How to cook frozen or fresh mussels? Mussel Black Sea: description, benefits, recipes.

Mussels are a type of marine mollusc that lives in the wild along the coastline. But today they most often come to our table from special farms. They have a strong marine aroma and a dense, almost rubbery texture (when boiled).

Two types of sea mussels are eaten - clams with blue and green lips. Freshwater mussels are not eaten, but are used exclusively for pearling.

Mussels can be fried, baked, steamed, smoked and added to fish soups. This seafood is quite popular in many European countries, as well as countries in the Pacific.

Mussel shells are extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals (B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, folate, iron, phosphorus, manganese, selenium and zinc).

But mussels are especially brilliant in terms of vitamin B12, selenium and manganese. Other foods are simply unable to compete with them for the presence of these nutrients.

Vitamin B12 is involved in metabolism, and its deficiency often causes fatigue and depression, a feeling of loss of strength and a decline in energy.

Selenium is essential for health immune system, including thyroid gland and manganese for bone health and energy production.

100 g mussels provide 13% daily allowance vitamin C and 22% iron.

dietary protein

Nutritionists are sure that fresh mussel meat can give our body the same amount of high-quality protein as red meat.

Compared with boiled beef, in these seafood there are significantly less saturated fats that negatively affect blood cholesterol, approximately 50-75% of calories, and 2.5 times more complete protein, which is very important for the heart and a slim figure.

For heart health

Mussels are by no means a fatty food, extremely rich in heart-healthy fatty acids, in particular omega-3s.

The American Heart Association reports that polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially those derived from sea ​​fish and shellfish are powerful cardioprotectors.

They reduce the risk of developing cardiac arrhythmia, the level of triglycerides and other fatty compounds in the bloodstream.

Regular eating a large number omega 3 fatty acids reduces the risk of heart attacks and sudden death from cardiac arrest.

Source of vitamins B1 and B12

Among useful properties mussels are of particular interest for the presence of a large amount of B vitamins, especially vitamin B12 and vitamin B1 (thiamine).

One standard portion Mussels (100 g) can provide the body with 0.16 mg of vitamin B1, or 11% of the daily value. This nutrient is essential for energy production.

Blue mussels contain 12 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 g, which is double the daily value for an adult.

According to the Linus Pauling Micronutrient Information Center, this vitamin is extremely beneficial for heart and vascular health. In collaboration with folates (salts of folic acid), it helps to reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a common cause of megaloblastic anemia, constipation, and some neurological diseases such as dementia in newborns.

precious minerals

The healing properties of mussels, like most other seafood, are based not only on the content of omega-3 or valuable B-complex vitamins. Seafood is traditionally rich in trace elements. For example, in Pacific mussels there are at least 30 of them.

The Micronutrient Information Center confirms that a person needs manganese to normalize metabolism and strengthen bones. It is good that in one serving of mussels you can find 3.4 mg of this trace element, or 170% of the daily norm for an adult.

A gastronomic craving for mussels can also protect against iron deficiency anemia. One serving of these shellfish contains 4 mg of iron, or 22% of the daily value. Not bad for an animal product. Other iron-rich food sources include potatoes, lentils, cereals, red meat, and some fruit crops.

The composition of the seafood in question also includes 45 micrograms of selenium, which is 65% of the established daily allowance. This mineral protects against malignant tumors, neutralizes some carcinogens, and prevents dandruff. Some doctors, including the infamous American Dr. Wallock, consider selenium deficiency to be the main cause of such a deadly dangerous disease as cardiomyopathy. Among other seafood, they are especially rich in selenium.

Harm and toxicity issues

This seafood is susceptible to the same types of bacterial contamination as other seafood.

It is better to cook fresh and live mussels, which react to irritation by closing the shell flaps. Although it is easier for an ordinary consumer to find mussels already peeled and boiled in water, and then frozen, on sale. It's also a very usable product.

Do not forget that mussels can collect poisonous mussels from the bottom of the sea, which grow in their tissues and can be dangerous to humans, causing paralytic poisoning.

Unfortunately, the toxins from these algae are resistant to heat, so the only way to avoid danger is to buy only trusted brands of mussels. Especially often, poisonous "cohabitants" penetrate the body of a mollusk in the summer in the coastal areas of the United States.

Mussels are relatively inexpensive but very healthy shellfish. Despite the fact that they are called "oysters for the poor", the dishes from them are very tasty. Today, shellfish can be purchased both peeled and in shells. Many prefer the second option, since in the process of cooking clams in shells, it is easy to find and discard all stale ones. Of course, in this case, you need to know how to cook mussels in shells correctly. Today, the subtleties of this technology are familiar not only to chefs of elite restaurants. Many housewives easily cope with the task at home.

