How many calories should be consumed per day. How to count calories to lose weight

It is well known that regular use high-calorie food leads to weight gain. Therefore, everyone who follows the figure and adheres to the recommendations of nutritionists needs to know their daily calorie intake in order to maintain their existing weight, or to reduce it.

Many women, supporters of various diets, are suspicious of calorie counting as a method of losing weight. However, this technique allows you to lose weight natural way without any harm to health. Unlike diets, especially mono diets, reducing daily calorie intake does not adversely affect the body and does not lead to eating disorders.

How to use this weight loss technique, how many calories a day does a woman need to lose weight? Let's talk about this in more detail on the site "Popular about health":

How many calories do you need to maintain a normal weight?

The generally accepted, so-called average norm, which is used when calculating the calorie intake, is 2000-2500 kcal per day for an adult.

With a decrease in calories to 1200-1500 kcal, weight loss begins. For many women, this amount is enough to maintain their normal weight and not feel hungry.

However, if you regularly visit the gym, or are engaged in daily active physical labor, this amount may not be enough and the feeling of hunger will regularly haunt you.

Therefore, each person has their own daily rate and it depends on many factors that should be taken into account:

Age. It is known that the metabolic rate decreases with age. normal functioning the body needs less food, and extra pounds go more slowly.

Floor. Nutritionists note that a woman needs fewer calories per day to lose weight than men. However, it must also be taken into account that hormones in female body reduce the rate of weight loss. Men lose weight faster.

Body type. Three body types are known - endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic. Depending on this, an individual weight loss scheme is developed - the intensity of training, a suitable diet, which together will accelerate the process of burning fat.

The degree of training. As you know, physically active people are rarely overweight, they have more developed muscle mass than those who move little. They have a higher metabolic rate and fat is burned more actively.

What is daily allowance calories for women?

There are general daily allowances that are used to compile the daily diet, in relation to the female sex. For instance:

At the age of 20-30 years, with a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended that approximately 2000 calories per day.

For individuals whose physical activity begins in the afternoon, the recommended norm is 2200 kcal.

Those women who are physically active all day, are constantly "on their feet" should consume 200 kcal more.

Between the ages of 30 and 50 - daily intake should be reduced to 2000 kcal, as women of this age spend fewer calories per day than young people. However, in this case, as we have already said, it is necessary to take into account the type of physique, weight and physical activity.

To calculate your individual intake, you need to find out your own basal metabolic rate. It is abbreviated BMR and means the amount of energy that the body needs when it is at rest. After all, approximately 60% of the food consumed per day goes to ensure the basic functions of the body. So, only by calculating this index, you can estimate how many kcal a woman should remove from her diet.

Calculation of BMR for women:

To the constant figure of 447.6 we add: 9.25 times the weight in kg. We add to the figure obtained: 3.1 times the height in cm. We also add: 4.3 times the age in years.

Multiply the value that you got by the coefficient of your degree of physical activity:

With an inactive, sedentary lifestyle - 1.2;
- with a mild, low degree of activity (from half an hour to 1 hour of normal household activity every day) - 1.375;
- with an average degree of activity with several classes per week in the gym - 1.55;
- with high household activity and daily visits to the gym (training for at least 1 hour) - 1,725.
- for athletes and people with very high physical activity - the coefficient will be from 1.9 to 2.5.

The resulting figure shows the approximate daily number of calories that you need to maintain a normal weight.

For weight loss, you need to reduce their number by 10-20% of the calculated daily intake. However, it should not be reduced to a level of less than 1200 Kcal. Otherwise, there may be Negative consequences for the body.

If you reduce your daily allowance from 500, you will lose approximately 500 grams of weight in a week.

If you combine both methods, you will lose weight even faster. However, beware of rapid weight loss - more than 1 kg per week. This may be unsafe for the body, in particular for the heart. Be healthy!

At the beginning of the 20th century, an American doctor named Lulu Hunt literally turned the world of nutrition upside down by proposing the use of the term "calorie" to determine the energy value of foods.

Surely, every modern person is familiar with this expression. Everyone has heard that calories can not only be consumed, but also counted. Let's consider this topic in more detail. Let's figure out what it is, how many calories a person needs per day. We will learn how to count them and why to do it.

