Sweet preparations from lemons and oranges: preserves and jams. The most successful recipes for orange jam

Sweet preparations from lemons and oranges are considered the most favorite among canned fruits. They are distinguished by their fresh, rich taste and warm summer aroma. Below we will give you only best recipes preparations with the addition of citrus fruits that will not leave anyone indifferent. Do you want to cook something delicious? fragrant jam? And even something that will help against colds? Preparations from lemons and oranges: preserves and jams, etc. - what you need! Be sure to close at least a couple of jars for the winter using the recipes below. This unusual delicacy will pleasantly surprise you and your loved ones.

Lemon-honey jam

During the cold season, lemon-honey jam will help.

You will need:

  • 4-5 lemons;
  • 1 glass of honey.


Wash the lemons thoroughly and divide each fruit into four parts. Remove the seeds from them, then grind through a meat grinder along with the peel. Pour the resulting lemon mixture with a glass of liquid honey. Place the jam in a sterilized dry jar. Cover with a lid and store in the refrigerator. eat this healthy treat take a couple of tablespoons two to three times a day and then you won’t need any pills or vitamins!

Lemon jam

For three liters:

  • kilogram of lemons;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • one and a half liters of water.


  1. Cut the washed lemons into thin slices. Remove seeds.
  2. Place in a saucepan lemon wedges, fill them with water. Leave for a day.
  3. Place the pan with the lemon slices on the fire and cook until the peel of the fruit becomes soft. After this, add sugar, mix and cook for another twenty minutes (count from the moment of boiling).
  4. Unfold ready lemon jam in containers, close them with plastic lids.
  5. Place the jars in hot water so that the water does not reach the level of the lid. Leave the jam in the water until completely cooled.

You can store this preparation in a dark place, but it is best to put it in a cool place, then the jam will gel faster.

For 700 ml - 1 l:

  • three oranges;
  • ginger root (3-4 cm);
  • large apple;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • lemon.


  1. Pour sugar into a saucepan with water, boil and cook until all the sugar crystals have dissolved.
  2. Wash the oranges, remove the zest and cut it into thin strips. Clean the slices from films and seeds. Cut the lemon into slices.
  3. Peel the apple, remove the core, cut into cubes.
  4. Place lemon, zest, apple slices and orange slices into boiling syrup. Cook for five minutes, counting from the moment it boils.
  5. Clean and divide into small cubes ginger, put in jam, boil and remove from heat. Place in jars orange jam, roll up. After cooling, move to a dark place.

  • lemon;
  • lime;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 150 g honey;
  • ginger root (3 cm);
  • 300 g peeled pumpkin.


  1. Scald the lemon and lime with boiling water, then cut the fruit into slices and remove the seeds.
  2. Grate the ginger and pumpkin.
  3. Place in a blender and grind into a puree. You can do it another way: grind the lemon, pumpkin and lime with ginger through a meat grinder twice, and then mix with honey and sugar until the crystals dissolve.
  4. Place the prepared jam into jars, close with plastic lids and place in the refrigerator.

For two liters:

  • 1 kilogram of oranges;
  • 2 kg lemons;
  • 1 kg 200g sugar;
  • 70 g of peeled, unroasted pumpkin seeds;
  • 5 glasses of water.


  1. Divide the lemons and oranges into thin slices and remove the seeds. There is no need to cut off the peel.
  2. Place everything in a saucepan, add water and leave overnight.
  3. Place the pan on the fire, bring the jam to a boil and simmer for an hour over low heat.
  4. Then add sugar, add the seeds and cook for another hour over low heat.
  5. Place the jam in jars, roll them up and store them in a cool place.

The delicacy turns out to be a little tart, even bitter, but very pleasant to the taste. Its consistency is quite thick, and its color is unusual, amber. Every housewife should learn how to cook it, since it’s impossible to even imagine a more delicious jam.


  • 0.9 kg of oranges;
  • 0.25 kg lemons;
  • 110 gr. Sahara;
  • 2.8 liters of water.


