How to bake marzipans. Homemade marzipan: what can be made from

Something tells me that for many today marzipan is something beyond unknown or inaccessible.
But in fact - everything is very, very simple, quite accessible and real.
After all, all we need is three things: almonds, sugar and a little magic!

Marzipan was born in the East, although it is not known in the Near or Far East.
Some sources claim that the birthplace of marzipan is China, others - Persia.
However, it is quite reliably known that it was the Arabs who brought marzipan to Europe.
Already in 800-900 in Spain, marzipan adorned the royal table.

Harold McGee in his book On Food and Cooking. The Science and Lore of the Kitchen” gives an old recipe for making sugar and almond paste.

"Sugar and almond sweets in the 13th century, Baghdad, from Kitab al Tabikh"

In the Middle Ages, Arab chefs were among the first to explore the remarkable sculptural properties of sugar. Here is an example of one of the first results of these studies.


Take a pint of sugar and one third of a pint of almonds and grind together, then flavor with camphor. Take one-third of a pint of sugar and dissolve in an ounce of rose water over low heat, remove from heat. When cool, add the crushed almonds with sugar and knead. If the mixture needs to be made stronger, add more sugar and almonds. Cut into medium-sized pieces, melons, triangles, etc. Arrange on a platter and serve."

Professionals distinguish between two types of almond mass: almond paste and marzipan itself.
Their main difference lies in the percentage of sugar and almonds.

Almond paste contains at least 50% almonds (in good varieties happens up to 80%).
Almond paste can be quite coarse, sticky and brittle.
Due to the high content of almonds, the paste has a creamy color and high fat content.
The shelf life of the paste is relatively short.
The paste is used for the production of sweets, layering cakes and for baking various confectionery products.

Marzipan contains no more than 45% - 20% almonds. Marzipan always has a fine structure, relatively white color and low fat content.
The mass of marzipan is elastic and strong enough.
In the production of marzipan necessarily inverted is added sugar syrup, molasses, corn syrup, confectionery glucose or any other "simple" sugar that provides plasticity to the mass and prevents sugaring.
Marzipan can be stored for quite a long time.
Marzipan is used for fine molding of decorations and for wrapping cakes.

It is clear that the greater the percentage of almonds in the mass, the more pronounced the nutty taste and the less sweet it is.

The division into almond paste and marzipan is not standardized, not fixed by law. Most often, both of these types of almond mass are called the general term "marzipan".
However, I cite it because many countries use such a classification, such as the United States.

Thus, when choosing a ready-made almond mass in a store, you should not be guided by the name, but you need to look at the composition in order to buy an almond mass that meets your requirements.

In my picture you can see how the almond paste and marzipan differ when they are side by side.

On the left is marzipan, it is clearly whiter and relatively matte.
On the right is almond paste, it's creamy and shiny.

This is what the almond mass looks like on the cut.

Almond paste is quite crumbly.

Marzipan is smooth.

And what is the magic?

The magic is in the flavors that give marzipan its flavor.
The main magic ingredient is bitter almond, which gives a unique taste and aroma to the almond mass.
However, it is almost impossible to buy bitter almonds because they contain hydrocyanic acid, which is known to be poisonous.
In some countries (for example, in England), the sale of bitter almonds in retail even prohibited.
Producers of Lübeck marzipan claim to add 1 bitter almond to every 1,000 sweet almonds.
In fact, it is safe to add up to 4-6% bitter almonds to the total mass of nuts.

I can say with all responsibility: the best flavor is bitter almonds.
He is out of competition and works wonders with the taste of marzipan!
However, if it is not there, you have to add something else.

Bitter nucleoli can serve as not quite an adequate replacement. apricot kernels. But in this case, the amount of additive must be selected empirically.
At home, natural extract of bitter almonds is most often used.
Besides, in almond dough add as flavorings: rose and orange water, liquors, lemon juice, citrus oil (lemon, orange), etc.

This completes the theoretical part!

Let's move on to practice.


Almonds can be bought both "natural" and already peeled.
For example, here are three almonds different varieties that I bought.

Peeled almonds are sold whole, chopped, chopped, crushed, ground.

