DIY gel soap bubbles. A few secrets: how to make good soap bubbles


Happy child 12.08.2017

Dear readers, do your children like to blow bubbles? I am sure that there are almost no children who would be indifferent to this fun activity. Modern industry offers a large selection of liquids for soap bubbles, but why not try making them yourself? Moreover, necessary ingredients There's probably one in every home. And how much fun the children will have!

Today in this section we will talk about how to make soap bubbles with your own hands at home. Choose the recipes that suit you best and make your children happy. The presenter of the column is Anna Kutyavina, and I give the floor to her.

Hello, dear readers of Irina’s blog! In the warm season, you can’t drag children home from the street. They should all play and run around. Of course, this is great for the immune system; over the summer, children usually grow well and gain strength and energy. Personally, I remember with great warmth the fun games on fresh air, barefoot summer, delicious apples and berries straight from the branches. And also soap bubbles. I remember my mother refilled the bottle many times soapy water, and you could blow bubbles endlessly. It is impossible to express in words how much delight there was.

Now, of course, you can easily choose containers with liquid for soap bubbles of different sizes and shapes in stores. But why not use your imagination, creativity and make your own soap bubbles? After all, it’s simple, and any housewife will have everything she needs for this at home. In addition, soap bubbles made independently at home can be painted with unusual colors and even smells.

Let's find the best recipes for making bubbles together, and then play with the children. Although the idea is not new, it is capable of occupying the minds and, more importantly, the skillful hands of children different ages. Even adults are not averse to going back decades and completely surrendering to the exciting fun. Who said that endorphins are only for children?

Popular soap bubble recipes

Components for making soap bubbles are sold in any supermarkets and stores. Moreover, most of them can be found in your home. How to make a solution for soap bubbles? We have selected the most famous and beloved recipes for you. Choose! Prepare a solution for soap bubbles.

Classic recipe for soap bubbles

This recipe is very simple and is used most often.


  • baby soap (grate) – 10 g;
  • glycerin – 3 ml;
  • water – up to 50 ml.

The formation and persistence of soap bubbles largely depend on the hardness of the water and the quality of the soap. Unless otherwise written, it is advisable to take baby soap. It is optimal to use water for injection, sold in pharmacies in bottles of 50, 100 and 200 ml. But in the absence of such water, you can use ordinary boiled water.

Shampoo based

The composition is ideal for use with children over one and a half years old.


  • baby shampoo – 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 24 g;
  • water – 200 ml.

How to make a solution for soap bubbles? Pour shampoo into water heated to body temperature; Leave the mixture for a day. Add sugar - white (refined) or yellow (unrefined beetroot). Stir without heating until the grains are completely dissolved.

It is more convenient to blow soap bubbles made at home using this recipe through a cocktail straw. The edge of the tube is cut crosswise. The resulting petals are slightly straightened and immersed in liquid for soap bubbles.

With corn syrup

Suitable for school age children. It is not recommended for small children - due to the sweetish taste, children may swallow the solution.


  • dishwashing liquid – 500 ml;
  • corn syrup – 200 ml;
  • water – 1500 ml.

Mix the ingredients well and let sit for two hours.

Based on laundry soap

One of the cheapest ways to make soap bubbles at home.


  • laundry soap – 250 ml;
  • sugar syrup– 10 ml;
  • water – 2500 ml.

To boil water. Grate the laundry soap on a fine grater, pour into hot water and, stirring, dissolve completely. Water can be heated, but not boiled with soap. Add syrup.

Quick recipe


  • dishwashing liquid – 130 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 16 g;
  • water – 500 ml.

Pour the liquid into water, add sugar, stir until the grains are completely dissolved. You can blow soap bubbles immediately after preparing the solution.

Simple recipe


  • liquid soap – 100 ml;
  • glycerin – 10 drops;
  • water – 20 ml.

Pour water into the soap. Place the resulting solution in the refrigerator for about an hour. When the foam goes away, add glycerin and stir thoroughly. The soap bubble solution is ready!

