How to cook compote - proven tips and recipes from raisins. Compotes from fresh berries and fruits

Compote of apples and chokeberry.


  • 1 kg apples
  • handful of chokeberry
  • 400 g sugar
  • 3 liters of water

Cooking method:

Rinse the apples, cut into halves and remove the core. put apples and chokeberry into sterilized jars, filling them for 13. Bring water to a boil, add sugar, boil for 2 minutes. Pour boiling syrup over fruits. Cover the jars with sterilized lids, let stand for 5 minutes. Then drain the syrup, bring to a boil again and pour over the fruit. Banks with compote from fresh fruit and roll up the berries, turn over and wrap until completely cool.

Rowan-apple compote.


  • 1 kg apples
  • 1 kg rowan
  • 500 g sugar
  • 500 ml water

Cooking method:

Cut the apples into 4 parts, cut out the core, peel. Prepare rowan berries, mix with apples, put in jars, pour boiling syrup. Sterilize jars filled with compote from fruits and berries at a temperature of 90 ° C: 0.5 l - 20 min, 1 l - 30 min. Then roll up and wrap until cool.


  • 1.5 kg pears
  • 300 g currants
  • 200 g sugar

Cooking method:

To prepare a compote of fruits and berries for the winter according to this recipe, pears and currants must be washed in running water. Peel the pears, cut into quarters. Remove stems from currants. Put fruits and berries in 3-liter jars, cover with sugar, pour boiling water over and roll up immediately. Turn the jars over and wrap well until completely cool.


  • 3 kg peaches
  • 600 g sugar
  • 3 liters of water

Cooking method:

To prepare fruit compote according to this recipe, peaches need to be blanched in boiling water for 3 minutes, cooled in ice water and peel off the skin. Prepared peaches cut into 2 parts, put in jars, filling them by 13. Cook sugar syrup, pour into jars, immediately roll up, turn over and wrap until completely cool.





STEP #10


  • 1 kg apricots
  • 400 g sugar
  • 5 g citric acid
  • a few sprigs of melissa

Cooking method:

Before doing this homemade compote, apricots need to be washed, put in a sterilized 3-liter jar, filling it by 13, put lemon balm. Pour boiling water over half, add sugar and citric acid let stand 5-10 min. Then pour boiling water to the top, roll up and wrap until cool.





  • dense apricots

Cooking method:

For this recipe for fresh fruit compote, apricots need to be divided into halves, stones removed. Halves of the fruit carefully put in jars, pour boiling water to the top, cover with lids. Sterilize jars with a volume of 0.5 l for 1 2-15 minutes, 1 l - 20 minutes. Then roll up and wrap until cool.


  • 1 kg plums
  • 450 g sugar
  • 1 liter of water

Cooking method:

Put prepared plums in jars, pour boiling sugar syrup and hold for 3 min. Then drain the syrup, bring to a boil and pour into jars again for 3 minutes. Repeat the procedure again. Jars with fruit compote prepared according to this recipe immediately roll up, turn over and wrap for a day.


  • 300 g raspberries
  • 300 g blackcurrant
  • 2 liters of water
  • 400-450 g sugar

Cooking method:

For making compote fresh berries according to this recipe, raspberries and currants need to be sorted out, washed, put in a sterilized 3-liter jar. Pour in hot syrup, roll up and wrap until completely cool.


  • 1 kg plums
  • 300 g sugar
  • 250 ml dry red wine
  • 250 ml water, 1-2 cloves
  • cinnamon and vanilla to taste

Cooking method:

To prepare a fruit compote according to this recipe, strong ripe plums must be washed, freed from the stalks, cut in half, and the seeds removed. Put prepared plums in sterilized jars. Boil wine, water, sugar and spices, strain. Pour hot syrup over plums. Cover the jars with sterile lids, sterilize for 5 minutes. Then roll up, wrap and stand until completely cooled.


  • 400 g gooseberries
  • 400 g blackcurrant
  • 400 g redcurrant
  • 600 g sugar

Cooking method:

Put the berries in prepared jars, add sugar, pour boiling water to the top and roll up. Shake the jars a little to dissolve the sugar, turn over and wrap until completely cool.





STEP #10

STEP #11
STEP #12

STEP #13
STEP #14

STEP #15
STEP #16

STEP #17
STEP #18

STEP #19
STEP #20

Cherry compote with spices.


