How to cook squid in sour cream. How to cook squid? Calamari stewed with onions.

Note to the owner:

To get rid of domestic ants, it is necessary to dilute 9% vinegar in water, 1: 1, and treat the places where insects accumulate.

Date: 2014-09-23

In our family, my husband always cooks, he does this dish very well. I want to say right away that if you deviate even a little from the recipe, then the squids can turn out to be tough, rubbery. We conducted many experiments with squid, squid stewed in sour cream according to this recipe, it is with such ingredients that we like the most and palatability, and in consistency. Therefore, if someone wants to compete with squid, read on the article, and you will find out that they are tasty, soft and tender.

  • Squids - 700 gr.
  • Onion - 150 gr.
  • Dill
  • Laurel. sheet - 2 pcs.
  • Allspice - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 tooth.
  • Sour cream - 200 gr.
  • Pepper

Defrost squid and start cooking. We cut the carcass and draw out the insides and the chitinous plate.

We wash the squid carcasses under running water. Next, you need to remove the skin from the squid. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and let it boil. We put one squid in boiling water and intensively stir it in water for 10-15 seconds (we do not turn off the fire, the water should constantly boil). During stirring, the skin from the squid should be removed. In the next photo - squids that were just taken out of boiling water, as you can see, the skin peeled off pretty well.

The remains of the skin that have not been removed must be washed off under running water. Since we will have squids with onions and sour cream, we remember the onions. We clean it, cut it into half rings and fry in a pan, on sunflower oil until half ready.

Now it will take quite a bit of time. Pay attention when you cook - the general heat treatment squid should be no more than 5 minutes, otherwise they will then become very tough and not at all tasty. Therefore, I advise you to prepare everything necessary products in advance so that they are at hand:

  • Peel the garlic
  • Make sour cream
  • Spices
  • Chop the dill.

Cut the squid into strips and lay the finished onion to our floor. Fry them for 2 minutes over medium heat.

At the very end (30 seconds before the end), add dill and crushed garlic to our squid stewed in sour cream.

You can serve squid with onions and sour cream with fried or boiled potatoes, pasta, or. Choose.

I hope you enjoyed the recipe for squid in sour cream! Bon Appetit!

And now, do not miss the opportunity to learn how to cook squid stuffed with mushrooms, learn all the subtleties from chef Stanislav Valenyuk, watch the video:

Views: 31645

08 May 2016 523

Squids are those seafood that are most loved in our country. Many dishes are prepared from them. Distinctive feature squid stewed in sour cream - the dish is quickly prepared.

And this circumstance popularizes these seafood in our country. More and more new recipes appear - chefs experiment and get real culinary masterpieces.

And the cost of squid meat is quite acceptable, which allows even people with average incomes to “create”.

The benefits of squid in the daily diet come down to the fact that they are sufficiently able to replace protein sources such as chicken, beef, turkey meat and eggs. There is no cholesterol in squid and there are many elements useful for the body.

Squid stewed in sour cream: the basics of cooking

If you cook squid in sour cream correctly, you get a dish that will melt in your mouth. During the cooking process, it is important not to overexpose this seafood on fire, otherwise the tender meat will become tough.

A harmonious combination is squid meat and cream sauce. These components complement each other, which allows you to give the dish incomparable taste.

For dishes prepared from squid, tomatoes are used as additional components (products), onion, various greens, carrots, garlic, zucchini. The amount and type of food to add depends on personal preference.

When using vegetables, the main thing to remember is that if they are overcooked, they can kill that delicate taste, which is obtained by combining squid meat and sour cream.

Braised calamari with cream and onions

For cooking delicious dish you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 2 onions;
  • 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) of salt;
  • 600 grams of squid meat;
  • 3 tablespoons (table) sour cream;
  • To the taste of the cook - black pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons (tablespoons) olive oil.

Salt is added to a pot of boiling water and the carcasses of pre-prepared seafood are lowered one by one. Each carcass should be in boiling water for no more than 1 minute. After removing the carcass from boiling water, it is immediately lowered into cold water.

This procedure will make it easy to clean seafood, which is then cut into rings.

Onions need to be cut into rings and fried in sunflower oil (vegetable).

After that, add sour cream, a little more salt and pepper. Everything is mixed, fried over medium heat for 5-6 minutes with the lid open.

Then, the seafood cut into rings is added to the onion, cover the pan with a lid and stew for several minutes.

Serving to the table, the dish is sprinkled with herbs on top. Can be served both hot and cold.

