Fish pie with rice. Culinary recipes and photo recipes

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

simple and quick pie with fish and rice great option for any meal - from an afternoon snack to a hearty breakfast. This dish, which is prepared literally on hastily, you can treat both guests who suddenly appeared in the evening, and children who usually cannot be forced to eat fish. In general, this is the dream of every housewife.

For test:

- kefir 5% - 500 ml.,
- flour - 2 cups,
- eggs - 2 pcs.

For filling:

- canned cod - 1 can,
- rice - 200 gr.,
- green onion - 50 gr.,
- spices for fish - 20 gr.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. Knead the dough. Beat kefir with eggs. Add a mixture of seasonings for fish and seafood.

2. We introduce the sifted flour in parts, stir so that there are no lumps left in the dough. The dough is quite liquid.

3. We take out the cod from the can, drain the excess liquid. Knead with a fork. For this recipe, you can use any canned fish, both white and red. Very tasty with pink salmon. Boil rice until half cooked, mix with fish. Add chopped green onions.

4. Pour half of the dough into a baking dish. Put the filling on top.

5. Pour the remaining dough on top, level with a fork so that it evenly and completely covers the entire filling.

6. We put the cake in the oven preheated to 150 degrees.

7. After 10 minutes, increase the temperature to 180 degrees. Cooking another 30 minutes. To check if the cake is ready, use the classic way- A toothpick inserted in the middle of the pie should come out dry.

8. We take it out of the mold, cover it with a towel and let it cool slightly. I think you will like this

Pie with fish and rice

5 24 ratings

Canned fish pie.

Now there are so many different pastries on store shelves that few people think about how to bake a cake themselves. But no store-bought cake compares to homemade. Does anyone other than you roll out the dough thinly and put more fillings? Of course not. Therefore, I offer you a recipe for making a pie with rice and canned fish.

For pies, I usually use a yeast-free dough. Can be used puff pastry- it will be delicious too.

It doesn’t matter which rice to take for the filling, I take it in bags - it’s more convenient to cook :-) Canned fish is best taken in oil. I do not advise taking herring or mackerel - they have a rather specific smell that not everyone will like. Do not pour out the oil from canned food, but pour rice over it - the filling will be tastier. Do you want to add juiciness to the pie? Add butter to the filling.

When you take the cake out of the oven, be sure to brush its crust well with butter, otherwise it will become stale very quickly.

Cooking a pie with rice and canned fish is very simple and easy. Knead the dough and 2 hours you can do other things. Then we quickly formed a pie, put it in the oven - and again we are free for 40 minutes :-) So don't deprive your family of the pleasure of indulging in a piece of delicious homemade pie :-)

If you are a big fan of fish pies, then be sure to try cooking.


  • Flour - 4 cups;
  • Egg - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1 incomplete teaspoon;
  • Dry yeast - 5 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Rice - 1 sachet;
  • Canned fish - 1 can;
  • Butter for greasing the cake;
  • Yolk - 1 piece.

How to make fish and rice pie:

Step 1

Put milk, yeast, eggs, sugar, salt, flour, vegetable oil into a deep bowl and knead soft dough.

Step 2

Cover the bowl with the dough with a clean towel and put it in a warm place for 2 hours.

Step 3

Boil rice until tender in lightly salted water.

Step 4

We open the canned food and knead the fish with a fork.

Step 5

After 2 hours, when the dough has doubled in volume, we begin to form a pie. Roll out 2/3 of the dough. The thickness of the dough depends on your preferences. Our family loves thin dough, so I roll out a layer a couple of millimeters thick.

Step 6

Put the rice on the dough, on the rice - canned fish. Drizzle the filling with canned oil. If desired, you can put a few pieces of butter.

Step 7

We roll out the remaining dough into a layer slightly thicker than the previous one so that it does not tear under the influence of steam during baking. We cover the filling. We securely pinch the edges of the upper and lower layers. In the upper layer in the middle, be sure to make a hole for steam to escape.

Step 8

Brush the surface of the pie with egg yolk.

Step 9

We bake the cake in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees until golden brown(~ 30-40 minutes).

Step 10

We take out the finished cake from the oven and grease with butter.

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Pie with fish and rice yeast dough- recipe :

Melt butter and set aside to cool. Warm the milk in the microwave or on the stove to body temperature or a little more (most importantly, the temperature should not be more than 40 C). Pour a tablespoon of granulated sugar into warm milk and add fresh yeast. Stir with a whisk and leave for 5 minutes to activate the yeast.

