Carp soup is a flavorful and healthy first course. Recipes for carp fish soup: classic, with yolk, millet, pearl barley, etc. Carp soup.

Ear soup is very useful and hearty first course dish, if you follow all the subtleties of its preparation and cook in a container that is not subject to oxidation. This soup can be cooked from almost any fish, for example, you can make carp soup.


To cook broth from carp, it is first thoroughly washed, then cleaned, the head and tail are cut off, and the gills must be removed. You can clean carp in the same way as other large fish:

Today is Christmas in Bangkok

The Christmas banquet, which precedes the distribution of gifts tied under the tree, usually begins with fish soup. Its preparation is relatively complex, but for many festive dinner It wouldn't be complete without real soup with milk and carp eggs. The second course is fried milkfish and Russian salad with root vegetables, eggs, mayonnaise and spices or other ingredients.

To have good carp meat and no fishy smell, usually put it in milk before the fry add salt and a drop of lemon. The result is thin and tasty meat, but has the disadvantage of having small bones. Having to eat the carp slowly and carefully helps you taste every bite. A special holiday menu with carp, Russian salad and fish soup is also offered by many Czech security service restaurants. Try the Czech Christmas flavor in one of our restaurants.

  1. Wash.
  2. Place in a bowl of water or a sink filled with water. If the soup is cooked on fresh air, then just put it in a plastic bag.
  3. With one hand (left for right-handed people and vice versa) they take the fish by the tail, and with the other they begin to clean from the tail to the head, holding the knife at a slight angle.
  4. The belly is cut from head to tail, the entrails are carefully cleaned without damaging the gall bladder, otherwise the ear will be very bitter, and the black film is removed.
  5. Rinse the fish again in cold water.

Carp is a fairly large fish, so before cooking it is cut into portions.

You can try lake fish at home and entertain visitors with traditional recipes or fish burgers or other new ideas for appetizers and appetizers. Alternatively, allow yourself to be seduced delicious dishes, prepared by experienced chefs and cooks from our best restaurants.

It is the most popular and consumed fish species in the lake. Carp eggs are also used for hot or cold crackers and sauces. Precious meat and used in many recipes of local traditions. Very tasty meat is consumed mainly in fillets. Great for making sauces for first courses.

Carp soup: classic recipe

There may be more than one recipe for making carp soup, but classic version provides for the addition butter. But this happens at the end of cooking, and first you need to do the following:

  1. Boil 2-2.5 liters of water in a saucepan or kettle.
  2. Peeled and fairly coarsely chopped potatoes are thrown into boiling water.
  3. The onion is placed whole.
  4. When the vegetables boil, the tail and head of the carp are sent to them.
  5. Again, wait until it boils and after 4 minutes add the remaining pieces.
  6. Cook for another 5 minutes over low heat, and then add salt, pepper, chopped herbs and bay leaf.
In a few minutes the soup will be ready. Before removing it from the heat, you need to add butter.

The soup is cooked without a lid, but already ready dish you need to close and wait 10-15 minutes. Before serving, remove the onion.

Royal jelly is thin and versatile, so it is used in various dishes such as risotto, skewers and fries. Among the species of milkfish, pike is the most complex species, especially precious as meat. Small in size, it is prized for roasting, eaten whole, to be eaten in a classic "paper" made of straw paper.

Ladies and gentlemen now say enough to be banal! If it's not soup, it's a wet pan - always regular soup- but what soup! Outdated, simple metaphors for expressing objections, boredom, repetition, confusion, confusion. Steps for poor farmers and mountain soups, but fish soup, gentlemen, is the pride of the Italian maritime tradition, the flagship of the cuisine of our shores, a fish dish par excellence, a real institution respected and protected with pride, a testament to a thousand years of culture and history. A luxurious preparation that tickles the nose with an intense salty aroma that will immediately throw you out among the waves of the sea, making the eye sparkle with joy in front of the palette of its bright colors that can turn a simple dish into a work of art!

Secrets of making delicious fish soup

The names of the dish can be very different, depending on the recipe for the ukha: for example, “black” ukha is cooked from carp.

It is believed that the most delicious fish soup It turns out if you take 2-4 varieties of fish. Therefore, you can first cook the broth from the “trifles”, and only then add the pieces of carp. To lighten the broth and make it more transparent, add a little alcohol, vodka or egg white to the dish.

Are we or are we not a people of heroes, saints, poets and sailors? But also fishermen who became chefs and dropped, in addition to the nets, the foundations of recipes that would be passed on, enriched and consolidated over the centuries. And patience, if you needed to spit lizards and endure the patience of minutes, then the generous shoes paid off, because there is no soup without dribbling!

