Marinated carp: recipe. How to salt carp pieces in a jar with brine

You can prepare a lot of dishes from carp; you can fry it, bake it, make cutlets from it, cook fish soup, etc. In this recipe we will tell you how to pickle carp at home. By following our recommendations, you will get aromatic and delicious snack. For salting, we will use sea salt, which will not only help salt our fish well, but is also more beneficial than regular salt.
After we salt the carp, we will put it in delicious marinade, which will give it a subtle taste, in the end you will get a very tasty fish.
You will need two days to prepare marinated salted carp.

Taste Info From fish and seafood


  • piece large carp- 700-900 grams,
  • sea ​​salt - 10 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • ginger,
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.
  • soy sauce,
  • pepper mixture,
  • vegetable oil,
  • dill.

How to cook marinated salted carp

You have a big carp in your house, and you are wondering what to do with it. Cut one part to pickle the carp, choose the middle part. I would like to note that the fish must be fresh. Smell the fish, carp is a river fish, perhaps it will have the smell of mud characteristic of river fish. Don’t worry about the smell; during the salting and marinating process, the carp will lose its unpleasant and annoying smell. river smell.

Wash the cut piece of carp thoroughly; rinse for several minutes. After washing the fish, dry it a little to remove excess water, this can be done with a paper towel.
Lay a piece of cling film on the table. Mix sea salt and sugar in a bowl. Pour half of it onto the film, then put the fish, sprinkle salt and sugar on top again. Place a slice of lemon in the middle of the fish.

Carefully wrap the fish in film, place it in a deep plate or bowl and put it in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 days.

After the time has passed, remove the fish from the refrigerator, the salt will draw out all the liquid from the fish and salt it well.

Free the fish from the film of salt and rinse it with water. Pour into a deep bowl or saucepan cold water, put the fish in it and leave it like that for 3 hours, change the water periodically. The water will draw everything out extra salt from fish.

After this, you can separate the fish fillets from the bones.

Cut the salted carp into cubes.

Now we begin to marinate the salted carp. In a deep plate, mix chopped onion, ginger, soy sauce, lemon and orange juice, and vegetable oil.

Place the fish on a plate and mix well and let it sit for 40 minutes.

When serving marinated salted carp, sprinkle chopped dill on top; serve it in a separate salad bowl as an appetizer.

Many people love it so much salted fish, especially river and lake fish, that they are ready to sell their souls for it, because it is incredibly tasty and healthy.

Having bought fish in a store or waited for a big catch from their husband, housewives want to know how to salt carp or other fish at home.

Today you will learn how to salt it different ways to serve with boiled potatoes and please your household.

The benefits of salted carp

  • Salted fish improves digestion and metabolism, especially fat.
  • Salted carp prevents early skin aging and internal organs, as well as osteoporosis.
  • Fish replenishes iodine deficiency, which is especially important for those who have problems with the thyroid gland.

In addition, carp meat is not very high in calories, which is especially important for maintaining a normal figure: per 100 grams of product there are only 124 kcal.

Subtleties of salting carp

Salting carp involves several subtleties that affect the taste and quality of salted fish, namely:

Coarse salt

Carp, like most other fish, is salted only with coarse salt. Only such salt can remove excess liquid from the carcass. Fine salt It is not capable of this, it only quickly salts the meat.

Competent carp cutting

Before salting carp, it must be properly cut. Unlike small and medium-sized fish, large fish are gutted and, if desired, cut into pieces. The main thing is not to remove the film covering the fat layer from the abdominal cavity.

We cut the carcasses lengthwise along the back, cutting off the ribs from the backbone on one side. After cutting, we do not wash the fish, but wipe it with a cloth, carefully blotting the belly area.

Salting carp

We salt large fish whole or in pieces, medium (1-3 kg in weight) and small fish - in their entirety. Usually the fish is rubbed with salt over the scales, the salt is poured under the gills and into the oral cavity. Smaller fish are simply sprinkled with salt.

Now let's move on to the technologies for salting carp fish.

How to salt carp

There are several ways to salt carp fish: let's look at them in more detail.

How to dry-salt carp: recipe with red pepper


  • Carps (whole or pieces);
  • Coarse salt – 200 g per 1 kg of fish;
  • Red pepper.

