Cordon bleu rolls in creamy sauce step by step recipe with photos. Cordon Bleu with ham and cheese (in the oven)


● Chicken breast (fillet) - 2 pcs.
● Cream (20 - 33%) 100 ml.
● Ham - 150 gr.
● Cheese - 150g.
● Garlic 3 cloves
● Greens (chopped) 1 tbsp.
● Vegetable oil for frying
● Salt, pepper to taste


Cheese cut into slices. We cut the ham into thin slices. chicken breast cut lengthwise into 3 pieces. We beat off each plastic with a culinary hammer or the blunt side of a knife blade. We add some salt. Place 2 slices of ham on top of each plastic. Lay the cheese slices on top of the ham. We roll the rolls. If everything is done correctly, then the rolls should not open during cooking. But for safety, you can fasten them with toothpicks.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Lay out the rolls. Fry on all sides until golden brown. Pour the cream into the pan. Squeeze out the garlic. Pepper to taste. Sprinkle with herbs. And simmer over low heat until the cream has evaporated by half. Rice and vegetables can be served as a side dish. My side dish was a mix of rice and bulgur.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: 40 min

Such a Cordon Bleu roll with bechamel cream will look great on the festive table. amazing delicious recipe hot appetizer from chicken fillet with ham and cheese I kindly described for you. The secret of cooking in slices is that in order for the rolls to turn out juicy and beautiful, chicken fillet, ham and cheese must be cut very thinly. I prepared the cream sauce with cream, but you can replace the cream with sour cream or milk to your liking and add a little chicken broth to the sauce (dry concentrate is suitable). If you can’t roll the rolls tightly, then chop the meat with wooden toothpicks or bamboo skewers. I also advise you to cook these.
It will take 40 minutes to prepare. The ingredients in the recipe will make 2 servings.


- chicken fillet - 300 gr.;
- ham - 60 gr.;
- cheese - 50 gr.;
- salt pepper.

For cream:

- onion - 50 gr.;
- butter - 25 gr.;
- vegetable oil - 10 ml;
- cream - 200 ml;
- wheat flour - 15 gr.;
- parsley - 15 gr.;
- salt.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Cut the chicken breast into slices no thicker than 1 centimeter. Pound with a meat mallet until the slices become almost translucent. For one serving, you need to beat off 2 slices of fillet.

Sprinkle the chops with salt and pepper on both sides, rub the spices evenly.

We put together two slices of fillet, put thinly sliced ​​ham on top.

Then add thinly sliced ​​cheese. The cheese must be placed so that it is approximately in the center, so it does not leak out during baking.

Roll the rolls tightly. We heat the vegetable oil for frying in a frying pan, put the rolls on the preheated pan with the seam down, quickly fry on both sides until golden brown.

We make cream sauce. Add vegetable oil to the melted butter, then throw in finely chopped onion. Pass the onion until soft, pour wheat flour. Fry the flour with onions until golden brown, pour in the cream, pour salt to taste. Simmer the sauce over low heat for 5 minutes.

Put the fried meat into the pan with the sauce. We put the dish in an oven heated to 200 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes.

Sprinkle before serving ready meal parsley or any herb you like. For lovers fish dishes I would like to suggest a recipe

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: 35 min

It will be great to look at the festive table such a Cordon Bleu roll with bechamel cream. An amazingly delicious recipe for a hot dish of chicken breast with ham and cheese, I have kindly described for you. This the recipe will do as for holiday table, as well as for the daily menu. I advise you to serve as a side dish mashed potatoes or boiled rice. To prepare the cream, use cream with a fat content of 10% or milk. See what else is possible.
It takes 35 minutes to prepare. Ingredients listed are for 3 servings.


- chicken breast fillet - 450 gr.;
- ham - 100 gr.;
- cheese - 45 gr.;
- onion - 110 gr.;
- butter - 50 gr.;
- milk or cream - 230 ml;
- premium wheat flour - 10 gr.;
- seasoning " chicken bouillon"- 8 gr.;
- pepper, salt, vegetable oil, herbs.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We cut the fillet into thin wide plates. We beat the meat on a cutting board on both sides. To prevent splashes from flying around, cover the chicken with cling film and beat the meat through the film.

