Prepare aniseed vodka. Rules for drinking and eating

anisette vodka- it's strong alcoholic drink, which is made on the basis of anise. In turn, anise is an annual plant that grows almost throughout Russia. Outwardly, it consists of stems 60-70 cm long, on which white inflorescences bloom and green seeds appear, outwardly very similar to cumin.

Anisovka fell in love with the people of Russia since the ancient times of the reign of Peter I. Under him, aniseed vodka was made from star anise, a very rare plant. That is why the drink was considered worthy only of the elite. Aniseed vodka appeared among the people when star anise began to be replaced with an anise, a local plant.

Important! Star anise and anise contain the substance anethole. Thanks to him, these two plants are very similar in taste and smell to each other. However, it is more profitable to use anise for making a drink, because this plant is cheaper.

Subsequently, anise vodka began to be mass-produced not only in Russia:

  • In Greece, they began to prepare a drink called Ouzo, in other words, Greek vodka. The drink is very similar to sambuca and has fortress not less than 50%.
  • The Middle East makes arak brandy from anise. The strength of this drink reaches 30%.
  • Anisette Marie Brizard is produced in France. This drink contains not only anise, but also about 12 varieties of herbs.
  • In Spain, aniseed vodka is sold in a container that is very reminiscent of perfume bottles. The drink has 2 varieties: Gorilla Anise and Tiger Anise.


Anise was formerly known as medicinal plant. His useful qualities have been studied for a long time.

Important! Do not self-medicate, as you may have an intolerance to some of the constituents of anise oil. It is strictly forbidden to use anise during pregnancy. First consult with your doctor.

  • The oils in anise have a positive effect on the digestion process, eliminate diarrhea, and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • A solution of anise oil with water is an excellent antiseptic mouthwash that relieves toothache.
  • Helps with high fever if rubbed with the mixture anise vodka and vinegar in proportions 1:1.
  • By adding a few drops of anise oil to your tea, you will quickly get rid of a sore throat and dry cough.
  • Helps with insomnia, relieves nervous tension, providing a calming effect.

To make a drink you will need:

  1. Moonshine, with a strength of at least 50% - 2l.
  2. Distilled water - 2l.
  3. Anise grains - 2 teaspoons.
  4. Grated ginger - 1 teaspoon.
  5. Carnation - 10-15 flowers.
  6. Fennel - 2 teaspoons
  7. Cinnamon - 1 stick.

So, to make aniseed vodka from moonshine , fill them with the spices listed above, tightly close the container and set aside in a cool dark place for 10 - 12 days. Then filter and mix with necessary quantity water. In conclusion, pass the resulting mixture through a distiller and dilute with water for the strength you need. During the preparation of anise vodka from moonshine, you can add your favorite spices. Anise seeds can be replaced with star anise.

Important! In the process of preparation, the drink may change its color - become milky. This happens when water is added to the distillate. Do not be alarmed, because the reason for the change in color is the presence in the infusion a large number essential oils. It does not affect the taste and quality of the final product.

Recipe for anise tincture on moonshine at home

To prepare tincture at home, you will need:

  1. Moonshine - 1l.
  2. Anise - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Cumin - 1 teaspoon.
  4. Sugar or fructose - 1 teaspoon.

Pour spices with moonshine and leave for 2 weeks in a cool place. Then the tincture can be made sweeter. Now you need to bottle the drink and set aside. As a result, the tincture will acquire a beautiful golden hue. After a few days, you can enjoy the taste of homemade tincture.

Attention! Anise contains essential oils that speed up the process of intoxication. Accordingly, the load on the liver increases. Be careful when drinking alcohol.

Since ancient times, anise has been consumed in small quantities in pure form. However, times are changing, and more and more this drink began to be added to various cocktails. Snack can serve meat dishes, seafood, cheeses, various fruits. In other words, whatever suits your taste.

Cocktail with aniseed vodka

For cooking you will need:

  1. Anisovka - 60 ml.
  2. Rum - 30 ml.
  3. Lemon juice and grenadine to taste.

To prepare a cocktail, you need to mix all the ingredients in a shaker until smooth. The recipe is simple but very tasty.

Reference! Everyone has their own preferences in the strength of drinks. Therefore, adjust the saturation of your cocktail by adding or reducing the amount of alcohol.