  • 500 g cherries
  • 2 cloves
  • allspice peas to taste

Cooking method:

Before cooking compote from berries according to this recipe, the cherries must be washed in running water, cleaned of stones. Put in jars, filling them to 23, pour boiling water to the top. Then drain the water, add cloves and peas of allspice to it, bring to a boil and pour over the cherry again. Sterilize jars in boiling water for 1 3-15 minutes, then roll up.

Grape compote.


  • 800 g grapes
  • 600 g sugar

Cooking method:

For this simple recipe for compote from berries for the winter, the grapes must be washed well, the spoiled berries removed, and the water drained. Fill jars with grapes no more than half. Boil water, pour grapes, cover the jar with a lid, let stand for 5-6 minutes. Then drain the water, boil again, add sugar, pour over the grapes, put citric acid directly into the jar and immediately roll up. Turn jars over, wrap and leave to cool.


  • 700 g gooseberries
  • 500 g sugar
  • 2 lemon slices
  • a few sprigs of mint

Cooking method:

Wash the gooseberries, remove the stalks and ponytails. Put the berries in a jar, add mint and lemon. Pour boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Then drain the water, bring to a boil, add sugar and pour into a jar. Banks with berry compote prepared for the winter, you need to roll up and wrap up for a day.


  • 2 oranges
  • 250 g sugar
  • 6 g soda

Cooking method:

Peel oranges, divide into slices, blanch for 30-40 seconds in boiling water with the addition of baking soda. Then rinse under running water, pour cold water, hold for 1 hour. Put the prepared slices into jars of 0.5 liters, add sugar, pour boiling water. Sterilize for 20 minutes (time indicated for jars with a volume of 0.5 l). Then roll up and wrap until cool.


  • 1.5 kg cherries
  • 500 ml water
  • 150 g sugar

Cooking method:

To prepare compote from berries according to this recipe, the cherries must be washed in running water, and the stalks should be separated. Put the berries in jars, pour boiling syrup, cover with lids and sterilize: 0.5 liter jars - 15 minutes, 1 liter - 20 minutes. Then roll up, turn over and wrap until cool.


  • 2 oranges
  • 1 kg cherries
  • 300 g sugar
  • cloves and vanilla to taste

Cooking method:

Before you cook fruit and berry compote according to this recipe, oranges need to be washed, cut into circles, and pitted. Peel the cherries from the stalks, rinse in running water. Put oranges and cherries in jars, filling them for 12. Add sugar, spices, pour boiling water and sterilize for 15 minutes. Then roll up and wrap until completely cool.


  • 600 g barberry
  • 550 g sugar
  • 450 ml water

Cooking method:

Sort the ripened barberry berries, rinse thoroughly under running water, separate the stalks. Put the prepared berries in heated jars, pour boiling sugar syrup. Sterilize at 100°C for 20 minutes, then roll up.


  • 500 g wild strawberries
  • 400 g sugar
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 g citric acid

Cooking method:

Rinse strawberries in running water, separate the stalks. Put the berries in jars, pour boiling sugar syrup, add citric acid. Jars with berry compote prepared according to this recipe should be covered with lids, sterilized in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Then roll up and wrap until cool.


  • 300 g apples
  • 300 g quince
  • 300 g plums
  • 300 g grapes
  • 400 g sugar
  • 1 liter of water

Cooking method:

Wash all fruits well. Quince and apples cut, peeled from the core. Blanch apples and plums for 4-6 minutes in boiling water, put in jars, shifting with quince and grapes. Pour hot sugar syrup, sterilize for 20 minutes, roll up and wrap until cool.


  • 1 kg apples
  • 200 g cherries

For syrup:

  • for 1 liter of water - 200-400 g of sugar

Cooking method:

To prepare compote from berries and fruits for the winter according to this recipe, apples must be thoroughly washed, cut into slices, core removed, dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then cooled in cold water and put in jars mixed with cherries. Pour hot syrup (90-95 ° C) and pasteurize at 85 ° C: jars with a capacity of 1 l - 15, 2 l - 25, 3 l - 30 minutes.

Here you can see a selection of photos for recipes for compotes from berries and fruits:

Compote of zucchini and sea buckthorn.


