Homemade adjika for the winter - the best recipes for preparing it with and without cooking. Hot adjika from gogoshar

Every kitchen has a group of spicy seasonings and snacks that go perfectly with meat dishes. Many of them are prepared based on vegetables, hot spices and herbs. In the Caucasus, such seasonings include adjika. Here it is prepared from hot capsicum, garlic and salt, it turns out thick and oily. This seasoning is liked by many of our compatriots, but some find it unusually spicy and salty. As a result, skillful housewives adapted her recipe by including tomatoes. Adjika with tomatoes and garlic turns out to be more tender and juicy than the traditional Abkhazian one, and it is good in its own way. It can also be served with meat, or can be used instead savory snack or even spread on a sandwich.

Cooking features

Adjika with tomatoes and garlic can be raw, that is, cooked without heat treatment, or boiled. It can be entered additional ingredients. Most often these are bell peppers, onions, apples. Of course, seasonings made according to this different recipes, will differ, but we can also outline the general features of preparing this dish.

  • For adjika you need to choose ripe ones, you can even overripe tomatoes. The fruits are allowed to be cracked. The main thing is that they are not rotten or spoiled.
  • Pieces of tomato skin found in the seasoning make it less pleasant to taste. Therefore, most often tomatoes need to not only be chopped with a blender or minced through a meat grinder, but also peeled. If you don't know the little details, this process can take a lot of time. But there is actually a simple way to skin tomatoes, and once you know it, you can do it in minutes. Boil the water. Make cross cuts on the tomatoes. Throw the vegetables into boiling water for a couple of minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to a bowl with cold water. After a few minutes, remove the tomatoes from cold water and, grabbing the skin by the loose ends, remove it.
  • Adjika made from tomatoes and garlic almost always includes hot pepper. It also needs to be crushed. This can be done without removing the seeds from the pepper or after they have been removed. In the first case, the seasoning will be much spicier.
  • When processing garlic and hot peppers, protect your hands with gloves. Otherwise, you may get burned. This is especially likely if you cook adjika in large quantities.
  • Garlic loses much of its pungency when cooked. If you want him to keep his spicy taste, add it only 10 minutes before the snack is ready.
  • Be sure to sterilize the jars into which you plan to pour adjika. Otherwise, it will quickly spoil, regardless of the cooking method.

Adjika made without cooking can only be stored in the refrigerator. If the seasoning has been left for a long time heat treatment, you can store it at room temperature.

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic without cooking

Composition (for 4 l):

  • tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • Bell pepper– 1.2 kg;
  • garlic – 150 g;
  • spicy Bell pepper– 100 g;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) – 150 ml;
  • salt – 40 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the tomatoes, dry and cut. Place in boiling water for a few minutes, then cool by transferring to a container with ice water. Clean.
  • Cut out the stems along with the seals next to them. Cut the tomato pulp into large slices.
  • Peel the garlic.
  • Wash the sweet peppers. Cut off the stems and remove the seeds. Rinse again, dry and cut into large oblong pieces.
  • Wash the hot peppers. Remove the stems. Cut each pod into several pieces. If you want a spicier seasoning, do not remove the seeds, otherwise it is better to get rid of them.
  • Scroll all ingredients through a meat grinder. You can also use a blender if that seems more convenient to you.
  • Place the vegetable mixture in a common container. Add salt and vinegar. Mix well. Leave to infuse for an hour.

While the adjika is infusing, you will have enough time to prepare the jars. Then you just need to fill them with aromatic seasoning, close them tightly and put them in the refrigerator.

Classic adjika with tomatoes and garlic

Composition (per 5 l):

  • tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • garlic – 0.5 kg;
  • bell pepper – 3 kg;
  • hot capsicum – 0.3 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • table vinegar(9 percent) – 40 ml;
  • sugar – 40 g;
  • salt – 40 g.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the tomatoes by peeling them and cutting them into pieces.
  • Wash and clean both types of peppers.
  • Separate the garlic cloves and peel them.
  • Separately grind tomatoes, peppers and garlic through a meat grinder.
  • Mix the tomato and pepper puree, set the garlic mass aside for now.
  • Place the pan with tomato-pepper puree on the fire. Heat until it starts to boil.
  • Add salt and sugar, pour in vinegar and oil. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for an hour and a half.
  • 10 minutes before readiness, add garlic and stir.