Salting process

Before you start salting, gut the fish according to the above rules and dry it with paper towels, avoiding damage to the film on the belly.

If we cook fish to eat right away, be sure to cut it into pieces; in this case, before serving, you won’t have to bother with slicing.

  • Rub the carcasses with salt on the outside and sprinkle on the inside.
  • Place the fish in layers enamel pan, sprinkling with salt and pepper.
  • Sprinkle the remaining salt on top and cover with a dish or non-resinous wooden mug. Place a weight on top: a washed stone or a two-liter jar of water will do.
  • Place the pan in a cool place for 12 hours until the brine appears.
  • We put the pan in the refrigerator for 3-4 days - for fish weighing 0.5-1 kg. If you salt small fish, it will be ready in a couple of days.

Remove the weight and wash the fish cold water and serve with onions and herbs or with a side dish.

How to salt carp with dry salting: method 2

This salting method can be used if the catch is decent. A piece of canvas or a box will help you store up to 10 kg of fish.


  • Carps;
  • Salt – 150 g per 1 kg of fish;
  • Spices (black and allspice, coriander);
  • Bay leaf.

How to salt carp at home

We prepare a piece of canvas or burlap and a basket (wooden box). Then we begin the salting process:

  • Spread the fabric at the bottom of the basket or box.
  • We place the gutted carp in a “jack” pattern on the cloth, sprinkling each row with spices and salt (the last row too).
  • We place a wooden circle or ceramic dish on the carp, and a weight on top of it.

The load is necessary so that no air space is formed between the fish, in which bacteria develop, leading to spoilage of the product. In addition, with a load, the carp meat becomes denser.

The last step: put the basket of fish in the cellar or refrigerator for 4-5 days so that it is well salted. You can store fish in this condition for up to a month.

How to salt carp in an unusual way: salted-dried fish

The fish is salted using the wet method so that it is salted quickly and is ready for use after a few hours, so only small carp are salted this way.


  • Small carps;
  • Salt;
  • Seasonings: coriander, black pepper, Bay leaf.

How to salt carp using the wet method

We salt them as follows:

  • We clean the scales from the fish, gut them and wash them.
  • Place the carps in layers in an enamel pan, sprinkling the layers with salt and seasonings.
  • Cover the fish with a wooden circle (dish), set the weight and put it in the refrigerator (cellar). Lightly salted fish You can eat it within a day.
  • If you need well-salted fish, wait 6 days and rinse it directly in the pan with cold water to wash off excess salt. Rinse until the water is no longer cloudy.
  • Fill the carps with water and leave for half a day to completely remove excess salt.

After draining the water, lay out paper towels in several layers and lay out the fish. We dry them for several hours in a dry and warm place: you get salted and dried fish, ideal for beer.

Now you know how to pickle carp different ways, which are also suitable for other types of fish. Try them to enjoy the tender spicy taste and choose the most suitable technology for salting river and lake fish for the future.

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Freshwater fish such as carp can be prepared in different ways: baked simply or with vegetables, boiled fish soup, fried, cooked cutlets and many other options. Salted carp is also very tasty. But before you cook it, the question arises of how to salt carp at home so that it turns out aromatic and tasty. Let's find out how to salt fish correctly and how long to keep it under pressure.

To prepare carp dishes, you can initially salt it

Types of salting

There are several options for salting carp. It can be lightly salted, medium salted or highly salted. The method by which the ingredient is processed also differs; it can be a dry method or a wet one. The recipe for pickled carp differs depending on the type of salting taste qualities. Let's look at each of them.

  • Warm method - this method is called warm because the carp is salted fresh, just caught. In this case, there is no need to remove the scales; it will be enough to just get rid of the giblets and gills. Then it is washed and rubbed with salt, preferably sea salt. The carcasses are placed in a pan; an enamel container is best suited for this task. Then the container is covered with a lid and pressed down with something heavy, after which it is placed in a cool place for 2-5 days. It depends on the size of the fish.
  • The cold method differs from the hot method only in that in the second case the fish is salted while freshly frozen, while in the first it is cooked exclusively fresh.
  • Dry method - suitable for light weight fish, approximately 100-200 grams. The fish is cleaned and the gills are removed. Then it crumbles big amount salt. It is salted in a container with several holes so that excess juice drains through them.
  • Mixed method - with this method When salting fish, in addition to regular dry salt, it is also filled with strong saline solution. This way the meat becomes not only soft, but also juicy and well salted.

