The content of zinc. What is useful and where is zinc found?

05 August 2014 525

Useful properties of zinc

  1. Affects the development and growth of the body;
  2. Essential for sexual development;
  3. Participates in the formation of the human skeleton;
  4. Improves the functioning of the immune system;
  5. Affects the development of nails, skin, hair;
  6. The daily requirement of zinc for a person is 10-15 mg. human body it is found in the liver, muscles, skin (epidermis), and in the prostate gland.

Minerals are necessary for every person.

Zinc is one of them.

Products containing zinc

Animal products:

  • boiled beef - 7 mg 100 grams of the product;
  • boiled chicken hearts- 7.2 mg;
  • turkey legs - 4.1 mg;
  • egg yolk -3.2 mg.


  • sardine - 1.41 mg;
  • tuna - 0.92 mg;
  • canned salmon - 0.91 mg.


  • sesame seeds - 7.74 mg;
  • sunflower seeds - 5.3 mg;
  • pumpkin seeds - 7.43 mg.


  • peanuts - 6.67 mg;
  • coconut - 2 mg;
  • cedar nuts - 4.24 mg.

Legumes and vegetables:

  • boiled beans - 1.39 mg;
  • boiled green peas - 1.2 mg;
  • boiled lentils - 1.28 mg;
  • boiled spinach - 0.75 mg;
  • green onions - 0.38 mg;
  • corn - 0.49 mg.


  • wheat porridge - 0.58 mg;
  • pasta - 0.54 mg;
  • brown rice - 0.64 mg;
  • oatmeal - 0.48 mg.

As you can see from the list above, zinc is found in many foods.

It is important to include beef, beans, sunflower seeds, walnuts in your diet.

Beef: benefits and harms to the body

The use of beef should be no more than 2-3 times a week.

Moderate consumption of this meat strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and also normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Boiled beef normalizes the level of acidity digestive system, normalizes its work as a whole.

Helps strengthen muscles and bones.

Therefore, it is used by athletes.

But besides the benefits, beef can also harm the body.

It needs to be properly prepared.

The first broth is drained, and it is boiled until fully cooked in the second broth.


Eating 30 grams of boiled tuna daily reduces the development of cardiovascular diseases by half.

The meat of this fish helps to increase immunity.

People with kidney disease should be wary of tuna.


This nut normalizes blood sugar; blood pressure; metabolic processes of the body.

Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, in particular heart attack.

Normalizes the body's immune system.

Helps with depression.

Regular consumption of peanuts prevents bowel cancer.

Women peanut helps to recover from infertility.

And during pregnancy, it reduces the likelihood of developing congenital pathologies in the unborn child.

From harmful properties peanuts can be called that eating it raw can lead to indigestion and the development of allergic reactions of the body.

To reduce allergic properties, peanuts are recommended to be peeled from the skin of the kernel and eaten fried.


  • Prophylactic against depression;
  • Improves mood;
  • Helps reduce anxiety;
  • People with diseases of cardio-vascular system lentils help improve blood formation; clear blood vessels of cholesterol; strengthen the heart muscle; increase hemoglobin in the blood.
  • People suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, since it contains a large amount of proteins that can lead to indigestion;
  • People with gout, joint diseases and uric acid diathesis.

This is not a complete list of products containing zinc.

Remember: in the human body, the content of zinc decreases with age.

Signs of this negative process:

  1. hearing loss; dizziness;
  2. noise in ears; decreased immunity;
  3. prolonged and protracted course of infectious diseases.

The use of foods containing zinc contributes to the normal functioning of the body.

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In this video, you will be told how important role plays zinc for the body.

Each of us wants to feel healthy and cheerful. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. What does it depend on? To maintain the desired balance of forces in the body, it is necessary that the elements of the periodic table be present in us in sufficient quantities.

However, in practice, it turns out that various factors - environmental problems, stress, various kinds of life tests - lead to a sharp violation of the exchange of elements at the cellular level and affect our well-being in general. These losses can be replenished primarily through a balanced diet, since the gastrointestinal tract is the main conductor of life-giving microelements, including zinc.

His healing properties were well known in ancient Egypt, where it was customary to make ointment from zinc, fast healing wounds. Nowadays, the role of this trace element in human life is also appreciated, but, as a rule, by doctors. And it is important that all people can join the understanding of what zinc-rich foods they need to include in their diet.

