You can make homemade lemonade out of it. How to make lemonade at home

A golden liquid gurgles softly in the glass, splashing small sparks and exuding a lemon scent. The hand of the guilty butler trembles, but on the face of the monarch there is a smile of approval...

Like many other discoveries, lemonade owes its appearance to chance. At least, that's what the legend tells about the error of the cupbearer Louis I, who gave his king lemon juice instead of wine, and to brighten up his oversight, he diluted it with mineral water.

So it was, or otherwise, but lemonade appeared - and swept through the world in a refreshing whirlwind, appearing in every country in a new guise.

American homemade lemonade

In a pure mind, the word "lemonade" should be associated with lemons. In a mind corrupted by rows of colorful bottles on supermarket shelves, it can be associated with anything. However, at the dawn of its history, lemonade was specifically and exclusively a lemon drink made from lemon juice, sugar and water. In this form, it has remained popular to this day in America, where thirst is quenched with a couple of cents and a street lemonade stand. However, it is not necessary to fly to the homeland of cocktails and jazz to treat yourself to condo lemonade. Stock up on a bag of lemons - and have fun on own kitchen- Make lemonade at home.

The recipe for American lemonade is simple and affordable, both in terms of ingredients and relative to improvised means.

What you need:

  • 1 glass of lemon juice, i.e. 3-5 lemons (depending on their degree of maturity and size),
  • 200 g sugar
  • 5 glasses of water

From the indicated amount of ingredients, 1.5 liters of drink are obtained.

The formula for homemade lemonade is simple: sugar syrup+ juice + water. Mix everything and refrigerate.

1. Sugar syrup. Sugar for lemonade is not dissolved directly in water, but sugar syrup is prepared from it. To do this, in a saucepan you need to mix sugar with a glass of water (water from the total amount in the recipe) and slowly bring the syrup to a boil, stirring it regularly so that the sugar does not settle at the bottom.

2. Syrup + juice + water. Then, in a large decanter, combine chilled syrup, strained lemon juice and water, cool in the refrigerator.

Lemonade is served in glasses with ice, and for the sake of aesthetics it is decorated with lemon slices.

Homemade Lemonade - Turkish Mint Recipe

On a frosty January evening, there is nothing better than a cup of tea in front of the fireplace. In the 30-degree July heat, there is nothing better than a glass mint lemonade with ice on a shady veranda. And who, if not the Turks, knows a lot about soft drinks. Connoisseurs swear that the Turkish lemonade according to this recipe is the most delicious they have ever tried. And it's easy to make at home too.

What you need

This lemonade is made from mint syrup, lemon juice and water.

For mint syrup:

  • 1 cup tightly packed mint sprigs
  • half a glass of sugar
  • glass of water
  • 2 lemons for zest.

Carefully remove lemon peel grater. Keep in mind that the zest is the thin, yellow-colored top layer of the peel. If, removing it, capture pieces of whitish pulp, it will give a bitter aftertaste. And one more important point: wash the fruit very, very carefully before use. Lemons grown for export may be chemically treated and sometimes coated with a thin layer of wax. In order not to get zest with harmful additives wash them with a brush under hot running water.

When finished with the preparations, mix the zest, sugar and water and bring this mixture to a boil. Remove from heat, add washed sprigs of mint, cover with a lid and leave the syrup to absorb essential oils for about an hour.

We prepare lemonade by mixing all the ingredients in the following proportions: water, mint syrup and ice in equal parts, lemon juice - ½ part. Lemonade in a carafe can be decorated lemon wedges and a sprig of mint.

By the way, it is easy to replace mint with tarragon and get another expressive taste. Connoisseurs say that tarragon should be added a little less than mint, and instead of lemon, it is better to use lime zest with its special aromatic astringency. Why homemade lemonades are good: there are so many ingredients that you can experiment at least every day.

  • Read also:

Turkish lemonade made with lime and mint at home.

Fruit and berry lemonades and other delights

Adding to basic recipe lemonade juices, syrups, herbal tinctures, spices and other ingredients, you can expand the range of lemonade varieties to infinity. We will not give many recipes, but will dwell on the important points of preparation.