Both fresh and frozen fish carcasses can be used for salting.

In order for the fish to come out lightly salted, the volume of salt should not exceed 10% of fish mass. To obtain strong salted fish, the volume of salt must be more than 14% by weight.

How to salt carp for the winter

To ensure that fish can be enjoyed even in winter, there is a separate way of salting it. We put the carcasses in a box in layers, but we do not clean or gut them. Salt each layer generously. Cover the top with oppression and leave for 2 days. At the end of the time, rinse with water and hang in a vertical position for 4-5 days. Salted carp is ready, this is excellent preparation for the winter.

Marinated carp

To ensure that the salting of the carp is natural and the fish is well salted, it is best to use sea salt. Besides this, it is much more useful. Let's look at how to marinate fish deliciously and quickly.

What is useful for marinating fish (carp):

  • one piece of carp weighing 800-1000 grams;
  • 9-10 tablespoons of salt, preferably sea salt;
  • sugar in the amount of 4 tablespoons;
  • one onion;
  • ginger root;
  • half a lemon;
  • half an orange;
  • soy sauce;
  • peppers to taste:
  • oil;
  • greenery.

It is better to salt carp with sea salt

For salted carp, you need to take the central part of the fish. The main criterion is freshness; it must only be caught in the river or purchased while still alive. Only in this case the dish will be tasty and healthy.

So, to begin with, we rinse the piece that we previously cut from the carcass several times with cold water and let it dry a little. You can use paper towels for this. In order not to stain the table, it is better to put cling film on it. After mixing sugar and salt, pour them onto the film, place a piece of fish on top and add salt. You need to put it inside lemon drop. The same cling film We wrap our fish tightly and send it to a cool place for salting for about 2 days.

After the allotted time, take out the well-salted fish and wash off the excess salt under cool water. Place a piece of fish in a pan filled with water for 3-4 hours. During this time, the water must be changed three times. Thanks to this procedure, the salt will come out and remain in the water.

Be sure to fillet the fish by dividing the piece in half and removing the bones from it. Then cut into pieces.

In a separate container, mix finely chopped onion, chopped ginger root, sauce, juice that is squeezed from citrus fruits, and oil - mix well. Place the chopped pieces of fish into the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly with your hands so that each piece is saturated with the marinade, and set aside for half an hour.

The marinated carp is ready. Serve the dish, sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs, as an appetizer. Boiled new potatoes or any boiled porridge can serve as a side dish.

When salting carp, you can add lemon, which will add flavor to it.

Salted carp with vinegar marinade

Any salted fish is very tasty, especially when it comes to salting it at home. In this recipe, preparation involves the use of mirror carp.


  • small carp;
  • black peppercorns;
  • two bay leaves;
  • one clove;
  • one onion;
  • one carrot;
  • vinegar;
  • sunflower oil.

To make the marinated carp tasty, we will take a fresh carcass, gut it and divide it into fillets. To do this, we cut along the ridge, thereby dividing it into two equal halves. Place all the parts in a deep bowl, sprinkle generously with salt and refrigerate for 2-3 days.

You can marinate carp in vinegar

After the time has passed, rinse the carcass under running cold water and place in a pan with clean water for an hour. This must be done so that all excess salt leaves the fish, which will make it lightly salted.

At this time, prepare the vegetables: cut the onion into half rings and grate the carrots. To the bottom three-liter jar Place a layer of vegetables, bay leaf on top and sprinkle with pepper. We also put pre-cut carp into pieces into a jar, alternating with carrots and onions.

In a separate container, mix vinegar and oil in proportions of one to one. Pour the prepared marinade over the fish and vegetable mixture until it is completely covered. Let it sit in the kitchen for a couple of hours, after which we place it in the refrigerator or cellar.

After two days, the fish is ready to eat.

A simple recipe for salting carp

Carp is a river fish with a slightly distinct specific odor. But when proper preparation You can get rid of this smell completely. This fish contains a large number of bones, but if the carcass weighs more than a kilogram, it will be easy to remove the bones, since they are quite large.

