Ear triple (option). Triple fish soup recipe

Triple ear recipe. I will describe all three stages of preparation triple fish soup. What kind of fish is boiled at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of cooking fish soup.

Probably the most anticipated and wonderful moment after a successful fishing- this is to sit in the evening by a quiet river and a crackling fire, drink a glass and eat a fragrant rich fish soup that smells of smoke. It happens that the body aches from a long walk along the banks or from rowing in a rowing boat. And if you take it in moderation for your health, eat real fish soup and, you see, your strength returned, and your fatigue went away somewhere.

Fish soup recipes in Russian regions

Many recipes for real fish soup have been invented, and each region and Russian side has its own secrets of cooking this dish. Often this is due to the fish that lives in this particular reservoir. It is clear that fishermen living in Siberia and the North are in a more advantageous position, where delicious fish from the salmon family live in rivers and lakes. The same applies to the southern regions, in particular, the lower reaches of the Volga. Sturgeon fishing is now mostly prohibited, although, apparently, somewhere there is an opportunity to catch this fish. And the ear from sterlet and other sturgeons has long been known for its luxurious taste, fat and lack of bones in the fish.

But also in the middle lane you can build a luxurious triple ear from the very common fish living in our rivers. The main condition for getting fragrant dish is the freshness of the fish. It must be alive before cooking.

In the process of fishing, it is usually not difficult to keep the prey alive in the cage. If only the water wasn't too warm. For better fish preservation you need to choose a place for a cage in the shade, preferably not in the surf, if the river is large and the waves are quite powerful. In addition, it is best to install the cage in the bushes and at a relatively large depth. At least not less than a meter. All this will keep the fish alive until the preparation of fish soup from it. It should also be remembered that the cage should be spacious, because in a cramped cage with a large amount of prey, the fish will not survive even half an hour. Even in running water, tightness and increased density of fish literally kill freshly caught prey.

Ear WITHOUT potatoes!

Another indispensable condition for the preparation of a real triple fish soup is the absence of potatoes in it. Fish soup, which we also used to call fish soup, will not be able to achieve the quality and flavor that fish soup has from one fish.

Although the recognized criterion for fish soup is its state when there is a spoon in it, nevertheless, there are many lovers of fish soup, in which there is a lot of rich broth. In such cases, the fish is simply laid out on a plate and eaten separately, from time to time scooping up the broth with a spoon or simply drinking the broth.

The most delicious fish soup is considered to be a triple fish soup. And here two goals are immediately achieved. First, given that the so-called "white" river fish, living in the rivers of central Russia, very bony, just throw it away after cooking.. A broth made from three types of fish or from fish of different sizes turns out to be very rich. Bream, ide, roach and other fish from the carp family have a very delicate sweetish taste. At the same time, an inexperienced person can easily choke on boiled fish, especially if it is an ide. Even large, he is literally stuffed small bones penetrating a fish fillet. Scavengers are also almost as good as ides in bonyness. AND only trophy bream may be a separate dish. Here we can recall the description of the feasts of past centuries, when a side of a large bream stuffed with buckwheat porridge was often served on a boyar or merchant's table. Already something, and the ribs of a large bream are quite respectable conditions, they have great taste and fat content, especially if the bream is autumn.

Triple fish soup recipe

To start it is best to boil or, more precisely, boil small and medium "white" fish: scavengers, roach, chub, ide. The boiled mass can simply be thrown out to be eaten by seagulls.

Then perches and ruffs are boiled, which give the ear its aroma, and also serve to form jelly in the cold ear, which in the morning often turns into a tender aspic without the participation of gelatin. This boiled prickly mass also goes to waste.

For the third and main filling of our fish soup you can choose the heads of catfish, pike perch, pike, in which there is a lot of tasty and tender meat, and also boil large pieces these fish. If there is a large perch, then it is also very well suited for the third dressing. This fish should be cooked for no more than 15 minutes. adding salt, pepper to taste, Bay leaf. And Bon Appetit!

How to cook an ear - we examined in, here we will separately understand the preparation of a triple fish soup.

Triple ear recipe.

For a triple fish soup, the entire catch must be divided into three parts. The first part includes a trifle in the composition: perch, gobies, roach, ruff. For the commander they have a ruff. This "comrade" gives the ear such a taste and aroma that not a single salmon with sturgeon will give. Well, you have already read how to prepare this little thing for initiation into the "fat". ....or not? For those who forgot - take a ladle and ....

