Latte coffee. Encyclopedia of coffee Coffeepedia.

Who doesn't remember the taste of cocoa? It is associated with childhood, early morning or winter evening when one of the adults read bedtime stories. Growing up, we forget about this drink, increasingly turning to coffee, which helps to cheer up in the morning or sit at work until late at night. However, not everyone can get used to the bitter taste of real Arabic coffee, so someone dilutes it with milk, someone adds more sugar. Everyone has their own ways to improve this drink.

The Italians also tried to soften the taste of coffee so that it could be given to children. As a result, they got a delicious coffee cocktail, which was called "Latte". The literal translation of "latte" in Italian means milk. This word is completely suitable to accurately characterize an unusual drink.

What is a coffee latte?

Coffee "Latte" is a layered cocktail that consists of espresso, hot milk and milk foam. To spice up the drink, they often use a variety of syrups (chocolate, vanilla, caramel, nut, but not orange - milk instantly sours from it), as well as ice cream, ice, and even alcoholic drinks(amaretto, rum). However, no sugar is added to the coffee.

However, it is worth noting that in Italy this drink is much less popular than in Europe and Russia. Italians love more strong coffee to which the Russians could not get used.

Coffee "Latte" is served in tall glasses with a thin tube, the foam of the drink is more airy and lush than that of the same cappuccino.

By the way, novice coffee lovers often confuse latte and latte macchiato. The second cocktail is a slightly modified version of the first. The difference is that latte macchiato (“milk with a stain” in Italian) is made in three layers. Moreover, the bottom layer is cool milk, the middle layer is espresso, and the top layer is milk foam.

Recently, it has become fashionable in cafes to serve coffee, on the foam of which the barista depicts a simple pattern. However, at the request of the client, a more complex composition can be made. For drawing on milk foam, as a rule, chocolate, cinnamon, whipped cream are used.

coffee latte recipe

When ordering a latte in a cafe, it seems that the barista is doing something completely unique and very difficult in the kitchen, so that in front of you is an Irish glass with high milk foam, sprinkled with cinnamon or decorated with a simple flower pattern. However, the actions of the barista are not so mysterious and full of charm.

For preparation, as a rule, take very strong coffee. It is best to choose not pure Arabica, which we all love so much, but a mixture with the addition of Robusta. Robusta gives the drink strength, makes the aroma and taste more saturated.

In restaurants and coffee houses, latte is prepared on the basis of Espresso coffee and milk, in a ratio of 1 to 3. Coffee is most often prepared by a coffee machine. By the way, on the same machine there is a cappuccinatore, which creates foam from regular milk. After the coffee is ready, the barista takes a special stainless mug - a pitcher, into which warm milk is already poured, and with the help of a cappuccinatore, whips the milk until an airy, but strong foam is formed. Milk is poured into the glass along the wall so that it mixes evenly with coffee. In Italy, it is not customary to add sugar to this drink, they prefer to enjoy a pure taste there. And if he gets bored, then add the syrup. In Russia, sugar is brought along with the order, so sweet lovers can add a spoon or two to their cup.

However, latte coffee can be enjoyed not only outside the walls of the cafe, it is easy to make it at home.

How to make latte at home

Let's figure out how to make coffee latte at home, without using any secrets.

To make this drink, we need good expensive coffee 50 ml, 150 ml of milk, sugar and water. The cooking procedure is very simple, even a beginner can handle it:

  • 1. Prepare milk. It must be heated so that it is warm, but not hot and foam does not form on it.
  • 2. Let's make coffee. In principle, if desired, you can use the usual soluble powder for this, but for the sake of refined taste and your own health, it’s better to spend five minutes and cook a real fresh ground coffee. Of course, not every one of us has a coffee machine at home, so for home cooking Turkish brewed coffee is used.
  • 3. Warm milk must be whipped until light foam is obtained. There are several ways to do this at home:
    • Pour milk into a thermos, close tightly and shake well for 15 minutes;
    • Beat with a whisk or mixer;
    • Use a blender.
  • 4. Whipped milk is poured into coffee using a special container with a narrow spout. Milk is poured directly into the center of the cup, which allows you to get beautiful coffee stains on the milk foam. V ready drink add filler of your choice.

