Sour cream flatbreads. Sour cream cakes in the oven without yeast

Flatbread made with sour cream always turns out light and fluffy, even for novice housewives. These flatbreads are perfect for breakfast because they cook quite quickly. And what they will be - sweet or salty - is up to you.

Delicious flatbreads with sour cream in the oven


  • flour – 500 g;
  • sour cream (fat content not less than 30%) – 100 g;
  • yeast (dry) – 5 g;
  • egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – 2/3 cup;
  • butter – 75 g;
  • salt – 1 pinch.


We will prepare the dough for these flatbreads using dough. Let's start with it. To do this, pour the yeast with warm (body temperature) water and let it stand for 5 minutes, and then stir the contents of the glass until the yeast is completely dissolved. Add flour so that it resembles very thick sour cream, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place without drafts. First the dough will rise and then begin to settle. Now you can knead the dough.

Add salt, sugar, softened butter and sour cream to the sifted flour. Grind everything into crumbs, add the dough and knead a fairly dense dough. Transfer it to a bowl, cover with a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Then finally knead the dough.

This needs to be done quite long and thoroughly, about 10 minutes, until it becomes completely smooth. Again, transfer the dough into a bowl, cover and wait until it increases 2 or even 3 times in volume. Divide it into 8 parts and roll it into flat cakes 1 cm thick. Cover and let rest for half an hour. Then place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. We make punctures with a toothpick (as in biscuit cookies) and grease the cakes with yolk. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until a beautiful golden color.

Flatbread with sour cream in a frying pan


  • flour – 4/5 tbsp;
  • sour cream – 1/2 cup;
  • hard cheese (grated) – 2/3 cup;
  • dill – 3 sprigs;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.


Mix flour sifted with salt with finely grated cheese, chopped herbs and black pepper. Mix the sour cream thoroughly with soda, and only then add it to the flour. From ready dough roll out a flat cake the size of the frying pan in which we will fry it. Heat the frying pan very high, and then continue as desired. You can drop a little oil, or lay out the dough on a dry surface. It will not stick, especially if the coating is non-stick. On one side, fry the flatbread under a closed lid and over medium heat. Then turn it over, turn off the gas a little more and brown for 5 minutes in another barrel. The flatbread turns out soft, with a very delicate cheese and creamy taste.

Rye flatbreads with sour cream without yeast


  • rye flour – 900 g;
  • eggs – 6 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 1/2 cup;
  • butter – 1 tbsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • soda – 1/2 teaspoon;
  • salt – 1 pinch.


Combine eggs (5 pcs.) with sour cream and melted butter. Add soda, salt and sugar. Add flour and knead the dough. Divide it into balls and roll it into pancakes half a centimeter thick. Using a knife, make lattice-shaped cuts and brush with beaten egg. Place the flatbreads on a greased and floured baking sheet. And put it in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. Literally in half an hour rye flatbreads from sour cream they will be ready!

Unleavened flatbreads with sour cream


  • flour – 2.5 tbsp;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • margarine – 50 g;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt – 1 pinch.


Lightly beat the egg. Add sour cream, melted margarine and sugar to it. Separately mix the sifted flour, soda and salt. We introduce them into the dough. After kneading, cover it with a towel and let it “rest” for about 20 minutes. Then, on a table sprinkled with flour, divide the dough into “balls” and roll them into flat cakes. You can fry them either in a dry frying pan or with the addition of oil. And so that they come out more fluffy, we cook the cakes under a closed lid.

Same in a simple way can be cooked or . The choice is yours!

Step-by-step recipes for making sour cream flatbreads in the oven and in a frying pan: options for sour cream flatbreads with and without filling

2018-06-13 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams ready-made dish

6 gr.

9 gr.


46 gr.

288 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for yeast flatbreads with sour cream in the oven

It is not at all necessary to fry the flatbreads in a frying pan; they are fluffy and slightly sweet sweet flatbreads They come out great in the oven. Make sure the yeast is fresh; the fluffiness of your baked goods depends on how good it is.

Sour cream adds a richness to flatbreads; use a product with at least 25 percent calorie content; less fat will not give the desired effect. Oil for greasing the flatbreads is an optional ingredient; if you decide to decorate the baked goods in this way, take an additional slice; the amount indicated in the recipe is intended only for use in the dough.


  • an incomplete glass of heated water;
  • one hundred milliliters of sour cream;
  • exactly one hundred grams of sugar;
  • butter - slice 80 grams;
  • half a kilo of sifted flour;
  • powdered yeast - five grams;
  • salt;
  • raw egg - one, large.