We put the filtered broth back on the fire and add the second part of the catch to the pot (well, or a bucket), or rather, cleaned, gutted, washed and chopped big chunks big fish. The second bookmark includes pike perch, chub and other large fish. If you caught a catfish, stay away from the mustachioed one. In his ear, he is not a walker, cook him at home. Together with the fish, we throw in the onion head, carrots and parsley root. Of course, we cut the carrots in advance into large rings, and cut the onion into four parts. In this composition, the ear is boiled for about thirty minutes. The main thing is that the fish is not digested. And God forbid you put a spoon into the pot with a stupid idea to mix. semolina porridge interfere, but the ear, no, no ... It should be cooked inviolably, barely gurgling.

When the fish is cooked, it should be pulled out carefully and salted. And add a third of the catch (the second part of large pieces of fish) to the bowler. At the same time, add black peppercorns along with a couple of leaves of parsley. Cook until the fish is done. Just before the end of cooking, add chopped dill with parsley, a clove of garlic, a slice of lemon and salt to the ear. The main thing is not to oversalt. Here you can already mix your ear a little, without fanaticism. With seasonings and herbs, too, do not overdo it. After all, we need an ear, and not a soup of uncertain origin with a pronounced taste and smell of spices.

We remove the pot from the fire, pour in one hundred grams of vodka and cover with a lid. I hope you cooked your fish soup in an open pot? Otherwise, you know what they do with the cook ..... We cover the ear with a lid after it is cooked on a fire. With the lid covered, the ear "comes" to its condition within 10-15 minutes.

Pond fish or sea fish are not suitable for real fish soup. Only river or lake - ruff, dace, perch, ide, pike, minnow, bleak, rudd, crucian carp, pike perch. But not catfish - it is only suitable for frying. The fish soup prepared by women at home can be called potato soup with fish. Dear ladies, do not be offended! Read it, feel the difference!

The proportions of seasonings, the amount of fish and the quality of the water are very important. The most delicious fish soup is obtained if it is cooked in spring water. The catch is divided into three parts: in one of these parts, small fish for fat, in the other two (according to the volume of the pot), large fish. There may be: pike perch, chub, ide and everything else that fell into the bait. By no means store fish!

In the first part - ruffs, minnows, perches, bleak, etc. They are boiled unpeeled, but gutted, with a thoroughly washed belly - otherwise the ear will be cloudy and bitter.

The broth from small fish is cooked for 30-45 minutes, right in the pot, and when the broth is ready, it is enough for the broth to settle, and it can be drained clean and transparent, put on fire again.

With the subsequent laying of large fish (of course, cleaned, gutted and thoroughly washed), a large onion, carrots, a small piece of parsley or celery root are placed, salt is added. Add boiling water, and cook the fish soup over low heat for 30 minutes, no more, otherwise the fish will boil. At the same time, there is a rule: when large fish are boiled, they do not turn the spoon in the pot, and you should not stir it. And so that the fish does not burn, the pot is turned from time to time, shaken a little, then all the pieces of large fish do not break, they remain intact.

After the fish is ready, it is taken out while it is hot, salted, and the third portion is put into the pot and along with it a little pepper. If desired, you can put the swim bladders of large fish and ribbons of fat removed from the discarded entrails: then the ear will be especially rich. Bay leaf, parsley, dill have sharp specific odors, they drown out the taste of fish, and their presence in the pot is highly discouraged. The rest of the spices are also put very carefully: a little of everything and certainly at the end of cooking. This is the only way to know and experience everything. taste qualities fish soup. The more fish, the less spices - the sweeter, tastier and fragrant ear. It has the taste and smell of natural river fish rather than bay leaf. Only the bishop's ear allows itself to retreat: it is boiled on chicken broth, with sweet green onion and pepper

In this fisherman's ear except for fish, only onion yes carrot. They give the ear a special taste, decorate it. If you put a few petals of sorrel, a slice of lemon or pickle in a pot, add one clove of garlic, then the taste will be simply unforgettable.

10-15 minutes before readiness, pour a glass of vodka into the pot.

If you want to feel the whole taste of a real fish soup, be sure to cook it in nature, next to a pond, on a fire.

