Black grape jam is a simple recipe. Kishmish grape jam for the winter

The end of summer is the time for preparations for the winter, including jam. We are accustomed to making it from almost all fruits and berries, but we unfairly ignore grapes, from which we prepare only compotes, wines and raisins. And in vain: grape jam- a very tasty dessert that you will surely like.

Useful properties of grapes

The first thing we notice about grapes is their taste and juiciness. But have you ever wondered how it can be useful for our body? 100 grams of berries contain 72 kcal and a lot of carbohydrates, which makes grapes very nutritious. If we talk about substances useful for the body, then we can simply give a detailed list for clarity.

Grapes contain:

  • water;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates, incl. mono- and disaccharides;
  • dietary fiber (fiber);
  • pectin;
  • organic acids (tartaric, citric, oxalic, malic, etc.);
  • ash.

In addition, almost a full range of vitamins, micro and macro elements will provide you with the necessary energy not only for health, but also for excellent well-being and good mood.

Grapes - not only delicious berry but also a source of useful trace elements

Grapes are used not only for cooking delicious food. It is used as a basis for the production of medicines in the treatment of many diseases, in the cosmetic industry. The substances that make up grapes help fight cancer, kidney disease, arthritis, and digestive system disorders.

The juice of this berry has a bactericidal, diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic and expectorant effect. In addition, it tones and strengthens the body, increases muscle tone, reduces arterial pressure. Doctors prescribe it for diseases such as tonsillitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, uric acid diathesis, anemia, hypertension, gout and many others.

Jam from different varieties: several recipes

Grape connoisseurs know that each variety has its own taste and certain special qualities. Of course, this will affect the jam and how it is prepared. We offer you several recipes that will help you do everything right.

The general rule for making grape jam is a minimum of ingredients, but a rather long process consisting of several stages.

Some varieties of white grapes in the photo

White grape jam

You will need:

  • 1 kg white grapes;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 0.5 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

Rinse the grapes carefully, let them dry, and then remove the berries from the branches. If you see fit, remove the bones (preferably).

White grapes are great for making jam

Please note: to make it easier to separate the berries from the branches, use not very sharp scissors. So the grapes will remain intact and will not crumple.

cook thick syrup. To do this, boil water, add sugar to it and boil for 10-15 minutes.

Cool the syrup, put the berries in it and put it on the fire again. At this stage, the preparation of jam begins. First, cook on low heat for 60 minutes, then gradually increase the heat, and cook on full heat for 10 minutes. At the end add citric acid and vanilla. Mix thoroughly. Your jam is ready, it remains to decompose it into clean, dry jars.


This wonderful, tasty and juicy variety is just entering its harvest season, late August - early September. The special value of quiche-mish is that there are no seeds in it. For jam, this is very important: the berries remain intact, and the taste becomes more refined.

Quiche-mish grapes do not contain seeds, so they are very suitable for jam

For quiche-mish jam, you will need the following products:

  • 500-600 g of grapes;
  • 400-500 g of granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 cups of water;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of vanillin.
  1. Separate the berries from the branches, remove the rotten and damaged ones. Rinse the grapes thoroughly in running water using a colander.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan. Add sugar and stir, cook until completely dissolved. Transfer the berries to the resulting syrup, after a couple of minutes of boiling, remove from heat, cover with a towel and leave the jam for about 8 hours at room temperature.
  3. Drain the syrup without berries into another saucepan, boil it over low heat and cook for 5-7 minutes. While the syrup is hot, put the berries in it. Remove the pan from the stove and leave for another 8 hours.
  4. Put the mass on medium heat, bring it to a boil and cook until tender. The berries should become transparent and stop floating to the surface. Add vanilla and stir. The jam is ready, it's time to put it in jars.

Do not be afraid that such jam is prepared for a very long time, with such long breaks. Indeed, during the time that the berries are infused at room temperature, you can cook jam from a different variety.