So a calorie is a measure of energy. To live, move, breathe, a person spends the power that he receives with food. The calculation of calories involves determining the amount of energy that is necessary for life and taking this value into account in the daily diet.

For the average person, daily calorie intake ranges from 1800 to 3800 kcal. This is a very large interval. Before you start calculating the energy content of food, you need to find out how much of it your body spends daily.

For each individual person, the norms of calorie intake are different. This value is determined individually depending on gender, weight, height, level of physical activity, age and other characteristics. For example, a tall man working at a construction site needs more than 4000 kcal per day. And for a thin woman who is engaged in mental work, it is enough to consume 1400 kcal per day. At the same time, for pregnant and lactating women, the individual norm increases by about 1.5 times.

calorie counting methods

To determine your daily calorie requirement as accurately as possible, you can use online calculator or one of two conventional formulas.

  • Calculation according to Mifflin - San Jeor. This formula is currently recognized as the most reliable.
    • Women's formula: 10 x weight + 6.25 x height - 5 x age - 161;
    • Formula for the strong half of humanity: 10 x weight + 6.25 x height - 5 x years + 5.

They allow you to calculate the number of calories that the body spends on basic metabolism. You can see the daily rate of a particular person by multiplying the result by the indicator of physical activity. This value is 1.2 at the lowest level of activity, 1.9 - at the maximum, typical for athletes. With an average load, it is approximately 1.4.

  • Harris-Benedict calculation.
    • Formula for the fair sex: 655.1 + 9.563 x weight + 1.85 x height - 4.676 x age;
    • Male representatives: 66.5 + 13.75 x weight + 5.003 x height - 6.775 x age

The result should also be multiplied by the activity indicator.

Please note that in both formulas, weight is calculated in kilograms, height in centimeters, and age in years.

For the most accurate and quick receipt result, you can always use special programs or a calorie calculator that are available on the Internet and are based on the same formulas.

How to lose weight by counting calories

To maintain weight, you need to consume exactly as many calories as the body consumes. And if you are trying to lose weight, you need to eat about 20% less than the daily requirement. Under this condition, weight loss will be carried out gradually, without harm to health.

The best results can be achieved if you diversify your diet as much as possible with the help of fresh fruit and vegetables. It is useful to make meals fractional and eat small portions with an interval of about three hours. Additional regular physical activity will bring the desired result even closer.

Losing weight by counting calories has several nuances that must be considered if you really want to achieve a tangible effect.

  • The human body is able to consume fats and proteins. Here it is necessary to take into account the following. The prudent nature of fats can store, which, in fact, happens to them, but the reserve storage of proteins and carbohydrates in in large numbers impossible, so they go to waste. Therefore, it is better to eat food containing the latter.
  • If you rarely eat, the body begins to demand nutrition and make strategic reserves, which is why it is recommended to eat often and a little bit.
  • The main goal of counting calories in losing weight is to consume less energy than is expended daily. Therefore, it will be useful not so much to reduce what was eaten as to increase the load.
  • You should not reduce the daily rate of energy consumption very sharply and significantly (especially for a man), otherwise the body will begin to resist physical activity in order to save energy costs. After all, hunger is stress. To improve performance, you need to regularly eat healthy plant foods and get enough sleep.
  • If possible, use a calorie calculator and a food diary. This will greatly facilitate the procedure and make it more interesting.
  • Count calories and limit your diet comfortably. Try to diversify your diet, make it tasty, so that the system becomes a habit and becomes the norm. Otherwise, after 2-3 months of exhausting starvation and calculations, all the lost kilograms will return to their places.

calorie calculator

For those who decide to go on a diet or just keep track of weight through calorie control, there are many ways to simplify this process. For example, you can install a special program on a computer or phone. These applications include:

  • information about the number of calories in various products;
  • diary of consumption and energy consumption;
  • calculator to determine the individual daily allowance.

It is quite possible to write down all this data on paper. True, in this case, it will be necessary to additionally look for information about the calorie content of products.

