Blackcurrant and raspberry compote for the winter. Compote of raspberries and black currants without sterilization - step-by-step photo recipe for preparing for the winter

A delicious compote of black currants and raspberries for the winter will appeal to many. The sweetness of raspberries and the slightly sour taste of black currants combine perfectly with each other and make the taste of the drink very deep and rich. In winter, you and your kids will enjoy this compote with pleasure! I suggest you prepare this drink with enough big amount granulated sugar. So that later the drink does not seem cloying, you can dilute it boiled water to your liking.

You can also cook at least delicious drinks, by looking at other recipes - , . These delicious compotes will give you real pleasure on any winter day when you want to recharge your summer mood.

The amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe will yield 3 liters of drink. It can be closed in a 3-liter jar or 2 jars of 1.5 liters each.


  • raspberries - 1 tbsp.;
  • currants - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • water - 2.5 l.

We will carefully sort the raspberries and black currants and wash them in cool water. It is important to carry out the washing procedure very carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the berries.

By the way, you should not choose overripe berries or fruits for compotes for the winter. Firstly, upon contact with hot water they will become deformed and turn into mush. Secondly, the fermentation process is already in full swing, so the lids from the jars can easily “fly off”!

We will sterilize the jar over steam or any other method convenient for you. You can bake it in the oven, boil it, or use another sterilization method available to you. Boil the metal lid.

Place black currants and raspberries in the previously indicated quantities at the bottom of the jar.

Now let's fill our berries with granulated sugar. The recipe states a large number of Sahara. The compote will turn out very sweet, even cloying. But in this form it will be perfectly preserved!

Bring the water to a boil and, using a ladle, fill the previously sterilized jar with liquid to the very top, “to capacity.”

For the winter, all that remains is to close the blackcurrant and raspberry compote with a metal lid using a seaming key.

As a matter of fact, this is what we do in this step :)

Be careful and use only completely dry towels if you want to hold them during the process. hot jar. If it comes into contact with a cold, damp cloth, the glass can easily burst! Also when sterilizing with steam: remove jars only with a dry towel.

Bon appetit!

A recipe for berry compote without sterilization allows you to combine ease of preparation with a guarantee long-term storage: small berries are sufficiently warmed up by pouring boiling syrup twice.

Raspberries are unlikely to retain their shape, but the dense, elastic pulp of currants makes it possible to use it as “cherry on the cake”: it can be used to decorate pastries, desserts with whipped cream or ice cream.

A wonderful berry duo, enclosed in a jar, combines the soft aroma of raspberries with the tart sourness of currant peel. It can be slightly adjusted with the amount of sugar.


You will need a 1 liter container:

  • 200 g raspberries
  • 200 g black currants
  • 120 g granulated sugar


1. Wash the blackcurrants in water and remove the stems and cuttings from each berry. Pour them into a rinsed, clean jar.

2. Carefully wash the raspberries and also add them to the jar. There is no need to add sugar - we will add it after the first pouring, but if you suddenly couldn’t resist and poured it in, then it’s okay - pour the liquid after the first pouring into the pan and use it again when rolling the compote.

3. Boil water in a saucepan and pour it into jars up to the shoulders. Cover the containers with lids, but do not roll them up, and leave for 10 minutes.

4. Pour the liquid into the pan using a plastic drain lid with holes and boil it again, and in the meantime, pour granulated sugar into the jars. Citric acid You can not add it to the compote, since currants already contain a slight sourness in their taste.

5. Pour boiling water into the jars a second time and immediately seal them with sealing lids using a canning key. If you are preparing compote in jars with threads, then simply screw the scalded lids on them until they stop.

6. Be sure to turn our workpiece on its side, making sure that the seal is strong, and transfer it to the pantry.

Open a jar of aromatic compote We will make from raspberries and black currants in the winter, when you really want to eat juicy berries.

Note to the hostess

1. After complete cooling, the movement of the berries in the jar should stop. In a properly rolled compote, the fruit mass always rests in the lower part. If it is noticed that currants or fragments of collapsed raspberries begin to rise to the neck, fall again and float up again, it means that one of two troubles has happened: either the lid does not fit well in some place, or fermentation has begun due to something inside. Most often it is caused by contamination of the fruit, which could not be eliminated during washing. In any case, the preservation process described in the recipe must be repeated.

2. It's not just sweet and delicious preparation, but full-fledged healing drink, preserving vitamin C by more than 50%, which both basic components are rich in. Yes and others useful substances There are also plenty of ingredients in the compote that can resist colds. It should be heated and drunk after a long stay in the cold, and given warm to children at the first signs of nasopharyngeal diseases. Will strengthen therapeutic effect ginger added to drink.

