The most delicious and interesting orange jam recipes. Recipes for delicious orange jam with and without peel

Lemon jam- This is a delicacy that is made from peeled lemon, sometimes it is not peeled. If you eat a spoonful of jam at least once every few days, the body will better absorb calcium and iron, and the digestive system will be normalized.

The beneficial qualities of lemon jam are due to its composition. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which is a natural antiseptic and antioxidant. It is also recommended to eat jam to prevent ARVI and after antibiotic therapy. The delicacy is indicated for people with low stomach acidity (it effectively increases it).

Lemon jam removes waste and toxins from human body. This product is also used in dietetics because it speeds up the metabolic process and does not contain fat. Energy value jam (100 grams) is equal to 200 kilocalories.

Although the delicacy is very healthy, it should be eaten within reasonable limits. It is not advisable for people who suffer from frequent allergic rashes to consume large quantities dessert.

Lemon jam contains citric acid, which has a negative effect on tooth enamel, so if a person has sensitive teeth, he should not include this food in his diet. You should avoid jam if you have diseases: pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis and tonsillitis.

Recipe for lemon jam with zest

Lemon jam with zest - extraordinary recipe, which is popular and prepared by many housewives. The cooking process will take about three hours. The result is 3 liters of rich jam.

To prepare you will need:

  • 2 liters of clean water;
  • 2 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 kilograms of ripe lemons.

The first step is to wash the lemons and dry them with a towel. Then the lemon zest is removed and cut into strips or grated on a large grater.

Next, cut in half and squeeze the juice into the container in which the delicacy will be cooked. Water and sugar are poured into the juice and chopped zest is added.

The white lemon peel and seeds should be placed in a bag, tied and placed in the pan in which the dessert will be prepared (but this is optional). Next, you need to turn on medium heat and bring the brew to a boil. Cooking duration is 1-3 hours.

The dishes must not be covered with a lid. During cooking, the contents of the container will decrease by half.

The readiness of the jam is checked as follows: a few drops of the delicacy should be dropped onto a plate; when turning the dish in different directions, the dessert should maintain its structure. This lemon jam recipe is very simple, despite the ease of preparation, the resulting lemon jam mass is very tasty.

Lemon jam with peel

Lemon jam with peel takes an hour and a half to prepare. Ingredients that will be needed in the cooking process: 4 large lemons, 1 liter of water, half a kilogram of granulated sugar. First you need to wash the lemons and wipe them dry. This can be done with a paper towel.

Grate the zest of 3 lemons into a bowl. Peel the remaining lemon, chop it and add it to the zest.

Add 250 milliliters of water to the zest and peel in a saucepan and light the gas (medium heat). The contents of the cooking container should boil after 10 minutes.

The next stage of preparation is to separate the lemons into segments to obtain a tasty and flavored jam lemon juice at home, you only need the pulp of the fruit. Place the pulp with one glass of granulated sugar in a food processor and beat thoroughly.
After this procedure, drain the water from the zest and shavings and beat the contents of the combine again for 10 minutes.

Repeated whipping is necessary to ensure that the jam does not become bitter.

The next step is to add the lemon-sugar mixture from the food processor to the zest and shavings. The remaining sugar and water are also added to the pan. The ingredients are mixed with a wooden spoon, the saucepan is placed on the fire. Cooking duration is 45-60 minutes. The finished treat should be thick, bright and boiled.

The dessert can be poured into beautiful containers or jars and eaten with toast. Jam mass will ideally decorate breakfast, because bread spread with such sweetness will not leave a single person indifferent.

Lemon-orange jam

Lemon and orange jam is an irresistible sweetness. It is also called amber because of its beautiful rich hue. For one person, to make jam you will need:

  • 3 medium sized oranges;
  • 3 large lemons;
  • 1-1.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanillin;
  • 1 cinnamon stick (you can just use crushed cinnamon).

First step. You need to remove the zest from the oranges, but do not throw them away, as they will be needed later.

Second step. Oranges should be cut into 6-8 parts and the seeds removed. Fragrant fruits are covered with granulated sugar and left for 1.5-2 hours. This is necessary so that the oranges release as much juice as possible.

The third cooking step begins after 2 hours. You need to squeeze the juice out of the lemons and remove the seeds. Freshly squeezed juice is poured over chopped oranges.

Draining the water and pouring new water is necessary so that the sweetness does not become bitter.

