Interesting facts about sweets. What is dessert

For knowledge and entertainment, we have prepared for you 9 interesting facts about the art of confectionery, which will surely inspire you to new delicious achievements!

No. 1. Thank you Egyptians

Turns out, confectionery were first imported into Europe during the Muslim invasion in the distant 7th century - before that, unspoiled Europeans pleased themselves only with fruits, fresh or dry. The idea of ​​sweet delicacies immediately captured the minds of the culinary maestro, and they began to create with no effort. The first, after all, were and remain the Egyptians, who prepared delicious desserts from a mixture of honey, fruits, spices, various seeds and grains.

No. 2. Si, Senor Candiere!

Did you know that if the story had turned a little differently, the word “confectioner” could have sounded completely different, for example, “tsukrovar” or “marshmeller”? The word "confectioner" comes from the Italian verb "candiere", which means "boil in sugar". It was from him, from our irreplaceable sugar, that the confectionery business began in Europe, or rather in Italian Venice, where it developed most rapidly by the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century.

Main Rule confectionery art- maintaining proportions. Only those who have given practice not one or two years can afford such a luxury as measuring “by eye”. In the confectionery business, you need to carefully monitor the cooking temperatures and follow the recipes exactly. One small inaccuracy - and goodbye, reputation! That is why the pastry direction is considered the most difficult in cooking and is an order of magnitude ahead of gastronomic skill, where fantasy and improvisation often become synonymous with professional victories.

No. 4. You are not French!

Years have passed and now, like snow on the head! After everything experienced and baked, it turns out that the croissant was invented not in France, but in Austria! There is even a legend in confectionery annals, according to which, in 1683, the Viennese baker Peter Wendler prepared the first croissant in honor of the failure of the Turkish siege of Vienna. One day, the bakers of the candy store, working at night and preparing fresh buns for the townspeople in the morning, heard a suspicious noise from hoes and picks. They realized that the city was under attack - the Turks were digging under its walls. Having warned the soldiers about this in time, they thwarted the plan of the Ottoman army and saved Vienna. This is the first true story of the jubilation and victory of confectionery art over bloodthirsty conquerors!

No. 5. At least one more piece

Have you imagined yourself at least once as a taster, for example, a judge of an international competition, where you need to taste the products of the contestants for several days? They can be tasteless, overly spicy, special, and simply unbearable - but the task remains the same. You have to understand the texture, flavor combinations of at least 30 desserts a day and make your own verdict. During this difficult period, the maestro try to eat at least outside the competitive arena, and also never finish eating a single dessert, even if it is fabulously divine!

No. 6. Suspicious Willy Wonka River

Did you know that the delicious chocolate river in Charlie and Chocolate Factory was truly made from chocolate and consisted of over 500 liters of water mixed with cream and chocolate! The creators of the sweet miracle admitted that the freshness of the reservoir did not last long and did not cause appetite after.

No. 7. Don't boil my favorite pasta

Our favorite macaroons, in their final role familiar to us, were invented in the famous French confectionery Laduree, which exists to this day, is famous for the same pasta and continues to open its luxurious sweet parlors throughout Europe. Plain macaroons, with no color palette or toppings, were made famous by sister nuns who baked them to survive the French Revolution in the late 18th century.

At the turn of the 1900s, the successful entrepreneur and master of Laduree, Pierre Defontaine, remembered pasta. He decided to combine the halves of pasta with ganache (a fragrant cream based on fresh cream, chocolate and butter). Avoiding the sad fate of the ordinary macaroons, the pasta has become a delight, with a thin crispy crust, soft almond meringue and a velvety filling.

No. 8. Kronats exist

In 2013, American confectioner Dominique Ancel made a new confectionery breakthrough and invented a hybrid of croissant and donuts (donuts), which received the awesome name cronuts! For some time, a real “cronuts epidemic” reigned in New York - incredible multi-kilometer queues lined up at Ansel's pastry shops!

No. 9. Favorite dessert of the Côte d'Azur

Did you know that the most popular and colorful dessert of Saint-Tropez, one of the most famous towns on the Cote d'Azur of France, is Tarte Tropezien, a nutritious treat based on sugar brioche cut in two, stuffed with custard and whipped cream. A treat for the real sweet tooth appeared in Saint-Tropez in the 50s, when Polish emigre pastry chef Alexander Mika offered a dessert according to his grandmother's recipe in his own pastry shop.

Popularity came 5 years later during the filming of the film "Et Dieu" by Roger Vadim. Alexander prepared catering for the actors and the dessert captivated their hearts and stomachs forever. Brigitte Bardot was also delighted, and she gave the dessert the name "Tarte Tropezien".

To be continued…


Nowadays, huge confectioneries are at the service of the sweet tooth, where everyone will find their own favorite treat or new dessert. AT ancient times sugar was so rare that sweets were valued like gold in the Arab world. If you cannot imagine your life without dessert, then interesting facts about sweets are for your attention.

