Classic coffee latte recipe without a coffee machine. Encyclopedia of coffee Coffeepedia.

"Latte" first appeared in Italy, and was prepared for children so that they could enjoy the taste of the drink without harm to health. Today, in almost every cafe, visitors can order this option, but it can also be made at home.

You can cook it with various additives, for example, with cinnamon, syrup, etc. Consider a few simple and affordable for home use recipes.

Homemade latte coffee recipe

Delicious and flavored drink everyone can do, because it does not need a coffee machine and other equipment. Everything is prepared extremely simply and quickly, which means that you can enjoy its taste at least every morning.

For one serving, you need to take such products: 1 teaspoon ground coffee beans, 0.5 tbsp. water and 1 tbsp. milk 3.2% fat. It is recommended to use a tall Irish glass, as well as serve a spoon with a long handle.

Everything is prepared in this way:

  1. First you need to do it in any way convenient for you. It is important that the drink is very strong. It is believed that it is best to use a coffee blend that will contain 10-20% Robusta;
  2. Pour milk into another container, and it is best to take a French press. Heat it up, but don't bring it to a boil. For this, both a conventional stove and a microwave are suitable. The temperature should be around 50-60 degrees. Using a blender or mixer, beat the milk for 5 minutes. During this time, a beautiful and persistent foam should form;
  3. AT tumbler Pour in the milk, and carefully place the foam on top. The next step is to pour the prepared drink in a slow thin stream. It is important that the layers do not mix, because the real "latte" has three well-defined levels. The foam should eventually rise to the surface.

Homemade caramel latte

Another popular drink called "latte macchiato". Thanks to the use of caramel, it turns out to be very tasty and fragrant. It will take approximately 5 minutes to cook.

Get this set: 200 ml milk, 1 teaspoon ground grains, 10 ml water and caramel syrup to taste.

Everything is prepared in this way:

  1. Take an ordinary cup, pour coffee into it and pour boiling water over it. Leave the drink to brew. Warm the milk, but do not boil it, and then whisk it for 3 minutes. Pour into a clear glass and let sit for a couple of minutes. This is necessary in order for the foam to separate well;
  2. It remains to pour in the coffee base. Do everything very carefully and slowly. Top with your choice of syrup and serve.

How to make cold latte at home?

A hot summer day is no reason to refuse a delicious drink. You can cook delicious "ice latte", which will not only help quench your thirst, but also invigorate. Everything is prepared very simply and very quickly. A couple of minutes and you're done.

For latte coffee, take this set of ingredients: 30 ml espresso or other coffee, 150 ml milk, chocolate syrup and crushed ice.

Everything is prepared in this way:

  1. Take a tall glass and fill it more than halfway with prepared ice. Beat cold milk well until foamy and pour it into a glass;
  2. Send the syrup there, and then, along the edge of the glass, pour "espresso". It remains only to insert the tube and you can serve.

How to make an original "latte" at home?

Coffee lovers and bartenders often experiment with the composition of ingredients, getting new and original variants. Consider one of them, which, we are sure, will appeal to many.

To make a latte, you need to take the following ingredients: 1 tbsp. milk, 2/3 tbsp. water, 1 teaspoon of finely ground coffee and sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Baileys liqueur, a pinch of salt and cocoa.

Everything is prepared in this way:

  1. First you need to warm the glass for serving. To do this, pour into it hot water. Then drain it, dry it and pour liquor into the bottom. Heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil, and then whisk until foamy. Then pour it into a glass;
  2. Brew coffee, for which warm the Turk well and pour salt, coffee and granulated sugar into it. Heat over low heat, stirring occasionally. Pour in water and continue heating. When the drink begins to rise, remove from heat as the liquid should not boil. The next step is to add coffee in a thin stream.

Latte recipe with blueberry syrup

Another version of a delicious drink that has an original aroma and taste of blueberries. If you want to surprise your guests, then make just such a “latte” for them.

To make coffee, you need to take the following ingredients: 50 ml of blueberry syrup and espresso, 150 ml of milk 2% and chocolate topping.

