Frozen blackcurrant. Frozen blackcurrant useful properties

Step 1: prepare and freeze berries.

During the freezing of berries, important nutritional substances called carbohydrates are preserved, unstable vitamins and the most important vitamin C are also preserved, it loses its properties by only 10-12 percent. To begin with, we will choose the berries, they should be large, ripe and not damaged. The first and very important secret of the correct freezing of currants is do not wash it before freezing! During washing, these berries gain excess liquid and deform. Therefore, we take 1 kilogram of blackcurrant, clean it from leaves, damaged berries, if any, and twigs, you do not need to remove the ponytails! We put the prepared berries on a tray and put in the freezer. The temperature must be maintained from -12 to -19 degrees. Freeze berries for 1 day. The reason for freezing berries on a tray is that such berries do not stick together into one mass, this simplifies their division into portions, you can always take the number of berries you need, defrost and use for your needs. During freezing, most of the cell sap in the form of water turns into crystals, as a result, the volume of the berries doubles. And during thawing in properly frozen berries, all the juice that was in them remains inside and does not drain. After a day, take out the frozen berries and quickly pour them with clean hands into a clean plastic bag. Insert a regular drinking straw into the bag and remove all air from the bag. Place your lips on the drinking tube and suck out all the air with one breath into yourself. This process will create a vacuum in the package, which will help to preserve the berries even more securely. Remove the tube from the bag and secure it with a clip so that air does not get inside. Return the package with blackcurrant to freezer and forget about it until winter.

Step 2: Defrost frozen berries.

Frozen currant berries can be thawed in two effective ways. The first of them, it is a microwave oven. From the common bag of berries, take the amount of currant you need, pour it into a plastic bag, put the bag of berries in the microwave and turn on the defrosting mode to level 3. Defrost the berries for 1 - 2 minutes. Then we take them out microwave oven, rinse under running water and put on a plate. Second the process takes longer. We take a deep bowl, pour cold water into it and lower a bag of frozen berries into it so that water does not get inside. In this way, the berries are thawed for 20 - 30 minutes, depending on how much currant was in the bag. Place the defrosted currants on a plate.

Step 3: serve frozen blackcurrant.

Frozen black currants are served on a plate, next to a bowl with sour cream or whipped cream. Fresh berries can be added to ice cream or yogurt, bake pies, cakes with them, decorate cakes. Freshly frozen blackcurrants are also used in the preparation of compotes, jelly, marmalade, marshmallows and syrups. Professional cooks use this berry in different types gravy served with fish and meat. Useful and delicious! Enjoy your meal!

- − In the same way, you can freeze raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, and red currants.

- − You can arrange frozen currants in large quantity sachets in smaller quantities. So it will be more convenient for you to get the amount of berries you need from the refrigerator, and the vacuum in other packages will not be broken.

- − Instead of a clip, you can use a hair tie or simply tie the bag in a loose knot so that you can easily untie it after freezing.

- - Currants frozen in this way can be packaged instead of bags in clean sterile dry jars and closed with sterile dry plastic lids. Store jars of berries in the freezer.

- - Fruits and berries can be frozen in another way by making sugar syrup. Boil the syrup, 500 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water. Place prepared washed berries and fruits without core, seeds, leaves, stalks in metal molds or plastic bags and freeze in the freezer. After the product you need is frozen, take it out of the refrigerator and put it in warm syrup for a couple of minutes. Syrup temperature 35, 40 degrees. Then, using a slotted spoon, remove them from the syrup, put them in bags and freeze. Get briquettes with berries or fruits. During such a freezing, fruits and berries do not gain much liquid and do not swell much. From above they are covered with an ice crust from sugar syrup. This type of freezing is used for very long storage fruits and berries.

From fresh berries currants are boiled at harvest time. Frozen berry jam can be cooked at any time of the year, which is very convenient, the main thing is to have stocks of currants in the freezer. They cook it mainly for two reasons - either they wanted to homemade jam, or you need to unload, and moreover urgently, the freezer. In terms of taste, appearance, aroma and preparation technology, such jam is no different from jam made from fresh berries. How to cook, you will now find out. The proportions of berries and sugar are standard - one to one.


  • Black currant frozen - 1 kg.,
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Frozen Blackcurrant Jam - Recipe

All you need to make frozen blackcurrant jam is berries and sugar. Of course, if desired, you can add any other berries or fruits to it, citrus fruits are especially good. So, defrost frozen currants with room temperature or defrost in the microwave.

After it has melted, remember the crush in mashed potatoes. You can, of course, grind it in a blender or meat grinder. In this case, you will get a more homogeneous consistency.

Sprinkle blackcurrant berry puree with sugar.

Stir. Let stand and let the juice flow.

Pour into a saucepan. The cooking time for currant jam will depend on how you want it to be as a result - liquid or thick, like jam. The jam will be ready in 20 minutes after boiling.

For more thick jam cooking time is increased to 1 hour. In any case, you need to cook it over low heat, stirring and removing the foam that formed during the boil.