  1. Wash all the oranges thoroughly, cut them, squeeze out a little juice.
  2. Finely chop the remaining pulp and peel.
  3. Place everything in a saucepan, add juice and water, cook for 1.5 hours.
  4. After this, add sugar and continue cooking until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Remove the container from the heat and wait just 15 minutes for the jam to cool.

Pour the dessert into jars and roll up.

Orange peel jam (video)

The most delicious orange and lemon jam

Lemon jam in combination with oranges is something extraordinary. Beautiful citrus slices can later be used as a decoration for all kinds of desserts or simply served with tea.

Fragrant orange jam will become a wonderful addition m for your breakfast or afternoon snack. Read the article on how to prepare this dessert!

Oranges can be bought in central Russia at almost any time of the year. But even ripe juicy oranges can never compare with the taste of aromatic and warming orange jam. During the cold winter season, having orange jam at home is only welcome!

Cooking orange jam is quite long and consists of the following steps:

  • Soaking oranges in water for 1-2 days
  • Boiling oranges in water
  • Peeling, sometimes peeling
  • Boiling oranges in sugar
  • Distribution of jam among jars
Orange jam - a delicious warming sweet in winter

Orange jam is prepared with any fillings: ginger, rhubarb, lemon, peaches, melon.

Orange jam in a slow cooker, bread maker, microwave?

Progress does not stand still, so it has become fashionable to cook food not “the old fashioned way” on the stove, but in bread machines, microwaves and multicookers. Sometimes steamers and pressure cookers join this list, but more about them another time.

Let us analyze in detail the recipe for making orange jam in a slow cooker.


  • oranges - 3 kg
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg (less possible)
  • water - glass or 200 ml
  • lemon or lime (juice) - 100 ml


  • Peel the outside of the oranges and remove the white membranes from the inside.
  • Peeled oranges finely chopped
  • Combine sugar, lime or lemon juice and oranges. Leave for 2 hours
  • Prepare jars (wash and sterilize)
  • Pour some of the jam into the multicooker bowl. You won’t have room for the whole mass, you’ll have to cook it in parts.
  • Turn on the “steam” mode and cook for 40 minutes
  • If the oranges are not soft enough, repeat the procedure after 12 hours.
  • Pour the prepared jam into jars, close and remove

Note to housewives! If you want to make orange jam even more “delicate”, then after the first cooking, beat the orange pieces with a blender until the consistency of puree. Then reduce the re-cooking time by half.

If a stir-cooker is more or less suitable for making jam, then how to make jam in a bread maker?!

Recipe for orange jam in a bread machine:


  • oranges - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon (juice) – 100 ml


  • Orange jam is prepared in a bread maker in the same way as in a slow cooker: oranges are prepared, mixed with sugar and juice
  • Next, the mass is laid out in the bread machine and the “jam” or “jam” mode is set
  • Then the finished jam is poured into sterilized jars

You can even make amazingly delicious orange jam in the microwave!


  • oranges - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 700 g
  • lemon or lime juice - 100 ml (or 50 ml if lime)


  • Wash the oranges very well to remove any dirt and soak them in boiling water for half an hour. This way the bitterness will go away
  • Peel the zest from the oranges, then peel without white films
  • Peel orange slices from films and seeds, finely chop
  • Next, you can use a blender to grind the oranges, or leave it as is and skip this step
  • Combine the zest, oranges, half the sugar, lemon or lime juice and peel, mix. Microwave at maximum power for 15 minutes (use a glass microwave dish!)
  • Remove the form with jam and stir. Add the remaining sugar, mix and microwave again for 15 minutes.
  • Pour the jam into prepared sterilized jars

Interesting! Making orange jam can be much easier! It is not necessary to separate the zest from the skin. This step, like adding the crusts to the jam, can be omitted.

Apple-orange jam, recipe

Fragrant, alluring and bright jam oranges and apples will probably appeal to everyone. It’s so nice in the winter to “open a jar” from summer or early autumn and eat it while watching a TV series or with family and friends!