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The role of zinc in the human body

The effect of zinc on the human body, its functions

Zinc is rightly considered elixir of youth. It acts on our body at the cellular level, directly participating in metabolism: this essential trace element is part of all vitamins, enzymes and hormones, in fact, occupying 98% of all our cells.

Its greatest amount can be found in the testicles, prostate and sperm in men, in leukocytes and erythrocytes.

Zinc is (who would have thought!) And in our eyes, or rather in the retina. So the expression "steel look" is not always just a figure of speech.

Zinc is indispensable for the normal functioning of the human body and, of course, the spirit, because "a healthy mind in a healthy body." The presence of this trace element in the body provides a person with normal life and good health. On the contrary, its deficiency cause a number of serious problems:

  • reproductive disorders;
  • malfunctions of the immune system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatitis;
  • poor circulation;
  • anemia;
  • slowing down the healing process;
  • inhibition of normal growth, puberty;
  • a loss palatability and smell;
  • hair loss;
  • in athletes - a decrease in the results obtained;
  • in adolescents - a tendency to alcoholism;
  • in pregnant women - termination of pregnancy;
  • premature birth;
  • the birth of weakened children with low weight.

Attention! Zinc deficiency can be caused by active physical activity accompanied by profuse sweating, eating excessively large amounts of carbohydrates, the use of diuretics.

Interaction of zinc with other trace elements

Zinc crystals

Once in the body, trace elements enter into synthesis with proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which come with food, air and water. Micronutrient balance is also affected outside toxins, medications taken and the state of the intestinal microflora. From this, the process of digestibility of microelements through the skin and mucous membranes is not the same - it increases or slows down.

Due to the sufficient amount of protein in our diet, zinc is absorbed better and faster, and an excess of phytates (hardly soluble compounds of phytic acid that are part of plant-based products, such as legumes), iron, calcium, cadmium, copper or lead interferes with absorption - absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract and the delivery of this microelement to the tissues of the body and its internal organs.

The combination of zinc with vitamin A is very useful: in this case, the effect of the vitamin is enhanced, and together with the blood it is more easily transported to all cells of the body.

Foods containing zinc

What products contain it?

We see that the amount of zinc in the body can fluctuate, and therefore the conscious preparation of your menu for every day is necessary condition. What should you pay attention to?

Plant products, according to experts, are not able to fully provide us with the right amount of zinc. Although there are suitable examples among them (see table below). And yet the main emphasis should be placed on seafood and meat. With the help of the data in the table, we will understand in more detail what we should choose for our daily diet.

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Product item names

Proportion of zinc (1 mg) per 100 g of food consumed

Meat products

Fried veal liver

Beef stew

Boiled chicken hearts

Fried lamb liver

Boiled beef tongue

Fried mutton kidneys


boiled eels

Oil anchovies

canned salmon

Nuts and dried fruits

Pine nuts

Brazil nut




pistachio nuts


Vegetables and fruits



boiled carrots

Cereals and legumes, seeds

Bran from wheat

poppy seed

Sesame seed

pumpkin seeds

Sunflower seeds

Flax seed

soy flour

Soy, dry beans

dry lentils

dry peas

Wheat flour (coarse grinding)

Dry white beans

boiled beans




Boiled white rice

Products of plant, fungal and animal origin

Dry yeast

Egg yolk

white mushroom

Snyt (variety - common)

Green onion

Foods Containing the Most Zinc

food with high content zinc

So, most of all zinc is found in grains and legumes (18 positions appear in the list of products) and in nuts (10 positions). However, the record holders for the content of this beneficial substance 100 grams of provisions are oysters, not without reason considered a delicacy. Boiled eels and wheat bran are also rich in zinc. Meat products are also helpers for the body.

In the well-known dispute about which is more useful - dry or pressed yeast, the first type of fungal product, because it contains more zinc, like other minerals and often found in pharmacies, it is offered to customers on a par with dietary supplements.

