Korean tomatoes are the most delicious recipe. Korean Spicy Tomatoes

So beautiful and delicious healthy vegetable, like a tomato, has long taken a strong position not only in the gardens and on the menu of mankind, but also in its heart, the path to which, according to a well-known saying, lies through the stomach.

And now it’s even hard for us to imagine that at first the Europeans, who discovered America with all its goodies like potatoes and corn, considered it deadly poisonous. And in Russia, two centuries ago, tomatoes were a delicacy intended exclusively for the lord's feast.

Now "golden apples" (that's how it is translated from Italian name this handsome gentleman) do not leave our table all year round: they are fried, stewed, juice is made from them and even jam is made. And yet the most used and everyone's favorite option - tomato salads, both "freshly eaten", and marinades, and pickles for the winter.

There are a great many recipes for their preparation, and each housewife has her own secrets on this topic. Now, the “Korean” method of cooking all kinds of dishes, including vegetable salads and conservation.

Exist various options cooking tomatoes in Korean, and some of them can be found in this article.

Korean fast food snack

This is the most delicious recipe, which is why it is presented first. You will need:

  • ripe (but not overripe) tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • big and juicy bell pepper- 4 things.;
  • medium-sized garlic heads - 2 pcs. (who does not like it, you can replace it with the same amount of bitter capsicum);
  • greens (parsley, dill) - as much as you want;

For filling:

  • table vinegar - 100 gr.;
  • oil (sunflower or olive) - the same amount;
  • granulated sugar - the same amount;
  • table salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.

The time required for cooking is 15-20 minutes.

Calorie content in 100 grams - 85.

Korean Tomatoes fast food prepared in the following way:

Close the jar with a tight lid, or even better, roll it up with a metal one, and put it upside down in the refrigerator. This position will provide the contents with the best impregnation.

For complete readiness, the snack must be kept for 7-8 hours, so it is better to place the container in the refrigerator in the evening. In the morning you can already eat it. They didn’t eat the whole jar at once - it doesn’t matter: after standing in the cold for a day or two (now in the usual position, neck up), the food will only become tastier.

We guarantee that your loved ones, as well as guests, will appreciate this dish.

Tomatoes plus carrots equals love

Many people know that Korean-style spicy tomatoes for the winter are quick and tasty. People like spicy sweet and sour Korean carrot, planed on a special grater in narrow long strips. But if you add tomatoes and some other little things to carrots, the food turns out to be overeating, especially if you put it on the table in the winter, when your family wants “something like that”. Try to cook - you will not regret it.

What does it consist of:

  • 1 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 4 medium garlic cloves;
  • 2 large bell peppers;
  • 2 medium carrots - fresh, juicy and sweet;
  • half a glass of any vegetable oil;
  • the same amount of table vinegar;
  • 1.5 table. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 table. a spoonful of salt;
  • herbs, spices - to your taste.

Cooking time is half an hour.

Nutrition per 100 g of lettuce - 75 kcal.

The classic recipe for Korean tomatoes with carrots for the winter step by step:

decompose ready salad on sterilized jars and close with lids (nylon or metal). In a cold and dark cellar, such a blank can be stored from 4 to 6 months - just enough for the whole winter.

Green tomato - green light

Unlike many other vegetables and fruits, tomatoes are good not only ripe, but also brown, and even green. If they remained in the garden, and autumn is already at the gate - do not be discouraged: your harvest will not be lost. There are many recipes for which it is the greens with their dense skin that are suitable. Here is one of them:

  • unripe tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • olive oil - ½ cup;
  • bulg pepper. sweet - 3 pieces;
  • garlic - 3-4 teeth;
  • table salt - 1 table. a spoon;
  • sugar - the same;
  • hot peppers, greens - according to taste.

Cooking - 20 minutes.

In 100 gr. - 70 calories.

Sequence of procedures:

  1. We clean the garlic, wash the greens and vegetables.
  2. Cut the bell pepper into thin strips, crush the garlic with a garlic press;
  3. Cut the tomatoes (small - in half, large - into 4 parts);
  4. Prepare the filling: mix salt, sugar, vinegar and oil;
  5. Put the vegetables in a large bowl and pour over the prepared mixture.

If you put the finished salad in a jar, cover it with a lid and turn it over several times, then send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours, you will get a dish that can be served immediately. But, having laid it out in a sterile dish and sealed it tightly, you can store the workpiece in a dark and cold place until spring.

Not sterile, but tasty and healthy

Vegetables harvested for the winter that have not undergone a sterilization procedure retain not only their natural taste, but also almost all the vitamins they contain. Therefore, this method of conservation in terms of utility is an order of magnitude higher than the traditional one. Without sterilization, you can cook Korean-style tomatoes for the winter. Here's what you need for this:

  • tomatoes - 800 gr.;
  • bulg pepper. - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • rast. oil (any) - 50 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - the same amount;
  • granulated sugar - 50 gr.;
  • salt - 1 table. a spoon;
  • dill, parsley, red hot pepper - who likes how much.