  • apples durum varieties- 1 kg
  • oranges - 1 kg
  • water - 50 ml
  • granulated sugar - 500 g


  • Wash the apples, remove peels, seeds and stems. Cut into cubes (slices)
  • Soak oranges for 20 minutes in hot water or boiling water
  • Peel the oranges and remove the white membranes and seeds from the orange segments. Cut in small pieces
  • Pour water into a saucepan with a very thick bottom or cauldron. Then add the rest of the products. Mix
  • Place the bowl with the jam over medium heat. Then, as the jam boils, reduce the heat to low. Cook for at least half an hour, stirring frequently
  • Pour hot jam into pre-prepared jars and seal

The photo is very delicious dessert- jam from oranges and apples with cottage cheese!

Helpful advice! If you want to make your apple-orange jam even tastier, add cinnamon to it during the cooking process.

Five-minute orange jam

Is it possible to make jam in 5 minutes? How real it is. But don’t rush to “turn on” the skeptic. Five-minute jam is not such a rarity now. However, this is one of the most simple ways making jam. It is prepared in two boils.


  • oranges - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 1.5 cups or 400 ml
  • citric acid or cinnamon to taste


  • Here everything is as always: peel the oranges from peels, seeds and films, cut
  • Chop the peels of two oranges into strips
  • Combine all ingredients, cook over low heat for 5 minutes after boiling.
  • Remove the jam from the stove for 12 hours, cover with a lid.
  • After 12 hours, boil the orange jam again (after boiling for 5 minutes)
  • Pour into sterile jars

Orange jam with peel

What is the secret of aromatic orange jam, besides spices? In the peel! Yes, yes, it is the jam made from oranges with peel that turns out to be the most delicate and pleasant to the taste. Just for those who love delicious food.


  • oranges - 1 kg
  • orange peels - 1 kg
  • lemons - 200 g
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 0.5 liters


  • Peel whole oranges, remove membranes and seeds from orange slices, finely chop
  • Cut the orange peels into long strips, after rinsing them with water and pouring boiling water over them to remove bitterness.
  • Lemons can be cut with the peel, or you can remove the zest and add it later
  • Combine all ingredients in a bowl (saucepan), stir
  • Cook over low heat after boiling for about an hour
  • Remove from heat, pour into prepared sterilized jars

Orange and lemon jam

No less delicious jam than the previous ones - jam from oranges and lemons. The sweet taste of orange is interrupted by the tart and sour taste of lemon. These two fruits complement each other perfectly.


  • oranges - 1 kg
  • lemons - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon or ox juice - 200 ml


  • First, pour boiling water over the oranges
  • Wash the lemons and cut them, including the peel, into cubes or slices.
  • Prepare oranges according to the standard: remove peel, white partitions, seeds. Cut into cubes
  • Place oranges, water and lemons in a bowl or saucepan. Add half the sugar
  • Cook the future jam over low heat for half an hour. The time can be increased a little
  • Cover with a lid and put the jam in a cool place (but not cold) for 12 or 24 hours.
  • Add the remaining sugar to the jam. Boil the jam again, this time for 20 minutes.
  • Pour into prepared jars

Important! Jam should only be served chilled! It acquires a pleasant jelly-like consistency.

Ginger and orange jam

This recipe is perfect for making sandwiches! The consistency of the jam is thick, but not as thick as hardened honey. The jam is convenient to spread on bread, rolls, or simply eat as a snack with hot tea.


  • oranges - 1 kg
  • lemons – 700 g
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • ginger (root) - 200 g (less is possible, go by taste)
  • water - 2 glasses


  • Wash the oranges immediately and remove peels and seeds. Cut in small pieces
  • Wash lemons, remove seeds, cut into cubes with peel
  • Peel ginger, grate on a fine grater
  • Combine oranges, lemons, sugar, half the ginger and water
  • Cook the future jam for half an hour from the moment it boils
  • Then add the remaining ginger and cook for another 20 minutes
  • Pour into jars and roll up

Take note! With this method of cooking, ginger does not “evaporate” into the air, but retains its aroma until the very end.