Experts also advise eating more poultry meat, cheese, onions, potatoes, garlic, green vegetables, buckwheat, which also contain zinc. Useful in this respect and lentils, soybeans, barley flour, dry cream, celery, asparagus, radish, bread. Lemons, oranges, grapefruits, apples, figs, dates, blueberries, raspberries are good for dessert, black currant. Having already received many praises in his honor, green tea can also attract attention with the presence of vital zinc in it.

wonderful folk remedy for the prevention of zinc deficiency in the human body is an infusion of birch leaves.

Daily intake of zinc for the human body

Children simply need to consume zinc with food daily. In this case, the daily minimum is determined by the number of years the child has reached:

  • at the age of six months to 3 years - 3 mg of zinc;
  • from 4 to 8 years - up to 5 mg;
  • from 9 to 13 years old - 8 mg.

Also norms dependent on gender differences: for girls in the first six months of life, 2 mg of zinc is enough, and for boys - 3 mg. For young people and adults, there are also some nuances: for girls and women 14-18 and 19-50 years old, 9 and 12 mg of zinc is enough, for boys and men at the same age - more, 11 and 15 mg each.

After fifty, these figures decrease for everyone: for women up to 10 mg, for men - up to 13 mg.

For pregnant women who eat, as they say, “for two”, there are indicators: at the age of 18 they are recommended to take 15 mg of zinc, from 19 years old - 14 mg each. Nursing mothers also spend great amount trace elements and need additional nutrition. Their norm - up to 18 years - 15 mg, after 19 - 17 mg.

Attention, these factors must be taken into account!

  1. Contraceptives significantly reduce the percentage of zinc in the body, undermining its health.
  2. Zinc can be toxic at doses greater than 150 mg per day.
  3. The body requires more zinc when bowel function is impaired or when diuretic drugs are used.
  4. Dairy products slow down the absorption of zinc.
  5. Caffeine and alcohol practically “drain” zinc from the body, sugar and salt also contribute to this.
  6. Protein-rich foods, such as legumes and nuts, are great for successful absorption of zinc.
  7. The same function is performed by baking powder used in baking bread, and soy products that have undergone fermentation or fermentation (tempeh and miso).

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The main signs of zinc deficiency in the body

  • fragility of nails;
  • hair loss;
  • whitish spots on the surface of the nails;
  • frequent colds;
  • long and painful healing of wounds and abrasions;
  • deterioration of memory and attention;
  • distraction;
  • lethargy;
  • pale skin;
  • delayed growth and development of the body.

If you find a number of signs, most likely, not everything is in order with zinc in the body and you need to replenish it urgently!

A well-chosen daily diet will allow you to significantly strengthen your physical and psychological state. And the memo below will serve as an additional motivation for choosing zinc-containing products -.

Benefits of zinc for the body

  • Stimulates the work of the brain, mental activity.
  • It has a positive effect on the action of the genetic apparatus.
  • Serves as a connecting thread between the stomach, intestinal mucosa, kidneys, leukocytes.
  • Stimulates growth hormones.
  • It has a positive effect on bone formation.
  • Regulates breathing and restores blood formation.
  • Stimulates wound healing.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Strengthens and rejuvenates skin, hair, nails.
  • Helps the body produce testosterone (male sex hormone)
  • Increases potency, stimulates sexual activity.
  • Removes cholesterol from the body.
  • Participates in the formation of its own antioxidants.
  • Takes care of your eyesight.
  • Enhances regeneration.
  • Reduces manifestations of an allergy.
  • Acts as a detoxifier (for alcohol poisoning, for example).
  • Prevents infectious diseases.
  • Serves for the prevention of fibrosis.
  • Neutralizes the toxic effects of heavy metals on the body, reduces the content of lead in tissues.

The benefits of zinc for every person living on earth can hardly be overestimated, but it can be underestimated if you are not attentive enough to your body. Take note of what we have said, and start taking care of your food in a new way. It will certainly improve the quality of your life!

The health and vitality of the human body constantly depends on the quality and quantity of food consumed. Only through food can a person get all the most important elements that are responsible for the existence and normal functioning of the body as a whole. It's no secret that almost the entire periodic table is present in the body. One of these elements is zinc.

Influence of zinc

Zinc is a microelement necessary for the human body to develop and maintain bone and muscle tissue. It is involved in metabolism and promotes cell growth. Zinc is present in red blood cells, white blood cells, male sperm, kidneys and liver. Its amount in an adult body can reach three grams.

Sufficient zinc leads to good health, good health and normal life.