Incredibly delicious sour cream squid with mushrooms

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of squid;
  • Vegetable oil (the amount is regulated when frying);
  • 500 grams of fresh champignons;
  • Salt is added to taste;
  • 1 head of large onion;
  • Ground pepper of various kinds;
  • 300 grams of sour cream.

We clean the squid carcasses. To do this, put them in a colander and pour over freshly boiled water. Immediately after this, seafood should be placed under cold water. This treatment will allow you to quickly remove the skin from the carcasses. After cleaning, seafood must be cut into rings.

Mushrooms must be cut at your discretion - cubes or small slices. The bulbs are crushed with a knife.

In a frying pan with high fields, it is necessary to heat the vegetable oil, in which to golden brown fried chopped onion.

Then chopped champignons are added to it, everything is mixed, reduce the heat and fry for 10 minutes with constant stirring. After that add sour cream, salt, pepper and seafood. Everything is mixed again and stewed for 10 minutes (with the lid closed).

This dish is served hot. It can be combined with pasta and rice. When serving, be sure to add greens.

The recipe for the most tender squid stewed in a slow cooker

With the advent of multicookers, the life of housewives has been simplified. This kitchen appliances allows you to quickly cook any dishes. Therefore, let's pay attention to how to stew juicy squids in sour cream in a multicooker.

Required products:

The onion must be chopped with a knife. We clean the squid carcasses and cut into rings.

In a multicooker, on the “frying” mode in sunflower oil (ordinary vegetable oil), fry the onion (about 15 minutes). The lid does not need to be closed, and the onion should acquire a golden color.

After frying the onion, add salt and pepper to it, mix and fry for another 1 minute. Then add the seafood cut into rings, mix and continue to fry for another 2 minutes. After that, add sour cream, close the lid, simmer for a few minutes.

When the time allotted for cooking is up, turn off the slow cooker and let the dish brew with the lid closed for 20 minutes.

Serve this dish along with a side dish - mashed potatoes, pasta, rice. Be sure to decorate the cooked seafood with greens when serving.

: these are canapes, sandwiches, snacks on skewers and other appetizers that will perfectly complement any feast.

Do you know how to properly cook minced pork ham? Take note that will allow you to cook ham at home. With our advice, it will turn out much tastier.

An interesting recipe for stewed squid with tomatoes and carrots seasoned with sour cream

For cooking you will need:

  • 800 grams of squid;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 8 tomato;
  • Greenery;
  • Spices;
  • Salt;
  • 4 bulbs;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons (tea) wheat flour;
  • 1 glass of sour cream.

The stalk is removed from the tomatoes and the juice is squeezed out. The pulp of the vegetable should be finely chopped, mixed with juice and vegetable oil. All this is brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes over low heat.

Peeled seafood must be cut into strips, added to the mass of tomatoes. Finely chopped onion is also added here and grated on coarse grater carrots - these ingredients must be pre-fried. Boil everything again for 5 minutes over low heat.

The flour is first pricked in a frying pan until a light yellow color is formed. Then cool, mix with sour cream, making sure that no lumps form, and combine with those products that are already mixed. Add salt, spices and cook everything with constant stirring for 5 minutes.

Served hot, garnished with herbs.

If there is no sour cream during cooking, it can be replaced with yogurt, which does not contain salt and sugar. For tenderness ready meal such a replacement will not affect in any way, but it will turn out to cook a dish with a minimum calorie content.

spicy lovers and spicy dishes can add garlic or chili peppers to ready-made squids.

Many squid recipes indicate that you need to take frozen clams. However, in stores you can find already peeled seafood, and even cut into rings. This opportunity saves time, but already prepared seafood is an expensive pleasure.

In the absence of onions, it can be replaced with leeks.

The fat content of sour cream used for cooking should be 15-20%.

Bon Appetit!

The article is copied from the site Home recipes https: // site

Squid with onions stewed in sour cream - tender and very tasty second dish, in our kitchen the recipe for this seafood dish is used quite often. In addition to the fact that stewed squids with onions in sour cream have a special taste, they are also very useful for the body, because according to many characteristics of the content useful substances they surpass even beef, to say nothing of pork meat and chicken.

These seafood fit perfectly into the requirements diet food, they are completely devoid of cholesterol and help to normalize its content in human blood, components white meat seafood helps blood vessels become more elastic, that is, they increase their strength, which helps prevent diseases of the circulatory system, even such serious ones as a stroke.

I advise you to take unpeeled squids, as already peeled ones are often hard, rubbery. Of course, cleaning them is unpleasant, but this way they will turn out to be more tender and tasty, for the same reason I do not like to scald them in order to remove the skin, the less this seafood is subjected to any heat treatment, the better. It is necessary to cook them for a short time, throwing them into already boiled salted water.

