Choosing firewood for barbecue. The right firewood is the key to excellent barbecue

This is how Pelmeshnik planned to write quickly, in the end we got a serious selection, which, in my opinion, deserved a separate piece of news

Firewood from saxaul.

Of course, saxaul comes first. Firewood from saxaul produces the greatest heat; in terms of efficiency and temperature, saxaul has no equal.

Saxaul is very dense in its structure. Try breaking a medium-thick branch or cutting it with an axe. You most likely won't succeed. Saxaul is usually not cut, but broken. Take a branch by one end and hit something hard.

Coals from saxaul- the best fuel for barbecue. Tested many times, so don’t even doubt it.

Firewood from grapevines.

By frying meat on the grill with charcoal from the grapevine, at the end you get an excellent and unique taste qualities shashlik. Well, the aroma, in general, cannot be compared with anything, it is very pleasant and appetizing. Just take a thicker vine so that the coals burn out longer, this is especially true when you are frying a large batch of kebab.

Firewood from birch, oak, apple tree.

Good fuel for cooking delicious barbecue. If you cook meat on coals from trees of these species, it will not have unpleasant odor. Oak coals, moreover, are distinguished by the fact that they give very good heat and hold it well. Well, the most delicious kebab, according to many, it turns out if you fry it on birch coals.

Firewood from alder, pear, cherry, apricot.

Thanks to the smoke, the taste is quite interesting. This option is recommended if you are making poultry kebab (chicken, duck, goose).

Firewood from pine or spruce.

In the photo on the left is spruce, on the right is pine

I'll tell you straight. Not the best choice. Coniferous trees release a lot of resins when burning. Firstly, it gives the kebab bad taste, which cannot be interrupted by any means. Secondly, such resins are often hazardous to health. Unless absolutely necessary, then forget forever about coals made from softwood (spruce, pine, cedar).

Firewood from charcoal.

Great choice. They burn quickly, in just a few minutes you will have hot coals on which you can safely grill shish kebab. The savings in cooking time are simply fantastic. However, many experienced “kebabs” look down on beginners who are going to cook barbecue from charcoal. It is believed that real, traditional shish kebab should be fried exclusively on coals made from “real”, “natural” wood.

Charcoal briquettes

Briquettes with pads

Charcoal briquettes in the form of pads are also produced on roller presses. For example, on the press shown in the photo:

This is what these briquettes look like after pressing:

And this is how they are ignited using this thing called a Starter

Well, for a snack, here’s an innovation that I came across while collecting information about briquetted coal

Innovative and environmentally friendly barbecue products LOKKII BBQ.

Helpful information.

The largest number Firewood made from hard woods: oak, birch, beech, yew have warmth and long-lasting combustion.

  • Firewood made from elm, cherry, apple, fir and cedar emit a lot of smoke when burned.
  • When resinous pine or spruce logs burn, burning sparks may fly out ("shooting effect").
  • Birch gives an even and hot flame, but forms a large number of soot
  • Aspen and alder provide less heat
  • Oak firewood produces long-smoldering coal.
  • It is difficult to light a fireplace with hornbeam and yew wood.
  • Beech firewood is difficult to light and can burn damp.
  • Pear and apple wood burn well and produce an aroma.
  • Fir firewood is easy to melt and produces a lot of smoke and sparks.
  • Spruce firewood is easy to melt and sparks.
  • Cedar firewood produces long-smoldering charcoal.
  • Poplar firewood burns quickly, scattering sparks.
  • Firewood made from hawthorn and ash is difficult to melt and burns without being dried.

General tips.

And finally, general tips, on the topic of what kind of firewood is needed for barbecue. Before lighting the grill, it is advisable to remove all bark, if any, from the logs. The bark does not always give the barbecue a pleasant smell or taste. Often it's the other way around. The shish kebab should not be saturated with smoke, because fried meat its own unique and pleasant aroma.

It is clear that dry firewood is much better than wet firewood, this probably wasn’t worth talking about. Dry wood burns better and turns into coals faster, and besides, it produces less of the same unpleasant smoke. Do not light wood in the barbecue with various liquids, such as gasoline, kerosene or diesel fuel. Just a small piece of paper.

