Do you need to defrost puff pastry? How to defrost puff pastry

Many dishes are prepared on the basis of the dough, for example, pies, buns, dumplings or pies. It is considered an essential ingredient. But not everyone has time to knead homemade dough, so many housewives use the purchase option, which is often frozen. Therefore, the task of how to quickly defrost the dough is faced by many housewives who want to cook a culinary masterpiece.

Test selection

In order for the dough to be tasty after its preparation, the composition must be properly defrosted. Choosing the Right Frozen Food:

Self freezing

After cooking, there may be excess dough. In order not to throw it away, it is frozen at home. For example, this can be done in the freezer. There the product will not lose its useful and nutritional qualities. You can freeze not only the dough, but also dishes made from it, for example, pies, pies, bread, dumplings, manti. finished products stored frozen for a very long time, up to 2 months. If necessary, they can be taken out of the freezer and quickly prepared lunch or dinner.

In order for the dough to be well preserved, it must be properly frozen. To do this, it is rolled into a thin sausage, chopped into small pieces. Finished parts are wrapped in a plastic bag or cling film. An important rule: moisture must not get into the packaging before freezing, otherwise it will adversely affect the quality of the product.

Then the dough is placed in the freezer. It sets the minimum temperature. This is necessary so that the product grabs quickly. When 2 weeks have passed, the temperature can be lowered by 3 degrees. In order for the product to be properly stored during freezing, the following rules must be observed:

Defrosting methods

There are basic technologies on how to quickly defrost dough without harming product quality. Particular attention is drawn to the puff - it is forbidden to defrost it using thermal devices. The correct methods for defrosting pastry dough are:

If time allows, it is better to defrost on the lower shelves of the refrigerator or fruit bowl. The composition will thaw in 11-13 hours, but the process will be of better quality, albeit a long one.

Defrosting in the oven.

This method is not suitable for a product made from yeast. The oven is heated to no more than 90 degrees Celsius. The temperature should remain constant for 15 minutes. For defrosting, a baking sheet is taken, covered with baking paper in 3 layers, sprinkled with flour. First, the products are taken out of the packaging, then placed on a tray.

The composition is located in the oven on the middle shelf. The product is defrosted no more than 5 minutes. Depending on the degree of freezing, the time is reduced. In the process, the dough must be carefully monitored so that the product does not bake and a crust does not form.

Heating appliances during defrosting.

This method will not work in case of defrosting yeast dough. It can be used to defrost other types of dough with an oil or stationary heating unit. In this way, the dough is thawed during the cold period. First, the products are placed on a tray, then placed on top of the heater. During the process, the product is turned over several times to avoid crusting.

To prevent winding of products, a piece is wrapped on top with cling film. When properly thawed, the dough becomes soft after 2 hours. The process time also depends on the room temperature. The warmer the house, the faster dough unfreeze.

Thawing in the microwave.

To learn how to quickly defrost dough from the freezer, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe many methods of the process. Microwave oven is one option.

So that the product that had to be defrosted in the microwave does not lose its beneficial features and taste, preparatory manipulations are carried out.

Products after removal from the refrigerator are placed on the lower shelf for 50 minutes. How much it costs to defrost depends on the degree of hardness of the product. During this period, the dough becomes soft and elastic. Further procedure in the microwave will not cause damage to the product. After the preparatory steps, you can proceed to defrosting in the microwave. Products are removed from polyethylene, placed on a glass tray. The dough is covered with a lid, but a small gap is left for air circulation.

Choice temperature regime- minimum, but not more than 90 W. Or the “Defrost” mode is set. In the case of using a microwave oven, it is impossible to say exactly how many minutes it will take to defrost. It all depends on the degree of freezing of products and the power of the device. To begin with, the time is set for 12 minutes, then the softness of the product is evaluated. After this time, every 20 seconds the oven is paused, the dough is turned over. This will help the product defrost evenly. Otherwise, a crust may form on the dough, or it will bake. After defrosting, the products can be rolled out and start cooking.

"Grandma's" method.

Many housewives use the "grandmother's" method when defrosting the product. You will need water at room temperature and sealed plastic bags. You need to take 7 pieces of bags, the dough is wrapped in them. It is important that water does not penetrate inside, otherwise the product will become unusable. The dough is wrapped in bags, placed in a bowl of water. It is kept there for 30 minutes, after which it is removed. Then water a few degrees warmer is poured into the bowl, the bag is placed in it again. The defrost time is 55 minutes or more. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, the water is changed to warmer every 10 minutes.