At first, there may be a need to weigh portions, but after a month of regular counting of calories eaten and spent, the need for constant monitoring will disappear. Having received basic information about the energy value of products, it will be possible to do this practically “by eye”. It is very convenient to use a calculator that allows you to calculate not only the daily calorie requirement, but also determine the individual, water, vitamins and trace elements.

Using a similar calculator and filling out a food diary, in 1-2 months you can develop a healthy habit. In addition, the process of counting calories will turn into an activity that is not only useful, but also very exciting.

In fact, everyone understands that this concept is rather ambiguous and depends on many factors, such as weight, height, age, degree of activity. For each person, this rate can be calculated.

Minimum daily calorie requirement

There are several formulas for accurate calculation. The first one is for women:

  • weight in kilograms should be multiplied by 10;
  • multiply height in centimeters by 6.25;
  • multiply age by 5;
  • then add the second to the first number, then subtract the third and minus 161.

For example, for a woman 25 years old, weighing 70 kg and 170 cm tall, the calculations would look like this:


This is the minimum number of calories that a woman should consume per day. That is, this energy is spent on metabolic processes in the body, which means that the daily norm should not be lower than this figure for the healthy functioning of the body.

For men, the calculations, with the exception that in the end you need not subtract 161, but add 5. For example, for a man aged 35, weighing 110 kg and 180 cm tall, the calculations would look like this:


Accordingly, each of us can at home calculate how much energy is spent on servicing his body, even if a person is at rest. These calculations give an answer to the question of how many calories a person should consume per day. The daily norm is the metabolism, which is calculated according to the above formula, and the level of physical activity, and each has its own.

depending on lifestyle

Now it is necessary to determine how much energy a person spends on metabolism and his physical activity. This will help you roughly calculate how many calories a person should consume per day to maintain their weight at the same level.

So, the previous calculations should be multiplied by the coefficient:

  • 1,2 - for;
  • 1,375 - for those whose activities are not active, but there is a place to be sports up to 3 times a week;
  • 1.55 - with average activity, for example, playing sports 5 times a week and office work;
  • 1.725 - for athletes and those whose work is associated with physical activity;
  • 1.9 - with heavy physical daily work.

Thus, the main exchange should be multiplied by the coefficient that characterizes the current lifestyle as accurately as possible. The resulting number of kilocalories is necessary to maintain weight.

Another way to calculate

There are several other methods to calculate how many calories a person should consume per day to maintain weight. For example, on average, each person consumes approximately 1 kcal per kilogram of their weight every hour. Accordingly, to calculate the daily minimum, the weight should be multiplied by 24.

For example, for a woman weighing 70 kg, about 1680 kcal should be consumed. But here the degree of physical activity is not taken into account, so the first method is more accurate and objective.

Keeping a diary

But there is the most the right way determine how many calories a person should consume per day individually. This can be done through observation, that is, for several days you should keep a food diary.

For example, for 10 days you need to record all the foods consumed, their calorie content and volume. This is provided that the weight is in place. After the scheduled time has elapsed, you need to calculate on average how many calories a person should consume per day. The calculation according to this scheme can be considered as accurate as possible, because the body is individual, and the metabolic rate is different for everyone.

How many calories do you need to lose weight

Because the problem excess weight today is acute, we should pay attention to this issue. Really, how many calories should a person consume per day to lose weight? If you know for sure your basic metabolism, that is, the amount of energy that is currently supplied with food and contributes to maintaining weight.

Nutritionists do not recommend sharply reducing the calorie content of the daily diet, by a maximum of 10%. If you do not adhere to this rule, then you can cause serious damage to health, well-being worsens. That is, the body goes into energy saving mode, the metabolism slows down, as a result, this can lead to weight gain.

The issue of weight loss should be approached wisely. Do it easier themes who leads to determine how many calories a person should consume per day. Here you can clearly see what can be easily excluded from the diet or replaced with lower-calorie foods.

How to properly distribute calories

First you need to learn that energy gives us three main elements - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is categorically impossible to refuse any of them, because each element plays its own role. important role in the functioning of the human body, healthy weight loss is impossible without them.

For example, fats are not only a source of energy, but also necessary for transporting nutrients to the cells in the body. Protein is a building material, without it it is impossible to form muscle tissue and lose weight, respectively. Carbohydrates are converted into energy, which is necessary for normal human performance.