It plays an important role and favorably affects the body as a whole, contributing to:

  • prevention of colds;
  • improvement of vision;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • activation of bone growth;
  • stimulation of brain activity;
  • memory improvement;
  • maturation of the genital organs and the reproductive system as a whole;
  • active activity of the nervous system;
  • reduce the risk of developing allergic reactions;
  • removal of intoxication (with various poisonings);
  • fibrosis prevention;
  • stimulation of sexual activity;
  • improvement of potency;
  • rejuvenation of hair, skin and nails;

Based on the above, it is important to know which foods contain zinc in order to replenish the body with a necessary and useful trace element.

Lack of zinc in the body

Zinc deficiency in the human body can cause a number of problems, such as:

  • anemia;
  • violation of reproductive function;
  • hair loss;
  • difficulty in circulation;
  • termination of pregnancy (in pregnant women);
  • violation of the immune system;
  • allergy;
  • inhibition of puberty;
  • lethargy;
  • white spots on the nail surfaces;
  • long wound healing;
  • memory impairment and more.

Zinc deficiency, in addition to insufficient consumption of zinc-containing foods, can be caused by intense physical exertion and the consumption of high amounts of "fast" carbohydrates.

Zinc deficiency in men is dangerous, as it can cause infertility, weakening of erection, and a decline in libido.

Women also need zinc to help produce the female hormones estrogen. Violation of menstruation, severe menopause and toxicosis during pregnancy - indicates a deficiency of zinc in the female body.

If a person regularly experiences a lack of zinc, then such a phenomenon can lead to a decrease in the severity of tendon reflexes, degeneration of the pancreas, slowing down and disruption of bone mineralization.

Vegetarians must eat seafood, as seeds and legumes cannot fully provide the body with zinc (a person cannot eat such an amount). Brazil nuts should not be eaten much to avoid an overabundance of selenium in the human body.

The need for zinc increases in the hot season, especially with profuse sweating, as well as when taking oral contraceptives.

Foods containing zinc

Every person should know which foods contain zinc and use them according to the daily allowance, which can reach up to 150 mg.

Product name Zn content (mg) in 100 g Daily value of Zn (%)
Fried veal liver
Bran from wheat
boiled eels
Beef stew
poppy seeds
Dry yeast
Pumpkin seeds
Boiled chicken breasts
Pine nuts
cocoa powder
Fried lamb liver
Sunflower seeds
pecan nuts
parmesan cheese
Mineral water
Green tea
soy flour
Boiled beef tongue
Dry beans, soy
Brazilian nut
Egg yolk
dry lentils
Fried mutton kidneys
Oil anchovies
kohlrabi cabbage
processed cheese
Wheat flour coarse grinding
natural sausage
Sheep meat
Barley grits
white beans
Turkey meat
cashew nuts
White mushrooms
boiled beans
boiled lentils
fish cakes
Boiled green peas
boiled peas
canned salmon
oil tuna
boiled mushrooms
tofu cheese
Fried chicken breasts
Ice cream
boiled spinach
Fresh dried apricots
Boiled brown rice
Boiled white rice
Boiled corn
green onion
boiled broccoli
Boiled cauliflower
boiled carrots
Chocolate candies
Black currant

The above list shows which foods are high in zinc, namely: legumes and grains, as well as different kinds nuts. Despite this, oysters, which are considered a delicacy, remain the absolute leader in zinc content. Boiled eels and wheat bran are also rich in zinc, as are meat products.

Nutritionists advise eating potatoes, onions, poultry, buckwheat, green vegetables, barley flour, soybeans, lentils, asparagus, radish, dried cream, bread and celery. As for fruits and berries, blackcurrants, oranges, figs, apples, lemons, dates, grapefruits, raspberries, blueberries are suitable here. 1 kg of fruit contains 250 micrograms of zinc, 1 kg of honey 310 micrograms.

Sprouted grains of wheat must be present in daily diet a person who cares about their health. They can be consumed up to three tablespoons per day.

Any products containing even a small part of zinc are able to maintain the gastrointestinal tract in order.

daily requirement

Age, gender Dose of zinc in mg.
Boys up to 6 months
Girls up to 6 months
Children under three years old
Children under 8
Children under 13
Youth under 18
Girls under 18
Men under 50
Women under 50
Men over 51
Women over 51
Pregnant women under 18
Pregnant women over 19
Breastfeeding mothers under 18
Breastfeeding mothers over 19

With a deficiency or loss of protein and when taking diuretic tablets, the dose of zinc per day increases.