Sour cream in the recipe can be replaced with mayonnaise, for a more pronounced taste of stewed squid, or mix sour cream and mayonnaise together in half. But it's time to start cooking, let's turn to the recipe - how to cook squid in sour cream ...

Recipe Ingredients

  • squid - carcass without entrails (1.5 kg)
  • large onion (1 pc.)
  • sour cream (250 g)
  • mayonnaise (250 g)
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • greens (optional)

* If with a side dish, then for 5-6 servings

How to cook squid in sour cream recipe with photo step by step

We clean seafood

1. It is necessary to remove the skin from the squid and clean it from the insides, it is convenient to do this in the sink, under running water, putting the grate on the drain. Some types are quite easy to clean, I just got caught, I always try to buy them. The skin is removed, usually quite easily, pulled on one edge, and then it is pulled together with a stocking.

I remove the innards by cutting the seafood down the middle, unless I want to save it for slicing or stuffing. I tear off the fin with my hands, separately it is more convenient to remove the skin from the carcass, of course, I don’t throw it away, but use it like the whole carcass. Squid recipe step by step with photos.

Cooking seafood

2. You can start cutting seafood now, but I suggest pre-boiling a little, so it will be more convenient to cut them. We collect water in a saucepan, salt, wait for it to boil and put seafood in it, when they boil, cook for two minutes and drain through a colander to cool faster, you can rinse them cold water. Squid recipe step by step with photos.

Fry the onion

3. Shred and fry the onion, turn off.

The sight of a squid floating in the seas and oceans is far from attractive. And especially large individuals can even be scared. But on a plate, this clam looks very appetizing, fried or stewed pieces which they ask for in the mouth. It is a very popular seafood. Unlike others sea ​​delicacies, squid is more affordable, and in terms of the content of some useful substances, it largely surpasses them.

For a very long time, squid was used mainly as one of the main ingredients in a salad. But also independent dishes from this shellfish are no less tasty. Especially if you cook them in sour cream. You can immediately stew, or pre-fry with onions, cut into rings. You can stuff it - with mushrooms, boiled eggs, cheese, onions, and then fill the carcasses filled with minced meat with sour cream and bake or stew. In sour cream, you can add both neutral spices, such as salt and pepper, and with a more intense taste - garlic, Bay leaf. To spice up the dish, add hot pepper or hot sauce.

Squids in sour cream - food preparation

Squid meat is very tender if not overcooked. Therefore, the heat treatment of the product should take no more than three to five minutes. This does not apply to sour cream sauce. Meat stewed in sour cream for ten to fifteen minutes remains just as soft.

Before cooking, squid must be cleaned of the film. This can be done quickly if the frozen carcasses are still lowered into hot water or pour boiling water over. Unnecessary film is easy to separate from the meat. It remains only to remove the chord (transparent rod) and the squids are ready for heat treatment.

Squid in sour cream - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Squid stewed in sour cream

Unusual, but very tasty squids. They are first fried, then stewed in sour cream along with onions.

Ingredients: 500g squid, 2 onions, black pepper, 150ml sour cream, salt, flour, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Cut the peeled squid carcasses into rings. Pepper, salt and roll in flour. Heat the oil and quickly fry the squids until golden brown. Transfer the fried rings to a plate, and in this pan fry the onion chopped into rings or half rings. Transfer the squid back to the pan, mix, pour sour cream and simmer for ten to fifteen minutes.

Recipe 2: Stuffed Squid in Sour Cream

Fans of mushrooms and sea delicacies will be delighted with this dish. Its preparation does not take as much time as it seems. Stuffed carcasses can be sewn with a thread or stabbed with a toothpick.

Ingredients: 6-8 pcs. squid (depending on size), 500g fresh mushrooms, 50g butter, 5 eggs, 150-200g cheese, a bunch of green onions and parsley (greens can be chosen to taste), 2 onions, 500ml sour cream, salt, flour, pepper.

Cooking method

Clean the squid carcasses. Hard boil eggs.

On the butter fry small cubes of onion and slices of mushrooms until half cooked.

Grate the cheese, finely chop the greens and eggs. Prepare minced meat, for which mix mushrooms, onions, eggs and cheese, pepper and salt. Fill the squid with the resulting mixture and pinch the edges (with a toothpick or sew up). Place stuffed carcasses in a cauldron or non-stick dish, pour over sour cream sauce, for which mix sour cream, a spoonful of flour, salt, pepper. Simmer fifteen to twenty minutes at a medium boil.

