Very strong alcoholic drinks. The strongest alcohol in the world in degrees

You can have fun in different ways. Someone will prefer an evening at home watching a family comedy, someone will move from club to club until the morning, and the third will take a trip to distant lands with the brightest local flavor. But it just so happened that most of the fun scenarios are mixed with alcohol. No, we are convinced that you can have fun without degrees. And it’s better not to mess with drinks from this list at all: you never know how the night will end in such a company!

Alcohol is the most popular souvenir from trips and an invariable item in the program of any trip. We just advise you to think carefully before trying drinks from this rating abroad. After all, their fortress is too tough for everyone. But, nevertheless, tourists rarely manage to restrain themselves from tasting ...

10. Stroh (Stroh) - 40-80%

This spiced rum is the most popular souvenir from Austria. Tourists buy it in liters, but in vain: in view of the high fortress, Shtro is rarely used in pure form. But his spicy taste perfectly complements traditional pastries, as well as "winter" cocktails, like hunting tea and punch. The drink is available at various options, with an alcohol content of 40% to 80%.

9. White rum John Crow Batty Rum - 80%

In the twentieth century, Jamaica has earned some notoriety in the entertainment world. And this drink perfectly complements the "glorious" list of intoxicating sights of Bob Marley's country. To cope with this kind of rum (and, in fact, moonshine), you need to really have a stomach of steel!

Don't let the name fool you: the homeland of the drink with three eights is Scotland. Shanghai is officially recognized as the most strong vodka in the world. Remarkably, it is in the land of mountaineers and kilts that they also produce the strongest beer (41%!), As well as the strongest gin. What can I say: the Scots are tough guys.

5. Absinthe Hapsburg Gold - 89.9%

Don't know what souvenir to bring from the Czech Republic? Certainly not Hapsburg Gold absinthe. Only if you are an artist, a poet or, at worst, a designer. After all, what will you see after meeting this “ green fairy"It's hard to guess. No wonder the slogan of the drink is simple and concise - "no rules."

4. Rum River Antoine Royale Grenadian - 90%

A drink that we would proudly call moonshine. Distilled from sugar cane juice. That is why it has a pronounced sweet taste. True, it is unlikely that you will be able to fully feel it: any bartender will immediately serve you a glass of water “included”. Otherwise, this Caribbean landmark is simply not to be found.

3. Whiskey Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled - 92%

Remember, we said that the Scots are famous for the strongest vodka and beer? Feel free to add whiskey to this honorary list! A true Scottish treasure. BBC journalists even managed to charge a sports car with a drink and accelerate it to 100 miles per hour! What this potion does to the human body is anyone's guess.

2. Everclear - 95%

Most strong alcohol ny drink in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records (1979). Since 2015, it has been banned for sale in California, Florida and 7 other US states. There is also a popular rock band named after him. Certainly not easy.

1. Spirytus - 96%

Knowledgeable people compare the "divine" and "spiritual" taste of this Polish invention with a blow to the stomach, from which it takes one's breath away. We strongly do not recommend for use.

Alcohol - how different it can be. Wine, beer, liqueurs, cognacs, tinctures, vodka - this is not a complete list of alcoholic beverages that are consumed in our country. But strong alcoholic drinks are especially popular with us. And what is the strongest alcoholic drink in the world?

1. Polish vodka Spirytus This drink is not for the weak. Only a person with good health and a clear desire to forget everything that will happen to him the rest of the day can master 92% of alcohol. side effects from the use of such a drink a whole carriage - from blindness to the failure of the work of any organ.

2. And in the United States of America there is alcohol and stronger, however, it was banned in 13 states. - this is the name of this devilish water, which has neither a specific smell nor taste. That is why it is added to cocktails, from which it literally "blooms the roof."

is a "double vodka" from New Jersey. It is exactly twice as strong as the fiery water familiar to us, the Slavs.

The strength of this drink ranges from 50 to 80 percent. There are a lot of recipes for absinthe, but this does not prevent it from being the most popular of the strongest drinks in the world.

5. Rum from Puerto Rico - mainly used for making cocktails. But there are also daredevils who dare to experience the full strength of 75.5% alcohol. By the way, this is the only rum that is corked with refractory lids.

And what is your most Reviver? Maybe grandma's secret balm old recipe? You can find out how to drink balms correctly here But do not forget - alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health!

And the interesting properties of absinthe

Wormwood extract contains a large number of thujone - substances without color and with an odor that is similar to the aroma of menthol. It is he who gives absinthe that heady and slightly hallucinogenic effect. In addition to wormwood, this drink also includes the following herbs - anise, angelica, fennel, licorice, calamus, lemon balm, mint. Less often, but still, white ash, coriander, veronica, chamomile, parsley and other fragrant plants are added to absinthe.

Wormwood gives the drink a characteristic greenish color with a rich emerald hue. More rarely, absinthe can be clear, yellowish, blue, brown, red, or even black. Traditional green tint due to chlorophyll, which decomposes in the light, therefore it is believed that the initial bottling and absinthe should occur only in bottles of dark glass.