Only connoisseurs can truly appreciate anise vodka, because its unique taste cannot be compared with anything. Fans of this infusion, having tried our homemade recipes, will be satisfied.

Anise vodka is a strong alcoholic drink up to 45 °. Made from anise seeds. The recipe for anise has been known since the Middle Ages. Anise appeared in the Russian state in the 16th century. The price of seeds was low, anise was added to baking, used as a medicine. Home distillers often used it in various tinctures and vodka, anise was also part of sbitnya. Over time, the spice has become one of the most popular aromatic additives for the production of vodka, the Great Peter I himself praised anise.

To prepare anise, first did bread moonshine, after which various herbs and spices were insisted on it, all kinds of berries and roots were added. Then the drink was distilled, and as a result, vodka with a strength of 38-45 ° was obtained. Anise was drunk in small doses in its pure form, in our time, cocktails based on anise vodka are widely used.

Anise-based alcohol is common in many countries of the world. Anise brandy is very popular in the countries of the Middle East - "Arak". It is taken in the heat, in small doses. The nomads made arak from mare's koumiss, insisting anise on it, and then distilled it. As a result, a light drink with a strength of 30 degrees was obtained. In neighboring Turkey, anise was called "Crayfish". The Turks insisted on strong alcohol anise, fig and rose seeds. Then the infusion was distilled.

In Greece, alcohol on anise grains is famous for its great variety. It is here that they do very strong tinctures from anise. Drinks have a name "Ouzo"- Ozu, the strength of which sometimes reaches 50 degrees. Unlike Russian anisovka on bread wine, ouzo is produced by insisting on a distillate from grape pomace. It also contains various oriental spices. "Ouzo" for the Greeks is the national symbol.

Tincture is made in Italy "Sambuca". This is an internationally recognized brand of tincture, one of the most famous and widespread. It is used to make cocktails and drink neat. Italians drink sambuca with coffee beans. To do this, put a couple of coffee beans in a glass of sambuca and set fire to alcohol. After it cools down, drink it. It is also worth noting the French drink with the name Anisette Marie Brizard. In France, the infusion is made from green anise seeds, in addition to it, 12 more ingredients are included.

The classic recipe for anise tincture

This tincture is prepared by infusing alcohol with spices, and anise vodka is obtained by distillation. According to this recipe, you get an excellent homemade anise tincture on moonshine with a yellowish tea tinge with a pleasant bouquet of spices and aromatic taste. As an alcohol base, you can use moonshine, vodka or diluted alcohol up to a strength of 45 °.


  • Moonshine - 1 l;
  • Anise - 1 tsp;
  • Cumin - 1 tsp;
  • Star anise - 2 stars;
  • Fructose - 0/5 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Pour all the spices into a suitable glass container, pour in moonshine and close well.
  2. Leave the mixture for about two weeks in a dark place at room temperature. A day later, mix the infusion well by shaking.
  3. Filter the fragrant anise infusion through a cotton-gauze filter.
  4. Pour into a glass of tincture, stir fructose in it and add to the total volume, mix.
  5. Pour into bottles, stand the drink 2-3 days before drinking.

Video recipe - anise tincture.

Homemade anise vodka


  • Vodka - 2l;
  • Anise seeds - 40 gr.,
  • Star anise - 8 gr;
  • Fennel - 12 gr;
  • Cinnamon - 3-4 sticks;
  • Ginger - 4g.


  1. Ceiling spices in a mortar, pour into a jar, pour vodka. Instead of vodka, you can use moonshine or alcohol sorting.
  2. Leave Baku in a dark place to infuse for 10-12 days. Shake the contents twice a day.
  3. Filter the fragrant infusion using a gauze filter. Then squeeze out the contents of the gauze.
  4. Pour the tincture into the distillation container of the moonshine, and fractionally distill the infusion. Select the heads at low power drop by drop 5% of the total volume. The body is taken to a strength of 45-50 ° in a stream, at medium power, in a small stream. Then, if you need to select the tail.
  5. Dilute the distillate with filtered water up to 45 degrees, pour into bottles. To stand for several days, so that the aniseed vodka would ripen. After aging, you can start tasting homemade vodka with delicate aroma anise and light sweetness in taste.