Since we are talking specifically about lemonades, and not about soft drinks in general, the background taste in our case is always the task of lemon juice. If you want to dilute it with a fruity or berry flavor, replace some of the lemon juice with another. In the case of sweet berries, you need to replace a third of the lemon juice or half of it, but if the additional juice is sour, for example, from cranberries, we replace half of the juice or two thirds of it.

ON A NOTE. If the fruit is sweet, replace it with the juice of 1/2-1/3 lemon juice. If sour - feel free to replace up to 2/3.

Herbs and hard fruits, citrus zest are brewed together with sugar syrup or infused in it.

Pay attention to the proportions of the combination of lemon and berry juice in homemade lemonade.

To illustrate this, two delicious recipe homemade lemonade.

Homemade mint ginger lemonade

Ingredients: mint-ginger sugar syrup, lemon juice, water.

We prepare it in the same way as Turkish mint lemonade, but add chopped ginger root (about 5 cm of rhizome) to the sugar syrup a few minutes before removing from heat, and take a little less mint than for Turkish lemonade. Ginger and mint complement each other very well and the drink has a subtle pleasant taste and aroma.

raspberry lemonade recipe

What you need

  • 180 g sugar
  • 180 g fresh berries raspberries (or currants)
  • 4 glasses of water
  • glass of lemon juice

We wipe the raspberries through a sieve, filter the lemon juice, prepare the sugar syrup in the same way as in the previous recipes - from sugar and a glass of water. Mix everything in a jug, cool, serve with ice.

Homemade mint and ginger lemonade

Those delicious bubbles...

"But what about the gas?" - you ask, and you will be right: no herb-berries can give lemonade amazing stinging CO2 bubbles.

However, lovers of carbonated sweet drinks should not lose heart and think that their lot is store-bought lemonade stuffed with sweeteners, thickeners, dyes, flavor enhancers, and so on and so forth.

The simplest solution is to dilute the lemonade concentrate immediately before drinking soda water. More elegant, but also more expensive - carbonate homemade lemonade using a household siphon.

If the thermometer outside the window grabs your head in horror, and you feel how your strength leaves you with each new mark, prepare yourself a decanter of lemonade with ice, and you will be surprised to find how the hellish heat turns into a source of pleasure.

Lemonade at home © Magic Food.RU

1. Without using a siphon

You will need:

  • 2 teaspoons of soda;
  • 2 teaspoons of citric acid;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • syrup.

Mix citric acid and pour over with a mixture of water, sugar and syrup, add ice and drink as quickly as possible. Lemon acid will react with soda, bubbles will appear. If the taste seems too strong, reduce the amount of soda and citric acid.

Of course, such lemonade will not be carbonated for long, but as a fun experiment, you can try it. Plus, it's fast and inexpensive.

2. Using a homemade siphon

You will need:

  • 2 plastic bottles;
  • awl;
  • 2 stoppers;
  • a small hose or flexible tube;
  • a spoon;
  • funnel
  • 1 cup of vinegar;
  • 1 cup baking soda;
  • any liquid.

Make holes in two covers, tightly fix the hose in them. Calculate so that one end of the hose almost touches the bottom of the bottle. Pour the liquid you want to carbonate into one of the bottles and close it tightly. The hose should go as deep as possible into your future lemonade.

Pour soda into the second bottle through a funnel, fill it with vinegar and quickly close the second cap. If you hear a hiss and see the mixture bubbling, you've done it right. If the vinegar and baking soda don't react strongly enough, shake the bottle. This will enhance the response.

The gas will go through the hose, saturating the lemonade with carbon dioxide. If the connection is leaky, you will get a slightly carbonated drink.

You can carbonate any water-based drink, but it's best not to experiment with coffee and tea. Average liter bottle water can be carbonated in 15–20 minutes. Of course, the process of creating a siphon will take time, but it will not be wasted.

