Fruit and berry sorbet: difference from ice cream, composition and home recipes. Sorbet - what is it? Step-by-step recipe

Sorbet - what kind of delicacy is this? In essence, it is a chilled fruit or berry puree with the addition of sugar, aromatics, and chocolate.

Sometimes varieties of ice cream without added fat are called sorbet. What is it and how can it be prepared? How is it different from ice cream? Let's look at these questions in this article.

Sherbet and sorbet - what is it?

In Arab countries, sherbet is a thick dessert made from boiled fruits with nuts, chocolate, spices, juices, or a soft, sweet drink. Having come to French cooking, both the word and the delicacy itself were transformed. They began to call it sorbet, or you can well imagine it by imagining the taste very light berry ice cream with refreshing notes.

This is ideal. It can be prepared from any fruits and berries, adding a small amount of sugar or its substitutes. It is very important that they are juicy, then you will get the desired texture. A very pleasant dessert is made from melons and watermelons due to their liquid content and refreshing taste.

How to prepare and serve sorbet?

You can make berry dessert different ways. The first is the simplest: after preparing the puree, put it in a freezer form and place it in the refrigerator. It will need to be kept there for about three hours. The most important thing about how to make homemade ice cream is that it needs to be stirred very often. Preferably every half hour, or even every fifteen minutes.

If you prepare sorbet from berries such as strawberries, cranberries or currants, it is important to rub them through a sieve, removing the peels and grains, then the texture of the dessert will be uniform and very pleasant. You can also use juice instead of puree. Adding sour ingredients (lemon or lime juice) will add a refreshing sourness to the sorbet, and a small amount of liqueur or other aromatic alcohol will give it a special taste. Of course, only if children do not eat the treat.

You can serve sorbet in glasses or bowls, or use them after pre-cooling them. Use all the ways you would decorate ice cream. Sorbet is very good in small meringue cups. To prepare them, the protein-sugar foam is kept in the oven at low temperature until it becomes creamy. First you need to shape the meringue into a cup using a spoon. Place a ball of sorbet into the prepared, slightly cooled egg white mold. Garnish with cream, whole or cut berries,

Do I need to buy an ice cream maker?

If you make sorbet in large quantities and want to reduce your labor costs, buy a special unit. This will save you from having to stir the prepared treat every half hour. After all, uniform freezing is very important for the texture of sorbet and ice cream. There are two types of such devices - those that require pre-cooling, and those that can be immediately plugged in and cooked.

Cooling sherbet. Recipes for making sherbet drink

What is sherbet?

If so far you have only enjoyed the taste of hard sherbet, reminiscent of fudge or boiled sugar, then we invite you to familiarize yourself with its liquid embodiment. After all, sherbet (sherbet, sorbet) is not only a sweetness, but also a traditional oriental drink, in classic version prepared from dogwood, rose hips, roses and spices. In its modern version, sherbet is a soft drink made from juice with ice cream, fruit or spices.
Try to cook it yourself - you will see how your guests, and especially children, will like it! The sherbet is served with a spoon and, unless otherwise stated in the recipe, the ice cream and juice are not stirred.

Recipes for making sherbet drink

Apple sorbet:

50 g fruit ice cream;
- 1/2 tbsp. apple juice;
- 1/4 tbsp. cherry juice.
Mix the juices using a blender or mixer. Place the ice cream in a glass and pour over the juice mixture.

Raspberry sherbet:

1 tbsp. raspberry syrup;

- 1/2 tbsp. chilled milk.
Mix milk with syrup and pour the resulting mixture over ice cream.

Strawberry sorbet:

50 g strawberry ice cream;
- 1/2 tbsp. blueberry juice;
- 2 tbsp. strawberry syrup.
Mix the syrup with fruit drink and pour this mixture over the ice cream in a glass.

Coffee-caramel sherbet:

100 ml coffee;

- 30 ml caramel syrup;
- 1 tsp. cream.
Brew strong coffee, and cool it down.
Place the ice cream in a glass, pour syrup over it and pour in coffee.

Tea sherbet:

125 ml of strong chilled tea;
- 50 g ice cream;
- 30 ml vanilla syrup.
Brew and cool strong tea. Then combine the tea with vanilla syrup and stir. Pour the resulting drink over the ice cream.

Pineapple sorbet:

100 ml lemon juice;
- 50 g vanilla ice cream;
- 50 ml pineapple juice.
Using a blender or mixer, mix juice with fruit drink
and pour the resulting mixture into the ice cream glass.

