How to store alcohol yeast at home. Dry yeast and its storage

Yeast is widely used in cooking in the production bakery products. To make the dough fluffy and soft, it is important to know the conditions for proper storage of the product.

Yeast can be frozen and stored at room temperature and in the refrigerator.

How to store open dry yeast and compressed yeast?

Therefore, to prevent the product from losing its properties, it must be stored in a dark, dry place. To prevent fungi from spoiling, the room temperature should not exceed +15.

Thus, the product can last up to six months without losing its properties.

Opened yeast can be stored in the freezer. If the pack is large, it is recommended to first package it into smaller pieces, otherwise the product will spoil every time it is taken out of the freezer.

For kneading dough, compressed yeast is often used. It is a perishable, cream-colored product with a slightly sour odor.

Usually it crumbles and sticks to your hands. At home, compressed yeast should be stored for no more than 24 hours.

There are several storage methods:

  1. In flour or salt. Fungi rolled into one of the products will last for 4 days.
  2. In a refrigerator. At cold temperatures, freshness can be extended for 12 days. It is recommended to pack the briquettes in parchment paper.
  3. In the freezer. By placing the product there, you can preserve its properties for up to two years.

Important! Yeasts should not be placed in plastic bag: they will simply suffocate without oxygen.

How to store fresh baker's yeast?

Yeast consists of “living” single-celled microorganisms (fungi). When exposed to favorable conditions, mushrooms begin to release carbon dioxide. During the fermentation process, the kneaded dough rises.

Baker's yeast is sold as:

  1. Fresh, pressed product, packaged in pieces weighing no more than 100 g. Buying large kilogram packs is recommended only for those who have a large bakery. This type spoils quickly and is recommended to be used within the next few days. Should be stored in the refrigerator, can be frozen.
  2. Dry granules. The product has the longest shelf life. At proper storage good for up to 6 months. It is preferable to place it in the refrigerator.

Interesting! Dry yeast contains more than just single-celled microorganisms. They also contain various minerals and enzymes.

How to store alcoholic yeast: beer and wine?

Alcohol fungi are used during moonshine brewing. This type of microorganism is resistant to alcohol. Ordinary mushrooms die if the mash concentration exceeds 18%.

The product is made from:

  • hops;
  • of bread;
  • beer;
  • baker's yeast.

Compressed yeast contains moisture, so when storing it it is important that the water does not evaporate. The expiration date depends on the manufacturer.

If the product has been in the refrigerator for a long time, its suitability can be checked by cutting off the top layer and mixing with warm water, 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. l. flour. If the composition has foamed, then the remaining part can be used.

Important! Wine yeast used in the preparation of wine and champagne. To store them, it is better to choose a dark place with an air temperature no higher than +15. Sourdough can retain its properties for two years.

How to store yeast in the freezer?

Storing yeast in the freezer eliminates the need to go to the store before each bake. But it is important to follow certain rules:

  1. Before placing the pressed briquettes in freezer, they must be cut into small pieces so that one piece is enough for one batch of dough.
  2. It is important to ensure safe defrosting. If you plan to bake the next day, it is recommended to remove the pack from the freezer the day before and put it in the refrigerator so that there is no sudden temperature change.
  3. Before mixing the product with the dough, it is necessary to dilute the yeast in water with sugar and flour, wait until a foamy head forms, and only then add it to the flour and knead the dough.

Following simple instructions, you can prepare fluffy and soft baked goods.

How to store other types of yeast?

When storing any types of yeast, they need to provide:

  • moderate air humidity;
  • good ventilation;
  • dark storage.

If there is insufficient humidity, they can lose their properties. The storage location and expiration date for each variety are individual, and the manufacturer indicates it on the packaging.

How can you tell if your yeast has gone bad?

You can identify a spoiled product using a proven folk method. To do this, you need to dissolve a little yeast in warm water with sugar and flour, and then leave for a few minutes in a warm place.

If after a while a foamy cap appears above the cup, then they are suitable for use.

Attention! If sticky dark insoluble lumps float in the water, the product is spoiled. It is prohibited to add such a mixture to the dough.

Is it possible to use expired yeast?

Sometimes expired yeast is added when making alcoholic beverages: beer, wine, champagne. If the expiration date set by the manufacturer has expired, the properties of the product weaken.

You can’t add them to the dough, but you shouldn’t throw them away either.

The product is often used in cosmetology. There are many recipes for face masks containing yeast fungus. This mask smoothes out facial wrinkles, refreshes the complexion and tightens the skin.


It is advisable to buy yeast in small quantities and not store it for future use: it belongs to perishable products. Opened packs can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

Frozen yeast retains its beneficial properties the longest.

