Apple pies from Alexander Seleznev - recipe with photos. French apple pie from Alexander Seleznev

Homemade baked goods that combine a crispy shortbread base with soft and fragrant apples V butter cream, – incredibly original and delicious dessert. Therefore, we invite you to try this recipe from Alexander Seleznev to see for yourself. French Apple pie It is prepared extremely simply and quickly. All you need is a few affordable products and a great desire to treat yourself to something delicious!


For the sand base

  • wheat flour (highest grade) – 220-230 g;
  • butter (fat content 72.5%) – 110-115 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar – 50 g;
  • salt – 1/4 tsp.

For cream

  • chicken eggs- 3 pcs.;
  • cream of cow's milk(fat content from 25% and above) – 125 g;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • lemon – 1 pc.

For filling

  • small apples – 8 pcs.

For decoration

  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps

Step #1. Start the recipe for Alsatian pie from Alexander Seleznev by kneading shortcrust pastry. To do this, take a large and deep bowl. Sift into it wheat flour through a sieve. This way you will get rid of possible debris or lumps, and also saturate the flour with oxygen. Make a hole in the wheat flour with your fingers. Pour powdered sugar into the cavity.

Take a fresh chicken egg. Carefully separate the yolk from the white. We don’t need chicken protein at all in preparing the flour dessert, so you can put it in the refrigerator and use it in some other recipe. But place the yolk in a hole in wheat flour.

The butter must be chilled, so keep it in the refrigerator until you start cooking. Cut the butter into small cubes and throw them into a bowl with flour and chicken yolk.

Step #2. Using active hand movements, knead all the ingredients in the middle of the bowl. Then take a large kitchen knife and chop the mass. At the same time, gradually stir in the wheat flour from the edge of the bowl to the middle. As soon as you see that crumbs have formed, continue kneading the mass with your hands until homogeneous consistency. Try to work quickly with the dough so that the butter does not melt from the heat of your hands. Otherwise, you will end up with a brittle dough, which can ruin your apple pie.

The base should be firm, elastic and pliable. When shortbread dough When it's ready, form it into a ball and wrap it in a special cling film. If there is no film nearby, a regular one will do. plastic bag. Place the pie base in the refrigerator for a while and then start preparing the cream.

Step #3. Take a lemon and wash it under running water, dry it. Grate the zest from the whole fruit using a fine-hole grater. Squeeze two tablespoons of juice from the fruit. We won't need the rest. Lemon zest transfer to a separate bowl and pour in 1 tablespoon of juice. If you don’t like too savory pies, you can reduce the amount of zest.

Step #4. Take out another small deep bowl. Pour sugar into it, pour in cream. Remember, the fattier the cream, the tastier and more satisfying the cream will be. Beat fresh chicken eggs into a bowl. After the eggs, add lemon zest to the future cream. Using a whisk, mix all ingredients well until smooth.

Step #5. Continue kneading until you get the result as shown in the photo below. The thickness of the mass should resemble 20% sour cream. The cream should also be slightly viscous.

Step #6. Now start filling. Wash the apples well under running water and dry with a towel. Then cut the fruits in half, remove the seeds, and peel them. Make cuts on the surface of each apple. Afterwards, sprinkle the fruits with lemon juice to prevent them from darkening.

Step #7. It's time to take the shortbread dough out of the refrigerator. Roll out the base into a flat cake. Its thickness should be approximately 3 mm. Take a baking dish with a diameter of 26-28 cm and place the pie base in it so that the dough covers the bottom and forms sides. Trim off any excess edges.

Step #8. Place the apple halves on top of the base. Just make sure that they are at some distance from each other. You can take the suggested drawing as an example or come up with your own. Alsatian apple pie is delicious no matter what.

Step #9. Now fill the pie with the prepared cream. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Then place the baking dish there for at least 40 minutes. The consistency of the cream will indicate the readiness of the flour dessert. The filling should set well and harden like a mousse.