The smell of algae “imitates” a pike put in a bowler along with fins.

The pot can be kept open, but so that the ashes from the fire do not fly into your ear, collect firewood only from hardwoods - from oak or alder dried wood.

After the pot is removed from the fire, the ear should be wrapped in a pea coat or padded jacket and allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes so that it will catch. Of course, for this, the pot is covered with a lid. The ear is good when it is fiery, not bad if it cools down.

Bon appetit!


Difficulty: Undefined

  • River fish, lake fish
  • Bulb onions
  • Carrot
  • Celery or parsley
  • Black pepper
How to cook

Pond fish or sea fish are not suitable for real fish soup. Only river or lake - ruff, dace, perch, ide, pike, gudgeon, bleak, rudd, crucian carp, pike perch. But not catfish - it is only suitable for frying. The soup that women cook at home can be called potato soup with fish. Dear ladies, do not be offended! Read it, feel the difference!

The proportions of seasonings, the amount of fish and the quality of the water are very important. The most delicious fish soup is obtained if it is cooked in spring water. The catch is divided into three parts: in one of these parts, small fish for fat, in the other two (according to the volume of the pot), large fish. There may be: pike perch, chub, ide and everything else that fell into the bait. By no means store fish!

In the first part - ruffs, minnows, perches, bleak, etc. They are boiled unpeeled, but gutted, with a thoroughly washed belly - otherwise the ear will be cloudy and bitter.

The broth from small fish is cooked for 30-45 minutes, right in the pot, and when the broth is ready, it is enough for the broth to stand, and it can be drained clean and transparent, put on fire again.

With the subsequent laying of large fish (of course, cleaned, gutted and thoroughly washed), a large onion, carrots, a small piece of parsley or celery root are placed, salt is added. Add boiling water, and cook the fish soup over low heat for 30 minutes, no more, otherwise the fish will boil. At the same time, there is a rule: when large fish are boiled, they do not turn the spoon in the pot, and you should not stir it. And so that the fish does not burn, the pot is turned from time to time, shaken a little, then all the pieces of large fish do not break, they remain intact.

After the fish is ready, it is taken out while it is hot, salted, and the third portion is put into the pot and along with it a little pepper. If desired, you can put the swim bladders of large fish and ribbons of fat removed from the discarded entrails: then the ear will be especially rich. Bay leaf, parsley, dill have sharp specific odors, they drown out the taste of fish, and their presence in the pot is highly discouraged. The rest of the spices are also put very carefully: a little of everything and certainly at the end of cooking. This is the only way to learn and taste all the taste qualities of fish soup. The more fish, the less spices - the sweeter, tastier and more aromatic the ear. It has the taste and smell of natural river fish, not bay leaves. Only the bishop's ear allows itself to digress: it is boiled in chicken broth, with a sweet green onion and pepper

10-15 minutes before readiness, pour a glass of vodka into the pot.

If you want to feel the whole taste of a real fish soup, be sure to cook it in nature, next to a pond, on a fire.

The smell of algae “imitates” a pike put in a bowler along with fins.

The pot can be kept open, but so that the ash from the fire does not fly into your ear, collect firewood only from hardwoods - from oak or alder dried wood.


Triple ear recipe

Cooking technology "Triple fish soup":

It is worth starting with the fact that real fish soup is cooked from fish caught by oneself, and not from a store bought one.

Moreover, pond fish or sea fish are also not suitable for (real!) fish soup. Only river or lake - ruff, dace, perch, ide, pike, minnow, bleak, rudd, crucian carp, pike perch ... But not catfish - it is only suitable for frying. Fish soup prepared by housewives can be called potato soup with fish. A real fisherman's soup - without millet and potatoes and has its own name "Triple - with smoke".

The proportions of spices, the number of fish and the quality of the water are very important. The most delicious fish soup is obtained if it is cooked in spring water. The catch is divided into three parts: in one of these parts, small fish for fat, in the other two (according to the volume of the pot), large fish. There may be: pike perch, chub, ide and everything else that fell into the bait. By no means store fish!

