Delicate jelly: diet recipes for weight loss. Strawberry Sugar Free Diet Jelly

original recipe how to make diet jelly. Such yummy will appeal to lovers of sourness and refreshing citrus aromas, this great option natural summer dessert.

Vitamin and fragrant dish, which is saturated with the taste of citrus fruits with mint. It's great summer dessert, which also does not harm the figure and is made of natural ingredients. It can be poured into a large mold or immediately portioned, for example, into cupcake molds. You can serve the jelly with a sprig of mint and other fruits of your choice.

Servings: 3-4

A very simple recipe for diet jelly home cooking step by step with photo. Easy to cook at home in 6 hours. Contains only 188 kilocalories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Preparation time: 12 minutes
  • Cooking time: 6 h
  • Amount of calories: 188 kilocalories
  • Servings: 7 servings
  • Reason: For lunch
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Desserts, Jelly

Ingredients for ten servings

  • Gelatin - 10-15 Grams
  • Water - 450-500 Milliliters
  • Lime - 1 Piece
  • Sugar substitute - 5 Art. spoons
  • Mint - 1 bunch

Step by step cooking

  1. Wash the lime and mint well. Pour the gelatin into a saucepan and cover with water. Grate lime zest on a grater.
  2. We put the pan with gelatin and water on fire and bring to a boil, stir continuously until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and pour in sweetener, zest, mint, squeeze lime juice and mix.
  3. Leave to infuse and cool to 40 degrees at room temperature, filter through a sieve. We send to a cold place until completely solidified. Bon appetit!

If everything is done correctly, then any curd dessert without baking with gelatin, it turns out delicious, keeps its shape well, that is, it looks attractive, and can be served as a treat even with festive table.

Pp-dessert from cottage cheese with gelatin is light dish, tasty and very useful. You can eat desserts from cottage cheese without baking with gelatin almost without restrictions - at least every day. Of course, you need to observe the daily balance of macronutrients in the diet and use: honey, stevia, fructose.

Jellied curd mass is good in any form - with fruits, cocoa, nuts, candied fruits. The most dietary types are fruit and berry and with cocoa.

Secrets of cottage cheese pp-desserts with gelatin

Regardless of the recipe, each cottage cheese dessert is very easy to prepare.

The main thing is to properly dilute the thickener and give the dish time to solidify.

There are several types of gelatin, but I advise you to take high-purity instant gelatin - it is convenient to work with such ones, they do not have a strong smell, they do not give any aftertastes.

Gelatin has a beneficial effect on digestive system and removes toxins from the body. It is obtained from the bones, sinews and skins of animals, so it is not suitable for a vegetarian diet.

Agar-agar and pectin are vegetable analogues. They stimulate digestion and are natural enterosorbents. If it is impossible to use a thickener of animal origin, it is permissible to use vegetable analogues.

Calorie content of a serving (300 g) - 280-310 kcal, bju: 25 g of protein, 3 g of fat, 35 g of carbohydrates.


  • cottage cheese - 500 g
  • thick yogurt - 150 ml,
  • oatmeal cookies - 12 pcs.
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l. or other sahzam
  • gelatin - 15 g
  • water - 100 g
  • strong cold brewed black coffee with stevia - 200 ml


  1. Pour gelatin with water, as in previous recipes.
  2. Beat cottage cheese with kefir and honey until creamy, adding prepared gelatin.
  3. Each cookie should be quickly dipped in coffee and placed on a dish in a single layer.
  4. Spread cream on top.
  5. The top can be topped with crushed biscuits, cocoa, grated nuts, or fresh berries.
  6. Cool down.
  • In order for the gelatin-based dessert to succeed, it is better to spread the fruit filler on the bottom of the mold for solidification, and not interfere with curd mass. In any fruit there are enzymes that "conflict" with gelatin, although not as pronounced as the enzymes of kiwi and pineapple.
  • Any cottage cheese dessert with gelatin without baking is a non-capricious recipe, so you can safely change the proportions at your discretion and your taste. The only proportion that must be observed is the ratio of gelatin and water. It should be at least 1:10, and you can reduce the amount of water, then the consistency of the jelly will be more dense.

