Eclairs with margarine recipe. Choux pastry for eclairs: step-by-step recipe.

If you love eclairs, but don't make them yourself because you're afraid it's too difficult, this recipe will convince you! Making choux pastry for eclairs is very simple. See this recipe for how to do it.

Making homemade eclairs is much easier than it seems! Choux pastry Anyone can make these cakes – it just takes a little time.

According to this recipe, the choux pastry for eclairs turns out exactly as it should be, since it is prepared according to all the rules. Try making eclairs from it and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result!


120 g flour

100 g butter

80 ml water

4 eggs

1/2 tsp. salt

How to prepare choux pastry for eclairs:

Pour water into the pan and add butter, add salt and melt the butter - the mixture should be homogeneous.

Turn the heat to medium, add all the flour while stirring the ingredients very vigorously, cook the mixture until the mass becomes homogeneous; when the base is ready, a dry film of flour begins to form at the bottom of the pan.

Remove the pan from the heat, cool to about 70 degrees, when it will no longer be scalding hot, but will still be very warm.

Beat the eggs into the base one at a time, kneading the dough very thoroughly each time until plastic.

Cooked homogeneous dough place in a pastry bag or regular bag (cut off a corner), place on a baking sheet lined with parchment (it is better to grease the parchment a small amount butter), forming eclairs – i.e. in the form of stripes.

Bake the base for the eclairs in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes, without opening the oven, but making sure that they do not burn.

Fill the prepared eclair bases with cream to taste using a culinary syringe.

Happy cooking!

It is very important not to open the oven while baking eclairs.

Friends, do you prepare homemade eclairs from choux pastry, or do you still buy such cakes more often in the store? Share with us your secrets for preparing successful choux pastry for eclairs in the comments if you have experience in preparing them.

Although the recipe proposed today is quite common, not every housewife prepares homemade eclairs for her family. But this is only because it is difficult to find a suitable, reliable and step by step recipe eclairs, so that preparing them becomes simply an art. Today we will try to cook at home those same custard cakes with chocolate icing And custard, and believe me, they will taste very different from those you have ever bought in a cafe. This is very beneficial for children's party. From the specified amount of ingredients you get 15 cakes measuring 10 - 15 centimeters. What is convenient for drinking tea at school or kindergarten. You will love this recipe for eclairs, written step by step and very precisely. You will cook more than once.

Ingredients for a step-by-step eclair recipe:

For the choux pastry:

  • Water - 1 tbsp. (250 ml);
  • Flour - 1.25 tbsp. (200 g);
  • Eggs - 3 - 4 pcs. (big size);
  • Butter (82% fat) - 100 g;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.

For the custard:

  • Eggs - 4 pcs;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 cup (g);
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. l. (without slide, approximately 45 g);
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 tsp. (7 g);
  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Butter - 20 g.

For the glaze:

  • Black chocolate - 1 bar;
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.

So, a step-by-step recipe for eclairs with custard:

1. You will need a very small saucepan for cooking. But it is desirable that it is not enameled. We chose a 1.2 liter cauldron with a ceramic coating. Pour salted water into the selected container and boil. Add the butter, take a wooden spoon or spatula and stir until it comes to a boil.

2. Add flour at the moment when you notice that the butter has melted.

3. Now reduce the heat to low. You can even put the divider on the stove. Mix the dough thoroughly until it looks like plasticine. There should be no small lumps.

4. Wait until the choux pastry for eclairs has cooled halfway and you can start adding eggs one at a time. After adding each egg, the dough needs to be mixed thoroughly, and it is better to do this with a wooden spatula. If you beat in all the eggs at once, it will be difficult to mix the dough to the desired consistency. Do it correctly, that is, as described in the eclair recipe - step by step and clearly.

5. This is what the choux pastry will look like after adding the second egg. Continue using the spatula and add the third egg.

6. This is what the finished choux pastry looks like, it is not liquid, but on the contrary, elastic and holds its shape perfectly. But at the same time, the dough will not be tight. The consistency is like for Easter. If the dough is very steep, then add a fourth egg. Otherwise, it may not bake and the eclairs will not open.

7. Transfer the dough into a pastry bag and remove the nozzle from it. Using a bag we will form eclairs.

8. Parchment paper line a baking sheet. There is no need to lubricate it. Squeeze out so-called “sausages” at least 10 centimeters long from the pastry bag. Preheat the oven very well to 200 degrees.

9. We will bake the eclairs for 30 - 40 minutes in a closed oven. That is, you can’t pull the door! If you placed the custard cakes on a baking sheet, not too densely, and placed it approximately in the center of the oven. So in 30 minutes you will get these delicious eclairs. They will be 2 - 3 times larger than the prepared dough.