In the first part - ruffs, privets, perches. They are boiled unpeeled, but gutted, with a thoroughly washed belly - otherwise the ear will be cloudy and bitter. Mucus on ruffs and privets gives the ear a divine taste and aroma - "ambrosia", which translates as the food of the gods. The broth from small fish is cooked for 30-45 minutes, right in the pot, and when the broth is ready, it is enough for the broth to stand, and it can be drained clean and transparent, put on fire again.

With the subsequent laying of large fish (of course, cleaned, gutted and thoroughly washed), a huge onion cut into four parts, carrots, a small piece of parsley or celery root is placed, salt is added. You can put a few stalks of skoroda (wild garlic), which grows in water meadows everywhere. It does not need to crumble, so that after cooking it is easier to throw it away. Add boiling water, and cook the fish soup over low heat for 30 minutes, no more, otherwise the fish will boil. At the same time, there is a rule: when large fish are boiled, they do not turn the spoon in the pot, and you should not stir it. And so that the fish does not burn, the pot is turned from time to time, shaken a little, then all the pieces of large fish do not break, they remain intact.

After the fish is ready, it is taken out while it is hot, salted, and the third portion is put into the pot and along with it a little pepper. If desired, you can put the swim bladders of large fish and ribbons of fat removed from the discarded entrails: then the ear will be especially rich. Bay leaf, parsley, dill have sharp specific odors, they drown out the taste of fish, and their presence in the pot is highly discouraged. The rest of the spices are also put very carefully: a little of everything and certainly at the end of cooking. This is the only way to learn and taste all the taste qualities of fish soup. The more fish, the less spices - the sweeter, tastier and more aromatic the ear. It has the taste and smell of natural river fish, not bay leaves. Only the bishop's ear allows itself to digress: it is boiled in chicken broth, with a sweet green onion and pepper.

In a real fisherman's ear, in addition to fish, only onions and carrots are allowed. They give the ear a special taste, decorate it. If you put a few petals of sorrel, a slice of lemon or pickle in a pot, add one clove of garlic, then the taste will be simply unforgettable.

If you want to feel the whole taste of a real fish soup, be sure to cook it in nature, next to a pond, on a fire. The smell of algae “imitates” a pike put in a bowler along with fins. The pot can be kept open, but so that the ash from the fire does not fly into your ear, collect firewood only from hardwoods - from oak or alder dried wood. After the pot is removed from the fire, the ear should be wrapped in a pea coat or padded jacket and allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes so that it will catch. Of course, for this, the pot is covered with a lid. The ear is good when it is fiery, not bad if it cools down.

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triple ear

Triple ear - cooking recipe with photo. delicious first dish - how to cook a triple ear. The ear is made from three different varieties fish - in some variants, some varieties are used only for making broth, while the fillets of others fall into ready meal.

Cooking a delicious triple ear

Triple ear recipe

  • 150 g - pike perch fillet,
  • 150 g - sturgeon fillet,
  • 1 carcass - perch,
  • 2 tbsp. l. - millet,
  • 1 tuber - potato,
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 tbsp. l. - butter,
  • 0.5 bulbs,
  • Bay leaf,
  • sweet pepper,
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt.
  1. Peel onions and carrots, wash and finely chop. Process the fish and boil in salted water with the addition of spices. Remove the cooked fish and strain the broth.
  2. Put the washed and sorted millet into the finished broth. Pass the chopped onions and carrots in butter and enter into the ear.
  3. Cut potatoes into small cubes.
  4. Separate the flesh of the fish from the bones and cut into small pieces. Dip them in the broth and let it boil again.

Triple ear - cooking recipe with photo. Delicious first course - how to cook triple fish soup. The ear is made from three different types of fish - in some versions, some varieties are used only to obtain the broth, while the fillets of others end up in the finished dish. Triple Ear Recipe 5 from 1 reviews Print Triple Ear


Fisherman's Club

What true fisherman is worthy of such meanness to cook fish soup from store fish? Yes, even from the one that was caught in the seas and oceans? Yes, let all my giblets burst! No self-respecting angler would do that. Another thing is a river or lake fish. Ruffs and biryuchki. Elts and perches. Izzy and pike. Minnows and bleaks. Pike perch and red-finned roach ... Pond fish - and that is no good. From a river fish, an ear is an ear! In general, fishing without an ear is like a wedding without music. This is the pinnacle of sport and recreational fishing. What true fisherman is worthy of such meanness to cook fish soup from store fish? Yes, even from the one that was caught in the seas and oceans? Yes, let all my giblets burst! No self-respecting angler would do that. Another thing is a river or lake fish. Ruffs and biryuchki. Elts and perches. Izzy and pike. Minnows and bleaks. Pike perch and red-finned roach ... Pond fish - and that is no good. From a river fish, an ear - this is an ear!

