Lenten orange cake. Lenten Orange Christmas Cake

The Nativity (Philippov) fast is a period of preparation of Orthodox Christians for a dignified meeting with repentance and prayer of the very joyful holiday of the Birth of the Divine Infant in Bethlehem by the Ever-Virgin Mary. For almost five weeks, believers fast, limiting themselves to meat and dairy products, and eating fish on permitted days. There is also a limitation on the amount of food. But in our case we are talking about a cupcake, and you immediately see quick ingredients: eggs, butter, cream and sour cream. But no! This cupcake is made from lean products. And only skill and harmonious combination ingredients result in a tasty and lean, and most importantly, very beautiful holiday pie!

We came across his recipe on the culinary channel “Tatyana about food and more”, where the whole process of this “magic” is clearly shown, step by step and very clearly. A big and delicious thank you to the author of this video recipe for such an acceptable Lenten confectionery idea. Let's also rejoice at the products that are needed for cooking and which in almost every kitchen are not translated, unless we buy a large orange at the nearest grocery store and proceed to the correct selection of ingredients.

Ingredients for making Lenten Orange Cake:

  • premium wheat flour - 300 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 100 milliliters;
  • granulated sugar - 100 grams;
  • fresh orange juice - 100 grams;
  • orange zest - 1 piece;
  • sparkling mineral water - 100 milliliters;
  • coffee drink - 50 milliliters;
  • raisins - 150 grams;
  • candied fruits - 150 grams;
  • White chocolate- for decorating the cupcake;
  • baking soda - 1 teaspoon.

Pour selected and washed raisins into coffee to swell. From an orange, previously scalded with boiling water and cooled, use a fine grater to remove all the zest and squeeze out all the juice, which should be at least 100 grams from a large fruit. Pour the juice into a small saucepan, add the zest and pour required amount granulated sugar. Place the saucepan on the fire and heat with constant stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Let's move on to the dry ingredients. Having poured them into a sieve, we sift this mixture, enriching it with oxygen and leveling their ratio, into a suitable container where the dough will be made. Pour sparkling water, portioned refined vegetable oil and coffee in which the raisins were soaked into a cooled saucepan with sugar dissolved in the juice. If the latter has not had time to swell, it should be placed in the microwave for 10 seconds. Mix all the liquid contents of the saucepan evenly and, gradually pouring in and mixing with flour and the previously introduced candied fruits and raisins, bring the paste-like dough to a uniform consistency.

For baking, you will need a springform pan with a diameter of 20 centimeters, the bottom of which should be lined with baking paper, and the edges and sides should be greased with butter. Pour the resulting dough into this prepared form and place it in an oven preheated to +180 C for 1 hour. After half an hour, you should cover the cake with foil, carefully removing it from the hot, unswitched oven so that it does not burn. top part. Remove the finished cake from the pan and place it on a serving plate to decorate for Christmas or Christmas Eve.

To decorate, you will need white chocolate chopped into pieces and 1 tablespoon of water (out of fasting - 1 tablespoon of cream), which is pulsed to heat in microwave oven, bringing it to a liquid state while stirring. For the decoration to be successful, it is necessary to allow the cake to cool completely, and the chocolate fondant must remain plastic when room temperature. Once this happens, coat the entire cake with white chocolate fudge and place anise stars, orange slices, kernels on it walnut, cranberries, silver confectionery sprinkles in a picturesque disorder from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. All that remains is to wish you festive joy and bon appetit!

If you have always been indifferent to Lenten baking, then it’s completely in vain. Even in ancient times in Rus', women knew and actively used Lenten recipes throughout the year, as baking without milk and eggs is healthy and easy. We suggest making chocolate-orange cupcakes - airy, porous inside and very tasty. If desired, they can be topped with honey or syrup. Chocolate orange muffins are a wonderful addition to your morning coffee or cup of tea. Let's cook?

Author of the publication

Originally from Belarus. Mother of two children - Miroslava and Voislava, loving and beloved wife. By training, he is a teacher of accordion class. A creative person wants to be able to do everything: sew, sculpt from polymer clay, cook and, of course, take photographs. She believes that there is something to strive for, and most importantly, there is a desire, so I am sure that over time everything will only get better.

  • Recipe author: Ekaterina Patskevich
  • After cooking you will receive 6 pcs.
  • Cooking time: 55 min


  • 100 ml orange juice
  • 150 gr wheat flour
  • 15 g cocoa powder
  • 5 g baking powder
  • 20 g honey
  • 80 g sugar
  • 10 g vegetable oil

Cooking method

    Prepare all ingredients. Turn on the oven and preheat to 180 degrees.

    Sift flour, cocoa and baking powder into a separate container.

    In a separate container, mix honey, sugar, Orange juice and 10 grams of vegetable oil. It is better to use freshly squeezed juice, strained through a sieve.

    Add the dry ingredients to the liquid ingredients in parts, stirring thoroughly each time with a whisk. You will get a thick dough.

    Grease the baking dish vegetable oil. With wet hands, roll the dough into approximately equal balls and place them in a baking dish.