Cooking will take from 1 to 1.5 hours until the lemon peels become soft.

The next step is to strain the lemon juice into the oranges. Cinnamon and vanillin are added. Only now you need to start boiling the oranges for one and a half to two hours. The sweet mass should be reduced by half.

The last stage of cooking: you need to take out a cinnamon stick (in case a stick was thrown in place of the seasoning) and grind it in a food processor. Orange zest should be cut into strips and added to the jam mixture.

Bring the finished goodness to a boil for the last time and turn off the gas. Finished product Can be placed in glass jars and stored in the refrigerator. When preparing lemon jam with love, a recipe with a photo will help you not to make mistakes in the preparation steps and do everything correctly.

What can you eat lemon jam with?

Jam made from lemons and other fruits or dried fruits can be added to various dishes, complementing them and giving their taste sophistication. Lemon jam sweetness goes perfectly with pancakes and pancakes of your own homemade. Jam can be used as a filling for pancakes.

Lemon jam is not only healthy during the cold season, but also piquant. It can serve as a refill for fruit salad and make it more intense. Options with which you can eat the delicacy: with waffles, diet bread, croutons, unfilled buns, bagels, rye bread croutons.

Jam made from juicy lemons will be an excellent filling for baked yeast products. Homemade scones and pies are rich, fluffy, and have a great flavor.

For those losing weight natural products, which contain a minimum of fat, should form part of the diet. Freshly squeezed fruit jam fits perfectly into dietary food and will be completely beneficial.

Bright Orange Jam is just a salvation in a rainy autumn!

One day I stayed overnight with my newlywed friends. In the morning, before leaving the hospitable house, we sat down to have breakfast. Breakfast turned out to be exclusively English: strong, aromatic black tea, fried bacon with fried eggs, hot crispy toast, and, lo and behold, orange jam! I haven’t tasted anything tastier since childhood, and to be completely honest and accurate, I’ve never tried it. This amber-colored jam, fragrant with oranges and lemons at the same time, plunged me into summer that autumn morning. It was as if the sun itself had treated us with its delicacy from its pantry of supplies and preparations.

Being a culinary enthusiast myself, I asked my friend for the recipe. It's quite simple - write it down.

Oranges – 1 kg.
Lemons – 2 pcs.
Cinnamon – 10 gr. (one stick)
Sugar – 1 kg.
Clean water – 1 liter.
Citric acid – 10 g.

Let's start by thoroughly washing the oranges and lemons. Then use a vegetable peeler to peel the oranges. Next, cut the fruits into 6-8 parts and transfer them to a container for making jam. Let the fruits let out their juice, after covering everything with sugar. This procedure usually takes 2-3 hours. During this time period, oranges release the maximum amount of juice. This is why orange fruits need to be cut and not divided into slices. When cut, the fruits are more likely to release the maximum amount of juice

While the oranges are brewing and releasing their juice, we make lemon juice using a juicer. After the oranges give juice, pour freshly squeezed lemon juice into the container.

In a pre-prepared saucepan, boil the lemon zest in water, the volume should not exceed 1 liter. Cook the zest until completely cooked, i.e. until it becomes soft. Then, filter the resulting broth and pour it into a container with previously soaked oranges and lemon juice.

The most long-awaited and anxious moment is making orange jam. Place the container with all the previously prepared ingredients on low, low heat. Add cinnamon and cook the entire jam mass until half of the previous volume remains. The entire cooking procedure will take one and a half hours or more. It all depends on the fire you make.
When the desired consistency and volume of jam is achieved, we remove the container from the heat, let it cool, and use a blender to chop the orange fruit. This procedure can be done manually, but it will take a lot of effort and time, so it’s better to trust a blender. One more nuance. After we have chopped the oranges, we need to take out the cinnamon and add the finely ground zest of two oranges. After this, put the container on the fire and cook for some more time. Next, remove the jam from the heat, let it cool, and transfer it into glass, pre-sterilized jars with a twist.

The uses of orange jam are wide, if not limitless: from a basic breakfast sandwich with bread or toast to complex and at the same time delicious pies, cakes and a variety of pastries. All this is due to the fact that the resulting jam is quite thick. Enjoy the sunny nectar of summer on long, cold evenings.