3. Using a purchased siphon

The siphon can be ordered online or searched in stores. Now there is a large selection of plastic and metal soda siphons, even with drawings. So finding one that fits into will be easy.

The principle of operation of a purchased siphon is the same as that of a home-made one, only compressed gas cartridges must be purchased separately. And if you find a vintage siphon, it will not only help to carbonate water, but also serve as a stylish piece of furniture.

How to make homemade lemonade

ginger lemonade

This lemonade is more popular in Asia than here, but for lovers of everything unusual, it can become a favorite drink.


  • 1 liter of sparkling water;
  • a small piece of ginger root;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • zest of ½ lemon.


Remove skin and finely chop. Mix with the rest of the ingredients, pour boiling water and let cool.

You can prepare ginger syrup in advance and dilute it with water. To do this, grate fresh ginger on a fine grater and add to sugar syrup.

cucumber lemonade

This light lemonade with a mild taste perfectly quenches thirst. And cucumber water is the basis of many cleansing diets.


  • 1 liter of sparkling water;
  • 1 large cucumber;
  • juice of ½ lime;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.


Cut the cucumber into thin slices and cover with water, let it brew for about 30 minutes. Then add honey, lime juice and sparkling water. Berries can be added before serving. They will pleasantly shade the taste of the drink.

Lemonade with cinnamon and grapefruit

Grapefruit charge of morning energy for those who love non-standard combinations.


  • 1 liter of sparkling water;
  • 3 cinnamon sticks;
  • juice of 1 grapefruit;
  • juice of ½ lemon.


Mix juices, soak cinnamon sticks in them for 30 minutes. Then take out the cinnamon, dilute the juice mixture with carbonated water. Before serving, return the cinnamon to the lemonade for garnish.

Lemonade - great refreshing summer drink. How to make lemonade at home, read below.

How to make lemonade at home - recipe


  • purified water - 4.5 liters;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon;
  • sugar - 325 g.


Wash the oranges thoroughly beforehand, pour over with boiling water and, wrapping in a film, place in the refrigerator for 12 hours. This procedure will get rid of bitterness. Then water the oranges warm water so that they become softer, and cut each into 8 pieces. We skip citrus fruits through a meat grinder until a gruel is obtained. Pour the resulting mass with 1.5 liters of chilled water. Let it brew for about 15 minutes. Then we filter the solution, add lemon juice, sugar and 3 liters of water. We stir it all, and that's it, homemade lemonade is ready!

How to make lemonade at home from lemon?


  • lemons - 5 pcs.;
  • water - 275 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 185 g;
  • soda - 2 liters.


Pour the sugar into a saucepan, add water and, stirring, heat until it dissolves. Cool, add freshly squeezed lemon juice. Just before serving, add sparkling water.

How to make strawberry lemonade at home?


  • sugar syrup - 375 g;
  • fresh strawberries- 3 glasses;
  • lemons - 6 pcs.;
  • purified water - 2.5 liters


Squeeze the juice from the lemons, strain, and finely chop the zest. Pour lemon juice into the water, put the zest and pour sugar syrup to taste. Mix well and let it brew a little. My strawberries, knead with a fork and add to already ready mix. Strain the drink and refrigerate.

How to make carbonated lemonade at home?


  • large lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • filtered water - 1 liter;
  • granulated sugar - 85 g;
  • sparkling water - 950 ml.


Pour boiling water over lemons, pass the zest through a fine grater. Squeeze juice from lemons. Bring a liter of water to a boil, dissolve sugar in it, add the zest, bring to a boil again. Cool, add lemon juice and strain again. Add sparkling water just before serving.

How to make your own lime lemonade at home?


  • soda - 1 liter;
  • sugar;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • lime - 2 pcs.;


Cut the zest from the lime and place in a bowl. Cut the pulp into pieces and squeeze out the juice. Pour water into the pan, add lime juice, sugar. Mix well and add sparkling water. Pour lemonade and add ice to each glass.

How to do delicious lemonade at home?