The daily diet should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the following percentage ratio of 20/50/30. But here it is important to know which nutrients we need on a daily basis, because some foods will have to be eliminated completely in order to lose weight.

Good and bad calories

The most important thing is not only how many calories a person should consume per day for weight loss, but where they come from. We are talking about "bad" and "good" calories. This is, of course, a figurative definition, in fact, you need to correctly understand which products contain energy that is consumed immediately, and which are stored in reserve.

For example, carbohydrates are simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are sugar and all foods that contain it, including fruits. They do not saturate, but are necessary for brain function, in reasonable amounts. That is, people engaged in intellectual activities should consume simple carbohydrates in in kind- honey, fruits. Complex carbohydrates- these are vegetables and cereals, they saturate for a long time and bring maximum benefit, therefore it is recommended to eat them daily.

The same goes for fats, the most useful of them are vegetable, and animals do not bring any benefit to the body. Therefore, the diet must contain vegetable oils, they are in nuts, seeds, avocados.

What calories should be consumed for health and a beautiful figure

Now the key point is how many calories a person should consume per day for weight loss and where they should be drawn from. After all, you can, for example, eat 1500 kcal with vegetables, fruits and cereals and at the same time feel great and lose weight, or eat less fast food, pastries and other calories harmful products and at the same time gain weight and increase body fat.

The moral is that it is important not only to correctly calculate the calorie content of the diet, but also to remove unnecessary products that do not carry any benefit from it. This can be done only if you clearly see everything that has been eaten lately. Many complain that they eat very little and at the same time do not lose weight. Refusal to eat is not a way out, you need to eat so much so as not to experience but not to overeat.

How to lose weight without sacrifice

So, if you determine as accurately as possible how many calories a person should consume per day, then you can easily create a program for yourself. healthy eating. It will not be difficult to find the calorie content of each product or this information can be found on the packaging. You don’t need to go on diets and limit yourself in nutrition, just switch to healthy and healthy foods: vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, meat and fish, seafood.

Now we can conclude how many calories a person should consume per day. The daily norm for each is individual, it is enough to determine it yourself, after which you can adjust your menu. And at the same time, there is no need to contact a specialist, unless, of course, the cause of excess weight is associated with malnutrition. But you should not sharply and much reduce calories, the process of losing weight is long and should not exceed 1.5 - 2 kg per week.

Women need to consume fewer calories per day than men. This is due to the peculiarity of metabolism. Consumption is higher for people who exercise various types sport or lead an active lifestyle. Pregnant women also need more calories like children. And older ladies, especially with a low level of physical activity, will have to constantly limit themselves due to the low energy needs of the body.

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    Daily rate

    The daily norm for men and women is fundamentally different. The role is played not only by age, but also by lifestyle, metabolism, and the goal that needs to be achieved. If you want to lose weight, the amount of food you eat should be reduced. If you need to gain weight, calories should exceed the daily allowance.

    The course of metabolic processes in women and men is different. Therefore, the average consumption rate (in kcal) for a woman is 2000, and for a man - 2500. But with the help of formulas, tables and examples, you can calculate more accurately. The result must be correlated with respect to lifestyle.

    First you need to understand what a calorie is. A person consumes 2000 kcal per day, but for convenience they are simply called calories (although thousands are meant everywhere). This is a unit of energy that a person spends on life processes.

    When there is too much of it, the excess is deposited as fat. It happens that it is not enough for life support, then the energy is taken from the reserves. This results in weight loss. Any load, physical or mental, requires additional energy, so the calculation of the norm depends not only on the gender for which it is done, but also on the lifestyle. The following factors may influence:

    • the activity that the person is engaged in;
    • physical activities that are included in his life;
    • age.

    Young people require a lot of energy per day. This is due to the fact that a lot is spent on the development of organs and systems. At a more mature age, these needs are not present. For people who work in an office, calories are needed significantly less than for those who work in a factory. If a person regularly engages in intensive training, then the expense in this case is higher. Studies show that they need to consume twice the amount of the norm for his age. Main theses:

    • the older a person becomes, the lower the norm;
    • daily requirement in women is lower than in men;
    • pregnant women and lactating women must provide energy for the child as well, so they eat more;
    • people who do intense workouts should eat twice as much.