  • 400 g zucchini pulp
  • 200-250 g sea buckthorn
  • 400 g sugar

Cooking method:

Put chopped zucchini and sea buckthorn into prepared jars, add sugar, pour boiling water to the top. Sterilize for 15 minutes, roll up. Shake the jars a little to dissolve the sugar, turn over and wrap until completely cool.

Compote of zucchini and cherry plum.


  • 400 g zucchini
  • 200 g cherry plum
  • 200 g sugar
  • 1 liter of water
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

Before you make such a compote at home, you need to sort out the cherry plum, separate the stalks, and wash it. Wash the zucchini, peel and cut into strips. Put the berries and vegetables in 3-liter jars, pour boiling water for 20 minutes, then drain the water. Repeat the procedure again, use the drained water to prepare the syrup. Add sugar and citric acid to it, bring to a boil. Pour syrup into jars, roll up and wrap until completely cool.


  • 600 g pumpkin
  • 14 lemons
  • 50 ml vinegar
  • 1-2 cloves
  • cinnamon to taste

For syrup:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 400 g sugar

Cooking method:

Wash the pumpkin, peel, cut into cubes, pour 1 liter of water, add vinegar, leave for 2 hours. Then drain the water. Prepare the syrup, lay out the pumpkin cubes, cook for 10-15 minutes. Place hot pumpkin with syrup in a jar, add lemon and spices. Sterilize for 20 minutes, roll up and wrap until cool.


  • 600 g rhubarb
  • 400 g sugar
  • 600 ml water

Cooking method:

Wash the rhubarb in running water, peel, cut into pieces, put in enamelware. To sprinkle not large quantity sugar, leave for 4-6 hours. Then put in jars, pour boiling sugar syrup, sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up and wrap until cool.

So well known and delicious compote(uzvar, vzvar) is not only a drink for every day from fresh or dried berries and fruits, but also canned food or fruits boiled in syrup. Ease of preparation, the ability to attach seasonal fruits and berries, and then enjoy them in the winter - that's why we love compote.

The benefits and harms of fruit platter

It is believed that this drink is very useful, especially for children, but adults also drink it with pleasure. The broth with sourness is especially good on a hot summer day. After all, all fruits and berries contain vitamin C, which increases the body's immunity. Peach and apricot improve the work of the heart muscle, apples supply the body with iron, plums have a laxative effect, and sea buckthorn and cherries improve work nervous system, supplying it with vitamin B2.

Quince, like a pear, will help in the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, quince contains tannins and pectins, which resist anemia and tuberculosis. Dried fruit platter is also a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, which is why dried fruit compote is so popular in the cold season.

But there is a flip side to the coin: too sweet a concoction is harmful to everyone who takes care of their health. It can provoke diathesis in children, allergic reactions, contribute to obesity and development diabetes. Sour collection will cause stomach pain, and a large number of eaten fruit platter can lead to diarrhea. Berries and fruits picked along the roads may contain heavy metals and toxins.

As with any food and drink, the main thing is to find the measure and choose suitable look and method of preparing compotes.

There are several different types compote.

  • Uzvar- compote, in which fruit and berry grounds predominate (often from dried fruits). Distinctive feature- the drink is not boiled, but brought to a boil and insisted.
  • Decoction (decoction) can be prepared with the addition of herbs, honey. Depending on the recipe, it is brought to a boil or boiled.
  • Macedoine- fresh and scalded with boiling water (blanched) fruits, filled with syrup, for the preparation of which a different fruit and berry set was used. Used as a cold dessert.
  • Canned compotes– twists long-term storage with a predominance of liquid or fruit.
  • Habitual dessert refreshing drink fresh or frozen fruit platter with less sugar.




Canned compotes

Component combination options

The choice of a fruit and berry mix for a drink depends not only on gastronomic preferences, but also on the presence or absence of allergies, the time of year, and the thickness of the wallet. You can use almost all fruits / berries. Compotes are brewed from one type of culture or from different ones. The main thing is that the fruits are healthy, do not contain rot and wormholes.