But what was hidden yesterday because it betrayed its pitiful social status, today it is revealed; fish soup was ultimately transformed into a rich gourmet dish and receives ancient knowledge, the result of chance and necessity, which was refined and consolidated by the passage of time, turning into an impromptu potpourri of fish, dictated by the absolute anarchy of "all makes broth", in structured and precise preparations, which, thanks to the ease of finding and improved conditions for preserving fish, can today offer an incredible and colorful combination of combinations.

Most tasty soup, of course, it comes from freshly caught fish, but if you have to cook from frozen, then it is put in frozen form. And one more thing - you should not overcook the fish, this can ruin the taste of the entire dish.

Have you already tried cooking carp soup? Tell us what you did in

Many housewives believe that cooking truly delicious and rich soup, can only professional chefs. We will share with you the best recipes and we will reveal all the secrets of making carp soup so that you feel like a real professional.

Along with sea ​​recipes There are many claims about freshwater fish soups which, despite their multiplicity, do not compare with the diffusion and diversity of crinoids. Soup will tell soon! Have we ever considered the wide variety of fish that make up a succulent preparation or the processing methods with different firing depending on the types of fish used? Not to mention the patience and dedication of those who cook and actually care!

For freshwater fish, the most popular are eels and capons, pike, perch, tink and carp. These soups are seasoned with garlic, onions, parsley and other herbs, pour in wine or vinegar, with or without tomatoes, more or less spicy, some of them also feature herbs and spices such as saffron.

Carp soup - basic principles of preparation

The first step is to prepare the fish. The carp is cleaned of scales, the belly is cut and gutted. The heads are cut off and the gills are removed. Now the cleaned fish is thoroughly washed under running water. Be sure to remove the black film inside the gutted carcass, otherwise the fish will taste bitter.

Lido you go, fish soup you find!

The fish can be whole, cut or threaded, and cooking times vary depending on the type. First the more stubborn ones such as octopus and cuttlefish, then bark fish and finally crustaceans and molluscs. He tells the story that Venus prepared her for the naive volcano, doubting the goddess's loyalty. Let's jump from the Adriatic and go to the diverse world of the barn, a symbol of the seafood dishes of its bush cuisine, characterized by quick cooking food and a known acidic solution of white wine or vinegar.

In addition to fish, to prepare fish soup you will need vegetables, herbs and spices. Potatoes, carrots and onions are peeled and washed. The greens are rinsed.

To get rid of the specific smell of mud, the fish is marinated in lemon juice in advance.

The broth for the fish soup is boiled over low heat, adding whole onions and carrots to it. To ensure that it remains transparent, the foam is removed in time.

In the Triestina broth, the mixed fish is first fried, then in garlic, tomato, white wine and parsley, along with the clams and chops. The dish is served with toasted bread crumbs and spread throughout Salento, also known as Gallipoli fish soup. The fish soup in Crotone is prepared in squares made spicy from the inexhaustible Calabrian chiles, and also includes lettuce. In Sicily, olives and capers are added; In Catania there are also raisins, in Trapani, soup from various fish with tomato and saffron baths - an inseparable bite.

Fish and vegetables are removed from the broth. The onions are thrown away and the carrots are cut into circles. The broth is filtered and put back on the fire. Place diced potatoes and carrots in it. The onions are fried.

When the potatoes are ready, put the fish in the broth, season with salt, spices and add fresh herbs.

In addition to fish and vegetables, you can add millet, rice or pearl barley to your fish soup.

In some recipes, seaweed is often added to the eel, crabs and collines also appear, and in this cagliaritan lies the capon or lampanda. The Neapolitan soup and fish cannot miss the snapper and are complemented strictly with real shellfish. Less known is the fish soup of Livorno, a present past mixed and delicious fish where they cook spaghetti. The same formula "past", with the addition of any fish in pieces, accompanied by bread crumbs and variations between Levante and Ponente, for lupine-kippin, a beautiful onomatopoeic sound that remembers the frying of bread in a rich sauce.

Recipe 1. Classic carp soup


kg carp;

black pepper;

four potatoes;

Bay leaf;

two carrots;


two onions.

Cooking method

1. Clean the carp from scales and gut it, cut off the fins. Cut out the gills from the heads. Rinse the fish and cut into portions.

Monothematic, however, based on fresh anchovies and tomatoes, the bagnun of the Sestri Levante region in the province of Genoa, served with cocktail sailors. Lake Ridge from Cuisie. We conclude the tour of the main fish soups with Lake Chiusi, among the best of freshwater, ponds, eels, tins and perches, cooked for a long time in a large terracotta tile with tomato, wine and chilli and served on crushed and breaded bread.