Any almond is suitable for marzipan, even unpeeled.
However, from unpeeled almonds, the paste will have a dark color.
Peeling almonds is very easy!

1. Pour boiling water over the nuts.
2. Let the almonds stand in water for 5-10 minutes.

Look at the nuts - if the skin is wrinkled and swollen - you can start peeling them. If the skin is still firmly attached to the kernel, soak the nuts in fresh boiling water for a few more minutes.

3. Remove the skin by squeezing the nut (in the widest part) between thumb and forefinger.

4. Dry the nuts with a towel.
5. After cleaning, the nuts can be further dried by scattering in one layer on a towel or scattering on a sheet and placing in an oven at a temperature of 50C.


As a rule, ordinary white sugar is used.
However, there are recipes that use a mixture of sugar with powdered sugar, or powdered sugar.
Personally, I advise you to always use powdered sugar, as long as you can make it yourself - industrial powdered sugar often contains an additive of starch.
Sugar comes in different qualities, and I had cases when its grains crunched in the finished marzipan.

Almond flour.

In my experience, grinding is best done in a coffee grinder. I tried to grind in a food processor, in a blender - and came to the conclusion that it is impossible to grind almonds into fine flour with them.

If the almonds are ground too long, almond oil is released, and the flour sticks together into a dense mass.

This is due to the fact that the almonds are heated - both from mechanical stress and from the temperature of a running electric motor.

I recommend:
put the sugar/powdered sugar and almonds in the freezer for 30-40 minutes before you are going to grind
- grind a small amount of almonds at a time
- grind in two or three passes, cooling the resulting flour each time before the next step in the freezer, as described below.

1. First iteration: grind the almonds to a fine grain, loading 1 tablespoon into the grinder and grinding for no more than 10 seconds.

2. Mix semolina with sugar/powdered sugar.

3. Second iteration: load 2 tablespoons of the mixture into the grinder. Grind no more than 20 seconds.

4. Sift the resulting almond flour.

As a rule, after the second iteration, a sufficient desired degree of grinding is achieved.

If not, do another iteration.

You can not grind all the flour a third time, but only that part of the almonds that remains on the sieve after sifting.

Almond paste 50%.

100 grams of peeled almonds
100 grams of sugar
1/2 - 1 bitter almond kernel (or a few drops of almond extract)
10-15 milliliters maraschino liqueur (any liquid flavoring)

1. Grind the almonds with powdered sugar to the degree of fineness you need.

2. Add liquid flavors to almond flour and knead into a smooth dough.

Do not knead too long - the dough will "butter".

3.Pack the resulting paste in cling film and hermetically sealed box.

Pasta is stored in the room for a week, in the refrigerator - a month, in the freezer - 3 months.

If the almond paste is prepared with less than 50% almond content, some of the sugar is added in the form of sugar syrup.

Almond paste with honey.

480 grams of almonds
210 grams powdered sugar.
1/2 cup honey
1 tablespoon of water.
Knead into a smooth paste on a table dusted with powdered sugar.


Marzipan is prepared cold and hot.

Cold way.

200 grams of almond paste 50%
200 grams of powdered sugar
35 grams of glucose or corn syrup invert syrup obtained by heating aqueous solution sugar with acid, while an inversion process occurs, consisting in the splitting of sucrose into fructose and glucose. Acid is used for inversion. At the end of the inversion process, baking soda is sometimes added to the syrup to offset the acidity..

1. Prepare the pasta as described above.
2. Add glucose and knead the marzipan to a dough state (you can use a food processor or a mixer, a dough attachment).
3. Gradually add powdered sugar until a dense viscous mass is obtained.
4. Wrap in cling film, put in a sealed box.

Hot way.

200 grams of almond paste 50%.
150 grams of sugar
30 grams of pale molasses (light corn syrup, etc.)
30 milliliters of water

1. In a heavy bottomed saucepan, combine sugar, water and molasses.
2. Boil to a temperature of 117C
3. Put the pasta into the bowl of the processor (mixer)
4. Pour in the boiling syrup and mix until the mass is homogeneous.
5. Sprinkle the bowl vegetable oil tasteless and odorless, put the marzipan into it, cover the bowl with a damp towel and let the marzipan cool.