Everything is prepared in this way:

  1. Take a glass and pour cool syrup into it. Heat the milk to about 80 degrees, pour off a little, and add the syrup to the rest, keeping the ratio 1:1. Beat for a few minutes and pour into the glass with the next layer;
  2. Brew "espresso", and then pour it into a glass in a thin stream. Beat the remaining milk with a mixer until a thick foam forms and carefully lay it on top. Use the topping to make beautiful patterns.

ice cream latte recipe

Learn to cook delicious dessert to be prepared in the freezer. It melts quickly and becomes soft. It can be eaten with hot coffee, and also used to prepare various desserts.

To prepare "latte" ice cream, you should take such products: 50 ml coffee, 150 ml heavy cream and 0.5 cans of condensed milk.

Everything is prepared in this way:

  1. Brew coffee in any way you know, and then strain it. Add condensed milk and cream. Mix everything well until smooth;
  2. Pour into a glass and place in the freezer overnight. When serving, you can serve with grated chocolate or whipped cream.

How to learn how to make latte art at home?

You can not only cook at home delicious drink, but also decorate it in an original way. Many with the help of such jewelry cheer each other up and confess their love. Initially, the drawings were quite primitive, for example, a heart or a flower. Today, these are real masterpieces, because professionals can transfer a portrait or any landscape onto coffee.

"Latte art" includes such drawing techniques:

  1. Etching - for creativity, you need to use a thin pointed object, for example, a toothpick. The foam is tinted chocolate icing, and then, with the help of a sharp object, it is necessary to stretch it in order to achieve the desired result;
  2. Pitching is one of the difficult options that requires experience. You can only draw simple drawings. A special jug is used, which is made of stainless steel;
  3. Mixed media involves the use of the two options discussed above;
  4. 3D technique - allows you to create three-dimensional figures from foam;
  5. Stencil is the most affordable and simple option that everyone can handle. It is necessary to draw a picture on paper or write something, and then cut it out. The stencil is brought to the drink and the slots are sprinkled with grated chocolate, cocoa or cinnamon.

Now you know how to make a delicious "latte" that tastes just like the drinks that bartenders offer their customers in a coffee shop.

All you need to make a homemade latte fat milk and freshly brewed espresso. Approximate proportions are 1 to 1, that is, coffee and milk are taken in equal parts. But if you love more delicate taste, you can slightly modify the recipe by increasing the amount of milk.

You will need:
- 3 tablespoons of ground coffee;
- 100 ml of water;
- 100 ml of milk;
- chocolate syrup;
- cinnamon powder.

First prepare espresso in the coffee machine. Then heat the milk without boiling it and froth it - this can be done using hot steam from a coffee machine. Pour milk into warmed cups, and then add coffee, pouring it along the wall so that the cap of milk foam remains at the top.

The finished drink can be decorated. Experienced baristas draw hot coffee patterns on the milk foam. But if this method seems too complicated for you, do it differently. Place a few large drops diagonally on the surface of the drink with chocolate syrup. With a toothpick, pull out the drops, turning them into a chain of hearts. You can draw flowers, stars, and other shapes, or just sprinkle ground cinnamon on the milk foam.

Italians consider coffee latte to be the perfect breakfast drink. Real gourmets do not add sugar to the drink - a properly prepared latte has a very delicate sweetish taste due to a large number milk.

Latte macchiato brewed without a coffee machine

Latte macchiato is a layered drink with an increased amount of milk. For a third of the finished coffee, take two-thirds of the milk, half of which will be turned into foam. Important condition for cooking right drink- good frothing of milk. The foam should be thick and fluffy.

You will need:
- 4 tablespoons of natural ground coffee;
- 300 ml of milk;
- 150 ml of water;
- 2 tablespoons of nut syrup;
- grated dark chocolate for decoration.

Instead of nut syrup, you can use chocolate or blackcurrant. Do not pour citrus syrup into latte macchiato - the milk may curdle.

If you don't have espresso brewing equipment, you can prepare your drink in a Turkish coffee pot. Lay out ground coffee into the Turk, fill it cold water and put on the stove. When the drink rises with a foamy cap, remove it from the stove and strain - grains should not come across in the finished latte.

Warm up the milk and divide it into two parts. Beat one with a blender or a special milk frother. Pour syrup into a heated mulled wine glass, then add hot milk. Carefully pour the coffee into the glass and then scoop out the milk foam. Top latte macchiato can be sprinkled with grated chocolate. Serve the drink with a straw.