Recipe for anise tincture with dill

A proven recipe for an awesome tincture with anise and spices will appeal to many lovers of aromatic alcohol. It is served chilled and goes well with tonic. Sugar or fructose can be added to the drink to taste.


  • Vodka, moonshine 45 ° - 3 l;
  • Anise seeds - 4 gr.;
  • Cumin - 0.5 gr.;
  • Coriander - 0.5 gr.;
  • Dill seeds - 0.5 gr.;
  • Star anise - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.


  1. Break the star anise stars, lightly crush the spices in a mortar, pour moonshine, you can use vodka or alcohol diluted to the desired degree in the recipe.
  2. Infuse the mixture for 10-14 days in a dark place, periodically shaking the contents.
  3. Strain the tincture, separating from the seeds, pour into a glass dish. Let rest for several days in a glass.

A simple recipe for Petrovsky tincture

Only anise is used in the drink. Thanks to this, it turns out without extraneous tastes and is drunk quite softly. Provided that moonshine double distillation thoroughly free of impurities.


  • Moonshine 40-45% - 500 ml;
  • Anise - 12 gr;
  • Water - 70 ml;
  • Sugar - 75 gr.

How to do:

  1. Anise pour moonshine, put in a warm place for 10-14 days.
  2. Make syrup from sugar and water.
  3. At the end of the infusion, mix the infusion and syrup.
  4. Wait a few days before tasting.

Benefits and treatment of aniseed vodka. Anise tincture has been known since ancient Egypt as far back as one and a half millennia BC. It helps with diseases of the digestive system, effectively as a disinfectant. AT medicinal purposes for prevention, it is taken daily, one tablespoon before eating. The tincture will help relieve cramps during heavy menstruation, for this, take 1 teaspoon three times a day. To increase lactation, it is recommended to take 1-2 tbsp. l. anise tincture diluted with milk for lactating women.

Contraindications. Individual intolerance, excessive consumption of alcohol. Drinking alcohol is not recommended for pregnant women and children. You can not drink anise vodka for people prone to increased excitability, as well as for liver diseases.

Application in cooking

Anise alcohol is widely used in cooking. Vodka is used in the preparation of some dishes, as well as a common ingredient for cocktails. Anise vodka has proven itself in the preparation of fish soup and other fish dishes. For example, Scandinavian fishermen in ancient times prepared Gravlaks from the fish they caught. For this dish fish of the salmon family were caught. She was rubbed with spices, salt, spices and buried in the sand. Then, to improve the taste, they washed it down with anise.

Those who do not like the overly pronounced flavor of anise can make cocktails. Easy to prepare, minimum ingredients own kitchen it won't be hard to cook them. The Greek Tiger cocktail includes only two components - orange juice and Greek ouzo vodka. Pour 120 ml of juice and 30 ml of vodka into a mixing bowl, shake and serve with ice.

Another cocktail called the Iliad, very delicious drink. Women are just crazy about him. Prepared in a shaker with 60 ml of Amaretto liqueur and 120 ml of anise vodka, 2-3 strawberries are added and served with ice.

How and with what they drink

Tinctures and vodkas on anise are very fragrant, so not everyone is able to drink a glass of drink in its pure form. It is diluted with water before use, it goes well with lemon or orange juice. All anise-based tinctures excite a strong appetite, therefore, they are used as an aperitif for cold dishes and plentiful feasts.

It is customary to drink anise vodka from small glasses with a volume of 30-50 ml. Usually the shape of the glasses is chosen barrel-shaped, so that the smell of the drink "hit in the nose." Seafood, cheeses, preferably hard ones, are suitable as initial snacks. Then after 15-20 minutes, when the alcohol makes itself felt, you can start hot dishes. And in conclusion, one or two glasses for dessert.

There are some old recipes used in Russia since time immemorial. One of the bright and colorful products is anise vodka, the recipe for which we will consider.


Alcoholic drinks are very popular all over the world. The reason for this was the huge list positive qualities inherent in small doses of alcoholic beverages. That is why alcoholic beverages have become quite widespread. On the shelves of our stores you can find a wide variety of alcohol-based products, from various bottled cocktails to very strong varieties of vodka. All such products are in great demand, which gives impetus to the invention of new varieties of alcoholic beverages.