Banana and orange jam

An unusual combination - banana and orange. Nutritionists do not recommend eating these two fruits raw together, because they will interfere with each other’s absorption, but they make excellent jam! Note to all exotic lovers!


  • bananas without peel - 1 kg
  • oranges with peel - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 1 liter (less possible)


  • Wash the oranges very well and remove the peel. Ideally, you need to remove the seeds
  • Cut bananas lengthwise, then crosswise.
  • Oranges cut into cubes
  • Combine sugar and water, make syrup
  • Add prepared banana and oranges to the syrup, stir
  • Cook for at least one and a half hours, or better yet, two hours over low heat. Stir occasionally
  • Pour into sterile jars and seal

Orange and banana jam

Important! If you want to give this already special jam an even richer taste, add cinnamon or citric acid. Then everyone will remember your jam for a long time!

Red and orange are a pretty bright combination! Usually rhubarb is boiled with strawberries, but why not take the risk if the strawberry harvest is not going well and make orange and rhubarb jam?


  • rhubarb (stems) – 1.5 kg
  • oranges - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg


  • Peel the rhubarb from films, if any, and cut into cubes. The smaller the better
  • Peel the oranges from peels, membranes and seeds and chop finely
  • Separately slice the orange peel
  • Mix everything and leave to soak for 30-40 minutes. Oranges and rhubarb will give juice during this time. Do not drain the juice
  • Place the future jam on the fire (low) and cook from the moment of boiling for 30 minutes
  • Pour into prepared jars, roll up the lids

Take note! You can change the amount of sugar in this version of orange jam at your discretion, but the ratio of the mass of oranges and rhubarb to the mass of sugar should be at least 2:1.

Peach and orange jam

Peach adds juiciness to orange jam. Peach-orange jam has a special taste, delicate and soft. It is prepared in much the same way as orange and banana jam.


  • peaches – 1 kg
  • oranges - 1 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • water - 0.5 l


  • Pour boiling water over oranges and peaches
  • Peel the peaches, remove the pits and finely chop
  • Do the same with oranges. If desired, you can also remove the white veins. Slice
  • Mix sugar and water separately. Boil the syrup. At this stage, if you really want, you can add a pinch citric acid, or a couple of cinnamon sticks, which need to be removed after 5 minutes of infusing the syrup
  • Add the prepared fruits to the hot syrup and simmer for at least 30 minutes, preferably up to 45
  • Pour hot jam into jars and close

Important! To make this jam very fragrant, grate the orange zest and add it along with the fruit. Or you can use the scalded orange peels that were left over from the very beginning. They need to be finely chopped and added to the fruit in syrup.

Melon and orange jam

Not everyone will like melon and orange jam due to its special taste. No other jam has a similar taste. Want your dessert to stand out at a dinner party? Add orange-melon jam to it!


  • oranges - 0.5 kg
  • melon – 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • water - 1 l


  • Peel and seed melons, cut into small cubes
  • Blanch the oranges in boiling water for a couple of minutes, remove the skin and remove the seeds.
  • Cover the melon with 1 kg of sugar. Let it brew for a couple of hours
  • Cook sugar syrup: mix the remaining sugar and water
  • Pour syrup over prepared melon. Cover tightly with a lid. Leave for 24 hours
  • Drain the syrup and boil again. Pour it over the melon again
  • Leave the almost ready jam for 12 hours
  • Add oranges, cook for 15 minutes
  • Pour hot jam into jars. Roll up

Take note! One of the important indicators of the readiness of melon-orange jam is the color of the melon itself. If it becomes transparent, the jam is ready. If this happens earlier than indicated in the recipe, the last cooking time can be reduced to 5 minutes.

Orange jam

Jam has a special consistency... jammy. It is neither thick nor runny. It has a transparent structure, literally shines through. To prepare delicious jam oranges will take a lot of work.