February 13, 2017 803

Have you ever tried real coffee latte? This is an indescribable pleasure, when with every sip the mind involuntarily takes the heart to the most remote corners of the sunny passionate continent, and the soul is filled with a special quivering warmth of the hearth. Coffee latte - what is it? Now you will know everything.

Caffe latte - a piece of milky happiness

The history of this drink is rooted in Italy, or rather, in an ordinary friendly loving family.

One day, one of the Italian women decided that her family, under any circumstances, simply had to gather early in the morning at a large kitchen table and enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee with a pleasant conversation. This kind of "adult" drink did not really please her children, and so that they would not be separated from the family, the woman came up with the idea of ​​diluting coffee with sweet cow's milk.

And so the first appeared italian coffee latte. His recipe was passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, until he found his own. perfect ingredients and proportions. The drink has been perfected over the years, greedily absorbing the various subtleties of preparation. And yet he retained in himself that very primordial feeling of spiritual unity, warmth and comfort.

Many people are sure that calling this coffee "latte" they do not make any mistakes. This is a misconception inspired by the influence of the French language. In fact, the word "latte" is correctly pronounced with the accent on the first syllable, like other Italian words.

Latte in all its diversity: types and composition of the drink

How much various kinds delicious coffee latte invented by the hand of a master! And each of them is endowed with its own secret subtlety. But still, there are three special drinks that clearly stand out from all this coffee mass of goodies:

  • traditional latte coffee;
  • puff latte macchiato;
  • puff dolce latte macchiato.

Each of the species presented has its own ingredients and proportions. One thing remains unchanged: the basis for absolutely any kind of latte coffee is milk.

For coffee latte, it is best to use full-fat milk. Perfect option– 3.2%. If you prefer a lower percentage, the drink will be as gloomy and dull in appearance as it tastes.

To fully enjoy the charm of this drink, first of all, you need to learn how to cook it correctly. This should be done in a special glass for latte. Their volume is usually 150 ml. It is important to know that, unfortunately, you cannot do without a coffee machine here. Consider the most delicious recipes latte.

Traditional Italian coffee latte - how to make it right

For cooking you will need:

  • special glass;
  • pinscher;
  • 30 ml freshly brewed espresso;
  • 100-120 ml of milk.

The drink will be prepared in about 1 minute.

This coffee contains 175 kcal per 100 ml.

In a pinscher, you need to beat the milk well, using the strong flow of hot steam from the coffee machine. The goal is to achieve a soft dense foam. Whipped milk is poured into the glass so as not to break the foam. Next, espresso is poured into the center of the dish. The ingredients are mixed, it turns out coffee of a warm beige color.

Latte coffee recipes with a twist

From year to year, latte coffee has evolved and improved as palatability, as well as in external ones. Consider a few established recipes, the taste of which has been recognized and approved by a variety of coffee gourmets.

Latte macchiato

The highlight of the latte macchiato recipe is in its layers. You don’t need to pore over them for a long time, the ideal layers turn out by themselves, as if by magic.

Many unfortunate baristas on the menu equate latte macchiato with a traditional latte. They think they are one and the same. This is an erroneous opinion. Latte and latte macchiato are two completely different types coffee! The first is traditionally homogeneous, and the second is decorated with layers.

We will need:

  • glass for latte;
  • pinscher or other dishes with a "spout" for milk;
  • 30 ml freshly made espresso;
  • 115 ml of milk.

Preparation of latte macchiato will take 1.5 minutes.

Like a traditional latte, 100 ml macchiato has 175 kcal.

Whisk the milk under the steam wand of the coffee machine in a pinscher. We achieve a thick foam. It should be more than a traditional coffee latte. We fill the glass with ready-made milk without destroying the foam.

Gently, in a thin stream, slowly add espresso strictly in the center.

After that, do not move the glass until the layers are distributed. Three layers should appear right in front of your eyes: cold white light woody and coffee warm.

Dolce latte macchiato

The recipe for this coffee has absorbed a sweet caramel note. Dolce-latte is a very beautiful layered drink. It has four layers in total.

Required ingredients for dolce-latte-macchiato:

  • latte glass;
  • pinscher (can be replaced with convenient dishes with a “spout”);
  • 30 ml fresh espresso;
  • milk, 110 ml;
  • spoon with an elongated handle;
  • 5-10 ml caramel syrup.