At the same time, in addition to fruit and berry slices, if desired, mint leaves, lemon balm, currants or cherries, honey or spices are added to the compote. The sweeter the fruit, the less sugar will be used. Here are some options for combining components:

  • pear, lemon juice, mint;
  • feijoa and apples;
  • plums, apples, cherries, lemons, peaches;
  • peaches and red currants;
  • chokeberry and apples;
  • pear and currant;
  • whole peach fruits (for canning);
  • apricots, citric acid, lemon balm (for canning);
  • gooseberries, black and red currants;
  • orange slices, mint and lemon peel;

  • grapes and grape leaves;
  • cranberries and lingonberries;
  • strawberries, wild strawberries, cranberries and mint;
  • cranberries and sea buckthorn;
  • oranges, cherries, cloves and vanillin;
  • strawberries with lemon;
  • any frozen berries with honey;
  • barberry berries (for canning);
  • zucchini and sea buckthorn;
  • zucchini and cherry plum;
  • pumpkin, lemon, cloves and cinnamon;
  • rhubarb and cinnamon;
  • hybrid of blackcurrant and gooseberry (yoshta).

It will not be possible to choose your favorite taste immediately, and it is not necessary to do so. After all, this is the beauty of compote - every day a new taste.

And yet there are several fruits that are well known to the inhabitants of the middle lane, which are not customary to use in compote, and even more so in twists: bananas, persimmons, kiwi, pomegranates. Banana and persimmon are too soft fruits, they boil quickly. Kiwi is not rich in taste and aroma. Therefore, if you decide to cook kiwi compote, then they will give it a flavor fresh mint, clove and cinnamon.

Pomegranate is a southern fruit, so it is rarely used in recipes. But it is very tasty and useful product. And the compote from it turns out to be very tasty, even without the addition of other fresh fruits and berries.

How to cook?

The principle of cooking compote for the winter and as a soft drink is too different. When canning, the berry-fruit preparation is immediately laid out in jars. Further, according to the recipe, they are covered with sugar and poured with boiling water. Either pour berry mix sugar syrup.

Whether to add citric acid as a preservative - each housewife decides in her own way. It depends on the concentration of sugar (if there is a lot of sugar, then the jars will stand without lemons), the desire to have compote with sourness and the place of storage. In the apartment of a bank without a preservative, it can explode, which will not happen in a colder cellar.

One of the most simple recipes canning for the winter - yoshta compote. The berry is so unpretentious that even in lean years it always gives a big harvest. The unusually high percentage of vitamin C makes it even more attractive. Yoshta does not boil at all in compote, so they usually put it in jars by about a third, so that later the berries can simply be eaten or used as a filling for pies.

And the preparation is done as follows:

  • rinse the berries thoroughly (the tails may not be removed, and the leaves that accidentally fall into the jar make the taste even more interesting);
  • sterilized jar (1.5-3 l) fill a third with a berry;
  • cover with sugar for about a third of the can;
  • pour boiling water over;
  • screw the jar with a metal lid;
  • turn the jar over and shake it several times;
  • wrap the inverted jar for a day for slow cooling (in this case, all the sugar will gradually dissolve).

Second fundamentally great way canning fresh fruits and berries is pouring them with sugar syrup. For example, pumpkin compote for the winter can be made according to the following recipe:

  • 2.5 kg pumpkin, peeled and cut into small cubes;
  • pour water so that the pumpkin is completely in the water;
  • add 200 g of apple cider vinegar;
  • set aside for 2 hours;
  • for syrup, boil water and sugar (4 l + 1.5 kg);
  • put pumpkin cubes in the pan and cook for 10-15 minutes;
  • Arrange the pumpkin in containers, top up the jars with syrup;
  • add a lemon cut into small squares, cloves and cinnamon in each jar;
  • roll up under metal covers and wrap for about a day.

The third canning method is using jar sterilization. Many do not like him, as you can scald yourself when taking out cans. But if the recipe does not provide pre-cooking, and storage conditions are not very reliable, it is better to use this method.

For example, this is how you can prepare sea buckthorn compote. For this:

  • wash the fruits of sea buckthorn, pour into jars with a capacity of 0.5-1 l by about 2/3;
  • fill with sugar syrup (0.4-0.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water);
  • cover the containers with metal lids and put in a saucepan with warm water for sterilization (half-liter jars are sterilized for 15 minutes, liter jars for 20 minutes over medium heat so that the syrup does not splatter);
  • remove the jars from the pan and immediately twist and wrap.

