Is it possible to cook condensed milk in a glass jar. How to make boiled condensed milk from simple condensed milk

Today, store shelves are full of various sweets, but this was not the case before. At the end of the twentieth - beginning of the twenty-first century, the inhabitants of Russia made many delicacies on their own. This was condensed milk, which is still loved not only by children, but also by adults.

How to cook condensed milk

Boiled condensed milk is prepared different ways: on the stove, in a slow cooker and even in the microwave. Each of these methods allows you to get a delicious dessert of the desired consistency, but requires different time costs. All recipes will be presented in the review, but for now, the basic rules on how to cook condensed milk in order to avoid a jar explosion and get the desired product:

  1. When cooking on the stove, you need to constantly ensure that the container with the delicacy is completely immersed in water (then it will not explode).
  2. When the time is up, do not immediately remove the container from the water, on the contrary, let it cool while in the liquid.
  3. If cooking will be using a microwave, you will have to prepare thick-walled dishes to avoid damage to the container during cooking.
  4. The density and color of the sweet dish depend on the cooking time (a brown and thick dessert will turn out in three hours, and a pale and liquid dessert in 60 minutes).
  5. Only the delicacy, which includes milk and sugar, will turn out to be cooked to a caramel shade (other additives will not give the desired result).

How much to cook condensed milk in a jar

External indicators of delicacy are directly related to the time spent on cooking (only a pressure cooker can give a quick result). How to make boiled condensed milk viscous? You will have to spend three hours, because this is how much a sweet dish should be cooked. For getting liquid consistency the microwave timer is set for 60-100 minutes, during which boiled condensed milk is obtained at home.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar on the stove

The recipe for making boiled condensed milk on fire is simple. Will be required the following ingredients:

  • condensed milk in a tin, without additives - 1 pc.;
  • water - the amount depends on the cooking time.


  1. Buy the right product (examine the composition).
  2. Put the jar in an iron pan.
  3. Fill the tank with water (completely hide the tin).
  4. Put the pot on an open fire.
  5. Wait for the water to boil and turn on the timer, continuing to boil (the dessert should cook for 1-3 hours).
  6. Top up periodically boiled water to keep the jar from exploding.
  7. After the time has elapsed, turn off the fire, leave the sweet dish to cool and thicken in liquid.

Boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker

Another recipe for how to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker. To use it, you need to buy condensed milk without preservatives. Walkthrough:

  1. Place the tin container in the multicooker pan and fill with water.
  2. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode and leave to cook.
  3. leave to thicken in the bowl of the device, then take out the jar and enjoy.

Boiled condensed milk is one of the main treats of my childhood. Thick, insanely delicious, with an unforgettable caramel flavor. This magical delicate taste you will not confuse with anything! Buying a jar of "Varenka" in the store is not a problem, only it only vaguely resembles the one from childhood. This can only be cooked by yourself. It would seem, what could be easier? I remember very well how my mother did it: she filled jars of condensed milk with water and cooked for a long, long time. That's what I thought at first. But when the condensed milk was already in my hands and ready for cooking, a lot of questions immediately arose: is it necessary to remove the label? How then to wash the saucepan from the glue from the jar? how much water to pour? what does "slow boil" mean and how hard/slightly should the water boil? and (the worst thing) what if the bank does explode? I confess, here my resolve diminished a little. But since I had already managed to promise my family a tasty treat, it was too late to retreat. Got everything ready and ready to go. The process turned out to be expectedly long, but not at all difficult and not so scary.

To begin with, I would like to separately note those moments that seemed to me the most “terrible”, so that you definitely do not stumble on them. And then I will tell you in detail how to cook condensed milk in a jar at home so that you definitely succeed the first time.

1. Boiling condensed milk is the most reliable way to check its quality. Therefore, no matter how trite it may sound, the success of the event directly depends on whether you manage to get a quality initial product. As practice shows, the inscription "GOST" on the label, the correct marking and perfect composition (whole milk+ sugar), unfortunately, is by no means an indicator of quality. And until you weld the jar, you won't know what's really inside. Condensed milk with additives (powdered milk, vegetable oils etc.) will not boil and will not thicken even in the freezer, no matter how much you boil it! For example, only 2 of the jars I brewed turned out to be of really high quality.