  • black currant - 375 g;
  • lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • sparkling water;
  • granulated sugar - 185 g;


Place the blackcurrant in a saucepan, fill with water and boil until the berries soften. Strain the resulting mass, add sugar. Mix it well and pour the resulting syrup into a bottle. Pour about a liter of water or to your taste and add lemon juice.

How to make lemonade for kids at home?


  • lemon juice - 90 ml;
  • purified water - 45 ml;
  • carbonated water - 325 ml;
  • mint leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 45 g.


Mix lemon juice with sugar in a saucepan, add mint leaves and water. Mix well, fill with sparkling water and pour into glasses.

How to make apple lemonade at home?


  • lemon juice - 175 ml;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • with pulp - 1 liter;
  • mint leaves;


Mix apple and lemon juice. Add thinly sliced ​​lemon and plenty of ice. Mix well and serve immediately.

How to make lemonade at home - a recipe with condensed milk

Lemonade is a very tasty drink familiar to all of us. It perfectly quenches the feeling of thirst. But recently, shop windows have been filled with lemonade made from chemical ingredients, containing a large number of food additives, dyes and preservatives. Therefore, most people are increasingly thinking about the question of how to make lemonade at home.

This article contains as many as ten lemonade recipes at home! Among them, you are sure to find the one that suits your taste!

Recipe for classic lemonade at home


  • Lemons - 6 pcs
  • Boiling water - 1.5 l
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.


  1. Lemons are thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water. We erase the zest of lemons on a fine grater, so that the white skin remains on the lemon. Cut off the white skin with a knife.
  2. Lemons and grated zest are put in a saucepan in which we will prepare lemonade. Squeeze out all the juice from the lemons, trying to squeeze out all.
  3. Then add sugar and one and a half liters of boiling water.
  4. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, cover with a lid and leave in the refrigerator overnight. Strain the mixture in the morning.
  5. If the lemonade is sour, you can add more sugar to taste.
  6. Pour the finished lemonade into bottles and store in the refrigerator.

mint lemonade recipe at home


  • Lemon juice - 100 ml
  • Mineral sparkling water - 350 ml
  • Honey or sugar syrup - 50 ml
  • Mint leaves - 3-4 pieces
  • Lemon slices - 2-3 pieces


  1. Pour water and syrup into lemon juice.
  2. We mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Decorate with lemon slices and mint sprigs.

homemade lemon orange lemonade recipe


  • Sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Lemons - 3 pcs
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Boiling water - 700 ml
  • Carbonated mineral water - 1/3 of the total volume of finished lemonade


  1. Carefully cut the zest from oranges and lemons and put it in a bowl.
  2. We carefully squeeze the juice from the fruit, add it to the zest, add sugar and pour 700 milliliters of boiling water.
  3. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, cover and leave overnight in the refrigerator.
  4. In the morning, mix everything again, add one tablespoon of sugar, then filter everything.
  5. Pour the lemonade into bottles, refrigerate.
  6. Before serving, dilute lemonade with mineral sparkling water in a ratio of 1: 3.

hot lemonade recipe at home


  • Hot tea - 1 l
  • Lemon syrup - 10 g
  • Honey - 20 g
  • Blackberry syrup - 10 g


AT hot tea pour the syrups, add honey, mix everything thoroughly until the honey dissolves.

homemade strawberry lemonade recipe


  • Strawberry juice - 4 tbsp. l. (or a few strawberries)
  • Lemons - 2 pcs
  • Egg white - 2 pcs
  • Carbonated mineral water - 1 tbsp.


  1. Squeeze juice from lemons with a juicer, add to it Strawberry juice or strawberries. Then add egg whites and ice.
  2. Beat the mass with a mixer for two minutes. Lemonade should foam well, and the ice in it should be crushed into small pieces.
  3. Then we filter everything and add carbonated mineral water.
  4. Lemonade should be drunk immediately after preparation, until the foam has settled.

homemade pineapple lemonade recipe


  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Pineapple juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon slices - 8 pcs
  • Sprigs of mint - 8 pcs


  1. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Bring the syrup to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for another ten minutes.
  2. While the syrup is cooling, mix pineapple, lemon juice and sparkling mineral water.
  3. Pour the chilled syrup into the mixture of juices, add ice, decorate the lemonade in glasses with lemon slices and mint sprigs.

homemade peach lemonade recipe


  • Peaches - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 4 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - ¾ tbsp.