Isabella delicacy

This variety is very juicy, it has a very peculiar, with nothing incomparable taste. You are probably familiar with Isabella wine, and now imagine what kind of jam will turn out from such grapes! Plus, this recipe won't take long.

Isabella grape variety

You will need:

  • 1.5 kilograms of berries;
  • 0.3 liters of water;
  • 4 and a half cups of sugar.

Separate the berries from the branches, rinse and drain excess liquid.

Pour water into a saucepan, add 300 grams of sugar, boil to make syrup. Put the berries in a boiling solution, cook over low heat for 5 minutes. cool the workpiece, put it back on slow fire. Pour 3 cups of sugar, boil for half an hour. That's it, the jam is ready!

Grape jam with seeds

Most often, it is recommended to remove the seeds from grapes before making jam. As you know, this is a rather complicated matter. Therefore, we suggest not wasting time on this activity, but making jam from grapes of any variety that has seeds. In addition, they give the dessert interesting taste and contain substances that will help to avoid many diseases.

Grapes of any variety will give the jam a certain color.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

Clean and wash the berries. Blanch them for two minutes in boiling water, cool.

Pour the cooled grapes with hot syrup, cook in two steps. At the end of cooking, add half a teaspoon of citric acid. Remove the jam from the heat, and when it cools down, put it in jars.

Combined with other products

Like many other berries, grapes go well with other products, which make delicious and healthy juices, compotes, and especially jam.

with apples

This classic combination is known to each of us since childhood. The alliance of apples and grapes is very useful for both children and adults. It would be unforgivable to miss the recipe for such a jam. You will need:

  • 3 kg of ripe apples;
  • 1 kg of grape brushes;
  • 1 liter of water.

Rinse and peel the apples, cut them into thin slices. Throw grapes to apples, pour boiled hot water. Bring to a boil, make a low heat and leave to simmer.

When the mass boils, remove it from the stove. Leave for 4 hours. After that, put it back on low heat and bring to a boil.

You need to repeat this procedure every 4 hours for 2 days.

With walnuts

This jam is very tasty and your family will surely like it.


  • grapes - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 0.5 kilograms;
  • water - 1/3 cup;
  • walnuts - 10 pieces;
  • vanillin and cherry leaf optional.

Make syrup from water and sugar. While it is cooking, blanch the peeled grapes. Take them out, put them in syrup, cook for 7 minutes.

Sometimes variations of grape and nut dishes look very original.

Remove the jam from the heat and leave at room temperature for 10 hours so that the berries are soaked and infused. Put the pan back on the stove, bring to a boil, add vanilla and peeled, chopped nuts. Boil for another 15 minutes and remove from heat.

with pear

You will need:

  • 2 kg of pears;
  • 2 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 300 grams of grapes;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 0.3 liters of water.

Rinse pears and grapes, dry. Pears cut into small pieces.

Boil the syrup, put grapes in it. After a few minutes, put the pears in there.

Pour in the remaining sugar, continue to cook for about an hour. At the end of cooking, add the juice of one lemon.

with orange

This dessert will surely become a real decoration of the festive table.

Jam from grapes and oranges - an unusually delicious exotic dessert

You will need:

  • 1 large orange;
  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 0.25 l of water.

Boil water and add 300 grams of sugar to it. Dip the grapes in the resulting syrup, leave for 4 hours.

Put the pan with berries in syrup on the stove, wait until it boils and add another 300 g of sugar. Boil for 10 minutes, remove from the stove, leave for 10 hours.

Boil again, while adding the rest of the sugar. At the end of cooking, pour in orange juice.

Spicy grape jam

This is very unusual recipe. This jam is spicy, fragrant and spicy. For him, you need to take sweet seedless grapes, devoid of aroma, for example, white quiche-mish.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • juice of 1 large lemon;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • 3 cloves;
  • piece of cinnamon 1 cm.

Please note: cinnamon and cloves are very strong spices, it is better to add less of them than shift them. You can use powdered cinnamon, but it's easier to remove a piece of bark after cooking, so the jam will retain amber transparency.