Anisette vodka was first prepared during the golden age of the Russian Empire, when Peter I was at the helm of the state. It was during this period that the first spices brought from China poured into the country. This fact served as the starting point for the creation of various products based on them. At first, this process became widespread exclusively at the court, since the first spices were of high cost and were used with particular prudence. Gradually, new varieties of dishes migrated from the emperor's table to ordinary people who have learned to grow their own analogues of famous oriental spices. Thus, various spicy cakes and other pastries appeared on our table. However, folk craftsmen became famous not only for these dishes. At the same time, aniseed vodka was first prepared. Since then, it has become quite popular and in demand product.

Anise vodka from the time of Peter I

The recipe for anise vodka was extremely complex and intricate. His first step was the production of alcohol, which was made using a special technology from wheat ears. Vodka based on it was obtained with a strength in the range of 37-45%, depending on the production method. The second part of the recipe consisted of spices that were added to vodka, thereby creating its finished appearance and giving the desired characteristics.

Although now this traditional recipe a little forgotten, there are still some people who keep it and reproduce the traditional spicy drink, which was admired by Peter I himself.

It's important to know!

The devastating effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE OVERCOME! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


It should also be said about the taste of anise vodka. It comes out spicy and fragrant. But it is not to everyone's taste. There is a certain category of people who do not like exactly the spices that enrich the taste of this product (now we do not take into account those who, in principle, do not consume strong drinks). To some, it resembles pharmaceutical firming balms. Others - a variety of potions, familiar from childhood. However, having tried this drink for the first time, everyone can say with certainty whether he liked it or not. Those who showed no interest in him will never be seduced by him again. Another category will consider aniseed vodka one of the the best products ever experienced in your life.

Spicy and aromatic anise

As mentioned above, the basis of this great drink is not only vodka, but also spices. Initially, anise and star anise, brought from the far East, were used as the main spices. Over time, the composition of anise vodka has undergone some changes. Constant experiments with ingredients have left their mark on the recipe of the product, significantly modifying it. Oriental spices were gradually replaced by more affordable domestic counterparts with a slightly different taste. This factor required the refinement of the recipe, which became the basis for the introduction of new aromatic additives into it. To date, anise vodka includes a whole bunch of different spices that create its unforgettable taste and give it a great aroma.


On the modern alcoholic beverage market, there are products that position themselves as aniseed vodka. Some of them really have some semblance of taste borrowed from a traditional product. However industrial production somewhat distorted the very technology of manufacturing the product. Therefore, anise vodka at home is still the highest quality and fragrant product, reminiscent of the heyday of Russia and its golden age.

Let's recreate one of the many recipes that were popular in those days. To prepare a fragrant and colorful drink, we need the following set of ingredients:

  • anise - 1 tsp;
  • cumin - 1 tsp;
  • star anise - 2 stars;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • vodka - 0.5 l.

Anise vodka at home involves the use of only high-quality and proven products.

Making aniseed vodka at home

This statement applies to both spices and vodka itself, since only following these principles will allow you to achieve the best result and reproduce a great product. Vodka should be bought in trusted places - large supermarket chains or branded stores of manufacturers. This is a guarantee of purchasing a quality product that has the best performance. Vodka purchased elsewhere will not necessarily turn out to be bad, but in the event of such a failure, it will significantly spoil the final taste of the product and have rather sad consequences of its use.

For the convenience of mixing all the ingredients, vodka is poured into a container with a wide neck. In its capacity, any jar or other similar container will do. Let's use this advice and pour our alcoholic drink per liter glass jar. Now you need to add spices to it. Let's take this step and gradually move anise, cumin and star anise into our container. Then thoroughly mix the whole mixture.

Separately, it should be said about the choice of spices. If anise and star anise are traditional components of anise vodka, then the use of cumin is the result of numerous experiments with the taste of the product. It is this spice that allows you to create the most optimal characteristics of the drink.


After adding all the components, close the jar with a lid and move it to a dark place. In this position, it should stand for 2-3 weeks. During this time, a peculiar interaction of spices with liquid will occur. As a result, the latter will acquire a yellowish tint and the necessary taste. For maximum interaction, you need to mix the liquid once every few days, and add sugar to it immediately the day before the drink is ready. It should also be noted that due to the presence of a large number of aromatic essential oils in spices, vodka comes out extremely piquant and fragrant, acquires its own unique taste and external characteristics.

