Fruit pilaf: children's food. Fruit pilaf in a slow cooker

This oriental dish took root with us at the beginning of the 19th century, thanks to the development of trade relations between peoples, and during the period of later accession of a number of Asian countries to the Soviet Union the popularity has only increased. Pilaf has found its admirers, and now this treat is a frequent guest at many feasts, and the most interesting thing is that there are quite a lot of cooking options.

The classic version of cooked pilaf is a dish where the main ingredient is boiled rice with meat (lamb, pork, beef), seasoned with vegetables and spices. This is a form of preparation familiar to many cooks, but it is much more interesting and tastier dish it will work by adding fruits and oriental sweets. Sweet pilaf is prepared by adding fruits and vegetables to the cereal, and many gourmets find this combination of ingredients a real pleasure.

It turns out not only tasty, but also healthy, if dried fruits or regular fruits are added to the rice during cooking - the pilaf becomes juicy, rich in taste and an unusual treat.

Pilaf with dried fruits - an oriental treat

Preparing an oriental meal, sweet pilaf, with the addition of dried fruits, you must always remember that not all guests can boast of their knowledge in cooking and such a dish can cause a real sensation. Sweet pilaf with dried fruits combines different tastes: sour, sweet, bitter, salty and this combination makes the dish interesting and challenging. Pilaf with dried fruits is the most popular with the addition of raisins, dried apricots and prunes.

Pilaf with raisins – unusually refined taste

To prepare pilaf with raisins you need:

  • kilogram of cereal;
  • half a kilo of medium-sized carrots;
  • 3 large onions;
  • 150 grams of raisins from dark grape varieties;
  • 1 tbsp. sunflower oil;
  • 2 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp. spices;
  • 2 tsp. cumin;
  • two liters of water.
  • The onions are peeled, washed, cut into half rings, the carrots are also prepared in a similar way, but cut into strips, placed in a heated bowl, pour in more vegetable oil. Whatever shade the fried vegetables have, so will the dish. Pour the prepared water into the same cauldron, wait until it boils, add spices and raisins, then add rice. The cereal must first be prepared by washing it to the required purity and distributing it evenly, evaporating as much as possible over low heat all the available liquid. During the cooking process, you need to make several holes, through which it is easier to find out the level of liquid in the cauldron, achieving maximum evaporation. After the liquid has disappeared, the pilaf should be firm; you will need to wrap it tightly in a towel and hold it for 10-15 minutes on a low flame. After that, let it sit for about 20 minutes, covered, and only then can we consider that the dish is ready. Sweet pilaf with raisins is served as Lenten dish, which serves well as a food that is recommended for fasting, it is often recommended by nutritionists.

    Pilaf with dried apricots, how to cook

    Pilaf with dried fruits is considered a dietary-lenten dish. Like pilaf with dried apricots and raisins, the recipes are similar in preparation. To prepare pilaf with dried apricots you will need:

    Previously prepared vegetables are cut and fried. Initially, this is done with onions, then carrots, water and dried apricots are added, and, covered tightly with a lid, simmer (3-4 minutes). Prepared cereal (washed), pour into a bowl, add salt and cook until fully cooked. 7-10 minutes before the end, pour the pilaf into a cauldron and make holes to the very bottom, this makes it easier to track the presence of water. After the sweet pilaf with dried apricots is removed, you need to let it sit so that it hardens and only then can we consider that the dish will be completely ready.

    Sweet pilaf

    Sweet pilaf with dried fruits

    Pilaf with dried apricots and prunes

    Festive pilaf with raisins and chickpeas

    Pilaf with quince

    Pilaf with prunes, a dish from the category of Lenten dishes

    Pilaf with prunes is another one of the category of Lenten dishes, which in popularity among nutritionists takes an honorable first place in the ranking. This dish is prepared like pilaf with raisins and prunes; the ingredients are very similar, as is the cooking technique. What products will you need?

    As in all previously described recipes, onions cut into half rings are fried to the desired color, carrots cut into strips are also fried, but separately. In a duckling pot or cauldron, place one by one: onions, carrots, parsley, seasoning, pour in a cup of water, and add the previously prepared cereal. The moisture should cover the rice a little, it all should boil, after which the regulator should be screwed to the minimum flame level. At the very end, when there is no liquid at the bottom of the cauldron, add prunes and cook. This recipe can also be used when preparing pilaf with dried apricots and prunes. You can try the same recipes when preparing sweet pilaf with raisins and dried apricots , These dishes are not only unusual, they are also healthy, nutritious and low in calories.