Video recipe for cottage cheese berry dessert

I really liked this recipe with granular bran - both low-calorie and definitely tasty, and the whole process is shown in detail:

All you want on a diet - desserts, carbohydrates and a cup of coffee
with milk. We can’t help with coffee, but we’ll show you the dietary
jelly recipes for weight loss.

Diet recipes for slimming jelly. cherry jelly with
cardamom and cloves

This jelly recipe is the most dietary of today's dishes.
Its obvious advantage is that sweet cherry does not need
additional sweeteners.

You'll need a bag of frozen pitted cherries
which you need to fill with water and boil a little. For taste, try adding
pot with various spices: cardamom and cloves will give it an exotic
aroma and flavor of a gourmet dessert.

Pour diluted gelatin into still boiling water, well
stir, cool and pour into molds. Because of high content acid solidify
jelly will be long: it will take at least 6 hours. But it's worth it!

Decorate the finished jelly with mint.

Diet recipes for slimming jelly. Milk jelly with

This diet recipe for jelly causes our editors
associations with cottage cheese “Danissimo”. With the only exception that our dish -
for weight loss.

boil skimmed milk with vanilla (cinnamon is better not
add so as not to spoil delicate taste), add some honey and gelatin to it.
Pouring into molds, put in each of them sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpears into cubes.

It is very important not to boil the pears in milk, but to keep them
fresh and crispy: if you throw them into the pan, pear juice kill all
aroma and tenderness of milk jelly.

If milk jelly seems boring to you, maybe add
quite a bit of semolina into the milk, so that when cooking it thickens
almost imperceptible. Enjoy

Diet recipes for slimming jelly. coffee jelly with

And this diet recipe is already more high-calorie, although everything
also for weight loss. It's all about the fat content of the cream you choose for

By the way, no matter what diet mania you have, it’s better to take
thicker cream: then the taste will be much more intense. And coffee is insoluble,
and ground.

So, brew yourself a pretty strong one natural coffe.
It will be even more interesting if you choose
a drink with additives - for example, flavored with almonds or cinnamon.

While the coffee is boiling, add some sugar to it and
prepared gelatin. Pour into a mold and place in the refrigerator.

How, where's the cream? Wait, it's not time yet! Somewhere later
an hour when the jelly has not yet hardened, but will begin to thicken, carefully, one trickle,
pour cream into it, making rotational movements with a sushi stick.

As a result, you should get a delicious creamy
funnel. Garnish with grated almonds before serving.

Or you can do it as in the picture above: cut the finished jelly into cubes and mix with whipped cream. And don't forget the almonds!

strawberry jelly sugar free diet

5 (100%) voted 1

In the summer, when the strawberry season begins, you really want to please yourself with something refreshing, berry and, at the same time, healthy. Strawberry jelly is, in my opinion, the best strawberry diet dessert.

You can cook it in several variations. Fans of whole berries can make jellied jelly when strawberries are poured with a gelatinous liquid. Another option for strawberry jelly is to chop the strawberries in a blender. Then the jelly resembles a gentle berry mousse.

You can also experiment with thickeners. When using gelatin, strawberry jelly will come out more resilient and elastic. It is better to use it for the filling option.

Agar-agar jelly, if you put half the norm, turns out to be softer, and it is agar-agar that is best used when making jelly from whipped strawberries in a blender.

Let's look at each recipe separately, and you yourself choose which one you like best. Many jelly recipes in the section.

Strawberry jelly recipe with agar-agar

Vegetarians will like this version of strawberry jelly, as it does not contain gelatin. And it is this thickener that is most useful for diabetes because it slows down the digestion of carbohydrates.


  • 250 grams of strawberries
  • 0.5 tablespoon of agar agar
  • to taste (at the height of the season, when strawberries are very sweet, you can not put a substitute at all)


  1. Wash the strawberries, remove the tails, and grind in a blender to a puree.
  2. Prepare agar-agar (soak for 40 minutes in water, and then boil for 10 minutes).
  3. Pour thickener over strawberry puree. You can add a little water to dilute the jelly.