Spicy and fragrant anise alcohol

After the required period, the product is completely ready. However, it still needs to be separated from the spices. To do this, strain the resulting mixture. An excellent solution would be ordinary gauze folded several times, since it will completely eliminate everything even the smallest signs the presence of spices in the drink. Therefore, it is necessary to perform the filtering procedure 3-4 times until the spices are completely separated from the liquid. After that, anise vodka is poured into a more convenient container for consumption and placed in the refrigerator for a while. Chilled, it will acquire its maximum characteristics of aroma and unsurpassed flavor. It is in this form that it must be consumed, having received an unsurpassed bouquet of spices and the ideal consistency of this alcoholic drink.

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A modern person has access to a wide selection of alcoholic beverages that can satisfy even the most fastidious and sophisticated taste. Today we will talk about aniseed vodka - one of the most popular types of alcohol, which is appreciated by tasters all over the world.

Many people ask: what are the varieties of anise vodka called? In fact, this is a generalized definition of a number of alcoholic beverages, including: ouzo, sake, and others made on the basis of anise. It is worth noting that the differences between them are insignificant, mainly they relate to the strength of alcohol and a little - to the modified composition of the ingredients used.

I would like to offer you three proven, simple recipes for making aniseed vodka at home based on moonshine, vodka and alcohol.

Following the instructions of this recipe and precisely observing the proportions, you can prepare homemade aromatic alcohol of a rich amber hue with golden tints, which has a balanced, rich spicy aroma and an unforgettable mild taste.

Time for preparing: two weeks.
Product Quantity: 470-500 ml.

kitchen utensils

  • kitchen scales and measuring cup;
  • glass liter jar;
  • multilayer gauze;
  • glass bottle with a volume of at least 0.5 liters.

Step by step cooking

  1. In glass liter jar lay out the spices: 7-10 g of anise and cumin, as well as 2-3 star anise.

  2. On top of the spices, add 510-530 ml of high-quality vodka.

  3. Seal the jar tightly nylon cover and place it in a warm and dark place for at least two weeks. Shake the jar daily for 9-11 seconds.

  4. We pass the present product through multilayer gauze. If necessary, repeat the procedure twice.

  5. In a separate bowl, dilute 7-10 g of glucose in a small amount hot water.

  6. Add the resulting mixture to the filtered liquid and mix everything thoroughly.

  7. Again tightly close the vessel and return it to its original place for another day.
  8. We pour the finished product into a beautiful bottle and proceed to the tasting.

Homemade anise vodka recipe video

In order to quickly figure out and learn how to make aniseed vodka at home, I recommend watching the simplest recipe in the video presented. On the video, the master of his craft will show you the step-by-step process of making this wonderful strong drink and share your opinion on palatability finished product.

Recipe for anise vodka based on alcohol

Unlike the previous recipe, in the process of preparing alcohol-based anisette vodka, the tincture is distilled, which makes it possible to obtain a softer and lighter taste of alcohol. Ready home product its qualities are similar to such well-known representatives of noble spirits as Cypriot yawning, italian sambuca, Middle Eastern arak and Greek ouzo vodka.

Time for preparing: 11-12 days.
Product Quantity: 440-460 ml.

kitchen utensils

  • kitchen scales and measuring bowl;
  • multilayer gauze;
  • alcohol mashine;
  • glass bottle, with a volume of at least 0.5 liters.

List of required ingredients

Step by step cooking

As a result, you will get 440-460 ml of anise vodka, the strength of which will be 54-58 degrees. If desired, the alcoholic can be diluted with water to the desired strength.

However, remember that when water is added, the distillate may turn milky - this is due to high content essential oils. It will not affect the taste of alcohol in any way. A home-made alcoholic drink prepared according to this recipe has a pleasant, delicate smell of anise and a light alluring sweetness.

Homemade anise alcohol tincture recipe video

To understand in more detail the technology of preparing this alcoholic drink based on alcohol at home, I advise you to study a simple recipe in the video. After reviewing it, you can follow the sequence of making this alcoholic drink and evaluate the appetizing appearance of the finished product.