Based on bubble bath

The solution for soap bubbles can be made fragrant. As they say, sleight of hand and no cheating - you just need to mix three parts bubble bath with one part water.

Based on washing powder

The mixture comes from Soviet childhood.


  • washing powder – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 750 ml;
  • glycerin – 300 ml.

Heat the water until bubbles begin to appear. Stirring constantly, add the powder and until the grains are completely dissolved. Let it cool to room temperature, add glycerin.

Sustainable soap bubbles

You will need sugar syrup. To prepare it, bring one part of water to a boil and, stirring slowly, add 5 parts of sugar. When the sugar dissolves, the syrup is ready.

The recipe for soap bubbles at home looks like this:

  • baby soap grated through a fine grater – 2 parts;
  • sugar syrup - 1 part;
  • glycerin – 4 parts;
  • water – 8 parts.

The solution allows you to blow good stable bubbles and even make figures from them on a smooth surface.

Big soap bubbles

The proposed solution for soap bubbles allows you not only to have fun, but also to organize real shows in a narrow circle. After all, the bubbles themselves turn out to be truly gigantic.


  • dishwashing detergent – ​​100 ml;
  • glycerin – 50 ml;
  • water – 300 ml.

Based on dishwashing detergent


  • dishwashing detergent – ​​200 ml;
  • glycerin – 100 ml;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • gelatin – 50 g.

Mix the ingredients in a bowl. And try to blow a bubble... with a gymnastic hoop! The mixture is ideal for “bubbles” with a diameter of a meter.

Universal recipe

We offer practically universal mixture for soap bubbles.


  • washing powder – 50 g;
  • glycerin – 150 ml;
  • ammonia alcohol – 10 drops;
  • hot water – 300 ml.

The bubbles are stable. You can blow it either through a straw or with a frame.

Extra strong soap bubbles

Soap bubbles prepared according to this recipe are highly durable. The children will be happy!


  • washing powder – 50 g;
  • glycerin – 300 ml;
  • ammonia alcohol – 20 drops;
  • water – 600 ml.

Bring water to a boil, remove from heat and, stirring, add powder. Achieve complete dissolution of the grains. Cool, add glycerin and ammonia. Leave in the refrigerator for 3 days, then strain through 4 layers of gauze. Leave in the refrigerator for another 12 hours and blow out the bubbles.

High strength soap bubbles

In this way you can quickly obtain high-strength soap bubbles.


  • liquid dishwashing detergent – ​​200 ml;
  • glycerin – 100 ml;
  • water – 600 ml.

Mix the ingredients until you get a homogeneous liquid - and you're done!

Multi-colored soap bubbles

Previously, juices of berries, carrots or beets, and a decoction of corn silk were used to color soap bubbles. They were added to solutions of soap bubbles like ordinary water. Now the choice is richer. Instead of taking a long time to prepare a decoction adjusted for water hardness and the characteristics of the plants, you can use food coloring. The paints are dissolved in water; it is advisable to filter the resulting solution.

Further actions depend on the desired result - you can replace a small amount of solution and give the solution a light tint. Or use food coloring instead of water and create a real riot of colors.

Under no circumstances should you use food colorings based on or containing aniline is a harmful substance, contact with which results in severe disorders for children.

We also invite you to watch a video from which you will learn 15 life hacks and recipes for soap bubbles.

Features of preparing a solution for soap bubbles

Glycerin, widely used in making soap bubbles, is sold in pharmacies. It gives foam and bubbles strength, but leaves stains similar to grease on clothes. Stains from soap bubbles with glycerin are almost impossible to remove from natural and semi-synthetic fabrics (with the exception of silk). But they can be easily removed from wood, ceramics, tiles and metal (except nickel-plated surfaces). Stains remain on them and on the glass, which can be easily removed with a weak solution of ammonia.