Orange sherbet:

100 ml apple juice;
- 50 g ice cream;
- 20 ml orange syrup.
Mix the syrup with fruit drink and pour the resulting liquid over the ice cream.

Nut sorbet:

100 ml orange juice;

- 30 g nut syrup.
Place the ice cream in a glass, pour over the nut syrup and add sorbet juice.

Carrot sherbet:

100 ml carrot juice;
- 50 g of fruit ice cream;
- 15 ml apricot syrup.
Place ice cream in a glass, pour syrup and juice over it.
Gently stir the drink.

Mint-tangerine sherbet:

100 ml tangerine juice;
- 60 g of creamy ice cream;
- 15 ml mint syrup;
- a sprig of mint for decoration.
Mix juice and syrup in a mixer and pour
the resulting mixture ice cream in a glass.
Ready drink garnish with mint.

Fruit and berry sorbet:

120 ml apple juice;
- 60 ml cherry juice;
- 50 g ice cream.
Mix the juices and pour them over the ice cream.

Sherbet with cocoa:

50 g creamy ice cream;
- 30 ml cocoa syrup;
- 2 strawberries;
- 1 tbsp. whipped cream.
Place the ice cream in a glass, pour syrup over it,
and place cream and strawberries on top.

Sherbet with berries:

90 ml grape juice;
- 50 g of creamy ice cream;
- 40 g cherry jam;
- fresh berries cherries and grapes;
- 2 tsp. coffee syrup.
Mix juice, jam and syrup in a mixer.
Place ice cream in a glass or glass,
add berries and add the mixture obtained in the mixer.

Pomegranate sherbet:

100 ml pomegranate juice;
- 50 g of fruit ice cream;
- 15 ml sugar syrup.
Pour syrup and juice over ice cream.
Gently stir the sherbet.

Sherbet with canned fruit:

50 ml cranberry juice;
- 50 g of fruit ice cream;
- 50 g of canned fruit;
- 15 ml strawberry syrup.
Place ice cream and fruit in a glass.
Mix cranberry juice With strawberry syrup
and pour the resulting mixture over the sundaes.

Fruit sorbet:

60 ml grape juice;
- 60 ml plum juice;
- 30 g canned apricots, peaches or plums (or both);
- 25 ml vanilla syrup.
Place fruit in a glass (if necessary, you can
pre-cut into smaller pieces).
Mix juices with syrup and pour over fruit.

Thick chocolate sherbet:

125 g liquid chocolate;
- 50 g chocolate or coffee ice cream;
- 1 egg yolk;
- 20 g vanilla syrup;
- 1 tbsp. whipped cream;
- 1 cherry for decoration.
Prepare and cool liquid chocolate.
Beat the yolk and then mix it with the ice cream, syrup and chocolate. Place the sorbet in a glass, garnish with cream and a cherry.

Do you think that the difference in the words sherbet and sorbet is only in pronunciation? Is gelato an Italian-inspired ice cream?

With the arrival of summer, when cold dessert becomes a salvation from hot weather, it will be useful to know the types of “ice cream”...

1 Sorbet

This frozen delight is made entirely of fresh berries/fruits and sugar. Without a hint of dairy component. Sorbet is often kneaded in an ice cream maker, making it easy to form a portion into a ball using a special spoon. Some establishments even serve sorbet between main courses. The bright fruity aroma is believed to be refreshing taste buds. Making sorbet at home is not at all difficult.

2 Sherbet

Ice cream sherbet is the same as the sorbet mentioned above, but without big amount milk.

In this case, the main part should also be berries or fruit puree.

3 Granita

Like sorbet, Italian granita is made from berry puree, sugar and water.

The difference is in the resulting texture. Unlike the smooth and slightly viscous consistency of sorbet, granita is scraped off the sides several times during freezing. Due to this, ice flakes are formed.

4 Ice cream

Proper ice cream according to GOST must contain at least 10% milk fat, which is obtained from cow's milk. At the same time, the whipping process is integral to cooking. This helps the ice cream not only freeze, but also taste sweet.

5 Gelato

I wrote about it before, but I’ll repeat it. Firstly, this is how “ice cream” is translated from Italian. However, these two desserts are not at all similar to each other. Secondly, the basis of gelato is not milk, but custard. Due to this, the proportion of milk fat in it is less, but during cooking it absorbs air less well, so the texture is quite dense. Another difference is the serving temperature, which is slightly higher than regular ice cream, so the gelato has a shiny and soft consistency.

6 Frozen Custard

This one is super creamy dessert Same as ice cream except with the addition of egg yolk. Thanks to this slight change in the recipe, a thicker and, at the same time, softer consistency is acquired.