    How to eat

    Basically, everything is simple with quantity, more difficult with quality. Food should always be balanced. Approximately so: 30% should be fats, 50% - carbohydrates, 20% - proteins.

    A slight deviation from these proportions does not fundamentally affect. However, a severe disorder, for example, fatty foods consumed in large quantities, with a small amount of proteins and carbohydrates, turns into body fat.

    In most cases, the menu should contain a lot of fruits and vegetables. Then there will be no extra weight. If only carbohydrates are consumed, there is enough energy for life and few proteins. This can lead to pain.

    Each element - proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals - is necessary to maintain health. If something begins to act excessively, then the second, of course, is not enough. In order to guarantee comfortable weight loss, it is necessary to remove from the daily diet confectionery, animal fats and sugar. This will ensure a sufficient level of health. To start fast weight loss, you need to limit the amount of calories consumed.

    Norm calculation

    The body spends one calorie to provide a kilogram of weight per hour. Let's say the weight is 60 kg, then multiplying by 24 you get a daily allowance of 1440 calories. This amount is enough to keep the body in working condition, but also:

    • it takes about 200 more calories to digest food;
    • active sports life consumes a lot;
    • additional energy is also needed for mental work.

    From the table you can see approximate examples of the daily allowance for women and men. But it can be set more precisely than shown above, as the data may differ.. For example, a person of short stature requires fewer calories, while a tall person requires more on average.

    Daily allowance for a woman

    A woman needs less energy than a man. It depends on factors such as height, age, working conditions and even climate. A woman quickly gains weight, this is due to the physiological processes of the body, which is trying to put aside reserves in case of pregnancy. Therefore, the accumulation of fat mass occurs instantly. This is not the case for everyone, however, most have to limit the use of sweets and starchy foods.

    How to calculate

    It all depends on the purpose for which the calculation is made. If you need to maintain the body in its current state without losing weight, then you can choose one of the options below:

    • With little or no activity:
      • girls aged 18-25 need about 2000 kcal;
      • aged 26 to 50 - about 1800;
      • from 50 - the norm is 1600.
    • With moderate activity, you can use:
      • 18-25 years old - 2200;
      • 26-50 - 2000:
      • women over 50 - 1800.
    • For high activity, the norm will be:
      • for young girls - 2400;
      • for the rest - 2200;
      • after 60, 2000 is enough.

    When losing weight

    In order to organize a comfortable weight loss, it is necessary to subtract 500 kilocalories from the daily norm. This will help to lose 0.5 kg of weight every week, eliminating the entanglement of the skin from its sudden loss. If you increase this number to 1000, a woman will lose 1 kg per week. It is necessary that the daily rate should not be lower than 1200, because in this case the body will experience stress and go into an economical mode. The weight loss will stop there.

    There are several formulas for calculating. The most popular of these is the Mifflin-San Jeor formula. He introduced it a few years ago. Today it is the most accurate calculation by which you can find out the daily rate:

    10 x weight (in kg) + 6.251 x height (cm) - 5 x age - 161

    The result obtained is multiplied by the following activity factor

    Harris Benedict Formula

    This formula was developed back in 1919, so for modern women it is a little inaccurate. But let's take it as an example:

    655.2 + 9.562 x weight (in kg) + 1.85 x height (cm) - 4.675 x age.

    The resulting number is multiplied by the coefficient from the list above.

    The norm for a man

    The daily calorie intake for men is different from that for women. Their body requires more protein to build muscle mass, in the event that a man leads an active life. Fat is deposited on the abdomen, not on the hips. Therefore, if you need to lose weight, then it is easier and faster to do it. Enough to increase physical activity, eat less flour products and sugar and in a week there will be a result.

    They are more difficult to tolerate a variety of diets. When for women the rate of weight loss, which should not be exceeded, is 2 kg per month or half a kilogram per week, a man can easily lose weight twice as fast. It is more difficult for them to recover, since it is necessary to significantly increase the dose.