    Pilaf with dried fruits and meat – spicy taste

    Still, initially the dish belongs to meat, although the presence of dried fruits in the pilaf adds piquancy to the taste and unusual taste qualities. Pilaf with dried fruits and meat is just as easy to prepare as regular pilaf; you will need approximately the same products as before, but the dish will contain meat.

    Pilaf with raisins and meat, recipe

    To prepare pilaf with raisins and meat you will need next lineup products:

    The meat pulp is washed, dried and cut in large pieces. Fried on vegetable oil it is placed in a bowl. The onion is cut into half rings and placed with the meat, just like carrots cut into strips, after being fried with the addition of spices and salt and pepper.

    Finally, add raisins and garlic, covering more than a finger's worth of water from the top. While the zirvak is being prepared, you need to prepare the cereal - rinse it off until it reaches clean water and only then pour it into the cauldron. It should boil for at least 15 minutes, but this does not mean that it will be ready; you still need to give the sweet pilaf time to brew.

    Pilaf with prunes and meat - a flavorful dish

    To make pilaf with prunes and meat aromatic and juicy, you will need the following composition of products, which will turn exotic food into a truly royal treat.

    Vegetables are cut, pork is divided into large pieces. Pour oil into a bowl, heat it, add meat and lightly fry, constantly turning it over. Vegetables and prunes are added to the browned meat one by one. The flame is set to moderate and cook for 12-15 minutes. At the end of the frying, spices and salt are added.

    The previously prepared rice is evenly placed on top of the meat and poured over everything. boiled water. We adjust the fire to the lowest flame and wait until all the water has boiled away. When the liquid level drops to the edge of the grain, you need to stick the garlic cloves into the rice without peeling them. Over low heat, the food is brought to full condition, when the water in the cauldron is only at the bottom. After the cauldron is removed from the heat, you need to wait another 15-20 minutes and only then serve.

    Pilaf with dried apricots and meat - a delicious dish

    Pilaf with dried apricots and meat is prepared practically in the same way as the dish described above. You will need the following set of products.

    • onions - 3 large heads;
    • half a kilogram of long grain rice;
    • 600 gr. young lamb;
    • vegetable or fat tail oil 200 g;
    • 300 gr. Dried apricots;
    • set of spices for pilaf, salt, bay leaf.

    Cut the meat and vegetables: onions into half rings, carrots into strips, wash the cereal and set aside for a while. The meat is fried in oil, it should acquire a delicate color and then, adding vegetables, cook over medium heat until the whole mass appears golden. This will take 15-20 minutes. Place rice and dried apricots in a uniform ball and fill with previously boiled water. The liquid should cover the rice by 1 cm and, adding flame, cook for 15 minutes. The pilaf is cooked until the liquid completely disappears, after which it is removed from the stove, wrapped and allowed to stand for 20 minutes and served as a treat.

    Fruit pilaf has an unusual and unforgettable taste

    For those who are familiar with oriental cuisine recipes for dishes are known not only in classic preparation, but also considered a real delicacy in cooking, one of them is fruit pilaf. Pilaf with fruits is prepared according to different recipes, they are similar, but there are still differences and now this will be described in detail. Fruit pilaf with rice mainly differs in taste from the fruits chosen for cooking. They can be easily purchased at any supermarket and here are some of the recipes that housewives can take note of.

    Pilaf with pomegranate - a delicate, exotic dish

    Pilaf with pomegranates amazes even experienced gourmets with its exotic taste: extraordinary taste, tenderness, juiciness - all this is combined in this dish. To prepare you will need:

    Diced onions and carrots are sautéed together with barberries and pomegranates until soft. The meat is chopped coarsely and fried in a cauldron until golden brown and then carrots, onions and barberries are added, salted, peppered and continued to be fried until the vegetables acquire a golden color. Warm broth is poured into the cauldron and the cereal is added. The pilaf should be cooked over medium heat until the liquid completely disappears, then it is removed from the stove and allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes.

    Pilaf with quince - an interesting combination of products

    Pilaf with quince is very interesting combination in cooking. Those who have tried pilaf with quince and meat at least once will never be able to forget the sophistication and taste of the dish. What do you need to prepare this unique exotic dish?

    Fat and meat are cut into small cubes, large carrot strips, onion half rings. The quince is cut into four equal parts, the garlic is peeled, and the grain is washed. Poured into a cauldron vegetable oil and heated well over medium heat, only after that the fat is added and fried, and then removed using a slotted spoon. Now it’s the meat’s turn: it, along with the bones, is placed on the bottom and fried until lightly browned, then the onion is added and, after 2-3 minutes, the carrots.