If you are making preparations for more than one winter, it is recommended to add citric acid to the jam. One teaspoon of “lemon” will help your orange product to stand quietly for more than one winter, and it is absolutely harmless to the stomach.
- To cook orange jam, just like for other jams and preserves, you can use containers made of non-ferrous metal (copper, bronze, brass) or thick-bottomed stainless steel pans. Other containers and pans with a thin bottom will ensure 100% burning, even with frequent stirring.
- For winter preparations, it is better to use glass ones, small ones up to 0.5 liters. jars with twist. First, it will provide variety on your table. Secondly, when seaming, the possibility of swelling and spoilage of the brew is eliminated. And thirdly, when long-term storage Screw-on lids are less susceptible to oxidation and rust than regular workpiece lids.

No matter how much I would like to break the magic of beautiful French sayings, but in reality orange marmalade– this is the jam we are used to, or rather a dense jam with whole pieces of citrus fruit. The range of uses for this sweet is, accordingly, similar: baked goods, desserts, an addition to cereals and dairy products, or just a cup of tea or coffee.

Orange confiture recipe


  • oranges – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 6 glasses.


Grate the orange zest (orange part). We cut off the white pulp of the citrus with a knife, trying to collect all the drippings in the process. Now the orange pulp should be separated from the membranes using a sharp knife.

Place the zest, pulp, juice and sugar into a bowl. Place the bowl on the fire and bring everything to a boil. The membranes and seeds remaining from cutting the pulp contain great amount pectin, which will thicken our confiture, so we tie the trimmings into a gauze bag and also send them to the pan. Cook the confiture at 104 degrees for 5 minutes, and then place a drop on a chilled plate: the finished confiture will be held in an even path on your finger.

Now the confiture can be served or rolled into sterilized jars.

If you want to make bitter orange confiture, then use red bitter oranges for the recipe, not ordinary ones.

Confiture of apples and oranges



We peel the oranges according to the scheme from the previous recipe, collecting the trimmings in a gauze bag. Peel the apples and cut them into cubes. We put orange zest, bag, pulp and apple pieces into a saucepan, fill with water. As soon as the liquid boils, add sugar and spices to the pan. Cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly. As soon as the apples are soft enough, remove the confiture from the heat and serve. Ours is all ready!

Fragrant, optimistic orange sweet and sour orange jam is very tasty treat. It can be served with tea and coffee, eaten with pancakes and pancakes, or made into sweet morning sandwiches. Orange jam can be an excellent layer for cakes and a filling for sweet pies or buns.

Making orange jam is very simple. The delicacy will turn out much tastier than store-bought. To vary the taste, you can add lemons, ginger, grapefruits, and cinnamon.

Orange jam - general principles of preparation

To make it thick orange dessert, peeled pieces of citrus fruit are boiled in sugar and water. Orange jam can be homogeneous, in which case the fruit is pureed. The second option is to save the orange slices and even pieces of peel to give the dessert a more interesting look and an additional hint of flavor.

An enamel or steel pan, preferably with a thick bottom, is suitable for cooking. If you have a multicooker in your kitchen, you can easily make jam in its bowl. Another possible variant- get used to making jam in microwave oven. But in this case, everything will depend on the power and operating characteristics of the device, so the result may be unpredictable.

Before making jam, oranges should be washed well and peeled. If lemons are used, do the same. Lemon zest You can remove it and add it to dessert: it will turn out tastier.

If the jam is being prepared for future use, then after cooking it must be poured into sterilized containers. glass jars. Close with screw caps or roll up using a machine. Jam under nylon covers Store in the refrigerator, sealed jars in any cool place.

Orange and lemon jam “Fragrant”

A very simple recipe for excellent sweet and sour orange and lemon jam. The dessert can be prepared in just an hour. The amount of sugar varies according to taste.


One lemon;

Four hundred grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

Citrus fruit Wash thoroughly and peel.

Be sure to remove the white skin: it is this that gives the bitter taste.

Cut the oranges and lemon into small pieces, remove the seeds.

Place the chopped pulp into a blender bowl and grind.

Pour the mixture into a suitable saucepan, add sugar and stir.

Bring the lemon-orange puree to a boil over high heat.

Reduce heat to medium and cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened.

Do not remove the foam.

The jam will be ready in approximately 25-30 minutes.

Orange jam “Cinnamon”

The spicy cinnamon note perfectly sets off the festive freshness of the orange. This orange and lemon jam takes a long time to make, but the results are fantastic.