In short, everyone's own fish soup, whether sea, lake or river, has something for all tastes and still tries to say that it is always an ordinary soup! Squash, gut and wash all fish. Place the coarse crunch of celery, carrots, onions and garlic with bay leaves, sage and parsley in a large saucepan with two or three tablespoons of oil and a splash of water; then add all the fish, season them, add the tomatoes, pull with water and bake gently, covered, for about 30 minutes, stretching with more water if necessary to get the soup lob.

2. Place the tail and head in a saucepan and fill with three liters of filtered water. Add a few black peppercorns, peeled onions and whole carrots, and a couple of bay leaves. Place on the fire, as soon as the contents begin to boil, turn it to a minimum so that there is no intense boiling. Do not cover with a lid. Remove the foam. Cook the broth for a long time until the fish and vegetables are cooked through. This will take about an hour.

Remove the soup ladle and set aside. Remove the bay leaf, blend briefly with an immersion blender and finally transfer to the bacon and fine colander, adding stock to lighten the operation and lengthen the soup to your liking. If you choose to cook the spaghetti, you'll leave more brown, adjust for crispness by adding tomato concentrate, salt and pepper and a pinch of chili flakes, return to a simmer and "dip" the broken spaghettini. It is served finished with a drizzle of olive oil and olive oil and chili cheese to taste.

3. Use a slotted spoon to catch the fish, discard the onion, and strain the broth. Separate the fish from the bones.

5. When the potatoes are soft, place pieces of carp in the ear. Salt to taste, sprinkle with black pepper. Cook the fish soup for about five minutes from the moment it boils so that the fish does not overcook. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and turn off the heat.

Recipe 2. Carp soup with rice


If you prefer it more creamy, skip the extra broth when transferring to the colander, and instead of spaghetti, you can serve with homemade Tuscan toasted bread croutons, which can be grilled for strong flavors. Ad. Participate as participants.

Fish soup: a traditional dish, which is no longer possible, and for this reason it is almost impossible to “encode”, especially in a country almost completely surrounded by sea, like ours. Our Christina Galliti points out this aspect very clearly in her article. Most of all, our grandmothers would probably throw away all the fish that didn't end up so right in the no-frills pot. Cut out the crushed and diluted fish, slice them and sprinkle a small amount oil to add a piece of garlic, onion and parsley.

600 g carp carcasses;

20 g dill;

200 g potatoes;

1.5 liters of drinking water;

100 g rice;


a clove of garlic;

one laurel leaf;

onion head

Cooking method

1. Prepare the fish: remove the scales, gut them, trim off the heads and fins, and rinse thoroughly under the tap. Cut the fish into several pieces across the spine.

Wet all the dry white wine and let it evaporate completely. Then add tomato sauce and pre-cooked fish stock containing all leftover cooked fish, including heads and bones, with the addition of carrots, celery, onions and various herbs. Boil until complete. At this point, combine the good saffron sauce, salt and chilli flavour, if desired. Serve hot on bread crumbs.

Personally though, I have some doubts about the "traditionalism" or historical derivation of this dish because tomatoes are not very rare in our typical dishes and almost never as a sauce. Fish or fish fillets can be a great food when we're trying to lose pounds when it's not fried! We must choose fish, stewed or baked. Anyone who wants to lose weight should eat rationally - little, but regularly and healthy. When weighing kilograms, you should not "starve". We shouldn't just have soup other than the main course.

2. Peel and chop the onion a little smaller than the potatoes. Peel and chop the garlic as finely as possible.

3. Rice cereal rinse until the water runs clear.

4. Pour filtered water into a saucepan, add potatoes and onions, add seasonings and spices. Place the saucepan on the stove. When the water starts to boil, add salt, add rice and stir. Wait until it boils and place the carp pieces into the saucepan. Stir the fish soup and cook it for ten minutes.

Or yes, but then just a herbal supplement. Not to say, is it? It should just be a sweet apple. You even prefer to have a snack. There will never be enough carp in Czech cuisine. Fish, centuries old, bred and cultured with procedures that preserve a delicate, balanced flavor? Its meat is invited to be brought to our tables, cooked, baked and fried. From medieval recipes through Maddalena to Dobromil Rettig to today's cookbooks - carp for all fish.

It was used by Czech kings, as well as their people. Currently the hotel has a restaurant and a South Bohemian pub. This is a fish that knows no social boundaries. Probably because it's good fish. How fish works correctly in clear oil. We belong to the nations with the lowest fish consumption per head. Maybe it's because we can't always cook fish correctly. Most of them are baked for the wrong fat and the wrong way. That's why we'll show you how to prepare "reconstituted butter" suitable for baking fish fillets.