    Bake the cupcakes in the middle of an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes. You can check the readiness with a match - it should come out dry from the middle of the cake.

    Lenten chocolate cupcakes ready. Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Oh, how much mood there is in this cupcake! So much joy, pure smiles, bright laughter! It would seem like an ordinary piece of sweets - but no, for all its ordinariness, there is much, much unusual hidden in it. Something that cannot be described, cannot be put into words, cannot be spoken out loud. It simply is there - and is felt in every movement associated with the cupcake. You can feel it when the products are mixed - a couple of waves of the hand, and now the velvety mass is ready and goes into the oven. You can feel it when a breathtaking citrus smell emerges from the oven - viscous, fresh, life-affirming. When you take a freshly baked cake out of the pan, it is fluffy, with an appetizing “cap” and a delicious aroma. When you cut it into pieces, you discover a soft, tender crumb; when you try the first piece, you are overwhelmed by a feeling of celebration.

The Lenten Orange Cake recipe has a lot of advantages. The first is, of course, its composition: in my opinion, the Internet is teeming with options for Lenten baking, however, there are not many of them that stand out. This one is a very worthy representative Lenten desserts: actually tasty, juicy, aromatic and hardly mistaken for lean. The second is budget: the price of delight and pleasure in in this case is small, which, you see, is nice, even if you personally have no financial restrictions on the grocery set you buy. Third - simplicity and speed: no special effort in execution, one, two, and the lean orange cake is ready. On the table there are excellent pastries for tea. Call us for a treat!

- 150 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice;
- zest of 1 orange;
- 150 ml refined vegetable oil;
- 380 g flour;
- 150 g sugar;
- 1 tbsp. l. vinegar;
- 1 tsp. soda;
- 1/2 tsp. salt;
- 2 tbsp. l. cold water.

Ingredients for fudge:
- 1/2 cup powdered sugar;
- a little lemon juice.

Recipe with photos step by step:

First of all, we extract the zest from the oranges. Do not neglect this point: after you squeeze out the juice, it will not be convenient to remove the zest, so it is better to close this issue right away.

But then you can squeeze it fresh, a citrus juicer will help you. If special device no, don’t be upset - by and large, this can be done manually, it’s just that in this option, most likely, you will need a little more oranges. As a rule, it is difficult to squeeze out the same amount of juice with your hands as a juicer does, so I recommend initially buying more citrus fruits than you planned.

Place the zest, sugar, salt in a bowl and fill all this “joy” with vegetable oil.

The list of ingredients for lean orange cake advises against using aroma oil however, this is actually quite subjective advice: I don't like the taste of oil in sweet pastries, so I mask it using methods available to me (in this case, using refined oil).

Stir and mix. When I baked this cake for the first time, I worked with a mixer so that the sugar would dissolve, so that the mass would mix perfectly, so that it would just turn out just fine. After two or three cupcakes, my enthusiasm disappeared, and the mixer rests quietly on the side while I work with a spoon.

Pour in the juice. And mix. This is where it’s worth trying - let the orange cake turn out wonderful, so please the dough, give it a little attention.

Sift the flour into the dough and mix again - with a spoon, my dears, with a spoon. Why take out the whisks? You still have to wash them!

And now is the most crucial moment, don’t forget about it. To prepare for the final “tam-tara-ram!” you need to turn on the oven (180 degrees), sing a wonderful song and take out a bag of soda.
According to the recipe, soda is diluted in cold water, but my aesthetic perception Lenten cupcake suffers from the potential stirring of the dough with empty water, so I prepare black tea, cool it, take the required 2 spoons and dilute the soda in this very chaos. However, I hasten to assure you that 2 tablespoons of water is not the amount that you (and I) can feel in the dough, so feel free to take water and dilute soda in it.

Add the liquid to the dough and mix well. It won’t be easy, the dough is still quite thick, but you can always forgive the mixer and return it to fighting, so try it by hand, and if it doesn’t work, so be it, take out the mixer.

Grease the baking dish with oil and sprinkle a small amount flour. I use corn, it doesn’t get so “soggy” from the oil, and the cake remains with a light crispy note.

We put the dough into the mold, level the surface and send the cake to warm up in the oven - temperature 180 degrees, heat treatment time - 25-30 minutes. Watch the color, check with a wooden stick - it should come out of the cake dry.

When the dough is ready, do not rush to take it out of the mold - when hot, the lean orange cake has a real chance of being broken into several pieces. But when it cools down a little (read - completely cooled down), you can take it out - put it on the board, admire it and tell yourself that your husband will finally be happy, having received a slightly burnt delicious sweet crust (well, I didn’t follow it a little, I messed up - but just a little bit, so it almost doesn’t count).

However, despite my husband’s happiness, I propose to give the cupcake a new “headdress” - a beautiful delicious glaze. Fasting, of course. It's so easy to make that I'm surprised the public hasn't already started decorating everything they can with it.

So, pour it into a bowl powdered sugar and add a couple of drops of lemon juice.

Stir. Thick? Let's drip a little more. Stir again.

Now, it’s ready – we transfer the glaze onto the cupcake and, in general, that’s it.

