I love tea and always try something new. To keep up with others, I decided to try pu-erh. Taste qualities It's not bad if you drink it hot. But the taste is so samey and boring that the tea gets boring after the third cup. As a regular drink, it's not for me. As an original variety, sometimes I allow myself.”

Video: “Pu-erh tea is the best stimulant”

Thanks to active marketing aimed at a young audience, pu-erh has become synonymous with a legal narcotic substance. There are countless questions asked to us about the effect of pu-erh: does it inject, does it rush, does it cause intoxication? Let's find out!

By the way, we have pu-erhs with very “interesting” effects:

Pu-erh “inserts”?

The first and most important thing that everyone who wants to experience the effects of pu-erh for themselves needs to understand: pu-erh is not a drug, it is not dangerous, there is no dependence on it, it does not change consciousness, so lovers of light and fast way reach intoxication, they will most likely be disappointed.

Pu-erh is a very interesting and ambiguous tea in its effect on humans. Undoubtedly, it has an effect, it is obvious, tangible and it is difficult to deny. But it cannot be called “intoxication” in the usual sense of the word. It doesn’t add or rush, but, scientifically speaking, it has a stimulating effect, which changes our psycho-emotional state. Even the most ordinary packaged tea has a sufficient concentration of caffeine, which invigorates and stimulates, and if you brew it stronger or even boil it... A fresh tea high quality, in addition, can cause different states, more complex, subtle and interesting than simple caffeine vivacity.

Action of puer

Despite the fact that all sensations are subjective, in general, when consuming pu-erh, the mind becomes clearer, clarity appears in the head, clarity in thoughts, pleasant sensations of lightness and weightlessness spread throughout the body along with warmth, and there is a feeling that breathing has become easier. While alcohol or other intoxication makes consciousness foggy and confused, when consuming pu-erh a person begins to feel, as it were, more acutely, on a different level of perception. In China they say: tea intoxicates with its sobriety. In order to fully experience the effect of pu-erh, everything is important - the environment, proper brewing, the right atmosphere, the right mood, enough free time and of course the most important thing - good tea.

How it works: the chemistry of “tea intoxication”

Tea in general and pu-erh in particular are the richest different substances, affecting a person. These include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and much more. We are interested in such substances contained in tea as: theine, theophylline and l-theanine. We have already written about them in a general article about tea conditions, let us repeat again in the context of pu-erh:


This is tea caffeine, which is contained in the leaves at a concentration of 2% - 4%. This is not small, but tea caffeine is a much softer substance than coffee caffeine, and in combination with other substances found in tea, it acts even more gently, practically losing its side effects(with reasonable consumption, of course). Theine stimulates brain activity and maintains the overall tone of the body. High level Antioxidants in tea slow down the absorption of caffeine - as a result, we get a softer and longer wakefulness, unlike regular caffeine.


An essential amino acid for humans, found in high concentrations in only two plants - tea and flywheel mushrooms. L-theanine is a natural neurotransmitter, that is, a substance that ensures the transmission of nerve impulses between brain cells, which cannot do without neurotransmitters. It has been proven that L-theanine increases performance, both mental and physical, improves mood and creates a state of light happiness and enlightenment, and a feeling of peace appears. L-Theanine is able to overcome the physiological barrier between the circulatory system and the central nervous system, penetrate exactly into the brain and there be converted into gamma-aminobutyric acid (abbreviated in Russian as GABA, in English as GABA, which is the same thing). GABA, in turn, has a psychostimulating effect on the central nervous system, but at the same time relaxing.


A substance of plant origin (found in tea, cocoa beans, mate), which affects the central nervous system, leading to a change in mental state. Theophylline is actively used in medicine - it stimulates contraction of the diaphragm, improves the function of the respiratory muscles, and stimulates the respiratory center. By normalizing breathing, it helps saturate the blood with oxygen. And finally! This is how a tea master describes the effect of tea:

“...When we drink tea, we notice how after several cups a change in state occurs. The point of perception of the world moves. And, if you are careful, you can track changes after each cup you drink. This happens differently each time, but usually after the third cup, attention shifts from its usual place. This is felt as a state of mild intoxication, uncertainty, and unfamiliarity. Then stabilization occurs (attention is fixed in a new place), and the understanding comes that the head has become quiet, there is less anxiety, fewer words, more smoothness, sensitivity. Sensitivity to little things that we did not notice in the endless mental race. They become important and the main components of life. This splash of a falling drop... a light curl of incense smoke... a corner of a soft smile opposite... You become big, collected and open to the whole world...

Of course, tea only gives a push, an impulse, the strength to move the usual. After a few hours the condition returns to normal. But constant drinking of tea leads to the development of this path. After a few months you realize that you can get into the tea state even without tea.

Life changes, you begin to live by sensations, they come first: to feel an object, mood, situation, and only then try to comprehend, associate with what is already familiar, understand, describe the essence of the process ... "

Conclusion: there will be a tea state! Here, for example, are pu-erhs, which, in our subjective opinion, give a good tea condition:

Gu Feng Xi Gui Da Shu