Before salting, the carcass should be prepared by cleaning and gutting

Ingredients for salting:

We wash the carcasses thoroughly, you don’t need to clean them, then we gut them and remove the heads. If the fish is quite large, cut it into two equal parts. After drying the fish, salt it. Pour a layer of sea salt, pepper, bay leaf and fish into a deep container, and also sprinkle salt on top. Having placed the container under pressure, put it in the refrigerator for four days.

After the time has passed, take out the salted fish, drain the juice and rinse it under running cold water to wash off excess salt. Serve ready salted carp with fresh onions, boiled potatoes and salad with fresh vegetables.

The rules for salting fish will be discussed in the video:

And what they don’t say about large fish with dark golden scales that shimmer beautifully in the sun. Some consider it a symbol of brave and strong Japanese warriors - samurai.

Others treat it with respect and call it royal. And they call it differently in different places: korop, carp, carp, carp. Fishermen consider their catch successful if they manage to get this goldfish. And what methods did they not invent to catch her? Worms, corn, small crustaceans and even potatoes are used as bait. But he lives on his own, chews everything. Like a pig getting better, he makes fun of people.

So let people catch him to his heart's content. It is famous for its fertility: it is not for nothing that the translation of the word “carp” from Greek means fruit. Karpusha has settled in almost all non-salted water bodies of the globe. Even before our era, the Chinese not only learned to catch this fish, but also tried how good it tastes. It is not known why they fell in love with it - for its low calorie content, juiciness or sweetness. European gourmets, having tried carp, began to grow it in local ponds and streams.

A carp dish was considered an obligatory element of a feast in Rus', which is why the tsar called it fish. Boris Godunov, Peter I, Catherine II and other ancient Russian elite were treated to carp dishes.

It was fried, baked, and stuffed. Nowadays, not all modern housewives like to spend a long time in the kitchen: it would be easier and faster for them, and most importantly, that everyone would be fed and happy.

In addition, properly prepared carp retains the pharmaceutical mixture essential vitamins and minerals. Phosphorus, zinc, iodine and chromium - there’s so much that’s not in it. Strengthens bones, makes the brain work. Well, how can you not cook for your household? tasty dish from carp?

In addition, this fish is quite affordable; you can find it on sale at any time of the year.

If you want to surprise with something, then you can experiment with simple ingredients create a great appetizer called “Marinated Carp.” There is a lot of fish, there is nowhere to store it, a quick resolution to the current situation is required. Don't panic! Let's prepare marinated carp, the recipe for which is simple and understandable to literally everyone.

But first you need to select all the necessary components. First of all, you will need a fish - weighing about a kilogram. Then - the middle onion, vegetable oil: sunflower or olive vinegar is best, vinegar - 2 tablespoons and, of course, spices.

Where would we be without them? For the marinade, you should buy 2 cloves, 5 black peppercorns, 2 bay leaves and a little seasoning: half a teaspoon will be enough. The amount of all ingredients may vary. It will, first of all, depend on the taste preferences of the hostess.

When everything is stocked in the kitchen, you can begin the most important process. Of course, first the river fish needs to be put in order. It should be cleaned well so that no shiny scales remain. Then you need to gut it and remove all unnecessary entrails. After this, the carp must be thoroughly rinsed under running water.

The head and tail of the royal fish will not be needed. They can be removed without regret and saved for stew, and the rest of the carcass can be cut into pieces of approximately equal size. Then they should be placed in a bowl, salted, and bay leaves added. Cover all this and place in a cool place for two days. Experienced housewives they advise not to spare salt: the fish will take it food product as much as she needs.

As soon as the allotted time has expired, the carp needs to be washed again. Add butter, salt, hot spices. Then you need to sprinkle it all with seasonings and sprinkle with vinegar. It is important not to overdo it with the latter: the less vinegar, the softer the pickled carp. If desired, cooks add onions cut into rings and grated carrots.

The resulting dish should be thoroughly mixed, placed in a glass container (for this, regular jar) and put it in the refrigerator. It is preferable to prepare pickled carp, the recipe for which was described above, two days before the guests arrive. It is during this period that it will marinate thoroughly. This appetizer is best served with potatoes, cooked in any form. Even simple boiled one will do. Beer lovers will also like this carp.