    As soon as the carrots become soft, boiling water is poured into everything and garlic and quince are added, and all this is salted; the zirvak should be a little saltier than the pilaf itself. As soon as everything boils, the quince and garlic are caught and removed, and rice is poured in instead, but do not interfere, let it remain on top. The water should cover the grain by a finger, the cauldron is tightly closed, and the fire is set to minimum. When all the liquid has been absorbed, the quince and garlic are put back into the pilaf and simmered in a towel for 20 minutes.

    Pilaf with apples - tasty, healthy

    Not only pilaf with apples tasty food, while also being a healthy dish for digestion. Sweet pilaf with apples is prepared as follows.

    Apples are washed, peeled from seeds and cut into large pieces, just like meat: veins, parts of bones, film are removed, and divided into large pieces of 50-70 grams. each. Onions and garlic are fried in a glass of well-heated vegetable oil, and a similar procedure is done with meat in it. When the meat is tenderly browned, pour in a small part of the broth and throw in the carrots cut into strips, cover tightly with a lid and simmer for about 10 minutes, and then add the previously washed rice.

    Having evenly leveled the cereal, add broth so that the liquid completely covers the pilaf 1 cm above the level, can be diluted with water if necessary, and boil over medium heat. Now you can add apples, peppers, coriander and continue to simmer for 15 minutes with the lid tightly closed. Then the apples can be carefully collected and only at the end, before serving the dish, decorate the treat, and now you can add ginger, almonds and then simmer with a well-covered lid for another 2-3 minutes, then remove from the stove, wrap tightly and let it brew. Only now can the sweet pilaf be considered completely ready.

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

In my opinion, fruit pilaf is the most delicious! Cereals combined with juicy fruits, spicy cinnamon and honey create an amazing combination. I would recommend serving this porridge for breakfast - it is nutritious and healthy, and, by the way, very filling - the charge of energy will last for a long time.

Fruit pilaf with rice involves the use of a wide variety of fruits, dried fruits and other sweets. I chose the invincible trinity of banana, apple and pear. We can see these friends on store shelves all year long. Of course, experiments and new components are welcome in the recipe. You can replace these fruits with your favorite ones according to your taste. Just don’t overdo it, it’s pilaf after all, not fruit salad. I also use raisins, cinnamon and honey - essential components of fruit pilaf. AND butter- without it, porridge is not porridge at all. All ingredients are ready, let's get started!

Wash the rice thoroughly and place it in a pan with water. We sort out the raisins, wash them, preferably steam them with boiling water for a couple of minutes and also put them in a saucepan.

Cook the cereal until cooked (check for teeth) and liquid is absorbed (about 10 minutes). If the rice is ready and the water has not yet been absorbed, drain the porridge in a colander to drain off excess liquid and return it to the pan.

Peel the banana and cut into small pieces.

We cut the pear the same way, I do not remove the peel.

I peel the apple only from the core and cut it like other fruits.

I add some salt to the finished cereal with raisins, make a small well in the center of the pilaf and put butter and honey there.

I put pieces of fruit on top and add cinnamon. I level the fruit layer over the rice.

Close the pan with a lid and put it in a warm place - for example, in a slightly preheated oven, so that the pilaf is ready for 45 minutes. You can also wrap the pan in a warm blanket or towel and place it near the radiator.

Fruit pilaf is ready! We serve it to the table for breakfast and help ourselves. Bon appetit!

Needless to say, Eastern people know a lot about pilaf. They just have them inimitable ! But this delicious And healthy dish We also learned to cook. Moreover, as many housewives in the world as there are so many recipes. More precisely, its nuances. You and I can’t have a lot of fat, we’re not allowed to eat fried foods. How can it be, I’ve been wanting pilaf for a long time. And not just pilaf, but one without onions and carrots. That is, without frying.

We offer you the recipe super tasty And lung pilaf in every way. Fruity ! Its whole essence boils down to one thing - maintain all proportions correctly , time and how each product involved in cooking should be processed.

As a rule, pilaf is cooked in a cauldron. Its bottom and walls are thick, and pilaf in it is ideal. But if you don’t have a pot, it doesn’t matter. Can be cooked in a thick, high-sided frying pan. The process is almost the same. The only difference is the height of the vessel.

There are even more perfect option- multicooker! Not only is everything easy and simple in this case. Pilaf turns out the real one , very tasty , boiled and fragrant . The kids will definitely love it. Your efforts will be appreciated by all your grown-ups at home.

In short, let’s prepare all the ingredients and start cooking. And right now you will find out exactly how.