Some people prefer to drink the drink in a diluted form and are surprised at its rapid turbidity. This is explained quite simply: when mixed with water, contained in herbal extracts essential oils form an emulsion.

How to drink absinthe?

There are several ways to use this drink, and usually each of them is associated with a specific country of origin.

For example, the Czech method, also called "crystal", is the simplest of them: you need to take a glass with thick walls and pour a little absinthe into it. Then the liquid must be set on fire and left to burn for 4-5 seconds. They drink such absinthe, blowing out, in one gulp, without snacks.

French method: the volume of the glass is divided into four equal parts, absinthe is poured into one, then a special spoon with a cube of sugar is placed on the edge of the glass. Then, through sugar into a glass, you need to pour into the remaining three parts ice water. As a result, the cube will completely dissolve, and the resulting syrup will mix with the main drink. Another variation of French usage is the substitution cold water liquid with finely crushed ice.

Russian method: pure absinthe is poured into a glass with thick walls, which is then set on fire and burns for a couple of seconds. After this time, the first container must be closed with a second glass, as a result of which the flame will quickly go out. Then it is necessary to pour the absinthe into the second container, and quickly cover the first with a napkin and turn it over with the tube inserted. Thus, two cocktails are obtained at once - warmed absinthe and its pairs, which are very pleasant to alternate.

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People spend a lot of money on clothes, vacations, houses and cars. However, there is another expense item that hits the pockets of many lovers of a good rest - this is alcohol. However, rare of these party-goers could afford the most expensive alcoholic drinks in the world.

most expensive beer

Do you think beer is the most accessible drink? Maybe it is, if we are not talking about the Tutankhamun drink. The first bottle of this beer, bearing the name of the legendary Egyptian pharaoh, was sold at auction for $7,686. The drink was packed in an elegant wooden box, painted with hieroglyphs.

The secret of this beer is original taste and a special fortress - 25%. However, in retail the beer arrived at a heavily discounted price of "only" $80. Here it gave way to another brand - Vielle Bon Secours, which is sold in the London pub Bierdrome. Only ardent fans can taste this beer, because it costs about $ 1,000 per bottle. However, the volume of the bottle is rather big - 12 liters. In this beer, you can catch the aromas of anise, lemon and caramel, but almost not felt.

The most expensive wine

Wine is one of the most expensive. The best wines are prepared, hand-picked, and aged in special . The reddest wine was sold to a private collector for $90,000. This drink of the Chateau Lafite variety was released in 1787. The first owner of the wine was US President Thomas Jefferson, even his initials remained.

The most expensive wine is Château d "Yquem of 1811. $ 124,000 was paid for it. The price was influenced by the characteristics of this year's harvest, favorable manufacturing conditions, and even a comet that flew that year, which, according to signs, had a good effect on the drink.

Contrary to popular belief, wine cannot be stored forever. If it is very old, then it begins to taste like ordinary vinegar.

The most expensive alcoholic drink in the world

The alcohol itself is a bottle of D'Amalfi Limoncello Supreme citrus liqueur. In principle, it is the bottle that determines the grandiose price of the drink. The neck of the vessel is adorned with three 13-carat diamonds, and another 18-carat diamond is located on the bottle itself.
For the first time, liquor topped the ranking of the most expensive drinks. Usually in the first lines were varieties of whiskey or cognac.

The liquor itself is a variety - the national Italian citrus drink, which has a pure sweet taste. The composition of limoncello is extremely simple - lemons, sugar and alcohol. In total, two bottles of D'Amalfi Limoncello Supreme were made, one of which has already found its owner. It is not yet known what the most expensive drink in the world tasted like, but for such a price it should be unusually pleasant.

Diva, Henri IV Dudognon Heritage and Isabella's Islay are names that make true connoisseurs of expensive alcoholic beverages tremble. Their value at auctions can reach incredible marks containing six or more zeros.


When it comes to, consciousness builds an associative array associated with the broad Russian soul. But the most was made not in Russia, but in Scotland. Vodka Diva is placed in a bottle encrusted with precious and semi-precious stones, including diamonds. The product itself is a triple distillate, passed through diamond sand and filtered. charcoal Scandinavian birch. At auctions, the cost reached a historical low of $3,700, and few owners of tight wallets can afford the maximum - $1,060,000.

Among cognacs, Henri IV Dudognon Heritage worth $2,000,000 is the leader. Alcohol with a strength of 41% was aged in barrels for 100 years. But the value of cognac is not in cognac, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. The bottle in which it is packed contains gold and platinum with a total weight of 4 kg and 6,500 diamonds.

Strong drinks include drinks that contain at least 20% alcohol from the total volume of finished products.

However, today in our international rating there is a list of strong drinks that exceed this rate at least twice, reports.

We bring to your attention the strongest alcoholic drinks from around the world. Most of them are so strong that they are used in cocktails or diluted.

1. Colombian rum.

This drink is considered stronger than other varieties of this drink, with a strength of up to 50%. A pirate alcoholic drink is drunk in a classic combination with cola, as well as undiluted, and as part of many cocktails.