  • oranges – 500 g
  • lemons - 500 g
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • cinnamon
  • vanillin or vanilla (optional)


  • Remove zest from oranges
  • Chop the oranges fairly large and remove the seeds. Cover fruits with sugar for 3 hours so that they give juice
  • At the same time, squeeze the juice from the lemons, discard the seeds, and pour the juice into the soaked oranges.
  • Cut the lemons themselves into strips and add 1.5 liters of water. Boil for about 5 minutes. Then drain the water and add the same amount of fresh water. This time cook for at least an hour. Ideally until the lemon peel is soft
  • Now strain the lemon decoction and add it to the container with oranges. Add spices there too
  • Boil oranges with other ingredients for at least one and a half hours
  • Remove the cinnamon stick from the jam (if added) and beat the remaining mixture with an immersion blender until pureed.
  • Add zest to jam
  • Bring to a boil, turn off
  • Pour the jam into jars and roll up

orange jam the way he should be

Orange and tangerine jam

Tangerine and orange jam is 100% winter, even New Year's. It exudes the spirit of Christmas, gifts, pre-holiday fun and a Christmas tree. IN summer heat It's nice to remember the spirit of the New Year.


  • oranges - 1 kg
  • tangerines - 1.3 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • juice of 2 lemons
  • water - 700-800 ml


  • Scald the washed fruits with boiling water, remove the skins from them
  • Cut oranges and tangerines into slices or thin slices. Remove the seeds
  • Prepare sugar syrup: mix water, sugar and lemon juice.
  • Pour syrup over tangerines and oranges. Leave for 3 or more hours
  • Boil the future jam for 10 minutes, then turn off and cool completely. Repeat 3 more times (for a total of 4)
  • Pour the jam into pre-sterilized jars

Orange jam without sugar, recipe

Orange jam, or rather sugar-free jam, is quite easy to prepare. This dessert is a dietary dessert and is prepared with a sweetener.


  • oranges - 400 g
  • agar-agar - 1.5 tablespoons
  • sweetener to taste


  • Remove the zest from half the oranges (grate or cut)
  • Peel the oranges from films and seeds until only the pulp remains
  • Blend oranges in a blender, add sweetener
  • Pour the orange puree into the pan, add agar-agar. Boil for 2-3 minutes
  • Serve immediately, or pour into jars and roll up

Video: Orange jam

Orange jam is an aromatic, tasty and very healthy delicacy that will be an excellent addition to a cup of hot tea, strengthen the immune system and protect the body from colds, which are so common during the cold season. Today we will talk about the features of preparing this amazing dessert.

Raw orange jam

Let's take 5 oranges and 2 lemons. Wash the citrus fruits thoroughly under cold water. Since we will not peel the fruits to make jam, it is recommended to pour boiling water over them to destroy the harmful microorganisms on them. Cut oranges and lemons into small slices. Be sure to remove any seeds from citrus fruits, as they will add an unpleasant bitterness to the finished treat.

Peel fresh ginger root (10 g). Pass oranges, lemons and ginger root through a meat grinder. Pour granulated sugar (800 g) into the resulting mass and mix everything thoroughly until all sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Raw orange jam is ready. All that remains is to put it in jars and seal with lids. Bon appetit.

Orange jam: classic recipe

Place oranges (10 pcs.) in boiling water for a couple of minutes and cut into 4 parts. Do similar actions with lemons (4 pcs.). Grind the citrus fruits through a meat grinder, after removing any seeds they contain. Place the resulting mass in an enamel bowl and cover with sugar (1.7 kg). Place the container on the stove and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. During cooking, it is necessary to periodically stir the contents of the container to prevent burning, which will spoil the aroma and taste qualities ready-made jam. Remove the treat from the stove and let it cool until room temperature, then bring to a boil again.