Reveals interesting facts about sweets marzipan. For the preparation of marzipan, sugar powder, sweet or bitter almonds are used. It is the oil of these nuts that turns marzipan into a plastic mass. A variety of figures are made from marzipan, which are covered with icing or confectionery paints. Marzipan has always been considered the sweetness of aristocrats. In honor of this dessert, a museum was opened in several European capitals. Who exactly invented marzipan is not known. But the Italians insist that in the 10th century, when there was no wheat, the peasants replaced it with almonds, which was the beginning of the history of marzipan. In Germany, no Christmas is complete without this dessert. Every self-respecting confectioner should know at least 20 marzipan recipes.

Statistics will continue interesting facts about sweets. Most often bar chocolate buy young people aged 10 to 25 years. According to sociologists, 85% of students said they were ready to give up a hamburger or hot dog in favor of a chocolate bar. An interesting fact is that more than 60% of the inhabitants of the earth eat a chocolate bar on their way home. 30% prefer to enjoy this dessert with a cup of hot tea, and 7% with coffee. most popular slab chocolate is White chocolate with whole nuts. 75% of the buyers of this chocolate are young women under 35 years old. Dark chocolate is preferred by older people and men.

Another interesting fact about sweets is related to Belgium. 85% of the famous Belgian chocolates are produced by hand. The price of such a dessert is from 20-30 euros per kilogram. It was Belgian confectioners who in 2012 managed to make the world's largest chocolate steam locomotive, 33 meters long, spending 1.5 tons of chocolate on it. According to official figures, Belgium annually produces chocolate and products from it in the amount of 2.5 billion euros.

Small round candies with a shiny surface - dragee, continue interesting facts about sweets. The word dragee appeared in French tragēmata, which means a delicacy. This dessert was invented by the confectioners of Persia and Ancient Babylon. They candied seeds of cumin, coriander or anise. The most popular dragee candies are M&M's. They first appeared in the US in 1941 and before today sold in over 200 countries. Interesting fact: M&M's founders Mars and Murry's conceived the idea of ​​producing multi-colored dragees after they saw in the Spanish Civil War that soldiers ate hardened chocolate, which practically did not melt in hot weather. M&M's soon became so popular that during World War II they were included in the food supply for US Navy soldiers.

Interesting Facts about sweets are associated with records in the world candy. The largest box of chocolates was released by confectioner Master Food during a cooking show. The box was 1.5 meters wide and 2.5 meters long. As expected, the nutria contained chocolates weighing 850 kilograms.

The biggest candy in the world, was made by confectioners in the shape of a bear. The height of this candy was 1.68 meters, and the weight was 635 kilograms. To make the world's largest candy, they first made a mold that weighed over 4 tons. After the mold was filled with fruit mass, it was cooled and left to harden for several weeks, and then carefully polished.

A selection of interesting facts about sweets is continued by a record listed in the Guinness Book of Records. In 2012 in Italy during the annual chocolate fair, confectioners presented the biggest coin made of chocolate, denominated 1 euro. The chocolate coin was 1.95 meters in diameter, 17 centimeters high and weighed 640 kilograms. To make the biggest chocolate coin taste good, confectioners used exclusively chocolate: 80% Dominican, and 20% Peruvian.

In Indonesia, in honor of the holy month of Ramadan, a chocolate mosque. The largest chocolate sculpture is a copy pyramids of Chichen Itza in Mexico, weighing 8 tons. Confectioners managed to create one thirtieth copy of the pyramid. The base of the largest chocolate sculpture is 3 meters and the height is 2.5 meters.

The article concludes with interesting facts about sweets, the scientific fact that the human body needs 70 grams of sugar daily. A 50 gram bar of dark chocolate contains as many antioxidants as 17 glasses of fresh chocolate. orange juice, 4 glasses of red and 25 white wine.

The word "candy" comes from 16th-century European apothecary jargon. This word, derived from the Latin confectum ("made"), was called candied fruits, which in those days were considered one of the types of medicines.

An interesting fact: in medieval Italy, it was customary to shower newlyweds with small candied pieces of fruit, which were called "confetti". Over time, sweets were replaced with pieces of multi-colored paper, to which this name “migrated”.

An interesting fact: a study by American sociologists showed that people who treat their colleagues with sweets are more successful in their careers than their “greedy” competitors.

In the first half of the 19th century in Russia, even the richest and noblest ladies stole sweets from various celebrations. This was explained by the fact that confectionery factories did not exist yet, sweets were prepared by home confectioners who jealously guarded their secrets, so this delicacy was literally worth its weight in gold.

A paradox: the name of the most common sweet - chocolate - comes from the Aztec word "chocolatl", which translates as "bitter water".