Leave to harden in the refrigerator for half an hour. Strawberry jelly with agar-agar is ready. The calorie content of this dessert is 21 kcal per 100 grams. XE per 100 grams - 0.5 . Sugar substitute was not included. If you decide to add, for example, fructose, then you will need to add its calorie content to the calorie content of the dessert.

Strawberry jelly with gelatin

Now I will teach you how to make strawberry jelly with whole berries. Why is it better to cook such jelly on gelatin? The fact is that dense agar-agar jelly is not very pleasant in smell and is too hard in texture. Therefore, I advise you to cook from it only soft versions of desserts, where its lower concentration is taken.

But the usual gelatin for us, subject to the proportion of 2 tablespoons per liter of liquid, gives a very pleasant elastic consistency, without distorting the taste and smell of the dessert.


  • 250 grams of strawberries
  • 2 tablespoons gelatin
  • 1 liter of water
  • Sugar substitute to taste


  1. Wash strawberries, remove stems.
  2. Pour half the strawberries with 1 liter of water, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Add sugar substitute to boiling strawberries. It turns out something similar to strawberry compote.
  4. Put the remaining half of the whole strawberries in the bottom of the jelly molds. The smaller the berries, the better. Large strawberries can be cut.
  5. After the water with strawberries has boiled for 5-10 minutes, remove the pan from the stove.
  6. Prepared gelatin (soaked for 40 minutes in water, and heated until dissolved) is mixed with “ strawberry compote". Boiled berries must be removed.
  7. Pour fresh strawberries into molds.

Freezing time from one hour to night. It all depends on the quality of the gelatin.

Calorie content per 100 grams of strawberry jelly with gelatin is 22 kcal, and XE per 100 grams is 0.13

In conclusion, I will say that each of these strawberry jelly recipes is good in its own way. For roast summer day such a delicacy will be just a godsend. And do not listen to those who say that fruits are not suitable for diabetes, as they contain carbohydrates. If you eat everything in the norm and count XE, then almost everything is possible.

Is it possible to lose weight dessert products? Jelly Diet will help you find the key to the desired harmony!

Gelatin refers to high-calorie foods(350-355 kcal/100 g). However, this supplement is quite often an integral part of the diet of many body shaping programs. The fact is that for the preparation of jelly, as a rule, no more than 15-20 g of gelatin is used. Thus, the general energy value ready meal usually does not exceed 50 kcal.

The effectiveness of eating jelly for weight loss is due to its ability to “deceive” the feeling of hunger. This delicious and affordable dessert, getting into the stomach even in a small amount, tends to swell and provide a feeling of satiety for a long time.

At its core, gelatin is concentrated protein product. IN Food Industry connective tissues, cartilage and bones of animals become raw materials for its manufacture. This fact explains the large presence in its composition of calcium, natural collagen and other useful amino acids - elements that actively influence the acceleration of fat metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

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The jelly diet

The jelly diet is a restricted diet, the main component of which is low-calorie home-made jelly (up to 1 liter during the day). In order to lose weight, only a product of medium density should be included in the menu. Such a jelly will help to quickly saturate, increase energy costs for digestion of food, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, eliminate puffiness and activate the burning of fat, bypassing the destruction of muscle tissue.

Diet jelly can be made on the basis of:

  • vegetable, fruit, berry decoctions;
  • skimmed milk, yogurt;
  • lean meat (chicken, fish) broths;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • compotes from dried fruits, herbal teas.

slimming jelly recipe

The required amount of gelatin powder is pre-soaked in water, according to the instructions on the package. The resulting mass is heated over low heat until the granules are completely dissolved, mixed with the base, poured into molds and placed in a refrigerator.

As additional meals or ingredients, jelly is allowed to use only raw fruit, berries, vegetables and greens. You can “sweeten” the taste of the main dish with a sugar substitute. Important condition if you follow a jelly diet - every day you need to drink at least 3 liters of ordinary, purified water (green tea).

The maximum duration of the jelly diet is 5-7 days. Judging by the estimates of the supporters of this technique, for the entire period of its observance, you can get rid of 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight.

There are lighter varieties of the jelly diet. Their duration is 1-2 weeks, and the diet is based mainly on dietary products meals with snacks in the form of a jelly dessert.