Cooking method:

Step 1

Let's start with rice. We will not tell you a secret by saying that rice needs special processing. After all, we want a non-sticky porridge. We want a little bit of rice!

Therefore, we do not regret cold water and thoroughly wash the cereal. Fill it with water and leave it while we do other things.

Step 2

The more different fruits, the tastier and healthier it is. But you and I will not conduct experiments today, and will make do with traditional ingredients.

It is desirable, of course, that the raisins be of several varieties. It, like butter in porridge, will not spoil our pilaf! Place raisins, prunes and dried apricots in a plate and pour cold water. Let it all stand aside for now to soften a little.

Step 3

Let's get back to rice. It will turn out perfect if we keep it in water for a little while.

It won't swell, no need to worry. But everything superfluous will come off, which prevents the pilaf from becoming real. Don't forget to rinse often.

Step 4

In what form should you put dried apricots and prunes? It’s possible entirely, but then it won’t be enough for everyone.

You can add more berries, but it’s better to let the raisins dominate. In a word, we will squeeze the dried apricots and prunes from the water and cut them into strips.

Step 5

We also remove the raisins from the plate with water. Grease the bottom of the bowl and place dried apricots, prunes and raisins on it.

Sprinkle pilaf spices on top to suit your taste.

Step 6

Let's level out everything that has already been put in the cauldron or frying pan.

Pour the rice on top and also level it, making a hole in the middle - we will pour water here.

Step 7

How much water should I pour? As a rule, pour it so that the water is a finger high above the rice. But in order not to be mistaken, we will still make it according to the recipe - 2 glasses, pre-heated until hot. Cover with a lid and when the water boils, turn down the heat as much as possible.

If it’s a microwave, that’s generally great - it has a very convenient function, it’s called “pilaf.” She will set the time herself, and then also inform you that the dish is ready. What a beauty it turned out!

Step 8

Of course, we are not used to eating pilaf with our hands the way the Uzbeks do. Therefore, let's put everything on plates.

But the consistency of the rice is such that it is very convenient to take it with your hands, rolling it into balls.

In a word, an excellent dietary pilaf, which will not affect your blood pressure or your waistline, will be included in your diet for a long time. And Bon Appetit!

Please note, we are pilaf don't add salt !

  • Spices for pilaf - refers to sets that are sold on the market. They can be placed at the rate of 10 grams. for this recipe.
  • Be sure to warm up the water before pouring it into the rice and other foods.
  • Pilaf without onions.
  • We do not open the lid for the first 20 minutes. Then, if there is not enough water, you can add hot water.
  • If desired, you can top it with honey.

Many people only know traditional recipes this dish, but there is also fruit pilaf. It has a characteristic taste that only dried fruits or fresh fruits and berries. This pilaf is a godsend for children, as well as for parents.

Traditional recipe

Fruit pilaf will become a favorite for children and adults not only because of its taste, but also because of its health benefits. dietary properties. It is quite simple to prepare, and you can eat it both hot and cold.

  • liter of water;
  • 2 cups rice;
  • 70 grams each of figs, dried apricots and prunes;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • half a teaspoon of turmeric.
  • To prepare fruit pilaf, heat a cauldron over a fire and pour vegetable oil into it.
  • Grate the carrots, place them in a cauldron, and then add raisins to them.
  • Cut the dried fruits into halves, lay them in a layer on top of the raisins, then add the figs cut into pieces, sprinkle the dried fruits with turmeric.
  • While the dried fruits are roasting, make the rice. Rinse it until the water is clear.
  • Place the washed rice on top of the dried fruits and pour hot water. The water should cover the rice layer by 1 - 2 centimeters.
  • Simmer the rice until the water has completely evaporated, then turn off the heat and simmer the fruit pilaf for 15 minutes under the lid.

Recipe with peaches

Pilaf with peaches – very delicious food worthy of being prepared in summer time. Fruit pilaf with peaches is light, with an unforgettable taste and aroma. Preparing such a fruit dish is a little more difficult than traditional fruit pilaf, but it’s worth it.