And now what to do with them?

Marzipan is molded like plasticine. Marzipan is dyed with food coloring.
Modeled products are covered with glaze, boiled from equal parts of honey and water (so that the marzipan is not high and the figures do not crack).

I am not an expert in art modeling, but anyone can make elementary sweets from almond paste and/or marzipan. And this is a great activity for kids!

1. Coloring.

For intense coloring need to buy food colorings industrial production.

You can also give marzipan a shade with improvised means, with the help of what you have at home.
First of all - cocoa powder will give different shades of brown.
Turmeric and It has a strong peculiar aroma, bitter-spicy taste. Saffron is used as a seasoning for rice, seafood, sauces and soups, usually in mediterranean cuisine. The delicate aroma of saffron and its ability to color dishes in a beautiful yellow-golden color are used in confectionery dough (cakes, Easter cakes, babas), in pilaf (for coloring rice), in ear, stuffed and boiled fish. Saffron is mainly used in confectionery production, adding to cookies, muffins, muffins, sweet sauces and creams. They also paint... will give a yellow color.
Green - fresh parsley juice or Annual herbaceous plant. Winter spinach leaves are larger, dark green compared to summer varieties of lighter shades. Young spinach can be eaten raw in salads and dips, while older, coarser leaves can be steamed, sautéed and stewed..
And red is a piece of lipstick!

2. Shaping.

The easiest way is to roll the balls and roll them in powdered sugar / cocoa or pour chocolate.

You can make beautiful sweets and cakes from finely dispersed almond mass.

A. Roll out the marzipan with a rolling pin on a sheet dusted with powdered sugar or between two pieces of film / baking paper.
Cut out shapes with cookie cutters.

Q. Buy these cute ice cube trays (I bought them at IKEA).
Or just the usual molds that are in any refrigerator.

Candy molds can be used.

How to make figurines.

1. Tamp the marzipan mass tightly into molds.
2. Cut off the excess protruding from above with a knife “flush” with the mold plane.
3. With the sharp tip of a knife, pry off the pressed mass in the center of the mold and remove the figurine.

If the form is rigid, and the mass is steep enough, you can knock the mold on the table.
However, it is very convenient to use sterile gauze pads, putting them into the form.
Then it will be quite easy to take out the stamped figure.

You can fill the form with marzipan only halfway, and then add melted chocolate.
You will get a two-layer candy, with a classic combination of marzipan and chocolate.

You can put dried fruits soaked in alcohol in the middle of the marzipan candy.
And you can soak dried fruits in alcohol and stuff with marzipan.

Options - the sea. Imagine, experiment!

Marzipan is well known to confectioners all over the world, and in Europe it is generally considered one of the main delicacies for the sweet tooth. Despite the uncomplicated appearance product, it is not easy to prepare - all marzipan recipes, without exception, include the highest quality almonds. Stale rancid nuts will not work under any circumstances. Keep this in mind when making marzipan at home.

What is marzipan and what is it made from?

From German, the name of the product is translated as "March bread". In essence, marzipan is a mixture of powdered sugar and ground almonds, which, with the help of additional ingredients brought to a paste state. Further, sweets, figurines and other elements of confectionery decor are formed from the paste.

The basis of real marzipan is always high-quality almonds. Its content in the composition of the paste should not be lower than 33%. Like any dish, the marzipan recipe has evolved over time. Today, other nuts, zest, fruits, rum and liqueurs are added to it ... But the proportions of almonds and powdered sugar have remained traditional.

As already mentioned, there are many different recipes and we propose to talk about some now. It is important to note that it is important to follow the proportions and recommendations for cooking, otherwise nothing will work. Store the mass, you must first wrap it in film, in the refrigerator or in the freezer. Before use, it must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance.

traditional marzipan recipe

For cooking, you need to take the following products: 500 g of peeled sweet and 15 pieces of bitter almonds, 200 g of powdered sugar, 1 glass of water.