In general, fishing without fish soup is like a wedding without music. This is the pinnacle of sport and recreational fishing. A person feels the fullness of happiness not when he has caught the allowed five kilograms of fish, but only after tasting the ears own cooking from personal catch. The ear is the property and decoration of any fishing.

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin fantasizes brilliantly when he describes original way cooking fish soup: taking a live burbot, it must first be carved with a twig; when, due to chagrin and resentment, his liver will increase, - cook sterlet fish soup with burbot liver ... We will not compose fables when describing the recipe for cooking fish soup. We only give real advice.

Fish soup prepared by housewives can be called potato soup with fish. A real fisherman's soup is not cabbage soup, because they drink soup, but slurp cabbage soup. It is without millet and potatoes and has the name "Triple - with smoke."

The art of preparing fish soup begins from the moment when a fishing pot or bucket, carefully polished to a shine, shines in the sun, when the silvery scales of large caught river fish fly from under the knife, when preparation begins after cleaning - a thorough washing of all the fish that are intended in the ear.

The secret of cooking fish soup boils down to the following: the proportions of seasonings, the number of fish and the quality of the water are very important. The most delicious fish soup is obtained if it is cooked in spring water. The catch is divided into three parts: in one, small fish for fat, in the other two (according to the volume of the pot), large fish. There may be: pike perch, chub, ide and everything else that fell into the bait (but not bought, otherwise the ear will not work!). The only exception is catfish - it is suitable only for roasting.

In the first part - ruffs, privets, perches. They are boiled unpeeled, but gutted, with a thoroughly washed belly - otherwise the ear will be cloudy and bitter. Mucus on ruffs and privets gives the ear a divine taste and aroma - "ambrosia", which translates as the food of the gods. For this quality, a ruff, for example, has an honorary title and, when collecting fish soup, is considered its “commandant” ...

Small fish broth is cooked for 30-45 minutes. In the literature, some "experts" suggest boiling small fish yushka in a gauze bag. Here is how it is described: “Immerse a gauze bag with fish in boiling water. Boiling water should completely cover the bag. When the fish is well boiled (and with it the gauze!) remove the bag from boiling water ... "Boil a rag in your ear ?! Never do this! small fish boiled directly in the pot, and when the broth is ready, it is enough for the broth to settle, and it can be drained clean and transparent, put on fire again.

With the subsequent laying of large fish (of course, cleaned, gutted and thoroughly washed), a huge onion cut into four parts, carrots, a small piece of parsley or celery root is placed, salt is added. You can put a few stalks of skoroda (wild garlic), which grows in water meadows everywhere. It does not need to crumble, so that after cooking it is easier to throw away. Boiling water is added, and the ear is boiled over low heat for 30 minutes, no more, otherwise the fish will boil. At the same time, there is a corporate rule: when large fish is boiled, they do not turn the spoon in the pot, and you should not stir it. And so that the fish does not burn, the pot is turned from time to time, shaken a little, then all the pieces of large fish do not break, they remain intact.

After the fish is ready, it is taken out while it is hot, salted, and the third portion is put into the pot and along with it a little pepper. It is not out of place to put the swim bladders of large fish and ribbons of fat taken from the discarded entrails: then the ear will be especially rich - with spangles of fat the size of a penny.

Remember: bay leaf, parsley, dill have sharp specific odors, they drown out the taste of fish, and their presence in the pot is contraindicated. I must say that the rest of the spices are put very carefully: a little of everything and certainly at the end of cooking. This is the only way to learn and taste all the taste qualities of fish soup. The general brand rule must be strictly observed: the more fish, the less spices - the sweeter, more fragrant the ear. It has the taste and smell of natural river fish, not bay leaves. Only the bishop's ear allows itself to digress: it is boiled in chicken broth, with a sweet green onion and pepper.