Grape jam is something. In a sense, something different than the inhabitants of central Russia are accustomed to understand by the word "jam". This is literally sweet nectar, which releases a bunch of endorphins from the first thoughtfully eaten spoon. There is some southern magic in it. It's like a concentrate of the sun. All in all, this is a must try.

I make this jam in two versions, adding either walnut or lemon-cinnamon. Now I’ll tell you about the option with walnuts, but I’ll post the recipe for lemon-cinnamon later, agreed? Basic recipe in a nutshell, my regular customer, a native Baku woman, taught me.

For grape jam, white raisins of any size are well suited (as a rule, they are on sale at least until late autumn).

To make grape jam, we need:

  • 1 kg fresh raisins
  • 750 g granulated sugar
  • 150-200 g walnuts(no shell)
  • Vanillin sachet

Grape jam recipe:

  1. Kishmish is separated from the branches, thoroughly washed in a colander, let the water drain from the berries.
  2. We spread the grapes in the container in which we will cook the jam, pour sugar on top, let stand for about 2 hours (no longer necessary).
  3. We turn on a small fire and after boiling, cook for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Let the jam cool down (at least 3 hours in an open cooking container), then bring to a boil again and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. We repeat the procedure with cooling and subsequent five-minute boiling only 5-6 times until the desired jam density (make sure that the whole thing does not turn into churchkhela).
  5. We crush the walnuts with a rolling pin or a knife not too finely. Fry with constant stirring for a minute or two in a dry frying pan. We add them to the jam at the beginning of the 4th five-minute boil, and a bag of vanillin at the same time.

Already after the fifth five-minute boiling, the jam is very thick, and when it cools down, it will be even thicker. If you want the syrup to be thick, like caramel, boil for the 6th time.

How to understand that jam (any) is basically ready? Drop a drop of syrup on a clean, dry saucer - it should not spread, it will remain a button, like a drop of dew. If the drop loses its shape, spreads - you need to cook more. If you cook jam in a small amount for the next week and store it in the refrigerator, you may well not boil it to the state of an ideal drop. And if you plan to store jam all winter in a closet, you need to cook as I described, plus, of course, sterilized jars and lids.

Grape jam is made very simply, but it looks gorgeous, especially in small containers. So you have expected overdressed five-star guests with twenty fingers like a fan - feel free to take out your grape handmade and proudly say that not everyone will succeed (and this is true - if you don’t know about general principles cooking jam from juicy berries), but only with a good housewife - this is such a kind of Baku test for general culinary skills. Good luck in cooking jam, and not only.

Cooking homemade jam

Eat fragrant jam cold winter evenings many people love it. Especially tasty for the winter is jam from grapes with seeds. Get ready!

4 h

225 kcal

5/5 (3)

I have loved jam since childhood. I love putting it on White bread and eat with hot tea. Now you can buy any of its varieties in the store. And in the distant Soviet years, housewives had to close this sweetness on their own. My mother spent many hours in the kitchen, but our whole family was provided with this delicacy for the whole autumn and winter.

Many years have passed since then, but my love for jam has not gone away. Now I close it myself mom's recipes. And the question is: what can be prepared from grapes to preserve the taste of autumn for the winter? Answer: of course, jam!

Although I know many recipes for grape jam, I especially love grape seed jam. Surprised? Yes, we are all used to closing cherry, currant or raspberry jam. You will meet infrequently jam from grapes. And in vain, because it is not only very tasty, but also healthy. I have a couple of easy recipes that I would love to share with you.

How to choose ingredients

Jam is the most popular among other recipes and methods for preserving grapes. The main thing is to choose the right main ingredient. Would need large grapes with thick skins. You can take both white and black. Do not take wine varieties. In addition, perfect sour grapes. Jam from sour grapes does not require addition a large number citric acid, which acts as a preservative.

How to prepare grapes?