Features of selection and preparation

In order for a dish of mussels in shells to turn out tasty, healthy and safe, you need to know the basic rules for their selection and preparation.

  • When choosing fresh or frozen mussels in shells, preference should be given to large ones, since there will be very little valuable meat in small ones - with a bean seed.
  • Carefully consider mussels when buying. You can take only mollusks, the shells of which are not damaged and closed. Damaged shells usually occur if the product has been repeatedly frozen and thawed. Open shells indicate that the mollusk is sick, dead, or simply very stale. If you are buying fresh mussels, you can try to knock on the sink - if it closes, then everything is in order, the mussel is alive, and you can safely take it and cook it.
  • If you are going to cook frozen mussels in shells, they must first be thawed. Let them thaw in the refrigerator. So the mollusks retain their beneficial properties better.
  • Mussel shells must be cleaned until smooth before cooking. This can be done with a dull knife, with which the shells should be scraped well.
  • Before washing, mussels can be dipped in cold water for a couple of hours. In this case, it will be easier to wash them from sand. In addition, this procedure will help to immediately get rid of dead mollusks: the living ones will go down to the bottom, and the dead ones will remain on the surface.
  • Mussels in shells can be boiled, stewed, baked in the oven. Regardless of the cooking method, it is important to select and discard mussels that have not opened their shells after 5-7 minutes. heat treatment. This indicates the staleness of the product, and it is easy to get poisoned by the missing mussels.
  • To improve the taste of mussels, you can boil and stew them with the addition of wine, lemon juice, tomatoes, milk, garlic sauce, dill, pepper, celery. The choice of one or more of these ingredients depends on the recipe.
  • Serve the mussels, removing upper part shells. You can remove the clam from the bottom of the shell with a fork. In some restaurants, when serving mussels, the table is served with tongs. They are needed in order to grab the removed part of the shell and use it to extract the clam meat from the rest.

Mussel meat goes well with white wine. If you offer these clams to guests, it does not hurt to put a bottle of white wine on the table.

How to cook boiled mussels in shells

  • mussels in shells - 2 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Dip the mussels for half an hour in cool water, remove, brush on all sides with a brush, scrape with a knife and rinse in running water.
  • Wash the lemon, cut it in half, squeeze the juice out of it. Remove the bones that have fallen into the juice. Pour the juice into a thick-walled saucepan.
  • Pour a liter of cold water into the pan, add salt and pepper, stir.
  • Put clean mussels in shells into the pan. Place the saucepan over medium heat with a lid on.
  • When the water boils, wait 5 minutes and check the mussels. Remove clams whose shells have already opened from the pan.
  • Re-check the readiness of mussels after 2-3 minutes. Remove the opened ones from the pan, discard the unopened ones.

Serve boiled mussels immediately after they are cooked. From drinks other than white wine, beer is suitable for them.

You can cook mussels in water mixed with dry white wine. The optimal ratio of these components is 1: 1. The taste of ready-made mussels in this case will be completely different, more delicate and refined.

It is not necessary to ensure that the liquid completely covers the clams during cooking. Mussel shells open with steam.

You can cook any mussels according to the above recipe: both frozen and fresh. They can be eaten right away, but are often used to prepare other dishes. Including salads.

How to cook stewed mussels in shells

  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • water - 1 l;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • fresh parsley - 50 g;
  • black ground pepper- taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • drinking cream - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Clean and rinse the mussels well. Put them in a saucepan.
  • Fill with water, squeezing the juice of one lemon into it, adding a little pepper and salt.
  • Put the pan on high heat and wait until the mussels begin to open. Take them out as soon as the shell opens. Instances that did not have time to open in 7 minutes will have to be thrown away.
  • Remove the top of the shell from each mussel.
  • Put the clams in a frying pan, after melting the butter on it.
  • Pass a clove of garlic through a press, pour over the cream, stir.
  • Pour garlic cream sauce into the pan with mussels. Put it on medium heat. Simmer the clams for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the mussels from the sauce and place on a platter.
  • Wash, dry, finely chop the parsley with a knife, add to the creamy garlic sauce. You can add pepper and salt. Stir.
  • Pour the prepared sauce over the mussels.

Serve stews at creamy garlic sauce mussels can be portioned.