Sugar syrup or sand give similar elasticity to soap bubbles. Unlike glycerin, they do not leave stubborn stains. Traces of soap bubbles with added sugar disappear from clothes after washing, even in cold water.

Distilled water is sold in auto stores. In pharmacies it is called “water for injection” and is packaged in ampoules and bottles of various capacities. The difference is due to the quality of cleaning and sterilization.

Humid air helps blow out soap bubbles, but dust gets in the way. Putting the wind to work is sometimes difficult even for experienced magicians. Fragrances and other soap additives reduce the main cause of soap bubbles - surface tension. The fewer additives, the better the bubbles.

Therefore absolutely exact recipes There is no bubble liquid. It is better to reduce the number of components by 10 times and make a small amount for testing. Most likely, you will need to experiment with the composition. This is especially required when creating colored liquid for soap bubbles with your own hands.

Be careful with glycerin or sugar: the more you have, the harder it is to blow out the bubbles. A denser liquid is suitable for schoolchildren, while a thin liquid is suitable for children.

How to blow soap bubbles

For liquid mixtures, it is more convenient to use straws with a cross-shaped cut at the end. It is more convenient to blow from dense solutions using a plastic frame or ring. You can make an analogue with your own hands from wire, preferably copper. The average diameter of the ring is approximately equal to the thickness of an adult's thumb.

Large bubbles are blown out with plastic funnels. Less commonly, a landscape sheet is rolled up for this purpose. To create large bubbles, you can make your own wire frames, bottles without bottoms, and tubes of different diameters.

Plastic ballpoint pen refills are convenient for liquid mixtures. But it’s difficult for kids to blow a soap bubble out of them. Part of the body of a fountain pen is one of the favorite “tools” for creating soap bubbles. In terms of popularity, we can only compare it with the ring included with store-bought mixtures.

You can even try your own palms: immerse them in the solution with your fingers closed. And then it’s a matter of fantasy.

By the way, an interesting task for dads. Take a creative look at your workshop. Perhaps you will find some completely unexpected bubble blowing tools there? Why not try it?

So we looked at many recipes for making soap bubbles at home, as well as all the attributes necessary for games. The choice is yours. Now you can safely try, experiment, draw conclusions and find your favorite recipes. And, of course, enjoy fun fun with your beloved children, at the same time strengthening your relationship with them.

I sincerely wish you to find your favorite bubble recipe, remember your childhood and have fun playing with your sons and daughters. And may this summer be bright, colorful, joyful!

Anna Kutyavina,
psychologist, storyteller,
owner of the site Fairy Tale World

I thank Anya for all the recipes and tips for making soap bubbles. It seems to me that just for fun, even at least once, you can conduct such a fascinating experiment and make soap bubbles with your own hands. And really, what if you like it? And perhaps this will even become a favorite pastime and a fertile field for creativity and further experiments.

And now I invite you to watch with your children a cartoon based on the works of P. I. Tchaikovsky from the “Children’s Album”.

Today I was looking for the composition of soap bubbles on the Internet and came across an interesting article, in my opinion. I bring to the attention of those who are ready to give their child the joy of a scientific research experiment

Soap bubbles are a favorite pastime for children and even adults.

They float in the air, shimmering with all the rainbow colors, and always bring a smile.

A small jar of soap bubbles can now be easily bought in a store. However, it ends quickly, and often there is not much in them. good composition, and the expected fireworks of soap bubbles are limited to only a dozen small bubbles.

This means that you probably have more than once thought about making a solution for soap bubbles yourself. And it’s even better that large soap bubbles are obtained from such a solution.

Many of us, even as children, tried to blow large soap bubbles, endlessly experimenting with shampoos, powders and soaps. However, even in such a seemingly simple, soapy business, there are many tricks.

Of course, everything depends on the composition of the soap bubbles.

Having wandered through the vast expanses of the Internet, you can find a dozen recipes for large soap bubbles, but which one is better is very difficult to understand, so then it’s worth trying them all.