At the first stage, the almonds should be poured with boiling water and the skin removed, and then put in the oven for several minutes with the door open. After that, the nuts should be ground with a coffee grinder to a state of flour. At the next stage, powder should be made from sugar, which then needs to be rubbed through a fine sieve.

Then you need to mix the prepared ingredients and it is best to use a mixer for this. Put the mass into a porcelain container and, constantly turning over, spray the prepared cold water. After that, transfer everything to a metal dish with thick walls and heat over minimal heat. When the mass becomes homogeneous and thick, you can turn off the fire.

Hot cooking method for marzipan

Such a parzipan is perfect for pouring a cake or pastries. It is important to consider that marzipan cooked under conditions heat treatment, you need to use to decorate the cake immediately, while it is still hot and has not had time to cool.

In order to make 700 g of sweet mass, you need to take the following products: a couple of eggs, 180 g of powder, 345 g of almond flour, 4 drops of vanilla essence and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

First you need to beat the eggs in a bowl and send the powder to them. Place the container on steam bath and cook, stirring constantly, until creamy. After that, remove the bowl and add the rest of the ingredients, and then beat until a soft mass is obtained. Sprinkle a board or table with powder, lay out the paste and knead it well with your hands until smooth. It's important not to overdo it.

Cold preparation of marzipan

This paste can be stored in the refrigerator and used after a while.

To prepare 900 g of marzipan mass, you need to take such products: 2 yolks and eggs, 230 g of sugar and the same amount of powder, 445 g of almond flour, 6 drops of vanilla essence and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

First, combine sugar, powder, and then add flour. In a separate container, combine eggs, yolks, lemon juice and essence. Make a well in the sugar mixture and pour in the liquid ingredients, then mix well. Pour a little powder on the surface, lay out the mass and knead it thoroughly.

marzipan recipe with sugar syrup

To prepare this dish you need to take: 100 g almonds, 150 g sugar and 40 g water.

Peel the nuts by first dipping them in boiling water, and then rinse in cold water and dry in the oven at 60 degrees for 5 minutes. Grind the nuts to a flour state. Take a frying pan with a thick bottom, put sugar and water in it, bring to a boil and, stirring constantly, prepare the syrup. To test its readiness, take some syrup and dip it in cold water. If you get a soft mass, you're done.

Put the almond flour into the syrup and, without stopping stirring, cook for another 3 minutes. Grease a plate with oil and lay out the prepared mass, and leave to cool. After that, it must be crushed in a meat grinder with a fine nozzle. The result should be a plastic paste that can be used to prepare various desserts.

Homemade marzipan with additional ingredients

  • Cognac recipe. To do this, you need to take: 225 g of powder, almonds, protein, 1.2 teaspoon of liquor, and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Peel the nuts and send to the coffee grinder, and then combine with powder. Mix and add other ingredients. The resulting mass should be ground again and divided into two parts, which should be turned into a layer 3 cm thick. They should be wrapped in foil and sent to the refrigerator for at least 2 days. After that, marzipan is recommended to be cut into plates;
  • Recipe with rose water. For this recipe you will need: 580 g of sweet almonds and the same amount of sugar, and you also need 60 g of bitter nuts and 4 tbsp. spoons of rose water. Dry the nuts and grind in a meat grinder. Send sugar, rose water there and mix everything well. Send everything to the refrigerator for 13 hours. After the time has passed, divide the mass into small pieces and dry them in a warm oven;
  • Cream recipe. To prepare a sweet according to this recipe, you need to take the following products: 0.5 tbsp. cream 20% and the same amount of flour, 110 g of almonds and 250 g of powder. Combine cream, flour and mix everything well. Put on minimum heat and stir until the mass becomes thick, and it will be easy to move away from the walls and bottom of the container. Put chopped almonds, powder into the chilled mass and knead homogeneous mass, which should be rolled into a thin layer. You can make figures out of marzipan and dry it at room temperature.

You can choose any recipe or cook several options and already, then choose the most suitable for yourself.

How to make marzipan candies?

There is great amount confectionery products where marzipan is used as an ingredient. But in itself, this sweetness is considered a delicious candy. We offer you a recipe for homemade marzipan sweets that can compete with store-bought ones.