Jelly Diet Menu

An approximate "lightweight" option for the day:

Gelatin, drinks and dishes from it are successfully used during fasting days.

How safe jelly diet? Reviews experts do not recommend resorting to its help with:

  • metabolic disorders, a tendency to frequent constipation;
  • urolithiasis, any pathologies of the urinary tract;
  • thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, other serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Read also:

  • Dried apricots: useful composition, recipes, diets for weight loss
  • Folk remedies for weight loss: 2 recipes for "eternal" beauty
  • "Magic" diet from Dr. Mitchell
  • "Sybarite": fruit and curd weight loss

Edible gelatin is a product of animal origin recommended by nutritionists and cosmetologists for healing, weight loss and rejuvenation. Gelatin on a diet - affordable and effective remedy, which helps not only to lose extra pounds, but also improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, strengthen articular cartilage, get rid of pain and crunch, increase joint mobility, speed up metabolism, and tone muscles.

gelatin in diet

The benefits of gelatin are due to the fact that it is, in fact, pure collagen protein obtained from the processing of animal connective tissue (bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments). Having a yellowish translucent color, crystalline gelatin powder, as a result of interaction with water, becomes a viscous mass - jelly. A worthy alternative to gelatin can be agar agar - a gel-forming powder of plant origin.

Despite the high calorie content of the powder (355 kcal per 100 g), the energy value of gelatin jelly is low, because the granules are diluted with liquid in a large proportion. For example, fruit jelly contains about 80 kcal per 100 g (it all depends on the recipe).

Gelatin for weight loss: how to take

The essence of the gelatin diet is that within 7 days the usual dishes daily ration it is necessary to replace with a variety of jelly, meat jelly, jellied fish. Jelly can be prepared from meat, fish, vegetable, fruit broths (compotes), berries, fruit juices, milk, sour cream, tea.

To avoid problems with the intestines, and excessive use of gelatin in the digestive tract can provoke difficult bowel movements, gelatin meals should be supplemented with prunes, dried fruits, oatmeal. Such a diet promises a loss of at least 2-5 kg ​​of excess weight.

Recipe for a low-calorie gelatin drink

Gelatin can be consumed not only in the form of jelly dishes, but also in the form of drinks. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of gelatin in half a glass in the morning warm water, stir. In the evening, add a couple of teaspoons of honey to the swollen gelatin mixture, add a glass of water to the top, mix. For weight loss, it is advisable to drink such a drink at night or instead of dinner after 18 hours, since protein satisfies the feeling of hunger, promotes weight loss and strengthens the muscle corset.

For the prevention of diseases of the joints, nails and hair - drink 1-3 times a week in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. For treatment, a gelatin drink should be taken in a course of 10 days - up to 2 months.

Recipes with gelatin for weight loss

Dessert of sour cream with prunes

You will need:

  • shop sour cream 15% fat - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - a little, to taste;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar;
  • milk - 100-200 ml;
  • gelatin - 2 sachets of 10 g;
  • prunes - no matter how much it is a pity.
  1. Soak gelatin in milk for an hour.
  2. Then heat in a water bath until completely dissolved. Or dissolve it in 5 minutes with microwave oven, including it every time for 15 seconds and carefully stirring the jelly mass.
  3. If the prunes are dry and hard, then they should also be soaked in hot water for 15 minutes. Then grind it.
  4. Beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla in a mixer or, at worst, with a whisk. At the same time, it is desirable that the sour cream be room temperature otherwise the sugar will not dissolve.
  5. Pour in the gelatin mass and beat again.
  6. Add the washed and finely chopped prunes to the mixture, mix.
  7. Pour out the future sour cream jelly in bowls and refrigerate for at least half an hour.

delicious diet dessert ready to use.

Dukan Diet: Gelatin

According to Pierre Dukan, gelatin is considered an acceptable product on a diet. It offers a variety of gelatin-based meals at various nutritional stages. Delight, blancmange and many others delicious desserts can be prepared with gelatin.