And in the fisherman's ear - in addition to fish (in the ear and ruff is friendly with roach), only onions and carrots. They give the ear a special taste, decorate it literally and figuratively: the ear has an amber transparent color and a breathtaking smell, and ruby ​​fins of perches and red circles of carrots stick out of it (imagine!) Unforgettable dish! But if you put a few petals of sorrel, a slice of lemon or pickle in a pot, add one clove of garlic, then you won’t pull it off the ear even by the ears. Without these seasonings, the ear will not be an ear, but just nonsense ...

In the field the air is field, in the forest the air is forest, on the river it smells of mud and water. Weld such an ear at home - there is absolutely no taste. No wonder they say: “The pinnacle of fishing happiness is rich ear". On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in particular, the fishermen of Marseille are preparing fish soup"bouillabaisse". Its main components are: fresh fish, sea air and the smell of algae. Everything else is a pathetic application. Our Russian fish soup should be cooked on a fire on the bank of a river or lake.

The smell of algae “imitates” a pike put in a bowler along with fins. The pot can be kept open, but so that the ashes from the fire do not fly into your ear, collect firewood only from hardwoods - from oak or alder dried wood.

After the pot is removed from the fire, the ear should be wrapped in a pea coat or padded jacket and allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes so that it will catch. Of course, for this, the pot is covered with a lid. The ear is good when it is fiery, not bad if it cools down.

They say that a bowler hat is always small for a good fish soup. Anglers drink this tonic healing broth in mugs, and when they consume it from bowls, then without fail with wooden spoons - so as not to burn their lips. The ear is especially tasty to the sound of nightingales, at the time of cherry blossoms, when the night air intoxicates the head, and not far from the fire, frogs croak in the backwater of the river.

The ear is ours, the rest is yours, and the bowler hat will be empty in an instant...


True triple ear

The trick to making real Russian delicious fish soup is to use correct proportions fragrant herbs, required amount and varieties of fish, as well as water of excellent quality.

6. Parsley root

8. Pearl barley

10. Pepper, bay leaf

12. Vodka - 100 ml.

How to cook a real triple ear:

The catch just caught should be divided into three parts: small fish should be left for fat, and two parts of large and medium fish should be left for the fish soup itself. Any kind of fish is suitable for cooking fish soup.

Small fish - ruffs, perches, gobies - are cooked not peeled, but carefully gutted and with a perfectly washed belly. Otherwise, everything is down the drain, the ear will turn out with a bitter aftertaste and muddy.

The broth of small fish is boiled for about 30-40 minutes. After this time, you need to give the broth time to settle - about 10 minutes. During this time, all the fish and detached scales will settle to the bottom, you can easily drain the clear and clean broth, or you can strain it through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Put the strained broth back on the fire.

Then we clean and gut large fish, rinse it well. After that, along with portioned pieces of fish, put a large onion, previously cut into 4 - 6 parts, carrots, parsley root, into the pot to the broth. Optionally, you can put potatoes, cut into sticks (or whatever you like). I love adding a little pearl barley to my ear. We salt everything.

Add the required amount of boiling water and cook for 30 minutes. Large quantity time to cook is not necessary, because. the fish may break down.

The second portion of the fish is ready, take it out of the pot and salt a little. And in the pot with broth we put the third portion of the fish, at the same time we put a little pepper. Cook for another 25 minutes. All other spices should be put in a little bit at the very end of cooking so that they do not kill the whole taste of the fish soup. The climax is a glass of vodka in a bowler hat.

After 25 minutes, remove the pot from the fire, wrap it for 15 minutes to saturate the taste. Now our "Triple Ear" is ready.

What angler did not cook fish soup? Everyone knows that fish soup is the main fishing dish; it is often boiled on fishing trips and river trips. But the ear is not bad at home, on the stove, in regular saucepan. The main thing for cooking real delicious fish soup- take a good fish.

What is an ear

Ukha is not just fish soup. More precisely, this is not a fish soup at all. The ear is distinguished by a very small amount of vegetables, transparency and richness of the broth. As well as a limited amount of spices. That is, in the ear, the first place is given to the fish. Everything else is just to emphasize its taste.

What kind of fish to take for fish soup

The fresher the better. The best fish soup comes from live, freshly caught fish. But not every kind of fish can be used for fish soup. It is necessary that the fish is distinguished by stickiness and a delicate, sweetish taste and aroma.