That's basically it. I hope the tips will help those who do not have extensive experience in cooking barbecue. It is better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own. So use proven advice.

Text sources




Source of photos - His Majesty the Internet!

When going on a picnic, we first of all make sure that the meat turns out tasty, tender and juicy.

And few people understand that the right firewood is the secret to the unique taste of barbecue.

Our prices

We offer our customers a wide range of wood for grilling and barbecue at reasonable prices. You can buy fuel for the barbecue all year round. Dies of all types are always available in our warehouse. Below is a price list with current prices.

Prices for chopped barbecue firewood in grids (chamber drying)

Oak firewood - from 89 RUR/mesh

Alder firewood - from 89 RUR/mesh

Apple firewood - from 139 RUR/mesh

Plum firewood - from 165 RUR/mesh

Pear firewood - from 150 RUR/mesh

Firewood from grapevine - from 385 RUR/mesh

Acacia firewood - from 169 RUR/mesh

Mulberry firewood - from 175 RUR/mesh

Price list, prices valid from 08/31/17. until 12/31/17

The best firewood for barbecue

As we have already said, the quality and taste of barbecue depends not only on the meat and marinade. But not many people pay much attention to the choice of poles. Like, it burns, and it’s good. But in the end it turns out not tasty dish and a bad mood.

Grapevine - all chefs of Caucasian cuisine agree that there is no better fuel for barbecue than the vine. Wood has a high density - this gives good heat and the meat is perfectly, evenly cooked. It is best to cook pork and lamb on the vine. It is worth choosing the neck or transverse part. The meat must be young, with a small amount fat. The marinade is best prepared from wine vinegar, onions and spices.

Apple wood is a “classic” for grilling. They have a dense, flavorful smoke. It permeates the food and gives the dish spicy taste. Pork, beef and turkey are perfect for cooking on an apple tree. It is better not to chop the meat, then it will remain juicy. In our opinion, Adjara marinade is good for fat on apple trees. It contains white wine, olive oil, onions and spices.

Cherry - chefs call it the "bird" tree. Because it is best for cooking shish kebab from turkey, chicken, goose and duck. The wood gives off a light and aromatic smoke and does not smoke. The heat is just right for cooking. tender meat birds. Surprise your guests by preparing barbecued duck or quail in mint marinade.

Plum dies - burn through smoothly, highlighting required quantity heat. People in Georgia love to cook shish kebab on plum coals. They definitely understand this. The plum is best suited for cooking lamb fillets, lamb, pork chops and some types of game. The meat should be tender and young. Then the kebab will come out juicy, but with golden brown crust. We recommend choosing a marinade based on kefir or mineral water.

Alder - this tree produces the best coals. Wood does not smoke or spark. Alder firewood is universal. However, experienced kebabs prefer to cook fish and seafood with them. Salmon, trout, grass carp, shrimp and squid turn out very tender on them. A the best marinade will become soy sauce with the addition of garlic, cumin and basil.

Oak firewood is the most versatile. The secret of barbecue on oak blocks, be it pork, veal, lamb or chicken, is that the meat must be of the first freshness. It's better to eat steamed, but by no means frozen. Use lemon, gooseberry or pomegranate juice. You shouldn't take vinegar. Because oak coals are very hot. And meat marinated in vinegar will become rubbery.

They will ruin your kebab

But not all tree species are suitable for cooking over a fire.

Firstly, of course, all coniferous varieties. Spruce, pine, cedar, fir, larch. The amount of resin in this wood is enormous. It can not only ruin the taste of the kebab. But it can also be hazardous to health.

Secondly - aspen. This tree has a low calorific value. The temperature is not distributed evenly. The meat turns out dry on the outside and raw on the inside.

Thirdly, poplar firewood. This breed also contains a lot of resin. It is worth remembering the poplar buds, which in the spring stick to everything possible. Shish kebab on such coals will be bitter, and the soot will crunch on your teeth.