Gelatin for weight loss: reviews

Irina (22 years old) “I am a terrible sweet tooth, and this makes it very difficult for me to lead a healthy lifestyle. I tried to replace all the sweets with gelatin desserts. A miracle happened. The weight is rapidly creeping down, but I do not feel discomfort "

Marina (23 years old) “I spent 7 days on a gelatin diet, I didn’t feel any difficulties, but I lost 3 kg.”

Svetlana (35 years old) “I regularly drink gelatin water, I forgot about joint pain, I lost 2 kg in the first two weeks.”

  • Gelatin and calories.
  • Principles of working with gelatin.
  • Delicious recipes with gelatin.

It is believed that in order to lose weight from the diet, you need to exclude the most high-calorie and at the same time the most delicious dishes- Sweet desserts. And, having decided to go on a diet, few girls remember that a nutritious dessert can be prepared from low-calorie foods.

One of the ingredients for preparing such a treat can be the most common edible gelatin- useful for the whole organism and suitable for bold culinary experiments.

How many calories are in gelatin?

Gelatin is based on extracts from animal bones, which contain almost one protein. There are very few fats, carbohydrates and starch in the product. Calorie content of 100 g of powder - 355 kcal. This figure at first glance may seem quite large, but do not forget that gelatin is diluted with water during cooking.

By diluting a tablespoon of gelatin with 6-8 tablespoons of water, you can reduce the calorie content of the product to 10-40 kcal. Of course, by adding sugar to the dish, it will not be possible to avoid an increase in calories, but in this case, low-calorie sweeteners can be used to achieve the desired result.

What is made from gelatin?

The principle of preparing dishes based on gelatin is very simple: the powder is poured with water by volume 6-8 times greater than its amount, allowed to swell and bloom into steam bath and mixed with other ingredients: fruit juice or fish broth.

In the first case, after the liquid solidifies, they get fruit jelly - a dish that can be consumed on its own and even made the main component for your diet.

In the second case, we are talking about preparing a savory dish - jellied fish. His recipe is very simple: pieces boiled fish and vegetables are poured with pre-prepared jelly (40 g of gelatin, salt, spices and additives to taste are added to 1 liter of fish broth), and cooled until the mixture is completely solidified.

Sweet low calorie dessert recipes

In addition to fruit jelly prepared in the standard way, losing weight girls can include mouth-watering and low calorie desserts. The following recipes with gelatin for weight loss will help diversify the menu and save your figure:

  • Curd fruit jelly

You will need for cooking: 25 g of gelatin, 400 g of soft, low-fat cottage cheese, 100 g dried apricots, citrus fruits (2 tangerines and 4 oranges).

Step-by-step actions: first, dried apricots are steamed for 20 minutes, squeezed and cut into small pieces. 10 g of gelatin are added to the 100 ml of warm water remaining from dried apricots.

IN silicone mold spread the pre-mixed ingredients: 250 g of cottage cheese, 2/3 prepared dried apricots and dissolved gelatin, and put it in the cold for an hour.

Tangerines are peeled and divided into slices, which are then placed on the curd layer. Juice is squeezed out of oranges, heated and 10 g of gelatin is added there. The mixture is poured into a mold and again sent to cool.

The last layer is prepared from the remaining cottage cheese, dried apricots and gelatin. It is laid out in a mold and sent to the cold until the jelly solidifies.

  • Broken glass cake

Ingredients needed: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, 450 g drinking yogurt, 30 g gelatin, 3 sachets of instant jelly with different tastes, 2 tablespoons of sugar (sweetener).

The cooking process begins with the dilution of jelly from packs in boiling water. The required proportions are indicated on the back of the packages. ready mix poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator for solidification.

30 g of gelatin are dissolved in a glass of water, heated on a steam bath, and then cooled. Cottage cheese, yogurt and sugar are thoroughly mixed with a blender, gelatin is added there.

Jelly is removed from the refrigerator, cut into pieces, put into a mold, the bottom of which is covered cling film. Top with curd-yogurt mixture and set to cool.

  • Yoghurt cake with berries and fruits

You can use: 300 g of sponge cake, 450 g of yogurt, 3 tablespoons of gelatin, sugar or sweetener and vanilla to taste, 450 g of seasonal berries and fruits (strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, grapes, etc.)