A kilogram of not very sweet oranges;

Two medium lemons;

A kilogram of white sugar;

Cinnamon stick (can be replaced with ground cinnamon, taking about a teaspoon);

Liter of drinking water;

A teaspoon of citric acid.

Cooking method:

Cut the prepared oranges into pieces.

Set aside the peels of two oranges separately.

Place in a pan with a thick bottom or non-stick coating.

Cover the citrus fruits with sugar and leave for three hours to release the juice.

Squeeze juice from lemons using any convenient method.

Pour in the resulting amount lemon juice into orange slices.

In a separate pan, boil the lemon peels, pouring a liter of clean water over them. The crusts should become soft.

Strain the broth and combine with the orange-lemon jam base.

Add cinnamon.

Turn on slow fire.

Boil the mixture until thick for 1.5-2 hours.

When the mass thickens to the desired state, remove the pan from the heat and cool its contents slightly.

Discard the cinnamon stick.

Place the cooked orange slices into a blender and blend until smooth.

Remove the zest from the orange peel that was set aside earlier using a knife or a grater.

Pour the jam back into the pan, add the zest and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Pour warm jam into glass jars and put in the refrigerator.

Orange jam “Delight”

An easy way to make jam for future use using only fruit, water and sugar. The taste is clean, sweet, without being too cloying. Thanks to the natural pectin contained in citrus fruit seeds, the dessert will be pleasantly thick.


A kilogram of peeled oranges;

1.2 liters of water;

Eight hundred grams of white sugar.

Cooking method:

Place whole oranges in a thick-walled saucepan, add water and simmer for an hour over medium heat with a lid.

You can check the readiness of the fruit by easily piercing it with a fork.

Drain the broth through a colander.

Cut the boiled oranges into small slices.

Separate the seeds, but do not throw them away. Place the seeds in a “bag” of gauze, tightening the hole with thread.

Pour the broth into the pan again, add sugar (the usual proportion of sugar and orange slices is 1:1, but it can be changed to your taste).

Dissolve the sugar over low heat.

If foam has formed, remove it with a slotted spoon or spoon.

Place the orange slices and seeds in the syrup in a gauze bag.

Boil the jam for half an hour, remembering to stir the mixture.

Remove the finished jam from the stove.

Throw away the gauze bag.

Place the delicacy in the prepared container, seal or serve immediately.

Jelly orange jam with agar-agar and cognac

Delicious jam made from oranges and lemons with a delicate jelly consistency is unlikely to leave those with a sweet tooth indifferent. Taste traditional dessert enriched with grapefruit and lime juice. Thanks to vegetable agar-agar, the jam is guaranteed to be thick and very tasty.


Four oranges;

One lemon;

Two medium-sized limes;

One grapefruit;

Sugar by weight of fruit (about half a kilo);

A teaspoon of agar-agar;

Water by weight of fruit;

Three tablespoons of cognac or rum.

Cooking method:

Wash the fruits thoroughly.

Remove the zest, cut the third part into strips (thinner).

Peel off the peel and white membrane.

Disassemble citrus fruits into slices, remove the partitions, remove the seeds and discard.

Weigh the resulting mass of oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit (take into account the zest too).

Place in a saucepan.

Fill everything with the same weight of drinking water.

Cover with a lid and keep in a cool place for a day.

Squeeze the citrus fruits and weigh them again.

Cook over medium heat for about half an hour.

15 minutes before the end of cooking, pour agar-agar with water (you need half a glass of water for a tea-sized heap of powder). Let it sit for 10 minutes, then put it on the fire and bring to a boil (stirring constantly).

Remove the agar from the stove. The finished composition should resemble jelly.

Pour agar-agar into the jam and stir.

After finishing cooking, add to the mixture strong alcohol, mix again.

Pour the finished jam into jars.

Orange jam with peel “Spicy”

Another recipe for lemon-orange jam, which is similar to the previous one in the method of pre-soaking the fruit and determining the amount of sugar and water. It turns out to be a very soft dessert, without a hint of bitterness. Additional gelling thickeners are not used.


Six large oranges;

Two small lemons;

Liter of water;

Nine hundred grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

Prepare the oranges.

Remove the zest and chop it finely.

Peel off the white skin.

Cut the pulp into pieces.

Do the same with lemons.