Remove the finished apple pie from the oven and let it cool in the pan. Before serving, cut the flour dessert into small pieces and decorate the pastries powdered sugar. French apple pie goes well with coffee, black tea, and cocoa. We are sure that you will really like this recipe from Alexander Seleznev. Make apple pie any day and make yourself happy homemade cakes family and friends.

Bon appetit!

Probably the simplest, fastest and most accessible way to happily consume excess apples is the classic charlotte. And it seems that this simple recipe has always existed, but this is not entirely true. Charlotte, or rather, “ Charlotte", named after the English Queen Charlotte, the patroness of apple orchards, appeared in the 18th century, but only then it did not look like our charlotte at all, but rather resembled bread pudding with apples. Well, now in France and England they bake a cake “ Charlotte" is a form from biscuit sticks, filled with delicate apple mousse and whipped cream. And how all this turned into our charlotte is not very clear.

Almost anyone can bake charlotte. And if this person doesn’t take too many liberties with the recipe, he will definitely make a charlotte. Of course, even such a simple dish can be ruined - say, if you take too few eggs, charlotte It will be too dry, but you have to try very hard for this. This type of apple pie encourages experimentation, and it’s not for nothing that no two charlottes are alike, because each cook puts something of himself into it.

Someone adds 50 grams of vodka or cognac - alcohol loosens the dough and increases the shelf life of baked goods: regular charlotte should be eaten within two days, but charlotte preserved in alcohol can be stored for a week.

Some people pour a little yogurt into the dough ( low fat, natural, no additives) or kefir - the taste becomes more delicate. Some people add melted butter, and then the dough turns out slightly like a cake. Honey, maple syrup, lemon or orange zest, pine nuts - these are also appropriate in charlotte.

Some people prefer to fill a charlotte not with apples, but with apricots, peaches, plums - I once baked a charlotte with tangerines for the New Year. It turned out very tasty.

However, if you want to be original, you can somehow try to add it to your charlotte some half-cooked potatoes - these are the potatoes that are included in the recipe for Neapolitan apple pie. I recently prepared it - in addition to apples, I poured potato cubes and lots and lots of pine nuts into the dough. And, you know, it turned out, although unusual, but very tasty.

The classic charlotte is so simple and accessible that many treat it with some disdain and do not consider it worthy of being an adornment. festive table. Well, you can make a dish out of charlotte without much difficulty haute cuisine, and tasty, and beautiful, and unusual. To do this, you need, for example, to thinly roll out the shortbread dough and bake it for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. You will get a pancake that we spread on top raspberry jam, sprinkle with biscuit crumbs or crushed cookies, pile chopped apples on top, lightly sprinkled with lemon juice, and fill it all with yogurt biscuit dough. We put it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees - and in forty minutes we get something delicious, with a crispy base and airy, well-steamed apples.

But all these are variations on the theme of the same immortal Charlotte. The one that my mother baked, the one that I learned to bake as a child, the one that I nostalgically repeat from time to time.

Charlotte with apples from Alexander Seleznev

1. Take 5 eggs and a glass of granulated sugar. Mom used to put all this closer to the battery, but you can put it on it for a while water bath- so that the sugar melts faster and makes it easier to whip. I don’t recommend heating it on the stove - the eggs may cook unnoticed.
2. Beat the eggs and sugar thoroughly - in my childhood we did this with a fork, but now, of course, with a mixer.
3. Mix all this with a glass of sifted flour, add a teaspoon of soda, which we extinguish with lemon juice, kefir or vinegar.
4. 5 apples, preferably sour ones - Antonovka, for example - cut first into quarters, and then into cubes, sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with cinnamon, add raisins if you want.
5. Pour apples into the dough, mix, put in the mold ( we had a wonderful black one cast iron frying pan, everything about it turned out so delicious) and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

And here the most difficult part begins: of course, you want to eat the charlotte right now, hot and fragrant. But this cannot be done! Charlotte To become perfect, it must stand for 8 hours. However, I understand that this is hardly possible, where can I get so much patience? So bon appetit!