Secret: the taste of the drink largely depends on whether the milk is frothed correctly. To make the foam tasty and resistant, it is better to use whole milk, rather than skimmed milk.

Now you know how to please your family by making latte coffee. However, do not stop there. There are so many unexplored, untried varieties of coffee and coffee drinks before you, so many recipes for mastering!

Listing all types of drinking based on black coffee is a thankless task, since there are a lot of them, but their number is constantly increasing. Another thing is that there is a golden menu that you will be offered in every self-respecting bar or restaurant. This is about:

  • espresso and americano;
  • ristretto and lungo;
  • cappuccino and latte.

And on the last point, an ordinary layman, that is, a person far from coffee etiquette, as a rule “stumbles”, because he does not quite understand the difference between these two products, which seem to consist of the same set of ingredients. But in fact, cappuccino is different from latte, and latte, in turn, is different from the French cafe au lait.

Milk + espresso equals amazing taste

Latte is a drink based on black coffee, or rather, espresso. But in addition to espresso, it includes ingredients such as:

  • milk;
  • milk foam;

And here you can remember about the "colleague" - cappuccino, which also seems to consist of the same components. But it turns out it's all about proportions. That is, in a latte, each component has its own verified amount and, in addition, is added to the cup in a certain sequence.

classic drink consists of:

  • espresso (one part of the finished treat);
  • milk (three parts);
  • specially prepared foam.

Modern drinking options may include various additives in the form of syrups or in the form of desserts (cocoa, chocolate, etc.), which also perform a decorative function. By the way, the foam of a layered cocktail is not just a component of the drink - it is a canvas on which he draws real patterns. And this art of drawing is called latte art.

halo of mystery

There are whole legends around latte, not only about the history of its creation, but also about its properties. If the history of the creation of cappuccino is more or less confirmed by the archives, then latte still has neither its author nor its homeland. Italians, as a coffee nation, appropriate the authorship of this unique treat, which can hardly even be called a drink. The French insist that it is something other than their cafe au lait. The Austrians even claim that they were the first to mix black coffee with milk. But be that as it may, modern coffee gourmets have a unique opportunity to enjoy this delicacy, and who and when invented it, let it continue to remain a mystery.

By the way, the uniqueness of this coffee and milk mix also lies in the fact that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to reproduce such a treat at home. Especially if you add to this the need for foam decor. It is the foam that is most difficult to make at home, since this requires special equipment. Well, in order to decorate it with a bizarre pattern or a cunning ornament, you need not equipment, but skills and months of many hours of training. It is not for nothing that even international competitions are held among them, in which coffee masters compete in the ability to create masterpieces of painting on foamed milk.

Correct product positioning

In order to become successful in the modern world, a brand or company must correctly position itself and its products (services). Otherwise, there can be no talk of any market conquest or popularity among the target audience. The same applies to coffee. Latte is not just an espresso-based drink, it is a unique treat that is most often referred to as a group of layered cocktails.

Like any milkshake, latte was originally created for children. This is not surprising, because there is more milk in the drink than coffee, so the amount of caffeine and its concentration are acceptable even for small consumers. Today, cocoa-based cocktails have been invented for children, and such an exquisite drink as latte, after a slight “rebranding”, has become a favorite treat for young people, women and even men.

cooking secrets

If you look at a ready-made layered cocktail, and there is something to look at, because, firstly, the drink is served in a transparent special glass, and, secondly, it really has a very beautiful appearance, it will be seen that the milk is higher than the rest of the glass. But, oddly enough, it is milk that is first poured into a special glass. And it must be hot. And after that, espresso is added to it. At the same time, espresso is poured very carefully and in a very thin stream. The task is NOT to mix the layers, but to prepare a layered cocktail with clearly visible edges between its components.