The finished snack just needs to be placed in prepared jars and rolled up. This adjika stands well at room temperature.

A simple recipe for adjika from tomatoes and garlic

Composition (for 4 l):

  • tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • garlic – 5 heads;
  • hot peppers– 2 kg;
  • salt – 40 g.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the tomatoes and pass through a meat grinder.
  • Remove the seeds from the pepper. Grind the pepper using a meat grinder and mix with tomato puree.
  • Grind the peeled garlic with a blender or meat grinder.
  • Place the pan with tomato puree and pepper on the fire and bring to a boil.
  • Add salt and garlic. Cook for 7–8 minutes.
  • Place in sterilized jars and seal them tightly.
  • Turn over and cover the jars, leaving them like that until they cool.

This very hot seasoning should be stored in a cool place. It doesn't have to be a refrigerator - a cellar or unheated pantry will also work.

Adjika with tomatoes, garlic and apples

  • tomatoes – 2.5 kg;
  • garlic – 0.2 kg;
  • capsicum – 150 g;
  • bell pepper – 1 kg;
  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • apples – 1 kg;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • vegetable oil – 150 ml;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) – 150 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and peel vegetables and fruits.
  • Scroll them through a meat grinder twice. Chop the garlic separately.
  • Set aside the garlic and mix the remaining vegetables. Applesauce should also be mixed with vegetables.
  • Place the resulting puree in a thick-bottomed saucepan.
  • Place on low heat and cook for an hour.
  • Pour in the oil and vinegar, add sugar and salt, and garlic. Stir.
  • Continue cooking for 10 minutes.
  • Place in prepared jars, seal them and store in the pantry.

This recipe doesn't turn out too well spicy seasoning, so it can be served as an independent snack.

Adjika with tomatoes and garlic is one of the most popular seasonings. It can be served with meat or as a separate dish.

Which will improve any fish, meat and vegetable dish, and will also give it piquancy and originality. Today we will tell you how to prepare boiled adjika for the winter.

Recipe for boiled tomato adjika for the winter


  • ripe tomatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • plum – 1 kg;
  • onion – 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – 5 pcs.;
  • spices;
  • fine sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar – 100 ml;
  • salt – 2 teaspoons;
  • garlic – 3 cloves.


So, we wash the plum and remove the seeds. bell pepper process, carefully remove the tails and cores. Rinse the tomatoes, cut them in half and grate the pulp well coarse grater. Then we grind the peeled onions, plums and both types of peppers through a meat grinder into a deep saucepan and set to simmer over low heat. After 30 minutes, add salt and sugar to taste, pour in a little vinegar, throw in the spices and squeeze a few cloves of garlic through a press. Mix everything thoroughly, boil for 3 minutes and remove the boiled adjika from the heat. Immediately put it in jars prepared in advance, close the lids and store the snack after cooling in the refrigerator.

Spicy boiled adjika for the winter


  • bell pepper – 1 kg;
  • tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • garlic – 200 g;
  • hot pepper – 250 g;
  • vegetable oil – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • vinegar – 50 ml;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt;
  • fresh herbs- taste.


First, we wash and process all the vegetables: grind the tomatoes, peppers and garlic through a meat grinder and pour the resulting mass into a deep saucepan. Place the vegetable mixture on low heat and simmer for 35 minutes, stirring regularly. Without wasting time, prepare sugar, salt, spices and chop fresh herbs with a knife. After the time has passed, pour vegetable oil and vinegar into the adjika, add herbs, spices, salt and sugar to taste. Boil the mixture for another 10 minutes, and then put it in sterile jars, roll up the lids, turn it upside down and leave. Then we move the adjika to any cool place and store it all winter.

Boiled adjika with apples for the winter


  • tomatoes – 10 pcs.;
  • carrots – 10 pcs.;
  • red pepper – 5 pcs.;
  • green apples – 8 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 200 ml;
  • chili pepper – 5 pcs.;
  • vinegar – 70 ml;
  • fine salt – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic – 4 cloves.