Yeast is the most important component delicious baked goods. The conditions of their storage directly determine how fluffy, airy and soft the pies, buns and kulebyaks will be. Therefore, baking lovers should figure out how to store yeast at home according to all the rules.

Knowing how to store yeast, you can prepare delicious baked goods

Most often, fresh (pressed) and dry yeast are used at home. The latter, in turn, are divided into granular, active and instant, which do not require dissolution in liquid.

Manufacturers indicate different expiration dates for each product. However, after opening the package, the lifespan of beneficial microorganisms begins to decrease very quickly. This process can be successfully slowed down, extending it to several years. And you can do this in the following ways.

Rules for storing fresh yeast

It is thanks to this ingredient that it turns out especially airy baked goods. But they spoil fresh yeast in an opened package at normal room temperature the next day. The life cycle of fungi can be extended by several days by sprinkling the briquette with salt and flour.

A universal method is to store yeast in the refrigerator or freezer. This is done like this:

The product is wrapped in foil or paper and placed in the general compartment of the refrigerator. Polyethylene is not used for these purposes: the fungi will simply suffocate without air. The product will remain fresh at a temperature of 0−4°C for 12 days;

The product, packaged in pieces of 25-30 g, wrapped in a breathable casing, is placed in the freezer and stored without harm to microorganisms for several years. Repeated freezing is not recommended, and defrosting is carried out at a temperature of +8°C;

Your compressed yeast will be fresh for six months if you dry it. To do this, they are crushed by hand into small flakes, placed on a baking sheet and left to dry at room temperature. Then sprinkle with flour and place in a linen bag or glass container covered with a cloth on top.

Important: It is recommended to test yeast that has been stored for a long time for germination by dissolving a small amount of the product in a warm liquid along with sugar and flour. If foam appears on the surface of the mixture, the fungi are quite viable and baking will be successful.

How to store dry yeast

Manufacturers claim: dry granulated yeast is stored for no more than 6 weeks, active - up to six months, instant (added directly to flour) - up to 5 years. Once the integrity of the packaging is compromised, an irreversible process begins: moisture is lost; the less it remains in original product, the worse the dough will rise.

How to properly store yeast in granules?

When buying a large package of yeast, you need to know how to store it

Many people love homemade baked goods. But it succeeds only when the housewife uses fresh yeast to prepare the dough, which is responsible for the tenderness and airiness of the baked goods. Therefore, their storage conditions are very important. For example, you need to know how long and how to store yeast in the refrigerator, whether this can be done at all, or is it better to choose another method.

You will learn about all this by reading this article.

Conditions for fresh yeast

I wonder what compressed yeast is made from? In fact, it is a mass consisting of living microorganisms - a special type of single-celled fungi.

In the process of their life activity, they release carbon dioxide, which makes the dough airy and “lifts” it. But only if they are really alive. And their lifespan depends on storage conditions.

Fresh yeast is easily identified by its pleasant sour smell and delicate creamy color.. If you press a piece with your finger, it should not flatten, but crumble.

Fresh compressed yeast should be loose and creamy in color.

Those housewives who rarely bake prefer to buy small packages of compressed yeast of 50 or 100 grams. But even they cannot always be used right away. Not to mention the 1 kg packs, which are purchased to save money - the price is lower than for several small packs.

Method 1: Storage in the refrigerator

At room temperature, such yeast remains viable for no more than 24 hours. If you are in the country without a refrigerator, you can extend their life by covering them with flour. In such a “fur coat” they will last another 2-3 days.

Sprinkle the fresh product with flour and it will be good for use within 2-3 days

If you have a refrigerator, the problem of where to store the yeast will not arise. They will last perfectly in it for two weeks if the following conditions are met:

  • Temperature from 0 to +5 degrees;
  • Oxygen access necessary for the respiration of microorganisms. Therefore, there is no need to seal them tightly.

Paper is the best packaging, it allows air to pass through

Method 2: Storage in the freezer

Many people ask, is it possible to freeze compressed yeast? Will fungi die from low temperatures? Yes, you can. In such conditions they fall into suspended animation, in other words, into hibernation. And when defrosted, they restore their properties again.

Here's how to freeze them correctly:

Image Process description
Step 1

Divide a large piece into several portions. This is necessary not only for your convenience.

The fact is that you can freeze a product only once, and it is impossible to cut a small piece from a large piece without defrosting.

Step 2

Wrap each portion in parchment or plastic film and put it in the freezer. It is advisable to sign the date.

When answering the question whether it is possible to store yeast in the freezer, I did not mention that the period of such storage should not exceed 1 year. In order not to miss it, a date is needed.