After 5 minutes, add the cooled butter and sour cream (any fat content) to the bowl. Stir with a whisk.

Mix flour with salt and sift. Slowly add flour to wet ingredients.

Knead the yeast dough for the fish pie. First mix it with a spoon or whisk, and as the dough begins to thicken, start mixing with your hands.

Once the dough comes together, transfer it to a work surface and knead for 5 minutes or more. The dough should become elastic, homogeneous, soft and pliable. While kneading, you can lightly dust the working surface with flour, but just follow the measure!

Transfer the resulting smooth ball of dough to a greased vegetable oil bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a damp towel and set it in a warm place (if your house is warm enough, then just leave the bowl on your worktop) for 1 hour to allow the yeast dough to rise.

Meanwhile, prepare the filling for the fish pie.

First, boil the rice in broth or water until it is almost ready. Throw it on a sieve and leave to cool slightly.

Remove the skin and bones (if any) from the fish and cut into small cubes.

Cut the onion as small as possible. Greens also finely chop.

In a bowl, combine the already cooled rice, fish, onions and herbs. Melt the butter and also add to the filling. Season the mass with salt and pepper.

Stir. On this, the fish filling for the pie is ready!

After an hour, remove the dough, over the past time it should increase several times in volume.

Put the yeast dough on the work surface, lightly punch down and divide into 2 unequal parts (about 2/3 and 1/3).

Set the smaller portion of the dough aside, and roll out the larger portion into a circle larger than the baking dish itself so that the sides can be formed. Rolling thickness is about 5 mm.

Using a rolling pin, transfer the dough to the mold and form the sides.

Spread on the dough fish stuffing with rice, smooth and tamp it down.

Roll out the smaller part of the dough and cover the filling.

Connect the edges of the dough (it is very convenient to do this with a fork), carefully cut off the excess dough, if any (if desired, you can cut out a “fish” from the scraps obtained). Let the formed cake "rest" for 10 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 180 C. Lubricate the “rested” cake with a beaten egg. Use a skewer to poke a few holes in the dough to allow steam to escape.

Put the fish and rice pie in hot oven and bake for 35 minutes.

Let the baked goods cool down a bit.

Yeast dough fish and rice pie is ready! Cut into portions and serve.

We hope that our step by step recipe with a photo will help you cook this wonderful cake without the hassle!

Rinse rice groats in cold water, fill with filtered water so that the water is 2 cm higher than the rice, salt. Put on a strong fire, bring to a boil, stirring, reduce the heat to a minimum. We need boiled rice, not one that will absorb all the moisture from the baked goods, so add more water if needed to keep the rice cooked well.
While the rice is simmering, sauté the finely chopped onion in 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil.
After 15 minutes of boiling, remove the rice from the heat, put it on a sieve, rinse cold water and set aside to cool down.

Turn on the oven to preheat to 185 gr.S. Cut the fish into thin slices (with a medium-sized baking sheet, two small tilapia fillets were enough for me). The slices should be of an irregular "torn" shape, so it will be better to evenly distribute them over the dough.
Roll out the dough into a thin layer to cover the entire low-sided baking sheet. Make the dough a little longer and wider than the bottom of the pan to make the sides of the cake. Transfer the dough to a greased baking sheet, flatten it with your fingers so that it looks even.

Mix rice with fried onions, add salt if necessary. Spread about half of the rice on the dough in a thin layer. I put heaps of rice on top of the dough with a teaspoon and then flatten them out with the back of the tablespoon.
Arrange the fish slices evenly on top of the rice. Sprinkle with salt and black ground pepper, put bay leaves under the fish in different places.
Spread the rest of the rice in a very thin layer. Sprinkle with herbs.

Mix mayonnaise with garlic crushed in a press and spread a thin layer over rice and herbs. Use the same method: Use a teaspoon to spread small heaps of mayonnaise, and then smooth with a tablespoon so that the rice and greens remain evenly distributed.
Bend the edges of the pie slightly towards the center with table knife. Now everything is ready to serve in the oven.

Bake for 20 minutes in a preheated oven (180-190 degrees C), then continue cooking, carefully watching how the edges of the dough behave: if the sides start to brown too quickly, cover them with foil strips, leaving the middle of the pie open.

The total baking time is 30-35 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven, let it cool slightly (10-15 minutes) and transfer the cake from the pan to a towel while still firm. It will become softer as it cools. Cut it into pieces of the desired size (I had 12 pieces). Serve warm with fish or chicken broth.
Enjoy your meal!


