Muffins with cheese and mushrooms are the best snack at any time of the day. Muffins with chicken and mushrooms

Hello, friends!

Today I tried new recipe muffins. This time, as it is not surprising, not sweet. If you've never tried savory muffins before, be sure to try it as soon as possible. Here there is already where the fantasies roam. Toppings here can be composed ad infinitum.

This time I have muffins with mushrooms and cheese - the perfect snack for receptions, picnics, snacks at work, at school, on the bus and countless other occasions for finger food.

Like all muffins, they are prepared very quickly and simply. I cooked 12 pieces and gave them to my husband every day for work. Very convenient, not boring and, most importantly, delicious.

We prepare the dough for mushroom muffins based on olive oil, so we can say that it turns out diet option.

Grocery list:

For the mushroom filling:

  • champignon mushrooms - 200 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • parsley - ½ bunch
  • salt - to taste
  • black pepper - to taste
  • thyme - 1 pinch (optional)

For test:

  • flour - 250 gr.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • baking powder - 2 tsp
  • salt - 2 pinches
  • egg 1 pc.
  • milk - 125 ml
  • vegetable oil - 100 gr. (I have olive)
  • parmesan or other grated cheese - 100 gr. + some for sprinkling

Step by step preparation:

Mushrooms on 97% They are made up of water, so a lot of liquid is released during heat treatment. Fry them until all this liquid has evaporated (about 10 minutes).

For the filling: rinse the mushrooms under running water and wipe with a paper towel. Cut into thin slices.
In a frying pan over high heat, heat 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and fry the mushrooms until golden brown.
Season with salt, black ground pepper and thyme to taste (be careful with salt, because in the dough we will still have salted cheese) and remove the pan from the heat.
Transfer the mushrooms to a separate bowl. Chop parsley, mix it with mushrooms and leave to cool.
In the meantime, we are doing the dough: preheat the oven to 200 °. Fill a muffin mold with paper capsules or grease vegetable oil.
In a deep bowl, mix the sifted flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Add mushrooms and parsley to this mixture and mix thoroughly.
In a separate bowl, beat the egg with a fork and mix with milk and vegetable oil. Grate cheese into this mixture and stir.
Pour the liquid mixture into the flour bowl and mix briefly just to combine the two mixtures.
Divide the dough into molds. There will be 12 muffins in total. Sprinkle lightly with grated cheese on top and bake in an oven preheated to 200 ° for 20-30 minutes, until golden brown.
Let the muffins cool in the pan for 10 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack or immediately to a plate.

By the way, I served muffins with mushrooms as a main dish, accompanied by an omelette and salad. It worked out really well too. But these muffins are perfect for or.

And at the end of the curtain a few words about how to clean mushrooms:

  • The most important thing is that you do not need to soak them in water for 3 hours. Mushrooms are grown under sterile conditions, so it is enough to rinse them under running water and wipe them with a paper towel. You don't need to clean them!
  • If you still come across very dirty or blackened mushrooms, then you can remove the skin from them, after separating the stalk.
  • After removing the skin do not rinse with water. Mushrooms will absorb as much moisture as you give them, which they will then release during cooking, which will not have a very positive effect on the final result.

For the same reason we fry them on the minimum quantity oil and maximum temperature so that no water can escape.

That's all.

Cook delicious and share your thoughts.

Until we meet again online.

Olga Afinskaya was with you.

Good luck, love and patience.

Fragrant pastries are always present on the dining table, but due to the fast pace of life, most often representatives of store counters act in its role. So that you have something to eat during the day at work or the kids at school, you should prepare muffins with chicken and mushrooms at home in advance. A natural homemade treat that you can take with you will save you from many health problems and significantly save your budget.

How to cook muffins in a slow cooker

Muffins are a great substitute for fast food. Preparing such a dish is not difficult. You can involve your children in cooking fragrant baskets. For you and for them simple process turn into a pleasant pastime.

  • Muffins are often confused with cupcakes, but they are two completely different. different types baking. Muffin dough is prepared much faster, and the filling in them can be very different. Cooking such pastries in a slow cooker is very convenient. The main thing is to create the recipe correctly, and the “smart oven” will do everything for you.
  • Dough for donuts, which will be cooked in a slow cooker, is best done on kefir or fermented baked milk. The right temperature in the oven will make the pastries soft and airy.
  • No need to open the lid every 5 minutes and monitor the rise and baking of products. With such movements, you will only harm - and the muffins will not be baked. Put the molds in the slow cooker, set the desired mode and wait for the signal. Now you can get ready-made "buns" with confidence.

  • If you do not have muffin molds on hand, you can cook without them. fragrant pastries. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, then pour the dough into it.

In the "Bake" mode, you can cook a similar muffin only in a large size. After that, cut it into squares and serve.