So, an experiment - testing the composition of soap bubbles.

Compositions of large soap bubbles.

10 recipes were selected for this test.

In formulation recipes, the word "part" is used. "Part" is any volume, for example:
Composition No. 4:
16 parts water
3 parts detergent
1 part glycerin

This means it could be 16 tablespoons of water, 3 tablespoons of detergent, 1 spoon of glycerin or
160 ml water, 30 ml detergent, 10 ml glycerin...

Fairy is used as a detergent; it must be said that it is Fairy that gives the best results. So, the ingredients:

Composition 1.

50 grams of sugar
10 grams of boiling water
We got syrup.

Mix with detergent in a ratio of 20 syrup and 1 detergent.

Composition 2.

0.5 cups of baby shampoo (I used Dragon Shampoo)
1.5 cups distilled water
2 teaspoons sugar (no heaping)

Mix and add the same amount of glycerin to the resulting mixture.

The word “the same amount” means that you mixed all the components except glycerin, and you got a certain volume of solution, and that’s exactly the same amount, then glycerin is added, the same amount as the volume obtained from the remaining components.

Composition 3.

200 ml baby shampoo (I used “Dragon” shampoo)
400 ml distilled water
3 tablespoons glycerin


Composition 4.

16 parts water
3 parts detergent
1 part glycerin

Composition 5.

100 ml water
2 ml baby shampoo
10 ml. glycerin

Mix and add ammonia until transparent.

Composition 6.

4 parts distilled water
1 part detergent
1 part glycerin
0.1 parts ammonia


Composition 7.

2 parts detergent
6 parts distilled water
1 part glycerin

Composition 8.

600 ml. hot water
300 ml glycerin
20 drops of ammonia
50 grams of powdered detergent

Mix, leave for 2-3 days, filter and refrigerate for another day.
(the condition that requires the product to infuse was not met in the experiment)

Composition 9.

1 liter distilled water
150 ml glycerin
300-400 ml baby shampoo

Composition 10.

1 part dish liquid
5 parts polyvinyl alcohol
7 parts water
0.4 parts glycerin

Some compositions are identical at first glance, but in this delicate matter like a soap bubble, proportions can make all the difference.

Stage 1.

For this experiment the following substances were needed:
(all of them, together or separately, are components of the 10 recipes selected for the test)

- Distilled water
- Dishwashing liquid
- Baby shampoo
- Washing powder
- Glycerin
- Ammonia
- Polyvinyl alcohol
- Sugar
- Kettle (boiling water)


All kinds of measuring containers

For convenience, we number the cups.
And of course, each of them is given a tube for blowing bubbles, pre-cut at the end.

(Such tubes are not suitable for blowing large soap bubbles, but for these small experiments, they are just right)

Stage 2.

Prepare 10 soap solutions. Based on recipes selected from the Internet.

The compositions of 10 recipes for soap bubbles are carefully followed, but their proportions are first reduced, according to the capacity of a 300 ml glass.

Stage 3.

Testing soap bubble compositions.

Test 1.

Poke with a soapy finger.

Everyone on the same World Wide Web writes that to check the quality of the composition of soap bubbles, you need to pierce it with your finger, after wetting it with the same soap solution, and if the bubble does not burst, then the composition is considered good.

However, all 10 soap compositions passed this test perfectly.

Test 2.

For the life of a soap bubble.

This test turned out to be the most interesting.

10 bubbles from 10 compositions were inflated.

Time has passed.

The bubbles from the 5th and 6th compositions were the first to give up, after a while the bubbles of the 8th, 9th, 10th and 3rd compositions burst. Then the 4th and 7th squads held out for quite a long time, but their bubbles burst.

And now a real fight arose between the 1st and 2nd squads.

After 30 minutes, it began to seem like these bubbles would last forever.

However, on the 35th minute the 1st squad collapsed. Exactly, blown away! Because this bubble did not burst, but deflated for several seconds, like an old balloon, eventually leaving not soapy water on the table, but a completely solid film.