You need to do this as follows:

  1. Separate the grapes from the bunch.
  2. Sort the berries carefully. Throw away all rotten, bursting and sluggish. Suitable for jam large, fleshy berries with thick intact skin.
  3. Remove all stems. This must be done carefully, without damaging the berries.
  4. Wash the grapes. Lay it out to dry on a flat surface. Do not wipe the berries so you can damage them.
  5. If desired, you can remove the seeds from the grapes. But you need to do this very carefully, because you risk throwing out most of the pulp. I do not remove the bones, they do not spoil the taste of jam at all.

So, after preparation, you can start making jam. To do this, it is better to use an aluminum pan or basin. On the extreme case A thick bottomed saucepan will do. In such a dish, the jam definitely will not burn and will not stick to the bottom.

How to make grape jam: a classic recipe

You will need:

What do we have to do:

  1. Prepare the grapes as above.
  2. Pour a glass of water into the pan, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  3. As soon as the water boils, pour in the sugar and mix it thoroughly. Lower the fire and prepare the syrup. Bring the syrup to a boil and remove the saucepan from the heat.
  4. Grapes are thrown into the finished syrup. Leave them to soak In one hour.
  5. Place the saucepan with grapes and syrup over low heat for one hour. Do not forget at this time to remove the resulting foam from the jam.
  6. The signal of readiness is transparent berries grapes that don't float. If this happens, remove the pan from the stove.
  7. Add citric acid and vanillin to the jam.
  8. Wash and sterilize jars with lids. Pour jam into prepared jars and roll up.
  9. Turn hot jars upside down. Wrap in a warm blanket until cool.

Recipe for grape jam with nuts

You will need:

  • 1 kg of light grapes;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 70 g of water;
  • 100 g walnuts;
  • vanillin.

What do we have to do:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, put on a slow fire. Stir the syrup thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. He should become transparent.
  2. Separately, in another pan, boil water for blanching. This is done in order to soften the grapes.
  3. Fold the grapes in cheesecloth and dip in a pot of boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  4. After blanching, throw the grapes into the syrup. brew 5 minutes over moderate heat.
  5. Remove the saucepan with grapes in syrup from the heat, cover with a lid. Leave overnight to soak the grapes in the syrup.
  6. In the morning, put the pan on the stove, bring the jam to a boil. Add halves of kernels walnut . At this stage, you can add a little vanilla to taste. Boil ten more minutes.
  7. Prepare jars and lids: wash, sterilize. Pour hot jam into ready-made jars, roll up.
  8. Turn them upside down and wrap them in a warm towel. Leave to cool.

Grape jam - recipes and cooking rules from the site magazine

The most popular homemade grape preparations for the winter are juice, compote and wine. And some housewives also stock up on a very unusual delicacy - they close it for the winter grape jam. Varieties with large dense berries are suitable for this dessert, including Isabella, Kishmish, Muscat Delight, Husaine, Agadai, Karaburnu, Nimrang, Chaush, Talisman, Rizamat resistant, Muscat of Alexandria, Muscat Hamburg.

Preparing jam on sugar, honey syrup or boiled grape juice. For a beautiful color, cherry leaves are added to the blanks. Properly prepared grape jam (five-minute jam) is very healthy. In it, like fresh berries, there are flavonoids, vitamins A and B6, ascorbic acid, folates, minerals - calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, etc.

There are many recipes for grape jam, because it can be made from both dark and light varieties. Whole berries in a translucent syrup, grape jam or grape jam, pieces of berries in company with other fruits - these are such interesting preparations for the winter from fragrant clusters. It turns out very tasty grape jam with gooseberries, apples, pears, peaches, oranges. The dessert acquires new shades of taste when spices, aromatic herbs, nuts and dried fruits are added.

How to make grape jam: recipes

Recipe 1. classic jam from grapes

You will need: 2 kg of sweet grapes, 1 g of vanillin, 400 ml of water, 1.4 kg of sugar (can be replaced with honey), 2 g of citric acid.