And fourthly, birch firewood. Surprisingly, they are not suitable for frying over a fire. Because they emit a lot of smoke and smoke.

And finally, any wood, even from the right species, should not be old, rotten or rotten.

Right size

The size of firewood for barbecue is also important. Do not choose too small and thinly chopped dies. They will burn quickly and will not provide enough heat. The optimal size of the dies is 20-30 cm long and 5-12 cm thick. On such firewood, the heat will be distributed evenly and the kebab will be fried. Such logs will be just the size of the barbecue.

Stacked or packaged

Our company "Drovavoz" offers logs for barbecue. From us you can purchase dies in convenient and compact grids. Our fuel is dry, so you will not have problems with ignition. If you want to save a little money, buy firewood with natural humidity, simply placed in the body of the car.

By the way, about ignition

We are often asked what is the best way to light a fire. Of course, the most environmentally friendly and, in our opinion, correct ignition would be birch bark, dry grass, small wood chips or splinters. You can also take paper or newspaper.

Now, for convenience, stores and gas stations sell special lighter fluids. As a rule, they are alcohol-based or paraffin-based. When using them, you must strictly follow the instructions to avoid burns. We do not recommend using them.

Particularly worth mentioning is gasoline, kerosene and other petroleum products. It is strictly forbidden to use them. It is very dangerous. Firstly, the flame may flare up and you will get burns of varying degrees. Secondly, as the chemicals evaporate, they will settle on your kebab. Which is also very dangerous for health.


If you decide to grill using the right wood, we are always happy to help you. We deliver kebab dies throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. The shortest delivery time will allow you to enjoy delicious kebab in a few hours.

Many people believe that it is much easier and more profitable to use specially prepared coals (bought in a store), it seems to be easier and faster, but they do not improve the taste of the shish kebab and, as you yourself understand, it is better to choose firewood, after all, make shish kebab on wood is more pleasant!

Cooking barbecue is quite a serious matter. Using your neighbor's fence, the wooden toys of your childhood, or your mother-in-law's old shed as firewood for a barbecue - harmful influence for your product. A kebab made on such strange wood, of course, will not be able to please you with its pleasant aroma and decent taste.

So, what do we know about firewood? – this is an ideal fuel for fireplaces, stoves, boilers (using solid fuel), grills, barbecues, barbecues.
When wood burns, the same amount of carbon dioxide is released as when wood rots. So obsolete trees can, even should, be burned. The “hottest” firewood is considered to be made from birch, the least “hot” is from aspen.

Undoubtedly, firewood, on the fuel side, is gradually losing its relevance. Still, in our time of electricity and gas, many residents of our country still use stoves. Since neither gas, nor coal, and even more so electricity can replace the pleasantly audible crackling of logs. And now I would like to talk specifically about firewood for barbecue, because who doesn’t like to get out into nature or to the barbecue in their yard with friends and loved ones and engage in the exciting process of cooking barbecue?

Not all firewood is suitable for barbecue coals. Let's find out what is better to use. First of all, structurally, wood should preferably be strong and dense in order to burn longer. The quality of the coals depends on this; they will provide long-lasting heat. According to this principle, you should immediately discard rotten and rotten firewood of any type. This firewood will burn almost instantly and we will not see coals from it.

The most suitable logs for making barbecue are: linden, oak and other types of fruit trees, such as plum, cherry, apple, sweet cherry, pear, peach and others. According to experts, firewood made from grapevines is ideal for barbecues. Only deciduous trees are suitable for preparing this dish. However, it is not recommended to use coniferous firewood, as it will give the meat an unpleasant taste that will be difficult to overcome even with all sorts of seasonings. It is best to make shish kebab from poultry and game meat on the firewood of fruit trees; from pork or lamb - on cherry or birch wood; from by-products - linden, as well as fruit, but for veal kebab, firewood from fruit trees, birch and linden is ideal.