  • The most best fish for the ear: pike perch, perch, ruff and whitefish, but asp, carp, chub, crucian carp, carp, rudd are also suitable.
  • Not suitable for ear: roach, bream, minnow, bleak, vobla, ram, herring, mackerel, sabrefish, gobies.
  • Although fish soup is mainly made from freshwater fish, sea fish can also be used. Suitable for cooking soup sea ​​fish : cod, halibut, grenadier, notothenia, icefish, sea bass.

How many varieties of fish to take for cooking fish soup

It is believed that to prepare the right tasty fish soup, you need at least 2 varieties of fish. But more than 4 is overkill. It is best to choose fish small and large. A trifle will give a rich broth, and pieces of large fish will look beautiful in the broth.

Preparing fish for fish soup according to the recipe

Before cooking fish soup, you should properly prepare the fish. All fish need to have their gills removed and gutted. You can leave only milk and caviar.

Freshwater fish is best cooked with the head on, but if the fish is small (and this is great for fish soup), then it is easier to cut off the heads than to remove the gills.

It is also better not to clean small fish. And wrap it in cheesecloth, tie it, boil it, and then take it all together.

big fish must be cleaned and cut into large pieces. They are often referred to as "links".

What to put in your ear

Usually the ear is supplemented with carrots, potatoes, onions. Vegetables are either boiled whole (carrots and onions) or cut into large pieces.

Live fish ear

What is a yushka

So called fish broth, broth, fish soup liquid. Yushka should be transparent and rich. Therefore, fish are placed in cold water. Heads and tails are not removed (the gills must be cut out) - they give a rich taste. But the fins can be cut off. After boiling, cook the fish over low heat with the lid open.

How to weld a transparent ear

Best ear - with light clear broth. So be sure to remove the foam from it after boiling, and several times. If, nevertheless, the broth has darkened, then it can be cleaned with whipped protein. You need to stir the protein foam in the broth, bring to a boil, then strain.

In the old days, a caviar brace was used. If you come across a fish with caviar, then you can lighten the broth by old recipes. Grind 1/3 cup of fish caviar, pour in ½ cup of cold water and a glass of hot strained broth. Pour the mixture into the ear and stir. Cover the ear with a lid and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, then strain and bring to a boil again.

What to add to the ear - spices, herbs, roots

Parsley root, black peppercorns, bay leaf - all the spices we know and love are suitable for fish soup. Sometimes freshwater fish smells of mud, to get rid of the smell - you need to add a little lemon juice.

It is good to add chopped green onion and parsley-dill.

And a glass of vodka

It is added if the ear is cooked on the basis of fish trifles. Such a fish gives a very strong smell of mud, as it feeds on it. And vodka is a great smell. Moreover, the taste of fish soup improves. You can not be afraid of alcohol - it instantly evaporates in a hot broth.

In the end

You can add a piece of butter to the ear, cover with a lid and let stand and think for about 10 minutes. Then arrange the chopped greens on plates and pour the ear.

Triple ear - delicious fish soup recipe

It is called so because it is cooked in triple broth. First - broth from fish trifles, then medium white fish, and finally, in the third run, a large noble fish.

What do you need for a triple fish soup:

  • 1 kg of fish trifles (ruffs, perches, minnows)
  • 1 kg of white fish (horse, bream, crucian)
  • 1 kg carp, pike perch, sterlet, taimen
  • 3 onions
  • 5-6 potatoes
  • Bay leaf
  • parsley root
  • 50 ml vodka
  • Greens for serving

How to cook a triple ear

Step 1. Wash small fish, gut, remove gills. Clean and trim the fins of large fish.

Step 2. Tie all this into a gauze knot and put it in cold water. Add salt, onion and parsley root.

Step 3. When it boils, remove the foam, turn off the fire and cook for half an hour. Then remove the fish, onions and roots, strain the broth.

Step 4. Prepare large fish: clean, gut, cut into large pieces.

Step 5. Put the fish of the second run into the pan. Boil 15 minutes. Take the fish out of the broth.

Step 6. Peel and chop the potatoes coarsely, put in the ear. Cook for 15 minutes.

Step 7. Put the fish of the third call in the ear. As well as bay leaf and peppercorns. Cook until the fish is done. Pour in vodka.

Step 8. Turn off, cover and let the ear stand for 5-7 minutes. Serve with greens.