Combine pieces of lemons, oranges and citrus zest, weigh.

Pour an equal amount of water over everything and leave to soak for a day.

Place the citrus fruits in a colander and weigh.

Measure out the same amount of sugar.

Combine sugar and lemon-orange slices in a saucepan.

Turn on medium heat and simmer for half an hour.

Cool and pour the orange jam into jars for storage.

Orange jam with peel in a slow cooker

The kitchen assistant multicooker greatly facilitates the process of making orange jam. You don't have to watch for burning.


Four large juicy oranges;

Half a medium-sized lemon;

From 300 to 500 grams of sugar (by weight of orange pulp).

Cooking method:

Remove the zest from half a washed lemon and half an orange.

Grate or chop the zest sharp knife as small as possible.

Peel the fruit and cut into small pieces.

Place the pulp and zest in a saucepan, add water so that the fruit is completely submerged. Leave for a day in a cool place.

Drain the water, lightly squeeze the fruit and weigh.

Take a hundred grams of granulated sugar less than the weight of citrus fruits.

Place orange and lemon wedges, sugar, zest, mix.

Turn on any program so that the contents of the multicooker boil (baking, stewing, frying modes are suitable).

When the mixture boils, remove the sealed valve, set the timer for half an hour and turn on the baking mode.

Pour the prepared orange and lemon jam into jars.

Orange jam "Ginger"

Fresh ginger gives orange jam a wonderful taste and pungency. The delicacy will turn out not only tasty, but also healthy due to healing properties ginger root. In winter, at the first symptoms of a cold, you can eat jam instead. raspberry jam.


Two kilograms of large oranges;

Three large lemons;

Two kilograms of white sugar;

Tea spoon ground ginger.

Cooking method:

Wash and dry citrus fruits.

Using a grater or a special knife, remove the zest.

Peel the fruit.

Cut the slices into several small pieces, remove the seeds.

Place the citrus fruits in a thick-walled saucepan, add sugar and place over low heat.

Cook for half an hour, always stirring with a wooden spoon.

About ten minutes before the end of cooking, add ginger powder and stir.

Ready dessert store on the refrigerator shelf.

    The readiness of the jam is determined by dropping a drop onto a saucer. After cooling, the mass should be covered with a tight film that wrinkles when pressed. You can’t leave jam undercooked: it will get moldy.

    If you cook the jam over high heat, the pectin will not be destroyed and the jam will be thick.

    Unused zest can be sprinkled with sugar and frozen. Use in cooking homemade baked goods.

    Instead of lemons, you can add to jam citric acid. It will keep the product fresh during long-term storage.

Paradoxically, orange jam was first prepared by a resident of Scotland, Jenny Keiller. Although citrus fruits are exotic there, especially in the 18th century. Probably, the notorious frugality of the Scots had an effect. Unripe bitter fruits, peels and a lot of sugar were used. The result was amazing! Sweet gelled pulp, in which pieces of fruit were felt, like candied fruits. A slight bitterness (from the zest and white partitions) only added piquancy to the dessert. There are several advantages to making orange jam. One of them is that the citrus harvest falls in the winter, and the housewife will not be torn between apples and strawberries. This jam is absolutely not labor-intensive, and if a bread maker or slow cooker comes to your aid, then even more so. So let's move from theory to practice and make orange jam at home.

Classics of the genre

Orange jams can be different. Sweet, bitter, liquid (for pancakes), thicker (for layering cakes), almost like marmalade, with pieces of crust or a uniform structure. First, let's prepare real Scottish orange jam, the recipe for which was invented by Jenny Keiler. It should be bittersweet, with large chunks of caramel zest. In addition to four oranges and a kilogram of sugar, we will need half a lemon. Citrine will give the jam a jelly-like structure (it contains pectin). First, we are faced with a rather difficult procedure of carefully grating the zest from whole fruits. Then we cut the citrus fruits and squeeze the juice out of them. Grind the cakes to a pulp, and tie the seeds in a gauze bag. Add water to the citrus juice at the rate of 750 ml per half liter of juice. Put the pan on the fire, add the grated zest, cake and a bag with seeds. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook for another half hour. After this, remove the bag with the seeds and measure the amount of remaining liquid. Add sugar in a one to one ratio. If the oranges are juicy, you may need more than a kilogram of sweetener. Place the pan on low heat again. Boil, stirring frequently, for an hour and twenty minutes. Pour it hot into jars and seal with lids.