  1. Peel the peaches, chop small cubes, add sugar and water.
  2. Bring everything to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for ten minutes.
  3. Drain the broth into the prepared container and squeeze the fruit as much as possible.
  4. Add lemon juice to the broth, mix and put in the refrigerator for four hours.

Recipe for watermelon-raspberry lemonade at home


  • Watermelon (Melon) - 8 tbsp. cut pieces
  • Raspberries - 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - ½ tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 2 tbsp.


  1. Finely chopped watermelon (melon) and raspberries are mashed into puree. It is best to do this with a blender, but if you do not have one, you can carefully knead the ingredients with a spoon.
  2. Then add lemon juice, sugar and water to the fruit and berry puree.
  3. Pour the finished lemonade into glasses and add ice cubes to each glass.

Homemade Honey Mint Lemonade Recipe


  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Honey - ½ tbsp.
  • Fresh mint - 4 vet.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - to taste


  1. Put honey in water, put the mixture on fire. Once the mixture boils, remove it from the heat. Add mint and refrigerate.
  2. When the liquid has cooled, remove the mint from it, pour in the lemon juice, sugar, mix everything thoroughly and refrigerate.
  3. When the lemonade has cooled enough, pour it into glasses and add ice to each glass.

Homemade Apple Juice Lemonade Recipe


  • Apple juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Plum compote - 1.5 l
  • Lemon - ½ piece
  • Mineral sparkling water - 2 tbsp.
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife


  1. Cool all liquids separately. Then mix them all.
  2. Finely chop the orange, sprinkle it powdered sugar and cinnamon.
  3. In the prepared glasses, put one plum from the compote, two slices of orange and one piece of ice.
  4. Next, pour the prepared lemonade into these glasses.

As you can see, there are a lot of lemonade recipes at home. The only constant ingredients are lemons and sugar. Knowing this, you can come up with and make lemonade at home yourself from any ingredients! And the pleasant taste of this drink will perfectly refresh you on a hot day!

Happy drinking!

When the thermometer is inexorably creeping up, and there is no saving breeze and clouds on the street, we begin to be thirsty. In such cases, it will come to the rescue and help refresh homemade lemonademade by yourself and chilled in the refrigerator.

Why exactly him? After all, stores provide a huge selection of this drink with the most different tastes. It’s worth starting with the fact that the very word “lemonade” evokes thoughts of childhood for many, it was at that happy time that we ran to vending machines with this carbonated drink and chose syrups to our liking. In those days, a huge amount of preservatives, all kinds of E and dyes were not added to lemonade, there was only sparkling water and syrup. Unfortunately, we cannot return childhood, but you can make homemade lemonade to taste the same as before, natural, tasty, with real lemons or oranges.

This is a tasty, healthy drink with huge amount vitamins. This is the rare case when we can treat ourselves to something tasty and healthy at the same time. How to make homemade lemonade? Classic variant This drink is made from freshly squeezed lemon juice, sugar and water, while the water can be used both carbonated and still. Sometimes mint leaves are added to lemonade, but you can diversify the taste of homemade lemonade with the help of berries or fruits, depending on the season. Lemonade will only benefit in taste if you add pieces of ice to it. The recipe for making homemade lemonade is unlikely to cause any difficulties, you just need to mix all the ingredients and choose the proportions to your liking.

To make homemade lemonade really tasty, you should follow a few simple rules. Yes, you can only use natural products. This means that if the juice of a lemon, orange or any other fruit is indicated in the recipe, then you need to squeeze this juice yourself. You can not use what is sold in tetra-packs or bottles in the store. If you decide to use sparkling water, then stop using mineral water, it, as a rule, has a specific taste, which will definitely affect the lemonade. Read what is written on the water label, only the one that says "carbonated drinking water" will do. Despite the fact that the desire to drink lemonade arises in the heat, be careful with the addition of ice so as not to catch a cold in the throat. Do not forget that you are making homemade lemonade, which means pouring it over plastic bottles no need, it will look much better in a transparent jug, decorated with lemon slices and mint leaves.


