A simple step-by-step photo recipe for making pitted cherry plum jam for the winter at home. Thick yellow cherry plum jam: recipe with photo step by step

My kids love toast with pitted cherry plum jam. I love this easy winter jam recipe. And every autumn I cook it in large quantities.

The main difficulty in making such a jam is to choose seeds from small fruits (if cherry plum is of larger varieties, then the process is accelerated). It will take 4 hours to turn 3 kg of small cherry plum into 2 liters of delicious jam.


  • cherry plum - 3 kg,
  • sugar - about 1.5 kg (weight is specified after weighing the pulp).

How to cook cherry plum jam for the winter

AT large saucepan with cherry plum add 0.75 liters of water.

Keep the fruit under the lid after boiling for 5 minutes. The cherry plum will soften, the skin will crack on it, which will facilitate further work.

Drain almost all the liquid (a little juice will still remain, but it will not be superfluous). And the liquid is useful for compote.

Cool the fruit a little.

Using a sieve and a fork, separate the bones from the pulp.

Now it's time to clarify the amount of sugar. To do this, weigh the pulp of cherry plum (it turned out 1.5 kg).

So, you also need 1.5 kg of sugar.

Place the sugar and pulp in a large heavy-bottomed saucepan. Cook the jam over low heat, stirring occasionally, for about an hour. The longer the cherry plum is cooked, the thicker the jam becomes.

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The foam that forms at the very beginning must be removed.

Roll hot cherry plum jam into sterilized jars. You can store the cork without refrigeration.

For blanks, you can use yellow or red cherry plum. yellow fruits rich in ascorbic acid, they are small and overly acidic - few people like such fruits in their raw form, but jam from them turns out to be a very beautiful amber color, with a characteristic aftertaste, which is leveled by the addition of a large amount of sugar (usually 700-800 grams per 1 kilogram of cherry plum ).

Red cherry plum, unlike yellow, is sweeter and fleshy. Basically, these are specially bred hybrid varieties, with large fruits, sweet, pleasantly sour. Red cherry plum jam turns out to be especially tasty, because when cooking you can use much less sugar (700-800 grams per 2 kilograms of cherry plum). Do not worry, it will solidify perfectly, because red cherry plum contains natural pectin in excess, which is responsible for the density of the jam. And of course, this is a recipe for pitted cherry plum jam - what kind of jam includes pits, I would like to know?!))

Red cherry plum jam for the winter, the recipe of which I bring to your attention today, will turn out to be thick, dark red, dense and elastic in texture, like soft marmalade, to taste - moderately sweet, with a wonderful aroma, which, if desired, can be emphasized by adding spicy cinnamon. It can be served with tea, mixed with cottage cheese or pudding, used in homemade cakes.

Total cooking time: 70 minutes
Cooking time: 60 minutes
Yield: 1 liter and 350 ml


  • red cherry plum - 2 kg
  • water - 250 ml
  • sugar - 800 g
  • cinnamon - 1 stick (optional)

How to make red cherry plum jam

First you need to prepare the fruit - rinse and remove the bone from each fruit. Despite the fact that cherry plum belongs to the genus plum, it is not so easy to remove the seeds from it, you will have to boil the fruits. Sweet varieties are suitable (for example, the Nesmeyana cherry plum variety), the fruits should be ripe and sweet, in no case green. So, I sorted out the cherry plum and washed it. I poured 2 kilograms into a large enameled pan.

She added a glass of spring water and put the pan on a small fire. Bring to a boil and boil for 7-10 minutes, under the lid, stirring until the fruits become soft. Evaluate the process visually. The fruits should be boiled so that you can easily remove the bones. And do not pour more water than 1 cup per 2 kg of cherry plum, otherwise you will have to boil the jam for a long time, it will turn out to be too watery. During boiling, the fruits will gradually "settle" themselves and release a lot of juice.

Now it's time to free the cherry plum from the pits. For this, I used a sieve - rubbed boiled fruit through it. Thus, the pulp was easily separated from the place with the juice. I removed only the bones, but left the skins. If you want the jam to be without skins, then throw away all the cake. But personally, I like it when pieces of cherry plum come across, besides, they have a lot of vitamins.

The resulting mass was weighed - it turned out 2 kg fruit puree pitted (that is, the same weight as it was originally; the weight of the pits compensated for the glass of water that we added during cooking to soften the fruits). I added granulated sugar at the rate of 200 g of sugar for every 500 g of pitted cherry plum, that is, only 800 g. I put a cinnamon stick for flavor - it is not necessary to put it, but it gives an interesting flavor to the workpiece and leaves a pleasant aftertaste.