3. Unripe fruits will better retain their integrity after pouring boiling water over them twice, and the contents of the jars will be aesthetically pleasing. Meanwhile, drinks from very ripe and even slightly overripe berries always come out tastier, richer, and sweeter.

Raspberry compote can be cooked for consumption directly in the summer, but you can also prepare it for the winter. In addition, it should be noted that raspberries go well with other berries and fruits, and therefore the following fruits are often found in preparations with them:

    black and red currants;

  • bird cherry;

  • and others.

Therefore, this article will provide various recipes raspberry compote, both multi-fruit and simple.

Here it is, what a beauty - our raspberry


To avoid repeating the same thing in each recipe, we’ll tell you a little about preparing the berries before cooking. Raspberries are very delicate, so they require careful treatment. Below are the basic rules for collecting and preparing raspberry fruits.

    Raspberries should be picked in dry weather, preferably in a warm evening.

    When collecting, you need to use shallow containers to prevent crushing of the berries.

    Raspberries should be washed by placing them in small portions in a colander or sieve, and then dipping them several times in clean water. At the same time, floating debris, dry leaves and damaged berries are removed.

    To clean the crop from small raspberry worms, if there is an infection, the berries are immersed in salted water, a tablespoon per liter, for 15 minutes. The emerging pests are carefully removed with a small slotted spoon, and the berries are washed with clean water.

After this, start cooking the compote.

Attention! Before preparing the preparations, do not forget to prepare glass jars: wash them with soda and sterilize!


Single Berry Recipes

To begin with, we will give examples of recipes for raspberry compote for the winter without the use of additional berries. But simple raspberry drinks are prepared in different ways, which we will talk about below.

A simple recipe without sterilization

Raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization will retain more vitamins, which is why it is prepared according to this recipe. This is the simplest cooking method - pouring prepared berries sugar syrup with further immediate capping. Different housewives take berries and sugar in different ratios. We will give some average numbers, varying which you can make your compote more or less sweet or concentrated. So, to the usual three liter jar you will need:

    raspberries – 700-900 grams;

    sugar – 200-350 grams;

    water – 1.5-2 liters.

Beauty of taste!

Recipe with berry tincture

In this recipe, prepared berries are pre-infused with boiling water. Here is the breakdown of products we need for this:

    raspberries – 800 grams;

    granulated sugar – 350 grams;

    water – 1.5 liters.

The process of preparing compote using this method looks like this

    Place the berries in a pre-sterilized three-liter jar.

    Pour boiling water over the raspberries.

    Let the berries brew and release the juice, this usually takes up to 10 minutes.

    After the water turns a rich light crimson color, you need to pour it into an enamel bowl.

    The pan with the juice must be put on fire.

    After boiling, add sugar and cook until it is completely dissolved.

    Pour the syrup into the jar and seal immediately.

Berries for dessert

This method of preparing compote is used if it is important for you to get whole raspberries for making desserts. There will be very little liquid in such a preparation. In order to prepare such a treat, you need to take the following proportions of products, the breakdown is given per liter jar:

    raspberries – 700-800 grams;

    sugar – 300 grams;

    water – 100 milliliters.

The compote is prepared as follows:

    Place the berries in prepared jars, sprinkling the layers with granulated sugar.

    Fill in cold water to the top, it will be about a hundred grams.

    Place the jars in a wide container for sterilization.

    Fill the jars with water up to the hangers.

    Sterilize for three minutes after the water boils.

    We prop it up, turn it over, cover it with a blanket or my husband’s winter fishing jacket (). There were precedents.

Attention! Place jars of only the same volume and shape for sterilization to avoid damage to the workpiece, since different vessels require different processing times.

Multifruit drinks

Raspberry compotes in combination with other fruit crops are also very popular. They are cooked both for use directly during the season and for preparations for the winter. We list the most popular recipes.

Summer compote from Olga Polyakova

IN summer heat excellent thirst-quenching compote various berries, which is based on raspberries. It is the raspberry flavor that gives this drink a unique note. In addition to it, you can include any seasonal berries in the composition, each of them will add its own note of taste:

    blackcurrant will give aroma and sourness;

    bird cherry will add viscosity, useful for strengthening the stomach;

    apples will be enriched with iron;

    cherries will give a delicious taste and bright color;

    The plum will not be lost in any compote.

Ingredients for a three-liter saucepan:

    raspberries – 0.5 liters;

    other seasonal berries – 0.5 liters;

    sugar – 200-300 grams to taste.