2. About the amount of water. It is important that during cooking the water covers the jar at all times. But this does not mean that you have to every 15-30 minutes. look into the pot and check the water level. Just take a large saucepan and pour more water. My condensed milk was boiled for 3.5 hours. And during this time I never had to add boiling water.

3. Cooking time depends on the intensity of boiling, the volume of the jar and the desired degree of cooking - the longer you cook, the thicker and richer the boiled condensed milk will turn out. I would advise you to cook for at least 2.5 hours and no more than 4. Ideally, if the temperature and boiling time are 103 degrees and 100 minutes. respectively. If the fat content of condensed milk is higher than 8.5%, it needs to cook longer.

We will need:

  • condensed whole milk with sugar, fat content 8.5% - right amount cans,
  • water (for cooking) - about 2-3 liters.

How to cook condensed milk in a tin at home

First of all, remove the label from the jar. It's not that very important, but with such a long boil, it will still peel off. Plus, the water from the label will definitely be colored, and it can also color the saucepan in which condensed milk is boiled.

Next, we put a dense plastic bag on the “undressed” jar. Thus, we will protect the saucepan from the glue on which the label is attached. When cooking, this glue melts and leaves traces on the walls of the pan, which are not so easy to wash off.

We put a jar of condensed milk in a saucepan (vertically) and fill it with cold water. This is important because the tin does not like sudden changes in temperature. The jar should heat up gradually, along with the water. Water should completely hide the condensed milk. In order not to add water, I immediately pour more - so that the water level is about 5-6 cm higher.

We put the pan on maximum heat, close the lid and leave it until it boils. When it starts to boil, switch the heat to low. I have this position 3 of 6 on the switch, but it all depends on individual features your stove. The water in the pot should boil slowly. We leave the lid closed - this creates the necessary effect of languishing, plus this way the water evaporates much more slowly. In an hour of such boiling, the water level has decreased by about 5-7 mm.

Time is measured from the moment of boiling. I set a timer so that I don't accidentally forget about the jar.

As soon as the condensed milk has boiled for the right time, turn off the stove and, without draining the water, let the water (and the condensed milk in it) cool down a bit. Then after 1-2 hours boiled condensed milk can be taken out of the water and from a cellophane bag.

After cooling, the jar can be opened and checked what happened. Over the past few days, I have cooked 6 cans of condensed milk. I experimented with cooking time, boiling intensity, tried to cook jars with a ring-opener (I was terribly afraid that this cap would take off, but everything went fine) and brought out for myself perfect option: 3.5 hours boiling for jars with a fat content of 8.5% and a weight of 360-380 g.

After cooling, boiled condensed milk is completely ready for use! Eat it straight out of the jar by spoonfuls, or use it to make desserts and pastries. It's delicious in every way!

Condensed milk - the most delicious delicacy, an appetizing dessert familiar to many since childhood, which is an integral ingredient in the preparation of many confectionery products and dishes.

Condensed milk can - fill pancakes, pancakes, buns and donuts, create using it in the form cream bases such sweet dishes as cakes, rolls, pastries, well, or just taste this sweetness, which is great addition to tea or coffee.

Of course, you can buy milk in the store, which, it would seem, will be much easier than thinking about how to cook condensed milk at home on your own. But it's far from easy - it doesn't mean delicious!

Why cook condensed milk at home

There are several reasons why it is best to cook condensed milk at home:

For the production of condensed milk on a large scale in industrial production it is possible to use - various thickeners, aromatic and flavoring additives, components contraindicated for small children, and just people who care about their health.

In addition, at home for the manufacture of condensed milk products are selected, the freshest and highest quality, with possible addition additional ingredients, for example - chocolate, cocoa, vanilla and other components.

So home-cooked condensed milk is not only delicious dessert but also very nutritious and healthy food.

There are plenty of arguments in favor of making condensed milk at home, it remains only to learn how to cook and cook it correctly, according to the selected recipes.

How to cook condensed milk at home: general principles

Making condensed milk at home is pretty easy, the appetizing treat is in no way comparable to shop product.

The components necessary for making condensed milk at home are natural, these are milk, granulated sugar, butter. Since the condensed milk sold in the store is not a cheap product, and does not always differ good taste and the quality of making it at home is very reasonable.