Before using, frozen pieces should be kept at room temperature until soft. After which it is advisable to make sure that they “work”. To do this you need:

  • Dilute a little product with warm water;
  • Add a little flour and sugar to the liquid;
  • Let stand warm for 10-15 minutes. If a growing head of foam begins to appear on the surface, everything is in order, you can start the dough.

Method 3. Dried storage

You can dry the product yourself. In this form they will be stored without refrigeration for about 6 months.

Image Instructions
Step 1

Crush the briquette into fine crumbs and mix in a bowl with a small amount flour.

Step 2

Pour the crumbs onto a lined baking sheet and leave to dry at room temperature. Stir periodically and ensure good ventilation in the room.

Step 3

Transfer the dry workpiece to glass jar, and cover it with a piece of fabric, tying the neck with a string. Fungi need to breathe.

Conditions for dry yeast

Fresh compressed yeast is a rather capricious product. Therefore, dry analogues are often preferred to them, considering that they are less demanding on storage conditions.

However, the shelf life of dry yeast is also not unlimited and depends on its type and on whether the package has been opened:

  • Instant yeast granules contain about 40% moisture and are not stored longer than 6 weeks. Once opened, it is advisable to use them immediately.

The granular product has a short shelf life

  • Dry active yeast in powder form they contain less moisture - up to 9%. Their shelf life at room temperature is already 6 months. Provided that it is stored in a dry place protected from light. And if you have already opened the package, this period is reduced to 1 month, and in the refrigerator. If you are not satisfied with it, pack the powder into bags, seal it tightly and put it in the freezer.

Active yeast can be stored in a sealed container for six months.

  • Instant instant yeast contain very little moisture - only 3.5-4%. Therefore, they are stored for about two years. But only in its original closed packaging. After opening it, you can count on their germination only for two days.

Instant yeast long-term storage Pakmaya

What to do and how to store dry yeast at home if you haven’t used it all? Pour into a dry glass jar with an airtight lid and place it in the refrigerator. You will have two weeks left.

In an airtight container and at low temperature, a modern instant product will not lose its properties for 2-3 weeks


Surely, after reading this note and watching the video in this article, you will not have any questions about the rules for storing yeast of any kind. Still, the best solution is to buy only enough product that you can use it in a short time.

Yeast is an essential component for making delicious baked goods and homemade drinks. It's no secret that this is a rather capricious product. In this article we will talk about how to properly store yeast at home.


How to store compressed yeast

Fresh compressed yeast is one of the most common types of baker's yeast. A high-quality product has a delicate cream color, a slightly sour smell, crumbles easily when pressed and does not stick to your hands. As a rule, such yeast is sold packaged in portioned bars. The first question that arises when purchasing: where to store yeast?


It is recommended to store compressed yeast at room temperature for no more than a day. To slightly increase this period, you can sprinkle the yeast with flour or salt - then the product will retain its properties for about 3-4 days.

You can extend the freshness of the yeast up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Pressed yeast is stored at temperatures from 0 to +4 ℃. You can use parchment or foil for packaging, since yeast needs air access.

Do not use polyethylene to store yeast - the yeast fungus “suffocates” without oxygen.

Can compressed yeast be stored in the freezer? There is an opinion that at low temperatures the yeast fungus dies, but this is not true. It suspends vital processes, falling into so-called suspended animation. After defrosting, all properties of the yeast remain the same.

Yeast should be stored by first dividing it into portions of the required size. The pieces are wrapped in foil or parchment and placed in the freezer. The product should be defrosted in the refrigerator. Yeast cannot be re-frozen. Shelf life is from 6 to 12 months depending on the quality of the original product.


Another method of storing yeast is drying. The yeast block is finely crushed and mixed with a small amount of flour. Then pour the crumbs onto a baking sheet lined with paper and dry at room temperature. The yeast needs to be provided with good air ventilation and stirred periodically. The dry preparation is transferred to jars, covered with a cloth and tied with an elastic band (the fungi must breathe). This yeast can be stored in a cool, dark place for several months.

How to store dry yeast

The method and shelf life of dry yeast directly depend on the amount of moisture in its composition. There are several varieties of dry yeast. Let's look at each type in more detail.

Instant dry (instant) yeast. This product is made in the form of cylindrical granules, which do not require prior activation and are immediately added to the flour. The moisture content of the product is only 3.5-5%. Yeast made this way is the easiest to store and also has the longest shelf life of any variety. Instant yeast can be stored in a dark, dry place for 2 years. After opening the package instant yeast will retain their properties for 2 days. To extend the shelf life of yeast, you can pour it into a dry glass jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator - it will last for about 2 weeks.

Yeast tends to absorb foreign odors, so you should not store it next to strong-smelling foods.