First of all, gelatin is poured into ½ cup of water and left for half an hour. And sweetener and vanilla are added to yogurt. If you add sugar, then the dessert will be sweeter, but more nutritious.

Heat the gelatin to dissolve completely. When it becomes hot, but not yet boiling, the prepared yogurt is started to be introduced in a thin stream and stirred continuously.

The form is covered with cling film, and small pieces of pre-washed and peeled berries and fruits are laid out on the bottom, a biscuit broken into pieces is placed on top of them, and then a berry-fruit layer is made again.

The final stage: a biscuit and fruit are poured with a mixture of yogurt and gelatin and the form is removed for 2 hours in the refrigerator.

  • Jellied Cherry Cake

Ingredients according to the recipe: 300 g curd cheese, 150 g yogurt, 150 g cookies, 125 g butter, 100 g low-fat cream, 10 g gelatin, 1 sachet cherry jelly, sugar or sweetener, lemon juice, fresh cherry

In a baking paper-lined pan, lay out the first layer of sand crumb mixed with butter and send it to the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

Gelatin is added to the cream, left to swell for the same 40 minutes, heated in a water bath so that the gelatin is completely dissolved, then cooled. Then the rest of the ingredients are added there: cottage cheese, yogurt, sugar, lemon juice.

The resulting cream is placed on the first layer of cookies and butter and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours to cool. After solidification, halves of cherries are laid on top of it and poured with freshly prepared cherry jelly from a pack.

When the jelly hardens, the cake is ready.

Of course, expect to say goodbye to extra kilos, in large quantities eating sweet desserts prepared on the basis of gelatin is not worth it, because this ingredient does not have a fat-burning effect. But he is quite capable of diversifying the diet of a losing weight girl.

All you want on a diet is desserts, carbohydrates and a cup of coffee.
with milk. We can’t help with coffee, but we’ll show you the dietary
jelly recipes for weight loss.

Diet recipes for slimming jelly. cherry jelly with
cardamom and cloves

This jelly recipe is the most dietary of today's dishes.
Its obvious advantage is that sweet cherries do not need
additional sweeteners.

You'll need a bag of frozen pitted cherries
which you need to fill with water and boil a little. For taste, try adding
pot with various spices: cardamom and cloves will give it an exotic
aroma and flavor of a gourmet dessert.

Pour diluted gelatin into still boiling water, well
stir, cool and pour into molds. Due to the high acid content, solidify
jelly will be long: it will take at least 6 hours. But it's worth it!

Decorate the finished jelly with mint.

Diet recipes for slimming jelly. Milk jelly with

This diet recipe for jelly causes our editors
associations with cottage cheese “Danissimo”. With the only exception that our dish -
for weight loss.

Boil skimmed milk with vanilla (cinnamon is best not
add, so as not to spoil the delicate taste), add a little honey and gelatin to it.
Pouring into molds, put in each of them sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpears into cubes.

It is very important not to boil the pears in milk, but to keep them
fresh and crunchy: if you throw them in a saucepan, the pear juice will
aroma and tenderness of milk jelly.

If milk jelly seems boring to you, you can add
quite a bit of semolina into the milk, so that when cooking it thickens
almost imperceptible. Enjoy

Diet recipes for slimming jelly. coffee jelly with

And this diet recipe is already more high-calorie, although everything
also for weight loss. It's all about the fat content of the cream you choose for

By the way, no matter what diet mania you have, it’s better to take
thicker cream: then the taste will be much more intense. And coffee is insoluble,
and ground.

So, brew yourself a pretty strong natural coffee.
It will be even more interesting if you choose
a drink with additives - for example, with the aroma of almonds or cinnamon.

While the coffee is boiling, add some sugar to it and
prepared gelatin. Pour into a mold and place in the refrigerator.

How, where's the cream? Wait, it's not time yet! Somewhere later
an hour when the jelly has not yet hardened, but will begin to thicken, carefully, one trickle,
pour cream into it, making rotational movements with a sushi stick.

As a result, you should get a delicious creamy
funnel. Garnish with grated almonds before serving.

Or you can do it as in the picture above: cut the finished jelly into cubes and mix with whipped cream. And don't forget the almonds!