You can also add that it is ideal to use a thick, dry vine to obtain good and long heat from the coals. If there is no vine, then juniper or acacia firewood is also suitable. It is strictly not recommended to use resinous tree varieties. If you can’t find garden logs, then you can use birch logs. The bark of trees (except fruit trees) should be removed, because of which, as a rule, strong smoke appears.

Good firewood - dry logs, small in size (20 - 30 centimeters) are sometimes difficult to chop yourself, and getting them is not so easy. Well, why get them somewhere? You can easily find them here too. Residents of Moscow, and the entire Moscow region, can easily get all this from our company by simply calling 8-916-916-60-03. A wide range will help you find any firewood for your barbecue, which will ensure you a pleasant holiday. To all of the above, we can add that in a forest area or near a reservoir it is preferable to use, if desired, you can choose oak and linden. At the dacha you can add this kit to large quantities thick branches of fruit trees.

Before the start of the heating season, private owners purchase firewood, paying attention only to the price and appearance flammable material. For cooking outdoors, everything that burns is used, which is why the meat often acquires an unpleasant taste. In this article we will tell you why you should pay attention to the properties of a particular wood, what is the difference between hard and soft wood.

Types of firewood and their properties

Let's look at the main types of firewood, as well as their features. Let's talk about how soft rocks differ from hard rocks.

Hard rocks

Hardwoods are characterized by the absence of large air chambers between the wood fibers. Thus, such wood is distinguished by its density, resistance to the external environment, and also weight. Even a small branch will be very weighty. This type of wood provides the maximum amount of heat.

Hard rocks are problematic to chop and saw. This wood burns slowly, gradually, and produces a lot of coals. However, it is not used for ignition, since high temperature is required for combustion.

Important! Hardwood can burn even when wet, since the density of the fibers does not allow it to absorb too much water. Wet hardwood logs burn much longer than dry ones.

These breeds include:

Medium hard breeds

TO this species refers to wood that has average parameters. This group contains both coniferous and deciduous trees. When burning, wood releases an average amount of heat; it burns even when wet, but not over-moistened (wet or freshly cut).

It produces a sufficient amount of coals, but burns out faster than the options described above. Splitting and sawing such trees is also not easy. They have dense enough fibers to complicate this process, so harvesting firewood takes a considerable amount of time.

Medium hard breeds include:

From this list, birch is most often used. Its price is extremely low, and its heat transfer rates are at high level. In addition, birch is the easiest to split.

Soft breeds

This is the wood that is used for ignition. It ignites quickly and burns out quickly, leaving no coals behind. Softwoods have a significant volume of air chambers between the fibers, so the weight of the wood is low, as is the heat transfer. Such rocks are not used for heating, since the consumption is extremely high.

Soft breeds include:

Which firewood is better

For different types activities should be used different types firewood Why coniferous trees are not used for stoves and fireplaces, and why it is better to use fruit trees for cooking barbecue, we will consider further.

To heat up the bath

To heat the sauna, hardwood logs are used, as they take a long time to burn, produce a lot of heat, and do not spark. In this case, you should give preference to ash, beech or oak. This wood burns evenly, produces a high temperature, and its consumption is extremely low.

You should not heat the bathhouse with pine needles, otherwise you will have problems with the chimney, and if combustion products begin to enter the room, smoke may occur. Also, these rocks spark strongly, so there is a risk of fire.

Video: how to choose firewood for a bath As for birch, it can be used for heating, but only with a sufficient amount of oxygen. If the air supply is poor, then the firewood will begin to smoke. Birch will burn even with high humidity.

For heating the house with a stove, boiler and fireplace

To ignite a boiler or stove, you can use absolutely any wood, even soft species, but only hard and medium-hard species are used as a base. The best option is alder and aspen.

This wood burns without the formation of soot; moreover, during combustion, the chimney self-cleans itself of the already accumulated soot, so you do not have to waste time. In terms of heat release, hornbeam, beech and ash are best suited.

Important!One storage meter is equal in volume to 200 liters of liquid fuel.

