Accordion potatoes: the best recipes and ways to serve. Baked potatoes with brisket

Today on the menu - baked potato accordion with sausage in the oven. This dish has recently become very popular among our hostesses. You can cook it with various fillings, such as tomato, lard, bacon, mushrooms, meat, cheese. But more on that later.

Baked potatoes in the oven in itself are very tasty and healthy, but to diversify the taste, give a twist a simple dish, I propose to prepare it in this way.

Accordion Potato Recipe

Everything is very simple, fast and tasty.


  • Potato - 4-6 tubers;
  • Sausage - 100-150 g;
  • Salt - to taste.

How to cook a recipe step by step with a photo at home

Everything is very simple, we cook with pleasure, and everything will work out.

Preparation of ingredients

Choose a large potato, it is desirable that the tubers are the same. I like it more when it is a little oblong, oval in shape, then it will be possible to put more fillings. Clean and wash. If the vegetable is young, then it is not necessary to peel it, because the skin is very thin. It is enough just to wash it well so that the sand does not crunch on the teeth.

How to cut

Now we cut the potatoes with an accordion, without cutting to the end, so that the thickness between the cuts is about 0.5 centimeters. It turned out like a fan of potatoes. I had to spoil a lot of potatoes before I managed to cut it normally. And it turned out thanks to an ordinary tablespoon. Put a vegetable in it and cut it into the right pieces. The knife rests on the iron base and does not cut the potato to the end. This facilitates, speeds up the process several times. Salt.

Now we need to prepare the filling. Today it will smoked sausage. Cut it into slices.

Cut each piece in half.

We form

Insert a piece of sausage into each cut.

You can cook it this way, bake it in culinary foil, wrapping each potato, or just on a baking sheet.


We put it on a baking sheet, send it to a preheated oven to 180 degrees. Cooking time 30-40 minutes.

To make the potatoes crispy, open the foil 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

So it will bake, of course, faster, but it’s more convenient for me to do it on a baking sheet - you save foil and time. It needs to be lubed vegetable oil, put cooked potatoes on it for baking, cover with a lid or foil, send to the oven. The cooking time will increase by 10 minutes, and the temperature for cooking the dish will remain the same - 180 degrees.

Serve to the table

I propose to serve the dish to the table as soon as it is pulled out of the oven. Perfect solution for a seed dinner or for a festive table if unexpected guests have arrived or you have arranged a simple evening gathering with friends and decided to have a bite to eat. it independent dish, it should be served with a light salad or pickled tomatoes. As you understand, cooking will take very little active time, and each time the recipe can be supplemented with ingredients and cooked with a different filling.

Stuffings for accordion potatoes

  • The dish can be prepared with the following products:
  • Bacon;
  • Sirom;
  • Salom fresh, salted or smoked;
  • Garlic;
  • meat;
  • mushrooms;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Ham;
  • minced meat;
  • chicken.

You can cook separately or combine.

When I tried a new filling, I cooked one thing at a time, and stuffed the rest of the potatoes with the one that had already been tested and liked by everyone. So we chose for ourselves what suits us best.

Now I cook for everyone what he likes or just make assorted dishes from what is left in the refrigerator. Very convenient, inexpensive, and the main ingredient is always in the cellar.

On the grill

This dish can be cooked not only at home in the oven. It will become great addition to barbecue in nature. Everything is very simple, we do everything according to the recipe, wrap the potatoes in foil, send them to the coals of a fire or on the grill. Cooking 30-40 minutes. To check the readiness, we take out one piece, carefully unfold it, if it is ready, we take it out and serve it to the table. If not, we send it to the coals for a while.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. A little of your time simple products- and the baked potato accordion with sausage in the oven is ready.

Step by step recipe with photo and video

To cook potatoes with cheese in the oven, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Wash and dry the potato tubers.

Combine finely chopped garlic cloves, dried spices, 1-2 pinches of salt and ground black pepper. Mix everything well and rub the mixture with a pestle or spoon. Mixed with salt, the pieces of garlic will release juice, become softer, and you will get a very fragrant, spicy gruel.

Then add 4-5 tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix well again.

Place the potato tubers between two tablespoons or wooden sticks and make deep cuts every 0.5 cm. The handles of the spoons will help you keep the potatoes intact as they will limit the movement of the knife blade.

Cut the chilled butter into thin slices and insert pieces of butter into every other slit in the potato tubers.

Lubricate the surface of the tubers with the prepared fragrant oil, trying to get the gruel of garlic and dried herbs into the cuts that were not filled with butter. Vegetable oil will create an appetizing golden crust on the surface of the tubers. While butter, garlic and herbs will add flavor and tenderness to the potato pulp.

Don't be afraid to overdo it with the amount of oil - during baking, all excess oil will drain from the potatoes to the bottom of the baking dish. Only a small part is absorbed, which is necessary for the potato to turn out to be tender in taste.