Sprinkle the chops with salt and pepper with black and red pepper. We overlap the meat with two thin slices of pork ham.

Then add some plates hard cheese. We spread the cheese closer to the middle so that it does not flow out during the cooking process.

We roll the rolls. For strength and reliability, you can chop them wooden skewers for cocktails.

Now let's prepare Bechamel. First, melt the butter in a saucepan. Next, add a tablespoon of refined vegetable oil. Then throw in finely chopped onion or shallot.

Fry the onion for 5-6 minutes over medium heat. Add wheat flour, fry until light brown.

Pour the cream into a saucepan, pour in the seasoning "chicken broth", salt to taste, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes.

Fry the rolls in hot vegetable oil from all sides.

Pour boiling bechamel to the fried rolls, cook everything together over moderate heat for 7 minutes, remove the pan from the stove. I would like to draw your attention to .

Let's go straight to the table. Pour a few spoons of cream into a plate, put the rolls on the cream, sprinkle with herbs, for example, fresh basil.

Enjoy your meal.

The dish originated in France. Its name literally means "blue ribbon". There are two versions of its origin.

According to one of them, Louis XV awarded the cook with a blue ribbon for the schnitzel she cooked with ham and cheese filling. According to another, when serving this dish for the first time, the chef decorated it with a blue ribbon. The product was highly appreciated not only in France, but also abroad.

The benefits and harms of the dish

The properties of a dish depend on its composition. Since cordon bleu usually includes meat, cheese and ham, it can be a stretch to call it useful.

The ingredients are high in calories, and they cook it with the addition of oil, which makes the food even fatter. Therefore, its abuse can lead to weight gain, high cholesterol and cardiovascular disorders.

Nevertheless, meat contains animal proteins needed by the body, and cheese is one of the sources of calcium and other trace elements. Therefore, you can include the dish in the diet. In addition, there are different variants its preparation with lean types meat and a slight addition of sunflower oil. They are less harmful to the figure and blood vessels, because they contain less fat.

Difficulty, cooking time

The difficulty level of this dish is medium. If desired, even a novice cook can cook it, but he may have difficulties - the main problem is to prepare meat pockets, inside of which the ham and cheese filling is placed. You need to get used to doing it. The remaining stages of execution do not require significant effort.

It will take about an hour to prepare the dish. It depends on the selected ingredients. Certain types of meat need a longer heat treatment, than others.

Food preparation

Prepare necessary ingredients easily. The main thing is to choose fresh meat. The taste of the dish and its benefits depend on its quality. Therefore, it should only be purchased good shops or from trusted sellers.

The ham must also be fresh and good quality. It is desirable that it is not too fatty - this will reduce the calorie content of the dish.

You can take any cheese, focusing on your taste. But you have to choose from durum varieties- Melted Cordon Bleu is not suitable for cooking.

Spices are added to taste. This applies to their number and type. Usually pepper is added, but exotic seasonings can also be used.

Flour for breading is used wheat, preferably the highest grade. You will also need fresh eggs- Homemade or store bought.

How to make breadcrumbs? Video from Ilya Lazerson:

How to cook beef cordon bleu with cheese and ham?

AT classic version beef meat is used, and cheese and ham are used as fillings. It is worth studying the features of cooking a dish from it.

To work, you need components such as:

  • beef - 600-800 g;
  • ham - 150 g;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • breadcrumbs (or dry White bread) - 50 g;
  • eggs - 2;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • melted butter (or sunflower).

The prepared products are enough to prepare 6-8 Cordon Bleu rolls. If necessary, the number of ingredients can be increased to get more servings.

Begin work with the preparation of breadcrumbs. To do this, dry white bread is rubbed on a grater. You can also buy ready-made breadcrumbs at the store.