  • Prepare meat ingredients for muffins ahead of time. Boil, fry or use ready-made (for example, smoked meats) meat product. Raw meat will definitely not cook inside the dough.
  • The best option for a slow cooker is to cook American muffins in it. They are made exclusively with the use of baking powder. To bake 2-3 batches of such donuts in a slow cooker, it will take no more than 1.5 hours.

Chicken muffins with mushrooms in a slow cooker


  • Kefir - 250 ml; + -
  • - 2 pcs.; + -
  • - 300 g; + -
  • - 1 pinch; + -
  • - 2 tsp; + -
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp; + -
  • - 300 g; + -
  • Pickled mushrooms- 200 g; + -
  • - 2 pcs.; + -
  • Greens - to taste. + -

How to cook chicken muffins in a slow cooker

The tradition of baking muffins has been around for a very long time. Once, one early morning, an English hostess prepared pastries for tea from the meat leftovers from an evening meal.

And now it's hard to imagine a person who does not like muffins. It is very convenient to cook buns for breakfast in a slow cooker. We put the forms with the dough in the slow cooker, and you yourself go about your business.

  1. Chicken meat cut small cubes or cut into fine fibers. Grind pickled mushrooms in a blender. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, chop finely and place in a separate bowl. Drain the resulting juice from the tomatoes and only then add them to the dough.
  2. Pour slightly warmed kefir into a deep bowl and combine with eggs. Mix them with a whisk until smooth.
  3. Combine wheat flour with sugar, salt and baking powder. Mix dry products with kefir mass - you should get a batter.
  4. Add chicken, tomatoes and mushrooms to the dough. Mix well, distributing the filling evenly. At this stage, add finely chopped greens to the dough.
  5. Take suitable muffin molds (silicone or paper), grease them inside with vegetable oil, and then fill the molds 2/3 with batter.
  6. Place molds on the bottom of the multicooker bowl (approximately 6-7 pieces, depending on the size of the multicooker).
  7. Set the "BAKE" mode to 45 minutes. After the ready signal, open the lid of the multicooker and leave the muffins in it for a few minutes.
  8. Then take out finished goods, free from forms and serve.

Chicken muffins are best served hot. butter, but even cooled ones will not disappoint you with their taste. Green tea or any fermented milk product Perfectly complements ruddy pastries.

Muffins in a slow cooker with mushrooms and smoked chicken

Donuts with smoked meats are suitable for all occasions: family breakfast, a friendly tea party or a celebration. If you are making out buffet table, then such muffins will be the most sought-after treat. Therefore, we advise you to cook them more.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Ryazhenka - 300 ml;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Baking powder - 1.5 tsp;
  • Smoked chicken - 300 g;
  • Champignons - 150 g;
  • Basil - 2-3 sprigs.

How to cook muffins in a slow cooker with mushrooms and chicken

  1. First of all, prepare the filling: cut the smoked chicken meat into small cubes. Any part of the chicken can be used: even a breast, even a ham.
  2. Boil mushrooms in salted water for 10 minutes. Drain in a colander, cool and cut into slices. Finely chop fresh basil.
  3. In a separate bowl, knead the dough for future muffins. First, mix eggs and fermented baked milk together, and then gradually add wheat flour. At the end of kneading, add salt and baking powder.
  4. Now add chicken, mushrooms and greens to the dough. Mix thoroughly again - and the mass is ready for baking.
  5. Prepare the baking dishes, then put the dough into them. Do not fill the molds completely, leave room for lifting.
  6. Place the completed forms in the multicooker bowl. Set the "BAKE" mode and cook the muffins for 40 minutes.

Muffins with chicken and mushrooms are a pleasure to cook, and even better, after a while, tasting them in a pleasant company.

Chicken meat muffins are simple, satisfying and very tasty. tasty snack. The cooking time is only 40 minutes. Muffins from chicken fillet will become great addition to festive table, although they can be prepared for a regular dinner. For cooking, the most regular ingredients: chicken meat, cheese, flour, eggs, greens. Seasonings can be added according to your own taste. The appetizer recipe can also be included in the children's menu.

Classic chicken muffin recipe

For 12 servings you will need:

  • Two chicken breasts;
  • A glass of grated cheese;
  • Half a glass of flour;
  • Half a glass of milk;
  • Two eggs;
  • Greens;
  • Natural yogurt or sour cream (for sauce);
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • green onions;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Thoroughly wash the breasts, add water, put to boil. Water needs to be slightly salted. Boil the meat until cooked, put in a dish, leave to cool. Finely chop the cooled meat.

In a separate container, beat milk with eggs, add flour. Mix the egg-milk mixture with the sauce. The sauce is prepared like this: natural yogurt whipped with mayonnaise, seasoned with salt and pepper, at the end chopped green onion. If there is no yogurt, you can take sour cream. The amount of ingredients in the sauce can be adjusted. The sauce and milk mixture are thoroughly mixed.