I got the recipe for Alsatian apple pie a long time ago from my friend. At that time, we studied together at the institute and often spent our free time together.

I never noticed that she had any particular inclination towards cooking. Of course, she could prepare some everyday soups, fry eggs and potatoes, and boil pasta. But to be honest, I never had any particular desire to do this. And even more so, work with dough and bake something.

But imagine our surprise when, for one of her birthdays, she prepared an Alsatian apple pie. We simply opened our mouths in surprise.

We had never even heard such a word, and it seemed to us a miracle both the pie itself and its name, and the greatest miracle that our friend prepared it.

After there was nothing left of it, we took pens out of our bags, took a piece of paper, and began to write down the recipe. Here is the recipe for Alsatian apple pie, without any changes or additions.

Apple Alsatian pie

We will need for the crust:

  • flour -200 gr.
  • butter - 120 gr.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • yolks -2 pcs.
  • salt - on the tip of a knife

For filling:

  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • milk or cream - 125 ml.
  • vanilla sugar 5-10 gr.
  • lemon zest - 1 pc.


  1. Let's prepare shortbread dough. Let the butter melt slightly.
  2. Add sugar and salt to the butter and rub thoroughly.
  3. Add the yolks and mix well until smooth.

  1. Gradually stir in flour when the mass turns into “crumbs” we begin to knead with our hands, knead a smooth, plastic dough.
  2. Wrap in cling film and place in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
  3. Take out the dough and knead it well again.
  4. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3 mm and place it in the mold, distributing it evenly and raising the sides by 3-4 cm.

  1. Prick the dough thickly with a fork. This is necessary so that the dough does not bulge during baking.
  2. Cut the apples in half. Clean the core, make cuts, sprinkle with lemon juice, and place inside the prepared dough.
  3. Prepare the royal cream: mix, whisking sugar, cream, eggs and zest.
  4. Fill the apples with the resulting cream
  5. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Bake the pie for 30-40 minutes. Until it turns golden brown.
  6. Take it out and let it cool. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.
  7. Eat without delay.

Features of preparing the pie

  • When making a pie, it is better to take firm apples so that they do not fall apart during baking and sweet and sour apples so that the taste of the pie is richer and more intense.
  • Apples can also be cut into slices. It’s just that in the first version the pie looks more impressive and beautiful.
  • I came across a recipe for Alsatian apple pie, where lingonberries are added to the pie along with apples as a filling. And I had the opportunity to try such a pie. It turns out very tasty. I think you can try adding other berries.

  • There are also recipes where cinnamon mixed with sugar is sprinkled on top of apples with filling and then baked.
  • I came across one recipe where the cake is pricked with a fork, then covered with a circle of paper onto which peas or beans are poured. So that the dough does not bulge and the cake turns out smooth. The cake is baked for 15 minutes. Then the peas are taken out, the apples are put in, everything is filled with filling. And bake for another 30 minutes.
  • there are many recipes you can try different variants. Most likely, everyone's taste will be different, but it will certainly be very tasty. It's apple pie after all! It never tastes bad!
  • In conclusion, I’ll remind you about, which is very reminiscent of this recipe that came from France. The recipe used to prepare a delicious apple treat at the dacha of the Tsvetaevs and Zoshchenkos. Look, this is one of the best options of a kind.

Well, you won’t be full of words. Start your tea party with aromatic, delicious Alsatian apple pie.

Bon appetit!

Apple pastries are probably the most popular and beloved here and in many other countries. Apples are generally available almost all year round, inexpensive, healthy and tasty. And today's recipe is an ode to this wonderful fruit.