And all this because this composition contained sugar in considerable proportions (read recipes for compositions on another page of the site).

The last bubble, composition No. 2, lasted much longer than the others, a full 50 minutes!
I must say that it also contained some sugar.

The conclusion is simple, sugar contributes to the longevity of soap bubbles.

See the table with more accurate data

Composition no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time 30 min.50 min.5 minutes.10 min.1 min.1 min.15 minutes.3 min.4 min.3 min.

We continue our experiments, because we want to find out whether the durability of the bubble is the main factor in obtaining large soap bubbles.

Test 3.

Blowing bubbles.

As already mentioned, for blowing large soap bubbles, there are various special devices. But for the initial experiment, we take a regular cocktail straw cut at the end.

For each composition, several attempts are made to inflate the largest possible bubble. And I must say that many compositions showed very good results. It is also interesting that, for example, from composition No. 1, which lasted 30 minutes in the previous test, almost the smallest bubbles were obtained. This means that the lifetime of the bubble is not the most important thing.

Here is the final table of the resulting bubble sizes.

As you can see in this test, soap bubbles of compositions: 2,7,8 win, followed by compositions: 3 and 4.

Test 4.

Ten out of ten.

This test is to see how easily you can blow soap bubbles from these soap compositions.

10 bubbles were inflated in a row from each composition. Of course, in both this and the previous test, there is a human factor, but we in no way pretend to be any kind of scientific about our research.

Here is the final test table.

Where the first number means how many of the 10 bubbles inflated and did not burst.
The second line shows how many of the inflated bubbles were small.
The third line shows how many large bubbles there are.

Perhaps we can distinguish compositions: 2, 4 and 7.

Test 5.

We called this test "matryoshka".

One of the simplest, but very effective tricks with soap bubbles is soap bubbles inflated one inside the other. Which, in our opinion, is very reminiscent of a matryoshka doll.

The surface is generously moistened with the soapy mixture, then the tube is dipped into the soap solution and bubbles are inflated one at a time (the tube must also be moistened with the solution along the entire length of the tube lowered into the bubble).

This is roughly what happens.

In this test, the compositions of soap bubbles were given ratings: excellent, good, satisfactory, bad.

Excellent results: trains 3 and 7.
Good: 2 and 6 compositions.
Satisfactory: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 compositions.
Bad: composition number 1.

Test 6.

And finally, the last test was carried out on a large, long bubble.

In order to make such soap bubbles, a little skill is already required, again, measuring such a bubble is quite difficult, so we divided the results of this test into only two results, whether such a bubble turned out good or bad.

Good: Compositions 2,3,4,6,7,8,10
Bad: Lineups 1,5,9

That's probably all.

Summary table of testing soap bubble compositions.

Composition no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pierce + + + + + + + + + +
Bubble lifetime 30 min.50 min.5 minutes.10 min.1 min.1 min.15 minutes.3 min.4 min.3 min.
The average size 5-6 cm10-15 cm7-10 cm7-10 cm5-6 cm7-8 cm15-18 cm7-12 cm7-12 cm5-7 cm
Maximum resulting size 8 cm25 cm15 cm15 cm8 cm12 cm25 cm20 cm20 cm12 cm
Out of ten it turned out 9/10 8/10 7/10 9/10 6/10 6/10 5/10 7/10 8/10 8/10
Of them small9 2 4 5 6 4 0 5 4 5
Of these are large size0 6 3 4 0 2 5 2 4 3
Matryoshka test BadlyFineGreatSatisfactorySatisfactoryFineGreatSatisfactorySatisfactorySatisfactory
Big long bubble BadlyFineFineFineBadlyFineFineFineBadlyFine

According to experiments, victory is awarded soap composition No. 7, and also practically shares the first place with solution No. 2.

All other compositions did not show the best results.