Step-by-step recipe for making Cordon Bleu in the photo:

Wash the meat under running water and cut it into pieces (their thickness should be about 2 cm). Pieces should be lightly beaten off, after covering them with cling film. Care must be taken not to compromise integrity.

A cut is made in the middle of each piece to make a pocket of meat. Sprinkle all pockets with salt and pepper.

Cheese and ham are cut into small plates. Pieces are wrapped in ham and placed in meat pockets.

The edges of the pockets are pierced with toothpicks so that the cheese melted during cooking does not flow out.

Beat the eggs with a whisk. Pour flour and breadcrumbs onto two separate plates.

Each piece is first rolled in flour, then dipped in the egg mixture, and then rolled in breadcrumbs.

Pour into the pan sunflower oil and warm up. Breaded pockets should be laid there and fried on both sides. Each will take 10-12 minutes.

In finished form golden brown. It is on it that you can determine the readiness of food.

The number of calories in 100 g of the product is 169. Each such serving contains 13.40 g of proteins, 9.56 - carbohydrates, 11.87 - fats.

cooking options

This option is less caloric. It will require the following products:

  • chicken fillet - 3;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • ham - 150 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 100 g;
  • egg - 2;
  • flour - 70 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • greens;
  • black pepper;
  • lemon;
  • salt;
  • tomatoes.

Ham and cheese are cut into thin slices. Films and veins are removed from the chicken fillet. Each piece is cut lengthwise, but not completely. The far edge must remain intact.

The resulting pieces are unfolded, covered with cling film and carefully, so as not to damage the fibers, beat the workpiece with a hammer with small teeth. Next, the film is removed. Fillets are peppered and salted. For breading you will need eggs and crackers, as well as flour. All these components are placed in different containers. The eggs are beaten. The flour is sifted. Breadcrumbs just pour it on a plate. After that, you can form blanks for frying.

Pieces of cheese are laid out on the unfolded layers of chicken, and slices of ham are laid on top of them. Then add another layer of cheese. Both must be wrapped with chicken fillet so that the filling is completely hidden inside.

The result is rolled in flour, dipped in an egg and rolled in breadcrumbs. When all parts of the chicken fillet are processed, sunflower oil is strongly heated in a deep frying pan. You can add a piece butter.

The blanks are dipped one by one into boiling oil. It will take 2 to 5 minutes to fry on one side. The schnitzel is taken out and placed on a plate lined with paper towels.

Video recipe:

This option will require the following components:

  • chicken breasts - 2;
  • vegetable oil - 500 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2;
  • champignons - 100 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • crushed crackers - 100 g.

Rinse and chop the mushrooms, salt and fry. The breast is cut into fillets. A large longitudinal incision is made in each piece, but not completely. The workpiece is unfolded and sprinkled with salt.

The cheese cut into rectangles is laid in a layer on one side. On top of it is a layer of mushrooms. The filling is covered with the second part of the fillet. The edges must be secured with toothpicks. Each piece is dipped in eggs and rolled in breadcrumbs.

It is necessary to fry semi-finished products in a deep frying pan. Sunflower oil is heated in it and blanks are carefully lowered there. The fire during frying should be minimal. Cooking time on each side is about 5 minutes.

You will need the following components:

  • pork ham - 2 kg;
  • smoked bacon - 1;
  • egg - 2;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • onion - 2;
  • white bread - 4;
  • pepper;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • salt.

From pork ham the bone is removed, and the remaining meat is passed through a meat grinder. Finely chopped onion and crumbled bread are added to it (it can be crushed with a blender). You need to beat the eggs into the minced meat, add pepper and salt and knead all the ingredients well.

The mass should be homogeneous. It is posted on cling film thin enough layer, on top of which place the bacon cut into strips. Grated cheese is sprinkled on top of the bacon. Form a roll (food film will help with this) and place it in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. To determine the readiness of the dish, you can use a toothpick. If clear juice is released when pierced, the dish is ready.