Recipe 3: Squids in sour cream, baked with buckwheat porridge

Delicious juicy squid and buckwheat porridge casserole - full meal, which can be served for dinner or, as a second, for lunch.

Ingredients: 500g squid, 200g buckwheat, 300ml sour cream, 3 onions, vegetable oil for frying, 1 table. lies. flour, 50 g of cheese and butter.

Cooking method

Cook buckwheat porridge. Sort the grits, rinse, pour water (1: 2), salt and cook until tender.

Boil squids for two minutes (15 g of salt per 1 liter of water), cut into rings or slices.

Spasserovat finely chopped onion, add pieces of squid, fry for two to three minutes. Salt, pepper.

For the sauce, fry the flour in butter, add sour cream, salt, pepper, mix and boil for two minutes.

Collect casserole. Grease the bottom of the mold with oil, lay out the porridge, smooth the surface. Place squids with onions on top and pour over sour cream sauce. Sprinkle with shredded cheese and bake for fifteen to twenty minutes (180C).
Cut the prepared casserole into portions and serve.

Recipe 4: Squid in sour cream with soy sauce

Sour cream gives squid meat creamy tenderness, and soy sauce- piquancy. Together they give the dish an interesting and unusual taste.

Ingredients: 500g squid, 100ml sour cream, 5 tbsp. soy sauce (preferably shrimp), 2-3 peas. allspice, 1 bay leaf.

Cooking method

Boil the peeled squids for two minutes in salted water. Cool, cut into rings. Pour in sour cream and simmer for ten minutes. Pour in soy sauce, put peppercorns, bay leaf and boil for another five minutes.

Recipe 5: Squid in sour cream with garlic

The dish is prepared in just a matter of minutes. The result is very tasty squids with a spicy aroma of dill and garlic.

Ingredients: 1 kg of squid, 300 ml of sour cream, a bunch of dill, 2 cloves of garlic, salt, a pinch of black pepper.

Cooking method

Boil prepared carcasses for three to four minutes in salted water. Cool and cut into rings. Put them in a pan, add chopped herbs and garlic, salt and pepper, pour sour cream, mix. Simmer for three minutes.

Recipe 6: Spicy Squids in Sour Cream

Squids in sour cream can be not only tender and creamy, but also hot. What will be very happy lovers of spicy. Most regular sour cream, tomato sauce and chili pepper, united, give the dish a truly inimitable and magical taste.

Ingredients: 700g squid, 250ml sour cream, 1.5 table each. lies. flour and tomato sauce (or ketchup) Chili, 2 onions, salt, hot ground pepper.

Cooking method

Clean the squid carcasses and cut into strips.

Fry onion half rings until golden, add squid and fry for another four minutes, add flour at the end and overcook it for a minute.

Mix tomato sauce and sour cream, add a pinch or two of hot red pepper and pour squid with this mixture. Simmer five to seven minutes.

Carcasses of frozen squid should be easily separated from each other. If they stick together, this only means that the product has been defrosted and frozen more than once. Such squids can give bitterness, which will appear during heat treatment, or completely boil.

If you look at squids that swim in their sea possessions, then it is never even possible to imagine in your life how tasty its meat is, cooked under the grill, in a pan or in sauce. I think many will agree with this, especially if its meat is cooked by the experienced hands of a cook. For a long time I could not even dare to try, because immediately before my eyes was the original appearance of this, as it turned out, a sea delicacy.

But, having done it for the first time, my opinion about the squid immediately changed. So unique, delicious, and most importantly, you can cook it in completely different ways. At the same time, in each separate method of its preparation, the taste of meat always remains unsurpassed. We will now try to penetrate the mystery of cooking squid in sour cream and cook amazingly tasty and festive dishes. Charge with positive, do not pay attention to appearance fresh squid, and boldly proceed to the processing of meat. By the way, from correct processing squid and will depend on its further taste, and the structure of its meat.

Recipe 1. Squids in sour cream

Fresh squid - 0.5 kg.

Sour cream - 2-3 tablespoons

Onion - 1 pc.

Basil, dill or parsley greens

Flour - 3 tsp

Corn oil - 3-4 tbsp.

Clean the squid carcass (we only need its body). Remove the film and cut into strips. Squid meat is recommended to beat off a little with a culinary mallet. Now pepper and salt, then roll each straw in flour, shake and send to fry in a frying pan with oil. You need to fry squid meat for no more than 2-3 minutes.

We will carefully cut the peeled onion into thin half rings and send them to pass in the oil in which we fried the squid straws. We take a deep frying pan and put the cooked onion into it, and put the fried squid straws on top of it. Pour in sour cream and bring to a boil. Turn on the minimum fire and simmer for 10-15 minutes. At the end of the process, we finely chop our favorite greens, and sprinkle the dish. Cover with a lid, turn off the stove and set the meat aside for 5 minutes.