Let us repeat once again that this study of the composition of soap bubbles has nothing to do with professional scientific experiments. Everything was done with the sole purpose of trying to understand the proposed recipes available on the Internet. (The conditions of recipe No. 8 were not exactly followed.)

And most importantly, all over the world, a lot of enthusiasts, fans and soap show performers are setting records for the size and durability of soap bubbles.
However, each of us has the power to create our own perfect composition for soap bubbles, thanks to which you will not only get a lot of pleasure and delight from your friends, but perhaps even set a new world record.

Surely everyone remembers how much joy blowing soap bubbles brings! It doesn’t matter whether you are an adult or a child - the flight of balls shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow fascinates at any age. And how much grief does a child have if a magical liquid accidentally spills during the game! Usually my mother came to the rescue, knowing how to make a solution for soap bubbles at home.

Today there are many ways to prepare liquid for soap bubbles with your own hands. And knowing the composition, there is no reason to worry that this solution will damage the skin due to the use of low-quality or harmful ingredients. And it won’t be a bad idea if you involve your children in the process of preparing the fun - without a doubt, they will be delighted with it.

Liquid Recipes

The simplest options

This recipe is most often used:

  • baby soap - 50 g;
  • glycerin - 15 ml;
  • water - 250 ml.

Grated or finely chopped sharp knife pour soap hot water until completely dissolved. If it dissolves poorly, heat it without bringing it to a boil, stirring constantly. If necessary, strain through cheesecloth. Pour in some of the glycerin, mix gently and blow a soap bubble. If it doesn’t work, add a little glycerin.

It is possible to make soap bubbles at home without glycerin:

  • ​dishwashing liquid - 300 ml;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 30 gr.

Heat the water, pour in detergent and add granulated sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves. The mixture is ready to use.

Recipe using liquid soap:

  • ​liquid soap - 50 ml;
  • water - 10 ml;
  • glycerin - 5 drops.

Mix the soap and water carefully, trying to prevent the formation of foam. Add glycerin. Leave the solution in a cool place for a short time.

The recipe is fragrant and safe

Bubbles often burst, and some of them may get into the baby’s eyes. We suggest replacing soap with baby shampoo, which will protect your child’s eyes from unpleasant sensations and allow him to enjoy the game “without tears.”

  • ​baby shampoo - 100 ml;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 3 teaspoons.

Add shampoo to slightly warmed water. Leave the mixture for a day and only after that add sugar to it. This solution is completely safe for babies and also has a pleasant smell.

Recipe for soap bubbles made from glycerin:

  • ​glycerin - 1 part;
  • dishwashing liquid - 2 parts;
  • water - 6 parts.

Try to mix the ingredients so that no foam forms.

Making a solution “like from a store” is very simple:

  • ​water - 300 ml;
  • dishwashing detergent - 100 ml;
  • corn syrup - 75 ml.

This recipe will tell you how to instantly make soap bubbles at home. You just need to mix 0.3 liters of water and 0.1 liters of bath foam.

You can use shampoo or shower gel.

  • ​water - 100 ml;
  • shampoo (shower gel) - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Mix water and detergent and leave in the refrigerator for a week. After this period, add sugar to the solution. The prepared mixture can be used immediately after the sugar has been completely diluted.

How to make soap bubbles that don't burst

Here we need sugar syrup. To prepare it, you need to boil 1 part water and add 5 parts sugar. Cook over low heat, stirring all the time, until thickened.

  • ​water - 200 ml;
  • grated soap - 50 g;
  • sugar syrup - 25 ml;
  • glycerin - 100 ml.

This composition allows you to inflate soap balls that do not burst. They are so strong that it is possible to make various figures from them.

Recipe for children's parties.

  • ​water - 300 ml;
  • glycerin - 50 ml;
  • dishwashing detergent - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 40 gr.

Mix all the ingredients until completely dissolved, and the mixture for blowing large and durable balls is ready.