Ingredients for its preparation:

  • chicken breast - 1;
  • cheese - 8;
  • flour;
  • boiled ham -150 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 100 g;
  • pepper;
  • vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • flour - 25 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • grated parmesan - 30 g;
  • greens;
  • salt.

Lay cling film on top of cutting board. Meat is placed on it, covered and beaten off. The resulting dense and thin piece is sprinkled with salt and pepper.

Spread ham and cheese, pre-cut into small slices, on top. Wrap the stuffing chicken meat to make a roll, which is placed in the refrigerator for half an hour. After that, the semi-finished product is sprinkled with flour, dipped in beaten eggs and breaded with breadcrumbs. It should be fried in vegetable oil until golden brown.

The preparation of the sauce begins with melting the butter. Garlic crushed to a gruel is added to it and, constantly stirring, flour, salt and pepper are poured. Pour milk into this mixture, add parmesan and mustard. The sauce should simmer over low heat until it has a uniform consistency.

Video recipe:

Turkey cordon bleu

This version of the dish is prepared using the following products:

  • turkey breast - 400 g;
  • eggs - 2;
  • cheese -100 g;
  • crushed crackers -100 g;
  • ham - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • pepper;
  • greens;
  • salt.

Divided into pieces. Each of them is cut in the middle to form a pocket. They should be salted and sprinkled with pepper or marinated using soy sauce. Small pieces of cheese and ham are placed inside the pockets. The edges are fastened with toothpicks.

In three separate containers prepare flour, crushed crackers and eggs with pepper and salt. Semi-finished products are alternately dipped in flour, beaten eggs and breadcrumbs. Frying is carried out in boiling oil over medium heat. After the appearance of the crust, you can remove the toothpicks and place the dish in the oven for another 10 minutes (temperature 220 degrees).

The components for it are:

  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • pork - 800 g;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • ham - 130 g;
  • eggs - 2;
  • melted butter - 50 g;
  • black pepper;
  • crackers;
  • salt.

Pork meat is cut into schnitzels about 2 cm thick. Having beaten them off, pockets are formed, making a wide and deep incision in the side. After sprinkling the blanks with pepper and salt, a piece of cheese wrapped with ham is placed inside each. To prevent the cheese from flowing out during frying, fix the edges with pins or toothpicks. The blanks are breaded first in flour, then in beaten eggs and crushed breadcrumbs. It will take about 10 minutes to fry on each side.

Care must be taken when beating meat, as integrity must be maintained. Breadcrumbs are best made at home. Before serving, the dish can be decorated with herbs. It goes well with a variety of sauces.

Oh these meat rolls- it’s hard to resist their appearance, and if it’s with some kind of filling, then it turns into a pleasure that is difficult to refuse. Chicken roll with cheese and ham cream sauce- this is great snack, with an extraordinary mild taste.

1. Chicken breast (fillet) - 2 pcs.
2. Ham - 150 gr.
3. Cheese - 150 gr.
4. Cream (20 - 33%) - 100 ml.
5. Garlic - 3 cloves
6. Greens (chopped) - 1 tablespoon

7. Vegetable oil for frying
8. Salt, pepper - to taste

How to cook Kordon Bleu rolls in a creamy sauce:

Step by step recipe with photos.

Cheese cut into slices. We cut the ham into thin slices. Cut the chicken breast lengthwise into 3 slices. We beat off each plastic with a culinary hammer or the blunt side of a knife blade. We add some salt. Place 2 slices of ham on top of each plastic.

Lay the cheese slices on top of the ham.

We roll the rolls. If everything is done correctly, then the rolls should not open during cooking. But for safety, you can fasten them with toothpicks.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Lay out the rolls.

Fry on all sides until golden brown.

Pour cream into the pan. Squeeze out the garlic.

Pepper to taste. Sprinkle with herbs and simmer over low heat until the cream has evaporated by half.

Rice, bulgur, vegetables can be served as a side dish.