Today there will be no charlottes, pies or even tarts. Today it will be very unusual and tasty pie, for which you will not be ashamed in front of your guests, who will probably ask you for the recipe for this miracle. And the secret is very simple in French - tender baked apples with a light cognac impregnation and light nutty meringue that gives off a slight crunch when cut and melts in your mouth. Nothing supernatural, it would seem, but only until you try a piece.

In general, today is another recipe, filmed a long time ago and for some unknown reason, lying in drafts for so long, for which we need to thank Alexander Seleznev - French apple pie, impeccable and amazingly tasty. And, by the way, the nut meringue turned out even for me, who doesn’t have a good relationship with them yet. Find an occasion, any one, be it your beloved cat’s birthday or a wedding anniversary, or just invite your dear people to visit and treat yourself to a piece or two of this pie.

P.S. I apologize for not the best best photo. The pie deserves better :)

A few important points:

We will need (for a mold with a diameter of 20 cm):

For the cakes:

Apple filling:

Source: master class by Alexander Seleznev, “Culinary Star”

Grind 180 g of hazelnuts until they are almost like flour, but you can still feel the nut particles.

2. Add powdered sugar and flour, mix, set aside temporarily.

3. Add lemon juice to cold egg whites and begin beating. As soon as foam begins to form, gradually add sugar and beat everything into a fluffy foam with strong peaks.

4. Carefully, in several approaches, add the nut-flour mixture to the whites, stir thoroughly to mix the ingredients, quite quickly.

5. Line a baking tray with baking paper, grease the baking pan ring vegetable oil. Place the ring on a baking sheet, place half of the dough into it, carefully level it, throw in a few nuts and carefully remove the ring. A beautiful protein crust will remain on the baking sheet. We repeat the operation with the second cake (you will need 2 baking sheets).

6. Remove the cakes to bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. When this time has passed, remove the top cake and raise the bottom one higher for 5-7 minutes to brown. Ready-made cakes leave on the baking sheet and let cool.

7. For the filling, first cut the apples into 4 parts, remove the peel and core, and then divide each quarter into 2 more slices. Place the chopped apples in a bowl with water and lemon juice to prevent them from browning.

8. Cover the baking sheet again with paper, lay out the apples in rows, brush with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar, and then bake everything in the oven at the same 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

9. Ready apples Remove from the oven and let cool to room temperature.

10. Carefully transfer one of the cooled cakes to a plate or stand and place it in a circle. apple slices, which we brush with cognac and cover with the second cake layer.

Recipe from the program "Culinary Star" dated December 21, 2014

You will need:

Nut meringue:
eggs category 1 7 whites
granulated sugar 74 g.
flour 2 tbsp. spoons
chopped hazelnuts 180 g.
lemon juice 1 tbsp. spoon
powdered sugar 180 g.
peeled hazelnut kernels 20 g.

green apples 1.2 kg.
butter 40 g.
granulated sugar 2 tbsp. spoons
cognac 1 tbsp. spoon

French apple pie recipe:

Grind the hazelnuts into crumbs, but not into flour, using a blender. Pour into a bowl, add powdered sugar. Mix.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Pour a few drops into the whites lemon juice and beat into a fluffy foam, gradually adding 75 g of sugar.
Combine nuts with protein foam.
On a baking sheet with a silicone mat or parchment paper Place a round pan without a bottom. Lubricate the walls olive oil.
Pour in half of the nut-protein mixture, smooth, sprinkle with whole hazelnuts. The height of the poured mixture should be approximately 2-2.5 cm.
Carefully remove the form.
Send the nut meringue to bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
Do the same with the second part of the meringue.

Divide the apples into 4 parts. Remove peels and seeds. Place in cold acidified water.
On silicone mold Place the apples (split the quarters into two more halves) and brush with melted butter.
Sprinkle with sugar and place in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
Carefully separate the finished cakes from the pan.
Place apples on the bottom crust.
Moisten them with cognac or rum.
Cover with the second cake layer. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Garnish with remaining apples, currant sprigs and mint leaves.