For cooking, you need to take the following ingredients: 150 g of almonds and powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons lemon juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquor, 150 g of chocolate and 15 candied pitted cherries.


  • Almonds need to be peeled, dried and ground into flour using a coffee grinder. culinary secret- to quickly clean the nuts, they need to be dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes;
  • Send powder, lemon juice and liquor to the resulting flour, and then mix everything well. It's best to do it by hand. If the mass is too sticky to the hands, then add more powder, and if, on the contrary, it crumbles, then pour more liquor;
  • Divide the mass into 15 parts and roll into cakes;
  • Put a cherry in the center of each, wrap the edges and roll into a tight ball;
  • It's time for chocolate, which should be melted in a water bath;
  • Prick each candy on a toothpick, dip in chocolate and stick back side into apples to dry;
  • Put everything in the refrigerator and keep it there until the chocolate has completely hardened.

Knowing these recipes, you can not worry about your children who love sweets, because homemade marzipan and desserts from it are not only delicious, but also as natural as possible. Plastic mass can be used to prepare different fillings for baking, for creating decorations for cakes, etc. Enjoy your meal!

Marzipan is very delicious treat. It is crushed candied almonds. That is, it is a soft and very elastic mixture, consisting of powdered sugar and sweet almonds, crushed into powder. Although there is an opinion: in order to fully feel all the shades of the taste of marzipan, for every 50 sweet almond kernels, you need to put 1 bitter almond kernel. Opinions vary. There is another thing: it is not important to use almonds, you can take other nuts for cooking. Therefore, it is quite possible to cook marzipan at home.

Mentions of marzipan are found in many old European fairy tales. For example, in the fairy tale "The Nutcracker", the Mouse King agreed not to touch the Nutcracker in exchange for marzipan. This delicacy was able to work miracles in a dream and in reality in a fairy tale about Ole Lukoye. There is information that marzipan Louis 14 was very fond of - french king, Thomas Mann - German writer, Louise Charlotte - Prussian princess.

Cooking marzipan at home (and not only), or rather, its description, must necessarily contain the following very important point - in marzipan, sugar should be from one third to two fifths. Only this ratio makes it possible to make the mixture elastic without any special chemical additives. Below are two various prescription cooking marzipan at home.

Marzipan Recipe #1

Required Ingredients: 500 grams of ground almonds, 3 tablespoons of rose water, 10 grams of almond oil, 500 grams of powdered sugar. Of this list, the most rare products It's ground almonds and rose water. Almonds can simply be bought at the store, peeled and ground in a coffee grinder. And rose water is made like this: rose petals are poured with boiling water and infused. Then they are taken out. Rose petals are sold in large supermarkets in the tea departments. All products are listed by weight finished product equal to 1 kilogram. Those. in the end you will get a kilogram of marzipan, if you want less, divide accordingly. Marzipan at home will turn out tasty only if the proportions are strictly observed.

In a small saucepan, mix 200 grams of 500 icing sugar with rose water and ground almonds, and then cook over medium heat, stirring gently throughout the time, until the resulting mass begins to peel off the walls. Put it then on a floured table and add almond butter and those remaining 300 grams of powdered sugar. Thus, you should get a viscous almond dough. If the mass comes out too dense, you can add a few more drops of rose water.

Marzipan Recipe #2

Marzipan at home can also be made according to this recipe: a glass of almonds, 2-3 drops of almond essence, a glass of sugar, a third of a glass of water.

Peel the almonds (to do this, put them in boiling water and cook for several minutes to make the shell easier to remove). Carefully dry the wet kernels in a skillet (do not let them burn). Then grind them in a blender to the state of a slightly damp gruel. Pour sugar over water and put on a slow fire to boil the syrup. At the same time, it is important that the syrup does not turn into caramel, and its density should be such that you can make a solid drop out of it with your fingers. Then pour the almonds into the thickened syrup and wait four minutes. The mixture will thicken quickly, and then you will need to drip almond essence. Now this thickened mass can be laid out on the table and given almost any shape: make sweets, strudel or something else. And if the mass turned out to be too crumbly, then you just need to add a little water. Marzipan should be stored in

Here are two examples of how marzipan can be made at home. And its taste will be no worse than in the store.