This is very universal dish: it can be an addition to first courses, tea or coffee, as well as a snack or breakfast that they take with them to work. You can reheat it in the oven or in a dry frying pan covered over low heat (no need to turn it over).
Happy baking!

The best fish pie recipes

fish and rice pie

1 hour

200 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

My husband ordered a pie for me. Bake, he says, something new for me. He was already fed up with meat and cabbage... Ha! He thought I didn't have enough imagination? You will have a fish pie! And to make sure it’s satisfying, as he likes, we’ll also put rice there. On the day when this question arose, at home I had canned saury. Therefore, without thinking twice, I announced to him that we would have a pie with canned fish and rice. I put the rice on to cook, and I myself began to look for a recipe for a fish pie with saury and rice. And now I will tell you what I managed to find and what came out of it.

Rice and fish pie recipe

Kitchen appliances and utensils:

  • mixer or whisk;
  • small saucepan;
  • bowls - several pieces;
  • cutting board;
  • fork;
  • form for cooking;
  • parchment paper;
  • oven.


For test:
flour200 g
sour cream (fat content 15-20%)250 g
eggs4 things.
mustard1 tsp
baking powder for the dough1 tsp
vegetable oil50 ml
salt1 tsp
For filling:
canned fish400 g (2 cans)
boiled rice1 stack
green onionsmall bundle
eggs3 pcs.


Preparing the filling for the pie with fish and rice

Cooking dough for fish pie

Cooking fish pie with rice

Video recipe for canned fish and rice pie

This video shows step by step the whole simple process of making this pie.

Fish pie with rice

See the text version of the recipe here:


Well, my husband was pleased. The pie was a success. It is very convenient and fast if you have a habit of stocking up on canned food for future use. But I, a passionate fish lover, wondered if I should try making a fresh fish pie? And then I remembered my aunt, with whom I recently tried. She is my master of all kinds of pies with filling and therefore, with pleasure, she suggested one of her recipes to me.

Fresh fish pie with rice

  • Time for preparing: 1.5-2 hours.
  • Servings: 6-8.

Kitchen appliances and utensils

  • cutting board;
  • pan;
  • several bowls;
  • baking sheet;
  • rolling pin;
  • silicone brush.


Here it is worth making a small digression and telling what kind of fish should be taken for a pie with fish filling.

Selection and preparation of ingredients

Since we do not pre-cook the fish for the filling of the pie, you need to choose such varieties of fish in which there are few bones so that they can be easily separated from raw meat. Any fish, both red and white, will do, but with firm meat. And it is better that it be fatty, then it will soak our cake with its juice, and it will turn out juicy and fragrant. So, we buy something like halibut, sterlet or trout, salmon, sturgeon. Mackerel will do too.

If you bought frozen fish, then first you need to defrost it. To do this, either simply leave it to thaw in the refrigerator overnight, or defrost at room temperature. Or you can add water to speed up the process. room temperature and replace it once as the fish thaws and the water cools. Then the fish must be cleaned and carefully gutted. Then we cut it along the back and carefully separate the ridge along with the costal bones. Remove all fins and cut the fish into small pieces.

If you don’t want to bother making yeast dough, you can buy ready-made ones in the store. I wanted to bake fish pie co puff pastry. Personally, I decided to cook a pie with red fish and rice according to this recipe. And you choose the fish to your taste.

Cooking a fish pie

Cooking stuffing

Cooking a pie

  1. We cut off a third part from a piece of dough. We postpone it for now, it will top pirogue. We roll out most of the dough with a rolling pin and give it the same shape as the shape of the baking sheet, but we make its size a little larger so that we can make bumpers out of the dough. We try to roll out the dough as thin as possible.

  2. Lubricate the baking sheet with water and shift the rolled layer onto it, straightening the protruding edges.

  3. We impose the filling, evenly distributing it completely over the entire baking sheet. Sprinkle the stuffing with dried herbs.

  4. We bend the protruding edges of the dough inward and lay it on the filling.
  5. Turn on the oven to heat up to 180 degrees.
  6. The second piece of dough is also rolled out in the shape of a baking sheet, but no more than its size. We put the dough on top of the filling and pinch the edges of the dough, connecting both layers, upper and lower. We try to make it as beautiful as possible to give our cake a beautiful border.

  7. With a knife we ​​prick the top layer of dough in several places or make small curly cuts.