Put the prepared potatoes in a baking dish. Cover the form with foil, place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 40-50 minutes, until soft. Exact time depends on the size of the potatoes and the capabilities of the oven.

The readiness of potatoes can be checked by piercing the tubers with a toothpick. If the toothpick enters easily, you can proceed to the next step.

Cut the cheese into small, thin slices and insert a piece of cheese into each slit in the potato.

Sprinkle the potatoes with a pinch of salt and ground black pepper and place in the oven for another 15-20 minutes to melt the cheese and lightly brown.

In the meantime, prepare the sauce for the potatoes, if desired. Combine sour cream, 1-2 finely chopped garlic cloves and green onion. Add some salt and ground black pepper to taste and mix well.

Oven baked potato accordion with cheese is ready.

Serve potatoes to the table with a refreshing sour cream sauce. Enjoy your meal!

Baked , step by step recipe with the photo of which we will look at today, will always come to the rescue in the event that an ordinary baked potato or potato casseroles you have already arrived.

This dish is difficult to attribute to any particular cuisine, but we can say with confidence that it belongs to simple village food. accordion potato, stuffed with bacon, cheese, can be found in American and European cuisines. Excellent taste and ease of preparation made this dish very popular among housewives. For the sake of justice, it is worth saying that in some cafes and bars you can also answer this dish on the menu.

Many of you have tried charcoal-baked potatoes in foil with lard. Accordion potatoes with lard or bacon, of course, will not have a characteristic smoky smell, but it turns out very tasty. Although, if you take not simple fresh fat, but smoked, then the potatoes will acquire the aroma of smoked meats. To welcome guests festive table and for family dinner or lunch, this dish is just perfect.

Now let's move on to the recipe and see how it's done. potato accordion with lard - step by step recipe with photo.


  • Potatoes - 6-7 pcs.,
  • Brisket or lard - 400 gr.,
  • A mixture of spices for bacon or meat - 1/3 teaspoon,
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves

Potato accordion with bacon in the oven - recipe

To prepare this dish, you must first find oval-shaped potato tubers, more precisely, oblong ones, round potatoes are not suitable for these purposes. If you look at the recipes for accordion potatoes with bacon in foil, in the oven, you can clearly replace the fact that they are most often cooked with the skin, so the potato tubers must be thoroughly washed.

During washing, special attention should be paid to the eyes of potatoes, since it is in them that a large number of earth. While washing the potatoes, you can use a special kitchen sponge, lightly scrape the potato peel with light pressure.

You can remove the potato skin if you like. So, now we need lard. Fat, brisket or bacon, it doesn’t matter, it is advisable to put it in the freezer before cutting. Slightly frozen bacon you can easily cut into even slices.

Cut it into thin slices no more than 3 cm thick (otherwise it will be difficult to insert it into the potato) and about 2 by 4 cm in size. To prepare accordion potatoes, you can use both plain and brisket. With brisket, potatoes turn out to be much tastier, because, unlike lard, they also contain meat.

Now the potatoes need to be turned into an accordion. There is a little trick to this process so that you don't accidentally cut the potatoes in half while cutting the bacon strips. So the whole secret is to stop the knife from doing that. Put two potatoes around the edges wooden skewers for kebabs and boldly cut potatoes. The edge of the knife will rest against the skewer, preventing it from reaching the bottom of the potato. With a knife, make parallel cuts along the entire length of the potato in about 1.5-2 cm.

Insert pieces of fat into them. Now the potato, for sure, has become like an accordion.

In a Stockholm restaurant with this name for the first time, this appeared unusual dish. And in Russia, because of its subtle resemblance to a well-known folk musical instrument, they called it an accordion potato.

Choosing potatoes and preparing them for cooking

To get this original with a crispy crust and tender core, you need to choose small oval or oblong potatoes of the same size. There are 2-3 pieces per serving.

Potatoes are peeled, washed and dried on a towel. If his skin is not rough, then you can not cut it off, but simply rinse it thoroughly.

The main secret a variety of recipes cooking a festive-looking, but very simple accordion potato dish consists in the way it is cut. The potatoes are cut into segments of the same thickness. So that they do not fall apart, you do not need to cut the tuber completely.

For convenience, you can take wooden sticks that are used in Chinese or Japanese restaurants. The potato should be placed between two sticks that fit snugly against it. By cutting off before this a piece of a tuber from the side lying on a baking sheet, you can achieve its better stability.

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Classic recipe

The easiest way to prepare fragrant baked potatoes consists of the following:

  • the required amount of potatoes (the calculation is based on the number of servings) is cut in the above way. It is not necessary to cut the peel;
  • vegetables are laid out on a baking sheet;
  • mixture is made from breadcrumbs, salt, paprika or ground black pepper, which is sprinkled on each tuber. It should also fall into the cuts;
  • potatoes are sprinkled with vegetable oil and placed in a preheated oven for 40 minutes.