    In order for the body to work without interruption (to maintain weight), it is necessary:


    The calculation is somewhat different from that for women and is as follows:

    10 x weight (in kg) + 6.251 x height (cm) - 5 x number of years + 5

    The resulting value must be multiplied by the activity coefficient, which is the same as for women. The Harris-Benedict formula is calculated as follows:

    66.51 + 13.752 x weight (kg) + 5.0031 x height (smr) - 6.7751 x number of years

    The result obtained is multiplied by the activity factor.

    Norms for weight loss

    Considering that the appropriate option from the list above has already been selected, it is necessary to subtract 20% for comfortable weight loss. For example: when determining the daily allowance of 2000 calories, in order to lose weight, you need to get up to 1600.

    For fast weight loss it is necessary to remove 40% of the norm. V this case you need to eat no more than 1200. Minimal amount, as in women, should not be less than 1200.

    If we take the average rate for men and women, then it will look like this:

    Labor intensity




    Work is related to mental work

    Work related to the service sector

    Labor associated with significant physical effort

    elderly people

    Norm for children

    Focused on the age of the norm per day are as follows:

    The norm of a teenager is equated to adult women and men. It is worth paying attention to the child. Some children are very mobile, energetic. They need to eat more, they will burn more. Others behave more calmly, so their daily allowance may be lower. Mom and dad must determine how many calories a child needs to consume per day.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

    I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

    But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

Age Floor female Male
Height (cm) Weight, kg)
Lifestyle sedentary lifestyle sports 1-3 times a week sports 3-5 times a week sports 6-7 times a week active sports 1-2 times a day

Explain how we calculated how many calories does a person need per day. For some reason, there is a strong opinion that for an ordinary woman the norm is 2000-2500 kcal per day, for a man even more. Well, if a woman is short, or vice versa, very tall - do they really need the same number of calories to maintain life? Let's count.

At the moment, one of the most accurate formulas is the Muffin-Jeor formula, developed in 1990 (the Harris-Benedict formula is still widespread - but it has been proven to be less accurate)

For women: OO \u003d 10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 5 * age - 161

For men: OO = 10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 5 * age + 5

2. To get the total calorie consumption per day it is necessary to multiply the basic exchange by the following coefficients:

  • Sedentary lifestyle: GS x 1.2
  • Light activity (sport 1-3 days per week): GS x 1.375
  • Average activity (sport 3-5 days a week): OO x 1.55
  • High activity (sport 6-7 days a week): GS x 1.725
  • Very active (very active sports every day, high physical activity at work, exercising twice a day): RR x 1.9

We consider a woman height 160cm, weight 70kg, age 30, office worker.

OO \u003d 10 * 70 kg + 6.25 * 160 - 5 * 30 - 161 \u003d 1389 kcal

Calorie consumption: OO * 1.2 \u003d 1389 * 1.2 \u003d 1667 kcal.

It turns out that in order not to gain weight, a 30-year-old woman engaged in office work, 160 cm tall, weighing 70 kg, needs to consume no more than 1667 kcal daily, and not the mythical 2000 kcal. Moreover, with age and weight loss, calorie consumption still falls (see the formula).

Calculate how many calories you need per day to lose weight

Now you can determine how many calories you need to lose weight. Purely theoretically - you need to get fewer calories than the total consumption per day calculated by the formula. How much less?

To safely lose weight, experts advise reducing daily calories by 20%, i.e. Multiply daily calories by 0.8. Of course, you can also reduce calories (and many counting calories do this), losing weight will be faster, but here it is important to find a balance between speed (and when you see the result right away, then strength appears) and the safety of losing weight (without slowing down metabolism, which can happen if you reduce calories too much).

For very fast weight loss, a deficit of 40% is created. That is, for our example, 0.6 * 1667 \u003d 1000 kcal.

But you should remember: Safe calorie limit without medical supervision - 1200kcal (for women) and 1800kcal (for men).

For our woman - 0.8 * 1667 kcal = 1334 kcal is necessary for safe and comfortable weight loss

Why do we need a zigzag (or roller coaster) of calories?

Such an uneven intake of calories throughout the week does not allow the metabolism to decrease. The zigzag method is also used to overcome the plateau effect. In addition, there are days with a high calorie content (for example, Saturday). It is convenient to guess such days for various events: holidays, picnics, barbecues and so on.