But for the preparation of foam, special equipment is needed. Experienced ones not only know how to use special equipment, but also know that for perfect foam, milk should not be skimmed, but whole. Such a foam can last much longer than from a fat-free one. Accordingly, a cocktail in the first case will retain its attractive appearance throughout the entire process of its use.

If you decide to create a latte that has different flavors, you can use vanilla or chocolate, nut or caramel syrups. But, coffee experts do not recommend adding syrup based on lemon, orange, or any other citrus, as they tend to worsen the milky taste.

If such art as latte art has not yet been mastered, then you should not spoil the foam with abstract paintings. And as a decoration you can use:

  • cocoa powder;
  • grated chocolate;
  • cinnamon;
  • nuts, etc.

For children and the elderly, this treat will become one of their favorites, while adults can treat themselves to latte with the addition of liquor or rum. The transparent walls of a special glass allow you to enjoy the beautiful appearance of the drink and this is another difference from cappuccino, which is served in ordinary porcelain thick-walled cups.

unknown facts

Most researchers insist that Italy is the birthplace of the miracle cocktail. Accordingly, you need to name the drink in the Italian manner - that is, with an emphasis on the first syllable. Despite the fact that Italians are world-famous Dolce Vita lovers and this is probably one of the few nations that really know how to turn their lives into Dolce, recently the popularity of latte in this country has declined significantly. The Italians who came up with such an exquisite and beautiful treat start their day not with a “glass” of a layered cocktail, but with an invigorating espresso.

Another interesting fact It can be said that not in Italy, but in Moscow, international competitions are held annually in the ability to draw on foamed milk and decorate cocktails with fancy patterns. The record, which was set several years ago, has not yet been broken, as no one has yet been able to re-draw seven roses in one cup.

Trying to cook at home

In order to prepare such a delicious treat, you need equipment in the form of a coffee maker or a special multifunctional coffee machine. But if there are no such units at hand, then airy and high foam can be created using a conventional blender, which is probably in every kitchen.

To create a masterpiece cocktail you will need:

  • hot milk (150 ml);
  • freshly brewed espresso (50 ml);
  • granulated sugar (optional).

Despite its layered structure, the preparation of a cocktail does not take much time. When preparing latte, you need to remember two secrets:

  • the secret of the combination of ingredients;
  • the secret to creating super foam.

If everything is done correctly, the result will please not only the taste, but also the appearance, which is very important for the culture of serving latte cocktails.

Latte is one of the five popular coffee drinks. Although, this fact is not surprising, because the combination of fragrant espresso, tender milk and airy foam is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Are you familiar with latte yet? Let me introduce him!

Latte - coffee drink who arrived from Italy. It was there that in the 40s of the last century they came up with the idea of ​​diluting espresso with milk in order to reduce the dosage of caffeine in it - as a result, even children could enjoy the taste of the drink on an equal basis with adults. No matter how strange it may seem, but in their homeland latte is not as popular as in Western and Central Europe, Italians prefer to drink espresso.


"Latte" in Italian means "milk", but consider this cocktail regular coffee with milk is unfair, because it is a noble combination of espresso, milk and milk foam. Latte is beautiful not only in taste, but also in appearance - in order to show the drink in all its glory, it is often served in a transparent glass glass, through the walls of which the layers that do not mix with each other are clearly visible, however classic recipe still advises serving it in a large cup.

Differences between latte and coffee with milk

Very often, latte is compared with a French cafe o le (coffee with milk), however, Americano is often used to prepare the latter, espresso is always the basis of the hero of today's conversation. In America, there is also a close relative of the Italian drink, however, for American-style coffee with milk, they take black coffee prepared by dripping or in a French press, and not espresso, as is the case with latte. Many unknowingly confuse latte with cappuccino, the difference lies in more foam and its structure, as well as in the fortress - the latter contains more caffeine.