Step-by-step recipe for flatbreads with sour cream in the oven

Melt the butter over low heat, then cool the butter just as slowly. Add warm water to it, add sour cream and sugar, and add salt. Release the egg into a convenient bowl, then separate the yolk and place the white into the cup with the dough. Add dry yeast and stir well with a whisk.

Little by little, adding flour in several batches, make and knead the dough, it should come out moderately plastic and pliable. Leave the bowl with the dough warm for a couple of hours.

Divide the risen dough into ten parts, form them into balls, then flatten them into flat cakes and place them on a baking sheet. Let it sit for up to twenty minutes.

It's time to embellish the baked goods - make notches or indentations with a knife, even just with your fingers, use decorative molds, in a word, show your imagination. Add a little water to the raw yolk, shake and thickly grease the top of the workpieces, place in the oven.

Set the heating to two hundred degrees in advance, set it to twenty minutes, as a rule, this is enough, but still watch the blush on the surface fluffy flatbreads. It’s a good idea to rub them with a slice of butter once they’re ready before they cool.

Option 2: Quick recipe for flatbreads with sour cream in the oven

You may not have time to make these flatbreads for breakfast on a weekday, but when you go on a trip or go on a picnic, be sure to remember this recipe. Even simple, without filling, flatbreads with sour cream, prepared with your own hands, are more pleasing to the eye and heart and literally evaporate from the table. They are equally good hot fresh salad or just a glass of tea, but no worse than bread in a sandwich.


  • exactly four hundred grams of flour;
  • a little more than a glass of sour cream;
  • two selected raw eggs
  • a couple of spoons of sugar and one of pure butter;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • two spoons of baking powder.

How to quickly cook flatbreads with sour cream in the oven

Sift the flour with a fine mesh sieve, add baking powder and salt to it and repeat sifting. Collect the flour in a mound with a notch in the middle, release the eggs there, add sour cream and start kneading the dough with a spoon, and then by hand.

Ready yeast-free dough There is no need to approach it, immediately roll it out and squeeze it into a round shape to form flat cakes. Line the roasting pan with a parchment sheet and place the pieces on it. Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees ahead of time, bake the cakes for half an hour until they have a beautiful brown crust.

Option 3: Flatbread on sour cream with suluguni and sausage (in a frying pan)

The type of sausage indicated is approximate; any boiled one, including those with pieces of lard, will do. For example, “Lyubitelskaya” is good, especially if your bacon is low-fat. Alternative option preparing a hearty filling is to boiled sausage grate a slice of raw smoked sausage. There is no need to fry it, just add it to the already fried boiled sausage and onions.


  • sour cream, thick - one and a half glasses;
  • eggs, fresh - 2 pcs.;
  • high-grade flour - six hundred grams;

For the filling:

  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • spoonful fine salt and dry soda;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of “Doctor’s” sausage and the same amount of smoked bacon;
  • two onions;
  • salt and fine pepper;
  • four hundred grams of suluguni.

How to cook

Before using eggs, it is a good idea to make sure they are fresh. Release one at a time into a cup, then pour into a bowl. Add sour cream and add oil, add soda and salt. After mixing, we begin to add flour by handfuls and knead the plastic dough. Cover it with the bowl with a towel and put it in the cold for 20 minutes.

Saute the onion into the filling, peel and cut it into quarters. While the slices are golden brown, finely chop the sausage and bacon, grate the cheese into short shavings. First add the bacon to the pan, followed by the sausage. Stirring, fry until all the ingredients are sufficiently browned.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator, knead it slightly, and divide it into eight parts. Roll out each portion thin enough to accommodate the filling. Spread the sautéed products with a spoon and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Place the edges of the dough over the filling and seal.

Turn the pieces over with the seams down, slightly flattening them with your palm, then roll them out using a rolling pin. The thickness of the blanks is just over a centimeter. Place a dry, massive frying pan on the burner that is on and heat it up high. Fry the flatbreads on it on both sides, turning them over as they brown.

Option 4: “Lazy khachapuri” - sour cream flatbread with cheese and herbs

The recipe is not at all troublesome and you only need to worry about the quality of the cheese and green onions. There is absolutely any type of cheese, the only requirement is that it must be natural and melt well. Choose the juiciest onion, crumble it into the filling along with the white part. The amount of flour may not be limited to the volume indicated in the recipe; use exactly as much as the dough requires.


  • two hundred grams of good cheese;
  • a handful of onion greens;
  • a glass of thick sour cream;
  • two fresh raw eggs;
  • five tablespoons of flour;
  • salt and soda;
  • oil, lean.