Do you want to visit Europe without leaving your home? Easily! Prepare “Marzipan” at home and a window to Europe will open for you.

Marzipan is amazing delicious sweetness originally from Europe. It is based on floured almonds and sugar syrup. We will make not just delicious, but incredibly healthy analogue of store-bought marzipan - homemade marzipan without sugar, and even (by cold method)!

Yes, almonds are not a simple nut, but “golden” in every sense. The upcoming holidays are just the occasion to try this wonderful dessert. Treat yourself and loved ones with this magical sweetness!


  • 250 g almond flour
  • 100 g honey
  • 2 teaspoons ground bitter almonds (optional)

I used to make raw almond flour myself. I will say right away that the process is quite laborious, but it turns out cheaper. Since our family has grown, time is worth its weight in gold. Therefore, I buy ready-made flour for marzipans very good quality. Yes, it's a little more expensive, but it saves a lot of time.

So, if you have almond flour, then just measure right amount. If not, I'll tell you how to cook it.

How to make homemade almond flour for marzipans

Hooray! 2/3 of the way already covered

How to cook marzipan - recipe with photo

  1. We measure out the almond flour.

    Almond flour

  2. We will use honey instead of sugar. Add it to flour.

    I advise you to take honey that is not fragrant in order to preserve the taste and aroma of almonds as much as possible and get real marzipan. I always use flower honey and it works great. For example, linden or buckwheat can drown out almonds.

    Adding honey

  3. Add bitter almond flour.

    Thanks to this dish, I discovered bitter almonds. It must be, and it happens! This is an optional ingredient, but it is what gives this unique flavor to marzipan. I cooked with it and without it - the difference is felt. With it, this dessert definitely wins!

    Bitter almonds are very concentrated and, most importantly, do not shift them. 2 tsp was enough for me. grains ground into flour.

    Put bitter almonds

  4. Transfer the mixture to a blender.

    Put everything in a blender

  5. Again, we gain time and patience and turn on the blender. Bring the mixture to uniform consistency. The mass will begin to be taken in lumps, here it is the treasured window to Europe.

    Blend until smooth

  6. The finished marzipan mass turns out to have a pasty consistency, like plasticine, only edible. We collect it in one big bun.

    marzipan mass

  7. Basically, this basic recipe marzipan. You can stop there. It will be sooo delicious! But if you have molds for or in the form of figures, then spread the marzipan mass into molds.

    Here are the roses I have:

    Lay out in molds

    From the initial amount of ingredients, I got 17 medium-sized roses (20 g each). If desired, you can dip the sweets in chocolate, put different fillings inside.

  8. We send homemade marzipan to the refrigerator for 12 hours to solidify.
  9. When the sweets are frozen, take them out of the molds and try.
  10. Mmm… how delicious! Eat and Eat!

    Enjoy your meal!

    Nastya Bordeyanu recipe author

It is probably impossible to find a person in the world who would be completely indifferent to sweets. We are so arranged that a piece of something tasty can cause a feeling of short-term happiness. Today I would like to say a few words about marzipan, an exclusive delicacy. If you have tried it at least once in your life, then you will surely remember the unique taste and want to know more about its composition. Marzipan can also be made at home, and in this case the quality of the final product will only benefit.

The fact is that the nut, which is the basis of sweetness, is quite expensive. Therefore, manufacturers tend to replace it with something else, and add chemical additives for flavor. The quality of this loses, but the product is more affordable and competitive in price.

What do we call marzipan

Many of you will now remember pasta for decorating cakes, smooth and shiny. You're right, it's really about her. And what is its composition? Marzipan is made from finely ground almonds and sugar. Classic marzipan is a plastic mass, which allows it to be used, among other things, to create figurines and decorations for cakes. It is also used as a filling for sweets.

A bit of history

And when did the world first learn about such a simple and at the same time exquisite sweetness? In order to answer this question, again you need to pay attention to the composition. Marzipan is produced from almonds, which means that the production of this product should have been started where there is a lot of it. Several European countries dispute the palm in the production of this confection.