Chop greens, set some aside. Grate the cheese, in the end it should turn out about a glass. Combine chopped meat with cheese, herbs and part of the milk mass.

The consistency of the dough should resemble a salad. Sprinkle molds a small amount flour. Lay out the meat layers, pour the milk mass on top. Preheat the oven to 185 degrees, bake the snack for about 25 minutes. Ready meal sprinkle with herbs. Serve warm meat muffins.

Recipe chicken muffins with cheese, photo:

chicken muffin recipe with vegetables

According to this recipe, you can cook meat muffins from ready-made minced chicken, or cut, boil and cut the breasts yourself, then mix with additional ingredients. From the products you will also need vegetables: onions, carrots, herbs, garlic, zucchini. The composition of vegetables can be changed according to your own taste. If the recipe uses minced chicken, the cooking time will be only ten minutes. About a kilogram of snack comes out of the indicated amount of products.

What products are needed:

  • Half a kilo of minced chicken (or two breasts);
  • Medium zucchini - about 220 g;
  • 1-2 carrots - 120 g;
  • Medium bulb - about 100 g;
  • Sunflower + olive oil- only 20 g;
  • Garlic - 14 g;
  • Parsley.

Cooking method:

Wash the carrots, peel, cut into small cubes. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the carrots there, leave to languish over low heat. Peel the onion, finely chop, lay out to the carrots. Simmer vegetables for about ten minutes.

Peel the zucchini, grate. Chop greens. minced chicken thaw, put in it passivated vegetables, grated zucchini and chopped greens. Season the mass with pepper, salt, mix thoroughly. Shape the dough into balls and place in muffin tins. Bake meat muffins for about 35 minutes at 210 degrees.

If chicken breasts are used, the meat must be thoroughly washed, finely chopped, salted, peppered, combined with two eggs. To make the minced meat juicy, you can add softened bread, milk or sour cream to it.

Recipe for chicken muffins with vegetables, photo:

chicken muffin recipe with mushrooms

What products are needed:

  • Two chicken fillets;
  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • Dried and fresh herbs;
  • 120 g of hard cheese;
  • Several cherry tomatoes;
  • Half a kilo of champignons;
  • Two bulbs;
  • Half a glass of low-fat cream;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

Wash the chicken fillet, cut into small pieces. Place the meat in a bowl soy sauce leave to marinate. Add dried and fresh chopped herbs, salt and pepper. You can add any other spices. Finely chop the onion, fry until golden brown. Rinse the mushrooms, cut into small pieces, put to the onion. Fry until the liquid boils away. After boiling the water, salt the mass, pepper a little. As soon as the champignons begin to reach readiness, pour cream into the pan, warm over low heat for about ten minutes.

Put the prepared onion-mushroom mass in a dish, leave to cool. Arrange the pieces of marinated meat on greased molds. Put the cooled mushroom mass on top. Next, the champignons are sprinkled with grated cheese, you need to press half a cherry tomato into the cheese. Instead of cherry tomatoes, you can take ordinary tomatoes, in which case they need to be cut into small cubes. Bake meat muffins for about 20 minutes at 190 degrees. At the end of this time, you do not need to immediately get a snack, let it stand for another ten minutes. Decorate the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Recipe for chicken muffins with mushrooms, photo:

Lush muffins can be not only sweet, but also hearty with meat or mushrooms. In confirmation of this - a recipe for muffins with chicken and mushrooms.

To prepare muffins with chicken and mushrooms, we need one chicken breast, dried porcini mushrooms (which we pre-soak), hard cheese and spices to taste. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems - see for yourself.

Servings: 5-6

Easy Chicken and Mushroom Muffin Recipe home cooking step by step with photo. Easy to cook at home in 1 hour. Contains only 277 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 14 minutes
  • Time for preparing: 1 hour
  • Amount of calories: 277 kilocalories
  • Servings: 8 servings
  • Reason: For lunch
  • Complexity: simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Baking, Muffins

Ingredients for nine servings

  • Flour - 250 Grams
  • Eggs - 3 Pieces
  • Cheese - 250 Grams
  • Chicken breast - 1 piece
  • Mashed potatoes - 500 Grams
  • Mushrooms - 50 Grams
  • Milk - 200 Grams
  • Vegetable oil - 100 grams

Step by step cooking

  1. Prepare the ingredients.
  2. Soak mushrooms.
  3. Cut and fry the chicken.
  4. We cut the mushrooms and send to the chicken.
  5. We beat the eggs.
  6. Add mashed potatoes, then flour and maybe a little baking powder. We mix everything.
  7. In the same mixture, spread the chicken with mushrooms.
  8. And grated cheese (leave a little for sprinkling).
  9. Mixed everything and laid out in molds, greased with oil (not to the brim). We send it to the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
  10. Our chicken and mushroom muffins are ready. Enjoy your meal!