Rinse the grapes, dry, separate each berry from the brushes. Remove damaged grapes. Then dip the grapes for 1 minute in boiling water and immediately immerse in cold water. Dip the blanched berries for 6-7 hours in the syrup boiled from water and granulated sugar. Preparing jam in three steps. The first and second times you need to boil the berries for 10 minutes, let them cool and soak in syrup for 8-9 hours, and at the end of the third stage, add citric acid and vanilla to add flavor. Pack the finished jam in dry hot sterilized jars, seal tightly, wrap and soak until morning.

Recipe 2. Spicy grape jam with almonds

You will need: 2.4 kg of green seedless grapes, 1.2 kg of brown sugar, 4 stars of anise and cloves, a cinnamon stick or a pinch in powder, 400 ml of grape or apple juice, 200 g almonds.

Lay the washed and de-stemmed grapes in a large bowl in layers, sprinkling each with sugar. Leave until the morning. The next day, mix the contents of the bowl with spices, add the juice, put in a deep dish and put in the oven, preheated to 150º. There, the berry mass should spend 3 hours. It needs to be stirred periodically. Almonds pour boiling water for 6-7 minutes, peel and add to the jam after it has been in the oven for 2 hours. Remove the anise, cinnamon stick (if you added it) from the finished jam, put it in sterile jars, roll it up, wrap it up and leave it to cool until the morning.

Recipe 3. Isabella jam

You will need: 3 kg of grapes, 1.8 kg of sugar, 600 ml of water.

Separate the grapes from the brushes, rinse in cold running water, discard in a colander. Pour 3 cups of sugar into boiling water, boil and cook until it is completely dissolved. Pour the grapes into the boiling syrup. After boiling, simmer the berries over low heat for no more than 7 minutes. Don't forget to skim off the foam. Cool, strain through multi-layer gauze, squeezing well so that there are no seeds and peel left in the finished dessert. After that, put the grape syrup back on the stove, add the remaining sugar and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. Pour into sterile jars, cork, wrap. Store completely cooled jam in a cool place.

Recipe 4. Grape jam with pumpkin and pear

You will need: 1 kg of grapes, 1 kg of pumpkin pulp, 500 g of pear, juice of two lemons, 600 ml grape juice, 2 tablespoons of cognac (optional), 1.6 kg of sugar.

Cut the pumpkin pulp into cubes, mix with a glass of sugar, put in a refractory form and bake for 20 minutes in the oven at a low temperature (you can cook the pumpkin in microwave oven). Cut grapes into quarters, peeled pears into cubes. Remove seeds from berries. Grape and lemon juice mix, pour into a heavy-bottomed saucepan and reduce by half. Then, without removing the saucepan from the heat, add the remaining sugar. Cook, stirring regularly, until completely dissolved. Then add pumpkin, pears and grapes to the pan. When the fruit boils, turn off the stove. Let it brew for 1 hour. Boil again, boil for 3 minutes, pour ready jam in sterilized jars, immediately roll up and let cool under a blanket.

Recipe 5.

You will need: 1.8 kg of grapes ( better varieties Isabella), zest of half a lemon, 1 kg of sugar, a glass of orange juice.

Rinse the grapes, dry them and put them in a saucepan in which jam will be cooked, removing the skin from each berry. This is the most tedious process in this recipe. Then everything is simple. Bring the grapes to a boil over medium heat. If needed, add some water. Simmer no more than 5 minutes. Cool the berry mass and strain through a sieve. This will help get rid of the bones. Return the berry puree to the pot, add Orange fresh, sugar and lemon zest, mix with a wooden spatula, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20-25 minutes. During cooking, do not forget to remove the white foam from the jam. Ready dessert Pour into jars, seal and let cool at room temperature.

Recipe 6.

You will need: 1.5 kg of gooseberries, 3 kg of seedless sweet grapes.