Place orange jam in sterile glass containers and roll up special device metal lids and leave to cool. You can store this delicious and healthy dessert in the basement or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

The unsurpassed taste and indescribable aroma of orange jam through a meat grinder will certainly delight your household and guests of your home. Just a teaspoon of this food, taken daily in the morning, will activate the body’s defenses and will be an excellent prevention of various types of viral diseases! Enjoy your tea!

Making orange jam is possible at any time of the year, since you can buy the ingredients necessary for jam at any time. You can cook at any time fresh jam and please your beloved household members.

Orange jam can be prepared using several recipes. This recipe is considered the easiest, where the main ingredients are the oranges themselves.

To make regular jam from oranges alone, we will need:

  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. orange zest.

Before you start cooking, you need to thoroughly wash all the oranges, wipe, dry, peel and divide into slices. So that the seeds do not interfere with the jam when consumed, it is advisable to remove them. We also remove hard veins. After the oranges have been prepared, cut each segment into 2 parts.

To make the base of the jam, you need to boil sugar syrup. It is prepared in an enamel pan using water and sugar, boiled until the sugar dissolves and the syrup is thick.

After the syrup has been prepared, place the chopped orange slices and chopped zest into the pan. When the jam starts to boil, remove the film. Then cook for about another two hours without a lid, over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Remove the jam from the stove, cool and repeat the cooking operation two more times. As soon as it has been boiled for the third time, remove the jam from the stove, cool well and pour into pre-prepared sterilized jars and seal with lids.

You can add spices to this jam: cloves, black pepper, cinnamon or cardamom. A refined taste it will be enhanced by the addition of nuts, mainly almonds, but you can use any others.

Just before adding nuts to the mixture during cooking, they should be washed and soaked overnight in cold water, so that they become a little softer, and in the jam itself you can feel pleasant taste and additional aroma. Nuts can be finely chopped, grated on a fine grater or crushed in a blender.

This jam turns out to be quite thick and is used as a filling for text products. It will also become tasty addition to cottage cheese and porridge.

From the remaining oranges you can make a delicious homemade, which will give cheerfulness and good mood even on a cold winter day.

Orange jam with ginger

Ginger is very beneficial for our body. It contains a large number of useful substances and vitamins that saturate the body and make it resistant to various colds. Therefore, preparing orange jam with the addition of ginger will not only be healthy, but also very tasty.

Preparing the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 2 medium lemons;
  • 300 g ginger root;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water, then the jam will not be too thick. For those who like a thicker consistency, one glass of water will be enough.

First, prepare oranges, lemons and ginger root. We thoroughly wash and dry everything. Remove the zest from oranges using a vegetable peeler, the most quick way. It is most convenient to remove the zest from lemons using a regular grater. It is advisable not to remove the white pulp from oranges, since thanks to it, the jam turns out to be the thickest, but from lemons this pulp must be removed, as it is quite bitter and can ruin all the jam for you. Peel the ginger and finely grate it on the same grater.

Finely chop the oranges, zest and lemons, and if you want jam instead of jam, use a blender to chop.

Pour water into enamel pan. Place oranges, lemons and ginger in layers, sprinkling sugar on each layer. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Bring to a boil and cook over low heat. Then put the resulting thicken into sterilized jars and screw on the lids.

This jam will be perfectly used to strengthen the immune system in winter and seasonal seasons, as well as in the prevention and treatment of colds.

No less effective means to improve well-being and increase immunity in winter, serves, which can be easily and quickly prepared at home.

Orange and gooseberry jam

There are two types of making orange and gooseberry jam. The first is the so-called raw jam, which does not require cooking. Secondly, it is subjected to heat treatment. We suggest experimenting and making jam using one or another recipe.

To make raw jam you will need:

  • 1 orange;
  • 1 kg gooseberries;
  • 1 kg sugar.

Cooking process:

Wash and dry the oranges, peel and remove any seeds. Wash the gooseberries, removing the stem. Grind the prepared ingredients using a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

Transfer the crushed pulp into a deep dish, add sugar and mix thoroughly until the granulated sugar dissolves.