Recipe for anise vodka based on moonshine

The method of making anise vodka on moonshine is considered the most traditional, and, according to many, this is exactly what the original anise recipe looked like. Some winemakers to enrich the taste of alcohol add lemon or orange peel, which is preliminarily insisted on moonshine along with the rest of the spices. finished product has a rich golden-amber hue, soft unforgettable taste and complex spicy aroma.

Time for preparing: one and a half weeks.
Product Quantity: about 1.3-1.5 liters.

kitchen utensils

  • cutting board and knife;
  • wooden mortar;
  • measuring cup and kitchen scales;
  • glass three-liter jar;
  • multilayer gauze;
  • alcohol mashine;
  • glass bottles.

List of required ingredients

Step by step cooking

Moonshine anise tincture recipe video

After reviewing the presented video, you will learn how to independently prepare fragrant anise alcohol on moonshine at home. On the video, the master distiller will present to your attention his proprietary method for making a wonderful alcoholic drink. In addition to demonstrating the complete preparation process, an experienced winemaker will taste the resulting product and describe its positive and negative qualities.

Useful information

  • You may be interested in the proven recipe of the famous, which can be prepared very easily at home.
  • I also recommend checking out simple recipe who started his story as medicine from a cold, the taste of which was very much liked by the patients.
  • I advise sweet tooth and coffee lovers to pay attention to several recipes that are intended for implementation at home.
  • Homemade is practically no different from its Italian original. The recipe for its preparation is unusually simple, and its implementation will not take much time and will not require much effort. In addition, the components used are fairly readily available.

Now you can make your own aniseed vodka at home. As you can see, it contains ingredients that are very easy to get in any store.

I know from my own experience that this homemade alcoholic drink is best served chilled or with ice cubes. I also advise you to put a slice of lime or a leaf of fresh mint in a glass for freshness and giving the drink a special touch.

I wish you successful tasting and victories in the winemaking field!

Anisette vodka was Peter I's favorite alcoholic drink. Pushkin, Chekhov, Ostrovsky and many other prominent figures of Russian culture admired it. I propose to compare tastes with the classics by making vodka and anise tincture according to two proven recipes. The cooking technology is very simple and does not take much time.

All people are divided into two types: some adore dishes and drinks with anise, others can not stand this seasoning, which resembles a cough mixture familiar from childhood. Therefore, do not be surprised if you or someone you know does not like anise. It tastes like sambuca.

Classic anise tincture recipe


  • anise seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • cumin - 1 teaspoon;
  • star anise - 2 stars;
  • vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) - 0.5 liters;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon.


1. Put the spices in a jar, add vodka and close the lid.

2. Put the jar for 14-16 days in a dark place with room temperature. Shake well every 4-5 days.

3. Filter the anise through cheesecloth and cotton.

4. Add sugar, mix well.

5. Before use, keep the drink for a day in a dark place.

The finished tincture has a beautiful tea color

You will get a homemade anise tincture of a pleasant yellowish color with a well-balanced smell of spices and a memorable aftertaste.

Homemade anise vodka

Unlike tincture, it is distilled repeatedly, which makes the taste softer. The most famous representatives of this group are: Italian sambuca, Greek ouzo vodka, Cypriot yawning and Middle Eastern arak.


  • alcohol 40-45% (vodka, moonshine) - 1 liter;
  • anise seeds - 20 grams;
  • star anise - 5 grams;
  • fennel - 10 grams;
  • cinnamon sticks - 2 grams;
  • fresh ginger root - 2 grams;
  • water - 1 liter (for dilution before distillation).

1. Put all the spices in a jar, pour in vodka and close the lid tightly.

2. Infuse for 10 days in a dark place at room temperature.

3. Filter the finished infusion through gauze, dilute with water up to 15-20%.

4. Overtake on moonshine still, dividing the output into fractions. Collect the first 30 ml of the output separately, this is the “head” - a harmful fraction that cannot be drunk. Select the main product (“body”) until the strength of the distillate drops below 40 degrees.

5. The result is 430-460 ml of aniseed vodka with a strength of 54-58%.

6. If desired, the drink can be diluted up to 40-45%.

Attention! Due to the high content of essential oils, when water is added, the distillate may turn milky, while its taste will not change.

Anise vodka diluted with water

The result will be homemade vodka with a delicate smell of anise and a slight sweetness.