When the frozen yeast dough has thawed, it can be rolled out and made into puffs for breakfast, cheesecake, a pie with cabbage or other fillings, a roll with berries and cream cheese, pasties, puffs, bagels with garlic and cheese, and many other delicious and healthy meals from purchased yeast dough. Using it is quite easy. The main thing is to stick to the recipe.

The most capricious dough

Puff pastry is the most capricious when defrosting: you can not use the oven or microwave oven. If the product needs to be defrosted urgently, then an oil heater or a stationary one is used. The best option for defrosting is the use of a natural method. The product is left room temperature at 5 o'clock. To avoid cracking and winding, the dough is covered with cling film or gauze.

More fast option is the use of water. Cannot be placed in warm liquid because it will destroy the puffiness. The temperature increases by 1-2 degrees every 10 minutes. If you need to quickly thaw a puff yeast product, then it is wrapped in foil, and then in gauze. The gas burner turns on. The dough is placed in a glass bowl, placed at a distance of 50 cm from the fire.

There are many ways to defrost dough at home. The fastest option is to use oven or microwave ovens. But this way you can not thaw puff pastry- It exfoliates at room temperature or in cool water.

Yeast products

Very often, housewives experience problems with yeast dough, because if you make a mistake, it will not rise. To properly defrost it, you must adhere to the following rules:

Pelmeni dough, often used by housewives, is defrosted in a special way: first in the refrigerator, then at room temperature.

In the refrigerator, the process takes 12 hours, and in a natural way - 4 hours. After that, you can start making dumplings.

Whatever type of test is used, the most correct method defrosting is natural way. With it, the dough does not lose its elasticity, useful qualities and softness.

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Speeding up already fast process defrosting puff pastry, you can, having won a few minutes in time, hopelessly spoil a good product. In favorable conditions for it in a conventional refrigerator and kitchen, defrosting even homemade puff pastry, which is usually twice as thick as the factory one, takes not so much time: from 45 minutes to two hours, depending on the size of the pieces. Industrial dough is produced in such thin rolling that, rather, it is necessary to follow him so that the superfluous does not melt ahead of time, and not to speed up the course of events. A 250-gram plate (a square with a side of 17 cm and a thickness of 6–7 mm), lying on a table at room temperature, reaches the desired condition in 15–20 minutes.

Puff pastry is similar in structure to a cake, consisting of huge amount the thinnest cakes layered with butter (margarine). Taste and beauty depend on their uniform alternation. finished baking. Temperature is one of the main factors that ensure this same uniformity. And if ordinary cakes specially kept warm so that the layers of oil (cream) thoroughly soak each cake, then for puff pastry this will be a real disaster. Therefore, at all stages of its preparation, the temperature in the room and the temperature of the products themselves should not exceed 18 ° (ideally - 15). The same requirement applies to the process of thawing frozen puff pastry. Violent action on it with various heating devices (microwave ovens, batteries, stoves) is not able to ensure uniform thawing of the oil: the upper layers (and then in some places!) Will begin to melt and penetrate into the dough, while the inner ones will remain frozen. Attempts to warm the dough in an unopened bag in warm water, in addition to the problems described, threaten it with penetration into the package, the tightness of which is very conditional and deceptive. As a result, the dough will suffer again and instead of ruddy pies and airy tongues melting in your mouth, you will get rubbery shapeless cakes for tea. Of course, it will be possible to eat them, but you won’t brag to the guests anymore. This is especially true for layers homemade test prepared without special improvers, preservatives, stabilizers and other achievements of the food chemical industry.

How to defrost puff pastry?