Dolce-latte-macchiato takes about 3 minutes to prepare.

On average, its calorie content per 100 ml is about 207 Kcal.

First, sweet syrup is poured into the glass. The milk in the pinscher must be whisked with steam until a dense foam appears. Then insert the handle of the spoon into the glass, without touching the syrup at the bottom, but as close to it as possible.

Slowly and very carefully pour the milk in such a way that it flows into the glass along the handle of the spoon. Two layers are ready! Further into the center, as well as in the latte-macchiato recipe, pour espresso in a stream.

The main thing is to do it carefully, and in layers it is distributed by itself. The result is a layer of syrup, then a layer of milk, then a transitional layer of light brown color and a layer of espresso at the end.

A few subtle details about coffee latte

The advice of the masters is never superfluous. Here is some of them.

  1. The glass should be well warmed up. All latte ingredients warm up well: espresso with a coffee machine, and milk with a powerful steam jet. If you put them in a cold glass, they will give him all their warmth. Instead of a delicious hot latte, you end up drinking lukewarm coffee.
  2. Milk foam should be without large bubbles. Bubbles make coffee look unaesthetic. If, however, they puffed up, they can be easily disposed of. Gently tap the bottom of the pinscher on the table. The bubbles will begin to burst, merging with a homogeneous foam.
  3. Use vanilla or cinnamon. Sprinkle the foam of the finished drink with one of these spices. Their aroma, combined with fragrant latte coffee, is simply crazy!

It's rare to find someone who doesn't love traditional coffee with milk. Nowadays, latte coffee has become so diverse that every lover of this milky coffee drink find the right taste for you.

How to drink latte: interesting facts

Coffee house guests often bother with the question of how to fully reveal all the wonderful taste of latte coffee. How to drink a drink? There is no single rule here. The taste of the latte blossoms on the lips.

As for latte-macchiato and dolce-latte-macchiato, you can enjoy them by mixing the layers or vice versa, leaving them intact and gradually drinking the drink through a straw layer by layer.

Important information for expectant and breastfeeding mothers

Despite the fact that the foundation of any coffee latte is milk, it is not recommended for pregnant women. Why?

The caffeine in the espresso hasn't disappeared or dissolved. Milk simply diluted it, softening the dense texture. The consequences for big coffee drinkers are dire, as you:

  • risk the life of a child;
  • can induce labor prematurely;
  • contribute to premature exfoliation of the placenta;
  • greatly increase the pressure;
  • risk heartburn;
  • dehydrate yourself.

A breastfeeding mom also gets taboo on coffee latte. Indeed, along with her milk, a weak little baby will take harmful caffeine. What will be next?

  • blood sugar levels will be unstable, and this indicates the development of diseases;
  • irritability and stress;
  • unhealthy excitement;
  • a sharp drop in energy after the action of caffeine.

And did you know that…

When ready-made espresso coffee is poured into a mug for the first 10 seconds, there is not a drop of caffeine in it. In addition to various fragrant oils, nothing stands out in it. Both pregnant and nursing mothers can safely enjoy coffee latte from such an espresso.

Who doesn't remember the taste of cocoa? It is associated with childhood, early morning or winter evening when one of the adults read bedtime stories. Growing up, we forget about this drink, increasingly turning to coffee, which helps to cheer up in the morning or sit at work until late at night. However, not everyone can get used to the bitter taste of real Arabic coffee, so someone dilutes it with milk, someone adds more sugar. Everyone has their own ways to improve this drink.

The Italians also tried to soften the taste of coffee so that it could be given to children. As a result, they got a delicious coffee cocktail, which was called "Latte". The literal translation of "latte" in Italian means milk. This word is completely suitable to accurately characterize an unusual drink.

What is a coffee latte?

Coffee "Latte" is a layered cocktail that consists of espresso, hot milk and milk foam. To spice up the drink, they often use a variety of syrups (chocolate, vanilla, caramel, nut, but not orange - milk instantly sours from it), as well as ice cream, ice, and even alcoholic drinks(amaretto, rum). However, no sugar is added to the coffee.

However, it is worth noting that in Italy this drink is much less popular than in Europe and Russia. Italians love more strong coffee to which the Russians could not get used.