Step by step recipe

Coarsely grate the cheese and, on the contrary, finely chop the onion. Place the eggs in a bowl with the cheese, add sour cream and sprinkle, finely chopped, with chopped onions. Mixing thoroughly, add salt, followed by soda. Next, introducing the sifted flour in parts, quickly knead the dough.

Heat a clean, dry frying pan very hot, then reduce the heat. Pour in the oil and wait until it gets a little hot. Spread the dough in a thin layer, fry for up to five minutes on the first side, and then for up to two minutes on the back.

Option 5: Cheese flatbreads with sour cream

Don’t worry about the type of cheese if you are sure that what you have is not fake, but natural product. The filling also includes garlic, and with this product, you can easily adjust the spiciness by decreasing or, on the contrary, increasing the amount. It’s very good if you prepare mayonnaise yourself, but if you use a factory-made product, give preference to “Provencal” or another similar one containing vegetable fat sixty-seven percent or even more.


  • a glass of fatty, sour sour cream;
  • a couple of tablespoons of clarified butter;
  • half a spoonful of salt and ready-made ripper;
  • two glasses of white flour;
  • refined sugar.

For the filling:

  • three raw eggs;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • three tablespoons of high-calorie mayonnaise.

How to cook

Mix sour cream with butter and sugar, add salt and baking powder. Add sifted flour in small handfuls and knead the dough into a dough that is soft enough but does not stick to your hands. Leave him to rest for a while.

First lower them into cold salted water, then bring to a boil and hard-boil the eggs, transfer them to a bowl of cool water. Let cool, then peel and coarsely grate, using the same size shavings and cheese. Finely chop and add garlic to the filling, season it with mayonnaise, mix thoroughly.

Divide the dough into eight equal parts. Roll it into thin pieces and spread the filling in an even layer. We place the edges on it and mold it, lightly pressing the cakes with the palm of our hand. We turn the blanks over with the seam down and roll them out thinly.

Heat up a massive steel frying pan without oil or fat and fry the flatbreads in it. While hot, grease with a slice of butter. Serve the flatbreads immediately, without letting the cheese cool; they are good with tea, milk or fermented milk products.

Making this delicacy is quite simple. Not only the cooking methods are simple, but also the products themselves from which flatbreads are made like grandma’s.

They can be served with tea or used as bread. In the latter version, they can even be filled with vegetables, meat, sauce and it will turn out full meal! They can be eaten with jam, as a snack to yogurt or kefir, or tea. They are quite suitable for ready-made meat dish, which has a lot of sauce. It’s so delicious to soak freshly baked bread, or in our case, flatbread, in a rich and tasty meat sauce!

Be sure to start studying the recipes to see and understand how simple and fast everything is. Minimal amount ingredients that you probably have in your refrigerator and about the same amount of time to prepare. Like?

Traditional recipe

Flatbread with sour cream, just like grandma’s, is easy to prepare according to the following recipe:

Flatbread with sour cream filling like grandma's

  • 2 eggs;
  • 45 g flour;
  • 230 g cheese;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 210 ml sour cream;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil.

How long to do – 15 minutes.

How many calories – 320 calories.


  1. Break the eggs into a deep container, beat them lightly with a whisk or mixer;
  2. Add sour cream, flour through a sieve and beat again until smooth;
  3. Grind the cheese using a grater of any size;
  4. Rinse the greens with running water and finely chop them with the blade of a sharp knife;
  5. Add cheese and herbs to the dough, mix the mixture with a spoon, trying to evenly distribute all the cheese and all the herbs throughout the mixture;
  6. Heat a frying pan and pour a little (not all!) oil into it and let it warm up;
  7. Pour some of the dough and wait until it sets and browns;
  8. Then turn the cake over and let it cook on the second side;
  9. Repeat the process with the remaining dough and eat the flatbreads hot!

How to fry tortillas in a frying pan

  • 570 g flour;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 60 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 50 g margarine;
  • 30 g sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 pinches of salt.

How much to do - 2 hours.

How many calories – 308 calories.

We prepare flatbreads with sour cream like grandma’s in a frying pan:

  1. Cut the margarine into cubes and place it in a small saucepan;
  2. In turn, place the saucepan on the stove, turn on low heat and let the margarine dissolve into a liquid consistency;
  3. Then, when the whole mass has melted, remove it from the heat and let it cool until room temperature;
  4. Immediately pass all the flour through a sieve into a deep bowl;
  5. Break the egg into the third bowl and beat it a little with a whisk to form a light foam;
  6. Add sour cream, continuing to beat until smooth;
  7. Next, pour in the margarine, which has already cooled to at least room temperature;
  8. Beat the ingredients again until smooth;
  9. Add sugar, salt and soda, mix with a whisk;
  10. Next, add flour one spoon at a time, not forgetting to put it through a sieve and knead everything until a homogeneous texture;
  11. After adding all the flour, knead into a homogeneous, smooth, soft dough;
  12. Place it back into the bowl, cover and let rest for another twenty minutes;
  13. Then sprinkle the work surface with flour;
  14. Knead the dough, releasing any excess air created by the baking soda;
  15. Next, roll the dough into a sausage and divide it into parts. The size of the pieces depends on how many tortillas you want and what size;
  16. Dip all the pieces of dough in flour and roll each into a round cake, the thickness of which is no more than 5 mm;
  17. Heat a frying pan and gradually add vegetable oil as the flatbreads fry;
  18. Fry one after another. While one is frying, you can form the other, but it is important to cover the pieces with a clean towel so that they do not become chapped and grow a little while they wait;
  19. While frying, cover the pan with a lid and fry the flatbreads until golden brown;
  20. Serve warm, with yogurt, meat or fresh vegetables.

Culinary secrets

In the last recipe, you can add butter instead of margarine. Then the cakes will be a little softer, more tender and more flavorful.

If the dough is sweet, then it can be used as flatbreads vanilla sugar or honey You can add herbs, more spices and salt to the salted dough. To make the flatbreads spicy, you can add crushed garlic or chili powder to the dough.

To make flatbreads with sour cream juicier like grandma’s, grease them with a piece of butter immediately after roasting. This may only apply to recipes in which the tortillas are fried in a pan.

The more time you give the dough to rest, the fluffier the cakes will turn out (the secret only applies to the last recipe). To do this, leave the dough in the refrigerator overnight.

Prepare flatbreads according to our recipes, and you will have something to eat for breakfast, something to snack on at night, and something to take to work as an afternoon snack. Don't miss this delicious chance!

I came across this by accident in my notes. excellent recipe... And nostalgia overwhelmed me. And in order not to become completely limp, I decided to remember and prepare this wonderful pastry. It’s definitely GOST and GOST in Africa. Nowadays, few people bake like this. But you can easily prepare this at home.

You can’t imagine the aroma in the house when I baked these wonderful cakes! All the neighbors must have gone crazy! I certainly almost went off. And what a taste! The pastries melt in your mouth and you don’t even need vanilla...

All you and I will need are these ingredients, the quantity of which for seventeen pieces is indicated at the top of the recipe (according to GOST, in recalculation from this amount of products it should have turned out to be sixteen, but for some reason I got one more).

1. First, you and I will need to prepare the dough. To do this, pour eleven grams of dry instant yeast into two hundred and eighty milliliters of warm water (not cold, otherwise the yeast will not come to life, and especially not hot, if you don’t want to cook the yeast, but at room temperature or a little higher) and let it soak there for about five minutes and absorb into the water and go into solution. After this, the yeast can be mixed with water. At the same time, they will not stick together, will not clump and will mix well.

2. After this, pour about one-third (I got exactly three hundred grams) of flour into the resulting solution and knead the dough as if it were a dough. It should have the consistency of thick oatmeal.

3. Cover the dough with plastic or stretch film and put it in a warm place to ferment for about one and a half to two hours. When the dough begins to fall off, you will need to knead the dough.

4. To do this, mix all the sour cream, granulated sugar, salt, butter (you can easily replace it with margarine)

and the remaining flour (I have exactly seven hundred grams left)

and having ground all this mass to a crumb state, pour in the finished dough

5. Then knead the soft and elastic dough.

6. Then cover the dough again with film and let it stand for about twenty to thirty minutes so that it can rest. During this time, the dough will gain gluten and become more elastic and soft. Then knead it for five to ten minutes until smooth and homogeneous. In this case, there is no need to dust either the dough or the table with flour, since the dough kneads very well and does not stick at all to your hands or to the table, and we leave it under the film in a warm place until the dough increases in volume two to three times .

7, Next, since the recipe is GOST, I decided to make the yield for the flatbreads exact. To do this, I weighed identical pieces of dough, one hundred grams each, on a measuring kitchen scale. This amount of ingredients should have yielded sixteen pieces of dough. But for some reason (maybe due to the fact that I worked for a long time as a director of a restaurant carriage :)) I ended up with one part more, namely seventeen.

8. Afterwards, we form each piece by gathering the edges of the dough inward in order to stretch it.

9. And cover the resulting balls for rest and short proofing plastic film for five to seven minutes.

10. Then roll out the dough balls with a rolling pin into flat cakes about one centimeter thick and approximately twelve centimeters in diameter so that they fit six pieces on a baking sheet.