General principles preparing a condensed treat:

The cooking time for condensed milk does not take much time from 10 to 20 minutes. Depending on the purpose of preparing condensed milk, time is also built. For example, condensed milk for cream on a cake needs to be cooked a little longer, in order to obtain a greater density of the product, and in the future it will be more convenient to lubricate the cakes of the future confectionery.

It is better to take a high saucepan for making condensed milk - this must be done to facilitate the process of mixing the components and prevent them from splashing.

Also, when cooking condensed milk, it is better to add not sugar, but powder made from it.

If, during the preparation of this delicacy, the grains of added sugar in the existing consistency have not completely dissolved, then the mass can be brought to a homogeneous state using a blender.

When the cooked condensed milk subsides, it must be removed in the refrigerator - to acquire the desired consistency.

How to cook condensed milk at home in a slow cooker

Homemade condensed milk cooked in a slow cooker can be of different consistency and have a variety of shades from bright white, creamy to caramel. Probably, the color of condensed milk depends on the time of its preparation or the components that make up the delicacy.


Milk (whole, fat) - 200 ml.

Powdered milk(whole) - 200 gr.

Sugar sand - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

Pour granulated sugar, dry milk into the multicooker bowl. Next, you need to mix both components together thoroughly. Then milk must be added to the existing ingredients and mixed again with a whisk or blender until uniform consistency.

During the boiling of the mixture and after, it must be constantly stirred, in order to avoid burning.

After boiling the condensed milk, the multicooker must be reset to the baking mode. The cooking time for condensed milk directly depends on the consistency of the milk you need in terms of density. The longer the condensed milk is cooked, the thicker it becomes.

On average, condensed milk should be cooked no more and no less than 15 minutes. At the same time, it is important not to forget to mix the delicacy in order to avoid further spoilage of the product.

After you need to cool the condensed milk, pour into a glass of a blender and beat well.

Condensed milk turns out to be very tasty, tender and quite high-calorie, which means nutritious.

How to cook condensed milk at home and recipes using it

There are many ways and recipes for cooking condensed milk at home, and they do not take much time from lovers of cooking and sweets.

Recipe 1. How to cook condensed milk at home - the "Classic" cooking method


Milk - 300 ml.

Powdered sugar - 300 gr.

Butter - 30 gr.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a saucepan and add to it powdered sugar and oil. Next, all the components must be mixed with a blender and set the pan with the available ingredients on the fire.

Constantly stirring the resulting mass, we continue to cook it for another 10-15 minutes until a slightly viscous consistency is obtained. The resulting condensed milk must be cooled and served at the table for tea drinking.

Recipe 2. How to cook condensed milk at home - "Product of long shelf life"

Condensed milk prepared in this way can be stored for quite a long time without spoiling.


Milk (steam) - 1.5 liters.

Sugar 0.5 kg.

Soda - 1/3 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a deep bowl, add granulated sugar and add required amount soda.

Then all components must be mixed well and put for further cooking on slow fire.

During the cooking process, the existing mass must be constantly stirred. The condensed milk will first be white, but then when it darkens and turns brown, the bowl with the delicacy will need to be removed from the heat and the cooked product should subside.

After the condensed milk needs to be poured into jars and rolled up.

Important! Soda in this case will make the existing mass homogeneous and suitable for rolling.

From homemade condensed milk, you can cook a lot of the most incredible and delicious meals, here are just a few of them:

Homemade condensed milk cake cream


Butter (butter) - 180 gr.

Condensed milk - 180 gr.

Nuts (walnuts) - a glass.

Cocoa - 30 gr.


Cooking method:

In softened butter you need to pour in the condensed milk and beat well with a blender until a homogeneous and airy mass is obtained. Then you need to add cocoa to the existing components, and again beat everything together until smooth.

Then you need to add crushed nuts to the resulting cream and mix all the components together again.

Lubricate the finished cake with condensed milk cream, put the product in the refrigerator for a while, and then start drinking tea with a cooked homemade masterpiece.

Cake made in a mug with homemade condensed milk


Condensed milk - 200 ml.

Egg - 1 pc.

Flour - 120 gr.

Sugar - 100 gr.

Butter (butter + vegetable).

Cocoa - 30 gr.

Cooking method:

In a large mug, you need to put the sifted flour, cocoa, granulated sugar, an egg - beat all the components until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Then you need to add milk to the mug, add both types of oil and once again mix all the ingredients thoroughly and beat.