This whole thing is cooked very simply.

    Berries are placed in the pan.

    Add sugar and water.

    The liquid is brought to a boil.

    Cooks for just one (!) minute.

    Once cooled, you can drink and enjoy.

Vitamin compote for the winter

This recipe combines two the healthiest berries– raspberries and black currants, it’s not for nothing that the recipe is called “vitamin”. To prepare it we will need, per three liters:

    black currant - 300-400 grams;

    raspberries - 300-400 grams;

    syrup -200 grams of sugar per liter of water.

This vitamin miracle is prepared in this order:

    Place currant berries in a three-liter jar in such quantities that they occupy a third of the volume.

    Then add raspberries halfway.

    Prepare sugar syrup.

    Fill the jar with it to the top.

    Seal and set to cool.

Compote with apples

A very tasty compote of raspberries and apples is obtained according to the recipe that we have placed at the end of the article, try it, its author vouches for the taste. To prepare this drink, you need to take the ingredients in terms of a three-liter jar:

    apples – 2-3 pieces;

    raspberries – 1 glass;

    sugar – 1 glass.


You definitely need to make raspberry compote for the winter! We are offering to you simple recipes making raspberry compotes. Surely you will find exactly the one that will become your favorite. All recipes are extremely simple and do not require much time.

How to cook frozen raspberry compote

To prepare delicious and healthy compote from frozen raspberries, several conditions must be met:

1) Do not defrost or wash the berries under any circumstances.

2) Cook the compote over low heat only

3) Cook delicious raspberry compote under the lid.

Well, that's all. Now you can move on to the ingredients.


  • 1.5 cups sugar
  • 3 liters of water
  • 500 grams of frozen raspberries.

How to cook frozen raspberry compote:

Boil water and add sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Place raspberries in boiling water and immediately reduce heat to low. Cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes. If you cook frozen raspberry compote over high heat, foam will form and all the berries will fall apart. When the compote is ready, leave the pan covered and wait 15 minutes for the frozen raspberry compote to brew properly. You can drink it hot when you have a cold or cold if you want to quench your thirst.

To the frozen raspberry compote, the recipe for which you have read, you can add finely chopped fresh apples without peel and a pinch of ground cinnamon.

Now you know how to cook frozen raspberry compote. You can safely harvest berries so that you have enough for the whole winter. You can also make gooseberry compote, also using frozen berries.

Compote of raspberries and apples

This apple-raspberry compote complements red perfectly. dry wine. Naturally, such a drink is not for children. If you drive a car, 100 ml of wine with a strength of 18 revolutions per 3 liters of liquid is not so much. You don’t have to be afraid of the traffic police inspector if you haven’t drunk 20 liters of apple and raspberry compote.


  • 200 grams of fresh raspberries
  • 200 grams of peeled and seeded apples
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • Half a lemon
  • 100 ml dry red wine
  • A glass of sugar.

Apple-raspberry compote – recipe:

Slice the peeled apples small pieces. Pour a glass of water and simmer under the lid over low heat for 10 minutes. The apples need to become soft.

Cover the raspberries with sugar and place on slow fire so that it lets out the juice. Combine softened apples and raspberries, add zest from half a lemon and lemon juice, stir. Pour in the remaining water and bring to a boil. Immediately turn off and pour in the wine.

You can grind the berries into puree and serve the compote along with them, or you can strain. You can drink raspberry compote either cold or hot. We recommend finding out which will perfectly complement raspberry compote.

Raspberry compote for the winter

The simplest recipe for raspberry compote. This raspberry compote is for the winter.


For a 3 liter jar:

  • 1.5 cups raspberries
  • Glass of sugar
  • 2.7 liters of water.

Making raspberry compote is simple:

Sort the raspberries and rinse them with cool water. It is important that the berries are not spoiled. Place the 4-liter jar in a saucepan with the neck down, boil water in the saucepan and boil the jar for 10 minutes. Boil the iron lid along with the jar.

Boil 2.7 liters of water, add sugar and cook the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Place the berries in a hot jar and add sugar syrup. Immediately roll up, turn over and leave room temperature until completely cooled. Then you can take the raspberry compote to the pantry for the winter, where it will be stored throughout the year. Raspberry compote for the winter will come in handy during the cold season, when colds become frequent. It will need to be heated in the microwave and drunk warm or hot.

Recipe for raspberry and currant compote

If we cook raspberry and currant compote, we get a richer color and excellent aroma.


  • 3 liters of water
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 300 grams of raspberries
  • 250 grams black currant.