It is important to know that caffeine, alcohol, salt, and sugar deplete zinc from the body, while dairy products interfere with its absorption.

Protein - promotes better absorption of zinc, so you need to eat nuts and products from legumes.

Copper is inextricably linked with zinc. In case of its deficiency in the body, zinc will be poorly absorbed.

Excess zinc

Nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 150 mg of zinc per day, since if you exceed the norm, this will lead to intoxication of the body. As a result, you should be careful when using dietary supplements and vitamins containing a large amount of zinc.

Zinc oxide - if used improperly, is dangerous and can cause poisoning of the body. In this case, the patient may have the following symptoms:

  • sweet taste in the mouth;
  • loss of appetite;
  • strong need for water;
  • fatigue;
  • fatigue;
  • cough;
  • chest pain;
  • runny nose;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • bleeding.

It is important to know that it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of compiling a diet for the day. You should take into account a number of factors and nuances, calculate the correct caloric content of food per day, required amount fats, proteins and carbohydrates, but only through such difficulties can you achieve an ideal figure and a healthy body.

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Foods rich in zinc - list

Zinc deficiency is very dangerous for the human body, it will affect the functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, sexual and immune systems. To provide your body with zinc, it is enough to know the list of foods rich in zinc and consume them in the right amount. We have already written about the benefits and norms of the use of zinc. And now we will tell you about where zinc is contained - one of the main defenders of the body against colds.

You can not take zinc along with selenium, folic acid, tin, manganese, as these elements are mutually exclusive. And an excess of zinc makes it difficult to absorb copper and iron. If the human body contains too much protein, then this can cause a lack of zinc in the body.

What foods contain the most zinc?

Foods rich in zinc must be present in the daily diet of every person. Zinc-rich foods for men are necessary for the production of testosterone and the full functioning of the male genital organs. Products containing zinc are no less important for pregnant women, as it is an essential element for a healthy pregnancy. Well, foods containing zinc are important for children for bone formation. That is why it is important for all people to know where zinc is found the most.

Foods richest in zinc are primarily seafood, meat and poultry. The maximum amount of zinc contained in oysters: 25 milligrams per 10 grams of the product. A lot of this trace element is also found in soy and cheese. Beets, raspberries, garlic, ginger, pumpkin seeds, oranges and tomatoes are herbal products containing zinc. Do not forget about grain zinc-containing products. These zinc-rich foods include corn, legumes, wheat bran, and germinated wheat.

In order for an adult to receive daily allowance enough zinc to eat the following food products containing zinc: 6 oysters, 145 grams pumpkin seeds or 125 grams of veal liver.

During active sports, foods rich in zinc are not enough for a person. Take dietary supplements to make up for zinc deficiency. But still remember that foods rich in zinc should still be present in your daily diet to ensure the normal functioning of the body.

Products containing zinc in large quantities: table

We present to your attention products containing zinc in in large numbers: the table is very simple, so you can quickly create a meal plan for yourself by including a list of foods containing high amounts of zinc.

The product's name The product's name

Amount of zinc in mg per 100g of product

Yeast for baking 9,97 sesame seed 7,75
Pumpkin seeds 7,44 chicken hearts boiled 7,30
Boiled beef 7,06 Peanut 6,68
cocoa powder 6,37 sunflower seeds 5,29
Beef tongue, boiled 4,80 Pine nuts 4,62
Grilled turkey meat 4,28 Popcorn 4,13
Egg yolk 3,44 Whole wheat flour 3,11
Walnuts 2,73 Peanut butter 2,51
Coconut 2,01 sardines 1,40
boiled beans 1,38 boiled lentils 1,27
Cutlets from river fish 1,20 Green pea boiled 1,19
Eggs 1,10 Peas boiled 1,00
Salmon, canned 0,92 Tuna in oil 0,90
Mushrooms boiled 0,87 Tofu 0,80
Spinach boiled 0,76 Dried apricots 0,74
Brown rice cooked 0,63 Wheat porridge 0,57
Vermicelli 0,53 Oatmeal 0,49
Corn 0,48 White rice boiled 0,45
Milk 1% fat 0,39 green onion 0,39
Broccoli boiled 0,38 Cauliflower boiled 0,31
Avocado 0,31 Radish 0,30
boiled carrots 0,30

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Only some 1.5–3 g of zinc, which are contained in the body of a healthy adult, provide cellular metabolism and the construction of all its tissues.