Since sea buckthorn is an oily berry, a bright orange oily film will appear on the compote. It is not necessary to remove it: sea buckthorn oil is very valuable product. Sea buckthorn is a storehouse of ascorbic acid. So that during heat treatment vitamin C is not destroyed, the water temperature should not be higher than 60 degrees.

Everything is much easier with the preparation of compote in a saucepan. Having decided on fruits and berries, divide them into solid ones ( hard apples and pears, for example) and soft (strawberries, strawberries, any frozen fruit). Very hard fruits are boiled for 10-20 minutes, and soft ones can not be boiled at all, but lowered into boiling water and immediately turn off the stove. If there are bright fruits in the mixture, then the compote must be infused for several hours to obtain a rich color. At the same time, the drink is gaining aroma and taste.

Ready compote is not stored for a long time - a maximum of 2-3 days in the refrigerator.

Here are some recipes for such a soft drink.

Compote of fresh pears:

  • peel the fruits from the core and put in a pot of boiling water;
  • add granulated sugar and a little citric acid to taste;
  • boil for 15 minutes;
  • to change the color of transparent pear compote 5 minutes before readiness, you can lower a piece of beetroot into the pan, which is removed after cooling.

Compote "Mojito" is very refreshing on a hot day, it takes 20 minutes to prepare from a minimum set of products:

  • finely grate the zest of one lemon;
  • remove the remaining peel and remove the white streaks;
  • a small bunch of washed mint, peeled lemon, 4 tablespoons of sugar and one glass of water, beat with a blender;
  • in three-liter pan pour in the whipped mixture and fill with water;
  • lower the zest;
  • boil;
  • optionally add half a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • boil for 2 minutes, and turn off the stove;
  • compote insist 30 minutes under the lid, cool and filter.

Cooking Tricks

Finally, a few tips from professionals.

  • If your house has a rather large thermos, then compote can generally not be boiled in a saucepan: put fresh fruits / berries, granulated sugar and spices in a thermos, pour boiling water and seal tightly. After 15 minutes, the compote is ready.
  • To give a rich color to compotes, fruits, berries and even pieces of vegetables of bright colors are added. This applies to soft drinks as well. winter preparations. For example, apple compote often diluted with cherries, plums, mountain ash, yoshta.
  • Children love not only to drink canned compote, but there is canned fruits. To do this, use medium-sized even hard apples, small pears, peaches, apricots, large plums. The core of apples and pears is taken out. But stone fruits are often left whole so that the fruit does not boil in boiling water. And the taste of the bone gives a special flavor to the compote.
  • Many housewives put a large amount of fruit and berry mixture in jars so that in winter it can not only be eaten, but also put into pies.
  • If your family does not like to eat berries from cooked compote, freeze them. This is a filling for future pies, and a filler for cottage cheese or yogurt.
  • If small jars are used for compote, then they can be sterilized in the microwave. In this case, you need to cover the jars with glass lids, saucers, or not cover at all.

Not a single store-bought drink can be compared with fragrant homemade compote. Now we will tell you how to cook delicious fruit compote.

Fruit and berry compote


  • apples - 300 g;
  • pears - 200 g;
  • fresh berries - 300 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 3 l.


First, prepare the syrup - pour water into a saucepan, put on fire, add sugar and bring to a boil. Add apples and pears, peeled and cut into slices, cook on medium heat for 15 minutes. After that, add the berries and continue to cook for another 5 minutes. Now turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid and let the compote brew. You can serve it with pieces of berries and fruits, or you can pre-strain it.

fresh fruit compote recipe


  • apples - 6 pcs.;
  • pears - 2 pcs.;
  • cherry - 1 glass;
  • lemon - half;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • water - 2.5 liters.


Peel the apples and pears, remove the core and cut them into 6 pieces. Wash cherries and remove pits. We put the fruit in a saucepan, pour in the juice squeezed from half a lemon, water, add sugar to taste. Bring to a boil and cook for 7 minutes after boiling. Serve chilled.

Frozen fruit compote in a slow cooker


  • a mixture of frozen fruits and berries (cherries, raspberries, black currants, plums) - 300 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - to taste.


Frozen berries and fruits are rinsed with warm water and put in a multicooker pan. Pour in water, add sugar to taste. We set the mode "Extinguishing" and the cooking time is 1 hour 10 minutes. After the end of this mode, we do not open the lid of the multicooker, but let it brew for 30 minutes.