Recipes for making huge soap balls

  • ​water - 0.8 l;
  • glycerin - 0.1 l;
  • dishwashing liquid - 0.2 l;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • gelatin - 50 gr.

Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell. Then strain and drain off excess water. Melt the gelatin with the sugar, avoiding boiling. Pour the resulting mixture into water, add detergent and glycerin. Mix carefully without foaming.

The solution must be prepared in a basin so that it is convenient to immerse the hoop or frame and pull out the soap balls.

It is possible to prepare a solution at home of the same quality as specialists do for their performances. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • ​​hot water - 1 liter;
  • glycerin - 0.5 l;
  • washing powder - 100 g;
  • ammonia alcohol - 30 drops.

The solution should be infused for 72 hours, after which it will need to be strained and left for another 12 hours in the refrigerator.

To produce giant soap balls, a device made of two sticks tied together with a loop of woolen thread is used. The thread must be soaked in the solution and then make horizontal and vertical movements with the sticks, spreading them from side to side to different widths.

A few secrets: how to make good soap bubbles

If you truly love entertainment, then this will be interesting for you, because games with soap bubble cause not only wild delight and interest in children, but also in adults. When blowing soap bubbles, I always dreamed that the soap bubble would not burst, but it turned out that the life of the soap bubble ended in the prime of life, when it could still fly and fly.

What you need to organize games with a soap bubble:


1.Empty container


4. Soap solution

5. Wool glove


1.Make a soap solution

2. We put on a glove

3. Blow a bubble

4. We are happy with the result.

Despite its simplicity, the process of making soap bubbles has several secrets that you need to know. For example, it is worth knowing that for soap bubbles NOT It is advisable to use hard water. Ideal chilled boiled water, to which you need to add shampoo or liquid soap. In this case, the concentration should be 1:10. This figure is not strict, but it is also not advisable to overdo it.

In case you are going to make soap bubbles small child, you might want to consider using a baby shampoo that won't cause irritation if it accidentally comes into contact with the eyes. One of the secrets to big, strong bubbles is the addition of gelatin or glycerin.

Recipe for making homemade soap bubbles

There are several ways.

The easiest way to make bubbles at home

  • Take 100 ml. dishwashing detergents
  • Add 50 ml. glycerin and 300 ml. water
  • Stir thoroughly and you're done!

Recipe for making non-bursting bubbles

Recipe one

Let me clarify right away that to receive ready mixture you need to wait at least three days, so you should prepare in advance for a walk that involves such entertainment. So, first we prepare the water. Regular tap water won't do. The fact is that it contains impurities of salts, and salts, in turn, make the bubbles inelastic. No matter how hard you try, you can't blow a big bubble out of a solution made with ordinary water, you won't succeed. This is why it is better to use distilled water. Measure out 600 milliliters and bring the water to a boil.

Then add 300 milliliters of regular glycerin, which can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy, to boiling water, 20 drops of ammonia (sold there), and then add 50 grams of powdered detergent (cleaning or washing powder).

Mix the solution thoroughly so that all ingredients are completely dissolved in it.

There will still be some sediment at the bottom, but that's normal. Cover the resulting solution with a lid and leave for two to three days at room temperature. Don't forget that children are curious creatures, so keep the container with the solution out of reach of little hands. After this period, the solution should be thoroughly filtered by passing it through a piece of gauze folded in three or four layers. And we wait again, but we already store the filtered solution in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, you can pour it into a bottle and go for a walk. Of course, this recipe cannot be called easy to prepare, but the result is worth it. The bubbles from it turn out to be large, do not burst for a long time and shimmer in different colors.

Recipe two

To prepare a solution for this recipe, we will need 800 milliliters of water (remember that it must be distilled), 200 milliliters of any dishwashing detergent, 100 milliliters of glycerin and 50 grams of gelatin and sugar. First, pour boiling water over the gelatin so that it swells. Drain off the excess water, add sugar to the gelatin and dissolve the mixture over low heat, avoiding boiling. After this, pour in all the water, detergent and glycerin, mix. Please note that you should mix very carefully so that foam does not appear on the surface of the solution. From such a solution it is possible to blow strong and big bubbles. And the ingredients in it are practically safe, if you do not take into account the dishwashing detergent, which I am prejudiced against.