5. Remove the fish soup from the stove, leave to brew for a while and pour into plates. Add finely chopped dill and garlic to each individually.

Recipe 3. Carp soup with pearl barley


500 g carp;

six potato tubers;

black pepper;

two carrots;

sea ​​salt;


2 bay leaves;

A glass of pearl barley;

onion peel.

Cooking method

1. Clean the fish from scales, gut it and cut off the heads and fins. Rinse it well under the tap. Place the fish in a saucepan, fill with water and place on the stove. Cook for forty minutes over low heat. Add onion skins.

2. Peel, wash and chop the carrots coarse grater or in a blender. Chop the peeled onion into half rings.

3. When the fish is ready, pour the broth into a bowl. Wash the pan, pour the broth into it again and put it on the fire.

4. Pearl barley rinse, replacing the water a couple of times. Add it to the broth and continue cooking. Place chopped onions and carrots into the pan.

5. Cut the peeled potatoes into small slices and add to the pan. Season with salt and pepper and add bay leaf. Add spices and seasonings to taste. Cook until the ingredients are ready.

Recipe 4. Carp soup with yolk


kg carp;

half a bunch of parsley;


two bay leaves;

two yolks;

three peas of black pepper;

vegetable oil - 60 g;

two liters of drinking water;

flour - 30 g.

Cooking method

1. Clean the fish, gut it, wash it, cut off the fins, head and tail. Separate the carp fillet from the bones.

2. Place everything except the fillet into the pan. Peel the onion, cut in half and add to the fish. Fill with water, add bay leaf and pepper.

Cook for forty minutes.

3. Cut the fish fillet into pieces.

4. Salt and cook for another ten minutes.

5. Roll the carp pieces in flour. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. Posting fish fillet into a heated frying pan and fry over high heat on both sides. A couple of minutes on each is enough.

6. Strain the fish broth through a sieve. Remove onions and spices. Cool the broth slightly.

7. Separate the yolks from the whites and beat. Gradually pour 100 ml of fish broth into them and shake.

8. Place pieces of fish into the strained broth.

9. Fill the carp soup with mashed yolks and immediately turn it off. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Recipe 5. Carp soup with cherry tomatoes


1.5 kg carp;

black pepper;

onion head;

sea ​​salt;

two potatoes;

a bunch of fresh parsley;

ten cherry tomatoes;

90 ml lemon juice;

two liters of purified water;

100 ml vegetable oil;

2 laurel leaves;

garlic - four cloves.

Cooking method

1. Clean the fish from scales and entrails. Be sure to remove the black film. Wash and cut into portions.

2. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into cubes. Peel the onion.

3. Place potatoes and two peeled onions into the pan. We also send pieces of fish here and fill them with filtered water. Let it cook, covered with a lid. As soon as the contents begin to boil, remove the lid and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

4. After the allotted time, add washed cherry tomatoes, bay leaves, and fresh herbs. Salt and pepper. Cook for another ten minutes.

5. Beat garlic with vegetable oil in a blender. Finally, add lemon juice and mix again.

6. Place the pieces of fish on a plate and pour over them garlic sauce. Pour the fish soup into plates, lightly mashing the tomatoes. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Recipe 6. Hungarian carp soup


700 g carp;

three liters of purified water;

two potato tubers;


bell pepper pod;

60 ml vegetable oil;

two tomatoes;

20 g dill and parsley;


a couple of pinches of ground black pepper;

30 g tomato paste;

Bay leaf;

5 g sweet paprika;

3 g hot paprika.

Cooking method

1. Clean and gut the fish. Wash it under the tap. Separate the fillet, carefully select the bones and cut it into small pieces.

2. Fill in the fins, tail, head and skin cold water, add bay leaf and cook for 20 minutes. Then strain the broth.

3. While the fish broth is cooking, start frying. Peel and chop the onion. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin. Cut the tomato pulp into cubes. Fry the onion until light golden brown. vegetable oil, add paprika to it, mix and post tomato paste and tomatoes. Fry for five minutes.

4. bell pepper remove seeds and chop into strips. Peel and chop the potatoes in the same way as the pepper.

5. Strain the fish broth and add the prepared potatoes and peppers. Cook for about five minutes. Then add fillet pieces and fry. Cook until done, adding salt and pepper.

6. Beat the egg and add it in a thin stream, stirring continuously, into the boiling soup. Then add the chopped herbs and serve the fish soup.

When cooking fish broth, add the whole onion and carrot to it.

Will help get rid of a specific odor lemon juice. Sprinkle it over the fish and leave for ten minutes.

Cook the fish soup over low heat, avoiding intense boiling.

The cooking time for fish soup depends on the thickness of the fish pieces.

To make the soup rich, pre-fry the fish.