Frozen custard is popular in the southern and midwestern regions of the United States.

7 Frozen yogurt

Today this type of ice cream can be increasingly found in our stores. The main difference, as the name implies, is the use of yogurt, which replaces milk or cream, while the preparation process remains identical to that for ice cream.

A sweet cold dessert made from fruit puree and sugar syrup - the oldest prototype of modern ice cream and many oriental sweets.

A cold drink made from fruit and honey was called sorbet, sorbet, and sorbet until the beginning of the twentieth century. sherbet. Wikipedia says "sherbet" is a misspelling. However, this word is widely used . Now with sherbet called oriental sweetness– fudge with plenty of peanuts and others nuts, as well as fruit ice cream, except fruits and berries, containing milk, cream or yogurt.

Sorbet (sorbet) - came to us from French cuisine. At first, sorbet was served only in liquid form. It was cold and sweet fruit drink, cooked according to oriental recipe. Then they began to mix it with ice, and then they invented many delicious frozen desserts: ice cream, melorin, sorbet, sherbet, fruit ice, granita. Fruit ice, granita and sorbet do not contain milk or vegetable fats. They differ only in the method of preparation and consistency. Recipes for sherbet and melorin include fat. Sherbet contains milk fats, and melorin contains vegetable fats.

Sorbet occupied a separate niche among varieties of ice cream. In fact it's ice cream that contains neither milk or cream. When making dessert, they use berry and fruit purees, juices, sugar syrup and many other additives, including alcohol, egg white, honey and herbs.

Sorbet contains quite a lot of carbohydrates, but does not contain any fat. This makes it low-calorie product, if you do not use large amounts of sugar, chocolate and nuts. The calorie content of sorbet depends on its composition and ranges between 50 and 180 kcal per 100 g.

Composition and basic cooking rules

To obtain a delicate, light and airy consistency, sorbet must be prepared correctly.

First, sugar syrup is boiled and fruits and berries are pureed. All components are cooled. Some fruits (apples, pears) are recommended to be cut into pieces, frozen, and then blended. The products are mixed and cooled like ice cream. You need to check periodically freezer and stir the sorbet as soon as the layer at the edges of the mold freezes. As a rule, this should be done every 30–40 minutes. Stirring prevents the formation of large ice crystals and makes the consistency uniform and fluffy.

Of great importance is the ability to correctly use natural ingredients in the recipe, which help maintain the texture and shape of the finished product. These include:

  • natural preservatives;
  • natural stabilizers.

Main preservative for sweet products – sugar. Sugar syrup helps to store the product longer and maintain its shape. Sorbet contains approximately twice as much sugar as ice cream. A dessert based on sweet fruits and berries requires less sugar syrup. But if there is too little sugar, the fruit mixture will freeze into ice and lose its airiness and softness. If there is too much sugar, the mass may not freeze properly.

It is necessary to strictly follow the proportions of the proven recipe. A smoother and more delicate texture of the product can be achieved by replacing part of the sugar (about 10 percent) with invert sugar syrup.

Stabilizers are required when using large quantity liquids in the recipe. For example, when the basis of the dessert is not puree, but juice or compote. Natural stabilizer – egg white. The egg white must be whipped into a soft foam and added to the mixture halfway through the freezing process. Whipped egg white not only prevents separation, but also adds volume and fluffiness. finished product. For one kilogram of base, one whipped egg white is enough.

Pectins help maintain the consistency of sorbet. In many fruits and berries, such as apples, bananas, apricots, currants and cherries, contains a lot of natural pectin. In puree, its quantity is sufficient to maintain the desired structure of the cold delicacy.

Sorbet with alcohol is a treat for adults. By adding alcohol, the freezing time increases, and the product becomes softer and more aromatic. Any recipe can serve as the basis, only part of the juice or sugar syrup is replaced with alcohol. Sweet liqueurs are added to syrup when preparing sorbets from sour berries or citrus fruits. Sparkling wine replace part of the juice in sorbets made from sweet fruits and berries: pears , banana , raspberries And grapes. Cognac, brandy and others strong alcohol goes well with apple, plum and cherry.


The simplest sorbet is not difficult to prepare. You just need to chop fruits rich in pectin, add sugar syrup, beat the mixture in a blender and freeze, stirring occasionally. Excellent results are achieved by combining apples with lemon and banana with black currant in a ratio of 10:1.

As you develop the skill of creating refreshing desserts, recipes can become more complex. For example, you can add small pieces fruits and whole small berries in the process of freezing.