If the peel on the tubers is peeled, then it is better to wrap them in foil. But after 10-15 minutes, unfold and let them brown. In order not to oversalt the potatoes, common salt you can replace the sea. They put it in quite a bit.

How to cook accordion potatoes in the oven (video)

Other options for cooking accordion potatoes

There are dozens of options for cooking unusual, tasty, elegant and very healthy dish from potatoes, jokingly called an accordion. We will tell you about the most popular recipes.

Lean potatoes stuffed with vegetables

In addition to washed potatoes, you also need to take greens, a couple of heads of garlic, salt, pepper, tomatoes, onion, vegetable oil and a little bit of mayonnaise. The calculation of the amount of each of the ingredients depends on the number of servings and individual taste.

The dish is prepared like this:

  • part of the garlic is peeled and finely chopped, and the rest is simply washed and dried;
  • chopped greens and a little salt are added to chopped garlic;
  • tomatoes and onions are cut into rings and salted;
  • all this is laid out in turn in the cuts of the potato;
  • stuffed potatoes are placed on a baking sheet, sprinkled on top vegetable oil;
  • unpeeled garlic is laid out on it, and then everything is slightly watered with mayonnaise;
  • so that the potatoes do not burn, a little water is added to the container;
  • the dish is cooked in the oven for about an hour;
  • sprinkle the cooked potatoes with herbs.

Secrets and options for cooking potato casserole

With mushrooms

In this case, about 100 g will be needed for 2-3 servings of potatoes. fresh champignons. Greens, salt, pepper and vegetable oil - as in previous recipes. Finely chopped mushrooms and herbs are salted and peppered, and then laid out in an "accordion". Stuffed potatoes are placed on foil in a baking dish and lightly poured with vegetable oil. From above they are also covered with foil for half an hour. Then bring to readiness already without foil.

With ham, bacon or lard

This recipe does not differ significantly from the previous one in terms of technology. Only the toppings need one and a half times more. It is cut into small pieces. There is already salt in these ingredients, so it is better not to use it. And in this case, you need quite a bit of oil.


This version of cooking potatoes is similar to the previous one. The amount of salt and oil is adjusted depending on the type of sausage chosen.

With chicken and brisket

Such potatoes are loved not only by parents, but also by kids. This dish is considered dietary. For a family of four, you will need half a kilogram of potatoes and 100 g each chicken fillet and breasts. You also need half a pack of butter, salt, spices and a little vegetable oil.

The cooking technology of the dish is as follows:

  • potatoes need to be peeled;
  • boil chicken fillet;
  • finely chop the boiled meat and brisket and pour over half the norm of melted butter (based on the recipe), salt;
  • put the tubers on a form greased with vegetable oil;
  • stuff potatoes and pour over the rest of the butter;
  • bake for about an hour.

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With minced meat

Minced meat needs about half as much as potatoes. You will need a few more cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, seasonings and vegetable oil.

This dish is prepared like this:

  • peeled potatoes are stuffed with minced meat and laid out on foil;
  • garlic squeezed through a spadefoot is mixed with salt, vegetable oil, seasonings and pepper;
  • with a brush, this mixture is applied to each tuber, which is then wrapped in foil and placed on a baking sheet.

With fish

For 8 potatoes, you need 300 grams of salmon fillet, two onions, an egg, a little butter, chopped herbs and salt. Potatoes in this case are peeled and boiled for a couple of minutes ten. Then it is stuffed with a mixture of fried on butter onion, finely chopped salmon fillet, herbs and salt. The tubers smeared with a beaten egg are sent to the oven for 20 minutes.

Cooking methods and times

The harmonica potato is good because you can cook it not only with various fillings, but also in different ways:

  1. The most common of these is in the oven. Depending on the type of filling and the size of the tubers, this process takes 30-60 minutes. Here you can use foil. The oven is heated to a temperature of 200-220 degrees.
  2. Grill gas pan potatoes are placed in foil “saucers”, which are placed on a wire rack. She is in a frying pan, covered with a lid. Moreover, the hole in the bottom of the pan should be aligned with the gas burner. The cooking process in this case takes up to 40 minutes. The dish is similar to cooked on a fire, it is fragrant and healthy.
  3. In a multicooker. The potatoes bake evenly and are very tasty. Each potato is wrapped in foil and placed in a special container. In the "Baking" mode, the dish is cooked for 60-80 minutes. The time depends on the size of the potatoes. Tubers need to be turned over 2-3 times.
  4. Potatoes wrapped in foil can be cooked and in a steamer. This process takes about an hour. This dish is delicious and nutritious.
  5. For cooking potatoes in air grill use an average fan and a temperature of 240-260 degrees. In this case fragrant dish will be ready in 40 minutes.