To understand how to make Lenten baked goods really tasty, let's figure out how the quality of the dough is affected by products that we are deprived of in Russia, and vegans always do. How does their absence affect quality? finished products, and how this absence can be compensated for.

How to replace butter in lean baking

Butter is approximately 80% fat and 20% water. Thanks to butter, the dough becomes moist, flaky and voluminous. Shortbread dough becomes crumbly, including due to the steam that is formed when water evaporates from the oil. And no other fat will give the dough the taste and texture that is obtained when using butter.

The closest, but not the healthiest alternative is margarine. If you are a categorical opponent of this product, then only ordinary vegetable oil remains. Which is not so bad, although it does not contain water, air, or emulsifiers that help retain a large volume of air, and therefore cannot affect the leavening of the dough. But vegetable oil perfectly envelops the flour, preventing gluten from developing excessively. Yes, shortbread dough, mixed with vegetable oil, will not be as layered and aromatic as with butter, but remains crumbly and soft. You can loosen it with baking powder.

How to replace eggs in Lenten baking

It is eggs that are responsible for forming the structure of some types of dough and are practically the only ingredient that simultaneously contains a significant amount of natural thickeners ( proteins), and raising agents ( fats and emulsifiers). You can also beat the eggs to add air to the dough. Eggs also prevent water from separating from fats.

But we don't have balls, so oh fluffy biscuits I'll have to forget for now. But muffins are quite accessible to us, if you know how you can compensate for the lack of emulsifiers and leavening agents. You will have to create an emulsion forcibly, as in vinegar salad dressing: mix vegetable oil with an acidic liquid, for example, fruit juice or coffee, jam syrup or fruit puree.

Alena Spirina advises to cook immediately cranberry jam, so that you can then prepare cranberry sauce based on it, which goes perfectly with meat dishes.

Vegetable broth

My acquaintance with the culinary phenomenon called “ vegetable broth"happened at a time when no one had heard of the Internet yet..

– aromatic, appetizing, not very sweet dessert with a pronounced orange flavor, which can be considered Lenten baking, and eat with pleasure at any time and for everyone.

There are several recipe options for such a cupcake, we offer you one of the simplest, which is called “on a quick fix" This recipe is also “waste-free”, since unlike other options, where the juice is only squeezed out of the orange, here the orange pulp is put into the dough. You can pamper yourself with the cupcake during Lent (meaning Christian), since among the ingredients there are no eggs, no butter, or any animal products at all, so, by the way, it is also suitable for vegetarians.

Need to:

  • Wheat flour – 450 grams (about 2.8 cups)
  • Vegetable oil (refined, deodorized, sunflower is perfect) – 200 grams (1 glass, slightly incomplete, leave about 1-1.5 cm to the edge)
  • Granulated sugar – 200 grams (about 1 half glass)
  • Oranges – 2 pieces
  • Mineral water (carbonated!) – 200 milliliters (1 glass)
  • Soda – 1 teaspoon
  • Dried ground ginger – 0.5 teaspoon
  • Ground cinnamon – 1 teaspoon
  • Powdered sugar (sprinkle on top of the cake) – 2-3 heaped teaspoons
  • Raisins – 1 cup (about 150 grams)


Pour boiling water over the raisins, let stand for 10 minutes and place in a colander to drain. Leave to cool.

Mix flour (it is better, of course, to sift, but if the flour is of the highest grade, you can do without it) with ginger and cinnamon.

Wash the oranges, wipe dry and grate the zest.

After you've grated the zest, slice the oranges themselves. small pieces(conditionally - cubes, although they, of course, will not retain their shape). If after removing the zest remaining on the orange white layer If you find it too thick, you can peel it off before cutting the orange pulp into pieces.

Mix the orange pulp cut into pieces in a large bowl (in which we will make the dough) with grated zest. Place soda in a glass and pour mineral water, stir, pour into a bowl with chopped orange and mix everything.

In another bowl, mix sugar with vegetable oil. Stir (or beat), preferably until the sugar is completely dissolved (well, or almost completely). Pour the butter and sugar into the bowl with the oranges and mix everything thoroughly again.

Gradually, stirring, add flour mixed with spices. The result should be a viscous (but not liquid!) dough ( watch our video recipe!). By this time, the raisins have already cooled down, pour them into the dough, stir so that the raisins are evenly distributed in the dough.

Baking pan (we have small rectangular ones, cupcake ones, but you can also use one large round one, and in this case it doesn’t matter, springform or not) grease with vegetable oil ( silicone mold You don’t have to grease it), you can (but not necessarily) lightly sprinkle the pan with flour so that the cake certainly doesn’t stick. Place the dough in a baking dish.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees (this is approximately the average heating level if you have an oven without a thermometer). In a preheated oven, place the pan with the cake on a baking sheet or on a wire rack, at medium height. Bake for 45-50 minutes until brownish. We check the readiness of the Lenten orange cake with a long match or a wooden toothpick (as usual: stick it into the middle of the cake so as to pierce it to the bottom, pull it out and look. If the match is dry and clean, the cake is ready, if there are lumps of dough stuck on it, not yet, let it bake some more 5-7 minutes, then check again).