Cooking 15-20 minutes.

The number of calories in 100 g is 73.

The procedure for cooking tomatoes in Korean without sterilization for the winter:

  1. Rinse greens and all vegetables thoroughly;
  2. Finely chop dill and parsley;
  3. Cut tomatoes into small pieces;
  4. Pepper clear of seeds and crumble into strips;
  5. Release the garlic cloves from the husk, pass through the garlic press or finely chop;
  6. Mix the vegetables together, then with salt, sugar, vinegar and oil.

Arrange the finished salad in sterile jars and close nylon lids. Store in refrigerator or cellar.

And now - a few tips on how to choose the right tomatoes for winter preparations in Korean. Housewives, remember:

  1. The fruits should be red or green, but from red varieties. Pink, yellow and other "non-traditional" varieties are not suitable for this purpose.
  2. High-quality tomatoes have a pleasant, slightly tart, specific "tomato" smell, without the slightest hint of acid or another shade not characteristic of this vegetable.
  3. Their surface is smooth, dense enough, without dents, cracks, and spots.
  4. A “tail” should easily come off from them: this is one of the main signs of normal maturity.

By choosing the right product and trying to follow the basic rules of harvesting, you will provide yourself and your loved ones with a supply of vitamins for the long cold winter.

Korean Tomatoes - A Quick Recipe:

Let's start cooking with the marinade: for it, dissolve sugar and salt in vinegar, mix so that all the crystals dissolve.

Now you can pour in any vegetable oil or a mixture of vegetable oils, for example, refined sunflower and sesame or corn and linseed.

Carrots are very, very traditional for Korean snacks. Let's not forget about it in this salad - it will well emphasize the taste of tomatoes, refresh our tomato snack and make it crispier. We rub it on a Korean special shredder with long “noodles”. The aesthetics of the dish is guaranteed!

Now let's move on to the main ingredients. Sweet peppers in the recipe are used for dressing with garlic, which will soak the tomatoes. If you have a small pepper, it is better to take a few pieces so that the dressing is enough for all the tomatoes. We clean it from seeds, rinse the cavity and, cutting into medium cubes, place it in the chopper bowl. We also add garlic to the peppers.

Grind in the bowl of the chopper into gruel or use a meat grinder (in last resort, you can grate everything on a regular iron grater). Korean-style tomato dressing is ready!

We cut strong, tight tomatoes (cream, Baku, brown) into two halves, removing the dense part near the tail. We spread it in a plastic container or container that can be tightly closed with a lid, slices up.

Spread a small portion of garlic-pepper dressing on each half of the tomato.

Then put some grated carrots, dividing it into several portions according to the number of layers.

Grind carrots with fresh dill.

Sprinkle dill with coriander (ground and a pinch of whole peas if desired), black pepper and hot red pepper, also distributing a portion of spices according to the number of layers of tomatoes.

Close the lid, shake lightly and place in the refrigerator. Korean-style instant tomatoes should be marinated for about 6-8 hours, and during this time it is necessary to turn the container over several times or mix the tomatoes several times so that those on top get their portion of the marinade. Since the tomatoes will let their own juice from exposure to salt, vinegar and sugar, after 5-6 hours the marinade will replenish with liquid and all tomato slices will be under its influence.

Fragrant and spicy tomatoes Korean fast food ready!

Such tomatoes are perfectly stored and do not lose their palatability within one to two weeks!

If you are really looking delicious tomatoes in Korean, I have the most delicious recipe! I added to the marinade not only spicy and Bell pepper, garlic and greens, traditional for our latitudes, but also a small sprig of basil. This basil has done wonders for tomatoes! Tomatoes in Korean and so wonderful tasty snack, which enjoys well-deserved popularity and festive table they are taken apart first. But with basil... that subtle anise note makes you want to pop one tomato after another into your mouth until you've devoured the whole can. And then there is nothing else left but to go and prepare a new portion. Keep this moment in mind. We lacked a kilo of tomatoes! I would do two at once. And even if you don’t eat two kilos at once, these tomatoes are great in the refrigerator for at least a week, because vinegar is part of the marinade.


  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • greens (parsley, dill, basil) - 1 small bunch;
  • vinegar - 50 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • salt - 1 tbsp.

How to cook the most delicious Korean-style tomatoes

To begin with, all vegetables and herbs need to be washed. We clean the peppers from seeds. We clean the garlic from the husk.

Put the prepared ingredients in the blender bowl.

We grind. Instead of a blender, you can use a meat grinder with a fine or medium grate and skip vegetables and herbs through it. In any of the two options, we will end up with a beautiful motley mixture of peppers, garlic and herbs. It is better to use peppers in contrasting colors, then the dressing will look even more appetizing.

Now let's move on to the tomatoes. With them, everything is simple: wash and cut. How many pieces to cut, we decide based on the size of the available tomatoes. small tomatoes enough to cut into two parts. We can cut the middle ones lengthwise into three thick rings or into four slices. Particularly large specimens are cut arbitrarily, but not smaller.