Secrets of making a real latte

  • Most coffee drinks are easy to make at home, but only if the kitchen has a coffee machine with a cappuccino function, lattes are no exception. Therefore, if you do not have such a technique, then you will have to work hard to whip the milk into foam of the required consistency. By the way, the best foam comes from whole milk, not from fat-free;
  • Use freshly ground coffee beans, Robusta is considered suitable for latte because it is stronger than Arabica;
  • You can diversify the taste with the help of syrups, but we do not recommend taking citrus fruits, as they contribute to the souring of milk. Coffee lovers who are not afraid of experiments in latte add rum and liquor;
  • The surface of the coffee is a great canvas for latte art. However, remember that it took months of training for professional baristas to create original twigs, faces and flowers, so don’t be upset if masterpieces don’t work out for you at first;
  • If you don't like latte art, you can decorate the latte with grated chocolate, cocoa powder or cinnamon, or, at worst, use a stencil.

Classic latte

You will need:

  • finely ground coffee beans - 2 teaspoons,
  • purified water - 50 ml,
  • milk with a fat content of 2% - 150 ml,
  • sugar - to taste
  • cinnamon - optional.

Cooking method

  1. Milk is heated to a temperature of 65 degrees (do not boil!).
  2. We make a shot of espresso.
  3. We put sugar in milk to taste and beat it into a foam, the consistency of which is reminiscent of thick sour cream. A cappuccinatore or blender will help you with this.
  4. Pour coffee into a cup.
  5. Add frothed milk.
  6. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired or decorate with latte art.

Latte with syrup

You will need:

  • freshly brewed espresso - 50 ml,
  • berry syrup (blueberry is perfect) - 50 ml,
  • milk - 150 ml,
  • chocolate.

Cooking method

  1. Pour 25 ml of syrup into an Irish glass.
  2. Beat the remaining syrup with the same volume of milk heated to a temperature of 80 degrees and send it to a glass.
  3. Whisk the remaining milk into foam. We put it in a glass, leaving a little for the "hat".
  4. Carefully pour in freshly brewed espresso. We do not mix.
  5. We “dress” a hat from the remaining milk foam. Sprinkle with grated chocolate. Let's take a test!

latte at home

You will need:

  • instant coffee - 2 tablespoons,
  • water - 50 ml,
  • milk - 150 ml,
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method

  1. Pour coffee into a mug and pour boiling water over it. Let it steep for a couple of minutes. Add sugar if desired.
  2. We beat the milk heated to 70 degrees in a blender for 2-3 minutes, this time should be enough to get the foam ideal for latte. Pour into a cup.
  3. Latte is ready, if desired, it can be sprinkled with grated chocolate or decorated with airy marshmallows!

Latte with liqueur

You will need:

  • Baileys liqueur - 1 tablespoon
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon,
  • cocoa powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • salt - a pinch
  • water - 80 ml,
  • milk - 250 ml.

Cooking method

  1. Pour coffee beans, salt and sugar into a cezve. Warm up on fire for 10 seconds, stirring constantly.
  2. Pour water into the mixture. Remove from heat as soon as the coffee starts to rise.
  3. Freshly brewed coffee is passed through the filter, combined with liquor and poured into a glass.
  4. Pour the milk whipped into foam in a blender or with the help of a cappuccinatore into a glass, where coffee with liqueur is already located.
  5. Using a stencil and cocoa powder, we decorate the surface of the coffee with unpretentious patterns. Let's try!

ice latte

On a hot afternoon, it is not at all necessary to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying a portion of latte, because there is a version of "ice".