All vegetables, except garlic, are thoroughly washed and finely chopped. Then put it in a blender bowl, add chopped apples and beat until smooth. Ready vegetable puree pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring. After this, reduce the heat and boil the adjika for about an hour. Then pour in table vinegar, vegetable oil, throw in sugar and salt. Mix well and simmer for another 20 minutes, and then remove the dishes from the heat. Peel the garlic, chop it, add it to the hot mixture, stir and leave at room temperature. In the meantime, sterilize the jars with lids, insert funnels and pour the finished adjika. We roll up the jars and store them in a cool place.

Recipe for boiled adjika with horseradish for the winter



We wash all the vegetables, process them, pass them through a meat grinder and put them on low heat. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes, add vinegar, salt to taste, boil and place in pre-prepared dry jars. Close with lids, put in the refrigerator after cooling and serve as an appetizer with side dishes or meat dishes.

Spicy, spicy adjika for the winter, using step by step recipes with a photo, he can cook it at home experienced housewife, and an aspiring keeper of the hearth. A real Abkhazian or Georgian spicy and aromatic seasoning with a refined and recognizable taste of tomatoes and/or peppers can be prepared for the winter according to a variety of recipes. This unusual pasta with the addition of spices and herbs will make the taste of many dishes more expressive and interesting.

Preparing adjika at home for the winter, according to the recipes proposed here, will not cause any difficulties. remember, that starting products can be very different. Tighten the jars savory seasoning it is possible, even from plain zucchini or apples. Therefore, make preparations for the winter in several ways. Even a novice cook can prepare each type of adjika canned for future use, using the step-by-step recipes with photos collected here.

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

Traditional home preparation My family is already a little tired of adjiki made with tomatoes. Therefore, I decided to deviate from tradition and prepared an unusual and very delicious adjika from plums with the addition tomato paste. A very convenient recipe. This homemade preparation does not require long-term boiling and the products for it are accessible and inexpensive.

It is difficult to imagine many dishes without seasonings. Sauces, gravies, dressings give them extra taste, aroma and make food more appetizing. At any national cuisine there are seasonings. Uyghurs cannot imagine food without losigian; in Russian cuisine, “Cobra” or “Ogonyok” are in demand; in the Caucasus, adjika is served with many dishes.

Essentially, all these seasonings are similar. The main place in them is given to red hot pepper. And the remaining ingredients are added based on national traditions and taste preferences.

Adjika is a mix of hot pepper, red pepper, garlic and salt with the addition of herbs popular in the Caucasus. Most often it is cilantro (coriander), hops-suneli, utskho-suneli (fenugreek).

Real adjika has a thick paste-like consistency. Its color varies from red to green. It all depends on the color of the pepper, as well as the spices that were added during the cooking process.

IN classic adjika No tomatoes are added. But over time, adjika has undergone changes, and housewives began to cook it the way they like best. This is how adjika with tomatoes appeared, which many successfully prepare for the winter.

Adjika from tomatoes for the winter: subtleties of preparation

  • In addition to tomatoes, you can add other components to adjika: carrots, onions, apples, spices. But the main place is given hot pepper and garlic, since adjika should be not only spicy, but also spicy. Therefore, when selecting ingredients, take into account the ratio of pepper and other vegetables.
  • Adjika is prepared in the form of a thick puree or paste. To do this, grind all the ingredients in a blender or meat grinder. To get high-quality adjika, take only ripe vegetables. They may be slightly dented or burst, but should not show signs of spoilage or disease, otherwise this may adversely affect the storage of canned products.
  • Adjika can be made either very hot or less hot. Therefore, when choosing a recipe, pay attention to the amount of hot pepper and, if desired, reduce it.
  • Adjika can be raw or boiled. Add enough salt and garlic to the raw one. It must be stored in the refrigerator. For raw adjika It is better to use a small container so that in an open jar the seasoning has as little contact as possible with air, which can cause it to sour.
  • Boiled adjika is packaged in glass jars hot and immediately sealed tightly. These canned foods can be stored at room temperature.