  • 1.5 cups rice;
  • 100 grams of butter (vegetable oil can be used);
  • 200 grams of dried apricots and raisins;
  • a glass of cherry plum;
  • 3 ripe peaches;
  • 100 grams of peeled raw almonds;
  • honey for 2 spoons;
  • half a glass of juice of one pomegranate;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 cloves;
  • a teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • 1 tablespoon of saffron infusion.
  • To prepare this delicious fruit dish, first wash the rice and boil it in enough salted water until half cooked.
  • Place the rice in a colander, then rinse under cold water.
  • Place half of the boiled rice in a thick-bottomed bowl, mix with 100 grams of butter.
  • Level the rice layer, cover the pan or cauldron with a lid, and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes. This time is enough to completely cook the rice.
  • Dried fruits, fruits, almonds cut into small pieces and fry until golden brown.
  • In a separate pan, boil the syrup from pomegranate juice, sugar and honey. To finally prepare the syrup, add fried fruits and spices to it.
  • Mix the rice with the fruit syrup. Fruit pilaf with peaches is ready.

Recipe with apples and pumpkin

It’s not difficult to prepare pilaf with apples and pumpkin for children and adults. Apples and pumpkin go well together and with other ingredients.

  • To prepare pumpkin and fruit pilaf, peel the pumpkin and remove seeds, and cut the apples (preferably green ones) into cubes.
  • Mix pumpkin, apples, raisins and finely chopped quince.
  • Rinse the rice several times until the water is clear.
  • Pour odorless vegetable oil into the bottom of a cauldron or pan and heat it. Then lay out the pumpkin pieces so that they cover the entire bottom, then cover it with some of the rice, and on top put some of the apples with quinces and raisins, sprinkle the fruit dish with sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg.
  • Then again make a layer of rice and a layer of fruit. Fill the dish with salted water and oil so that the rice is completely covered.
  • Cover the cauldron with a lid, simmer the rice and fruit dish for about an hour over low heat.

Now you know that preparing the food is quite simple and easy, and the pilaf turns out to be light and tasty.

Fruit pilaf in a slow cooker with apples, prunes and dried apricots is tasty and healthy. Your children will be delighted with this pilaf. In addition, if you use vegetable oil instead of butter in the recipe, the dish turns out lean.

Recipe ingredients: Fruit pilaf in a slow cooker:

Raisins 100 gr

Dried apricots, prunes 50-70 g each

Apples 2 pcs

Carrots 1 (small) pcs.

Butter or vegetable oil (in fasting) 70 g

Turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg - to taste

Salt to taste

Step-by-step recipe with photos: Fruit pilaf in a slow cooker

1.Prepare the rice. To do this, place the rice in a deep container, add a tablespoon of salt, pour in water, let it stand, and then rinse it in several waters.

2. Pour boiling water over the raisins and rinse well. I usually also wash all dried fruits with salt. That is, like rice, I sprinkle them with salt, then pour boiling water over them and rinse them with cold water.
3. Wash the prunes and dried apricots in a similar way, and then, after drying, cut the dried fruits into strips.
4. Wash the carrots, peel them and finely chop them or grate them.
5. Peel the apples and cut them into small cubes.
6. Grease the multicooker bowl with butter and lay out the carrots.
7. Sprinkle raisins in the next layer.
8. Next, add prunes and dried apricots.
9. Lay out the apples and add spices. I used turmeric, cinnamon and nutmeg.
10. Add butter.
11. Spread the rice on top in an even layer, add salt and pour hot boiled water. There should be twice the volume of water compared to rice.
12. Close the multicooker and set the “Pilaf” program.
Gently mix the finished fruit pilaf in the multicooker bowl so that the dried fruits are distributed evenly, place in portioned plates and serve. Bon appetit!

Fruit pilaf in a Dutch oven, frying pan or thick-walled saucepan.

How to cook fruit pilaf without using a slow cooker. You can also cook in a deep frying pan, Dutch oven or in a saucepan with a thick bottom. The recipe sequence itself is similar to the previous one. Essentially, we are repeating all the same steps as when cooking in a slow cooker. We prepare all the ingredients. Pour oil into a selected deep container and heat it. Lay out the carrots; the carrots can be lightly fried. Next, put everything in the same order: raisins, dried fruits, rice, salt and fill everything with hot water. But in this case, we close the lid of the container only when the water leaves the surface of the rice and at the same time reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer until done with the lid closed.

Delicious lean fruit pilaf in the oven

If you decide to cook fruit pilaf in the oven, then it is best to use a Dutch oven. To prepare, all ingredients are placed in the same order in the roasting pan and the container is placed in the oven. Pilaf is prepared in the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

I told you how to cook delicious fruit pilaf in a slow cooker or other container: a Dutch oven, a frying pan or a saucepan with a thick bottom. As for the ingredients, you can add figs to fruit pilaf, use pumpkin, pears or cherry plums instead of apples. You can combine fruits depending on your taste preferences and add your favorite spices and honey. Enjoy preparing this delicious Lenten dish!