She returned the pot to the stove. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Be sure to remove the foam! This is necessary in order to finished product was not subject to acidification during winter storage. In addition, in addition to coagulated proteins, the foam may contain debris. As soon as it boiled, I lowered the heat to medium and cooked, stirring constantly, until thickened - about 45-60 minutes, without a lid. Be guided by the consistency - it should become dense and thick, slowly drain from a spoon. Attention! Remove the cinnamon stick after 20 minutes from the moment of boiling, otherwise the flavor of the spice will be too rich.

As soon as you see that the fruit jam has boiled down and thickened a lot, then it's time to remove the pan from the heat. I poured hot cherry plum jam into pre-prepared sterilized and always dry jars. Corked with clean lids. Turned upside down and left to cool completely (no need to wrap).

The yield was 1 liter and 350 ml, but here everything depends on the juiciness of the fruit, so it is better to prepare containers of different volumes, preferably a small displacement. Lids can be ordinary metal or twist.

After complete cooling, it can be transferred to a cellar or to another cool and dark place where pitted cherry plum jam will be stored for 1 year. As it cools, it gels even more and becomes thicker. Yummy winter preparations!

Cherry plum belongs to the plum family, and outwardly it is very similar to them. The color of the fruit can be very diverse: yellow, burgundy, red and even green. Inside the cherry plum there is a large drupe, which in most varieties is very poorly separated from the pulp. The taste of the fruits is rather sour, but this does not prevent them from preparing amazing dessert dishes. One of them is jam. Today we will try to understand all the intricacies of the process of preparing this delicacy at home.

You can use cherry plum for jam of any color of the fruit. At the same time, mixing different varieties, you can get the finished product of an unusual shade.

The density and softness of the fruit also does not matter. To make jam, you can even take substandard products. The main requirement is the absence of rotten places on the fruit.

Wash cherry plum thoroughly before cooking. If there are especially contaminated places on the berries, then they are treated with a brush. The washed fruits are transferred to a sieve and wait for the excess liquid to drain. Peeling fruits from stones in their raw form is a very difficult and troublesome business, so you should not complicate the cooking process by removing drupes.

Delicious Jam Recipes

From yellow plum

Pure fruits of cherry plum, 1 kilogram, put in a container for cooking, and pour completely a small amount water. 50 milliliters of liquid for a given volume of fruit will be enough.

A bowl of fruit is put on fire and boiled on medium heat for 5-10 minutes. The cooking time depends on the density of the cherry plum pulp. In order for the fruits to boil more evenly, they are constantly stirred, trying to immerse the berries that have floated to the surface in water.

As soon as the cherry plum becomes watery in appearance, and when pressed it will be easily deformed, the fire is turned off, and the bowl is covered with a lid and the fruits are allowed to brew for about 20 minutes. bones.

AT homogeneous mass sprinkle with granulated sugar. Its amount depends on your taste preferences. Usually, 1.5 kilograms of sugar are taken for cherry plum jam, but if you do not like very sweet desserts, then the sweetener can be put in equal proportion to the amount of the main product.

About how to cook delicious jam from yellow cherry plum, Sergey Lukanov will tell. Video provided by the channel "Guys in the kitchen!"

Jam from red cherry plum in a slow cooker

A kilogram of pure cherry plum is placed in a multicooker bowl and poured with 100 milliliters of water. To blanch the main component, set the "Cooking", "Steaming" or "Soup" mode for 15 minutes. The lid of the unit is kept closed. After, the berries are poured together with the liquid into a fine colander or sieve, and they begin to grind with a spoon or wooden pestle. As a result, all the cherry plum pulp remains in the bowl, and the waste in the form of skins and seeds is on the grate.

Fruit puree is transferred back to the multicooker bowl and covered with sugar. It needs 1.2 kilograms. The puree is mixed and set to the "Extinguishing" mode for 40 minutes. Cook jam with the lid of the unit open, stirring the mass periodically.

Important rule: you can not use the multicooker at full capacity, filling it with products to the top. In such an assistant, it is best to cook small portions of jam - 1-2 kilograms maximum.

Jam with cherry plum pieces

Separating the bones from the cherry plum is quite problematic, but if you decide to cook jam with pieces of fruit, you will have to work hard. To prepare a dessert, clean fruits are cut in half, and a bone is cut out of them with a knife. In this case, cherry plum can be used in any color, the main thing is that the pulp is dense. The prepared halves are covered with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1, and the mass is allowed to brew for 5-6 hours.