Orange jam: quick recipe

It only takes us half an hour to make this dessert! The result is a sweet, thick, marmalade-like jam. Peel five or six large oranges and one lemon. Cut the pulp into pieces, remove the seeds. Grind the fruit mass in a blender. Add sugar in a two to one ratio. This means that per kilogram of citrus puree you need to take half a kilo of sweet sand. Stir and place in a non-stick pan over high heat. There is no need to remove the foam that appears - it will disappear by itself. But you need to stir the bubbling liquid regularly. After a quarter of an hour of vigorous boiling, the orange jam will begin to rapidly thicken. And after 30 minutes you can turn off the heat. It will become even thicker as it cools. Place into jars and store in the refrigerator.

Another jam recipe

Wash half a kilo of oranges and one lemon. Place the fruits whole in a thick-walled pan and pour five glasses of water. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat on the stove to medium. Cover the pan with foil, folded in two layers, and a lid. Cook in this way for about three hours, until the citrus fruits become soft. Turn off the heat and leave to cool overnight. We take out the fruits, knead them with our hands and mix them with the liquid. Cut the boiled zest with a knife and also add it to the pan. Put it on the fire again and cook for ten to fifteen minutes. Homemade orange jam is almost ready. All that remains is to add sugar - a kilogram. When the crystals dissolve, cook for another half hour over moderate heat. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then pour it into a glass container.

Grandma's recipe

Wash the oranges and carefully cut off a thin orange layer of zest with a vegetable peeler. Grind it into thin strips and fill it with water. We disassemble the oranges into slices, remove the partitions and seeds. Grind the pulp in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. We weigh the fruit mass to determine the amount of sugar. Per kilogram of pulp requires 800 grams of sweetener. IN enamel dishes We also add 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice and squeezed zest. We put it on fire. When it boils, remove the foam. Reduce heat to low and cook for half an hour. Cover with a towel and leave to cool. We repeat the procedure twice more. If the orange jam seems too thick the third time, you can simply bring it to a boil and turn it off, without cooking. Place in a sterilized container and seal.

Another old recipe

Wash a kilogram of oranges, peel them and cut them into large pieces. Add the same amount of sugar and wait for the liquid to release. When the crystals begin to soak, we speed up this process by adding the juice of two lemons. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, add the lemon peel and put it on the fire. When the zest becomes soft, add the oranges and sugar. For taste, add a cinnamon stick. Cook the orange jam over low heat until its volume is reduced by half. We catch oranges and grind them in a meat grinder or blender. Return the puree to the pan. Add chopped orange peel. The consistency of the dessert should be quite thick.

How to make orange jam with minimal sugar

Wash five large fruits and pour boiling water over them. Let stand for 10 minutes and cut off the zest. Cut it into thin strips. Peel the white part of the peel and squeeze the juice into a microwave-safe container. We do the same with two lemons. Add the zest to the fresh juice and pour a glass of water. We wrap the white peel in gauze and also put it in the pan. Cover with film and turn on the oven at full power, setting the timer for 20 minutes. Remove the white peel. Add half a kilo of sugar. We turn on the microwave again at full power, but this time for half an hour. We check readiness drop by drop: it should not spread, but thicken into a “dome.”

Bread machine recipe

We select unripe oranges, since such fruits contain more pectin. We peel them. For half a kilo of “naked” fruits we take 500 g of granulated sugar. Cut the pulp into pieces, removing the seeds along the way. We put it in a bread machine bucket, cover it with sugar, and add two soup spoons of lemon juice. Launch the Jam program. That's all! You can brew tea and wait delicious dessert. If you like bitterness, you don't have to remove the zest. To make a more jelly-like orange jam in the bread machine, instead of regular sugar, add the same amount of pectin.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Zest two whole oranges and one lemon. Peel the remaining fruits and cut into pieces. Fill everything up cold water and leave for a day. After this, transfer the fruits to the multicooker bowl, add half a kilo of cane sugar, and mix. The valve must be removed from the cover. Turn on the device to the “Jam” mode. At the end of the process, grind with an immersion blender into a paste. Add a package of gelling mixture (Quittin or Zhelfix) and mix. If the orange jam in the multicooker seems a little runny, you can repeat the process by turning on the device for another half hour. But after standing in the cold, it will thicken on its own.