Why does the body need zinc

Zinc is needed by the body as a catalyst for cell renewal. Basically, it is contained inside the cells - 98 percent of the total, and only 2 percent of the reserves of this element are in the blood serum. Zinc in small concentrations is found in the skin, hair, and retina of the eyes. And also in the liver, kidneys, hair, muscles and bones, in the prostate, sperm, leukocytes and erythrocytes.

The body needs a constant replenishment of zinc reserves, otherwise it normal functioning will be under threat. The importance of this trace element is confirmed by the fact that it is involved in many biochemical processes body:

  1. In the synthesis of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and their decay processes.
  2. In the processes that provide brain activity.
  3. Formation and functioning of the genetic apparatus.
  4. Fermentation of gastric juice, is part of the intestinal mucosa.
  5. in the synthesis of insulin.
  6. in the synthesis of growth hormone.
  7. Activates bone formation.
  8. Necessary for hematopoiesis, regulation of respiratory processes.
  9. Accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration.
  10. In the nutrition of the skin, hair and nails.
  11. Promotes the synthesis of testosterone - the male sex hormone. Stimulates sexual activity.
  12. Essential for maintaining prostate health.
  13. Affects the maintenance of gustatory and olfactory sensitivity.
  14. Reduces the severity of allergies.
  15. Helps lower cholesterol levels.
  16. Maintains visual acuity.
  17. Necessary for the alcohol splitting reaction.
  18. Protects against infections and neutralizes toxins.
  19. Important for the metabolism of vitamins A and E.

After reading this, far from complete, list regarding the functions performed with the participation of zinc, there should be no doubt about the exceptional importance of this trace element. And any sane person will want to know in what doses zinc should be ingested daily, what foods can provide its recommended daily intake.

Remember: women need to get 8 mg, and men - 11 mg of zinc per day. Answer to the second part of the question: what foods contain zinc, especially for lovers of seafood and seeds. Just one oyster in the daily diet is able to almost completely meet the needs of the male body in such an important element for maintaining libido. pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sesame, cheese, meat, oatmeal, legumes, and chocolate are great sources of zinc.

Product name Amount of zinc (in mg)
Fish and seafood:


Nuts and seeds:





beef liver





peas, soybeans

Dairy products:

hard cheese

ice cream

Cereals and bread:

wheat flour

Vegetables and fruits:

green pea

corn (boiled, canned)



black currant

figs, bananas




cocoa powder (no sugar)

chocolate candies

Mineral water, green tea up to 5

Absorption of zinc by the body

People who do not torture themselves with diets are not threatened with zinc deficiency. Calcium and phosphorus help the absorption of zinc. Zinc is best absorbed from animal products. Vegetable proteins are less digestible due to the special properties of the phytic acid contained in them. Cereal products, wholemeal flour will cope well with meeting the body's needs for zinc, but much better - a portion boiled turkey for lunch.

Dairy products can reduce the absorption of zinc. Caffeine and alcohol also contribute to its increased excretion from the body. This, accordingly, increases the daily need for it. Zinc losses and the need for it can increase several times in extreme heat, with active sweating, with the use of oral contraceptives, corticosteroids and diuretics.

What threatens zinc deficiency

Like any deficiency of vital substances, a lack of zinc throws the body out of a healthy balance and can manifest itself in a number of unpleasant disorders:

  • Increased fatigue and irritability;
  • depression;
  • Decreased visual acuity;
  • memory loss;
  • Accumulation in the body of lead, iron, copper, cadmium;
  • Allergic diseases;
  • Weight loss, drop in insulin levels.

If you sometimes experience inexplicable cravings for the foods mentioned in the table above, perhaps the wise nature gives you a hint that the body is lacking zinc. So include these and other zinc-rich foods in your daily menu. Perhaps in the near future you will notice how this will affect the condition of the skin, nails and hair. And do not forget to feed your beloved man with zinc!