Ancient traditions of making marzipan sweets exist in Germany and Austria, Holland and Italy. But the most famous of them are produced in the north of Germany. And it was kept secret for a long time. unique composition. Marzipan was not really intended as an exclusive sweet. It's just that almond flour began to be used due to a shortage or complete absence of wheat flour. They liked marzipan bread so much that they began to use it in Good times but as a dessert.

Area specialization

Interestingly, until the 18th century, not only confectioners, but also chemists were engaged in the manufacture of marzipan. Only much later did this skill completely pass to confectioners. And very soon this product became very expensive due to the increase in the price of sugar and almonds. But even today this sweetness is still highly valued, but now we can already afford it. The prevalence and availability of this delicacy is very high.

Tricks of modern production

It's no secret that today many products are made from analogues or synthetic substitutes. Marzipan was no exception. The composition should include only almonds, sugar and rose water. And what lies today on the shelves of stores often has nothing to do with this legendary sweetness.

Instead of almonds, any nuts can go into the paste, but most often it is peanuts. But very often, soy or beans, various artificial fillers and flavorings are included in the general composition. The reader may be interested to know that old records from cookbooks provided for rubbing almonds on a fine grater with the addition of sugar and long grinding of this mass in a mortar. It was thanks to this that the highest plasticity of the mass was achieved. It took a lot of time to produce sweets, which explained the high price.

marzipan properties

They are determined by what marzipan is made from. The composition that the manufacturer is required to indicate on the packaging, and will indicate whether it is worth buying this product. If it is almond, then the product from it completely retains all the properties of this the healthiest nut. And it is very rich in B and E vitamins, as well as other antioxidants. But most of all it contains trace elements. Just a few nuts a day will provide your body with phosphorus and potassium, magnesium and more.

Knowing what kind of nut is in marzipan, you will be well aware of what you will get with its regular use. Almonds remove sand from the kidneys, normalize the functioning of the liver and pancreas, and also cleanse the blood. It is a natural analgesic, which also has an anticonvulsant effect. The benefits of this nut are obvious in bronchial asthma, stress and insomnia. As you can see, marzipan is much healthier than conventional confectionery.

Cooking at home

In fact, there is nothing complicated in this. The main thing is to know the composition of marzipan in sweets, and you can reproduce a full-fledged analogue. You will need to take 150 g of almonds and peel them from the dark shell. To do this, they are poured with boiling water for a minute, and then immediately cold water. After that, the shell can be easily removed, and the nuts themselves need to be dried on a napkin. Next, it remains to grind the almonds into the smallest crumbs in a hand mill or in a blender.

Now you need to add 100 g of powdered sugar to the resulting crumb. It is better to take industrial, since homemade does not turn out such a fine grinding. It remains to add a spoonful of rum and water or milk to this mixture, some confectioners suggest using raw protein from quail egg. From this, a smooth dough is kneaded. There should be enough liquid in it so that the dough does not stick to your hands and the table. If there is too little liquid, then almond oil will begin to stand out during the kneading process, which is completely unnecessary. From this mass, you can form round sweets, inside which you can place a nut or toffee, and you can pour chocolate on top.

works of art

Is it really impossible to buy high-quality sweets in the store and you have to make them yourself? Not at all. There is an excellent Grondard online store in St. Petersburg. Marzipan, the composition of which perfectly repeats old recipes, there really is, it is produced and packaged here both to order and in line mode.

This store is very popular among the residents of the Northern capital, as it gives an opportunity to make an exquisite gift with individual design to colleagues, relatives and friends.

Popular Ritter Sport

You don't have to order it in the online store, because it is sold in every supermarket. How natural is from "Ritter Sport" "Marzipan". The composition is not bad, but it contains no more than 16% marzipan. Everything else is sugar, cocoa, emulsifiers and syrup. Therefore, if your plans include tasting the real one, almond recipe, then it is recommended to find another option. In particular, you can learn home production these sweets, since it is not too complicated. In this case, you will be sure that today was served as a dessert.