Fresh mussels baked in shells

  • fresh mussels in shells - 1 kg;
  • fresh tomatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • stale bread - 40 g;
  • olive oil- 20 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • parsley - 1 sprig;
  • carnation - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Pour water into a saucepan. Put in it peeled and washed mussels in shells.
  • Put the pot on high heat. Wait for the shells to open. Remove the tops by removing the mussels from the pan and cooling slightly.
  • Crush the garlic.
  • Pour boiling water over tomatoes, peel off the skin. Grate the tomato pulp, chop with a blender or rub through a sieve. Mix with garlic.
  • In a mortar, grind salt, pepper, cloves.
  • Grate stale bread, add to tomato puree.
  • Put the spice mix in there.
  • Add olive oil, stir.
  • Place the mussels, shell side down, on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Place the tomato mixture on each mussel.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet in it.

Baked after 10 minutes tomato sauce mussels are ready. Most often, fresh mussels are prepared according to this recipe, but it can also be used for frozen clams.

Mussels baked in shells with cheese

  • large frozen or fresh mussels - 1 kg;
  • hard cheese - 120 g;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 100 ml;
  • lemon - 0.25 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash thoroughly, clean the mussels, pour cold water and put on a strong fire.
  • Boil 7-8 minutes. Throw away any unopened shells. Cool the rest.
  • Remove the mussel meat, cut each into 3-4 pieces.
  • Place the mussel meat in a bowl. Squeeze lemon juice on them.
  • Add garlic, sour cream or mayonnaise passed through the press to the mussels, mix.
  • Fill the sinks with the mixture.
  • Finely grate the cheese, sprinkle it with shells.
  • Fold the shells on a baking sheet and send to bake for 5 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

The dish prepared according to this recipe can be called exquisite. It will perfectly decorate the holiday table.

Do not be afraid to buy mussels in shells. It's easy to cook them at home. Wherein appearance ready meal and its taste will almost certainly impress your guests.

Mussels are probably known to every person, as they are found everywhere in freshwater reservoirs and seas. The Black Sea species (Mytilus galloprovincialis) can be found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. The meat of the bivalve mollusk is pleasant to the taste, rich in vitamins and trace elements. It is widely used in cooking and is considered a delicacy, especially in the cuisine of the coastal peoples. But mussels are also an important part of aquatic ecosystems, including the Black Sea, passing through themselves, filtering and purifying tons of water.

General characteristics of mussels

Mussels belong to bivalve mollusks and got their name because of the structure of the shell, which has two identical and symmetrical valves, closed with a protein ligament and a “tooth lock”. The external skeleton not only protects the delicate body and internal organs mollusk from external danger and predators, but also participates in the process of feeding and movement. The shell is made up of calcium minerals and grows in size every year. The total number of years can be calculated from the rings on the surface or layers on its cut. Usually, bivalves live from 2 to 5 years, reaching an average of 10-15 centimeters in size.

The shell is very important for mussels and is the only protective tool, as they are representatives of a sedentary and immobile lifestyle. Mussels live on a muddy bottom or hard surfaces, attaching to them with the help of a special protein enzyme byssus. Often, mollusks gather in huge colonies (druze), clinging to each other. Bivalves are very prolific and numerous, so such "communities" can number hundreds or thousands of individuals.

Mussel colony on a rusty pile

Mussels feed organic matter, located in the water, "sucking" it inside the sink with the help of siphons, filtering and returning back "clean". This feature of nutrition makes bivalves an important element of ecosystems, and turns their numbers into real filtering and treatment "stations". It also repels some people from eating mussels - the mollusk accumulates in itself what was in the water, so they consider its meat "contaminated".

One of the most common and numerous types of mussels is the Black Sea, described in 1819 by the French biologist Jean Baptiste Lamarck. This bivalve mollusk does not live only in the Arctic Ocean, and its meat was even included in the diet of North American Indians.

Adults of the Black Sea mussel have an oblong shape 10-12 cm long, with a dark shell color, and are not long-lived. Mollusks prefer to choose muddy areas of the seabed or hard surfaces of reefs, stones and breakwaters, where thousands of colonies are found as habitats. They can be found in coastal waters along the coast. Black Sea, but individual representatives are also seen at 20-30 meter depths.

Dish with mussels

The Black Sea mussel belongs to edible species and is an object of fishing in industrial scale. Clam meat is considered dietary, rich in protein and amino acids, vitamins A, B and D. Nutritionists recommend eating it to strengthen immunity, normalize metabolism and "purify" the blood. Mussels are not only harvested in the natural environment, but also grown on special farms, from where the meat goes to shops and restaurants, while only the shell, byssus and the protein bundle that closes the shell flaps are not eaten.