Adjika from tomatoes for the winter, boiled


  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • bell pepper – 1.5 kg;
  • hot pepper – 4 pcs. (or to taste);
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • 9 percent vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 300 g;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Prepare sterile jars with lids.
  • Wash ripe tomatoes. Place them in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. After 2 minutes, cool in cold water and remove the skin. Cut in half, cut out the stems.
  • Wash the bell and hot peppers, cut them in half, remove the stems and seeds.
  • Disassemble the garlic into cloves, peel off the husks, and rinse with cold water.
  • Grind peppers, tomatoes and garlic through a meat grinder.
  • Pour the vegetable mixture into a saucepan, put on fire, and bring to a boil. Add salt, oil and vinegar. Simmer over moderate heat for 1.5 hours.
  • Grind the garlic in a blender or put it through a culinary press. Combine with adjika. Simmer for another 10 minutes. Take a sample and add more salt if necessary.
  • While hot, place adjika into jars and seal tightly with sterile lids. Turn it upside down and wrap it in a blanket. Leave the adjika until it cools completely.

Note: you can prepare adjika a little differently. First, grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder, pour the tomato mass into a saucepan, put on moderate heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Then grind the pepper and garlic in a meat grinder and add to the tomato mass. Then cook according to the recipe. But in this case, the adjika cooking time can be slightly reduced.

Adjika from tomatoes with apples for the winter, boiled


  • tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • bell pepper – 1.5 kg;
  • hot pepper – 3 pcs.;
  • carrots – 0.5 kg;
  • sour apples – 0.5 kg;
  • garlic – 3 heads;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 9% vinegar – 50 ml.

Cooking method

  • Prepare sterile jars in advance.
  • Start processing vegetables. Wash the tomatoes, cut them in half, remove the stems.
  • Wash the pepper, cut off the stem with some of the pulp. Cut each fruit in half, remove seeds and membranes.
  • Wash the apples, cut them into four parts, cut out the seed chambers.
  • Peel the garlic and rinse with cold water.
  • Peel the carrots, wash them, cut them into small pieces.
  • Grind bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots and apples through a meat grinder. Vegetable mixture Pour into a wide saucepan, place over moderate heat, bring to a boil and cook for 50-60 minutes. Stir the puree periodically to prevent it from sticking to the bottom.
  • Separately grind the hot pepper and garlic in a meat grinder. Add to the rest of the mixture. Immediately add salt and oil. Stir. Simmer over low heat for another 20-30 minutes. If the adjika is not as thick as you would like, extend the cooking time a little. 5 minutes before the end of stewing, pour in vinegar.
  • While hot, place the adjika into dry, heated jars. Seal tightly with sterile lids. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them well. Leave it like this until it cools completely.

Adjika from tomatoes for the winter with eggplants, boiled


  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • hot red pepper – 3 pcs.;
  • eggplants – 0.5 kg;
  • bell pepper – 0.5 kg;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • salt – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 40 m;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml.

Cooking method

  • Prepare sterile jars with lids for adjika in advance.
  • Wash the ripe tomatoes and cut out the stems.
  • Trim the stems of the eggplants. Wash the fruits and cut off the skin. Cut into wide circles. If there are seeds, cover the eggplants with salt and leave under pressure for half an hour. During this time, juice will be released. Rinse the eggplants in cold water and squeeze. The seeds will come out along with the juice.
  • Peel the garlic and rinse with cold water.
  • Wash bell peppers and hot peppers, trim the stems, cut each fruit in half and remove the seeds.
  • Grind the vegetables in a meat grinder. Pour the puree into a wide saucepan. Bring to a boil over moderate heat, add salt, sugar and butter. Cook at low boil for 50-60 minutes. To prevent the mass from burning, it must be stirred periodically. 5 minutes before readiness, pour in vinegar.
  • Pack the finished adjika into dry jars and seal tightly with lids.
  • Turn them upside down and cover them with a blanket. Wait until it cools down completely.

Adjika from tomatoes for the winter, spicy, without cooking


  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • hot red pepper – 0.4 kg;
  • garlic – 0.5 kg;
  • basil, cilantro, parsley - a small bunch each;
  • khmeli-suneli – 2 tsp;
  • salt – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • 9% vinegar – 50 ml.