220 gr. Sahara,
5-6 lemons
250 ml of water
1.5-2 liters. carbonated water.

Wash the lemons well, dry and squeeze the juice out of them. You should get 1 cup of lemon juice. Put sugar in a small saucepan, pour 250 ml of water over it and put on a small fire. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Once the sugar has dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and set aside. Add lemon juice to the cooled syrup, mix well, and strain if desired. Before serving, add 1.5-2 liters of sparkling water. You can add more or less sparkling water, depending on how concentrated you want the flavor.

1 lemon
160 gr. Sahara,
2 l. water,
1.5 tbsp wine vinegar.

You can start preparing this lemonade right now, it can be stored for up to 2 months, and it takes as long as 10-11 days to prepare. Cut the lemon into slices and place in a jar, add sugar and vinegar to the lemon. Fill everything with water, while the water can be used filtered or purified, but in no case mineral. Cover the jar with a lid, leaving a small opening, and place in a warm, sunny place, such as a windowsill, for 7-8 days. Stir the drink every day, and don't let the smell of fermentation bother you. Then strain the drink, pour it into a bottle, filling it no more than 2/3, close the lid tightly and refrigerate for another 2-3 days. Ready lemonade is best stored at room temperature chilled with ice cubes before serving.

3 lemons
1 bunch of mint
½ st. Sahara,
3 liters of pure water.

Wash the lemons well and remove the zest from them. The zest must be removed carefully so as not to touch the white peel. Divide the lemons into slices, peel each slice from the films, then transfer the peeled slices to a deep bowl and crush well or chop in a blender. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. When the water boils, add the zest, pulp and juice of the lemon, sugar and mint leaves. Simmer for 1-2 minutes, then remove from heat and set aside. Ready drink strain if desired, serve lemonade over ice, garnished with fresh mint leaves.

4 oranges
2 grapefruits
¼ st. Sahara,
200 ml. water,
500 ml. soda water,
3-4 sprigs of mint

Pour 200 ml of water into a small saucepan, add sugar and put on fire. Stir constantly until the sugar dissolves, then remove the syrup from the heat. Set aside half an orange and a quarter grapefruit. Pour the syrup into a jug, squeeze the juice from the fruit there, peel the remaining part of the orange and grapefruit from the films and cut into small pieces, add to the jug. Also add mint leaves, ice and sparkling water. Mix well and serve immediately.

½ st. freshly squeezed lime juice
2/3 st. freshly squeezed lemon juice,
1/3 st. maple syrup,
½ tsp minced fresh ginger,
8 art. water,

Refrigerate all ingredients. Mix lime juice, lemon juice and maple syrup, add ginger and mix thoroughly. Pour over ice and fill with water. Water can be used both carbonated and still.

1 bunch of tarragon (tarragon)
10 tsp Sahara,
2 limes
1 lemon
1 l. soda water,

Rinse the tarragon, chop it and grind it in a blender. Add sugar to the tarragon puree and mix well. Cut the lemon and lime into slices, add to the tarragon. Pour everything with sparkling water, mix vigorously and leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Strain the finished lemonade and serve in glasses filled with ice cubes.

4 tbsp. black currant,
½ st. Sahara,
1 lemon
1.5 l. carbonated water.

Grind the currants with a blender, add sugar to the currant puree and mix thoroughly. At this stage, it is worth trying the puree, if it turned out not sweet enough, then add sugar to your liking. Transfer the puree to a saucepan, add the lemon juice and sparkling water, stir and strain into a pitcher. Serve with ice.

How cool it will be to get a jug of cold, delicious, natural homemade lemonade out of the refrigerator on a hot summer day! Indulge in this pleasure, stock up on recipes, make homemade lemonade and enjoy the taste and benefits of this drink every summer day!