Coffee "Latte" is served in tall glasses with a thin tube, the foam of the drink is more airy and lush than that of the same cappuccino.

By the way, novice coffee lovers often confuse latte and latte macchiato. The second cocktail is a slightly modified version of the first. The difference is that latte macchiato (“milk with a stain” in Italian) is made in three layers. Moreover, the bottom layer is cool milk, the middle layer is espresso, and the top layer is milk foam.

Recently, it has become fashionable in cafes to serve coffee, on the foam of which the barista depicts a simple pattern. However, at the request of the client, a more complex composition can be made. For drawing on milk foam, as a rule, chocolate, cinnamon, whipped cream are used.

coffee latte recipe

When ordering a latte in a cafe, it seems that the barista is doing something completely unique and very difficult in the kitchen, so that in front of you is an Irish glass with high milk foam, sprinkled with cinnamon or decorated with a simple flower pattern. However, the actions of the barista are not so mysterious and full of charm.

For preparation, as a rule, take very strong coffee. It is best to choose not pure Arabica, which we all love so much, but a mixture with the addition of Robusta. Robusta gives the drink strength, makes the aroma and taste more saturated.

In restaurants and coffee houses, latte is prepared on the basis of Espresso coffee and milk, in a ratio of 1 to 3. Coffee is most often prepared by a coffee machine. By the way, on the same machine there is a cappuccinatore, which creates foam from regular milk. After the coffee is ready, the barista takes a special stainless mug - a pitcher, into which warm milk is already poured, and with the help of a cappuccinatore, whisks the milk until an airy but strong foam forms. Milk is poured into the glass along the wall so that it mixes evenly with coffee. In Italy, it is not customary to add sugar to this drink, they prefer to enjoy a pure taste there. And if he gets bored, then add the syrup. In Russia, sugar is brought along with the order, so sweet lovers can add a spoon or two to their cup.

However, latte coffee can be enjoyed not only outside the walls of the cafe, it is easy to make it at home.

How to make latte at home

Let's figure out how to make coffee latte at home, without using any secrets.

To make this drink, we need good expensive coffee 50 ml, 150 ml of milk, sugar and water. The cooking procedure is very simple, even a beginner can handle it:

  • 1. Prepare milk. It must be heated so that it is warm, but not hot and foam does not form on it.
  • 2. Let's make coffee. In principle, if desired, you can use the usual soluble powder for this, but for the sake of exquisite taste and your own health, it is better to spend five minutes and brew real freshly ground coffee. Of course, not every one of us has a coffee machine at home, so for home cooking Turkish brewed coffee is used.
  • 3. Warm milk must be whipped until light foam is obtained. There are several ways to do this at home:
    • Pour milk into a thermos, close tightly and shake well for 15 minutes;
    • Beat with a whisk or mixer;
    • Use a blender.
  • 4. Whipped milk is poured into coffee using a special container with a narrow spout. Milk is poured directly into the center of the cup, which allows you to get beautiful coffee stains on the milk foam. AT ready drink add filler of your choice.

Secret: the taste of the drink largely depends on whether the milk is frothed correctly. To make the foam tasty and persistent, it is better to use whole milk and not low fat.

Now you know how to please your family by making latte coffee. However, do not stop there. There are so many unexplored, untried varieties of coffee and coffee drinks before you, so many recipes for mastering!

Master class from the barista

Never say in a coffee shop the phrase: "Make me regular coffee." These harmless words will be enough for the barista to put you on the list of the least welcome guests, because coffee with that name has never been and will not be on the menu of coffee houses. Espresso, cappuccino, latte, mocha are brewed in coffee houses. How to understand the coffee menu and find in the face of a barista not an enemy, but a pleasant companion? Read the coffee menu guide and choose your drink.

Let's start with the main thing - with espresso
“The spool is small and expensive” - this is just about him. Small, because there is no more than 60 ml, expensive - because the taste of your coffee depends on the quality of the brewed espresso. The ideal shot of espresso looks like this: the “heart” is the dark brown base of the drink, the “body” is the middle layer, darker in color, and the “cream a"- light brown frothy crust, which gives espresso sweetness and caramel-nutty taste. Coffee lovers usually prefer the so-called "double espresso". And they are right - best drink to cheer up, gather strength and recharge good mood, can not found. Two sips - and you will feel that you have grown wings. Espresso is a wonderful natural energy drink, so it's best to order it early in the day. A glass would be a good addition to it. cold water, a cap of whipped cream or milk foam. By the way, you need to drink espresso immediately after preparation, because it does not “live” for long - only 10 seconds.