Cooking method

  • Since all vegetables do not undergo preliminary heat treatment, they need to be selected more carefully. Only ripe tomatoes without signs of spoilage are suitable. Wash them, cut them in half, cut out the stems.
  • Wash the hot pepper, cut it in half, cut out the stalks, and remove the seeds. Before processing peppers, be sure to wear disposable latex gloves, otherwise the burning juice will penetrate the skin and you will feel its pungency for a long time.
  • Separate the garlic into cloves, peel the husks, and wash in cold water.
  • Sort the basil, cilantro and parsley, remove wilted and rotten stems, wash thoroughly in several waters. Place on a towel to dry the greens slightly.
  • Grind vegetables and herbs in a meat grinder. Add suneli hops, salt, and vinegar to them. Mix thoroughly.
  • Place in clean dry small jars. Seal tightly with tin screw caps. Put it in the refrigerator or put it in a cold cellar.

Adjika from tomatoes with bell peppers for the winter, without cooking


  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • bell pepper – 0.5 kg;
  • chili pepper – 3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 0.2 kg;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Prepare small jars, wash thoroughly, dry by turning them over on a towel.
  • Wash ripe fleshy tomatoes and remove the stems. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and leave for 2-3 minutes. Then rinse with cold water and remove the skin.
  • Wash the pepper, cut in half, remove the seeds. But if you want to get a very spicy adjika, you can leave the seeds.
  • Peel the garlic and wash in cold water.
  • Grind all vegetables in a meat grinder. Add salt. Mix well.
  • Place the adjika into jars and close with screw caps. Put it in the refrigerator.

Adjika from tomatoes with ground paprika for the winter, without cooking


  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • ground paprika – 3 tsp;
  • red hot pepper – 3 pods;
  • garlic – 0.2 kg;
  • cilantro – 1 bunch;
  • suneli hops, coriander, turmeric, cumin - 1 tsp each;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml (optional);
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Wash the tomatoes, cut them in half and remove the stems.
  • Wash the pepper, trim the stalks, remove the seeds.
  • Peel the garlic and rinse in water.
  • Pour in spicy spices boiled water to make a paste and leave to swell.
  • Sort the cilantro, remove any yellowed or rotten branches, and wash in plenty of cold water. Place on a towel and dry.
  • Grind vegetables and herbs in a meat grinder. Add salt, oil (optional) and spices. Mix well.
  • Place in clean, dry small jars and close tightly with screw caps. Put it in the refrigerator.

Note to the hostess

There are many recipes for making adjika. You can change the amount of ingredients according to your taste. The main thing is that adjika contains hot pepper, garlic and salt. You can add both fresh herbs and ground spices to adjika.

Store adjika in a dark, cool place - in the refrigerator or cellar. Adjika, hermetically sealed tin lids, can be stored in a dark place at room temperature, such as a closet.


  • 2 kg;
  • 0.5 kg;
  • 200 g garlic;
  • 2 pcs. hot pepper;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 25 g vinegar 9%;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 0.5 tbsp. salt.

Recipe for boiled tomato adjika

1. Let’s prepare the garlic, and you need a lot of it for adjika. To quickly finish this dreary task of peeling garlic, I suggest a little trick. Separate the head into cloves and place them in a bowl. Pour boiling water over for 5-7 seconds and drain the water.

Now the skin of the garlic comes off instantly, you just need to lightly pick it with a knife. This greatly saves the process of peeling garlic.

2. Wash the tomatoes and also pour boiling water over them so that they can be peeled off the hard skin. If the skin does not come off the first time, drain the water and pour boiling water over it again. This time, even thick-skinned tomatoes should be peelable.

Remove the skin from the tomato.

3. Peel the bell pepper from the stalk and seeds, cut lengthwise into 4 parts. Cut the red hot pepper into 2 parts and also remove the stalk and seeds.

4. Grind tomatoes, sweet bell peppers and hot chili peppers in a meat grinder.

5. Pour everything into the pan. Add 100 g sugar, 0.5 tbsp. salt, 50 ml. vegetable oil. Mix everything and simmer on low heat for 1-2 hours. My tomatoes for this adjika were very watery, I had to simmer for about 3 hours to make the adjika thicker.

6. On final stage Squeeze the garlic into the pan and add 25 ml of vinegar. Stir and taste the adjika for salt, adding more if necessary. Simmer for another 3 minutes.

7. Pour the finished adjika into prepared sterilized jars and screw on the lids. We turn the jars over and put them in a warm place for a day, wrap them in a blanket. After a day, the adjika can be put away in the closet for the winter.

The tastiest boiled adjika ready! Bon appetit!