Finished black currant jam pour into jars. After cooling, store in the refrigerator under an airtight lid. Also, you can close it. tin lids for more long-term storage. By this principle, you can also cook jam from frozen apricots, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, strawberries. What about

It would seem, why cook frozen currant jam if you can cook it from fresh berries in the summer season? The answer is simple. There is not always time to mess around with blanks in the summer, because it is much easier to freeze currants. In addition, in terms of taste, color, aroma, cooking technology, such jam is no different from that prepared in the summer.

Frozen currant jam "five minutes"

The five-minute currant recipe is very simple and uncomplicated. Suitable for both long-term storage and for consumption in the near future.


  • currant - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


  • AT large saucepan double-bottomed or enameled bowl is sprinkled with layers of sugar and berries.
  • Everything is put on a big fire and brought to a boil. You need to be very careful - when cooking this jam, a lot of foam stands out. It is advisable to have time to collect it in time and stir the jam intensively.
  • After boiling, you need to detect 5 minutes and after this time turn off the pan with the sweet mass.

Allow the jam to cool slightly and pour it into previously sterilized jars. Allow to cool completely and send to a cool cold place.

"Raw" frozen currant jam without cooking

This jam contains as many vitamins as live berry because it doesn't pass heat treatment. This recipe always adds more sugar than the berries themselves - 2 or 2.5 times. Sugar forms a crust near the currant and prevents the jam from disappearing.


  • currant - 1 kg
  • sugar - 2.5 kg


  • Frozen berries are taken out of the freezer and thawed.
  • Then the berries should be passed through a meat grinder or smashed in a blender. On the blender, the mass will turn out more homogeneous and thick.
  • Mix everything with sugar and let the jam brew.
  • Then pour it into sterile jars, cover with a layer of sugar on top and close.
  • Jam should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator or deep cellar.

In this recipe, the berries can also be left untouched. Currants that have defrosted are covered with sugar and let the juice flow. The whole mass is gently mixed and sent to sterile jars, which are covered with a small layer of sugar on top and closed with lids. It is advisable to use jars with a volume of no more than 250 grams.

Cooking frozen currant jam in a slow cooker

Jam in a slow cooker is very simple. You can set the quenching time, on which the density of the jam depends accordingly. In this recipe, you can put a lot of sugar and set the stewing time for more than two hours - the jam will caramelize and become like jelly after cooling.


  • red or black currant - 1 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg


  • Frozen berries are poured into a slow cooker and sprinkled with sugar. You can add half a glass of sugar - so that the jam does not burn.
  • Everything is mixed and put on the extinguishing mode for one and a half to two hours. Remove the steam valve or it is better to cook with the multicooker lid open.
  • The jam will boil strongly and give a lot of foam, you need to have time to remove it. After the end of the program, the jam should be allowed to cool slightly, then pour into sterile jars and close the lid. Jam can be stored in a dark, slightly cool place.

For homogeneity of jam and improvement palatability, currant berries are best interrupted in a blender. This jam can then be used in confectionery or when making homemade yoghurts.

    With currants you can cook and ice cream.


    • frozen currants: 170 gr.;
    • egg yolks: 4 pcs.;
    • vanilla extract: 2 tsp;
    • sugar: 120 gr.;
    • cream: 450 ml.


    1. Beat sugar with egg yolks until thick, fluffy.

    2. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add vanilla extract to it and bring to a boil. Then remove from heat and, whisking, pour in a thin stream into the yolk mass.

    3. Leave the mass to cool, and then pour it into a container (preferably a metal one: it will not crystallize in it), cover with foil and put in the freezer for 1-2 hours.

    Boil the compote!

    a portion of currants plus sugar at the end of the end. It will be awesome and delicious.

    We constantly freeze currants, plus red and grapes. Chic!

    Kissel- it's not bad too.

    You can defrost, rub through a sieve, add sugar ( better than sugar powder), stir several times until dissolved. Use as a syrup for sparkling water.

    Can do sea: without defrosting, rub the berries with sugar with a wooden crush (do not be alarmed, foam will appear, this is normal), you can also rub it with slices of a thoroughly washed orange or lemon, then pour hot (not boiling water!) Water and leave to brew. Until it cools to room temperature. Then strain and pour into a beautiful decanter or jug.

    It's especially delicious with citrus fruits. And the color is rubbish. And yet, this way you save all the vitamins, and citruses will also add vitamins.

    Defrost it and rub it with sugar - a thing !!! Compote can be cooked. And also, for example, I cook jelly for my daughter - she really, really likes it.

    Currants, especially black currants, are very rich in vitamins, but most of all it contains vitamin C, which helps to strengthen immunity. Therefore, I freeze currants for the winter. But how can I keep the maximum amount of nutrients in it so that they bring benefits to the body in winter?