And this is a drink for those who like it hot. "Ristretto" means "compressed". Accordingly, its taste, so to speak, is even more "compressed" than the taste of espresso. Ristretto will appeal to those who like very strong, very invigorating coffee. According to the classic recipe for its preparation, water is taken half as much. It may seem that in such a portion of the drink the amount of caffeine exceeds all permissible limits, but this is not so - there is even less caffeine in ristretto than in espresso. This is explained simply: when brewing, coffee oils first enter the ristretto, and caffeine begins to stand out later. Baristas recommend taking a few sips of pure water before trying ristretto - this will cleanse taste buds and will allow you to feel the fullness of taste. By the way, adding sugar to ristretto is considered bad manners.

For those who do not dare to try espresso or ristretto, there is Alternative option black coffee - americano. It is often referred to as "long espresso" because of the hot water used to dilute the espresso. It helps extend the life of your espresso and preserve the priceless aroma of freshly brewed coffee for longer. A well-made Americano should not be too sweet, not too bitter, or burnt. Americano goes well with syrups, especially mint, irish cream, caramel. You can't drink coffee without milk or cream - feel free to add, americano will only benefit from this.

This is truly a lifesaver. He is asked to prepare when there are problems with the choice of coffee drink. Just in case, they ask for clarification: what is there? And there, inside your mug, there will be espresso, milk and foam. More precisely, the classic cappuccino is espresso (30 or 60 ml, depending on the serving), milk and foam in proportions of 50/50. For lovers of foam, the so-called "dry" cappuccino was invented, with the maximum amount of foam. This drink is very light in weight. By the way, a sign of a well-prepared cappuccino is its lightness. If your glass is heavy on your hand, feel free to ask for a new one!

And now about the main thing - about the hood, that is, about the milk cap, without which this drink is not complete. Greetings to the Capuchin monks who once invented the cappuccino. The milk "hood" should be without bubbles, thick, fluffy and stable, so that grains of sugar and cinnamon can stay on its surface. Cappuccino goes well with brown cane sugar, the drink will cost without sugar, in this case, steamed milk and foam will add sweets. Cappuccino is capricious, so it is better not to leave it alone, but to drink it right away, otherwise the foam will settle and the drink will lose its appearance and taste. In Europe, they prepare classic cappuccino (with the addition of alcohol, caramel and chocolate), but, for example, Portugal has its own recipe - there you will be served cappuccino with whipped cream. Get ready for such coffee experiments.

Sounds great, easy to make. "Latte" in Italian means "milk", respectively, "caffe latte" is coffee with milk. More precisely, coffee with a lot of steamed milk and delicate milk foam on top. Here, too, everything is thought out: hot milk softens the taste of espresso, and the foam does not allow the coffee to cool down and retains the aroma inside the drink. L a tte goes well with vanilla, almond, caramel syrups. For those with a sweet tooth, baristas will decorate the drink with whipped cream, and for aesthetes, they will draw a heart or a smiley face on the foam. Coffee latte is a morning coffee classic, a drink that sets the mood for the whole day.

Latte macchiatto
"Latte on the contrary" - this is how you can call this drink. The ingredients are the same - espresso and foamed milk, only the cooking technology is different. First, hot milk is poured into a cup with the future latte macchiatto, and only then, through the milk foam, espresso breaks through. As a result, the drink acquires a more subtle and unexpected taste. The caramel pattern laid out on the milk cap will help to fix it. Cinnamon, nutmeg Or a chocolate chip would be nice too.

When melted chocolate is added to a latte, the drink turns into a mocha. The preparation procedure is not difficult: espresso, chocolate, milk and, if desired, whipped cream. The secret of mocha is in the combination of very hot milk and liquid dark chocolate (by the way, mocha can be prepared with both dark and white chocolate). Coffee gourmets prefer to add mint syrup, it muffles the bitterness of chocolate and refreshes the drink.

Happy coffee drinking!

Yana Gumennik