After the sugar has dissolved, the jam obtained in this way is poured into sterilized jars, closed with plastic lids and placed in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of this jam is not long, so those with a sweet tooth will have to consume it first.

Also, without a doubt, your family and friends will like it.

Jam for long-term storage

For long-term storage The jam must still be cooked. Therefore, the second version of the recipe is more convenient and practical.

The following products will be needed:

  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 1.5 kg gooseberries;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;

Cooking process:

Wash the oranges, cut into 4 parts, remove the seeds and grind together with the peel using a meat grinder. Also mince the gooseberries. Place everything in a saucepan, add sugar and put on fire. It is necessary to stir periodically. As soon as the jam mass boils, reduce the heat, cook for another 10 minutes and remove from the stove.

The jam should brew, and then you can continue cooking a second time for only 15 minutes.

Pour hot into jars. The jam will be delicious and aromatic!

Orange jam with apricots

Apricot itself is a very juicy, sweet and aromatic fruit. As a companion in jam with oranges, it acquires an even brighter aroma and indescribable taste.

To make this jam, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 kg apricots;
  • 0.5 kg of oranges;
  • 1 kg sugar.

For jam, you need to purchase ripe, but not overripe apricots. The bones should separate well.

Cooking process:

Rinse the apricots and dry them on a towel, then divide them into two parts and remove the pits. Do not throw away the seeds, as they will also be used to make jam. Place the apricots on the bottom of the pan and cover with granulated sugar.

Wash the oranges thoroughly and cut into rings along with the peel, removing the seeds. Place the oranges on top of the apricots and also sprinkle with sugar.

Chop all the apricot pits and remove the kernels. Despite the fact that the kernels are bitter when raw, when they are cooked they give the jam a unique taste. Grind the apricot kernels and add to the rest of the ingredients in the pan.

Mix everything thoroughly, cover with a towel and leave for half an hour so that the sugar begins to dissolve and saturate the apricots and oranges.

Once the apricots have released their juice, place the pan over moderate heat and stir occasionally, remembering to skim off the foam. The foam must be removed with a wooden slotted spoon.

As soon as the foam disappears and the jam begins to bubble, remove from the stove and cool.

Again, after 5 hours, put the pan on the stove. Cook over low heat for exactly an hour, remove from the stove.

Pour the jam into jars, seal and turn the lid down until it cools completely.

The jam turns out very tasty. It will be an excellent addition to porridge, cottage cheese, sandwiches, and can also be used as a filling for sweet pies.

Orange jam with young carrots

To prepare such an unusual jam you need to prepare:

  • 750 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 600 gr. oranges;
  • 500 gr. young carrots;
  • 2 lemons;

Cooking process:

Rinse the lemons well and dry on a towel. Cut the zest from them and grind in a blender or using a meat grinder. Divide the lemons into several parts for convenience. Remove all seeds from the slices. Place the chopped slices in a bag made of gauze and carefully squeeze lemon juice out of them.

Wash the oranges thoroughly, dry, peel, cut into slices, remove the seeds. Using a gauze bag, also squeeze out the juice, as you did with a lemon.

Do not throw away lemon and orange pits. Place in the same gauze bag.

Take young carrots, rinse under running water, peel and cut into thin slices. If desired, you can chop the carrots by passing them through a meat grinder or using a blender. This point is a matter of taste.

After the carrots are cut, place them in an enamel pan along with the lemon zest.

Pour lemon juice on top orange juice. Place the bag of seeds in the pan. Place everything on moderate heat and remember to stir constantly so that nothing burns. Cook until the lemon zest softens. Then take out the bag with the seeds and add sugar.

Continue cooking for about an hour, stirring, remembering to remove the foam.

As a result, pour the resulting tasty hot delicacy into jars. Seal with lids and place in a dark place, bottom up, until completely cooled.

Such jam is less expensive in terms of cost, but at the same time it is not inferior to other types of jam in its taste.

We will be happy to answer any of your questions in the comments.