Sort the berries, rinse, dry and twist in a meat grinder: grapes separately, gooseberries separately. Combine the grated berries and heat over low heat, and when the first bubbles appear, remove the pan from the stove. The jam must be cold. Do the same 3 more times. If the dessert seems unsweetened to you, you can add a little sweet syrup to the berries, and at the end of the fourth boil, flavor it with your favorite spices. Put the cooled jam in sterilized jars, roll up with boiled metal lids and leave warm until completely cooled.

Recipe 7. Spicy jam with whole berries from the Kishmish variety

You will need: 2 kg of Kishmish grapes, 1.6 g of light honey (can be replaced with sugar), 6 cloves, 2 large lemons, a cinnamon stick, a couple of sprigs of thyme, 200 ml of water.

Add honey, spices, thyme and lemon juice to a pot of water. Boil the syrup. Gently rinse the grapes, peeled from branches, dry them and prick each berry with a thick needle in several places so that they do not burst during cooking. Put the prepared grapes in warm syrup, heat it over low heat to 70º, remove from the stove and let cool completely. So the jam needs to be warmed up several times during the day, at night let it soak in syrup, and in the morning just bring it to a boil and leave for a day to insist. Then boil again and cook, stirring gently, no more than 10 minutes. You should get a translucent honey-amber syrup with whole berries inside.

Recipe 8. Five-minute jam from grapes with apples

You will need: 1 kg of grapes, 700 g of apples, 700-800 g of sugar.

Wash apples and grapes thoroughly. Cut the apples into cubes or thin slices, divide the berries into halves. Arrange the apples interspersed with the grapes enamelware, carefully sprinkling each layer with sugar. Now you need to wait for the release of juice. When this happens, stir the fruit, put on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Cook for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam and stirring continuously with a wooden spatula. Add some water if necessary. Let the jam cool at room temperature, bring it to a boil again, turn off the heat, pour into hot sterilized jars, cork, turn upside down and let cool.

Cold winter evening grape jam will remind you of sunny summer and flowering meadows. Try to cook this unusual delicacy at home, and it will surely become one of your family's favorite desserts. You can please your family not only with grape jam itself, but also delicious desserts with its addition - bagels, pies, casseroles. The aroma of fresh pastries always fills the house with comfort. Good luck preparing for the winter! Treat yourself to a piece of grape happiness!

Few people know that a recipe for grape jam is very common in Ukraine. This is not surprising, because for us grapes are a “purchased” berry, and jam can also be made from strawberries harvested from our own garden. Nevertheless, you can leave for yourself the memory of the past summer with its warmth and sun - make jam from the sweet southern berry. Preparing grape jam does not take much time and the grape jam itself turns out to be very tasty. In addition, you will have the opportunity to surprise guests who have dropped in for tea.

Easy grape jam recipe

Almost any grape is suitable for jam - blue, green, yellow. Very popular isabella's jam. Our recipe used blue grapes, and the color of the jam turned out to be appropriate.

You will need:
1 kg of grapes (wash it and pick it from the branches);
1 kg of sugar;
Glass of water;
1 teaspoon of vanillin;
1 teaspoon citric acid.

Prepare the syrup first. To do this, heat water in a saucepan and add all the sugar while stirring. Boil a little.

Then put the grapes in the pan, stir and cook for half an hour. Let cool and cook over low heat 2 more times, each time for at least an hour.

Foams will form on the surface of the jam - remove them. Also remove grape seeds.

At the end of cooking, add vanilla and citric acid. Stir well and turn off the fire. If you want to receive grape jam with nuts, add a handful of almonds or hazelnuts.

How to Know When Your Grape Jam is Ready

The jam can be allowed to cool when the berries look transparent and no longer float to the surface.
Put a drop of jam on a plate. If it does not spread, but freezes in place, then the jam is ready.

Let the jam cool, and then close in jars. As a result, you will get a very tasty and unusual delicacy that your loved ones will appreciate!

Grape jam in winter will remind you of sunny summer days and help you warm up no less than.

Anastasia Kuptsova for the site