By the way, a few scales remaining after cleaning carp prepared for Christmas Eve can be saved. According to custom, if you put them in a wallet, then soon the material well-being of its owner will certainly improve.

Preparation time: 15 minutes.

Preparation time: 1.5-2 days.


salt 3 tbsp. l.

sugar 1 tbsp. l.

coriander handful,

allspice 3 peas

cloves (to taste) 2 pcs.

vegetable oil 70 ml

dill and parsley to taste

Marinated carp - recipe.

To make this appetizer truly tasty, it is important that the carp be large in size. The meat of large carp has a rich taste and dense structure. This type of carp has bones, but they are large and can be easily removed.

The freshness of the fish is also of great importance in preparing this dish. Cut off the middle part of the carp; it is meaty and fatty, just what you need. You can cook fish broth from the head and tail.

Rinse the fish and dry with a paper towel. Now you can cut the carp into long pieces, or simply in half, along the spinal bone. The larger the piece of fish, the longer it will take to salt.

Sprinkle the fish with salt, it is better to use coarse salt, and add a spoonful of sugar to enhance the taste of the finished dish.

Mix the pieces well with your hands. Cover the fish with a flat plate and refrigerate overnight. To help remove more excess moisture from the fish, place a weight on top of the plate.

The next day, rinse the carp from salt and blot the pieces with a paper napkin.

The fish is already salted and can be eaten in this way. in kind. If you like fish dried balyk, hang the pieces from hooks on a cool balcony. In 3-4 days the carp balyk will be ready. To make the pieces shine, grease them with vegetable oil.

If you like pickled carp with a spicy flavor, then make a flavorful mixture. Mix for her Apple vinegar, lemon zest, coriander (ground or beans), allspice and cloves, add chopped onion and vegetable oil.

It is important to remember that vinegar affects the consistency of the fish; it immediately brightens and slightly changes its consistency (becomes harder). Add vinegar as desired.

And here is the promised recipe for salted and pickled carp from Galina Kotyakhova. river fish According to this recipe, it is first salted, then the salted fish is soaked and marinated in vinegar with oil, onions and carrots. Salted carp under marinade spicy salting in the form of pieces, the fillet is obtained with soft small bones that are almost not felt.

Salted fish, any kind, is very tasty. In our supermarkets there is a huge variety of fish, different salting. I want to offer you a recipe that a friend from Ukraine shared with me, photo of her, of course. I have already treated my household with salted fish using this recipe many times, we are sharing the recipe with the readers of the Notebook. I suggest salting mirror carp at home.

For this recipe you must buy fresh carp, you will also need:

  • salt,
  • peppercorns,
  • Bay leaf,
  • carnation,
  • carrot,
  • table vinegar,
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook salted and marinated carp with vinegar marinade

We first clean the fresh carp - remove the scales with a knife, then gut the belly, wash the fish, and dry it. Next, cut along the ridge into fillets, sprinkle with salt, and do the same with the belly. Leave the salted carp for 3 days in a cold place.

On the third day, free the carp from salt, wash it off with water under the tap, then fill it with clean cold water and leave for 1 hour. You need to soak salted fish in order to remove excess salt and make river fish lightly salted.

Meanwhile, let's take care of the vegetables. We cut the onion and three carrots into half rings on a Korean carrot grater.

Next we take glass jar with a wide neck, it is easier to place pieces of salted fish in it. At the bottom of the jar we put some of the vegetables, bay leaf, peppercorns, cloves, and now we put the carp fillet, cut into small pieces, alternating with the vegetables.

Fill all this with vinegar and vegetable unrefined oil in a 1:1 ratio, first dilute it in a bowl, and then pour it into a jar, pour in the marinade so as to cover the pieces of fish. Let it stand for 2 hours room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator.

In 2 days mirror carp marinated and becomes ready to eat. With this salting, the fish is not spicy, and the bones become soft.

Similar video recipe from YouTube channel

Marinated mackerel in Latvian style

Unlike the first recipe for salted carp, mackerel is not salted by dry salting, but in salted brine, and then marinated