11. Next, we give the already rolled out flat cakes another proofing period for from forty minutes to an hour and a half. It depends on how much good yeast and how much our sour cream cakes rose and increased in size.

12. And now, after such proofing, in order to avoid the formation of swelling on the surface of the cakes and the separation of their crumb, you will need to prick it often and as deeply as possible, but not completely and not with frenzy, but carefully (so as not to let the dough drop) with a toothpick with one with the broken end (so that the holes in the cakes would be larger) the surface of the cakes.

13. Afterwards, grease the surface of the flatbreads with a loose egg, or best of all with egg yolk alone (then the surface of our sour cream flatbreads will be brighter, almost even red) and it’s better if they are brushed with yolk twice.
14. And bake them in a preheated oven at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees for fifteen to seventeen minutes until a stable coloring of the surface of the cakes is formed. I managed to bake them for exactly fifteen minutes. And after preparing the sour cream cakes, they will need to be cooled until completely cooled on a wire rack.

And although the process of preparing this delicacy is quite lengthy, our GOST sour cream cakes turn out appetizing, golden-brown and so tasty that if there are all kinds of jams, sour cream, honey and so on on the table, you absolutely don’t want to spread anything on them - everything is the same eaten without a trace.

I wish you all a pleasant appetite!

Cooking time: PT04H00M 4 hours

Surely every housewife remembers the delicious joys of her childhood, many of which have already been forgotten. But in vain. Delicious fragrant pastries This dish from childhood is sure to please all family members.

One of these dishes is sour cream cakes, which could be found in school canteens. As it turns out, there is a large number of recipes for such baking, many of which have already been modified, but are delicious in their own way. For those who want to plunge into memories and learn how to make sour cream cakes, here are several recipes.

Enough simple recipe, simple products And great dish ready. One thing you can be sure of: all the components in it are known, which cannot be said about store-bought products.


This pastry meets all GOST standards, so you can be one hundred percent sure of the result. As the name suggests, the main highlight of these flatbreads is sour cream. It is this that gives baked goods a unique aroma and taste.

So, for cooking you need to prepare the following ingredients:

Sour cream 0.5 cups;
0.5 kg flour;
sugar 0.5 cups;
warm water 150 ml;
butter 75 grams;
dry yeast 1.5 heaped teaspoons;
a pinch of salt for taste.


Flour is the key to the success of any baking. Whatever the variety, it is best to sift it for airiness. This is what needs to be done in in this case. Yeast must be dissolved in warm water, put 2 tablespoons of flour there, mix thoroughly;

Let the dough rise a little. At this time, mix flour with salt, sugar and sour cream. Pour the dough into the resulting mixture;

At the end you need to add melted butter. You shouldn’t use all the flour at once; if there is not enough of it, you can always add more, but if there is too much, consider that the dough is spoiled;

As for butter, when melting you need to make sure that it does not boil. This also affects the quality of the baked goods;

The dough must be kneaded and allowed to rise in a warm place. To do this, it is better to cover it with a clean towel and leave for an hour;

After this time, it must be kneaded again, and after 10 minutes, roll it out to a thickness of approximately one centimeter. It is worth noting that the dough turns out to be very soft and elastic; working with such aromatic mass is a pleasure;

To make the cakes beautiful and neat, it is better to use a mold. A wide glass or cup is perfect for these purposes;

Using a cake mold, press out into a flat cake and place on a greased surface. sunflower oil baking sheet is not difficult. Using a fork, make several pricks;

Wait another ten minutes for the cakes to rise, then brush their surface with the pre-beaten egg and place in the preheated oven;

As soon as the cakes acquire a rich golden hue, they can be removed from the oven. Baking takes approximately half an hour.


Not all people love yeast dough, so this recipe is intended specifically for them. The role of yeast here is played by ordinary dough baking powder.

So, for these cakes you will need the following ingredients:

Sour cream 250 ml;
flour 400 grams;
2 eggs;
baking powder about 2 teaspoons;
sugar 2 tablespoons;
salt on the tip of a knife;
1 tablespoon of any oil.


Yeast-free dough Another good thing is that you don’t have to wait for it to fit; you can work with it immediately after kneading;

Just as in the first option, you first need to prepare the dough, then roll it out and squeeze out round pieces. Place them on a baking sheet. To ensure that the finished cakes come off well, it is better to use baking parchment;

The oven must be turned on in advance so that it warms up to 200 degrees. If this is not done, the cakes will not fit and will turn into dry cakes;

Bake them for 30 minutes until a brown crust forms.

Soft delicious pancakes go well with tea, they can be served with jam, condensed milk or without anything. It is better to store them in plastic bag or covered with a clean towel, so they will not dry out.