Then the mug must be removed microwave oven and bake a miniature cake at high power for several minutes.

finished cake you need to pour homemade condensed milk and serve.

By creating condensed milk at home, you can not only save money, but also protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful components that make up this product sold on the shelves of shops and supermarkets.

Sweet lovers probably love boiled condensed milk, only in stores it is some kind of “chemical”. And let's find out how to cook condensed milk in a jar ourselves?

Delicate, sweet, with a characteristic caramel flavor, such condensed milk not only looks great as a cream for waffle cakes and fillings for "nuts". It can be eaten directly with a spoon from the jar, in a fit of enjoying the enchanting taste, forgetting about the figure. Another question is what food industry often creates a characteristic color and taste chemically by mixing various harmful additives. So you have to learn how to cook condensed milk in a jar on your own stove.

Precautionary measures

Yes, yes, we will start today's topic with them. You can see the consequences of the Big Bang in the picture, and it’s not even so much about a dirty kitchen, but about what would happen if someone was in it at that time. Indeed, not only condensed milk flew to the sides, but also fragments from an iron can! So rule number 1: set to boil - make sure that the water covers the jar completely, with a margin. The cooking procedure takes several hours, so if you don’t have the time and desire to follow, use the “open” method.

Rule number 2, no less important: do not try to cool the finished condensed milk in cold water , - these are not freshly boiled eggs for you! The bank will probably burst, although not so spectacularly. Wait for it to cool down naturally, do not take it out of the water. It is ideal to cook in the evening: before going to bed, you turn off the gas and leave the pan on the stove, and in the morning you can take it out, open it and taste it.

"Closed" way

We put a tin with condensed milk (buy with a fat content of at least 8.5 and GOST on the label) in large saucepan, fill it cold water with the expectation that the water covers it at least 5 cm, turn on the medium fire, wait until the water boils, reduce the gas to low. Cover the pan with a lid, leaving a gap for air: then the water will evaporate more slowly, and the fire can be reduced to a minimum, creating a languishing effect. If there is a divider, you can cook on it - in terms of safety, this is even better.

How much to cook condensed milk in a jar? Let's stop the time!

The actual question is how much to cook condensed milk in a jar. It is especially important for novice cooks who want to do everything as closely as possible to the recipe.

Cooking time depends on how cooked you want it to be. Minimum time - 2 hours. You can cook for up to 6 hours - in this case, you get a fairly dark, thick nougat. In any case, every half hour, look under the lid at the water level, adding boiling water as necessary.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar: an "open" way

Do not like to experiment, and besides, did the repair in your kitchen cost you quite a lot? Let's find out how to cook condensed milk in a jar in an open way!

  1. Pour the condensed milk into glass container(you can open several cans at once);
  2. Place the filled glass container in a saucepan of cold water, placing a small towel under this container (we create the effect of a water bath). If you have a splitter, use it. Water should reach the neck of the container, although here its volume is not so critical;
  3. We turn on the fire, wait for it to boil, turn it down - let it gurgle slowly. And cover the neck of the jar with a lid, tin or glass, turning it over and leaving a slot for air to enter (if you do not turn it over, it can slip off and completely close the jar).

We cook from one and a half hours, still looking at the volume of water.

Did you know?

Some craftsmen have adapted to cook condensed milk in the microwave - this is the most fast way. Pour it into a container suitable for use in microwave oven, and set for 15 minutes, turning on the average power. Here's just a question: at the same time, they say, it needs to be stirred. How interesting?!

Or maybe you try to eat exclusively healthy food whenever possible? Then you can make your own condensed milk!

How to make condensed milk at home: recipe

Already after 40 minutes, the milk will begin to darken and thicken, acquiring a yellowish tint. And if you keep it on fire for one and a half to two hours, it will thicken so much that it will be possible to make sweets like toffee from it, pouring it into molds and putting them in the refrigerator.

Now you know how to cook condensed milk in a jar, and even how to cook it yourself from start to finish. And you certainly won’t need advice on what exactly to do with the resulting product!

Many housewives are well aware that home-cooked condensed milk will have a fundamentally different taste than that sold ready-made in stores. But many consider the process of cooking condensed milk to be a very long and troublesome business. Those who once boiled condensed milk in a jar, decide on repeated experiments not immediately.