  1. It is best to remove the bag of dough from the freezer, leave it overnight in the refrigerator, and start baking in the morning (or later). In the refrigerator, puff pastry warms up only to 5–7 °, but, once in a warm kitchen, it very quickly gets the missing degrees to the optimal 15–18.
  2. At room temperature, puff pastry thaws much faster than in the refrigerator, but at the same time you won’t go far and for a long time from it: you need to constantly monitor so that it doesn’t overheat, sometimes even putting it in the cold until the desired temperature is reached evenly throughout the layer.
  3. If the dough is frozen in a roll, it must be unfolded very carefully: as it thaws, the finished layer is folded onto the board, cut off and immediately put into action or put into the refrigerator, where it waits in the wings. The warmth of your hands will help to ease and speed up the unfolding somewhat. Put your hand in the inner fold of a partially unrolled roll - you will feel how it instantly warms up and becomes obedient, thanks to this, unwinding is easier. The same effect will give a narrow stream of barely warm air from a hair dryer. The main thing is not to get carried away: a few seconds for each turn - no more! If you do not plan to cut the rolled dough, that is, you need it in one whole layer, see paragraph 1.
    With a hair dryer, but without a concentrator nozzle, with sweeping movements, without holding the jet at one point, you can defrost factory-made dough packed with plates in five minutes. In this case, each plate must be defrosted separately, constantly turning over and controlling the temperature by hand. The dough should become plastic, but at the same time retain elasticity and be cold to the touch.
  4. Do not leave puff pastry open for a long time so that it does not wind; cover it with a slightly damp cloth or film. For the same reason, do not point the hair dryer (if you decide to use it) directly at the dough, it is better if the air stream hits it through a film or cloth.
  5. When baking a large number puff extra cut pieces of dough, waiting for their turn, lay out in one row on the board, cover with a plastic bag or napkin and keep in the refrigerator.
Home-made puff pastry can be prepared and frozen for future use no worse than factory-made. Just do not put it in the freezer as a whole, but after rolling it into last time, cut into portioned square or rectangular pieces and arrange them on the board so that they do not stick together at the edges (you can in several rows, shifting each with a film or bags) and freeze. Then they, already completely frozen, can be stacked in one bag and taken out for baking. right amount by the piece. In cutting, any dough thaws very quickly.

Re-freezing yeast puff pastry is completely unacceptable, but yeast-free, subject to all other conditions, is possible, although undesirable.

A variety of goodies are prepared from the dough. These are pies, and dumplings, and pizza, and cookies. Not every housewife manages to prepare the dough of the required consistency. And this process is not fast. Therefore, it is not surprising that modern women use frozen dough from the store. Ideally, leave it to thaw at room temperature. But it will take 8-10 hours at least. Then the knowledge of how to quickly defrost the dough will be valuable for you.

Whichever method you choose, prepare it for this before starting intensive defrosting so that the dough does not lose its nutritional and taste properties. To do this, remove the dough from the freezer and transfer it to the top shelf of the refrigerator for 20-40 minutes. Next, use microwave oven. It is important to keep an eye on the dough and turn it over. Otherwise, it will bake in places. Put the dough out of the bag into a glass dish, turn on the “defrost” mode or set the power to 80-100 watts. Put into practice a simple and reliable method for defrosting dough with water:
  1. Place the dough in several plastic bags.
  2. Pour warm water into a saucepan.
  3. Dip the bag of dough into the water.
  4. Take it out after 20-30 minutes.
The oven will help you quickly defrost the dough. To do this, heat it up to 80-100 ° C. Lay out the dough on a baking sheet. Put it in the oven chamber for 2-3 minutes. Do not leave the oven, watch the process. If you do not have an oven, then put the dough on the radiator in the house. Use caution with these two methods, as there is a possibility of deterioration in the quality of the test.

Defrosting puff pastry has its own characteristics, because. it is more capricious to temperature extremes. Be sure to first transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator, and then put it on a plate in the room. For quick defrosting of puff pastry, it is permissible to use a microwave or water, because. these are more gentle ways. If the dough is frozen in a roll, then take the thawed part into action. The rest will thaw during this time. The main thing is not to disturb the structure of the layers. Keep important details in mind when using the test:
  • Buy the product in specialized departments of the store, where the temperature regime is observed and controlled.
  • Maintain temperature when storing dough at home freezer and make sure that it does not rise above -18 ° C. In this case, the expiration date of the test will be 6 months.
  • It is better to keep the dough in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to + 5 ° C. In this case, it is stored much less, only a couple of days. But it retains more valuable substances.
  • Re-freezing the dough becomes unusable.
  • When defrosting at room temperature, cover the dough with paper towels to prevent it from hardening.
  • Puff pastry will turn out especially airy if you put it in the refrigerator immediately after kneading.

It seems that there is nothing complicated in the process of defrosting the dough. However, you should be careful not to spoil the product while trying to speed up the process. Then the dough will retain its original qualities, and you can enjoy delicious rich and puff pastry products.

Baking is sacred for any housewife. Once in our area, it was served mainly on holidays, since kneading dough takes a lot of time, which working women always lack. But with the advent of good store-bought dough, pizza and pies have become almost a daily dish. At the same time, a counter problem arose: how to quickly defrost the dough so that when you come home from work, you have time to cook something tasty for dinner. Today, the process of defrosting the base often takes more time than creating a culinary masterpiece from it.

Defrost options

Before looking for ways to quickly defrost dough from the freezer, pay attention to what kind of base you bought. The rules for thawing can change a lot from this. The easiest way is with the lean and yeast variety, since you can even quickly defrost the dough of this “origin” in several ways.