Recipe three

The good thing about these bubbles is that you can touch them. With light contact with hands and even water, they remain unharmed. To prepare such a solution, you need to combine 100 milliliters of transparent lubricant (this is a reason to overcome shame when visiting a sex shop))), 200 milliliters of dishwashing detergent (preferably with a thicker consistency) and 100 milliliters of glycerin. Add 800 milliliters of boiling water to the mixture, stir, but without forming foam. The solution can be immediately poured into the bottle.

There are several ways that, while still preparing the solution, will help you determine whether you are doing it correctly. The first is to blow a small (about 30 millimeters in diameter) bubble and time the time during which it does not burst. If it lasts for half a minute, then the solution is good. You can check it another way. Touch the blown bubble with a finger moistened with the same solution. If the bubble does not burst, it means you have prepared the solution correctly.

"Tool" for creating huge bubbles

A classic straw, of course, will not work in this case. Can be linked to two wooden skewers wool thread of the same length, and then moisten it generously in a soap solution. By vigorously moving and spreading the skewers, the inventors of this design obtain large soap bubbles. Neither my husband nor I got anything out of this venture except a bunch of splashes. Another idea, borrowed from the Internet, justified itself. You will need a cord about 150 centimeters long, a large bead and two sticks. First, we tie a cord to the end of one stick, thread the bead at a distance of 75 centimeters from the knot, and then tie the same end of the cord to the other stick. We tie the remaining end of the cord to the first knot. The result is a design of two sticks, between which a cord in the form of a triangle with a weight bead is stretched.

We dip the cord in the soapy solution, let it soak thoroughly, and then straighten the sticks with outstretched arms. Please note that sudden movements are excluded, but you won’t be able to make bubbles too slowly, since the solution from the cord will simply drain to the ground.

A walk with such a “toy” will definitely be appreciated by your children. And not only yours, because don’t attract attention to yourself huge bubbles can not. And further. For a walk, I recommend dressing your children in clothes that you don’t mind ruining, because I haven’t yet been able to remove stains from bursting bubbles so that not a trace remains.

Video on how to make soap bubbles

Interesting facts about soap bubbles

Mentions of the first soap bubbles were seen in frescoes found during excavations in the city of Pompeii. These frescoes depicted children with soap bubbles;

If you blow a soap bubble in severe frost (-25 C), it will quickly freeze in the air, acquiring an almost ideal spherical shape, and will break when it hits the ground;

There are many artists who delight the public with their main work - creating soap bubbles of various sizes and shapes.

Soap bubbles will be strong thanks to glycerin, which makes the shell of the soap bubble stronger.

Today this fun is very popular not only among children, but also among adults. Blowing bubbles can be a fun time with family or friends. It will be even more interesting when you have a solution for soap bubbles prepared at home. It is easy to do, you just need to know the recipe and follow the “production” technology. You can involve all the “household” people in the process, especially children - for them it will be no less exciting than blowing bubbles.

How to make a solution of soap bubbles. Recipes

So, to prepare a “magic” liquid, you will need the most ordinary components that belong to the field of household chemicals.

Based on them, various

solutions that then turn into bubbles that mesmerize with their beauty. Experiment with a few recipes so you can make your own bubble solution when the holiday feeling hits.

Recipes for solutions

Recipe No. 1: Soapy

For the composition you will need the following ingredients (unit of measurement - parts):

Regular soap - 2;

Hot water - 8;

Glycerin - 4;

Sugar syrup - 1.

By mixing all the parts, you will get a solution for soap bubbles. At home, you can prepare this liquid differently.

Recipe No. 2: With shampoo

You will need the following components:

Children's shampoo - ⅓ cup;