Features of the Black Sea mussels

A feature of the Black Sea mussel can be considered its ability to form pearls that have no jewelry value, but still can look quite attractive. In their bulk, these are formations of a “muddy” color and irregular shape, and there may be several of them inside one shell.


Also stands out is the inability of the Black Sea mussels to defend themselves against their most dangerous enemy -

Mussels are a delicacy and useful product containing natural high-quality protein, which is equivalent to a chicken egg in terms of amino acid content. In addition, the composition of mussels includes more than 30 minerals and trace elements, therefore, in order to preserve nutritional value this product, you need to learn how to properly cook mussels. Soups, pilafs, salads and stews can be prepared from mussels, they are salted, marinated, boiled, fried in batter, cooked on a fire and smoked.

This dish is served with rice, potatoes, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and herbs - either peeled or in shells. Mussels taste very tender, pleasant, sweet-salty, but most importantly, they are low-calorie (80 calories per 100 grams of meat), so they can be eaten in any quantity without fear of slim figure. Now let's try to understand how to cook mussel meat according to all the rules.

It's no secret that mussels, along with shrimps, are one of the most popular seafood in Russia. The tender meat of these mollusks is perfect for cooking a variety of dishes.

  • Experts say that good mussels should smell only of the sea, and if there are extraneous odors or an unpleasant odor, then the product is spoiled.
  • Mollusk shells must be tightly closed.
  • Quality frozen mussels are usually light yellow in color with no cracks on the ice surface. The presence of such defects indicates that the mussels have already been defrosted, which means they have lost their useful properties.
  • Large mussels are juicier and tastier than small clams.

Fresh mussels. How to cook frozen mussels?

  • How to cook river mussels if you just bought them in the store? fresh seafood exposed cooking on the same day in last resort They can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of two days.
  • Now let's talk about how much to cook mussels. Tender clams should be boiled over high heat in salted water with spices: fresh - 5-7 minutes, frozen - 7-10 minutes. sea ​​mussels prepared in the same way.
  • When we cook mussels frozen without a shell, you can ennoble their taste lemon juice and white wine. If these products are mixed with garlic and herbs, you get the perfect sauce for mussels.

Sea and river mussels in shells: how to cook?

  • Many housewives are interested in how to cook mussels in shells, and there are several important rules here. First, shells with cracks are removed (they should never be eaten), then good shells should be dipped in boiling water for two minutes, the shells should be opened, the mollusks removed and also thoroughly rinsed under running water, cleaned of algae and sand.
  • How to cook mussels in shell? It is necessary to fill them with water, bring to a boil, drain the water and boil in new water for 10 minutes. As soon as the doors open and a delicious aroma spreads through the kitchen, the mussels are ready!

Serve the mussels hot and do not cook them for future use, as this dish is not recommended to be heated due to the risk of poisoning. In the preparation of mussels, there is another important secret: despite the fact that tender mollusk meat is combined with any food, it is better not to mix it with anything. How to cook fresh mussels to preserve the nobility and sophistication of this dish? Serve it separately with good white wine, lemon and herbs. Be gourmet!

Mussels are one of the most delicious delicacy foods. They are various kinds, very useful, rich in natural, trace elements and minerals, but at the same time very low in calories. From mussels you can cook a lot variety of dishes: they are baked, boiled, stewed, fried, marinated, added to, pilaf, spaghetti. Below you will learn how to cook mussels tasty, right, in shells and without them.

How to cook delicious mussels

It is known that seafood, including mussels, are. There are many options for how to easily cook mussels for dinner. Here are a few recipes that will make your partner go crazy, and you yourself will not remain indifferent. You can cook fresh mussels or ice cream.

Mussels in creamy sauce

What you need:

  • a couple of garlic cloves;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of heavy cream;
  • greens, parsley, dill,;
  • 400 g of frozen mussels;
  • a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.

How to cook:

  1. Pour oil into a saucepan, put on high heat, put unfrozen peeled mussels.
  2. Finely chop the herbs and garlic, add to the saucepan.
  3. Gently stirring, cook for a couple of minutes, then pour over the cream.
  4. Reduce the fire to a minimum, simmer the seafood in the sauce for 5-10 minutes.
  5. If desired, you can salt, add grated cheese.