    To do this, I make a healthy compote drink: I take frozen berries (I don’t wash them, because I dry them before freezing) slightly defrost, pour a little sugar and rub with a wooden spoon, then dilute with water, mix and filter into an enameled saucepan (this is a living vitamin). cold water also in an enameled saucepan (to preserve the vitamins), I put it on the stove, bring it to a boil, adding sugar to taste and boil for 5 minutes, I set it aside, cool it, filter it and combine it with a living vitamin from in the first saucepan. It turns out a delicious and healthy drink. Everyone loves it at home. This is my mother’s recipe. I also make such a drink from strawberries, blueberries, cherries - in general, you can make it from any berries. And if you cook just compote from berries, then there will be very few vitamins, since they are destroyed during heat treatment .

    I also bake a delicious pie from frozen currants - mine call it "You'll lick your fingers."

    For its preparation it is necessary:

    150 g oil drain

    150 g sugar

    1 tsp vanilla sugar

    200-250 g flour

    1 teaspoon of slaked soda.

    600 g cottage cheese

    150 g sugar

    100 g starch

    300 g currants

    powdered sugar

    I rub the butter with sugar and sugar, add an egg, soda and flour. I knead the dough that is not very tough. I grease the mold with oil, spread the dough, making the sides. I mix the starch. I beat the proteins with a pinch of salt (they beat better), add to curd mass, gently mix by hand. Then I spread the curd mass on the dough. I add 1 tablespoon of sugar to the currants and beat in a blender (you can just mix well). I spread the currants on the curd mass, make patterns with a fork. oven for 10 minutes, then reduce the fire to 150 degrees and bake it for an hour (if the top of the cake starts to burn, you need to cover it with foil). Sprinkle the finished cake powdered sugar and decorate

    currant berries.

    I bake such a pie from a variety of berries and it works very well! Try it too.

    Make a pie from frozen currants. The dough is made from oatmeal. And all its charm is in the top layer of proteins.

    Grind the flakes for a short time (not quite into flour).

    Grind butter, sugar and salt. Mix with ground oatmeal and baking powder until smooth.

    We tamp in the form and bake for twenty minutes at 180 degrees.

    Beat the whites into foam and gradually introduce sugar, continuing to beat. You should get a fairly dense cream.

Black currant is probably one of the most popular crops in the country. Growing this plant is very common in garden plots and all gardeners can easily cope with it.

Black currant frozen

Frozen blackcurrant berries completely preserve all beneficial features.

To properly freeze currant berries:

  • - It must be remembered that the berries do not need to be washed before freezing. After you have collected the currants from the bush, you need to carefully sort out, select leaves, twigs, and extraneous debris. The tails of the berries do not break off.
  • - Then the berries should dry. To do this, lay them out on dry paper in a bright place, for example, on a windowsill.
  • - After the berries have dried, put them in a single layer on a baking sheet or tray and put them in the freezer for several hours.
  • - When the berries are frozen, transfer to plastic containers or plastic bags, tightly twisted to remove air. Berries are ready for long-term storage in the freezer.

You can cook from frozen currants almost all the same dishes as from fresh berries:

  • - delicious jelly
  • classic pie blackcurrant (see recipe below),
  • - mousse and more ...

Vitamins in blackcurrant table

Name Quantity: mg/ per 100 g

Ascorbic acid * vitamin C 200
Beta-carotene 0.10
Tocopherol * vitamin E 0.72
Thiamine * vitamin B1 0.03
Riboflavin * vitamin B2 0.04
Folic acid * B9 5 mcg / 100 g
Niacin * vitamin PP 0.3

Blackcurrant ranks second in vitamin C content after rose hips. A handful of fresh berries makes up our daily allowance in this vitamin.
Currant contains iron (1300 mcg), fluorine, iodine, zinc, manganese and other vital elements.

Apple and lemon acid, glucose, fiber, pectins - all this is in the berries black currant in a balanced way.

This black berry, familiar to our eyes, is a real champion in terms of quantity. useful substances. And her medicinal properties brought blackcurrant to the list of the most valuable berries.
Useful properties of blackcurrant:

  • Phytoncidal.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Antioxidant.

Currant is used as a source of easily digestible organic acids, sugars and trace elements.

The presence of B vitamins in the berries allow you to fight insomnia and fatigue, treat depression, improve our appearance and prevent aging.

Blackcurrant berries have long been used as an antipyretic, mild laxative and diuretic. They are also useful for: anemia, high blood pressure, cough and rheumatism.


  • peptic ulcer,
  • gastritis with high acidity.

Blackcurrant pie - recipe

For cooking this is not common delicious pie with sweet and sour filling you will need:

  • shortcrust pastry: 250 flour, 150 g butter, 2 spoons of sugar and 2 spoons cold water(canteens).
  • Filling: 0.5 kg of currant berries, 1 orange, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons of starch, a bag of gelatin.

The basis of this pie is a basket of classic shortcrust pastry with sides, which we bake in the oven in advance at 200 ⁰С (15-20 minutes) and cool. The filling is like jelly.