Jam is cooked in intervals, that is, the jam is boiled several times for a short time. First, a bowl of food is put on fire and the plum mass is brought to a boil. Five minutes of cooking - the fire is turned off, and the jam is left to rest for 8-10 hours. Thus, the mass is heated 3 times. Water is not added to the jam, and the pieces are mixed very carefully to preserve the integrity of the cherry plum halves.

How to save plum jam for the winter

The blank is packaged in hot jars. At the same time, the container without fail subjected to sterilization. This can be a microwave, oven, or the usual steaming of cans on the stove over a pot of water. Lids designed to seal jam are boiled for a couple of minutes in boiling water. Tasty and fragrant cherry plum jam, subject to the rules of preservation, can be stored in a dark, cool room for up to two years.

Cherry plum is a wonderful fruit with a special “sourness” inherent in it. I think if you don’t really like to eat it so much, then as preparations this berry will be very much to your liking. And in this master class I will tell you. how this delicious pitted cherry plum jam is prepared, I also provide you with a recipe with a photo. You can also cook this.

And to make jam, we need the following:

- cherry plum - 1 kg.,
- granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.,
- water - 400 ml.

Recipe with photo step by step:

So, having prepared all the essentials, we proceed to cooking. Let's prepare the container in advance, that is, jars with lids, into which we have to roll our jam. Personally, I advise you to use small jars, about 200-350 ml, because they look much better, and are more practical to use. I also liked this one.
It is also worth knowing in advance that the jam is cooked without pits, so at one of the stages of preparing the jam, we will need to remove the pits. In the meantime, we sort out the cherry plum berries and wash them under running cold running water. We recline the berries on a fine sieve or a colander. Let's wait until all the water drains. We remove all the stalks.

We mix the prepared cherry plum fruits into a small saucepan or an enamel basin (depending on the number of berries) and add water to them. We need ¾ cup of water per kilogram of fruit.

Then we discard the fruits on a fine sieve and remove all the bones from them, as you can see.

Boil them for about 15 minutes, then add sugar syrup. You can cook like this

Bright sunny yellow cherry plum jam is enriched with a fresh sprig fragrant mint and star anise spice. We are preparing another preparation for the winter. Such a jam with a spicy tint will be an excellent addition to morning milk porridges, they can be sandwiched air biscuits, water fruit salads and desserts. Thanks to a large number acid, which contains cherry plum, the workpiece does not need additional sterilization.
By the way, cherry plum turns out great.

So, we are preparing cherry plum jam with star anise and mint


- yellow cherry plum - 750 g,
- sugar - 550 g,
- water - 40 ml,
- star anise - 1 star,
- mint - 2-3 sprigs.

We prepare the cherry plum for the preparation of our jam - we sort it out, wash it under cool water, dry it, cut off the tails. We definitely take ripe cherry plum, the skin, of course, in any case will have a bright sour taste, but the pulp of ripe cherry plum is quite sweet. You can also use red cherry plum or mix them.

We remove the bones from each cherry plum, again, if the cherry plum is ripe, the stone is removed with ease. Leave the pulp, discard the seeds.

We shift the pulp of cherry plum into a saucepan, pour in granulated sugar and pour in literally 40 ml of pure water. We set a moderate fire on the stove, put a saucepan, steam the berries for 5-7 minutes.

After the specified time, puree the soft cherry plum with an immersion blender. In order for different-sized pieces to remain in the jam, puree for literally 8-10 seconds, for a smooth, uniform structure, increase the time to 30-40 seconds.

We enrich the future jam with natural flavors: a fresh sprig of mint and an asterisk of spicy star anise. These spices envelop the jam with their aroma, making a pronounced sour taste cherry plums are more subdued. Cinnamon, both ground and chopsticks, any other spices would be appropriate here. Boil the jam on the stove for another 3-5 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the stove, filter the mint and star anise.

We sterilize jars that are suitable in volume in a sterilizer, over steam or in an oven. Boil the lids in boiling water for about three minutes.

Filling jars fragrant jam from cherry plum, tightly tighten the lids with a key. Now it remains to cool the jars under a warm blanket, turning each jar upside down.

We cool during the day, but after that we remove the jars with bright sunny jam on the shelf of a dark, cool room, where we store it until the onset of cold weather.

Enjoy your meal!
It's just as delicious and flavorful.