However, the result and taste properties of boiled condensed milk will largely be determined by the quality original product. Today there are a huge number of different manufacturers of condensed milk. And the cost of such a product also has wide limits with a relatively identical mass. Most housewives, choosing food, certainly try to save money.

Therefore, as a result, the cheapest of the products are in the consumer basket. This can also apply to condensed milk. It is reasonable to conclude that the lower the price, the quality will suffer significantly. Manufacturers of this product, in most cases, supply the composition of condensed milk with substances that either do not cook at all, or it takes too long. It may turn out that after a few hours of holding the jar of condensed milk on fire, its main amount will remain liquid.

Therefore, if you choose condensed milk just for the purposes homemade brew, then initially try to buy the highest quality of such products. Only when cooking high-quality condensed milk will you get a really good result. And this circumstance does not at all require that the price of condensed milk be very expensive.

You just need to learn how to buy only those products whose manufacturers have already acquired an impeccable reputation. The quality of condensed milk does not in itself guarantee that as a result of cooking it will turn out to be perfectly tasty. Here, of course, a lot will depend on the hostess too. For this reason, you need to follow the rules on how and how much time to cook condensed milk. The direct cooking process involves the following steps. First with tin can the label on it should be removed. Rinse it well under tap water.

Condensed milk needs to find a suitable container. Please note that it will take a very long time to cook the product. And water, as we know, will inevitably boil away. Therefore, immediately find a pot with a fairly large volume, so as not to stand all the time at the stove, making sure that the water does not exhaust itself. Put a jar of condensed milk on the bottom of the container. Fill the pot with cold water. Pour water up to the maximum possible level. So in the process of cooking condensed milk, you will need to add it infrequently. Wait for the water to boil. When this happens, the stove fire must be reduced. Be sure to keep time. The question is how much boil condensed milk, perhaps, will be the main one in this process.

This should take at least an hour and a half. As a result, condensed milk will turn out not too thick in consistency. In this form, it is optimal to use it to create cream for a cake or filling for cookies. If you cook condensed milk a little longer, say two or three hours, then it will turn out thicker. Its shade will also appear an order of magnitude darker. Just such condensed milk is most often used to create a filling for such a dessert as nuts with condensed milk. For three to four hours, condensed milk is boiled by those who prefer its very thick appearance and dark color.

Check the water level in a pot with a jar every twenty to thirty minutes. And remember that the water level must necessarily cover the jar. If you begin to add water, then by all means use its hot form. If there is a sharp temperature drop, then a jar of condensed milk can simply burst. And if there is a lack of water, then this can lead to such a sad outcome as an explosion of a can. It's pretty dangerous. The condensed milk that spreads during the explosion of the can will be hot. It can severely burn you.

But even if you yourself do not suffer from this in any way, you will still need to scrape off the remnants of condensed milk from the walls or ceiling, which is not very easy. Therefore, from the very beginning, it is wiser to show a sufficient degree of vigilance to the process of boiling condensed milk. After cooking, the jar of condensed milk must be cooled.

Many people do it simply out of habit, that is, to cool down, they lower the jar into a container of cold water. But this cannot be done so as not to create a sharp temperature drop and prevent the jar from bursting. This is the correct method of cooling.

Just leave the jar in the water where it was boiled until the water has cooled completely. At the same time, condensed milk will also cool down, after which it can already be used for its intended purpose. With the help of a device such as a pressure cooker, it is much easier to cook condensed milk. If you want to use a pressure cooker, just put a jar in it and fill it with water.

The level of the latter should, as with the usual cooking method, be slightly higher. Turn on the fire on the stove and wait for the water to boil. Next, note fifteen minutes, during which the water should boil. Then turn off the fire and, without removing the lid from the pressure cooker, wait for the water to cool. Using a pressure cooker will not save time.

After all, the water in this device with the lid closed will cool down for a long time, namely two to three hours. But the advantage of a pressure cooker over regular saucepan in that you can not worry about the water boiled out of the tank.

Does not threaten the cooking process and the explosion of the can. While the pressure cooker filled with water will cool down, you can go about your business and even leave the house. Knowing these secrets, you can arrange a little holiday for yourself and enjoy the delicious taste of self-cooked condensed milk.