10. You can’t imagine a better custard for filling homemade eclairs. Our website already has a step-by-step recipe prepared using one method. And today we will describe a slightly different custard recipe and also very detailed. This cream can be used for, and for, and for many other desserts.
Boil the milk and leave it in the pan for a while.

11. Separate the yolks from the whites. To prepare the cream, we only need this part of the egg.
In one bowl combine the yolks, granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and flour. We begin to mash everything with a spoon or fork. The most important thing is that the flour is evenly distributed and there are no lumps in the custard later.
Begin adding milk gradually while still stirring. Now your task is to ensure that the sugar is completely dissolved. You will end up with a smooth yellowish liquid.

12. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan containing milk and place on fire. You don’t have to turn the heat to minimum at first, but be sure to stir the cream. If you miss the moment, it will immediately form lumps.

13. When you see that the custard begins to thicken, immediately reduce the heat to the very minimum. After a few minutes, add the oil, stir until it is completely dissolved, remove from heat and leave to cool.

14. You can fill eclairs with custard using a special pastry syringe or simply cut the cake and put the filling there.

15. There should be no problems with chocolate. It makes an excellent glaze for homemade cream eclairs. You can melt the chocolate in microwave oven. Just crumble it into pieces and add butter. Set the heating time to 30 seconds and then stir the chocolate every time. The action must be repeated until you see that it has melted. You can also melt chocolate in a water bath in the same way.

16. Using a pastry brush, carefully coat the top of the eclairs with chocolate glaze.

The glaze should dry out a little, so leave the cakes on the baking sheet.

We hope you enjoy our step-by-step recipe for eclairs at home. Prepare custard cakes for children for kindergarten, school, or tea party without any effort. And don't forget to check back for the sequel! Soon we will have miniature profiteroles with protein cream in our desserts. To avoid missing out, subscribe to updates!

Eclair (from French eclair - lightning, flash) - a cake made from choux pastry with filling (traditionally - sweet cream), topped with melted chocolate, glaze or sprinkled with confectionery crumbs or powdered sugar. There is a version that the cakes received this name due to their ability to quickly increase in size during the cooking process.

The creator of the recipe for this dish is considered to be the famous 19th century French cook Marie-Antoine Carême, also known as “ chef of kings and king of chefs».

In the USA the cake is called “Long John”, in Germany - “ love bone», « coffee bar"or "hare's paw".

In our country, this cake has been one of the most beloved desserts by both adults and children for decades. Almost every housewife has her own proven recipe for preparing this dish.

It is not so difficult to prepare it, even for a person who rarely stands at the stove; to do this, it is enough to know some secrets of preparation - it is this that is the basis for the cake. You can use different fillings for it - custard, curd, pistachio, butter or chocolate cream, whipped cream.

How to prepare choux pastry for eclairs: step-by-step instructions


  • 250 ml of clean drinking water;
  • 120 g butter;
  • 4 medium-sized or 5 small eggs;
  • 200 g wheat flour;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

  • Prepare two saucepans - small and large. The small saucepan should fit completely into the large one;
  • Fill a large container about two-thirds full with water, place it on the heat and bring to a boil. Pour 250 ml of clean water into a small saucepan, add chopped butter, salt and place it in large saucepan with boiling water;
  • When the butter has melted, pour all the flour into the water and butter and stir very quickly until a thick consistency forms. homogeneous mass without removing the smaller container from the larger one. Reduce heat. Make sure there are no lumps;
  • Thus, boil the resulting mass for 2 minutes (the dough for eclairs is called choux precisely because it is boiled) and remove the small container from the water;
  • Cool the mixture a little, stir it a few more times and begin adding the eggs;
  • To make the choux pastry for eclairs tasty, do not use cold eggs. A few hours before cooking, they should be removed from the refrigerator, washed with warm (not hot!) water and dried with a towel. Add the eggs one at a time, constantly stirring with a wooden spatula until the mass becomes elastic and homogeneous. It is not recommended to use a mixer for these purposes, since in this case the dough may turn out to be excessively liquid and will be difficult to work with;
  • Properly prepared choux pastry for eclairs should have a medium consistency - neither thick nor runny. If you notice that it is trailing behind the spatula, stop stirring it;
  • Now start the baking process. Preheat oven to 200°C;
  • Grease a baking sheet with deodorized sunflower oil or fat. Using a pastry bag or syringe, place small sticks of dough approximately 4-5 cm long or balls with a diameter of 3 cm at a distance of at least 4 cm from each other on a baking sheet (as already mentioned, during heat treatment the cakes increase significantly in size).

However, in the absence of a special pastry bag, you can use a clean plastic bag, fill it with dough and carefully cut off the corner. But in this case it is very important that it is as strong as possible, since the mass can tear its walls.

  • Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake the dish for 10 minutes at 200 °C. After this, without opening the oven door (otherwise the cakes may settle), reduce the temperature to 180 °C and bake for another 20 minutes;
  • Turn off the stove and take out the baking sheet. To check the doneness of the cakes, lightly tap them - they should be dry and make a ringing sound. In appearance, the finished eclairs should be golden and ruddy;
  • Allow the baked cakes to cool thoroughly and only then fill them with cream.

Choux pastry for eclairs prepared according to this recipe can be used immediately, or can be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, place the mass in a clean plastic bag and tie it tightly.

It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days, freezer- maximum three months. If you have prepared a large amount of dough for the future and are going to freeze it, divide it into several parts - this way you can prepare eclairs several times without defrosting a large bag each time.

How to choose products for making eclairs?

Delicious dough can be prepared, of course, only from high-quality products.

Use very fresh eggs. If you purchase them in a store, pay attention to the labeling. It is advisable that they be marked “D” (dietary). It indicates that the eggs were laid no more than 7 days ago. To make sure of their quality, lower the eggs into the water - fresh ones will remain at the bottom, and stale ones will float to the surface.

To make your products softer and lighter, use wheat flour premium quality with reduced gluten content.

Both the dough and the eclair cream will turn out much tastier if you use natural butter for their preparation. Many housewives use margarine or spear (a mixture of butter and vegetable oils). But such products are significantly inferior in taste. Besides vegetable fats contain carcinogens, and therefore are undesirable to eat, especially for children.

We hope the above secrets for making choux pastry will help you create a truly tasty and healthy dessert.

Choux pastry for eclairs can be prepared in different ways. In this article we will present several available and simple recipes, with the help of which you can independently make very delicious base for sweet cakes or savory snacks.

How to prepare choux pastry for eclairs? (recipe step by step)

To make delicious and sweet cakes for a festive or simple dinner table, you don’t need large quantity expensive products and free time.

So, for the choux pastry we will need the following components:

  • filtered, settled water - a full glass
  • high-grade flour - a full glass;
  • country eggs (total weight about 250 g) - 5 pcs.;
  • not too coarse iodized salt - ½ dessert spoon;
  • unsalted butter as fresh as possible - about 100 g.

Kneading the base on the stove

Choux pastry for eclairs has its name for a reason. After all, in order to mix it, all the ingredients must be boiled on the stove for some time. To do this, place a saucepan with a thick bottom on low heat, then pour settled water into it, add butter and add iodized salt. Next you should wait until cooking oil completely melted, and boil all the ingredients for three minutes.

After all the described actions have been carried out, it is necessary to pour high-grade flour into the bubbling oily liquid and mix it thoroughly with a large spoon. As a result of this you should get soft base homogeneous consistency.

The final stage in preparing the choux pastry

After thermally treating the choux pastry for eclairs on the stove, it should be removed from the heat and then cooled to 60-70 degrees. This is necessary so that after adding chicken country eggs they do not curl, but are evenly distributed throughout the base.

You can check the temperature of the dough using a thermometer or simply by dipping your finger into it. If you are not very hot, then you can safely add country eggs. Moreover, enter this ingredient It is recommended not immediately, but one at a time.

Thus, having broken one egg into the dough, it must be mixed with a spoon so that it is completely distributed throughout the dough. Next you should enter the second, third and fourth. Before laying out the fifth egg, you need to pay attention to the consistency of the base. If it is too liquid, then you should not add the mentioned product. If the choux pastry for eclairs remains thick, then you need to add an egg.

After thoroughly mixing all the components, you should have a fairly viscous base.

The process of forming custard products

After the choux pastry for eclairs, photos of which you can see in this article, is well mixed, you can safely begin to shape the products. To do this, you need to take a large sheet, line it with baking paper, and then lay out the base using a regular tablespoon. At the same time, it is not necessary to ensure that you get identical and even balls. After all, under the influence heat treatment they will still rise and become beautiful.

Baking eclairs in the oven

The presented recipe for choux pastry for eclairs can be used not only to make delicious and beautiful cakes, but also to prepare aromatic snacks.

Having formed the products, the baking sheet should be immediately placed in the preheated oven. It is recommended to bake them for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. It should be noted that during such heat treatment, open the lid oven highly undesirable. If you neglect this advice, then all the products may simply settle and remain dull inside.

After the dough has been baked properly, it must be carefully removed from the baking paper and cooled completely. IN further products should be used for its intended purpose.