Fruit compote with melon



We clean the pear from the core, remove the stone in the peach, clean the melon from the skin and seeds. Cut fruits into cubes. Squeeze out the juice from the lemon. Bring water to a boil, add dates, sugar, lemon zest, spices. Cook for about 2 minutes over low heat. We spread the prepared fruits and cook for another 3 minutes. At the very end of cooking, pour in the lemon juice and turn off the fire. Cover the pot with a lid and leave until the drink cools down. Before serving, it is desirable to strain it.

Delicious fruit compotes are very useful for human body. Homemade drinks do not contain a single gram of preservatives, flavors and other artificial additives. Plus, they have an excellent refreshing effect and are ideal for roasts. summer day. Today we will tell you how to cook fresh fruit compote correctly.

Absolutely any seasonal berries and fruits are suitable for making fragrant homemade drinks. It can be apples, feijoa or pears. It all depends solely on your imagination and on what is grown in your personal summer cottage. For cooking compotes, you can use one variety of fruit. But many housewives who are not afraid of culinary experiments often combine several varieties.

It is important to choose ripe fruits that are free from mold and other damage. Before cooking compote from fresh fruits, they are washed and freed from stones. And only after all these manipulations, you can proceed to the main stage. The basis for the drink is poured with sweet hot water, boil on the smallest fire for several minutes and remove from the stove. In order for the fruits to evenly release juice, it is advisable to cut them approximately in equal pieces. And to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in bubbling water, you can add a little citric acid.

For those who do not know how much to cook fresh fruit compote, you need to remember that the duration of heat treatment largely depends on the variety of vegetable raw materials used. Soft fruits are cooked for no more than ten minutes, and hard ones - from 10 to 20 minutes. Bananas, quince, pomegranates and persimmons should not be used as a basis for. Store the finished compote at a temperature of 2-14 degrees. And in order for it to acquire a rich taste and pronounced aroma, it is pre-infused for several hours.

Pear variant

This fresh fruit compote contains only natural and very healthy ingredients. Therefore, they can drink not only adults, but also kids. To prepare it you will need:

  • half a kilo of ripe pears;
  • liter of filtered water;
  • juice squeezed from a whole lemon;
  • mint and sugar (to taste).

You need to start cooking compote from fresh fruits with the preparation of syrup. To do this, add to a pot of boiling water right amount sugar and wait for the complete dissolution of the grains. Then the washed and chopped pears are gently dipped into the bubbling syrup. All this is brought to a boil and boiled for ten minutes. Shortly before the end of the heat treatment, mint is added to the pot with the drink. Immediately after the fire is turned off, it is poured there lemon juice. Ready drink left to insist room temperature and after a few hours put in the refrigerator.

Feijoa variant

Thanks to unusual combination fruits used, this drink has amazing taste and a light pleasant aroma. In addition, it has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. So, it is equally useful for both the older and younger generations. For making such a compote from fresh fruits you will need:

  • a dozen feijoa fruits;
  • a couple of ripe apples;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of filtered water.

As in the previous case, you first need to deal with the syrup. Dissolve sugar in a pot filled with boiling water. Washed fruit slices are carefully laid out in the resulting liquid and boiled all this over low heat for no longer than ten minutes. The resulting drink is equally good both warm and cold.

Cherry variant

This fragrant summer drink has a pleasant sweet and sour taste. It is ideal for quenching thirst and eliminating vitamin deficiencies. For making such a compote from fresh berries and fruits you will need:

  • 300 grams of ripe apples;
  • liter of drinking water;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 300 grams of cherries.

Sugar is added to an enamel pot filled with boiling water and apple slices. All this is boiled over low heat for five minutes. Then washed cherries are laid there and continue to cook. Ten minutes later, the finished drink is removed from the burner and insisted for several hours.

Plum variant

We suggest you pay attention to another recipe for fresh fruit compote. A drink brewed on it is much tastier and healthier than purchased soda and packaged juices. It does not contain various chemical additives, so it can be safely given even to children. To prepare it you will need:

  • 400 grams of plums;
  • half a kilo of peaches;
  • 400 grams of apples;
  • a couple of glasses of sugar;
  • 400 grams of cherries;
  • whole lemon;
  • 6 liters of drinking water.