They have maximum calorific value, so they not only allow you to maintain a stable temperature in the house, but also reduce the square footage of the firewood storage area. For comparison, 1 hornbeam meter gives 2.1 megawatts per hour, and spruce - 1.4 megawatts. Almost half the heat, and the area occupied by firewood is the same.
The worst are logs made from poplar, pine, spruce, elm, and apple trees. They should be abandoned for two reasons: the release of a large volume of tar or smoke that clogs the chimney, as well as the appearance of sparks during the combustion process, which can cause a fire.

We should also talk about birch. In principle, this is a good option, but only with a sufficient amount of oxygen. If it is not there, then birch tar will begin to be deposited on the walls of the chimney in large volumes. As a result, the effect will be similar to that of burning pine or spruce logs.

Firewood that sparks a lot is not suitable for the fireplace, so we immediately discard soft wood, as well as spruce and pine. Such firewood will not only damage the fireplace sight glass, but will also cause smoke in the room even with good draft. If there is no protective glass, a fire may occur due to flying sparks.

Video: what kind of firewood should be used for the stove and fireplace The best option is the same alder and aspen, which burn without releasing soot. To create a beautiful, intricate fire, you can use small stumps or hardwood roots. Cedar firewood smolders for a long time, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful picture of hot coals.

If the smell of burning wood is taken into account, then it is better to take an apple or pear tree. They will fill the room with a wonderful fruity aroma. A classic for a fireplace is beech, which gives a lot of heat, does not spark, burns out for a long time, and does not emit a lot of smoke. Beech firewood has a good smell, so it is often used for smoking.

For barbecue

The taste and aroma of shish kebab depends not only on the meat and marinade, but also on the wood on which it is cooked. For this reason, you should be careful about lighting your fire with the right wood.
Fruit trees are always used to prepare barbecue, as they provide the necessary aroma, burn without releasing soot, and also have good heat transfer rates.

At the same time, we have our favorites, namely:

  • cherry;
  • Apple tree;
  • grapes (thick vine).

You can also use firewood from,. What you should give up is pine needles and spruce.

Such wood will cover your meat with a thick layer of unpleasant-tasting coating, which will not only spoil the appearance, but also the taste. This type of kebab will have to be cleaned of any burning residue beforehand.

  • (lots of soot);
  • and (bad taste of meat).
Video: how to choose firewood for barbecue

Important! It is forbidden to use wood from poisonous trees, otherwise you will get poisoned.

As for the previously mentioned rocks that are used for heating premises, they are not suitable for two reasons:

  • they are difficult to ignite, and you will have to wait several hours for them to burn out;
  • they provide absolutely no flavor to the meat, unlike fruit trees.

Basic rules and requirements

Let's consider the rules for storing and storing firewood, which will help preserve the material, as well as properly use the space.

Only completely dried chopped firewood should be stored for further storage. A canopy or enclosed space is used as a warehouse, which protects the material from the sun and precipitation. The presence of a draft does not play a big role, however, the room must be ventilated if it is completely closed.
Firewood is laid out on bricks or another base that does not allow it to come into contact with the soil. This is necessary so that the wood does not begin to absorb moisture like a sponge. To provide good support, iron or wooden beams are placed on the sides of the woodpile.


During storage, firewood should not be exposed to rain, snow, or sunlight. The room in which wood is stored should not be flooded. Even if the logs are located at a great distance from the floor, water will increase air humidity, and accordingly, the firewood may become damp.

Remember that wood begins to rot only when the humidity is above 30%, so it is important to prevent large volumes of firewood from getting wet. It is better to remove wet logs if it is not possible to dry them quickly.

It is also necessary to leave a small gap between stacks of firewood to allow air circulation. If this is not done, the firewood will begin to deteriorate.

Did you know? In tropical Brazil, a tree was discovered that produces a lot of resin. This resin can be used as diesel fuel without additional processing. Moreover, one tree can provide up to 500 liters of “free” fuel per year.

We looked at what types of wood should be used for different purposes and why coniferous trees are not suitable for kindling. Hardwood always costs a lot more, but it is well worth the cost.