You will need:

  • finely ground coffee beans - 1 tablespoon,
  • milk - 150 ml,
  • water - 60 ml,
  • vanilla syrup - 20 ml,

Cooking method

  1. Half fill the shaker with ice cubes.
  2. We prepare a portion of espresso (you can get by with ordinary black coffee prepared in a Turk) and pour it into a shaker.
  3. Add syrup and milk to the ingredients.
  4. Shake the shaker vigorously until the ice is completely dissolved. We quench our thirst!

Ice cream latte

There is another interesting latte variation that is more like a dessert.

You will need:

  • finely ground coffee beans - 1 tablespoon
  • water - 60 ml,
  • milk - 150 ml,
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons,
  • ice cream ball,
  • chocolate.

Cooking method

  1. From the specified amount of coffee beans and water, brew a portion of espresso. If there is no coffee machine, you can make ordinary black coffee in a Turk.
  2. Pour the finished drink into a large cup.
  3. Whisk the milk into foam. Pour it over the surface of the coffee.
  4. Spread a ball of ice cream, it is advisable to use ice cream, creme brulee or vanilla, and sprinkle with grated chocolate. Delicious and unusual coffee dessert is ready! Enjoy!

This is only a small part of the latte recipes known today. However, you can always come up with your own original drink by adding your favorite ingredients. However, do not forget that everything should be in moderation - the abuse of coffee leads to unpleasant consequences. We advise limiting the consumption of aromatic invigorating cocktail to hypertensive patients and people who have problems with cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.


Good day, dear visitors! What is your favorite refreshing drink? Surely soluble, popular brand, in a glass curly jar? If so, then we will try to convince you that there is nothing better than that, which is brewed in a Turk or in a coffee machine from ground roasted beans. And according to special recipe. Today we will talk about one of the most interesting types of coffee drink, which only exist in the world. His name is coffee latte.


This way to amuse yourself with a cup or two of delicious drink came to us from Italy, however, like many others, no less pleasant ways. What is coffee latte, the translation of the word from Italian will tell, and it means coffee with milk.

If we consider a glass of latte in a section, we can see that its contents consist of three unequal parts: the lower one is espresso, the middle one is milk, and the upper one is the most delicate milk foam. To achieve a virtuoso stratification of the product, you need to have special practical skills. This task is best handled by professional people - baristas, coffee sommeliers.

The composition of the drink

What the observed miracle consists of, we have already mentioned. But this is not just boiled arabica coffee with the addition of a milk component, but a dish prepared according to special rules and recipes.

What is the composition of a latte? In coffee houses, it is prepared from espresso and milk in a ratio of one to three. Espresso is obtained using a coffee machine, and the top foam is obtained using an interesting technical device called a coffee machine cappuccinatore and a pitcher - a special stainless steel mug with pre-heated milk poured into it. Then the milk is poured into the glass carefully, along the wall, so that it mixes smoothly with coffee.

What is the composition of coffee latte? In coffee houses, it is prepared from espresso and milk in a ratio of one to three.

It is not customary for Italians to add to this drink granulated sugar. If the delicacy seems insipid, then they manage with a small addition of syrup. In addition, cocoa, chocolate, vanilla, liquor can be added to the drink. Experts do not advise using citrus syrups, as they can seriously spoil the milky taste.

coffee calories

The calorie content of the drink is formed from the ingredients included in it. For instance, the energy value classic latte- 175 Kcal per 100 g of the main component. However, a syrup or chocolate latte will exceed all the classics in terms of nutritional value.

Coffee latte - accent

There is such a problem, maybe insignificant, but, nevertheless, requiring resolution. Coffee latte - which syllable is stressed, the first or the second? Most of us pronounce this word with emphasis on the last syllable, in the French manner. Such a pronunciation does not seem strange to anyone who does not speak Italian, but rather the opposite.

Coffee latte - well, isn't it wonderful? What difference does it make what you call it?

When pronouncing a word of foreign origin, one should be guided by the rules of the source language. Therefore, it is correct to pronounce this name with emphasis on the first syllable, as it sounds in Italian.