This product is manufactured in powder form and has a moisture content of 6-9%. Yeast should be stored in a dark, dry place. The shelf life of sealed packaging is 6 months (for some manufacturers it can range from 6 to 18 months). After opening, the yeast retains its properties for 1 month if stored in the refrigerator in closed jar(however, experience shows that the greatest yeast activity will appear in the first 2 weeks).


To extend the shelf life of yeast after opening the package, you can freeze it. The product is packaged in small sealed bags or containers and placed in the freezer. Yeast should be consumed within 6 months.

Ready-made (activated) yeast should be used for its intended purpose within 4 hours.

The product has the shortest shelf life because it contains about 40% moisture. Granulated yeast should be stored in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 months, and after opening the package it is recommended to immediately use it for its intended purpose.


How to store other types of yeast

On the farm they use not only baker's yeast: for medicinal purposes and for preparation various drinks use live, beer, wine and alcohol yeast. Each variety requires compliance with certain storage conditions. Let's take a closer look at them.

Liquid yeast. This type of yeast must be stored in the refrigerator. The jar of yeast is covered with cloth or gauze and stored for up to 1 month without feeding. To increase shelf life and as a complementary food, dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of sugar or honey in yeast. Using this method, liquid yeast can be stored for quite a long time.

Brewer's yeast is stored in the refrigerator at glass containers, diluting with cold unboiled water in a 1:1 ratio. The water must be drained periodically (every 1-2 days), allowing the fungus to “catch its breath,” and then fill it with water again. It is best to use yeast within a month as it loses its effectiveness over time. At room temperature, brewer's yeast spoils in a matter of hours.

Dry brewer's yeast is also available for sale. This type of product is stored in the refrigerator for about 2 years.

Brewer's yeast, unlike other varieties, is not recommended to be frozen - low temperatures disastrous for them.

Wine yeast. This product has a moisture content of 6%. Yeast can be stored for up to 2 years in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding +15 ℃.

Alcoholic yeast. The most common is dry alcoholic yeast. This type of product has a moisture content of 7% and is sold in vacuum packaging. In a dry, dark place at a temperature no higher than +15 ℃, alcoholic yeast can be stored for up to 2 years (although some manufacturers indicate a shelf life of up to 5 years).

We hope that our tips will be useful to you. What methods of storing yeast do you follow? Share your experiences and secrets in the comments.

Text: Anastasia Doroshenko

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Yeast is a familiar assistant for any housewife. Good yeast coupled with the right ingredients They allow you to prepare amazing delicacies, however, they require special treatment. How to store yeast correctly?

Rules for storing compressed yeast

The first thing you need to know about any type of yeast is that they are living organisms, single-celled fungi that have the ability to cause alcoholic fermentation. It is this fermentation that is the reason why yeast dough is able to rise. For this to happen, living organisms must remain intact.

According to the manufacturers’ recommendations, pressed yeast needs to be stored at a temperature of +2 to +4 °C. This way you can extend the life of the product up to 12 days. It is important that it has the ability to “breathe”, so do not “wrap” it in plastic bags or sealed boxes.

But what to do if in the near future you have nothing from yeast dough You’re not going to cook, but it’s a pity to translate the product? How to maximize the shelf life of an important ingredient:

  1. Drying. So that it does not disappear within six months, it can be dried. To do this, you need to crumble it, manually grind it with flour, roll it into small balls, put it on paper and then dry it indoors at room temperature. Dried yeast can be stored in a glass container covered with a cloth. Never cover the jar with a lid. Even after drying, the product needs air circulation.
  2. Freezing. Yeast will last even longer, up to several years, if frozen. To do this, cut the mass into portioned cubes of approximately 30 grams, wrap in cling film and put it in the freezer. This method was previously considered destructive for the organisms from which they consist, but today it is known that all the properties necessary for cooking are preserved. By the way, you can defrost them by leaving them in warm milk or water for a while.
Please note that yeast can only be frozen once. Therefore, if you defrosted a piece, but did not cook from it, hide it in the refrigerator and use it in the coming days. Any type of them after long-term storage must be checked for germination. This will help not spoil the dough if the storage conditions were suddenly violated.

How to store dry yeast

Manufacturers recommend storing dry yeast away from sunlight and humidity, at a temperature of 10-15 °C. In this case, the shelf life of the product is about six months. And this is quite enough if you usually use small, portioned packages that you buy when you are going to bake something. But what should those who buy more impressive packaging to save money do?

It’s better for them to put their yeast stock in the freezer for storage, but before that, be sure to pack it into portions that you usually use for cooking and place it in small sealed packages. It's up to you to decide what to use; you can use bags, plastic boxes or jars.

Following these simple tips, you can preserve such an important ingredient for delicious baked goods for a long time.