Choux pastry for eclairs: cooking at home together

We talked above about how to make such a base on a kitchen stove. However, you can cook eclairs in a slow cooker. For this we need:

  • settled, filtered water - 180 ml;
  • high-grade flour - 230 g;
  • large village eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • not too coarse iodized salt - ½ small spoon;
  • unsalted butter as fresh as possible - about 80 g.

Preparing custard base in a slow cooker

Eclairs made from choux pastry always turn out very tender and tasty. To make these cakes, you don't have to put in much effort. After all, they are prepared quite easily and simply.

The principle of creating choux pastry in a multicooker is almost the same as presented above. But if you don’t know how to operate such a device, we’ll tell you about it right now.

So, pour all the filtered water into the multicooker bowl, add salt and add the freshest possible butter. After turning on the baking mode, you need to wait until the cooking fat has melted and all the products have boiled. Next, add light flour to the seething oily mass and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous lump is formed. It should be placed in a deep bowl and left aside for a while.

After the base has cooled slightly, you need to break the village eggs one by one. As a result of mixing these components, you should form a viscous mass that comes off well if you lift it with a spoon.

The process of forming and baking products in the oven

How should you properly bake choux pastry for eclairs? The slow cooker recipe does not recommend using this mentioned device. This is not due to the fact that the base will not cook well in it, but because you can only fit a few products in one container.

So, taking a large baking sheet, you need to line it with baking paper. Next, you need to take the viscous choux dough into a culinary syringe and squeeze it out in the form of a thick strip 8-10 centimeters long.

Having formed the eclairs, they should be placed in the oven, which must be preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees. The dough needs to be baked for about half an hour. During this time it should rise well and lightly brown.

How to use baked goods in cooking?

As mentioned above, choux pastry eclairs can be used to make delicious sweet cakes and savory snacks.

For the first course, it is advisable to use oblong products, which must be slightly cut in the side. Through the resulting hole, you can introduce any cream into the eclair using a culinary syringe. So, ideal option protein or custard filling, which is very often used to prepare various cakes.

After all the cakes are properly formed, they must be decorated using powdered sugar, icing made from cocoa powder or melted chocolate. It is recommended to serve the finished cakes to the table with tea.

As for salty snacks, it is better to take spherical baked goods for them. They should be cut in half so that you end up with some kind of baskets. In the future, they can be filled with black or red caviar, crab stick salad, mayonnaise mixed with garlic, cheese and herbs and other ingredients.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how you can make your own choux pastry using simple and very affordable products. As you dare to note, there is nothing complicated about this.

Thus, if you want to do it at home delicious dessert or hearty snack, then you can safely use one of the above recipes.

If you love eclairs, but don't make them yourself because you're afraid it's too difficult, this recipe will convince you! Making choux pastry for eclairs is very simple. See this recipe for how to do it.


1. Flour - 160 g (about a glass)
2. Butter - 100 g
3. Water - 250 ml (you can use water (125 ml) + milk (125 ml))
4. Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
5. Salt - 1/2. spoons

How to prepare choux pastry for eclairs:

Choux pastry for eclairs has its name for a reason. After all, in order to mix it, all the ingredients must be boiled on the stove for some time. To do this, you need to put a saucepan with a thick bottom on low heat, and then pour the settled water into it, add the butter and add salt. Next, wait until the butter is completely melted and boil all the ingredients for three minutes.

Turn the heat to medium, add all the flour while stirring the ingredients very vigorously, and cook the mixture until the mixture becomes homogeneous. When the base is ready, a dry film of flour will begin to form at the bottom of the pan.

Remove the pan from the heat, cool to about 70 degrees, when it will no longer be scalding hot, but will still be very warm.

Beat the eggs into the base one at a time, kneading the dough very thoroughly each time until plastic. It is very important to beat in one egg at a time! If you add all the eggs at once, the dough will be liquid. The right dough The consistency should be like thick sour cream.

Place the prepared homogeneous dough in a pastry bag or regular bag (cut off a corner of it), place on a baking sheet lined with parchment (it is better to grease the parchment with a small amount of butter), forming eclairs - i.e. in the form of stripes. You can simply take the dough with a spoon and spread it out. Don't worry about the beauty and shape of the blanks. When the eclairs are ready, they will rise and look beautiful.

Bake the base for the eclairs in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes, without opening the oven, but making sure that they do not burn.

Fill the prepared eclair bases with cream to taste using a culinary syringe.

See recipes for various creams

To prepare choux pastry for eclairs, you need to remember the small rules:

1. Eggs should not be cold, so remove them from the refrigerator before cooking;
2. The choux pastry needs to be actively beaten, so use a mixer;
3. Must only be used natural ingredients. No substitutes or vegetable fats. Cakes may not rise or may be thick;
4. The consistency of the preparation should be similar to homemade sour cream.

Bon appetit!