It's time for barbecue. Let's analyze which firewood is better

Firewood from saxaul. Of course, saxaul comes first. Firewood from saxaul produces the greatest heat; in terms of efficiency and temperature, saxaul has no equal.

Saxaul is very dense in its structure. Try breaking a medium-thick branch or cutting it with an axe. You most likely won't succeed. Saxaul is usually not cut, but broken. Take a branch by one end and hit something hard.
Coals from saxaul
- the best fuel for barbecue. Tested many times, so don’t even doubt it

Firewood from grapevines.

By grilling meat on a grill with grapevine charcoal, you end up with an excellent kebab that is unique in its taste. Well, the aroma, in general, cannot be compared with anything, it is very pleasant and appetizing. Just take a thicker vine so that the coals burn out longer, this is especially true when you are frying a large batch of kebab.

Firewood from birch, oak, apple tree.

Good fuel for cooking delicious barbecue. If you cook meat on coals from trees of these species, it will not have an unpleasant odor. Oak coals, moreover, are distinguished by the fact that they give very good heat and hold it well. Well, the most delicious kebab, according to many, comes from frying it over birch coals.

Firewood from alder, pear, cherry, apricot.

Thanks to the smoke, the taste is quite interesting. This option is recommended if you are making poultry kebab (chicken, duck, goose).

Firewood from pine or spruce.

in the photo on the left is spruce, on the right is pine

I'll tell you straight. Not the best choice. Coniferous trees release a lot of resins when burning. Firstly, it gives the kebab an unpleasant taste that cannot be overcome by any means. Secondly, such resins are often hazardous to health. Unless absolutely necessary, then forget forever about coals made from softwood (spruce, pine, cedar).

Charcoal firewood.

Great choice. They burn quickly, in just a few minutes you will have hot coals on which you can safely grill shish kebab. The savings in cooking time are fantastic. However, many experienced “kebabs” look down on beginners who are going to cook barbecue from charcoal. It is believed that real, traditional shish kebab should be fried exclusively on coals made from “real”, “natural” wood.

Charcoal briquettes

Briquettes with pads

Charcoal briquettes in the form of pads are also produced on roller presses. For example, on the press shown in the photo:

This is what these briquettes look like after pressing:
and this is how they are ignited using this thing called a Starter
Well, for a snack, here’s an innovation that I came across while collecting information about briquetted coal

Innovative and environmentally friendly barbecue products LOKKII BBQ.

Helpful information.

Firewood made from hardwoods has the greatest amount of heat and long-lasting combustion: oak, birch, beech, yew.

Firewood made from elm, cherry, apple, fir and cedar emit a lot of smoke when burned.
When resinous pine or spruce logs burn, burning sparks may fly out ("shooting effect").
Birch gives an even and hot flame, but produces a large amount of soot.
Aspen and alder provide less heat
Oak firewood produces long-smoldering coal.
It is difficult to light a fireplace with hornbeam and yew wood.
Beech firewood is difficult to light and can burn damp.
Pear and apple wood burn well and produce an aroma.
Fir firewood is easy to melt and produces a lot of smoke and sparks.
Spruce firewood is easy to melt and sparks.
Cedar firewood produces long-smoldering charcoal.
Poplar firewood burns quickly, scattering sparks.
Firewood made from hawthorn and ash is difficult to melt and burns without being dried.

General tips.

And finally, general advice on what kind of firewood is needed for barbecue. Before lighting the grill, it is advisable to remove all bark, if any, from the logs. The bark does not always give the barbecue a pleasant smell or taste. Often it's the other way around. The shish kebab should not be saturated with smoke, because fried meat has its own unique and pleasant aroma.

It is clear that dry firewood is much better than wet firewood, this probably wasn’t worth talking about. Dry wood burns better and turns into coals faster, and besides, it produces less of the same unpleasant smoke. Do not light wood in the barbecue with various liquids, such as gasoline, kerosene or diesel fuel. Just a small piece of paper.
That's basically it. I hope the tips will help those who do not have extensive experience in cooking barbecue. It is better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own. So use proven advice.

Text sources