Washed fruits and berries are pitted, cut into roughly equal slices and sent to a large saucepan. The right amount of cold water is poured there and sugar is added. All this is put on the stove, brought to a boil and boiled for seven minutes. Then the pan is removed from the burner, squeeze the juice of one lemon into it, cover with a lid and wait for the drink to cool.

Option with apricots

Compote prepared according to the technology described below has not only a pleasant taste, but also a delicious aroma. In addition, it is rich in a large number of valuable vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning human body. To brew such a drink, you will need:

  • a kilo of apricots;
  • 1.5 cups of sugar;
  • liter of purified water.

Before cooking compote from fresh fruits, they are washed, sorted and freed from stones. Apricots prepared in this way are put into a saucepan, covered with sugar, poured with drinking water and sent to the stove. As soon as the first bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, the fire is reduced to a minimum. The contents of the pan are boiled for two minutes and removed from the burner. In order for the finished drink to acquire a rich taste, it is infused at room temperature for at least an hour.

Variant with peaches

A drink brewed according to the method below has pleasant taste and a light fruity aroma. Its preparation does not take much time and does not require specific culinary skills. To make such a compote, you will need:

  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 3 liters of filtered water;
  • a kilo of ripe peaches.

In a suitable enamel saucepan combine clean drinking water and sugar. All this is sent to the stove and brought to a boil. As soon as bubbles begin to form on the surface of the liquid, the peaches cut into slices are carefully placed in it. Literally a minute later, the pan is removed from the burner, covered with a lid and infused at room temperature for about a quarter of an hour.

Red currant variant

This drink is considered an excellent source of valuable substances. It has a pleasant sweet and sour taste and a light berry aroma. To prepare it you will need:

  • 300 grams of juicy peaches;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 200 grams of red currant;
  • a couple of liters of drinking water.

You need to start the process by making syrup. To do this, add to the pan cold water and sugar. All this is sent to the fire, boiled until the sweet sand is completely dissolved and removed from the burner. Washed currants and thin slices of peaches, previously peeled, are added to the resulting hot syrup. All this is covered with a lid and insisted for at least three hours.

Variant with apples

This simple and delicious fresh fruit compote can be cooked not only in summer, but also in winter. It will be a great alternative to packaged juices or boring tea. To prepare it you will need:

  • 600 grams of apples;
  • a couple of liters of drinking water;
  • 200 grams of sugar.

Washed and chopped apples are added to a pot of boiling water. The right amount of sugar is poured there. All this is kept on a small fire for a quarter of an hour. As a rule, this time is enough for the fruit to become soft. The finished drink is removed from the burner and insisted under the lid for at least four hours.

Health, as they say, you can not buy in the store. But to maintain it in good condition is very much within the power of any person. After all, as Hippocrates said: "Food should be medicine, and medicine should be food." So I advise you - use only high-quality, fresh and seasonal products.

I would like to offer your attention to prepare a compote - assorted summer seasonal fruits: apples, blackberries, black grapes and black currants. I have all the berries and fruits from my own garden, but you can use purchased ones, as long as they are not spoiled.

Compote - assorted fresh fruits- ingredients for 2.5 liters of compote:

Black grapes 100-120 grams of berries;

Blackcurrant 100 grams;

Blackberry 100 grams;

Apples 3 pcs.;

Sugar glass.

Assorted fresh fruit compote - recipe

As I said, be sure to make sure that all the berries you use in the compote will not be spoiled. Also, all fruits and berries must be washed before cooking, because it is not known how they were processed (if purchased), or what microbes settled on them in the wind.

Wash blackberries and black currants and put them into a saucepan. I don’t cut ponytails and twigs from blackcurrants, because this is an additional storehouse of vitamins.

We also wash the black grapes and pour into a saucepan. To replace black grapes, any other is quite suitable, be it white varieties, or seedless varieties.

I advise you to cut apples into slices, so you get more juice from them when cooking.

Pour all the ingredients for the compote with water, preferably purified, and put it on the stove to boil.

As soon as the water in the pan with fruit boils, pour sugar into it. Sugar you need 1 cup (if you like sweet compote), or less if you like compotes of moderate sweetness.

We cook our compote, as well as, after boiling again for 10 minutes, and turn off the fire. Cover the saucepan with a lid and let it cool down in this state. So the compote will cool and at the same time infuse, which will make its taste more saturated.