This dish goes great with pasta, mashed potatoes or boiled rice. Have a nice meal!!!

Recipe 2. Squids in sour cream with tomatoes

Squid fillet - 800 gr.

Tomatoes - 10 pieces

Onion - 4 pcs.

Flour - 2 tsp

Vegetable oil - 150 gr.

Sour cream - 1 cup

Ground white pepper and salt

Basil or parsley greens

We wash fresh and ripe tomatoes and squeeze the juice out of them. The pulp of tomatoes, which we have left, finely chop and combine with squeezed juice. Pour oil into them, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Simmer for about 6-7 minutes to evaporate the juice. Purified and raw squid we will cut into strips. Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings and sauté in a frying pan in oil. Now we combine the straws of squid meat with tomatoes and onions, mix, bring to a boil and simmer for about 5 minutes. Pass the flour in a dry frying pan. As soon as it begins to turn a little golden, turn off the heat and cool it a little. Let's dilute the flour with a part of the liquid from the tomatoes - we should get thick sauce. Add sour cream to it, mix well and send it to the pan with squid. Salt and pepper to taste. Boil the dish for another 2-3 minutes. The squids in the sauce are already cooked, it remains only to add greens and serve with a side dish.

Bon Appetit!!!

Recipe 3. Squids in sour cream with mushrooms

Squids - 750 gr.

Onions - 4-5 pcs.

Champignons - 250 gr.

Sour cream - 0.5 liters.

Parmesan - to taste.

green basil

We clean the body of the squid, do not forget to remove the outer film. Boil salty water and pour boiling water over them. Immediately move the squids into ice water.

Clean the onions and mushrooms. We cut them into half rings and plates, respectively, and sauté them in a frying pan until cooked. Add sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. Simmer on low heat with the lid closed for a few minutes. Now we rinse the squid meat well again and cut into strips or rings. Heat the oil in a frying pan and put it in for frying. Fry quickly, while stirring them intensively, and immediately pour in the prepared onions and mushrooms in sour cream. Close the lid again and simmer together for another 5-7 minutes.

We take small cocottes, put the cooked squids on top and sprinkle with grated parmesan on top. We send it to the oven for baking until a beautiful and appetizing crust of cheese appears. Cooked squids are immediately served hot, garnished with chopped basil greens. Enjoy the taste of the dish - it's great!!!

Recipe 4. Julienne with squid meat and mushrooms

Frozen squids - 500 gr.

Mushrooms - 200 gr.

Onion - 1 pc.

Sour cream - 200 gr.

Cheese - 100 gr.

Ground red paprika - 1 tsp

Clean and wash the mushrooms and onions. Onion cut small cubes, and mushrooms into medium-sized cubes. We send them to a frying pan with heated oil and fry well. Let's defrost the squids (if they are not peeled, then be sure to clean and remove the outer film). Rinse, cut into rings and send to the pan so that the excess liquid evaporates. Now add oil to them and fry them quickly. Add fried mushrooms and onions, pour in sour cream, add red ground pepper and salt. Mix well and put into a baking dish. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top and cook in the oven for about 5-7 minutes. The cheese should be completely melted. The dish is ready!!! Try the squid meat - it just melts in your mouth, doesn't it?

Recipe 5. Squids in sour cream

Squids - 500 gr.

Cream or sour cream - 250 gr.

Onion - 2 pcs.

Carrot - 2 pcs.

Garlic - 3 tooth.

Ground white pepper

Salt - to taste.

Fresh onion feathers - for decoration.

Peel the garlic cloves and the onion head. Cut the garlic into cubes, and the onion into half rings. We chop the peeled carrots into strips and send everything to a frying pan with preheated olive oil. Simmer well until done.

Cut the body of the squid into strips and send it to the pan. Salt and add sour cream. Let's mix. If your sour cream is too thick, then at this stage it is recommended to add a little fish broth. It can be easily prepared from a cube. Bring to a boil, cover with a lid and simmer the squids in sour cream for another 5 minutes over low heat. The dish is ready. Before serving squid in sour cream to the table, you can decorate the dish with finely chopped onion feathers. Happy dining everyone!!!

If you buy frozen squid, then pay attention to the fact that each carcass is easily separated from each other. If frozen carcasses cannot be torn apart by hand, then they have most likely been thawed more than once.

If, when cooking squid meat in sour cream, you get a fairly thick sauce (this depends on the fat content of sour cream), then it can be diluted with fish broth or just boiled water.

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