An interesting fact: in Europe of the 16th-17th centuries, a real “chocolate mania” was observed among aristocrats. Many believed that chocolate has an almost magical effect on the body. Sometimes even adultery was attributed to him: there is a case when a court lady justified the birth of a black child with her excessive passion for chocolate.

The largest box of chocolates was made by confectioners from Master Food for the international culinary competition. In a box 2.5 by 1.5 meters there were about 8 centners of chocolates.

In Belgium, chocolates are very expensive: about 30-35 euros per kilogram. The fact is that almost 90% of this delicacy in the country is made by hand. unique recipes- hence the high prices.

The largest candy "truffle" in the world was made in 2008 in Germany. This giant sweet weighing 196.3 kg was created by confectioners from Halloren Chocolate Factory.

The largest toffee in the world was made in Norway. This delicacy weighs more than 1.5 tons.

In 2004, confectioners from the Dutch company Mieke Stortelder created the longest candy in the world - a strawberry candy over 2 meters long.

A box of the world's most expensive candy, Lake Forest Confections, costs approximately $1.5 million. True, their high price is mainly due to the design of the box, which uses diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and rubies.

The largest gummy bear was prepared by specialists from the Gummi Bear Factory. The height of this “candy” was 1.7 meters, and the weight was 630 kilograms.

An interesting fact: in English-speaking countries, the word marmalade refers exclusively to citrus jam / marmalade. Marmalade, which is familiar to us, is called there by the cumbersome phrase candied fruit jelly.

It turns out that there is an analogue of Bertie Botts sweets from the Harry Potter books on sale. BeanBoozled gummies also have the most different tastes, both familiar fruity and very strange, for example, vomiting, rotten egg and skunk excretions.

The first space lollipops were the famous Chupa Chups. In 1995, cosmonauts from the Russian Mir station asked for some candy to be delivered to them. Chupa Chups were found to be the most suitable for weightlessness and delivered to the space station.

Another very interesting fact is connected with Chupa Chups: the logo for these lollipops was designed by Salvador Dali himself!

Japanese schoolchildren take Kit Kat chocolates with them to exams, believing that they bring good luck. The fact is that their name is consonant with the Japanese expression "kitto katsu" - "definitely win."

Interesting fact: there is a "space halva". Asteroid No. 518 is called “Halva”, as the astronomer R. Dugan, who discovered it, adored this oriental sweetness.

The famous Chinese fortune cookies that are widely sold in the US actually have nothing to do with China. A similar biscuit was used during religious ceremonies in Shinto shrines in Japan in the 19th century, arriving in the United States in the early 20th century with Japanese emigrants. Since the American government imprisoned all Japanese (including bakers) in filtration camps during World War II, the Chinese began to mass-produce fortune cookies. That is why Americans now associate this delicacy with China.

Are there people in the world who don't have a weakness for desserts? It seems that these are very, very difficult to find. Each country has its own preferences among sweet dishes. We will tell about some of them.

Culinary term "dessert" comes from the French "dessert" or "desservir" which means "to clear the table". Based on its name, it is clear that this dish is served at the end of the meal. Dessert can be either sweet (for the most part) or without sugar.

India. India has always been famous for its spices, which are distinguished by their rich aroma and taste. When preparing desserts, Indian culinary specialists remain true to the traditions of their people. On holidays they serve such a delicacy as Gulab Jamun. It is shaped like a beautiful ball, resembling a kind of donut, which is made from flour and corn oil, with the addition of milk, pistachios and raisins. The whole essence of gulab jamun is in syrup, where they are immersed for soaking for a whole night and even more. The composition of the syrup varies from state to state: it can be made from saffron, citrus juice, or rose water. Whatever the sweet syrup, the dish is exceptionally tasty.

Japan. For Japanese gourmets, chestnut quintons are prepared - the so-called creamy sweets. For their preparation are used sweet potato, sweet sauce and vinegar. But main ingredient- This is a special variety of chestnut, which can only be found in Japan.

Turkey. From Turkey came a sweet delicacy beloved by many - baklava. It is prepared and served in various variations. The basis of baklava is a quick-drying dough called filo. It is folded in several layers and thoroughly smeared with melted butter, viscous honey or sugar, orange water and lemon juice. It is simply amazing how the teeth of Turkish beauties remain intact after such an abundance of sweets!?

Australia and New Zealand. Perfect for diet lovers original dessert beloved in Australia and its neighbor New Zealand is the Pavlova cake. The cake is named after the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova; in these countries, you can find dessert only in the menu of fashionable restaurants. The ingredients of the cake are very light ingredients - egg white and sugar - which makes it a low-calorie dish.

England. AT English cuisine quite a few frills. Dessert Pudding "Castle" stands apart. It resembles a fortified structure only by the fact that it rises monolithically above the plate. The pudding is prepared mainly with strawberries, which are used to make sauce and jam, flowing profusely over a warm mold.