However, there is no crime in breaking this rule, since this phrase with the emphasis in the word latte on the last vowel in Russian sounds nicer, and it is somehow more convenient to pronounce it. Although, of course, it is better to stick to the original pronunciation.

Types of drink

This type of coffee drink includes several types, among which you can find very exotic ones. We will not list everything in a row, we will note the types of latte most demanded by the public:

  • classic with espresso or americano;
  • from ordinary or red tea rooibos, mate, matcha (Japanese "pulverized tea");
  • from black coffee brewed by a coffee machine without a filter;
  • latte macchiato.

So what is the difference between a latte coffee and a cappuccino? Let's put the accents: the principle of their preparation is the same.

Some citizens who are not particularly experienced in the kaleidoscope of borrowed dishes tend to confuse it with cappuccino. And this is not surprising - they have a lot in common. So what is the difference between a latte and a cappuccino? Let's put the accents: the principle of their preparation is the same. The difference is in volume (a portion of latte is larger), in proportions (in cappuccino, the share of products is equal) and in dishes (a transparent glass is intended for the first, and a deaf ceramic cup for cappuccino).

Coffee Latte Recipes

Whatever tricks the producers of this drink resort to in order to satisfy the whims of their customers. Here are the coffee latte recipes.

№1. If the client wants classic version, then for its preparation coffee raw materials are used, strongly heated boiled water and milk with a fat content of at least 3.2%. To comply with the traditions, the drink is placed in a tall Irish glass and with a long spoon. A blend of Arabica with 20% Robusta should be as strong as possible. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • brewing espresso;
  • milk is warmed up;
  • very fluffy milk foam is whipped;
  • the drink is poured into a glass;
  • then milk is poured into it in a timid stream, so much so that the layers do not mix;
  • foam is laid out on top, which is decorated with chocolate or, for example, cinnamon.

Coffee in a glass is original, isn't it, friends?

№2. It would be nice to freshen up in the summer heat, but how to make coffee latte in the summer? That's how:

  • ice from the refrigerator is put in the dishes;
  • after which coffee liquid is poured into the container;
  • then syrup and milk are added.

macchiato recipe

This drink is similar in terms of preparation to such an option as latte macchiato coffee, but what is it? If the usual method of making latte milk is added to coffee, then in latte macchiato the opposite is true. The following scheme should come out: from below - a layer of milk, on it a layer of coffee and foam. Therefore, the taste is stronger in it, and in macchiato, the taste of milk is more felt.

№3. Incredible recipe for macchiato with syrup. For its implementation, syrup is taken (from blackcurrant, blueberries, " Irish Cream”), espresso and 2% fat milk:

  • first, a cool syrup is poured into the dishes;
  • then comes warm frothed milk;
  • the brewed coffee portion is divided in half - one half is mixed with warm, but not whipped milk and poured over the second layer;
  • the next layer is the second coffee share;
  • sprinkled on top chocolate chips or crushed cinnamon.

This incomparable recipe coffee latte macchiato with syrup

№4. How to make coffee latte in a special way? This will require a coffee base, sugar and salt, water, milk with a fat content of 3.2%, cocoa, liquor.

The cooking process is as follows:

  • rinse the glass with hot water;
  • liquor is poured into it;
  • thoroughly warmed up, but not boiled milk whipped with a cappuccinatore;
  • milk is poured into a heated glass;
  • coffee is brewed with pinches of salt and sugar;
  • milk is poured on top of the liquor;
  • coffee is poured in a thin stream in the center, which forms a third layer between milk and foam;
  • using a template and cocoa, a pattern is drawn on the foam.

Coffee latte macchiano with a pattern is an art brought to the absolute!

In general, making coffee latte macchiato according to the recipe is one thing. And drawing a pattern on the surface of the milk foam is quite another.

This is a whole art, and it, by the way, is called latte art (which means “milk art” in translation). Foamed milk or espresso is used as a "paint". You can simply pour the "paint" on top, resulting in an intricate avant-garde pattern.