  1. Water way. The purchase is wrapped in several bags so that the joints of the edges are not located on top of each other. You can wrap the dough in cling film. Then put the bundle in warm water - and after half an hour you can start baking.
  2. Oven method. Preheat the oven to 70-80 degrees, spread a baking sheet with parchment, put the dough on it without packaging and put it in the chamber for a couple of minutes. Vigilance must be extremely high: do not inspect - you will get a dried substance, not suitable for anything.
  3. Jack of all trades - microwave. It is preferred by most cooking enthusiasts, as it is the easiest to quickly defrost yeast dough in it. Set the defrost mode and after a minute or two begin to roll it out.

Whichever way you go, before you quickly defrost the dough, you should prepare it for the upcoming procedure. Namely: remove from the freezer and transfer to the top shelf in the refrigerator. This can be done as soon as you enter the apartment after work. While you are changing clothes, the dough will “relax” a little and retain its qualities - first of all, taste.

Delicate puff pastry: handling rules

Most of the ways to quickly defrost the dough are categorically not suitable for the puff variety. She is picky about temperature, and is especially sensitive to its differences. And if you don’t want to spoil your pies, it’s better to defrost the “puff” according to all the rules. That is, leave it right in the store packaging at the bottom of the refrigerator, leaving for work in the morning. By the evening it will be ready for cutting.

There is, so to speak, an accelerated version, which will take about three hours and at the same time will not violate the structure of the test. The packaging is removed from it, the base is laid out on the table. At room temperature, defrosting is much faster, but requires two conditions.

How to quickly defrost puff pastry

However, sometimes there are situations in which the foundation is needed soon, and there is no time to wait. In emergency cases, two methods are used to quickly defrost puff pastry. However, they should be resorted to only in a hopeless situation: the risk of spoiling the purchase is quite high, no one can guarantee that the foundation will remain liftable.

In the first option, you remove the packaging, and transfer the dough to a bag sprinkled with flour - in case you do not keep track, and it decides to stick. A towel is wrapped on top and the bundle is placed on a warm radiator. You will have to turn over more often so that the defrosting goes on evenly. Half an hour of waiting, and you can proceed to further action.

The second method will require manual work. The layer laid out on the table, if possible, is equally warmed up with an ordinary hair dryer turned on at minimum power. It is not necessary to achieve complete thawing in the treated area: move sweepingly over the entire area and periodically turn the layer over.

Rapid defrosting in any case somewhat spoils final result. It is better not to hide the dough in the freezer at all: it just does not deteriorate in the refrigerator for two days.

In no case do not freeze the dough again - there will be no sense from it.

It must be said right away that it is best to defrost the dough in advance, a few hours before you start baking or other dishes from it. To do this, put it in the refrigerator and wait about 12 hours. After that, it is ready for use. But, if you still have to resort to "emergency" measures, then you need to do it right, because frozen dough is a rather fragile product that can be easily spoiled.

The quick defrosting method itself depends on the quality and type of dough. To unfreeze, it must be put in two plastic bags, you can wrap something warm on top, such as a towel, and place it on a hot battery. If the heating is good, then the towel will heat up quickly and will keep warm for a long time. From time to time, the dough can be turned over to make the defrosting more even.

Basic recipe for great shortcrust pastry from famous confectioner Oleg Ilyin. Watch the video!..

To defrost yeast dough needs to be looked at even more carefully. It is worth saying that already when buying you need to pay attention to it appearance. The product should be milky beige in color with a dense, even texture without any defects. The ideal option There will be a microwave to defrost the dough. If such a function is not specifically available, then a heating mode of approximately 80-100 W can be used. The time must be set within 45-50 seconds. The test must be carefully monitored. Turn the dough often to prevent the top layer from drying out and to promote gradual defrosting.

You can also do this with yeast dough: like puff pastry, it must be wrapped in polyethylene and wrapped in a towel. Then place on top of the surface of the lid of the heated pan. Moreover, the hotter the lid, the better. Then you can fold the dough inside the pan. Light the burners next to the pot. The container itself with the dough does not need to be connected, otherwise, the dough will simply dry out and start to burn.

Another in a good way is defrosting the dough using a water bath, that is, put another one on a boiling pot of water and put a frozen product in it. In this case, you also need to be careful and careful, making sure that the dough does not stick to the bottom.

You can use the simplest and most convenient method - warm water. To do this, tightly wrap the dough in a plastic bag, release excess air and lower it into heated water. As soon as the water starts to become cool, it is necessary to immediately replace it with a new one.

In addition, there is another common way - put frozen yeast dough in the oven. Only pre-release it from packaging or cellophane. Keep this dough in the oven for a short time - just a few minutes.