Africa. Where, where, and even in Africa you can find great amount containing fruit. From them, delicious and healthy desserts. Here is the tastiest healthy dishfruit salad. It would seem that it is so exceptional. However, it should be noted that the main component of the salad - the breadwinner of everyone and everything in Africa - watermelon. Then you can add to it those plants that are to the taste of the cook and his guests.

China. The Celestial Empire gave the world macaroons, for which Americans now and then look into Chinese restaurants. It is served not only as a dessert, but also as a compliment to lobster or pig dishes. However, the most refined taste you can feel from macaroons if you eat it with milk.

Italy. Italian tiramisu like to enjoy many gourmets. Its composition is quite rich and is well known today. The combination of ingredients makes the tiramisu light and airy. Another name for the dessert - "Tuscan trifle" - appeared thanks to the homeland of the cake, the city of Tuscany.

Spain. Spanish confectionery is characterized by sticks made of soft dough sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. They are called churros and are popular in many countries of the world as an accompanying component of watching a movie or a sports match.

USA. A delicacy in the form of fried buns appeared in the United States two centuries ago in New Mexico. Its name - sopapiyyas - is of Spanish origin and translates as "sweet fried dough". Sopapiyas are eaten like independent dish, and dipping in honey, which makes the taste of this dessert unique.

All the best things in our lives taste sweet. And all the most harmful too. We most often begin to pay attention to the harm of sweets closer to summer - when the onset of the beach season is on the nose. It is then that we begin to reproach ourselves for the immoderate addiction to chocolates. But let's see, was it worth denying yourself small pleasures?

Myth 1. Sweet is a friend of the brain

A piece of sweet in the middle of the working day will not be superfluous - absolutely for sure. Since brain cells feed exclusively on glucose, they are very sensitive to its content in the blood. And malnutrition of the gray matter instantly affects its work. However, one should not think that quantity in this case turns into quality. Rather, on the contrary, an excess of sweets will cause drowsiness and will only affect work “in the negative”.

Myth 2. Sugar is a vitamin of joy

"White" death, - the doctors will authoritatively declare. “But what a pleasant one!” Opponents will exclaim. But at the same time, tea lovers with three tablespoons of sugar should know that sugar first of all reduces the reserves of vitamin B1 in the body. The less vitamin B1 - the greater the likelihood of neurasthenia, depression, fatigue, muscle weakness. How do you like this perspective?

Myth 3. Sweeteners help you lose weight.

While artificial sweeteners are virtually calorie-free, there is still a fierce debate about their health effects. So, for example, there are studies proving that due to the use of sweeteners, immunity is reduced. And members of the British Parliament even announced their intention to ban the use of aspartame, since it allegedly contains carcinogens. There are other rather controversial publications that indicate that certain sweeteners are added to the diet of pigs to increase their appetite. So - you think: is it worth giving up sugar and switching to such an “alternative”.

Myth 4. Chocolate: tasty, but harmful

We hasten to please lovers of black delicacy. Recently, more and more specialists are engaged in its successful rehabilitation. So, at the annual conference of the European Association of Cardiology, information was heard that 100 grams of dark chocolate improve the functioning of blood vessels in an adult for at least three hours and protect blood vessels from the damaging effects of free radicals.

So the next time you reach for a chocolate bar, don't beat yourself up for being weak. Perhaps you subconsciously care about your health.

Myth 5. Chocolate constipation

Many chocolate lovers are seriously afraid that after a gastronomic banquet they will face a painful retribution in the form of constipation. Perhaps if you don’t eat anything other than chocolate, then it will be so. But if you eat right, you can not deny yourself a little joy.

Myth 6. Banana fast food

Banana is ideal for a quick snack: it is perfectly digestible, is a source of potassium (which is especially useful for cores), helps to remove excess fluid from the body, and quickly satisfies hunger.

At the same time, nutritionists are extremely wary of banana excesses, mercilessly placing them next to white bread and other prohibited foods. Moreover, due to a fair amount of sucrose (and the absence of fructose and glucose), bananas are contraindicated in patients with diabetes.

Myth 7. These healthy dried fruits

Nutritionists are unanimous: almost all useful material. However, the qualitative side of the issue is not at all equal to the quantitative one: dry fruits are a more concentrated version of the “live” ones. That is why the main thing in the absorption of dried fruits is moderation and accuracy. So, for example, it is recommended to eat no more than 4-6 dates per day.

Myth 8. Sweet - only for dessert!

In fact, sweets can play the role of a kind of anti-aperitif, calming the "wolf" appetite. If you miss another meal, start your meal with a piece of chocolate, a couple of sweets, a piece of cake, ice cream. This will speed up the saturation of the blood with glucose, reduce the feeling of hunger and save you from overeating.