You can use a pitcher, a toothpick or some kind of stick, like a brush, or a mold, and with their participation try to depict a certain figure - an apple, a heart, a leaf. original ideas are only welcome. The most surprising thing is that the consistency of the foam is so strong that when using a latte, the pattern does not blur, but gradually settles to the bottom of the glass without losing its shape.

Recipe at home

However, with a glass of drink you can get high not only by going to a cafe, but also by preparing it in your own apartment. To create a treat, you need household appliances - a coffee maker or a coffee machine. In principle, a "potion" from the Turks is also suitable. And to create an airy gentle foam, a blender will do.

Question: how to make coffee latte at home? To create it you will need:

  • warmed milk;
  • espresso;
  • granulated sugar.

Brew coffee, heat milk, whip foam. Pour the milk into the espresso, and spread the foam on top. Despite the complexity of the layered structure of the dish, the preparation of a cocktail does not take much time and should not cause any particular difficulties. You just need to try, and you will get homemade latte coffee - one that even a skilled barista will not make, rest assured! That's all, our dear friends.

Almost every morning of any Italian begins with the preparation of coffee latte. This coffee drink with the addition of milk is considered almost traditional in Italy. And at the same time, this is not just coffee with milk, but a whole culture and art of making coffee. The main components of this great drink are strong espresso and milk foam. Although if you do not have the opportunity to make espresso at home, then you can use any other strong coffee, with the exception of americano. Another little secret latte consists in the fact that you first need to pour milk foam into a glass, which should be very thick, like shaving cream, and only after that carefully pour in hot coffee. This must be done so that the coffee does not mix with the foam. Only in this case you will get a real latte. We want to offer you some traditional and not quite recipes for making coffee latte.

How to make coffee latte?


  • espresso - 30 ml;
  • milk - 150 ml.


First, prepare your espresso. Pour ground coffee or a special espresso bag into a coffee maker that has an espresso function. Pour in the water. In the end, you should be able to required amount espresso. Heat the milk, but do not boil it. It must be just warmed up. Whip the milk until foamy and carefully transfer the foam to tumbler. Pour the espresso in a thin stream down the side of the glass. Your foam should be on top and coffee on the bottom. If the shelf foam clearly covers the top of the espresso, you've done it right. Serve latte with a couple of pieces of brown sugar.

ice latte

Like any other traditional coffee, and latte has its so-called summer version - cold ice latte. This latte is suitable for coffee lovers who cannot live a day without this drink, but at the same time summer heat can't stand hot coffee. Ice latte is prepared just as quickly and simply as an ordinary latte.


  • espresso - 30 ml;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • chocolate syrup;
  • crushed ice.


Pour crushed ice into a glass and add lightly whipped cold milk and chocolate syrup. Slowly pour in the espresso around the rim of the glass. Put the straw in the glass and your ice latte is ready. In addition to chocolate syrup, any other syrup can be used in cooking - coffee, vanilla, fruit.

How to make coffee latte at home?

Undoubtedly, making latte is not a problem for those who have a special coffee maker and even a milk frother at home. But, unfortunately, not everyone has such equipment, and sometimes you really want to make your favorite latte coffee at home. Especially for this, we will tell you about the method of making coffee latte at home.



To make homemade espresso, take the beans and grind them finely enough. Pour freshly ground coffee into a jug and pour cold water. Put on slow fire and cook until froth begins to rise. As soon as the foam begins to rise, remove the coffee from the heat and pour it through a sieve into a tall glass. Start making milk. The warmer the milk is, the thicker the foam will be. But don't boil it. Beat a portion of the milk well with a whisk to form a thick foam. Slowly pour the rest of the milk into the espresso, and put the finished milk foam on top.

When preparing a latte, do not forget that the main thing in this coffee is correct ratio coffee to milk: 1:3. Keep in mind that foam also takes up space.