Raspberry compote recipe:

Blackcurrant and raspberry compote can be prepared for the winter, or drunk within 2 days. You just need to store the raspberry currant compote in the refrigerator.

Sort and wash the berries. Boil water and place the berries in boiling water. Stir, add sugar and reduce heat to low. Cook covered for 15 minutes. If foam suddenly forms, it must be removed immediately. The raspberry and currant compote will be ready after it has been infused for 15 minutes under the lid.

If the currant-raspberry compote is used to prepare for the winter, you need to immediately pour the finished compote into a jar and roll up the lid. You will insist in the bank for 24 hours. Then you can take it to the pantry. You can use red currants instead of black currants, but then you will need to add 50 grams more sugar. That is, for a 3-liter jar of raspberry and red currant compote, you will need 200 grams of sugar.

Black raspberry compote

Very excellent recipe delicious compote from black raspberry. It is easy to prepare, stores well and does not require much effort in preparation, just like.


  • 300 grams black raspberries
  • 300 grams blueberries
  • 15 grams fresh mint
  • 100 grams of honey
  • 2.5 liters of water.

Black raspberry compote recipe:

Rinse the berries and place in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour in cold water and bring to a boil over high heat. Immediately reduce the gas to minimum, add the washed mint, honey and cook for another 3-5 minutes, no more.

Pour the hot compote into sterilized jars and roll up immediately tin lids. If you don’t want berries in the jars, you can strain the black raspberry compote through a sieve or cheesecloth, and then pour it into jars.

Sugar free recipe


  • Raspberries
  • Berry juice.

Raspberry jam without sugar - recipe:

As you can see, the amount of ingredients is not indicated. Place raspberries in sterilized jars so that the jars are filled to the shoulders. You can pour raspberry juice or red currant juice over the berries.

IN large saucepan put the jars of raspberries and pour cold water so that it reaches the hangers of the cans. Bring the water to a boil and sterilize the raspberry compote. For half liter jar the time will be 8 minutes, for a liter - 14 minutes. Immediately roll up with sterilized tin lids and put under a blanket. Take it to the pantry only after cooling completely. It is not recommended to roll raspberries without sugar into large jars.

To make the raspberry compote sweet when you serve it, add a small amount of purified water.

Compote is one of the most delicious and vitamin drinks, which can be enjoyed in winter if you take care of its preparation in summer time. In compotes, berries retain much more beneficial properties than in jams and preserves, since the berries themselves are not boiled, but simply poured with boiling water in two approaches. Berry compotes They are prepared very quickly and simply for the winter; the main thing is to sterilize the container first in order to be sure of the safety of the workpiece.

To prepare raspberry and red currant compote for the winter you will need:

  • raspberries – 200 g
  • red currant – 200 g
  • granulated sugar – 240 g
  • water – 1.6 l
  • spices (star anise, cinnamon) - to taste

Note: from the specified amount of ingredients you will get 2 jars of compote with a volume of 1 liter.

Compote of raspberries and red currants for the winter - recipe with photo:

First of all, sort through the raspberries and currants, removing crumpled and rotten berries. Separate the currants from the branches, raspberries from the sepals. Pour water over the berries for a few seconds, remove any debris that has surfaced. If the berries are picked from the bushes with your own hands, then they should not be washed thoroughly, just rinsed quickly.

Prepare jars in advance for preparing compote for the winter. Clean the container well baking soda, boil and dry completely. Do the same with the lids. You can also replace boiling with another sterilization method, for example, by keeping the jars in the oven or microwave oven. Place raspberries and red currants on the bottom of the prepared container, evenly distributing the number of berries for each jar.

At the same time, boil the amount of water specified in the recipe. Pour boiling water over the berries, first up to half the jars, and then up to the neck. This is done to prevent the glass from bursting due to sudden temperature changes. Cover the jars with lids and set aside in a secluded place for 10 minutes.

Then carefully take the jars with their contents using oven mitts, pour the liquid into a saucepan, and leave the berries in their place.

Place the saucepan with the colored liquid on the top heat of the stove, throw in a portion of sugar, add spices. Keep the syrup on the fire for about 2 minutes after boiling. During this time, the sugar will completely dissolve in the liquid base, and the spices will saturate it with their aroma.

Return the liquid back to the jars, removing the star anise and cinnamon stick. Immediately seal the jars with lids and turn them on their sides, checking the screws are secure. Next, place the blanks upside down, wrap them in a blanket, and set them aside to cool. After a day, the glass will cool completely, you can take the jars to the cellar or pantry.