Let's prepare the marinade. To do this, mix vinegar, oil, sugar and salt in a bowl. Beat the marinade lightly until the sugar crystals dissolve in it.

Next, you need to decide on the dishes in which the Korean tomatoes will be marinated. Usually a jar or container is used. Both options will work.
Pack the tomatoes tightly into a container.

Lay on top of them vegetable dressing. Pour everything with marinade, cover with a lid and shake the contents of the container well.

We send the container with Korean-style tomatoes to the refrigerator for 8 hours. Periodically shake the tomatoes (at least 4-5 times in the first 8 hours).

Ready-made Korean-style tomatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks.

Tell me, is this why you always want to speak about Korean pickles only in superlatives?

Yes, yes, today we are preparing the most delicious Korean tomato recipe.

Why the most delicious recipe? Do not laugh, I answer:

And if you read to the end, you will learn how to cook not only the most delicious Korean tomato recipe, but also the fastest one. Well, shall we try?

  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Carrot - 1 pc. medium size (one medium)
  • Sweet pepper -1 piece (150-180 g)
  • Garlic 4-5 cloves
  • Hot pepper - 1/2 pc. (no seeds) or ¼ tsp ground
  • Greens - parsley, cilantro - a large bunch (120-150 g)
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Sugar 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Vinegar 6% - 5 tbsp (if vinegar is 9%, then 3 tbsp is enough)
  • Vegetable oil - ¼ tbsp (50-60 ml)
  • Mustard - 1-2 tbsp. l (depending on the mustard strength)
  • Hot and allspice pepper - ½ tsp of each type

Optional but desirable ingredients:

  • Ground coriander -1 tbsp. spoon (especially if you don't like green cilantro)
  • Sesame - 1 tbsp.

I will say right away that it was not very convenient for me to manage a 3-liter jar in the refrigerator. It takes up a lot of space and is not very stable when on the lid. FROM liter cans more convenient. Another option is to use a hermetically sealed container for cooking tomatoes in Korean. I feel much more comfortable with him than with banks. Therefore, the photo with the container. Although the banks are also good at it.

  • After 12-24 hours, Korean-style tomatoes are ready. At least you can try them. They taste best, in my opinion, for 2-3 days. True, usually, by this time, for some reason they end.

And now, the promised express - a recipe for cooking a tomato in Korean.

It arose by chance. We came to visit friends, according to tradition, with an ordered gift in the form of two cans. And I managed to break these eggplants on the tiled floor at the moment of the solemn presentation. After listening to all the compliments about his own dexterity, along the way, learning about himself a few interesting facts decided to rehabilitate.

Rescued the vacuum container.

A very convenient thing - and the products are stored for a long time, and can be used as a quick marinator for a small amount meat. I think if the meat is marinated, then with tomatoes. Just gotta make it work. In general, a blender and a vacuum container will help me :). I cut the tomatoes into medium circles, shifted them with dressing, collected the “accordion” and into a container.

An hour later, Korean-style tomatoes were already served on the table, and after another five minutes they were already over.

Of course, to find fault a lot, then it would be nice for them to stand for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. But, as almost instant recipe- turned out pretty well :)

For my husband, the most delicious Korean tomato recipe is when you enjoy spicy sweet tomatoes with baked potatoes in the microwave. To do this, in the evening, he washes the potatoes himself, “scratches” it with a fork so that it does not “shoot” in the stove. It cuts in half and “stuffs” with a piece of salted or smoked bacon, undercut or bacon. In the morning, he turns on the microwave for 10 minutes, takes out Korean-style tomatoes and says: “Look what breakfast I cooked” :)

Korean tomatoes with boiled potatoes. Also very tasty

Korean-style tomatoes that will be ready the next day. Tomatoes are so spicy, spicy, sharp, strong. They don't even look like themselves. Instant Korean Tomatoes great snack under vodka. So if you have a weekend picnic, be sure to stock up on these tomatoes. I think one jar will not be enough, but it's enough to try!


  • Tomatoes - 2 kilograms;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 4 pieces;
  • hot pepper - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • greens.


  • vinegar - 100 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 100 grams;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons.

Instant Korean Tomato Recipe Step by Step

  1. Tomatoes take fleshy and elastic, wash them well and cut in half.
  2. Peel the Bulgarian and bitter peppers from the seeds, peel the garlic, and pass through a meat grinder.
  3. Finely chop the greens. You can take dill, parsley, basil, celery.
  4. Put tomatoes, a mixture of pepper and garlic, herbs in layers in a jar and alternate. Prepare the dressing and pour it over the tomatoes in a jar.
  5. Close the jar with a lid and turn on the neck, put in this form in the refrigerator. We do this so that after 8 hours the top tomatoes are ready.
  6. Then you can put the jar in the usual position. If they stand another day they will become much tastier.

Instant Korean tomatoes are a wonderful snack delicacy prepared at home.