2. Whiskey.

Produce whiskey from yeast, water and natural cereals. The taste of the drink directly depends on the way they are stored and the barrels in which they are aged. Whiskey is often stored in barrels made of oak or cherry wood. It is one of the most beloved products in the UK and the US. Fortress up to 43%.

3. Aquavit.

This is one of the most popular Scandinavian drinks, with a strength of up to 50%. "Aquavit" translated from "Latin" living water. The main ingredient for creating the drink is potato alcohol, diluted with water. Then, for several weeks and even years, the drink is infused with spices. They drink it exclusively cold, sometimes served frozen to -18 degrees.

4. Grappa.

Italian drink, made from the pulp of a variety of grape varieties. Grappa contains 40-60% alcohol. According to ancient recipes, it is believed that the best grappa is obtained by adding fermented pulp.

5. Armagnac.

The drink is considered the closest relative of French cognac, with a strength of 55%. The main ingredient is grape alcohol. This is one of those drinks that are often consumed undiluted.

6. Gin (juniper vodka).

There are not so many lovers of undiluted gin. Made from gin great amount popular cocktails. The fortress is 55%. The simplest and most beloved combination of gin and tonic.

8. Moonshine.

It is twice as strong as traditional vodka, the strength is about 80 - 90 degrees. The preparation of moonshine occurs due to the distillation of mash (alcohol-containing mass) through alcohol mashine. Braga is obtained in the process of fermentation of beets, potatoes, cereals.

If you know a thing or two about alcoholic beverages, then why not try one of our list of the strongest alcoholic beverages in the world? But just do not overdo it, the consequences of abusing some of them may surprise you greatly ...

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Grappa, 60% vol.

Grappa is a fragrant, grape alcoholic drink Italian descent with a fortress from 35% to 60% vol. One of the types of brandy, for the manufacture of which the method of distillation of grape pomace is used. Initially, it was produced for the disposal of winemaking waste, using seeds, grape skins and grape stems. This is a very strong brandy with a wine flavor.

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Tequila Sierra Silver, 75% vol.

Sierra Silver Tequila is a well-aged pure tequila. It has rich, fruity, fresh fragrance, which can be complemented with many ingredients such as chili, green apples or young pineapples with vanilla, caramel and wild herbs. The drink is distilled in copper distillation vats.

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Bacardi 151, 75.5% vol.

This very strong rum is produced by Bacardi Limited Hamilton in Bermuda. This is a VERY flammable drink and it even comes with a steel fuse built into the neck of the bottle. Typically used as a base for sweet cocktails.

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Rum John Crow Batty, 80% vol.

This Jamaican white rum is the local version of moonshine. The legendary strong liquor got its name because it is believed to be stronger than the gastric juice of vultures (called John Crow in Jamaica), which feed on carrion. They say if you can drink this rum, then you can probably drink anything.

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Vodka Balkan, 88% vol.

This triple-refined vodka is so strong that you can read 13 warning points on its label. possible consequences. Imported from the Balkan Peninsula, made in small quantities to achieve very high quality. It is highly recommended to drink only in combination with other drinks. If you try to drink it undiluted, you will definitely end up in the hospital.

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Absinthe, 89.5% vol.

This drink is distilled using herbs, including flowers and medicinal wormwood leaves. The drink is very strong. It became popular in the 19th century, and in 1900 the French drank 2 million liters of absinthe a year, by 1910 this figure had risen to 36 million liters a year. In 1915, it was banned in many countries in Europe and the United States. The modern revival of the drink began in 1990, and in 2004 it became completely legal.

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Whiskey Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled, 92% vol.

This incredible drink has been distilled on the Isle of Islay in Scotland since 1881. This single malt whiskey very high quality. The legend of this whiskey says that in 1695 Martin Martin, a certain traveler, mentioned an ancient strong liquor, whose name is translated from Gaelic as "dangerous whisky". He conveyed these words to the locals: “One sip and you will live forever; two sips and you will go blind; three sips, and you will dissolve on the spot.

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Vodka Golden Grain, 95% vol.

Alcoholic drink Golden Grain is a neutral grain alcohol with a strength of 95% vol. Produced in the United States by Luxco (formerly David Sherman Company), now called Everclear.

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Vodka Everclear Grain, 95% vol.

This crystal clear vodka has been banned in the United States and Canada for years, but recently a new law has legalized it. It has no particular taste, so it is ideal for mixing with other drinks. If you try to drink it in its purest form, you can just lose consciousness and fall almost immediately. In 1979, vodka was named the most alcoholic drink and entered the Guinness Book of Records.

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Polish vodka Spirytus, 96% vol.

It is said to have a delicate smell and mild taste. Spirytus is a premium drink made from premium grain ethyl alcohol. In Poland, it is used for various purposes - from the manufacture of fruit tinctures and herbal liqueurs, vodkas and desserts to medicine. This vodka ends the list at number 1, as it is currently the strongest alcoholic drink in the world.

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We used to think that 40% vodka is a very strong alcoholic drink, and before writing this article, we expected that Russian vodka must be present in this rating. Imagine our surprise when there was no place for a 40-degree intoxicating product in the ranking of "The Strongest Alcoholic Drinks in the World". Thank you for your attention.