Seafood in batter


  • 3 spoons of flour;
  • 400 g of frozen mussels, or a kilogram with shells;
  • 100 ml white;
  • egg;
  • 230 ml of vegetable oil;
  • half a lemon;
  • half a spoonful of salt;
  • ground black pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Defrost frozen seafood room temperature, dry with a napkin.
  2. Put the defrosted products on a plate, sprinkle with flour on all sides.
  3. Beat the chicken egg, pour alcohol, salt and pepper.
  4. Sprinkle with flour and knead into a thin batter.
  5. Dip the seafood in the dough, spread on a hot, oiled.
  6. Fry for 4-8 minutes, stirring gently.
  7. Put on a napkin when excess fat absorbed, transfer to a plate.

Pickled mussels


  • a glass of water;
  • 350 g mussels;
  • half a spoonful of vinegar;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • lavrushka;
  • sunflower oil;
  • peas;
  • half a teaspoon of salt.

How to cook:

  1. Defrost seafood. Bring water to a boil.
  2. Pour mussels with boiling water for 12 minutes, then drain the liquid.
  3. Marinade - boil a glass of water, adding salt, parsley, 3 peppercorns, granulated sugar. After removing from the stove, pour vinegar.
  4. Put the clams in a container, pour over the marinade, pour oil on top. Close the container until the mussels have completely cooled.

Pasta with mussels

What will be required:

  • 300 g fresh tomatoes;
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt, ground pepper;
  • 350 g mussels;
  • 350g short;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • fresh greens.

How to cook:

  1. Boil mussels.
  2. Boil macaroni in salted water until tender.
  3. Pour oil into a saucepan, heat and put chopped greens with garlic. Fry 4 minutes.
  4. Put chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper, simmer for 7 minutes.
  5. Then add mussels and mix thoroughly.
  6. Put on a plate ready-made pasta, put the mussels in the sauce on top.

How to cook mussels in shells

Shellfish can be cooked not only in a peeled form, but also in shells. True, when buying, you should pay attention to the appearance, aroma. It is necessary that the mussels smell only of the sea, and that there are no drips and cracks on the frozen foods. If there are cracked shells in the package, they should be thrown away without sparing.

Boiled mussels - they are easy to cook. Rinse the shells, put in cold water and put on fire, bringing to a boil. Then drain the liquid and boil the shells again in cold water about 12 minutes. If desired, you can sprinkle with spices, fresh herbs.

Baked mussels

  • fresh seafood in shells 500 g;
  • a small piece of hard;
  • a couple of garlic cloves;
  • fresh greens;
  • a spoonful of butter and olive oil;
  • 3 spoons of water;
  • ground black pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse mussels thoroughly with a brush, throw out cracked and open ones.
  2. Put the mussels in a saucepan, add water, cover with a lid and boil for about 5 minutes
  3. Drain the liquid, lay out the opened shells. Remove one half of the shell, leaving the meat on the other.
  4. Arrange the clams in a mold. Separately melt, cool.
  5. Pour grated cheese, greens, pepper, garlic, olive oil into the oil. You can add a little lemon juice if you like.
  6. Place a small amount of cheese mixture on each shell, pressing down lightly.
  7. Preheat the oven and remove the mold into it for literally 3-5 minutes.

Mussels stewed with cream


  • 75 ml semi-dry white wine;
  • clove of garlic;
  • small bulb;
  • 200 g of frozen mussels on one leaf;
  • 100 ml of heavy cream;
  • solid .

How to cook:

  1. Defrost shells, rinse.
  2. Heat up a frying pan greased with oil.
  3. Finely chop the garlic and onion, put in a pan, cook for about a minute, stirring constantly.
  4. Put the mussels shells up, pour wine and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  5. Grate the cheese, put it in a saucepan. Pour in the cream, simmer until thickened.
  6. Serve with sauce.

How to cook mussels

Boiling clams is quite simple, the most important thing is not to overexpose them in water, otherwise they will become rubbery and inedible. Mussels with shells should first be thoroughly washed and brushed. Boil them in cold water twice. The first time, bringing to a boil, and the second time, boiling them for 5-7 minutes after boiling.

Peeled frozen mussels do not need to be boiled, because they are boiled before freezing. They can be thawed and “cooked” using a water bath.

If the recipe says "boil", then you can cook them for no more than 10 minutes. Lightly salt the water and add fresh herbs, various spices. Boiled clams can be consumed as such, or added to salads, rice, pasta, spaghetti, even in.

You can also first boil the broth with herbs, spices, carrots, and after boiling, add the peeled mussels and cook for 5-10 minutes.